Variety (Dec 1937)

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42 VARIEty Wednesdays beiici^ :2S|f 1937 Baiiciiriaii Itito La Cohga/ Which Will Gbiivert^Lattei' Spot Has jThre^ Raid ia oh f irst IMS 3rr{ |e;.Qlach >-( Conga* N; Y.. suc.beedihg . DicK'Gas- paixe.:Jan. the, rhiiiriba nitery i\riil put on ;a GoUyert. for' the first tirne .Heretofove Jtls beeh a . mihiiiiuni- check idea, but, sans CQver;tihiai-ge. vFor Loitdari; C!af e , Nick. Lucasi.icurrierjily: iat. the. Rbxyv isr.^: Y., g,6es^ iibroad ,ilcxt h^bnth jUyt his . first crigag'ert^ tbe .Big Olseh's jgettihg -ia .perceritage of thie pond ^iri 5.e vera I years 'Couverts and ; is corning in' With, a threerpiy radio wire, CBS-'ahd Mu- :tual toivhimself, and an^^^^^^ for, the Panchitt) riiuitiba -.tland. ParadoxVof the booking'is that Ql- sen owris: orie-thii'd; of. the Interna-; *tioriiail Casino on - Broadway,.- N.^ Y^^ biggest: arid . newest • Click ' nitery wher^ -be tarted off with his qwii band. RecEsntly he's; beeh .touring ■ wi Ih it (Gene Fosdicfc. subistituted,) 1 and Olsen eontihues to feel •• that the; [ Internatlbnai, is an : investment doesn't require; ^his' .Q^^ His .' band.'i pi-eserice ;suioa his, piarthets, Joe.Moss | and LciU Bredlier^;'are aGtiyely direct- ing, it. •. V/-.'■ . ■ Mrs.. Olsen. (Ethel Shutta) i§ like- wise .in a somewhat competitive ..spo^^ ' ■""as^ ^Hat.Tpom .of t'-- BelmOrit-Plasa; :N.': Y., vvhich;:she . . Opens ~on .. a .Ch-o's cafe, Lbndon* Feb, 7,v Curtis. &■ AllWa bookecivthe. singer. : Yaungrniaii Is Bookejl ^ . For Resort in Jersey Abner, Greshlei:, N. ijppkerV Hi^iS set Henry 'Youngmahr Ruth B^ent, liarris and ;Yvonne; Ashburn,. .Loria Bros., and the Jerry Livirigston^ 6 chesti-a. • at : L'aurel-in-the-Piries, Lakewoodi i^.; J./sp6t, for. this: week.- Bill will be augmented lor New .Vear's-Eye by the addition pr; 'rridi(i > iri d vaude jsiitge r, , and Steye'/Evans. ■■;••'■'■■;;: ■' 1^ crediifid :with ihaving put .VMaurice.' Rakvel, 62^. iriternc^tionany. kno'Own . coinposerV ■ died' in . .Paris , Bee-28. L ^•v' '.V ■ ."-'^■•■:•'-■.:''•■:■> i-; . For. the past seyt?ral m "he. had been sUfTeritig froni an ailment which- rriade it. difflcalt for. him 'to use his hands. He Was reinpved -tO; a sanitarium last;, week /arid . under-. werit ian/operate vjTas .:exk pected to relieve the- conditioii; Hbw^^^ everi after .a's^ took: / . turn ■. f or\ the? worse - Suh-. day (26). V ;,' - - v ;: ; . - Some of his best known wdrks. are ■ Daphnis .and ■.Chloe,' 'Eiolerb'' aiiid : 'Le^^mbeaii de Cpupe^in/ erlahds-Plaza, -.Cihiiinriati.^ Jacii Osterman Opens ijyg^V misticaliy; rcigarded ; f rbm the. last •-1. <L Thevbpnifacei .in hize that;. .the the fact thai .the leairly' reservation iliallyhbo • had become a gag, as ehoie ate s'ill .held but for the/last spiirt, and as happened last year, bn^ coiild fall iritb .alnipst.!ahy place 'ahd. ^et a fair ;break,vat..cutt-rate:-...;'..^ ■ '-.'...''■ '■ Last '• year ; the wanders-arourid ^fouhd .the •;|; rplaCe shilling • 15 YEARS AGO « ^l"!^ Vabirt : (Bft^ Clipper) Vaiide., actor. told to qiiit .' using. . picture :scandals J as, act rnateVial; or lose his Keith bookings. Offensive to the / production :he^ds^^- a^ Isiquawkea;.':V-' Jack Osterman: opened last night (Tiiesday.) at: the Mairi-Abbut-ToiVn, l^Test 51st' street bistro, on a ; uniqu.e arrailgem.eftt. with ; G(^ne Reiss,.: the bori'iface. • Comedian-m,c... ';get3 .a •triaisht 25?^. ,of'the:grbss'atter>p.m Eddie Garitpr. in. -his.-.Chi:i.3tritas'.^ ad, trade at $3 a head; rathei: than leave I UTge?d acts. riot tb get swell heiads, ,hie open - gaps i-h. ;the. xopms.' ■ /■Whateyei: ;the theories for hpidihg back, "the •■reservaUbn . behind.' Judgirig , by ; bullish iiq sales^ around N, Y..,; at points .:t6 .a I UVt-f"XfPr^fr^^ at^inn^ «s- his entertaining:-^rvices. ar¥:Conr :bratibh: Which,,^ cerhed/ - ' • :• .>. > :-.' ;' ,.I plaiht^ •'Salt Lake's 73G / Salt Itake Cityv •Dec. 28. sodded when- they saw their names ..ih lightsi' Pointed piit. the. .biggesii sign on.. Brbadway advertised ; chewing B.> Si Mbss -put .a:.$25,000' prgan. i^^^ his. Regent, Nil Y.-i :ipiead sturt • nowa- :daysi'.:/ ^ '•::.vK •';" ' ■ ■-' Saranac By Happy BenWay To 'you ;bf the healthy butside ^ <vorld( S^rila Claus may be th^^^^^ hian With a red ^uit and^long beard, iggg- j^^^g pf tj-g hotels night ^ith,a,P?c'VO" ^" shoulder^ operators appear to hav^ hy^ Mrs. Wiiliam Morris;remembered and seyeral .haye - wade slices.^- , the following :-children;thiS year, in: -Forty-six .agencies:, of the .Uta the Actors' Cbiohy: Sylvia Abbbtt, | Litiuor Control ' Gbmiutssion . -are .7Brbhx ''bperia house closed -for;, the first-tiqie in .10 yeSirs.. B^iz cbndilioris If is estimate'd ar.6uhd $75,000.-.will be I geheraliy W ba.di and house laid off spent,in rhetrdpblitah .and Suburban | week'hefpre ChHstmbs' •" ' Salt. Lake; City New^ ,^^^ y« nrianagers -ali hPpped- up bver ■ central ticket ^ agenc^^^^^^ shpws.. .Spine lilted^ th^' idea; some didri't; Air:talking. Much adb about ho.thihg. Marie, Bairtthi, Marya Blake/ Betty Bostwick;' . M a rio h; Gannon, Fifl, Climas, - Margbfe ElroyV Beatrice Fidler. Jehriie Grande, RUby Hess* Rose HPenig>.' Mary Kelly; .^: Beatrice Lee, Edith Lemlich, Peggy McCarthy. . Lucile .McKay,: I Margaret Newell, iCbra O'Connellj Matthai RbgoW, Isa- • belle Rook, Hazel. Smith, Louise Son- ; taii, , Jean Stuart; . Hazel Cplemah,-: ; J'oriroe' .Colemah, Teddy ■ Bodwell. Alfred Boerrier, Robert Burk, Hubert Garltoh.' Johrtiy DiGibvahnl;; Alfred DeLbraine, ."Eddie Dbit^dj Jack Edwards, John Jv Fih]ey,.Jack tlautiri. 'Murray FriedniahV. Morris Gould. . Henry Hearn, John Lpuderii Edward McGushioh,. Richard ;' Mbore, Roy Nunley.; Ford Rayipohd, Miltbn Reich; : David Rose, Fred Schrader, Michael; SchuUz; James: Sseiey,: Ben: Schaffer Abound .■ tb get more thaij onerthifd ^ ■ -toew • -bookers./ :announced -they of the dough- fbr vintages'. .'>SeveivK^^r.e af^ niteries; figiire to r pocket between $15,000 and $20i000: . : ^ " Each of the 16 theatres are plan- ning, -speciai preyiiewsi; expectihg their tUrnistiles to register morie, Ihari $6,000. .Four suburbah riiteries, .cater-: irig mostly to patrons of pretzel aiid beer, joints, 'will reap; $.^,OpO. : Eight parties.' ' :iit^.y .. private ^ ciubrboms will ebiiect^$20;ob0i Had quite a number .already booked. Brbadway craze for Shakespeare reflected - in. vaudei . Abbut a dpz^ cbhdensatibhs -iri prepara tio.h. Soine got Pn. ' '-•.. American pefehse'Society, .seeki^ tp>preyent :Motris Gest' from .bring I ing oyer the Moscow Art Players. ; Pitt LIgrht So Far Pittsburgh, Dec. 28. '^New Year'f eye prices here topjpin^, those on Broadway, but the bpys figure there's no harm, in trying since : Garland Smith; Brian Tracy, Mark J^y don t expect overflows anyway. Vatice; EGwarrt' Vbgt, Conw^v Wash- Reservatibns so far. have, been prac- burn. Jrvim Wilbur. THenry Wunsch. tically nil, with hotels repbrting. Jules ZwiUiris, Alice Garmrtn. Manhie. their extra rooms ' booked solid I iWy. LV^fiter Sheehah,.. vKatheri j for private parties. ; Leo Feist t.ontributed $5,000 to Actors' Fund oh . condltipti that similar arnouht : be raised. Coudi- tioii Was met. .' \ / 'Spice of 1922* strahdsd in Chicago Cut down to- unit size and but again Kiep"!!. Clause Lawson, Harry and Charlie Barrett and the writer. . Mile, Antoinette Naguier; has isettljKd' down here. She -now cobles- at: ' the Charles /Goldsmiths/' arid like*? America tinough; to''waht; tp. sDehd, tHe rfirtiT^vnc'cr of her last days here. She, - was: brice. ; tutpr . of Alfred Dreyfus,Freiielv 'army'.pfficer.' who was; c'ori'victod arid' later acquitted pf li-"rsnn. ■■:••■ ■■■■■ ' --•.':.-- : V Ay in Rp,sre^s' Memorial Hos- pi - '^l . :]ilnT.iT txtends -its. 'sincerest V; ' fQr bobliis, received from Mr?, Expectations locally are for com- paratively light trade, and if . eye comes .even near: last' year's big-^ spending orgy, there wpn't, be any kicks corning. Vivienrie, Segal at the N. Y, Pa lace doubled with Harry Carrbll at the pianb.. ";'.:-' ■ ' .'•:'l Philadelphia, . Dec;; 28 Charles Goldflne. op bf Falls the- atre,here, doublirig.iUwhoopeb.He's leased main ballroom of Hbtel Syl .Dolly,;Sisters. at,;th6 RLyerside .with Harry Richman at the piatlp; He [shared their -hitj ,doing six li.uin^ dn his bWn. HOLLYAyppD REST, (NEW: YORK), •••;•' Arthur Tracy ('The Street Siuger') is back here after three years, head- lining ' a show that is far from :the strongest to play, this Broadway erti- pOiHw>«^—However, show, adequately suits Hie heeds- .of the hPliday sea son. • It's substantially ...the -salme, frariiewdrk, however, to Traey.'s war- biirig; Aripther Broadway jiitery to take on fresh b,b< hypo is the across- the-street Paradise, , Belle Baker opened there last night (Tues.) as opposition,, ;' •' '.•••■ ■_' iri . Epgiahd. fbr 'some tiihe, this is Tracy's first date on, return to Ameri- ca. He bpened here .Christmas night and ori the midnight show did,, 20 riniinutes of surefire vocals. He ap^ pears to be in fine shape, his voice lavirig coriiriianding iorce and power. He bperis with a few bhrs of -his pld air theriie song, 'Marta,' ias a warmer- upper,, arid goes viritb the kind of numbers that can't niiss for his voice. A weak efttry; is 'Cah l Forget, Ypu?' from 'High,. Wide and Handspme.' Will You; Remember?*; br.vngs, the Tracy vbice home safely,; .ahd: his Little ' Boy . Santa Glaus • Forgot' brbught back from London, is like- vvise effective. -Greatest Mistake of My Life,' introduced, in the English caoital by Tracy; 'Tress' and more of 'Marta'round out his Vepertpire.: ; . - With return; of Tracy, Jack Wal- dron also- comes back as m.c, blit his inaterial this trio is far below stand- ard, :;Waldrori is a good shownian: l^iut 'gbt 'too fhariy :Oldies . with him; ,a. deficiency also - nbteid- when at: the Yacht Ciub- recently. . Retainers on Show include the Zorrbs; whirlwit)d ballrooihradagiP dancers; Stanley Meehan, tenor, and others. Letty; Campbell,; from the, chorus, is doing a farmer-and-daugh- ter interlude with Waldron that's en- tertaining, topped by a dance spe- cialty. She can improve on: the lat- ter arid: very likely will; A military tap/ by ' Hetty:: Atkirisbn 'can't miss anywhere;- Singing diviSibri.includeS Ruth Denning, who. gets a bass fiddle accornbariiment fpr her hptcha Slap That"Bass,' fairly gbbd; : Edith Rpark wbrks a bride and groom session with- Waldron that's a bit. stale by riow.: Has been a standard here for two seasons. '■ \'"'' The.girl in the Whirling champagne bottle is still here, probably the near- est thing to riiidity that dan stiU ,be fburid oh ciearied-up Broadwj'V; .-/•: ■■■■ ■" ■ •• :'- '■.-..-..^' Char. Hoist; noVvTr an-institutibn here,; dis- penses ,eridleirs , dan'sapation, alter- riating with, the rhumpa, band., the M'brbcco started thev riiarathoh rpu- sic idea. There's nary a lull, bbth bands blerid. rig, during tnp 30-minute Changeovers of the dance sets, Until- one band can leave the stand as the other piclcs. tip ;t|ie music. Holst-is- a tei-p-music yet,' suaVe. arid pei'soh able..••-• ■•.• \ Arthur Brown,, who's been, around shbW' hiZr is ribw a sprt Pf socialite m.c.' ^and theatrical • host. . He. stages the special shindigs, iisiialiy th^ Sun.r' day night big-apple brawls, oir 'the-* atrical' nights, the new thing. Spot grosses between $20,000 and $25,000,' fi:bm tirade estimates, is; situ- ated on :East; 54th,.- almbst uhdeic the^ Third aveniie eli which- gives an idea, of the rental break. It getis the Park averipo.ers, the Hollywood doirig-the- • owners arid, all points iri between. With two bands for . the show- unit, and the wine (^ellar almost exclusive- yl in deniand, the Moirocco is not,.; for nought, regarded as the .cafe ririan's millennium: - 'It's a far cry. frPm ..the; speakeasy habit now that - it's - supposedly open > door. .,'But try and get in if they dbn't like your lobks. . The j bint may be eriipty but all sbrts of -Ireservat?' tioris' Avili account for the, unpopu-* ated tables. And; when riding high, nables on end pile . brito . the dance. Ipor^until^ there's; .riP more room for hoofing.- ; ; Abel. LYOW'S MUSIC HALL ... '■(SEA'TTLEy:'.•;--^--.- ;." ' •'-• :■; .;.;'.•:;.;.''.-• ■-•'•-'"- Seattle, Dec. 261- . On the; tidal ' wave of •legalized beer arid wine; in; this statis- cariie-: the so-called beeir -. cabaret. • Tops ariibng these ■ hereabbuts, both as ' the hit and class .' bf floor, show,; is "" ■ s Music Hall. arid hobps, and the Gilberts w: their bar workl Nichols ;didn't do t ltr.-^'':'..' 'L--'-';; P;i.''cid, srnd. the- .onon iL-^t'-^e. o.k;.-t6'hll shoWfollc ozoners for IJiT^.v •-. \ r ...;• ., ■ The . Ruriisey;. estate- which ' has .lini-^-^.od. :ninnV-, of :the,it'rical note, wns j?iy-'^ri ;P'utri'iht ' tp .lhe' local •'f. ; B. sfv-'-';' V; to care: fn- health; seekers; ' . .;TI-' i5i . oQTunT;iv trices' this mearis to . th".'.-:'^: the; theatf ical: profession arid 1hp .'■''OjiicI .for p'li grcetin gifts ;l')-'. 1h!s. Actor's ■Gblpriy.' They've; pr'.V'^rl a rti.^l punch of happitiess.-^ ..': lyrltfe- 1-\ those you know in Sara- iiac and tV.cwhere who are sick. Henry; B. ^.'Walthall -in personal, ^t the State^Lakei .p vahia for New .Year's -eve arid is I with a porhpany of two. .. •.'.";-• • peddling ducats at. $3 per persbri. /-.-'-••';"'•:..'•';' •.••'.■•-'---. ' • :•; '--"• ''•-''-.•.:;' "^- -.AlJie's'K-ish R-ose'in^*F.rIsdo .fo'.t the sixth' time in as many, rhbtillis. \Dit'- ferent hbuse, each, trip and broke lliciJ house ■ record .each ti;-i:p/"v;.0!iycv- 'Mbrosbo had th.e, shbvv^" the coast.- COAST ROOM (DRAKE HOTELi ; CHICAGO) Chicago, Dec.: 26. It's , a good thing there's Herbiie Kay arid-his orchestra arbuhd here-at. presents Otherwise there wouldi be nothing to uphold any value for this suppbsediy swiank room;; : '. .. The efforts of Kay and band make up in a large measure for the sorry floor lloW .iarrahgertierit. •••'-' In a short three-act show there are twb novelty turns,- Howard Niphols with so well wheri caught. The Gilberts, two boys; have arranged a fine bar •contraption ior quick setup and knockdown on ia cafe flbor. . They provide excellent acrobatic enter, tainment It's tbiigh that they should have, been placed pn a. show with another ripyelty act,. but they make the most of it. ,. ; Four Little Women, singers; have thin, piping voices tliat Call .for close huddling around the mike. They get poor ; resDonse. . A single femme, EJearior Christian, understood to be but of the.six-girl line,;is .arbtmd for a solo dancing session. It meant nothing. Siic girls, the,Bytonettes, dp the. best they ' Pari; . with .-their , two iiumbefs. which sprve ' tP open and, the show '.; Kay works hard and his efforts are;.; appreciated by the. customers He has. ari aggtegatibn^ conies through with , bbth r instru mental ;and vocal sessions of tbl> q'liality. Hi.s Kay Kwbir is worthy of considerable ..buildup; rating .. any ; where. ■' -•'-;■■■.'.■ ^- .;;• ■-■•'.•': .;.'■- Gotd.-- ROGHEILE OPENING ./; .G-To!j Islt^^i- CasinpV New Rochelle. : N. ^'^i .C->'v"'iri.icr.; iiite.^. spot; Will open ■ inYj^/::)^ Vcar\ ■■Evb,\"'.- • ;•-;• .'R-f-.v C^n'nnwbarp , brchest^ -will ,t proVido; ;)ri\iMC for, danPirig and floor «hoW; .■?'-: '■•.■.■ {[■ ■/•■•;•-.■;■-■ ::'•."•■;. '•,-'- ;'' v' Philly's 'Santa* Padumbo -.Philadelphia,' Dec, 28. Fraiiki .. Paliimbo, vv;k: Phiily nitery op, iriyited - all the kids .iri the rieighbor^iood last Thursday ' fbr ai free Xirias feed and gander ;at the floor show. ; : • - - - '■; MoVe-thari 1,000. attended." / Paul- 'Whitemari . 'wrote a . song, 'Wbriderful : One-' with Mawhaii Neilan and Ferde Gvofe..■ - ... Placements N. Y.'S RUSSUN BEA^ FOIDS . -. Russiari BQav.^'Spcbrid avenue nitery landmark;. fold(;d sujldcrily last wpefc after-a siege: of bad .bi^.-; r Vodka clnijR spot had been oper- ating arpiund; 25 ycai-.s. When Carlo, m. c. arid, manager, took ill receritly. his- eriferfied idleness didn't help the gross,. ••'' • : - '■. ■ ' ' '■'■;';;.-,-' Belle Baker,, iff.- Cross arid Dunn; Versailles, N.'Y. Mary. Jane Walsh, Hotel Belmoiit- Plaza, N. Y. . ':'.'. ,' Jerry Levinsori brch, Laur61rin-the Pines, Lakewood, N..J. Jirit; Mijler; ' Al, Glasaer, Johnny Adams, Mon Paris, N. Y . John Cooper, Kit Kat Club. N. Y. Connie Jbyce, Tahoe, Leon & Ed- '•diesVN.^Yi",'.'. ;•..-.-•';'• EL MOROeCO, N. Y. Just lor-: the .record; here ■;' /.this season's; rhenrib. .on; -Ei Mbrocco ipioneei- bf ; the cafe society haunts whVc.lT, ::f6r 'some intangible yet.qu^^^^^ definite reason,..' • second home tp til any a sbcialite. It's a huriiari mu seum where., 'everybody tpbdle-bo's ;orie "another., arid those who ,cbriie to gawk usually pay . tlie,;.freight—aric in the hardest way. :Meaning, that fpir.'.' them;;; -the $3 cpuvert goes - pri the 'I'npnkcy corner' tables; are re serVed, etc. ''-•' ''-; :•■'•'. '. The;. regulars^: -riieariwhiie. mean iri? the bloods and the so-called 'de sirablG' patronage, virtually makes it ah evening- on a couple of drinks, not countirig. -the- ■puffo -.setutjs on., the house. The ' maisbri : courtesies are of course, mbre , than- brtsPt by the rest of it. It's all up to Frank, the maitire at .the door, with Jphri Per ona. a shadowy; figure'.in the back ground. . . ; V-^'-',--;■;-' -•-'' .■ ■ Jerbme Zerbe clicks the cariiera a the: celebs and socialites, arid Ernie Fpiir floor shbwis. daily is the sked, ,brie in the afternobn; Location near thp huge public market brings in the • riiatinee. loiterers fbr a 'glass of suds,,; a, bit pf a rest aiid. the show thrown, in to boot; ;•';. ..••;■;.•; Captain Greenwood's 'Hollywood - Movie Seails'. ate featti red-this weeki It is the first time this type of act- has been booked intb ,a local cabaret. The;" other; novelLy is; outgrowth of ' the Ibckbut 'Of the musicians u.nion;v canned music provides the • melody ■ and rhythm for the Singers,, dancers,- tumblers and even the seals;; ;; •-.•• Mahager. Lyons.; arid Jack Biles. m,ci; took one pace ahead bf the herd When theyr had special, local recordings .made for the acts, espe- cially the singirig. waitresses, who al- . ternat.e . with: a-turri during the 30- rii;inute; flbpr: shovirs. .. A; lad handles; the discs arid loudspeakci's aid, . .It's • crude at this tinrie, but may imptbve; Music doesn't; inspire the acts any • and -' provides ' nb buildup oir spion-; taneily. ; . . V-.. ■;•., . Acts ire -Levey booked, four ■ weekly. Captain Greenwpod is ;hold- ing oyer for second week. His seals, Pbp.-Eye and Babe, give the audi^. ences a; clbseup.; pf ..their . ability : 'to ■ juggle arid balance, arid; they . rnerit; the, billirig. of; ,'performin.g' seals. Comedy by play is provided by Pop- Eye ragging. the Captain. . . Between -shows, the seals- are in 'a tank out front for exploitati Gilbert and Ho.we,.4'inebriates in tails,', dp .a straight .handrbalance riumber and then ,the 'ineb' - with some clever, falls. Frarioes Kerirteyi local dancer, has a pleasing- tap number and. encores with :.ari acro- batic dance.; A couple: of; songbif da and a number br two by the sing- ing Waitresses round but a snappy 30 minutes. , ; ;Biz;: almpst capacity. - Trcpp* ; VOGUE ROOM '•- .•:'..;..'•' .-(CLEVELAND), . V'''^ - Cleveland,. Dec. 20. ;; CalirGali made his first big click; here, a year ago,, -so Hollenden's vogue flborii showed shrewd judg-' ment in ^ bringing, back -Egyptian magician, for;hplidays'. ; . ,-; •Wearing red fbz,. plus a tdriic With; zebra;: stripes; the . top-liner put.!? across six slick triclcs iardod with surefire •: comedy Slsig'hf-bf-hand work ' flashy and fast enough to fbbi diriets at.ringside tablc.s. Wifh ' breezy';:patter, Gali •:reGruit.'». most; of-them tb- act aij .stoos; ;- Card.- mariipulatibiis. too weak arid not a -tbbd finale. Would do^ettcr to clbse -With his chickbiv-palriiiiig or his. rabbit-iri-frying pari, which go bver big.; ■. ;-•...; •.;:.;.■: ; ,.v;. -.-; •/•;-•■ '■■■■ Flprerice - and ,AlvareJ5 '.coriib J i;t with^ some suave ballroom: stepbing that has authentic Mbx flavor; Gal's no. lightweight ye' he swings her aroUrid with grace; .'Mood Indigo' is .g jod productipn number. , ' .. Toni .Line, a reliable rcpeatef hei-e; sings -loudly, but has a buoyant,- iJifectibus ybice.- Bernard a kick in With more. Ratisfactbry ProPn-i' ing, -besides sti\olliiig'. will'v ftiiltjar;^ . bund - tables . between Sammy .Watkiris'" btirid Sessions!' It's -third n^onth fbi- Watk.lns. ' but outfit; is go- ing into Neil. House in' ColumbUS, -r:?:;t.'-vireek. .; : •'-.. pullen. . 'v\i;--.):;■•:; ■ ' -;;'.-■•■':'