Variety (Dec 1937)

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5reJnes<l*y» Pecemfaer 29, 1937 VARiEtY .-■ ^ \ , Washirigtqn, Dec. ,28. for the: third successive year Federal'C^^ Gbmmissibni thenibers arei: receiving, rough . tre^^^^ ^jrtore the HdiiSe Ajpprbp^ Conimittee. One-mari carh|)aiigri of, Representatiy MassdchusettsV Republican piirsestring holder^ Was aimed; primarily . thi$ tiiTie at Gpmmandei'^-T^ A, M; Craven. Lively grilling of the tired navy officer occurred" aVclbsed-doof s^ :last week. Year, ago Comniissipner ;E. ■O. Sykes and late chairman Anning S. Prall were put on the griddle/iparticularly about sta JDet!^^^^ -secret heaving will not be: fbrthcoming for Several Mi/eeks wheiV the bill carrying fuijds for; next year's pperatidns is sub-: mitted, but it wak whispered that Craven w ; <iUiries about his perjibhal background as well as. affairs b£ the. com- DEMOCRATS SECONDING •Wichitai Kahs., Dec.; 28. Lynn . R. ; Brddrlck,- V-l^ kans;,; Democratic national conrimit- teeitian,and/ C; / M. ritzwilllarn;; ; Wibhitaj -chairman- of■; trai : committee.. ■ were among, incbrr poratbrs for Capitor Bi-oadcasting Co.^ which filed application for- charter to fest'iblish 100; or. isdrwatt: radio'Station' ;Tbpeka, ■Kans., ; . Other incorp6ratbr.s were; Harry Cv -fcastbr, -Wichita;: Le^ter 'E; Cox, Springfield, Mo> E. p. Sloan, Char^ A, iVIoore aiid :-Otis. S..;Allen, all of Topeka.^ /"-',"■:: .^^ Bi-odHtk- stEited .station -would be ' establishedr: as business; enterprise aiid had nothing'to dp with politics.. : : Milt^ Blink of; Cliicaso iffice/pf Standard Radio to: coast to discuss ■new. productiori; plahs^-^w^^^ *Good Wiir Dropped Off 3 MBS Links by Sponsor MacFadden Publications cancels its 'Good Will Hour* off link of three Mutual stations, WOR. WGN, CKLW, with the ; Jan.; 16 " broad- cast. Program, chief ed by John Anthony, . is a Sunday-riight half- hour. -., . .;}■ .'?■ -'^'. -i ■' ■';.•■. ■■: -■. Account; will " concentrate its broadcasting. barrage in its 'Court of Human Relations^ program w;hich A. L, Alexander recently joined to preside, which: rides' NBC-red Fri- days. • ■ •' ". -..'.■• : : Cleveland, pec. ,28. . Waldo Pooler, production man and actor at WTAM, Cleveland, collapsed from a heart attack at studio during work and is confined to Charity Hos- .pital for a irest. ■ -.''; .-■■. .;'..,' ;'■ Pooler best known here / ere atpr. of radio character tagged Joe Perio, and', his . Nprthem'.Liglits: ne^^^^ work series. . ■- v/■■.- '.: McNihch: Feels Precedent of Paul Seftal Case Has Clar- ; : ifie4 Ethics Sufficiehtljrr^ Deny F.C.C. Will Demand Strengthened Assurances frbm Petitioners MOVEMENT EBBS . Washington, Dec. 28. ■ Stiffenliig of ■ Federal CommuhicaT tibns. Commission rules of practice for, radio lawyers appeared remote this - week .despite prior iridicationV that; .disclosures during the recent Segal disbarment trial would lead to tighter iregulatip^^^ of the conduct of licensee represehtatiyes. .. Thought of byerhauiing the appli-: cation forms,order to make -mis representation well nigh impossible, has not beeii entirely ,'disniissied, nor has the idea of adding. more specific clauses to the; general code of ethics- But enthusiasm for such a: move is dying .but rapidly, arid it looks now as though barristers will have, to let their consciences be their guides. Although .still mulling the advis- ability of such a step, Chairman Frank R. McNinch told; Variety he is coming to feel that there is no ne- cessity'for tightening up.-He consid- ers .the present regs are specific -•'■'; ^Continued on page 37)- '-: -•, , Washington,. Dec. 28, , Plea. fbr .sweeping probe into the corporate interests ' of/ George ;B,. Storer, .subrnitted monlhs ago by SdrippsrHo.ward, was rejected with- 0ut . exp.lanation.-: ■ by.■ 'the> Federal Communications . ..Gbmrtii.«5sibn~ : last week.. .Siimiiltanebusly rehearing^ 0^ rival' petitions;, for new. 100 watters at Toledo was refused.- ; Commiish bluntly .'■. denied the, newspapers',, request for; veiitila- tlbn.- of; Storer's relations': with WSPD, Toledo;; WAIR. Zanesville, ^ind • ebmmuhity 'Brbadcastihg 'Co., candidate for a . new Toledo outlet- despite blunt accusation that truthfui .'arid. M information had beeri given.-the^^^^C when applications affecting the two latter paiities.:were :hikri'ging fire. ' ; Scripps-Hbward petition was based on' a. - suspicion tiiat; Community Broadcasting Co!,:Avhlch was granted a permit for. a new transmitter, at Toledo last July, was a false front for Stbrerv in attempts to purchase WAIR arid niove it to Toledo, ; ?":';■■•'. - ■ Links? .' ■■" In support of the contention ..thalt the Gommish was not: igi.yeri full de- tails about the intei,'-relatibn.shipi Scripps-Howard, pointed out that Storer, in the : name of . WSED. fought . strenuously at one ti hie .to prevent shift of AVALR from Zanes- ville to Tojedp, but later suddenly abandoned its opposition. Further emphasis "was placed bri the/ fact that, after trying to get help from the courts in prevcntihg . additional cbmpetitibn, WSPD did not oppo.ce; the Community ^Broadcastirig ! apV^ plication. ^ . •,- Tie-up which the Gommish \vas asked to jirbbe was between Stor- er's Fort Industries Cb; and Com- munity. Scripps-Howard was con- vinced that Community was an agent for Stbrer in attempis fo buy WALR or ; to move it to y To led o under sorne agreement to limit competition, '■■ WLW'S CLOCK ORBIT FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE .-, Cincinnati, Dec. 28. Operating .'round the clock in cele- bration of New Year's Eve, WLW : will broadca^st .dance, band programs solidly from 11:15 p.m. to 5:45 a.m. Schedule calls/fbr sixfrembtes frbpri v local spots, five feeds from Mutual and eight from NBC, WLW is on : the' air regularly / for 20 hours and 15 minutes daily. . Bands to be picked up locally for the New Year's Eve music marathcin are Phil Davis, Don Redman, Don Bestor, Clyde McCoy, Jess ijawkins arid Vincent Lopez, Mutual will feed Shep Fields, . Kay Kyser, . Sammy Kaye, Dick Stabile and ;LeightonL Noble, NBC will feed the orchestras of Paul Whiteman, Jack, Wiristori, Freddie Nagel, Garwood Van, Fletcher Henderson, Jimmy Grier, Harry Lewis and the Rbyal Hawuiian. hotel combo, -'■: