Variety (Dec 1937)

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VARIETY 47 Conflictime claims of Sidney, kiofjsiey and Notmani Bel Geddes. respective aiithbr and producer of •pWd f;rid,V Were heard last weekiby ■the American ^ArbitifflW^^ Assn. Award may be hianded down at any fjine, althoUgh'the arbiters are. al-.. lowed 30 days to. reach ;a decision,. Arbiters ar^ Arthur; Garfield Hiays,; Elm^ Rice and: C>: :N.;Thortias; ■ ' Case was turned ' py0r to the. Arbitration Assn.' by the 'Dramatists. ;Guild, to ; which •: Kingsley brought coriipliaiht on the, aliegatioh that Bel Geddes still owes him $1,800 jn tbyaliies.:. Gh. that ground the pilay-, ; -yvright .seeks pf the co.n-? ~ tract, w'hich is still alive.; fbi' itock; little theatre and radio; Both men' are -meraber?: of thie . Drainnatjsts Gui!d,,;bu^^ •ta ;have' Bel Geddes expelled; .on the /d^arge of bad-lia^ is^ one of : several .producers V hoW Guild ■?mehiberships ^■Bpirie ■ legit;-a:tithorship.; There \yere several claims, against :the show.; One jWas. made by the American -' Society. - .of' ■ Cpnpipo.sei^, AuthoVs ahd Publish^ I?risonief Song' was -us6d. at: the finale,: AjSCA.P sought - tb.v iox , such.: use; - S6ng; was called : for * / the script jahd the TCi^pbhsibility, iwias: pliaced^^' . .tt author-.:, Glaim' •was. siettied .by the managemept, '■ hbw- : evtr, for $750,; plus $300 attpvney ieeis.; B6l.. Geddes .claims . Kingsley did ■hot reimbturs^ him , for ,th.e . iimpuhli;.:;; . ■ :■■;, >.■. • ■ '; Second claim was a plagiarism suit, y;hich was dismissed in: cpu Liegal expenses .were : supposed \tP^ been shaded: by the author, and man-: .. iBger. BeV Geddes' attornfey-isyfee was .! $2,56(),^ but (Kingsley \vas also repre- sented by counsel aiid paid an addir ■'tiQnair'$l,5.00 fee. on his^^ cording tP: :the . producer^': the jlj^^ . in roy.alties.'Withheid ..from the play- wright was .. to make up: for;. the :^latter's! shat-e- of; ,the attprney fees and the ASCAP expense. ^ : .:.At,:'. last .- week's . hearings :the arbiters. Ayahted to know why: cer^ tain- other 'songs useii in the sho\y ■Were hot. ihvplved in ;the ASCAP . ciaim..: Testinipny . Was .:that'/Ihe. licript mer.eiy called;:' fpr.' -plTstage playing. of. the: other musicv permis-: sio.n. for the use- ot . which had.; b •..obtained , from v the composers. *P) isbner $6ng,','h6w.eyer, was; made iBp integral part- of the performance. : 'beiad: EndVwasf one; of the rnpst profitable dramas pf .(many .'seasons; Gross reached vabpiit .$500,000, with about $300j00o; pf that amount cPm- / jng from: the: stage pre^^ it . opened at the Belascb, Oct. 28, 193$, ahd"closed: Jiine: 12,^1^ For many . T^/eeJcB; after the opening ithe shov; grossed. more- than $15^000 a Week, There : was also an extensive, road --Ipiir, V .■■■•■'y'y<::' '- ' ':: Picture rights were-sold to Sarhiicl , Goldwyn 'for.- :$165,d00, ; Svhich was , .split-:evenly- between the playwright »nd prodtifepr, except for .3.% wViloh ' w.ent to the, film arbiter^. "There: was pnsc • .Gh-16agp,--.Dec;-'^2i8;- ' • . ■ Day; after:; Variety printed-ia - stol^3^ :P£ :hbw T^la^^ Ki?iiy ;re- ; f(used : tp; cooperate with; ;the Theatre Authority jri cbhriec- ; tipn :with his benefit;; the May- • br'g; office ; cs(ll€d '; this piaper*s ■ Chlcaga. office,. ■ ■-■ ;■•: r: . Asked "fpi: list of needyT actPrs ■ a.hd prphii.sed 'each ;w^ get a ;;Ghnstmis baskiet.: ^ • ■ . Wo broker;s "fee, peal was negotiated by." Bel Geddes,' since vthe: play\ .Was ' produced .under the old 'Dramatists Gliild basic contract which gave the ; producer authPrity; tP;dispose of sub ;:sidiary. rights. Cphtract has; since -been chj^hged to. keep that .-power in ; the. handi; of ; .dramatist. Latter ; now 'ajsp gets .60;% of: film, pi'icc,. ■;ratrie^:;ihari th^^ 50%-; ; SHUBERTS i^ETIlNG IN iQNDdN .It .i.s; virtually definite :that John JBsirryithpfJe ;wiir,return to the Broad way ;stiage, for at least ope iseaspn He ;ha.s'expressed a' desife'to.;'appear in a play ciailed 'My Dear" Children.' writtien- b|y :.Kiatherihe Turftey; ;and Clarence .Jerome HprWin,. .Coajst au' thprS; ' Play^^^,:w produced by Bi-ock: pehiiberfon, but iridicatibhs. are it will -not be . done liptil hP^t fall because of the star's imitmehts;- ;Ba;rrympre bias been off Ure" bpiairdsviPir 12^^ v'::-';-: Ther?; is > : t)art, -tooi fPr ^^^rVy^ riipr'p'S Wife, Elaine Barrie, Whor coirnbanied. hiin. f tiPni the Coast.': : 5'way Post-(kads rr-Sey^evaV'gir^ lege are ;work'ing in,legit during, their. twO-ihonth' yacati^ period!?. :yida Ginsberg is • with' Therph fiamberger, Bairb.a.ra iD;eming is- with; tbe Mercury Theatre: and; Constance-Ernst, expecfe tp line up.- with a producer; shortly, tatter- is the; daughter^ M^^ Ernst, attorney. ,-; -. . ; Miss G''h5berg's; father"consto^ several ;$cripp-HbWardbuildin^^ wiMtes a column; in the N, Y. World Telegram. ; - N.Y. PUY ROOM CLUB'S LICENSE HEADACHES F,or i ts : nex t pi bd iictiony Jhe -• play Room Ciiib, Inc.; of N.-Y., is consider- ing: either 'Cheapside,' by James Pai'T rishj 01^ The Mystery of (the Brpad- walk. AsyUim,';by Dr, Cecil Reynolds. Rights .to both owned by the club, r :rst shpw - presented recently was .Jean; Cocteau's- . Infer'nar^ M^^^ chine,'. divected: by' Joa p Hat ha Way ;.;.eiulb^ /is a pri^^ .- pPration Vsponscro'd ; "by;; Miaxwell Anderspn, Biarrett .H. eiar.k'v;,Dprpthy Gish, ;Brbck:Pemberton^ RollO Peters;; and Herman ShUmjiii; -Mcrvln .C Williams is president and ;treasurer of the; covppratron!and ;j;uiius;:.Evari.s, v,-p,; and sec'y. •.. \. " '•. '.;'■ Idea of the ; club. .is', to ;prbvide ia place:for; actbriin^rnbers to work ;bei I ween, and.; jiJui-ing i-^ profes- sional engagements'. ; . . Perfcrmahces are open to .memr bers and their guests pnly, for $10 a 'yeaT^ dues.;.;, ,•'- ■- Club ra'h ihtb difficiiities,^^ the opening:-w'heh a warrant was served because rio theatre license .had .been obtalnedi: .Libense had been applied for; 'at - the; ki^:ie^tion ■ of Coirnmis sioner;.P.aul Moss, Who turned down the: application' since club does no.1 comply with. theatre regulations Figured it Wpuld co,st $25,000 to make it meet requirements,;-; : ;.Hearings were, held^; recently >be; fore- Magistrate ;01 iver i n the Matket St. cbu~t, N,;. Y;i. w ith Howard G ill representing the club. Ruling in the casiet of the City Island Athletic Club :5pme .years :^go. alipwed;;^ :ization -.. to . present perfbrmahces tb its members without haying - a ..the atrical licensed' ■Believed that this combs in the same, categor.y, but; no decision "as yet, :;-.'-;.';. .V-'- V--- -••;!:•;■ Tulsa, Dec,' 28, A, F, Sweeney, formbr city super- visbr of iriyehtPi-ies,. has appeared before . the. city bonimissioners and asked .for .a ban against The Women, ClaVe' BpPth's shpw bopked here Jan 4;; He. insiists the play is;'in(iecent. using as proof a picture of a wOmaii .in a- bathtub, -pf t the highlight scenes of the,performance,. When iohn Pollock, aidyance rnan arrived, .he revealed: . that; The Women' has played 550;performances with 'nary an injUnbtioh,' ; Ah idealist •.; As;advance;mian .for the rpa^ . itcPUpe; of 'Julius ;Cacsar^V I*ied •. Aivor(J is ahead of a - company; that requires Only three staj^e- :'haiids, the- minimum "But Al-, vprd, whose experience; JSvl^^^ ; long. tpUrs;; ■ ' legend,:;. ' still hoping some day to nnd the per^ feet setup, . . His suggestion: - One actor, . 0ne stagehand-^ahd e i gh t a gcri is. .Cancellatiprt pf:Katharine Cornell^ world tour,; indicated seyera>l. ritphth.s ago, w;as. verified -iippn' retifi'n; of the star •. ;ahd; .; .her •. manager-bu.sband, G.iUhrie; McClintic,^ : f last week. Actress alsplceveaied ..she is ;n6t .'piresehtly ; interested ? in the, English pljiy. 'Rpbei^t'a W she had been reported ready to buy- In a formal staterpent Miss Cornell ;(5xplained':' her ; reaspns agaihst;'.' a;t^- tempting ;.tour including the . Far East, ■ although she did not meptiop Chi'na or Japan, 'When., her advance man,; Ray.'Henderson,; was on a sur- vey early, last summer,; he; IS.said to have sent adverse reports on the, feasibility; of ; the tour,; Henderson Was later killed ' ;a plane/^rash; at Athphs. ■ ■ ,:.:.;:■;•.-;■,.. \_-;.',^ TChatices of^ j^^^^ engagement in England, which has never seen; her on the .stage*; are speculative, and, ^yhile^.s;uch■ appear-. ahces are hinted, she iDi-obably wpu.ltl not go abroad again until next season. It had been planned for the siar to Open in 'The. Ivory Fah': in Washing-; ton next May, tour then, to istart for the Antipodes... ,New play is now. oft and Miss Cornell has no definite stai'.c plans.;.: ;;;;'-.' :'.. • , . -•'■; \ -.v , .,•;■•;:■- London* Dec, 23. .; Trouble iS; bre.wing: between. Tommy Bostpck- and the ,Shuber,ls : oyer -the American legit production- .rights Of 'Bialalaika.'- Repeated post-; pboenients of the Broadway prbduc-; •tion of the . musical ;are Said .to be . interfering-'with: :~Me^^ of th^ show, causing loss tOi-Bpstoclc...,;' .; According; .,to -, the agreement, •■^tiie. . Shuberts Were-to pay Bostock; $10,000 for the:Brpadway- prbd.uctiPriv with the Lohdoh producer; committed to. • ^iirn 25% of: the film rights Over lb - them. •.Original date for the N. Y. production was last" August. It Mta S : set back a mphth and the latest dale : Js supposed to be in January. Rea- son given ;is' casting difficulties.': "-. .; WndetstoPd Bostock may insist on ■ ^aneehng.; or. revising the contract. - 5)0 far the Shuberts haven't paid the ^-ondoner any money.; . '^ v.-;: . Draft of the prppbsb'd setup ot tli e.; hew Associated Actprs and AHiste.s;; •■":■• of. Aniefica was;maiiied Monday. (27); tp: - members, '.Of the. .reprgahizat^ cpmmittee," ' Fig.Uted;;, hP' inipo'rtant. ,' ,ci>a nges' wi 11-: • bp.; sugge.sted' ~ and tha t'.;; the ;prbgi;ahi; will soon .be; apprpyed ;;:' fpr .liiibrolssipn tp the.Four A's.boa.rd^^ ; : .Since: that, board is fPr. the.'most .;. part identical with: the reorganizar tipn ponamUtee, a further okay ther •;; ;is . - aht'lcipated ..withoutV difficulty:, . , Once the plan' has been approved. .;:; by the board,'it" will', be, submitted .tP ..;; thP; rriemberships 0^; the:. various -. member ::bpdies, -iricludihg Actprs : Ec}uity . AsshVi Screen .Abtors G Ui Id, ..■; - American Guild of Muiiical ; Artists, ;American: Federatipii- of Radio Art-" Isls aiid American. F^ :tors,; tc,'.; When ;ani. if •■ twb.^thi.rds '^^ bf;thp member groups pass it, the, re- : ;6i%';anizaitipnal amehdn^^^ (ifTect iy^, • Three-foiirths vote of the; • •.; £i;ertcrai ;membersiiip is- required for ;,. the apprpvar of each group,. ;'v '']■'■ In outline, the 'terms, of the draft -. •'are iinderstbod; to be along; th^ lines; V published: - previbusly;; in YAuirrrT.. That , a . much stronger Four ; A's;-■ with ; centralizedaUthprity,.; central •:. treasui'y for the cpliefTtiph: of dues ; .; elinriinatipn pf dues dup'yatipn. foi"' a :; single ofTite;: in: each : key ' c i ty ahd - ;; central ■headquarters;,ior ,all :'grb In. one office in N. Y. '•. Aclvial draft of the proposal has; • hot been irevealed, however.' Under- Stood the pomnrjittee. - nrienibers have ;agrped on; virtually.-, the ■complete^ draft.'in. numerous ihforrtar;nieetiri.«s^ in groups Pf :two and' three. : Draft ; .\yas ;form:iilated..iby.^ Henr^ Jaite, and LaAvrence Beilerisbh; attorneys ' for : SAG, AFRA and AGMA. ■ ••;■ ' ■■■■ J-:,, Of -Mansions' fcr^(^ jUtherine Squire Sudden iPtttack' pf Jippendicitis suf- ; fered; by Flora; Campbell, femriie lead .;, in .;*]VTany .ManSlohs,' at the 44th.;. - Street, N,; Y„ over the weekend Ve- • - suited in several past.PhPnges in the; .. ; play.; Actress' . part was taken by. ,.. Ellen. Hall. whP was ip turn replaced s ;b|y Ann Clark; :/xmderstUdy.^;; L.ast^-; . ^ named - had ':■ previpUsly.; played " ;bne; .' performance, as uhdeipstudy;, other--. wise it; \vas her first Broadway ap- pearance, ; > .. -; "Mi,ss Campbell wa;s taken ill op; the train eh .route to Tpledb,: ;haiving left • imniedlately after last Saturday (25 > ' night's. performance. \ She was taltcri , off the train at Cleveland and un- ' derwent . ; emergency' pperatibn.: .; Her cPnditiOh is reported satisfac- ipyir: .Wa {vi.siting Tpledp to attend;: ; the wed ding; of her sister,-, but was • ; due back in UeW YOrk Monday for a .Metro.; fiim; test.: M^rriige . cere- " moriy :wa.i ;ppstpohed,. but took p > -Monday in Miss C.amp:beU,'s;<hospi,tal- room in Glevelarid,; with the patient a.s bridesrhaid, ;.V--;; ■. Third tiime in as many seasons that uire'"hai3"Stepped Into Ji;"leads " iiig part when the regular player .. was taken ill. ; She replaced Ruth ' Gordon for several performances two: ■ seasons agp in 'Ethan Erome' and season .subbed for Peggy Ash- ; croft foi- more'than a week in 'jfliHh',, Tor:' Actress is the wife of' Harold; •Mofrctt. • ■ ' ■ ■:;' m Of Former WPA B.O. Men ;; Further -'hearing of \ the. (irisc.s -.Of ■ the; .six • foriner WPA .hbipffice men acbij.Sed of • taking ;'gPveriini.ent''- p ■while earnin,g. ;m6ney : on , the. hutr! side, has. a'tjain been postponed. Men Av.ei-e to have .been hparcl Monday <il), hilt;, it; "is ;; rbpprted '• that; 'the ■ bharges against them will probably bp dropped.^ V .".;:;: -'.. ■.Assistant ■ PrpsecUtpr Carroll; .sought -,''tP amend the ;'Indictntients,;; b lit^ G ustaye A. • Gertier, attorney for the defendants, objected. Cases ate. said- invplve;: a mixup .of :tlnnie, sheets. Had. the! men been ■ kept on the job;;from the' hour; they, signed, In ' each morniji,g they would have, the 39'; wbrkirig ; hours a week re- ■ .(luired by WPA, ; ^ . - ■ ; . Defendants;;' claim; they thought they -y-'cre' ,-;Within:-.^,their - rights^ in • earning; extra cpiii Iri. their .tfnle .pif. . ;'rhty took piirl-time jbbs selling tick- ets at baseballganre*; „ at $2.50 ; ft _ igamt.: .'■ -■; ■'■ ■- '. '■ •" ;■- ■-''