Variety (Dec 1937)

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House ItiBifl^^ ^^ome/ H.OOO people;Ja^^ \-;iverV aVailabi;e:;seat of, the Chicago. :" sladuim for Sunday (26) nighl^s per-, ; ft)ripance :of: the Hollywood Ice ^^treHtkrri ng .Sonj a- Heme^and-ihe the start; Miss Henies staff; includes > : number :of .:. Hollywood peoplci;: topped -by; Hgxry Lo^ee,- stflger^ a^^^ director of the production. ^Yet, de- . SDite all this, the show is riot satis- fying the Chicagbarts, many of ;\vhom . openly .voiced disapR^ Basicallyy; the .capiiousneiss ■arises ■■■■■ from the fatit there was no ice. c'ar- -iiival: Show consrsted of a chorus, ' Miss Hchiie and a vaudeYilie act. Jay. • and Lou Seiler. ; It's air very :well, say the Chicagbaiis, to list and pror claim that Miss Heme's coiffures were executed 'by Miss Fqy Hameljn; 20th ■ Century-Fox^. St\idi6s, . :H611ywood, ■■■■■ Caljfbrnia.'::but, despite the .qoiffures by.(Biiiss the. .ice;;^hp^^^ main;i(iea.' ^'.:.:■: ■ <]'■ \- : Miss.. Henie; ha,e, jio; onib else ,in., the entire show to ^ give h^r ajiy compe-: ■ titioii.' ,The ensemble does a foUoW- : the-leader numbei-, or it's Miss Jiieniie ^in a specialty.: ;. Early in the per- : forma nee there .was a little challenge - rbutihe . by. a meek ; Jittle. tTio,v; but. . ■ after 'that it become.s. -a simple; rota-, •tion of the chorus and Miss Hchie, the star,, in; ^ i:ematkabie succession. '■ ■ .of cdistumeychaTigeis.''vV.^ . The Sellers, don't. skiaie; They, are: ' ai standard va:udeviile, ict, >v6rkirig here oil: an improvised .stage plat- . foiriti" hastily laid' down bti- the icei They clicked big, on contrast alone, working; on a plaitforrii that kept coming apart,' thiey,: nevertbeliess : riahed thi^ mob with, their excellent ■ eccentrib' "diineihg, and, .•later" came back to smish througfh (iarid :.When ' 14,006 people ari^ smashed simultane- ously, : therb's^jplenty of : applaiiise) .. , V/ith their novelty work oh. lialf-;; ■'..hoops as: skis.' JThe;^, .lurri: in a re- ; ; markable job, considerihg the hpz-, ards. Platform kept breiaking up arid > sliding apart, "-with .thie result that jfay Seiler fell and got himself a neat - sliced eyeL. -He was back: later, HoWt : everr with his optic plastered.- . : . there are, 24 giHs and\30 men: in the bhotus, , and .when thejr all held each : other and. snaked around :thb. Tihk they stood up all right and with dignityj,' biit when thie lines were broken and .weaving: there ..were .■■V prattfalTs Splehtyv : But Miss Henie, ;tlie one person ^.^vho brought thbin' in. "'was the Oiily one who, delivered entertainment on. . ;: skates. . She wbrks hard ahd earnest-, ' .ly, doing seven numbers in' a short .show that lasts barely an hour in /actrtaVvrunning: time. .;S makes a . . great appearance on the icfe (thanks f to 'costumes, breated byvEoyer* 20th - Century-Fox : Studios,: . ; Holly wood.. :. Calif,'-. alid 'cbstumes . .<xeciited ■' by Arthur' tevy, 20th'Century-Fox Stu^ ; dies, Holly Wood,. .• California?.),' .and . .'Was taken;t.o.the bearls of ■the..audir ■ ence,. Esijebially the kidsy .'\Vh6: were . present., in, large; numbers. . fler "..Series' o^ Morwegian ;fblk .danbes., 'the ■ Pririce TgOir . ice^ ballet : :nurnber, the : Strauss .\valtz number, .'Liebestrauni* solo,, a flag-Wavihg se- b(uencR and. finale \vitH the.comppny : ; in' a 'Babes' in toyland'.. ntodubtioh • number* the, only, really ccjlorful :'ser -.qiience On the show.ia ; \ some reason. the. show' uises neither . colored ice nor \ colored iscenic airV ■ tahtjertnenls^. -'E^^ in a .. . dijil white that was hardly ;satisfac-: ■■ tory - p i of or rally; -v ": ■'. ■ - . ;, :Mis.s Henie stands oiii far -ab"bve : everything.- M.avbe - was the . :)p6int/biit thr"; lack; b unifiejd,: nroy: : in", .show is felt.:. - : . a ''v Indichtjons are that .th>:>'bo\y w'll ■ -grbss-.iFiomewhnt' over ;$1.75,000 'ts ■..eight' :-:\''G.6ld;^'\ ■ theatre returns to after :eight ■:. - years of straij^ht'pix, sssorfed come^ xris and'occasional^amateitrs,. It's-nbt , :;Boing 'str6nply,.;thOUgh. -Idea is for weeke'hd Vaude., :;,, : : Strand has no ;Comneti.«h since all ■.the.-ot: -er big housej;, Fox,.Paramount. ; Qrpheum', and,. Metropolitan :are '■ vaudeless.'-'.;' :.■„■ " )■ , u;niike. most yia.ude :Tev,ivails h.ei*e- :'; ;.nbbutsi:-.Strand.?.,! is^.'.p much- a quality' attenript. . Instead.', of. lis.ual ' ham;ahd 'eggcrs, ho' is really- try- ing ■with :narhesV' good standards and V a. drb.«5sy show. 'Whether-.'br. not it. ; will stick in jpfbscnt or expanded - form is, hard, to.say.; Response ;bf a f\ill ;ho'use: pri Sundry night <26) in.' : dicat<E:d'; that locals : will give : it a .;--;s;-bhr>.nbe: to pi^ove: itself., : ■ ■ y , ^Presentation . :style Vptevail.s. ' -with f ■ Ted '.King's iCrew. staged; for accomp , and sblbing.. Spbtting of/acts- was ^ a , little off, but it all' goes under- heading: of „ first .lesson.- . Altogether^. ; '■show-:.Wns-good;''.'' '.^- 'y .' ■ ■. Dance. buifloon'eV.i the -Three ^S^ihir .uel.s. Open; intro." Har- " '"'S^J. 'Hayes;.. aciV. fourth imem : : spi.its. hci^: <iirn .betvireeri :-sorb. arid r '>vprk:ihg: with Irib:; .following Work bf.the mixrd trio,:;t\vo boys .do slapr ;^-^t'Cky.; terpinj^v-; :f':: ;. .L V.'--:' ;; :Jn; - mimber; tWc rung, Kbsarnonde; .warms, up house with her expert acr cbrdioh tickling of the . Second Hiih- garian Rhapsody. 'Me," . Myself "and r a.nd 'Anchors Aweigh': also get byer;;- ;■ '■.)■■'':,:"■':':[■:.:■■ 'y,' vMiss?. Hayes follows.i.n: a so'lb;ac)ro- co'iitorfTon that rates her okaJv" Staudard Hector arid. hiiS;Vp ing dogs hold' up thbir- erici Well. in' fo. :rth ' flight.::; Perforrtiirii pbbcheR have audience sitting on edgej> .of pews and, while running, a trifle long, jfii.ts -the .. spot.. Major work; is. car-; a trio;bf th .mbrigrel menjige; Headliner Jane .Pickens has to>beg Off after .'That Qld Feeling;' .'.When a Gypsy': aiid her. comic' takeoff on z diva, Has. tp encore twice W.ith- thG new craze, 'Bei Mii- Bist^Du Sohobn;'' . 'Novabk-and. Fay cauce; a, mild'lct- dO\y.n in : followirij? the. . sbuthcrri singer. ; Leave off ; the humorous: .a^> tics ;fbr a seribus .finish of " fast-flipi?; 'ha^ancing,■■etc..■■V..^ ■. •Refui-h, .of the SamUel.<s'; arid' Mi^p jEJayes for .precision : routines: peps proceedings again^vv:.;^' • . S . Miss Pickens curtains . shbW with 'Adeste' pdelis! ■ afterl -band gets in' a solo sefisibn of- song: deteGtivin^'. 'Girl with Ideas' (U) and 'Paid to Dance' (Gblr) complete setup. ,^ . \ ^.';;Hurl;.-';.' ..::;::::H.'^.-;^\;^':f-^;^?i*tsbat \ InfeNritabie that a^r^ew' Majijic. BO'wes unit would eVentuaiUy find its way to the WB de lilxer; . Spot has;, played practically ali of tHe bigger ones, iind' still,ha$ tb come up with red ink in the.ledigei;. Even %y before Xnria?, opening Was oiff only, slightly, al- thovigh: 'Ebb Tide', (Par) rnay . have snaiedva^few^-. ■;-:;■•. . • ■;; ;,.■■.■; 'y::: -jiy^r : ^Gutrent :BbWes shoW^ .'Cbliegikte. Revue,?; .can. .stand up: with' a- lot of :Tiame layouts, iri' talent* at any rate. Kids hayie a;:lbt :on the ball,, and they are set i«i> -:iri.' rvice. style.,;, Garry ing biit the atmosphereV they're ■ aif but-, fitted in varsity; attire. "With.Ja .:sceriic baqkgrouhd that also goes:in for* the campus . motif. Makes a swell flash at getaway, fulfilling its proriiKse. : , There's a .lO-piece staige band^ half fbrries, augmehtbd by seven musick- ers from Dave Broiidy's house creW. It's under direetibn of Rayrilbrid Bar- rett,: Who also doubles as . m:C;, . arid gets in several.good licks' of his own bn; the clarinet.- Barrett/berids.over backwards; -just .a -tirifle tbb much to; get Vchunimy,. but otherwise gets by \vith - plenty to spare.; . t Acts include Flyirig.-: Top-Hatters, gay-bbyrolleir-skating. act> heavy on the ttirms; Jackie. Fields, WhO; clicks :with ia slick novelty, sWiriging a pair of ' Ordinary, table.spbbris;. .male trio fL'brii University of Missouri, going to town bn: sbm.e college rnodlcysc Udell and;:-Dayi . mixed, abrbbatic. 'act, till rightf ;but out' of place; in thi.s t.ypc of shoWvCarble. Stanley; bjOnd looker and ia torcher,: who should; go places: Bobby • arid Dotty Ed ward -: t appei's.; with a isock double stair rQutirib for a closer, arid; Higginss arid. Davis; two ;bbys. who. double in: a- seribs of' im- personations. ;;Mim.ic.s getting" tire- 'some, ,but they stand up rribderately .-well.;. ■;• , ;-.\.. :■■■; .; ;•:■■:;■• ■■■-■;. - ■ Fot; ia flni«?h,; Barrett bririgs; ;pn three shagrdaricing .couples, an- nounced as . recent . Winners in inter-, cbllegiate contest. Kids t kick: up plenty, of dust .with soriie torrid big- appling thiSt's good~ for beaUcoivp re- turns. As an extria attraction, y.oung-. ster. Julius Gubertkb; who -anbea^bd on: Bowes prbgi-ani;.' ' .N.; only Tiright^bbforbr^is^on t^ri^f^r—op artd; kid ;juSt < about; steals the :-,shrtw with his brack .stint ;bn - the. xylor phone. .. .Literaily'v Had to beg Off; . when caught, or* rather the m/c; ;h'ad to do it .for Him;,since the Half-pint was too hervous tb make tlie ospeecH that .wbuld have.tnken hiiri Off. : 7', .', Sho;w. v,rith 'a;cnile'Je tag is a natu- ral for.; sortie V.'aring ; tricks, and Bowes. Hasri.'t rriijjsed out: on them. He has a glee club here, .arid they're on. for a boUble of ' nuhibers, W'^li megaphones, that light uh arid dance: across the stage during the harrnon- oiing. Not as j?'it;mieht bP^ .howeyer;^ bossibly because :it ;hasn;H been worked On enough, unit bein,^ bnlv few: Weelcs:oldi:.' _...•.;-•..; ■y' All: iri all, .layout, is cbnsiderpbly: .beter than the ^ usual Bowes ouality, ."nd .elimihatibri: bf tho' dry. dull aues- • tipri arid: ' . .between every .nbrfbrrrter and the' fn.c. Is Holnfui. Talent's imprbviri.'*, tpo. ;; CToHcti. bRIENTV^t; CHI : CJhlcago, Deci 26. ; Session's bill is. mediocre; : Kliby and Duyair go biack; intb the :,bobks ibr.;;their. comedy bross-ffrb but it's sold well enough. ■ Dolly:Ard€ri.:has a dance solo, being presented .as the topper of a nifty, pf^'pductibii-riumbcr; Morin Sisters . are in the detice Spot, •siri^lrig trio of nuhibers well, Jimmy HadreasV dandmg, Varigirig frorii;: .Russian, to.. Irish, .;gets. ,bv r; Twelve Big;; Abplers, Marcy Bros, arid .'Beatr;ce;.acrb-;daricers, fill blllV . Picture is 'Submarine D P (WB). Busiiic£s;waS 'aS, good iis could be .bx- .pected ,;Ut last' show;• ehristmaK eVc; ■ '■ -'•"::■■:■■. ' :•.:..': :/ Cold. \ , Setup bri; the • stage this W'eqk is ais' .studded with novelties :: Santa CJail's-.bag.: ;;lt quai,ifies:,.niceiy - on nlI- c.^.dJ;r:^cntcrtainmc^t,; booking, : bnd f- •'.-.'ipoltirig, . -' Hi;ih'..ght is the-'fir'st ap'pear.nncb' of PawcrsV-Elcibhants in- Amcrjca:-' .' a. decade.;: Qiiartet of pachydcrni^'p.uU: on; a :fast. .finished .act. ;. Usual obe- dience'-and fGfmation Stunts are run .'off. pfi-i . t:y.',- • ;'7bt£; -its top rating from' the fancy •:vpi-i> of, especially, the- bi'? .bullv ,;:hich;-dOes' a:barborrshbp >:hav-- in.r.. roii.linc;-.::pn one'. :6f' hi.s brothers a nd clo . ^rj j-4fe::iaotUv-l.tJirw' i ;WaW . i m ir- t.,tiorf. of a -tango daricor.; Anbthpf- peak'point. haS.ari.other, blerihaiit do- ing a'faulty-fopting drunk dance; - ■ .-Jtayrr .-: .V, '':-.'ilbert -sPPi-bs-.witli his. St a ndard' hoopsV j'uggl ing: and : spi h - ning in. the tfey.... Wilb'c.rl's chattbr, could well stand. - modern izing arid" strengthening. ; Billy .Wells .and IHb Fo'iiv Fby};, one bf :;the :. ,bldcst v novelty-iflaKh ' cts' arovrid, know : the benefits . of ■ c.6n-j ptaritly . inserting- ■ ircsH ,:,rbutiries. Wells .is; .very./ofl'^ecti'Ve with:, h is earii-: edy-acrO dahcirig,. arid, the Fays Isack him. up strongly.;- ! ■ Nick Lucas next-to-shuts; arid the vet Of years of 'troubadour' troup- irig Has them nibbling out of His balm for the first guitar plunk and' 1 ift: of a note, . He might sing,; a: bit mbi-e leisurely, Sirice hex;' as .hel- t'er-skeltering through His.'four pieco's. For ^a ^yiridup,. He ;has precisely' the doctbr.'s oreiscribtibn: for the audience .—'Bei.Mir .Bist ;Du Schoen,' .picked •lip the mbb so eompletely at show' caught, - that; the- whole- house was joining, iri; the choruses.. .; Gae Foster ;iine (24). is only doinn! two; routines this stanza; brie Ibss than usual; Tough finale has them .walking around; on the big glbbe's- again, as always Vi^ith this: stock rou- tine, (ialbeit pne bf the riibst' corifi- Pelling) from: the Fostfer file', it's .overlong. Peak point .of effectiveness is .passed, a minute .oh so before the end. : :'."■:.: ':-'-. ■'■ ■ '.;. Opening, the show, tbe Fosterpers prance Pff'a hicb caridy-can'e radiiimr lit; rbutine ,against the backdrop bf the Ghristina's tree. " . . tScreen has .'Vou'rie. a Sweothbart' (y ), reviewed, in" Variety : Dec. 15. On opening ((Friday), night, bi was scant. .;i-/>..--.'•';;.; Bert.- . ; . ■: - ' Baltihiore, Dec. - 26: ': Brisk feabing .of seven acts; . with Red Skelton; .mi.c., and inclusion of some standard acts help matters- con- siderably. . Skelton does a Herculean job of gagging, clowning arid hpkb.. Skelton brings on Uncle Jack arid his . group of jUve performers (New Acts), selected from his Weekly Hipp, stage broadcast^ and they go over nicely. .Jerry. Adler (New Acts), ; brother of Larry, follows, with a rep-' licai of frere.'s harmonica stuff. Some phoney stuff,' good for laughs, brings Skelton ;biabkito intrb .Yvette Rugel, who. gets. oyer With e-xcellent vbice.; She doesarrangements': of 'Black Eyes,', riiedley of 'My Man' tyoc and 'Swanee River.* 'Has tb beg off.;.v ;■•';.; : :^ y-/':.^^-'': Dick, :Don .and Djna.h follow /with knoGkabbut; hoofer'y.i. and comed.v acrobatics, very Strpng and hard tp- fbllP\y by ; Skelton, who dbe.s some st-ajr ;ivalkirig. -impressions. He gb.ts; plenty of laughs, nev.erthele.«:s.:. Serge. Flash hits it off okay, as do the Cabin Kids, . with- harmony spirituals : and chntter.-. . ; Skelton back agai.n with his fun- niest bit. ^pl getting up in the a.rri. ■and dressing. , .Lai' Fbbns;; G.hinpre, cbntoirtiba/iand jug.eling flash, a solid standard and a .swell cha.«:cr herb. .:' , Film - is . 'Hitting : S. NeW. - JIi.i?h' ..(RKO); .. ; .; •■' Burm.. but vieing closely. with" him are Barbn' iand-- Blair. .Mirth-Mack dance .cortibinatiori also .dpes iiripriesislpns, mbst' of-which are good, a poor one being of Arliss. Miss Kirk combines a lot of personality With ..voice. Thi.i; ::s hcr.fil'st a'jppearance/On;Brbadway; '•: \-\ ' Char. ■.■: EMBASSY, N. Y. ' Aside' 'from ■ Paramourits. mbving; pcbrie's frbm ; .ii:bnt;and Metro's 'News of: Day' resume of, 1937, highlights, topics provided by .news- reels - this-; week, .are-, 'ifis' light ' and .frbthy^' aS the -holi day-spi'i:it; Gamer;a- rinen-. and commentators rripsl -often :stress'- the . cbrpicat.; -side. :of ' news events;- i.e;;. trcatrrient of -Kansas Ci ty; Cops skirmishing . With . fernmb ; pick--, ets.- Efforts to str-ess thb::ChristriiJ!S spirit are stagbd :;a.n;d -abbUt''as, ,inan c, as. usual, ■;■:. ,.v'-;; - ''■"-■ }. .. SkiriniShe's between . civiltahS and Jap. troops- guarding iShanghai, plus •ri-iai-chihg - iguard ti pridi. -.patrols; fro.m fbreigri nations, in.;lntbrnatibnal Set-, tlerrient,: provide 1 ively matbrlal for Pai-amburit. .SkilMuliy;'photpg arid edited,;with'an .eye. tp;preventing audietibb. r.esentmerit. . Par .editors, have. built; their • story 'on ;irieidents a.s 'precbdirig Pari'ay- siriking.'; BOm.b-: ing Of Nanking suburbs, refugees iri flight and 'Panay' ailbat;-in.'.ri rbUnd but; fbbt^e.' ;.' "; : *N. Of D.^ News Parade of :;1937- bandies rnarty highlights previously treated .by. Paramount iri its-.fesiim,b. bf year; Metro's neWsreblNjists Rotic- bfeller's .death , and Pope PiuS' . re-;- rriarkable - recovefy. ariibng . these; With added signiflcance of events in; Orient, reel , concludes with more empha.sis. oh :waffafe.-.. ■: .China . arid Spain; Finishes;With pafiade of World War veterans (American Legion con-, veritipn); on;; Fifth.avenue;. n;^.y . : - Uhive^sal supplies superb cpverage ^^)f. Lincoln tunriei CUiider;'Hudson) Opening, 'With cariiera on .first car thrbugh brie and One-half mile .engi- neering - • marye]. . Alcatraz . priispn break is; jrrtethbdicajly . treated by-; Pararriount; , With •■' admoriitibn for; public to -look for these irieri.' :. Audience actually laughs ;at .cner^ ;getic antics of ;.gerida;Emc.s and. jgi'rls iri ^t^ike ;at^ KansasVCity, iby pave-, nnerit adding .to:bilarity; - Fbx.;Mpvier: tprie dbes if wel I.:. Preriniete. of Walt Disriey?s: 'Snow Whitb,' in; Hollywood, is interesting for an . ordiiiarily ;.dull subject; (RKO-Pathe). ..^■'^■■;.'.- : Paramount: blbsspms OUf With:: a fashibrt:division; shbWing What cp-rcd riiight:wear : on Her. ipid.-year vaca- tion.. Mbvietone■ has ;its usual,?adept femme style- bbritributionv Fatal train ■ Wreck in' Scotland ;.and. the ..Unioh ;Pacific's latest streamlined trairi. -are Par offeiririgs. Sarrie reel gives ade- quate Handling of French Bluebbafd case without closeUps. . ; ■ Sleet storm in Oklahorria, flppds iri sputherri France .arid vivid : ice plant: fire in Cleveland are lively^ items frpm " Universal. Same reel, does slarh-barig job of -handling; rapid acr lion': in Madisori Square hockey gariie. • Pathe gains genuine laughter with crazy rocket: skater iri- ventiuri backfires. Movietone lists, ah. Itaiiari; duke;: George VI, .Queen 'Mary arid ■ Sbnja Henie as names in the.;ne.w.s:; Alsb,.. Diarryl 2a.nuck- makr rrig ihedal presentatibns. There- also are: Usyal gireetirigs f rOrri kiddies, riew inventioris; schoolboys in. France, a ri;ew' aviation borinber, - cburch .cori- gress,.;skiirig .in various lands; •bpcri-' irig of Tropibial Park, and^ gold arriv- ing iri France, among hum-druni 'sub- jects. ■; .■; ■• ■ --:..; '- ■.-•■•■'■ •March of Time' (RKO) helps the G3-minute, .show, corisiderably:;-.: ■:■ " My Wear. --r-STATEi:f4r^VT^ — : Unable to dotible from the Para- dise .(nitery), Rudy. Vallebr-clb.sed therie Wednesday night (22), opening ■hete the fbllowing day for CHrist-; rrias week. House has dated 'The Aw- ..ful, Truth' . (Goi). :\vith.. hirii, which: shbiild. irisurb strong box; office.., The. IG-piece. !brch*stra, tastefully "set on ■"stage, : With Vallec ' -tailis, bffers:.'a. class-show, but men in;--thb. band are less/featured than in'many coritemiporary' o.utfits. TWo. big:;band .Xiurribers. .are iri the;, ''Vicrii;, .VienJ,'..Whibh yailee iritrodiiecd here more than .a'. year ! a.sio,.; and - 'All Points. West,.' RbdgcrsrHart co.riipp?ir' tiop, aisd not "riew- . With':- VaMce,- L'at-. ter clbses the:.- stagb portiori- .;efl;ec'r' tiveiy,; "Vallee . doing the tr-ain 'ain- notiricer. very; cleverly. A s"pririi:."i.'!: eraplpycd for the 'All Poirit-s'. num- ber, .Isavirig - the riiuslcians'--iri th'.e background. ■ : -': . . ' VaTlce also features the 'Mod Dog.? and En.glishmeri'Vnumbei- in trppical. hat and-, with a.mb^nbclc,. one' of hi.s .best. -nb.velt'ies,' It includes a; couplb of. --stories; ; both.'.- di :'■ which .... .land' .strongly. .. ' ■ . Talent carricd;by the yallGc/aggrc-; ■.•3[ratiari '- includes- Mirih ...and'. Mack, (NedofT, and Mack). . snrtart .ta.p.ster'i?^ .rbn- and Blair, dance ■team,. Who ha.= ' pln.V."Gd- hotels. and.-riight cliibs;;.| Srixith, .;:;brought.' .:;.frorri England by; 'Valleb • spring;-.a.nd .ihe'/'-sppranp,-. -.Bevbrlji' ;-!-K-irk;.-,- (New Apt.t)..:Thpu.cJh. riot '.vbry' rievv,- Barpn arid...Blair-and JSmith .Trb al-^.b -recprd- ed- for .the New- Act'files of , Variety. :. :-Srn.ith, .with .the.snort-whistle .tfti;. .;>; 'Avfiich i.s -pretty- wel 1 known by rioW, -is . a bigv hit with : this .Vallee :'band SCiVLA, BERLIN :-'.;'(BEltLIN)'-' ■ ':.-■:':' '>.■:,. ■ ;';■-■; : ; Berlin, Dec. 20; -;; After two moriths;x)f-.pii.cking thb'rh ,;.: in: with the. ..PicadilJ.v rOviit:. this :ho'u.';o ;|-.a.s .i-cvcrled.. to slriVi'gh.L-/v.hlifle' ; arid'thb- maria.tff'riribrit Hr;?-. tiikrn: ,ri Irjt;-' Qf pai ns: to ii .'^ -ii p ,a .'-•how . w it h hr.). 1 ,y' ^ c?ipu.f;;h, pu.ll to ICii-'e the:. crpWil^. aWay : .. i' ■their'-:Xnia's ,.sht;ppiri,y,. - .:- .. . . ■ ■ .Bill-;-.'sttirts., but -.With Adriar'ia.-arid .- Chnrly,.. the latter. |Hittin;.^. - at'i-<:i.* seme'-, nifty" tranj-polirib ^.'s'ti):v.l.«'c/rus.-'•' ■' ^:riappy romlibs-. that got; '.the -; a.iitle/; waimcd lip rinht at th« takeoff. IVJcift of hi;s" somci'saiilts'larid-hirii ■d'cl'tly^iri: . :tn?r-patm-- of his fbiiimc ' ■-bn •'ho.f :'- - .':hbulder,-. -Hi.s iinnl tru'ni'),;ihc double .. bfickW^rd; ;'vsri:riibr;<;''tiit and; .,1hc. -; ■pi-rpuette,- -. finish- -■ '-b.),:jng\ ..;.gene:roUs-. ■ smacking.. .•:--/-- ; '-.■; y. ;." ;V.-■,;',■;-'-„; . . Heirineh :Stengel ad.ds^" :waHppihg .. .rrlice of 'shbWrrian;-}hlp to -tho corribo... ;with his cpnicdy. the two IVIangirii;^. '. db...strbhfi: ,irrii.:.sluff in Aldw.. mPtiori.i . . Guy, flat on. the fioor; picks. uo the- bthcr. and holding only one of his. hands, keeps Hirii : horizontally .fixed;' .;: in; thb ozone, at ;t|ic. same"timb pivot- ,; ing himself-tb^ His, feet and lands. His r)al:.onto-a Dcdb2tal,;.'.It,\s,a pii3, - :' ';• ;L6ttb,. Werkrriioistor/ Berlin's hard- :C ' boiled mairim?!,, has gone '.kittcrirsh,.: It;; doesn't ; sijit her, but ;shb's: .biB .:' ■marquee;hbre iirid Her, indigo cllii'ps. " contiriue tb; bring, homo: the bacon. ; Quintilla. tight tq; follows: -withri.. .'. :out. ariything start *ng; to .offer; -even. : her close in a'split was iibt dorie With ■ any too much bforivibtibri. . In the next '■■ niche is .I5-year-bld .Tonimy - 'Dale, who with a xylophone solo,.some tap ■ and ,acros; pleases, mostly because of hi.s youth. . " ■ ' -- ; : Frediani;trbupe. closes.the first half^; : \yith -i-apid..; fire tumbling and aero- ' ; b.aties. .. All . exc'ejlent; performers, ' their finish is Hot stiiff. ' ' ■■ ; Iri the first half of the first act; RosellO does an applause catcher, a headstand:dorie :ori-'a friboh''i)('hich is V in motion. It's a brbathtaker. . Then the Fratellirii Bros; ar*e bri with their: ; W. k. fbolisTiriess. They . are very popular Here, Having played , . the Scala :.fivje; tirities already. They ' ..'thoW to. much bbttei*: .adyantage in -■ surroundings like the -Cirque d'HiX^er : in Paris., . When r caught at a full House, there was nql exactly/ a super- fluity . of 'eritHusiasm. Either they Have'repeated Here toO.."ofteri or the : vaude atmosphere is not the right one for;therri. • ;- '-;■; ; Stepping iiito the arena left eih^ty ■ by the clowns, is Gilly .Feindt on a; : Handsome steed. Finishes first, tinm- ;l bbr in a blackout, the tostume, Har- - ness arid. stnkles of the Horse, radi- umed.: A corking effect arid brings • desir:ed results from the visiting gen- . try.: A quick: change ; and she an* pears in white seqUined riding :Hab- it; Horse also .does a Viennese Avaltz. .; It; is. Mis.s Feindt's farewell appear-' . . arice in .Europe prior to her Amer» ■ •jean tour,;- :;.;: . : Tndianapbjis,;bec: 26.. • Ethel; Waters - and her : 'Harlem Hollywood Revue' ort Stage arid -First Lady'.. (WB.)/. pic,- aire; a win^. ning; cbrnbinatibn;.. ..:,.; Al i-rabts-Wor-K-^bef bre-Edd) b-:M^ lory arid visiting orchestra, swing band which runs mostly-to brasis. in ! the. 16 iiiebes; - Play, 'King Porter Stomp,' followed by.. . ;riiedley;...of b.bps in - which brass; is. 'featured.' Trombones play 'That Old Fbeling,'. seven saxbpihbnes do-v-Whispers in- the'Dark,' trumpets. 'Moon Got in -My Eyes,? fpllovved by a. vibraphbrie jnterpretatiori of 'Body and : Soul,'' very good. Finish their' sbbt With 'Baby . Won't Ypu•- Marry '-Me'?' in; which orchestra merribers do dance ■jn'-.hp.Use-.d-resses.;- ■ ■■. ' Miss -Witiet's w.p.rks hard arid has the audience with .her. all the :.w.iy when: she .does\.her : chore ricxt: .to .closing.... Sings 'Stormy. 'Wbalher''-for iritrpductibri; then into a couplb- of, tunes . with - blue . Tyi^ics. 'Hold. Ypur .Man" arid -'Give It tb. ^E'm.'--" Follows . with a .ne w tune. Wr] ttch by '.orchbs- ■ Ira. member;; 'Wbary,' - arid; firiishc!? with - 'MiSs Otis: Regrtts;'-swell.-- '' .:.- . -; M'i^s: ; Waters ' alsb'-^.'sings . fariHTiar-: -.<;pngs- '. which /girls .represent -^Dinah, 'Am I Blue?', ..'Suppertime'c .and 'Heat Wave;' She. also q inears ^briefly with Big'Applo.V whp! dance -10;' 1 'ni . Just a:Rover,! with tr in ef-: fects.; -Appiers/return to'clos«. show.. .. Sunshine Sammy and Sleepy Wil- liams appear, in top hats arid tails to do. .. cbuple .of .well-received aero-' batic taps. Fpllowed .b-'- ,36^:.t},pr,arid Nelsori. .burnt ^^rk. comics, .Who-.'SmiW • somb;; ancient :patter; which-: '-doesn't get.over.; ■ " -"-''■ . Buttbrbearis- and .'Susie: contribute rriore■■.comedy.: to-; the show, fillirig bight rninuteS with- patter.' Finish with , a duo dance, .:•■. -Biz; was fair at- last: show (^hript-' mas Eve. -.'-'.' -: ■ - :: '•:■ ,.- KiLev. ■ KEiWS, BOSTON - Boston. Dec. 26. ; Six act.s, smartly routined, riiako- swell varie'ty shbW.. - . ':.; ' Thrcb ; Stooges, with their abcom-. - plished straight nian, :Eddie Lauah- to.n, regular visitors to -this town* still ■ wharii with their. nonsensiccl : hokum.; ' At opening shbw,' trio tobk ■ a flock of bpWs. .Only by: bringing on the 12 Ar-istobrats for - the final act,. by . hurried . .introduction by. LaUghton, did tha ShbW finally close. . The: Aristocrats perk the . s'nOw in;the trey and clbse it with their smooth adagio waltz, ■ Six DeCardos, flashy aero family. " thrill with jumps in- barrels end teeterboard work,, to ooen. Al Eer- ni.e, miriiic fihst introduced here in a musical three;.yenrs ago. is still okay. : His twb best bets are-CJiarlie McCarthy and Charles Laughton. : Herma n: Hyde :and Sa Hy BuirjU entertain with, their hokum and gadget-laden musical instrumeri'-S^: . Lee Sims and: Ilomay Bailey'hrn-: die the more serious end of the bur-: rent show arid click with ple,->sing ■: pop and semi-classical, nurinhers.'::. This house has one more Week 'of vaude, then reverts to dual film's.: Keith Memorial, across the .street, takes xt'age . chowsj starting .Ja'ri; 6.. ; :. ■' - ' . :•■■:-. '■■ ,- ;.- On the! screen: - -She's'-Got' Fvery*' thing? (RKO). ■; :.'; ■\:-y:.:Fqx^-' EARLE, PrilLLV ' y/ V-: ;,. Philadelphia, Dec; 26. ; . With plenty of tbrp,;:chrrp-arid'lif.i •tie else,: cpmbb. rinakes - up jn rriazda hypo for- what It- -lacks .iri entertairi-V riicnli :; Pic, 'You're . Only Youn.g Once* YMG); B\z bke .v/hen caugh^' considbririg - day ;.before-:Xmasl ■'. Red Norvo Orchestra arid Mildred Bailey top the billin.g. Nprvo's'-'.12 ynbn; vsit. oh . niftilv ;decbrate'd : sia^^^^ glow/, ..With. foUr. pieces of bra.s.s .:,irid - a .Plarinet - .aidin'',- ;..Very- effdbi.i've.: Followed by 'unbilled croonei' -Who's just as ..well off no ' knows , his name. ' ■'. ■■;:;..■ ■^MJ.-^s. Bailey, does final turn, Brou.»/ht bn in neat mariner by throe:: frpni band' harmoriizinf:;;. Hcftv gal:, 'foes bvbr.' bke /.with-' her pleaspnt,. 1'"hf .ybice;..'t st-^rf 'to do hit.' click,, however, '.until after first', two^ :nin;Mtines When shQ':-goes irilol'nbat ' ■Pcckin.' Npryo arid orchestra, join , .■ (ContiriUed on page 52).-:--::