Variety (Dec 1937)

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4f» WedaesAayiV^ I93T (Continued fi-pm page 1 > xiuniber of. unUciehsed,. tiqn-U^^^ direct, bookers who wliolesale, ;the music itiouhts up total men- tioned. V(ith ^xpibitation, opei-af' ihg -dverhead,; of - locations, lirofilv etc.. cpiKidered, jt/''.. ;:^u^5sed^v^that the retail'. price . to' "thie ' puWic; hit^ that total. . Bookei;s/l . niapag salesttiertj bandsmen and ; .uiu^ e.xecs have been; canyassed/ . ■ Major'^bobkei^ ; take' is; si>lii ter tween ; Music. Corp. of. AhTerica ($18,000,000) r . Rockwell b'Keeie ($4,bOQ,obO)>• and .Qonsplidated Radio . Avtists; ($3^000,000) ■ ": as thrives' top- . persJ ■'. There; are 10 oIT.iccs of the "■'X^harles Shribman type:.:dbirig ah an- huat ■ gross: .of $3,000,000;. .10 ;n-iore of: the:Aissociated Radio' Artists icolr: lectively dbihg ' . gross^fbooking' of $2,5()0;P06\; and , MiU^ . Artists, thC; indie-. Rudy'^Valletf /et al^ : easily gair^^ per: $5,pp0;00p. With; fpregping spli t arnpnig: Ifess than 30 liceniseil.:.brpkerS. it is, apparerijt: that v at ;/least :tha^ much must:,be divided' between the' remaihing odd 1,300 bopkers. and nabe, local,: regional outfits> -etpi. if they are to make, a living^.- A^^^ ; A Tunci-TerrlHr ' . Si^re ■ From tlie N*w. . COTTON CLUB iMBAUi: iHE'S^TALL! SHE'S TAN! SHE'S TERRIFIC! Rnjrland'i . New . HallKti Hit THE GREATEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE .:^■■v^^;;■: MY-DAY .- AVN»w <9aTh-orbaii niidma Hit Soplii stlcatcd S wing MILLS MUSIC. iiiG^ i$19 BROADWAY^ NEW YORK that, divided .evenly, they cannot get |-ich' ofV the total figui-ei .jsubstantiat^ (ng the.: coitiptiicition;. in part; it is ^ai-d-tliat N. :Y, 'Ci/aloiie sees' $10,- opo.OOO-; !yearly; ' . musical, transac-- ,.. itt.QOa Trayiellnff. Musioia.ris;; . ;V Biisiness keeps .in • aiyerage.. ISiOPO iti.en traVelifig;aU :pver th.e>:COuhtryi .playing., at- hotels, ■ iPunges,.'. restaur i'ahts;.::c6cldair.- fear^; "beaches,. rpad-;. ho'tisas; : .r|ite-^ clubs, theatres,- - one-- nitei-s, ^ parks, boats,./b^llropqis arid- diirvbe/. .halij?,:.;/skating '^rnik'!; ■-j^ .clubs.:: 'schopli, ' chtirch ./and; ^college shindigs: ahd: playing fpr^'/the/.radio arid ";,recprdihijs..;' /Figured .^on . 'ay-^ erage; Jirtiisicia isc'ale. basis ;($66;). Ivith ■ leaders, getting •mbre/ total rou^. :'sicians Cjan:E»e divided intp. the /esti- mated' take -with./.samerresult as booking / figures, ■ Thes.e . figures db^ nbt incliide niiisician's . performing for legitimate 5hpw5, radio 'and film backgrpahd-V'traiibadpur trips, ho^se erews, ;sy«iphpnic/ and ■ phllharrhbhic groupsi Cpncerts, :etc.. .. Deals •strictly With dance i^usic; /Total ri,U bahd-s ;. ' ./cbuhtry;. also cahriiot be numbered/' /'• ' :': /:,:■'■;■ ■ ....'v.;' Dance business . has. climbed con- sistentljs: with this/ year, .seeing the pe4k : of all. ;timie.. At. the / iilonierit hiarket /condition^; strikes .and bi2 recessibn.'; are;feh.-but bii the whbie business imprbved ■ during the /year and/it saw. the; e bfticres; and^ bands .: to add/ further atimul.ait'iph, always .a /hefilthy. sigh. . Liquor;" Pperied- up innUmierable: spots •/ to ' mijsic and : dancing./ / it pulled hotels- out of the red; opened up / ri6w. • eateries, riiteries ' arid dariceries :/. where /once , upholstered se'wei's .held; forth aridyput rbarid? in such:/ spots, y Amorig inns / beneflted/ by bbjpze/ and bands :Were the Astpr,; .New./Ypric', -now. enj.byirig a ■ $1,000,- OPP: bar . .b.ii$ihess wU a cpektail cpmbo later elil^rged,. its Orarigerie; the . ■ Palmer. Hpuse, Chieagp,/■ with five rooms igoirig; . a ciiain df .Hitz;. hbstelrieis. It brought: music . to iBinighannitpn, N. Y.I^Daytbn, O,.; Galr up, N, /M., arid; siniilar remptM ': .Spii'its also created a,, new/ trend iri::^ ijallrooms... It changed the four \yalls .arid a/ rpof joints. into palaces/ for year, 'rpuhd. biisinesK ' Palomar, Li; A.; Trianon ballrooms in Chicago and /Cleyeiand; the- Aragdn; Chi- SlSrM THE OHE » '■O^' ^t«m*^^^^ ;;// eagb, and the//Archer;:circu!t in the northwest, arid midwest were; trarisr fbrriicd to; .class sppLs with food, likker .and- decpratiye schijnies. Ti'e.nd is gipwing, thanks to the bot- tle, arid .is, bringing 'iin new customr ers ' heretofbre timid about dance- ries.-,' ■•/■.■'■;/'•, ■'■/ "//' '' ,-• ' Beer JoinU . ': -W^ -tayerris, -. beer • jbirits. hotels; ;niteries, .etc.,: ail, went for. hiusic ■ !Cpiiicidqhtably.:;Wt^ of - gurgling, / This .,ppenedv up/:h rcveriue ■rpads; for ;'music .via .cock-,, tail ./units, / wired .music, riiachine.s,: etc, .:',//''■"'/■•:■ .■■ r.\''^; '/'•■■'•/.■■v'"'/-/:;.^// ,■ ■Cocktail iinits are ,ribw jjilaying an important ' role / . in the / musical scheriie. ' All big ofl.'.ices' are:/ setting .up:'as.';mariy:.'conibp.s:iis th They a re' iisi ng • thcrii. as-., theice>' breakers . iri /hpte.Ls .which previbusly had rib musicv ^Vhen ppssjbl'e^^^^^ are enlarged/ or ■ a regular band brbught in after trade, iinprovem'ehts, MCA/arid/CRA :are goihg:>^ the biz iri a big/:way .vv; brocliures,. pa'mphlats, ...and cpricerted sales drives via ;spec!iaUy created depar It nierits, '. G:3g; has grpWn. tp / axi . im-- pprtarit spot ini off ices, and hait ribyv developied ;it5 /?name'. attractiohs;- .'Dance Band Showttiaiiishipi^^ : /; Ekplpitatibri; and • shbwmanship, persohal, and /brgariizali'pnal; is re- sjp'onsible for miaiiy. of' tlie curreht :crbp .pf,.nariie batnd.s; Strictly- work-, aday; bands have .takeii'- a back, seat While ;the. aggressive, . prpgressiye, showrriah-tninded -. n'laestrps haS'^e climbed with, Yi^li}. of ideas, .stunts, tagnries, .etc.;'.to selV theri their brews; -.with /riiofe'--1^^ music.-,;;' Vy;- /^/L/--^/ -'■;■/.V ;/ Present 4ay flrid.s all/ iop-ribtchers with., a* taglirie/ to': catch: the . publip'if;. !eye.; / There's' Sarii,myKaye's.'Swing' arid . Sway/ Shep , Fields' , 'Rippling Rhythrii,' Jerry Blairie's 'Streani-- lined ;Rhythm;'; Jan.: G.arber's;' 'Idol' ■of.Airwaves,'' '; Torimiy, / DoVsey's- ■Sentini.ehtal Gentieriian Swing'* Whiteman's (Ibiig: fa.mbus)' 'King. ■ of: Jazz/ // Callbway's 'Hi - De . Ho,:' Jbe .yenuti's 'SuVtan of iS'wing,' Beii^ ny Gbodinrian's 'Kiri'g of Swing,' Lpm- bardp's .^Sweetest Music "T^ bf Heaven,' Mal.\ilallet's ^iricpmparable Lucky. Milli'nder's 'Ride;: Red. Ride. Rhythm.' /' .Erkirie /' Hawkins,' . 'New: king bfv/Trumpet-• .Lbpiez s,., 'Subtle: Swiri'g,' Olsen's 'Music pf TPmprrow/ Heidt's. 'Iritoxieatihg R h y t h m,:' Bwtor's' ,''.T\yinkli^ Teriipos,- • Osr bbrne's :'Slide.//iviusie,' Bert :..Blocic'3 'BeU: MusiCi Riiss Mprgart's/'iyiusic in the . Morgan ,Mariliei'' , ahd/ mariy pthiers. > ; -■ '■■ In. ■- additio.rt /; to/ catch '■. Ijncs, batpneers are adPpt•in■g^ stunt-s as Boosters^ :Lombarjdo has Iiis calling pif- next, hit tuhes; pri the air. Lopeiz gives lectures- on jazz and /swing at fj. Y.. tJij;and, Ellington arid cpuple of^ others have::al^p taken- th,i,s riieans building theitiselAres. /-Latter ofteii/ calls for cbncert-'.iike de^mons^^^^ Kay Kyser iriaugurated a;school of music gimmick that has: /caught ■ bri^ Furnishes diplprrias with seal- etc. ..' . ■ Spitalny' Very/AffK'ressive: Many/ / band / rneh . take .personal p.a.'s .upon.- tbemselyes besides their. orgariizatiprial publicity. Lee .- Shel- ley, vWbbdy Herman, fiel Cburtriey. MitcheU Ayres, Bill Swansori, Phil Napbieon and' Emery Deiitsch have a.; rejgular mailing system in ■.the harids;jOf kay Hariseri. Phil Spi-talny is~ the most exploitive-minded./of the crew with two'.fj.a.'s,- Tpnri. ifizdale- arid George LPttmah,. and the Conier Adyertising, Agency .working on him, etc.'/'-'';/:'■.-' :■■ ■ '■'■'//■■-■'•,■'■//., ^ Amphg. othet" selling-conscious, bands are ./Ozzie Nel.sPri ' with: 'M 'Truth and: Gprisaquence' game. Lopez' /arrangihg of African;, music.: tiaUpway-s audience chorusing De / rib' /stuff a(rid . showriiaii; Hbrace Heidt-s; /rhy'min^ ; cpntesis;:. his brief' air: interviews, of /hotel djiricers and'. §ong;building,gag;' '/:/' / ■■.. /. ;.'/ /';; ■'■:; Histpry .makers: in, this ;departriierit ■are .Riehard riiriiber,. Valiee and Whit^man.. Himber is a chanip;space grabber. ; . Persprially..vcPn all. radiP/ cblumn: -heads, gbssip'ers, feii- liire writers, et a I. '/::.'' : / As' . Usual, there / are:: not .eridugh. name bands, to supply. t(i:e demand arid although bookers, arid managers, decry this they ate at the same: time/ hapby., Scarcity / of / ria.mes riiakes names..; If there rriariy- there wpuld be 1 ;• rripney. fta id for 'eiti. a n'd • situation-, -wb.u Id. there fore:; de- ■reat. itself;'.':-'.-/■ ';.--y.:..:i ■/'//;,- ';.'. .'-;■■/ (Week ending SafUKday : Once: in ai ;Whne /. . .'.V. .-■'■RosaUe';: - .'."././...:'.-V.v'i. .: ;TrieieV a/Cjpld Mine jn the Sky Vieni Vieni ... i.. .;. ♦Nice Work lit;Y;pu.Gan Get It; 4 f '•';• • .t'■ *■»'»■* « « *'*.■* * . . ;VMiller ; ChappieU Berliiri. ; : i.. Witrriark/ .:, Ghappell ; When thie Qrgan Playied/Q/Prpihise; M^ ..:. /./; . .. .l^orris; One ■ Rose/. ;-.•';■.. i ;;•;■;;... i.r,:-.:.:;;; / ..J.;-, /.'V... .,'.;.■ '. ;-^''Shapirb'- '■ ■ *I 'StiU Love to/Kiss. You :Goodhitei..vV...... i . .'.v /Gan'r^Stpp Me^reairiing.;^ i . ^ ■■ Vi . ^.VRemick. ■ v'^Truie'.Cprifessipn;;.-.';;.: ;v.:.^y-.:,.i;^^ ■./■; ■^Ebb/Tide^'.^. .>./,.';, ;7i:.-.;/; .-.vv .,>:^'.%::. .-.'I';>'.■..> .Paranipurit-.:;: ■ :Bpb ■White.:;>»:;.;..../'.Vv;'.-. '■ '"■.-;.'.;.^..^.\;'Rfeniiek :.''/'■'■■' v'Rlbsspms on Broadway ../;:,. i; ■..;;.,,.: .Famoui / y Bel Miir Bist Pii Sphoen:.. ;' ;Harriis ♦Ypuhe a/Sweethiearl .;. . ..Rbbbihs : /; Indicates iilinus^^^ prpduQiion song. './'■ ■;'; The others afe\p6ps; Recent interest in .'Bei Mit/Bist/Du Schperij excerjit from Yiddish: .^Tuj^if- cal comedy, brings ■ Up sUchVoddities ais the: fac^ /that th?^ Yiddish musical .coriiedy composers ^^a^ songwriters get: paid: off in glpry, mostly.: . A general thing; the tunesmith 'maesirps:^a a ^steady stipend.. /In additipri,; the cpm^^ and: they're: vended .in the theatre lobbies )>y his bwh agents, 'Thus,: the CQmpbser-batohist,: up in.frprit of his a.udierice,:^^ own •VyareSv R ariises from a d local music 'publishers'.i'rbyaity^'a^^ ; ■'/• '^■;,■■/.■'^/■;.:.': Another ?ideliight jon:^ shefisfcy, eminent.: yiddish tragedia:ri, .:.\vho' s:ent S^^^ ^rauthbr with JacPb: Jacobs' of tl^is 'tu'riei over .his NatiPrial -theatre on the East Sil^^, and 'see what, a;/young feller Who's hiahging aro.Und the theat 'ypung ^ell(er^.•w/a.s G:TO^ge/Gershwin,'b the Yiddish- theatre, couldn't :be^b Vith any thought of a. cbllabbratpr. By coincidence,- becca's first /recbrding. of ihe: Aririericanized v^^ ;Mir;' backied this, tunie ■ up with 'Nice ;Work It You Can :Get; it,r; fr Gershvirin's 'IDarrisel in IDiiitress' (RKO)i :. Thils, :Securida and Gershwia coilafborated at lasti ^tlbeit'pip^^ / // /;, :;. : ....'.iWaUer Evaus-'Joitis Yilf vS: Philadeiphia,::'i)fec.i 28.. -i ::^;w^lte^ Ti/Evaris^.tpr'merliy/^ Karisa's .City/ha's been added 'to sales rjtaff ./of: WlP. /Was/ previpusly ad manager, of K. Ci;.j6urrial-^ ■jonnected : with a'd "ddpartment ; bf • i^hilly' Bulletin. /.-- -.■'; /^ / , I^rpgrarii:xd^p'artmeiVt;'-has' added Jean Stadler, f.-irmstly with^Elkins-/ 'Vpgel-'-Music^ Publishing Go.' .: / J^ck B. Teririey, attorney and'/s^ assemblyman,, w^^ pf the: Lbs Apgeles IviUsicians'Mutual/PrptectiVe Association vLpcal:47/ ovieij- Frank I); Peii|dietpn, j week, .thereby effecting- a sweeping change; in' the. gpyerhm^^ 47 siric&', T^riney swept his entire Progressive tickets pffice ^with; the exception of the. vice-presiderit /and- recording .and flrianciail secretaries. .; , Eddie'Cherkose: and iCHkrles Rbspfl have, cleffed/.thxee .ditties for Mon^^^ gram's / 'The Port of Misiing GU Is.' They /are 'I've ;Chariged; by;-Rptitirie,' 'Dream Ciargb^ and 'QiW Kiss, and Ypu/; ■ :;7' '; :/ - ^''■, -'Balph: -' -Byrd.'-'--'warblesi,:'.''- 'Da'riger Ahead',/cleffed by Peter Tiiiturin and Jack La.wrenc.e/ alt ilepubliCi ; Conni,e Lee haisi clefTed/threetuhes. ^iSlejep, Little Cowboy, ■vSicep,^ Prairie: Heaven! and ''That's My Idea or Fun' for Mpnbgrjam'3 *Ou.r. Where. the West tiegiris.':; Jphriny Larige and' Fred '•Strykjer -wrote .'Bprri' Ibi the Rarige' and . 'Db^vn.. the ; .Trail / p.f; preams' fbr the: ssime film,v a Jadt;. ilaridaU: \yarbiirig ..gallop;e'r. Joe . !5ulHvaiii>; cbriip.pser-pianr.stf w back .home after several nipnths /m;* 'sanitarium at Mbtirbyia.',, ' ': Richartl. Howard, Bostbii :song... wrriter,:. spent the :past i^^^ York. Besides . riiakiri^ it a ; Honey r moon,; he placed several gpngs /ivith' Shapirbi'Bernstefin & Gp. • ^■itiiiMiiiiiiiiiiriiiuHMiiiHiMiiiiitiiMlniiiiiiitniiniruiUiiiiMinniihitiMitiiit^ 5 eiiiiHiHiiiiiHtHiHi iHimiHiHiuiiyiuiiiiiiMUiutMiiiruMiniMjiniUM.iniiMM.iihniiiiiiMniiiitiMMiiM'lUM 11' = 3 • E9 11 = 3 i i.. 11 sa- il ll = 3 .:3. 3,= si Hep« Are tha Songs YpU'M Hear in 1938 You Gan'i Beat This Ohe--By Bud GrBeh and Isharri^^ •WORE THAN EVER" ■:'.;. .v';-The'Coast/;Hit'':://- libNT CRY SWEETHEA^ CRY^ ■. By Ted Fftfrito, Albert Von Tilzer and Harry /Tobias Frorin! ;.th« NaW Ufiiversal Production,' a Buddy^^ OW Syjva ;MU3ica( /:.;.'-*-Merry-CQ-Rbund of 1938" 'TOUTIE MY PISH ■ "I'M IN By ;McHugh and Adamsbn •Pop" Click.eroba X X- = a ; : *X)NGE IN A VTOLE'* :By/Bud Green and Michael Edwards 'ill ni! .11 IS !h-. ! It ip I ! !: ■; lii iii h ll- 'pi! U ■ilii-. ft::. : vii I n t: iiB jli! :il lili ilN iiii, jjj;, 'i: :i. i; i; ijii/ ;■'. ■]?];■. /;'!Hi; ii ^"f^oRV* N«w Rhiiiniiba Sensation—By Jose .Norman arid Biid Green ll **MAMMY Bt)NG" if ■ ;Our Young: Classic * / nrOU SHOWED ME lliE WAY' 11 .WlLtlE riOROWiTZ, Gen; Mgr. i,!i:;;i!::!!:i±±::!:':":;i::!!i:::::;i:::::::::ii:i:iiii:ii:i!::= ■ n.iin:,,,,,,,,,,;,,;.,,, ilil 'jli! in 'ili: 1i270 6th Ave., nV Y. ?i m -u ' """ ' """'<"V I"' iMiiiipmiMMii h'ihiuii; (i iiiiii.' ; . .""":"iV'"''"l'''''"."i''nii:i"V''!"'!^^iiV""''V"'""''",'"'"'i|"."':"i'" oniiMiiililiiniuiuiniiiiniiiiiiiiJiiiiiiuiiliiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii-'