Variety (Dec 1937)

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Wedne$d«f, peceiiil>er 1957^ THREE AVALtZE^ Operetta- In three plvrts .(12 ■<»'.>pnPsV.' nre- sonledi Jjy: the Shiiluirts • uttUc .M;^.ll•^li^•. iN. Y.,: Dec. ;>.'), '37; lit , .$;(.;«) linv (»"••"•". openliiK). Stars... Kitty- Ciulisl?.: MKlmel Kartlett/ Features Ulehn/Amlors; A')n Ani <lrews, Johft Barkier, Victor JlojrlOiv ^Miirlpii, "I'terciB- Kbslc Mori»ni. ytfijfca {i"". diiVrlotl; l'>y iHnaHaid Short,. JJooJc «<lai>t.0(l by CIrtro Kuminer and Rowlniid Leigh trcum i»Uty hj; Paul Khi^I)ler hrid . Alihlh Koblnijon ; iirtiafc in' Johahh Strauss,. .Tohnnn : SHWu.^s,. Jr... nnd Oscar .SUaiis;' oosttJniM. Ci>niile • <ie J'lnna; getUngS. WataC« •BurrattiljtncMi ,t'hif>ster-Hal«ii'.. ■ .•• ■'■J- i--^'.^,^-. Othei^ In ca st; .B.'iTph Bunker, Ivy Sool t, T.en KWjice, Marpuerlla-Sylva, Harry.Mi'f- tAycr, . Alt lieit ■ KaiM)1eiV - liiAi'I . MoOondlil, l^hfirlie Arht,. Georpo . Baxtc'rv AVhpelor l>rytlen, Ruth MadDohaldi. WUlla.nv Kcw- gotd, Trum,in .GtilBc, Ralph Mi>(;;elssi>ii. .lolin }iark'or; Adole Rich,Dft.vJd rrosstop,, l;"in.-<. ■Sorln, Fred .^Hpirman, iScundal rMs, liallcl Bh'ls, orttcCris; .ballet-.boysv■.etc., ; ' . - - BET^yEEN THE E)EVlt Mii.ilonl in two att.s. pro.scntfil at lhtV.- Jinpi''rl:il, -N; Y„ .I).(!(•, a2..-!;!7,/.by ..the vShulioi-t.s, . -I)'}'- Arthur.Schwart/.; book, liv .IJietJ!;- -fltUBed by \ llassnra sitor.r.. isiiir.i Jiioit iiochanau, Evelyn. T-ayc,. Aili-lo- bl.iion, . JXinccH . by" Robert ■ AUon;. bool< .sUitfi'iI by Jubri. Mayden;. «i8.8.7 .top'. . . . - ■ ^ , - -:^jm,.k--Hnehauap t'lorrp '.Xnfnlne N'Miiritf.'.KfVcs... >j.-*ri:y'- Morlttyi: .'.V. -Kri'iiiiif' Hl.ii ;-.:.... .■' ClaufU'lte Cii.lbert,. li.a.slon... i > >- ,. MiiiK.'.v-..;..; . i. . Muirii'^,;.....-. < i.-, ., Operetta's : chances seem pi'etly goodi since .. the .operetta..; addicts haven't ariy coUnter-at'tractipn; . It-is lavish and handsothe, has two • lusr trous leads - in '. Kitty ' Carlisle, and' Michael Bartlett, f is properly: :sentir: mental,: has ia iVienhese-Paris bac^ grbiind and the . addjed driaiw, P the Show is far from i)ertectioh» hoWr ever. Prihcijpal -nd most surprising fault is : the ^ s^ore/^ : W^^^ two Johann StraiisseSj father and son, and- Oscar Straus, as cpmpo^iers^ the music Should be the kiernel,, For: the most part, however, this scp^e i^. tirir i:-.spired and ordinary. Although much of it is in Ihree-quartfec J;ime/ ndne of the familiar Viennese, yral%t themes is recognizable,' ■. If any <)f-:the known and. loved strains are, .used; they - are 'adapted' beyond recogni- tion. Of the spngs, 'My Heart Con- trols My Head,' •Sprihgtime.v rro Livfe Is to Love' and 'Three Waltzes' are fairly melodic,, but . are hardly membrable. Three recitative nuiti-. beris are mildly amusiiig. Rpst is ■ roUtiiiev'' ■■v'-.;-,;;':/ ' - v/.,' ■; .v '■ Operettas' are noted' for lack; -of hiimoF iand juveriile plots; 'Three V^aitzes- . ho excejptioh. Only . iri; jpart "Three, "when the costume motif is. tossed. ovierboard for a scfehe at a British film sludip, does the donlcdy show; signs of . life;' even then it .jnetely jhiMWS..siknSi_JSaiils. the book is slim, it's notably bette. thaii most operetta ycrhs;'.. At least;, each of the three -narts.' is compact, . 6ach \ shifts the, scehte tb permit colorful costuin- ing and ^maintains t^e necessary at- mdsphiere :Pf tender Tomance.. Con- sidering : the . success of s'omfe . p • t <^ "erettas, *Three Waltzes' seems burs'.ing .with: story—rcertaiinly its book has enough for Hollywood.;' - teresi ■■^:Cy-.^ ''j'.- IBriiefly, ihe .operetta relates the successive' ,; romances of: Viennese dancer Marie/Hiller, her ■ singer'^ daujghtier: and; hei: :fllmractr'ess•'g^and- daughtiBr, .With 'the cor.responding three genersitibhs at the noble Hohen- bruhn famil-- of AiJstria/ 'First tw romances are ttaigic; thitd ends-haiir pilyi-.While thetie is^ tain amount of repetition in this fpl- low-up heart, interest through three genera »onsi :the diklogue has been penciled; Where possible.. _ As the iveroine-in-rttiplicate,. ■ K Carlisle iS; superb. Her ypice is strong, enpugh, 'arr^itihg in .texture . and;. within the limits of the songs, skill-: fully employed. ., .She \ : attractive looking, • is becomingly . gowned- and plays •with as rhuch persuasion as the part.allows:. Michael Bartlett,. her ' -; Gurring : vis^a-vis, ; also is • standout. He is 'built well ehough for the. cost tumesj :g6od looking, has an appeal- ing mahhervand, except in the .lower register, smgs excellently. Glenn Anders has an actor's field day as the impresarib^whp guides the Hiller rt'rls'." dpstihies foi*. three gen- erations.' Frdhi ai : different, lad in li865, he becomes a tPtteririg, oacklinig . old fuss-budget around the -.stiidib in 1937. It's a : scene-chewer's dream and Anders ..shares ■ his enjoyment v^ith tjie .audience. .Other parts, are: pretty >much: standard, bat:Marguerita Sylva (formerly; of /grand: opera). .Cl.arlie- Ai^ntj: George .Baxteiv Ruth MacQotiald, Ann Andrews; 'and:Lbuis Sprin rite: mention. Dances'are about average. : . . ' . • . ■ .Hassard Short ^has stage^d th& pro-' ouctiph. with: Shrewd emphasis biV llecofatiye .effects :ahd sentiment; Not inuch cbyl .- ,1 e do'rio. ■ but the show is; jgenerally- good for, its type. Connie de 'PinnaV costumes and Watebh Bai-ratt's settings both materially .enhance the show's ap- peal. InGidentally, a glittering:' phan- . delier in/t'^e sc.ehe'at Maxihie's, ParLi looks tob: much - like a. - similar ' one in last ;Seasph's 'FrediBrika' ..and the previous .'.'Great .Waltz' for: coiftci- -denpe. .■ ■ ■ ■ : ■ ,■ :. Current .jprbduction ' Is Understood to be ^considerably hpavieii: and more aihribitipus" than the: fragile, i nti mate 'Three. Waltzes;' • nb.w.. a. sucdess ' ,in; PariSi . Margaret Banhormaiij. ■ Eivij iish. soprano, . was: prifiinally in the present, show,.: biit ;wns ifeplac'ed l>.v. Miss: Carlisle.;: partly , because .0 f: thij latter'S .American 'fPllb^i.nB, it is .vp i/jrted. ; :.Frida'y nights. When..-:Migs Carlisle her dbca-Cbla . radio slipv?,: 'Gladys Baxter will alternate. ' Fi-om most-aligles, .'Three Waltzes' jiV'^W. like 9 .fair b, / bet- pii .its sch- ximental and eye fipiieal. But: .■'ouhisi tljates,will find, it boring, .. Hofte.:. .;; ■.■.',. .'Evply.h: 'liaye ....W.linam Kemial). ,.i..,Ch!irlf's. W.nltoi'S ;.,.. •.; ..Vdelo Pixop;; .-. .N'oel Crayat ... HtHl4'h Suiriiitcr .... .-.ffftta.shft I5ftna ■ ; ■ f Andy' J ,Tack Ijiillirop LPob 'Wneker ., . . Albei t 'Antato 5 Ward .Trillman . , ' ■ . - ■ . . ... .•.. -^ Vernon Uariinier .\tiir,-it)olIe. .=!(>oft.:. ,■;.;.-.:. ; . ; ,. Vllma Bb.sen i:;tyiiiiiiul Mfl:ui-ol.s,.'; .;.-. .r'.'. .v,.Tulc3' RfiaJlly- K'lifflCsh .Polici»iT>;in.;:-....-;..'. vMawrlco. Kelly I'lip';'.. iJObiinaIrs: MliirOld Kiiri'aS't .-jack' ; Voeili, : Harold. Vbeth, Maurice .Kelly, ^.^-Buddy.-:Hevtelle' ami lSiJ\Vary.':aule, Tuiie:T)viiflor. \V:iiior.,... l;aruuii)i»i;.-<:;.,. 'B<jt\v,eeh-;-the, Devil-r :>faii<-ly-di>- .ye.rtin'g: '; musical . cpmedy.- , : :the strength • ;of,; its - 'player^performance :a:nd the Scbre...: But it; could; dp with.. mo:relaughs.':v^: ''-'.';:'■' •■; Shpw briginally; opened in ;PHila-. delphi i where the . book, was found ^aQking. : :After the ■. outfit ^;: was; iifOught .; back ::f of:: 'repairs,;; sepbiid try-put,: in-.: Boston, it . waS- mprei. f^iyprabiy refeeived. - .'I>evil' - has: 'a iivefy: second act,; which V'it .did. hot have ill the .fi:rst shpNving. .: That Seb- tion .of the -show, lioosts its.;xhancps.. Jjack. Buchanan, 'Evelyn Adele :i>ixph',: all -Ehgli^', are cor starred.:. Only the latter is new to Broadway.' They supply personable: diversion to. the^musical. . - Stbry -is ;locaied 'iii'the : Bi"itishf :Fi'Pnen capitals.. . Peter Arithohy, alsb: Pierrey Ahtdine, is • married .to two . girls, but instead- .jbf . .being 4 harassed: bigamist, he -flnds it pleas-t ant. . He''thinks: his ^/rehch wife, Claudette, had gone, down in' a- Ship- wifiecfc,. the cause for becoming the ma:te of English Natalie. The girls battle it d^ut mildly, but there never is a: soliition to ,.the Situation, finale jjjric putting it up tb the: atidience. :.^Buchanan7'^isnit-^lbngr7on-^-^^^^^ pipes, biit vhe -does punctuate lyrics and :the tunes .Nvill take .care of those humbers.: Particulafly good is Tve Made Up My Mind'; also,; 'I See Your Face. Befbre Me,' which-is reprised by ..thie Misses Laye • and Dixon. Buchanan's solo, 'By Myself,' is. ialsb Avell handled. 'Bye Bye Butterfly Lover' is ;ied by ;Miss Laye, and ^the tWo 'femme toppers diiet with 'Celina Couldn't Say No.' . ^A^cpmedy ; number is .handled by. Andy,V Jack Lathrbp and ^Bpb .Wabkefi billed as the- Tune Twisters. Sextpt of . hoofers,, called the Bebb-; naifs; tap to an encore iiri the; second :part. Bpj>^s,:'garbed as gendarmes, are . then called brt to act as xi jury ;When Peter: is ..'tried'. for his. duAl inarriage;:' It-pifovides a bit Pf nbvr ,elty in: the' secoridiact.'.• .'. - Dan.cing staridoiit, howeveri .is Vilma Ebisen, who with hei: bfpther, Biiddy (now iin' Holly wood),: scbred. several season's ago; Vivacibus Miss jJbsen- dances twice with ■ Charles - Walters; to: 'the tunes, 'YPii Have Everything' : and .U'hi, ; Against- Rhythm.';' She\also. leads the 'Debo- nairs In 'Fivfe; .O'.Glbck;' ^ - ■ .. ' - ' Miss Dixphv ■ tbtihg. Slight Erehch ac.cent; ;ma,kes; favorable ,'irnpres-;- sion. When . 'Devil' was first . triedi she was riepprted hiaying. an edge on the' cast, bttt h.ohbfs:: seemed about 6vei>: with .Miss Laye. • ■■.:- ' . Prpductiphvis ample for a musical of the intimate, type and the wardr robe, .is excellent. Showgirls who are -entrusted with brie lyric: include some .b£. the .prize Ibolters of the stage and night clUlis^Kay Gariierbn, .Jessica Pepper, Bunny Waters, Tilda Getze, .'Virginia Dalv. Joyce Duskih; Riith: Joseph. Helen, Hudsbh, DSprbthy Cpmiptori^ Linda Lee, Leb. Stephenson and Lpretta Dehriisori. ■'.■)■■.■ IbfiS. jShoWs in Rcfersal *j'ourncyman'-7-Sam ;i?yrd. •On Borrowed T(me?T-Dwight: : D. Wiman. •. '. -''^ 'All Thai. Glliters'^-Gepr'ge : Abbott. . : . ■: .'-'' ':.■■ : 'Grealest- Show: ;Ear,th'^ ■ Bonflls 'apd SpmneS.. : ■■: -tSniiuj!*: •',to:;:;.Stinjlown'^p^ A.'. Dibfan; :■" . ■': ■ • .'If ;'i :THreriB,-Y«o^—Paul 'Heryy ;;■ :'Fox;"' ^ .'- ;. ■■■ '•^■•■'■,.'-■•.'■'■■ ■ ■■■ ■ -'■6ur'Town'-^jed-'-Harris.:. ancesv enbiigh to hold first h'ighters until the end. .;■ Climax, "that of a- giddy- doll-like . wife Suddenly .be^ coming adult,: but ..for an,: uncbh- vincing reaabni and . Walking- but on art .adoring hiiSbahd-and .two small children, . may not: i register: :with present-day- audiences... It -seem,s, to m-bst;:t.hat- Ibseti's .-;Pther plays -are ste'rrtei''-stuff. ■ ■ l '.;.'^ . -Ruth : Gordon impresses.' as.:.- the child-like wife. The. male leaids are ah unusUai : .blend, Dennis • King, Eriglish;' Sam. Ja|fe, Aniericani Paul.. LukaSr. Hurigari^ih:-. Jatte came; near copping hbnors from tlie other meni ais Krbgstad, who flights; to keep from {ailing into' .thp . .crime . niiife, again. ^Most natiiral pSrt of the story is . his narriagfe' to Christina. iJvith whpn> he had "once been fri love. • King is, at surprise fbr; his playing bf' straight parts because he scored first ,-as : an operetta' baritbne ('The Vagabond ; King,' etc.). He carties the "part bf Thoriwald . .effectively. Lukas,'makirtg his first Btbadway stage; appeSiranc^,- although. Ibng- in Hollywood, turns: ;ih, a faithftrl -Dr. Rank, f atally" ill of a; hereditary dis- base;' -•-:;■-;'. y ■ ■■.^' •■; •"-".r V Miss: Gordon is due to appear^;;i.n the play in Londpri this . bbmiri.g spring; and the other featured play-, ers will prbbably also be. present^. MOLIHIE jftE^riy^ Tw'o MdUerfi' playa -pfpsented,' ?it '.thp' iJa'r- J»lzoti,-Pln;!a hotet,- N. y.. .jPt'p. 27. '.17,. by thevFiehch Theatre of T., wlili.;*Tbeatr<j de Quatre S,^ii.>«o»>s Coinp;<ny.; Andre Barsacq: W.vtO. top... .. . . : La iaiousie pOyBart ;Farce .in: •" l^irectcd .by; JjrauVlce Jacqu ctiiont. ;: • - •- ■: ■ ■ .- 'I<e BarboulUe.:.-:. tie' Ddclieur.,..". AnBellque.-..; .'i. :V.'ilere.. . Cathau'. OorprlbuM'.: .:.■....■.■., Vlllebr^qulh.... -La- Vallce. i: ... .. . i ..i;........ An dretFrete-- .. . . ,;.:..;M(»us3a. -Abodl . . .'..'... MI(-li.ele Verly ;.-.-'. ,->fauVlctf Jaicfiuemoht ,* - Pltoert .'. .Maurice' 'Merle '.. . .lean Dn'.ste . . .Rene Dupuy « • • • « * Le; Med'ecin':lMliakiere Lii'l.'.;' • P'Ir'ecled -by - Jean .'. Comedy: In.s-thret'aclit, -Pa.sle. A jpQLL'S . Revivall-. pC. -<'1 Mill; . Hehd'rlk . Ib.sen '-in Ihr.n? ■.;iil,.<.'.,/J'i;i>?i»'nL .voTslon' .hy "Thornton Wililtir. i.'rcseiitPd. Upi-- . •J7, '37. at- the M().r6s(''i>, . v. ,. by.'Jed 'Harris; .ssfciiK^jd bv .';. ftvrlure*'..'Kirili: p'ordon, 'Pfii'iils Kliiif,., J.'aiil. .LuUjis .aiiU 'Sluh .'jiiffife; ?:;.'36 top:-■ '-■;■:■ . ; .. N'jira If.Hi)ii!'r... 'Hlli'ii...;;,:,'; ■ I'Drtor...... 1-. .- Tbiirwnkl. lli'lu'icr. Chi-lslinn ■l.fivlen.. \h\ rianlt.. . .'.V.V. Nils KrL)^.'i(l.'l.■ I.'.'.,■ ..\hir,i.,.,.'.'...;;..,. I'Min)}'....... .- . '.;,, IViir;,;■ ; .. ., iRuih .ttordon i.. ,,, Jessilv'a 'lloKcry ;.'.. ,riuri)i<l: JohtiJiruil ,'.,.;> .-'.;..Dennis ..rcirin .i. . . .Mai-iJi'rPt. Waller. ..I'..'.....;'.'..P.TU.l. Lukiip .. i,. vi...;.. ,:tfatti jfiffc .'.'.-. ... ...fSrace: Mill.* . i Lorna: Lyiin ; ^^ey^r.s , .Howard'. iShernirin Sganlarellet 'MafMne;...: Ttfi Robert,.... .Vnlpre.:.-; JLtica.s .:.,, Gerqritc • •.• • '• • > ■Tacque'llne... i';.-:,.','...'. Luclnde'i. -I>hndre. Thlbtiut.............< Perrlh.;......, i ,',... V'.., k •' * f • • • I ..-.'..'.... ..lean ".Dasito. , ."M:aJel(?me"Gco^(^ov ..;', .',-.. "MoUs-sa Abadt' .. . ....MauricftSMetlc . (i i.-.-. -.'Aiulre' P^ore Maurice Jacqucmont ;;...;..MIehcle'.Vdily. ,,.. .. .... aVnhette Tjfecat •.... .>. Tlotio-.-Dupuy- ,. '..At.oiiss.T,' Abadl .Svcll.ina ritooft SPIKING TH/i^ '^^■... Washington;-Dec....??. ::•. ■Com^y . in Uiree. ut'ts, prvaenleci ,«t Na- tional'. ■ .^WAiihinsfton, -. P.. C... J >«ft'. ^ '^h ^'^ Max Gordon. Written by.Clare.Kuininor; .striKed by Eddl« Sobol. $2,75 top. WllUCi.. ..i........ . . •. .Roland Tounp. Rdle, ;.... .'..-.......;. .".l.ea Pfiiman Myrtle..... .\,...;;; V.:. i>... Ji»"« «.ordon Heokmuh.... ; WiUsqiv Joseph Wechtitroiiv,>.-...... .I'Vancts Pli«rl«t nr, Parkinson, i,. , '..Itob<>rt .^Vn;n8ten: TJiee.,'..■,.,'..'', ,-.:.-.'.-,;;:-',.:;..'.;.tlUlan. Jilmeviion- GoorKW LeBord, > ;........ . . . KdijHC; Hnrrler Tiernlce..;.....». i ; ; .v.NatallAI>ancHi' Mr.s. Gnirah...KrttlUM? :Mitchell; Lt|ko. Uc&be,,,;,... .',j... ;'. ...'.Ton'i. Faddcn.; This one . .is. thin as mbuntain air, but hot half so invigorating... Play is unwittingly descrihed by . tine frpm; l&st act—'Ybu'i"f tso gay .and carefree: over nothing at- all.'. . ■ : . . ^ : ' Patently, written as vehicle fpr'Rb-:. land Young, who ;is his usiiial: casiial, offhand self as. .a' husband - whose, ypiuhg wife has. thoughts: bf -strayihg.. But: three acts are: too:- long for ai screen star's p.a., fiVen With two in- tei'missibirtSV'--;; •''."' ■• "■■:-'::.-•• S;' .;'^- :-'v:;;':-' Comedy • (it . dbes ' have v. eoQUgh amusing- lines tp . be; - called . that).; opens ' in . living ■ rooiti of - the 'Willie .Grangers in. vN^ Y.- and :w:hen;. first stjinza' closes ' first-^highterS ' lbbked aii-ound puzzlbd. ..All that happens, in the:introduction of characters,:Wil- lie,- a. cpuplebf miscellanebus :mem- bers bf his household, who iiren't:im-: mediately identified; his- wife, who falls bfif :a horse; a doctor, a chap whb speaks with a ;' aiccent, a madm;an::wbo rushes'.4n to shoot Willie because latter'S. grandfather bwed hiih a :C note; and sonie bthei's. Also, WUlie's wife:.decides to leiave :hlm be'cayse . bhap with: the accent talks French to her and. kisses her .harid;.': ■:.•'.--:'•:- ' "' '.r-y :.■ :Secbnd act ialso .gets ho nlace.' Only developmbnt is thsitvthe French lad, Gebirges LeBord,, decides: to Shoot himself, but takes bit his toupee and goes to be.d instead,' When Gebrftes is found in bed without,, Wil- lie, then, happily sends his wife oil with him. -..„■-. .' ■ -Third act is. the Grangers' cainp, in the; Addrohdacks.: i .Wlilie's there,. af- riving, ahead of hiS' .wife, .who's com- ing with Geprges,: only, she doesn't: know he knpWs.. Nearly all those in the first act are vpresentj but. finally -they-l^o,- lea»ing - Willte^ Bee a rid Georges.. ' When ^ flrst-naimied. goes to bed'in ;the bnljr warm robm Bee re-, pehts : and : joins.: him,, presumably: hiaVing seen the error of; her ways.: Finis finds .all three in l)ed, with Wilr^^ lie in .the middle. V Ybiiftg does ■vvell'ih the rple. ;He works' hard, being , bn . stage ilrnost . all the;time. . Torn. Fadd.eri is espe- cially .good-in his last kct. bit and: the bthers; are adequate;: . Settings by Donald Qehslager tops,, esDecially the living rbpm «nd Adirondack' -lodge,: latter drawing; a rbtind of applause. , : .Mdc. y ; Jed.vHarri.s' revi-tjal of the. Ibsen drama':fare,d.. ..WfiIl;. o.ri -tour and if should: repeat on Broa'dway, but' for a limited time.''A; Doll's HpUse,' as; with:most of the author's works, appbals principally to the student of Ihc dramn 'and the highbVpw. .- ■ ,'.. : Presentation .diites fi'orri last sumv: mcr .at ;Gbntral, City. : Golo;, Where' inte-rest was the cast setup and: llVc .fact -that-' Thornton = Wilder . made -pes:ifsi oyai;.■'■ iv-'is: eSserttiai!-y*lnc' .S£ink. : ther.e .bcii'i«.. btily' some modi- ev.iVi.zln.t; .of the 'lan.^iuig'e. : But: 'A Doll's. Hrtuyjc" '.i.s: St in: a long quiet' ov-ehinK in ^tiie .tlibalve. . -. ■:... ;.: Tlici'.e..:' ' admiVable ' pei-form- Visiting : French, cpmpahy: reveals its versatility in these two: Moliere Plays,: which ..aire chatmingly present- ed; Actiilg,: which is .:expert, '^hows the resultof the - company's' givbup work' and its. intelligeht;,.direction.. Fact that these two plays are being putvori ill..modest settings Is no bar to the enjoyment of. the performance for those who know the language. : In 'Le Medecin Malgrb Lui,' Ipo^br of ..the two' classics, Jean Dastej who also directed, plays; Sganai-elle with zest. Micheie Verly is a pert ;hurse» Andre Frere verjr amusing- as Litcais, and Maurice Meric lightly sombre as Valere. ; Particularly ehgagihg ; are the bits between Sganarelle and Jacquelihp, Madeleine GeofTrey playis ably in:the. role: of; Mairtine, wife of Sganarelle., i : 'La Jalousie dii. Barbpuille.' one of the earliest Mpliere farces, has Ah-. :dre Frere'as Barbpuille. the simple- ;r..:rtded husband, ^ind , Micheie Verly as ; his. coquettish 'ivife,: Ahgelique, Bpth - handle their roles agreeably. Mbiissa Abadi gives' an amusiri.g:.per^ fbrmance as.the dbctor,. one bf. three roles he- plays, revealing not only his own versatility, but that of the com- pany, which switches roles appar- ently- with no difYitrulty.' - ' Company shbws .to,much.,better ad- vaintage .in their' perfbrrnances of fhese ciiassics than in; their recent ap- pearance i.n-a modern .play:'. Ttt EXPAND 'COLONY' V '\. Charlotte, Ni C, Dec: 28;' ■ plans ' . under way tb - expand the. sumniex* . presentations-^b Green's 'Lost C.olon^'. at -Manteb. arid' continue the: prbdiictibn . irid Conference on the subject was held at Green's home here last wpelc.:: Amopg those ;pircsbnl. 'were Green, Dr; :C. .C<: drittenden.-secr^^^^ state." :histo.ric'al 'Gprnmissibri;: D; . b:; Faeririgi of ■Mariteo; Sam ::Seldbn, bf the' Carolina ■-Playmakers^ Howard: Bailey, .of^^ Ihb:Federal;"Theiltre,- atid Earl Staplblori/of Ih.c 's.latb symphony >prches'trct»'''-' .'' ■,-.- . -■' -.-' ■ ■' -:?;..: Shadow an(l '■ Sul>staiice .' ■ Pittsburgh, Dec. .27, . : Drama .'Iti 'threo acta-.iind .f.oiir sornos by Paul'.Vincent, fai-roll; Prodiiced by j;ddi« nowllnK. : Stars-Sir .rcdVlo.'Uai'd.vvlcke'aiid .features 'Sara; Allpoo'd and-'Julie-. Ilayrlon.- -Dli'ccted'by Pelbr fibdfrey.-'.Al; the ->!'ri,' 'U'lttsi)UrB:h, .. Dpc;: -27, " '.37,.: u'n,der. suh.'iCT.lp- tln'n- ausiUces.'6i;:'Amcrieuh..Theii'tre Boci'cly; §2.7," top. .. -'-:-■ :^ BrlKld,., V,,,.'.,.'. .-.:, ,', ^. ..Tulla ; Hay'doh Dcrmpt. O; FllhK.<!U\t'.'..-;...... .IJoS'il OmiKh- Thbma.sln;j, .Concatinon;....,V:ilerit< - ("ossart F.Tthnr .Corr..'.:.., ,. *'......... Henry. Sol liern Tfithcr 'KlrWan.'...',.;.-.l.en D^ylc ■ReV; Thomas SkerrltlSlr -C'i^lrlc:,Itardw'li'l;p' .Tomlma- Co.oney,.',........, Sa'ra Allgoud F.rnnf'la ■ OlC.onnor.. . '.:,. .; . . ..Gerald : Duciiloy Ma;rtrrt -Mu'llahohe.......i ."J;.!..7!)hn' Iv r>iirney Rode yiiilet. j..'. . ., . .-.. . .,.Alinlrii :!j'esslon8 Eddie Dowling, who struck gold when": he set up Maurice Evans irf Shakespeare, ,as: Richard: .II> has made;' another: .foray . into i higher drama, with 'Shadow and Substance.' This is the Paul Viricent .Carf oil play first produced a year ago in Diiblin. . : Chances for this '■ one,, however, aren't so brightv Charm and dignity of Garrbll's work are never realized in the' present prpdiibtibn since, it demands-nothing short bf, acting, and directing. : perfection;. Withbu them, play remainS;.a. rich, but urifulfiiled promise; .- ---.-' •; : ' .- Carroll's :siriible 'stbry of faith :and aeSthetibisrii is-filled with wi t, beauty arid spleridid dramatic-literature. btit, .the- leading.;piayers apprpach it haltr ingly ;and• seem :cbnfpsed; by play's :implications, Authbr's .' Springboard is . an old' Irish legend ■ vyihicH: re? ;cp.urits how St, Brigid,. in :oi*der to escape ithe, ■ attentions; bf:: pelrsrstent suitbrs, disfigu'red: Ibyeiiriess 'bf ;her face. Another Brigid. servaint girl in the homfe bf Canon Skerri tt, meets arid talks :Often''' with her patron sajrit, but the canon; an acid-tongued aesthete,:. .wHose : analyticai - " mind rules, his' icy heart, wiil have nbne of it. He tells her it's a myth arid that the, church has never- accepted the' legend,: StiU Brifiid's faith will not be shaken and the eventual trag- edy that overta:kes. her,, curiously; enbui?h. bh .St; Brigid's- Day; • fills the curate fbr the first time w.ith distrust: a,nd--te.rrpr.'' , '' : ■. j; ' ;■..' his 'great... lorieliiies!;,- .in his blindness to the simple courage ^bf the "prie'. pbi^ori.' --in -■ life '■■ he: veaWf- loved, he fijels a personal.- guilt:. and' IS, afraid.-his. Pwri. heartless:;'dogma ha.<; .at. last.' .fbiuid hiriV';but-; - ■ '■■ . ; '. Author also : has a: lot' of.. sbbuljir quari-cl's.. ..He . feels '■ prbtl-y strbntjlv against the Paris-cohtrolled Irish schobling -system and thinks too many clerics are inclined to the let- ■ ,?er rather than the Spirit , bf. religion; ' But; unfortunately, players don't al- ways match; his own eloquence and understanding.. Occasionally -there • are, :moments. when: play, achieves- necessary Clarity and heauty. Light- er issues'.are. fine,. but serious ones ate, .puzzling', pbssibly because of .4 . lot of inarticulateness and confusing direction. .'■ .." O-' ;"' - .Sir: Gedric . Hardwicke "plays tlm lead,. but isn't .always at. his best, Qiiite often he couldn't be heard be- yond first couple of rows at opening, ' and . general . performance is only ^ spasmodically good; Julie H^ydon's cariieo-like .features -'fit -the role of Brigid; perfectly ibut. her: acting isn't very .expressive' or sUre-footed;: • ■.. Best:: jobs are' turried. /in jjy. -^he minor players, with Sara Alljgood, Gerald' Buckley, Llojrd" Gbugh and Valerie Cbssart particularly regis- • tering;: - Openirig night subSci'iptioji audience . only riiilaly impressed, v General production is high classi but 'Sha,do>y 'and SubstenceV seems like • a '.play, "that. miakes-,be;tter reading than theatre.' ■ , - ' : ^ Cohen,- STOP OVER Baltimore, Dec. 27, :- Comcily-ilraJina iiv-thi'<'e,,act,>( by'.-Mnlt aiiil. f>a-i.u Taylor;'; jPresent'ed '.by: C'liuse'. Prixiuo-,, : tIons,'. Iri.b;'- -:: -Sta'Bfed ::by.- -WorthlhsrVoiv -Mliic'i';; <re:>lKned -by Ntirrls HQUKhton. At .l'\Vrd''H,-'- Binnnib:r0;:.£)oc,' .a7v '»7.v';*LM.'0 tojfiv-'v -. 1 ' ' Arthoiv 'i'O.-lirrpw.''., '• i i i •• Harry. M. (?ooK'*: ,V,'Sldi>ei'. 'tilack'moi*' ...iJurlolKh-kliuid ,.;,BJdwlri t'Doper :.', 'A:ilce •'•\ nii' Ba'ivi-r ' Robert, Light Jeiin:'cKodn'py ; ... ..enlvin .Thohia '. ;NbrnV!i. ChAlnh'i^ii'ii:. ,'.. ,',.1-)Uly-ReililUtlir-;. . .'Ramon 'JJlackbur .'. -. i', ICuiJOi'ie Sjcli lei' . .Sl.iint.'! C6t!<\y\irt.h ,.; rArt-h u'r; jiyron . ....Taine;a.Sholburi'i Dr. -Riili>li .Greyson.....i ...Donild- Canio'ro' Children: , ; J - -: -: -"'- " '-:',.-■ . OlaVIci Cornell, Etvin .Field, Jack 'ICeliy. Biu'tley .ijari(jih61''ne jlp.<<!<lp Li\tlmer.. .v. i'i K(l ■Latimer;.. Mr.*!. :SOuhUinV,.:.; Fftther: Goitley.;.;;.. , .Taaot ArcheriV,,.'^'..>'."..,.: Boii.iFavnh'ain...... -.v..;, ;\riiTle. Farhhum.,.,...,; IVtei* Ta'fnhaiii';.. '. .,..'. .Bfnj:aihin Fixriihani; :jr. .Terry 'Farnh'ani.;. ;.'.... <; .- bii'k MC'Kprn.TnV..'..'. Ma'tt'. ScahloH .•,.;-.'...'.... J;€'v : l<''o.ster;, . Dipping somewhat deeply into the wellwprn hpke of: dated; riielbdrama;. with, only ,h:ere arid ther-e .an' enlight- :. ening spairk bf :pjausible psychology* :. 'Stop Over' learis a 'bit too hfi'avily on ■ tear, jerking and rather tawdry, situa- tions. - Capable performances by' Ar-:.' thur Byxorii, Sidney : Blackriser : arid: Muriel Kirklarid ' save these corny : .spots :frPrii making' the play ridicu- ■ lous. This needs .considerable, going: pyer to risk a Broadway opening. ., This iis the stPry o:f Hartley Lang- : thorhe, actor, played, by Blackmer, whose dissolute, wasted ,life brings ;him::tp the pioint bf.knocking hiriiself , off in the- restful quiet of his ances- :. tral mahse..- He is confronted ther.e by the .wPrshipf.ul .<attentibn bf ths. town's- manicurist,, his: hbiisekeepeiv . grief-Stricken over the. pending exe* ;.'. cutibn of her waywiaird: son, convicted . 'bif; murder*. a convict on the; larri,;",, .a group of trailer tourists attracted -: to the house'by a/Sign hung: on hi front door by Hallow'en revelbr.s, and the parish priest. Langthorns' finds the: way out of his own diffi- culties through participatipn in the - . varied problems bit this, assorted ■ .' group. .. -.:' ..:'.:•-T ' :-.■•'.- ^- :'-'-.;■- ' Off to a fairish first act, play bogs down in the second, and cbmes to life only briefly at the erid Of the third. Cleansing of the soul idea through • pain and.sufteririi has in itsomedraV : ^ niatic ppssibilitieS, biit as projected here by the TaylOi: brothers, it is ; heavyharided arid entirely too ixaive '-* . treatment.. Final, i-egeneratibn of : a worldly arid 'sbphisticated: Lang- thorne, brought about by an assents bled cast of rather cblbrlesS people. ^ on their knees in prayer: for the spul • :; of:., a ybulhful murderpr, led: by a youthful,priest, and - the subsequent baring of the insignificant, isbiil probf lems pf these same smalliesV sinacks entirely tbo much of antiquated thea- . tre. As such it can't stack up again.'tf .: ; the sophisticated standards of. mod-- : em -s.howshop'ping., : ,:■ Arthur Byron as convict father > bn .the lam, stpppirig in for a .brief bit. of consolation to his WifeV mother .of:: the wia'yward. son, gives " a - finished ; performance. V Blackmer. also> con- ' tributes an even, Well-pbj'sesJ char- acterizatiori, Muriel Kirkland has her moments. 0.f the rest of the ade- quate cast. i.Harry, M. Cobke, Alice Ann : Baker; Robert' Light, Calvin: - ThoniaS, Nbrma Chariibers.^iid Don- ald Camerori starid out. Direction of - Worthington Miner ;is' e[ood.' . '.'.-.'' ,':- Bimii.. Wa^sliington Relights •■':;: -":' • , Washingtbri, Dec, 28. . ;.": Legit is coming back to town, af ler three dark weeks,-^with threjei:pre< , Broadway stopovers . scheduled jii. .-successiori. First, .' Max Goridoh's .> ''Spring 'Thaw,' with . Roland Young, . opened yestei'daj* (Monday). " Eddie Dowling's 'Shadow and Sub-: ; stance/ ■with Cedit-ic Hard:w and- ^ Julie , HaydenV' arri-ves^ Jani" ■ 3,. ari^^ Constance: . Cummings, : who bbwcd :.. here this- fall in: 'Madame Bbvaryi'; .." tries' again Jail. 10 with -'If i'' Were You.' ■■ "A" - .'• ■-: