Variety (Dec 1937)

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5» VARIjETY W^diiesiiayv pbceiiiUer J2^i 1937 WKo Killed the Count ? ' . : Lbndoh, Dec .20. r>iMU\n ill (bi-i>(> iirls'li>< IaIi-''. ^l>P|M'l,:■plro■-. .l1lllHV^t, by- .Uv't;jhiMil:.Tiite (it . llift WhlU'lurlly j.iiiridnV.' ■ '.' ■', • ■ ■ : /fMiint: Vii-l»i'>(liVl>'. .Kdc .'MMlurin I 'ollv. y , . . , . i,;.lv)ithli>i,>M IIi\rri8oit "T>i\.isiiWl.i.| ;j;(ls.|liu'liTi—H>Tit*h|S<ifiT • M-irl iil - . i ■■' \\ '.: rnriiin. .J ) .•■> Itiijifis.'.'i , Jti'iu'j> r.ti -l.urio .. ■ S",(iiMi<*' .l'iij.;i.'ii«i>il • •> i .liiliiiwrtTi . ;. . . ^ ^IlOlH(; .v. .;•...; -.y.:... K. •Vro.v» V IsrO'uti I. Si in-l IIHI t'll,. .■no.orii,(>M(-i:r.iit i vi''ro<3p.i ii ii: (.'popf !■ . .,.Iij.lilv ,()Nriil'il ■. : .U;i:i-liai:« ■Fniiicjs . VSIj'ricl J'"i)r))<is ^ ,.;, .'.A'aliiny' lJ(ii.ll('M, ...Ibi'AlV: Ji;:' AVri-jlijis ..iAIUlio'tiy'.1JiiHlip.ll Aili.ole -Siewprf .This Is/an irigeh'idus murder play, showing police : baffled •.by three people, who; in turn; cdnfes<i , to . a crime.. They ^escribe irii'H'tely ho\V; they acpptnplished t>)e deed b,iit none oif- their- confessionsi'tailie's .with. thQ. eV ideitjce.' Stoty is disclosed thrbiigh; inashbacks/ shbwlng each version of the 'tJuilty.' person; .A. fourth person ultimately rcbrivicted.. ' ; G66d::charjicter; 's.tudi6s;';and piece ehteriaihing,; but . pvertallc. aw repetition apt to.'.become rnonot.onou?: the kids will probably like;, it as a Christmas treat, pantomimes an^ children's plays having taken a back seat with them: .: ; Pjirts. are : generally: Well acted. ■ •With a certain amourit of comic, relief supplied by Kathleen Harrlsoh ahcl Anthony: Holies. George Merritt jtiais; the longest role, the Ibng-sufferiiig Scotlaud, Yard ;reptesent^^^^ PAINTED SPARROWS ... .Ijondon;.';pec.;'20..\'., in thf^e.'ftctsj ■ by ■. Ouy .ilritljp; Pres«hted Uy -i'lc at the Embassy. .L.ohdoii, KING'S BREAKFAST ' Londoii. i)ec. ;20. • CiiiiiiMly. ■ hr ■.iiir'.'l> -.ivCa by nUW ^Vi'ii'w.'in. iriul - ' AliUli-fc^' . At.irkH:., '|..iV.stVrt'''i . • liV .. IhO ItcHPfliM V ri.iyi'V.-i .-.fni-: fiiiiv.- p.crjonilUnrp .ill Hip 'S:tvi"i\'- ' l-i>fi>l<>ir. : IN-t'il.iici'; - hi', .t'luirloa 11 ii-N.ii|;ni J.l4H>!Vsi>H—7 . riMiiivly','di'fiiri'i^ Pn X li>ii/n nilvj';:'.... V. forsxtli Vliijei'a ■ f(>i; imc WfPk'. V', p.imiipr .Uu'rlif!-,-.', ('(•>iiii-$e' i*ro<>K<*r:... ■ I'iiiiii .iMaintieytii., Aiif»ifr-■ ;;.. SyilKish... Sdi'hIi . UutM^.... ... .Oj'Rlii • .T>iir'i'!«', Mis, ;DUrra,'nti; ,; vHugh P. S.; CaasoTj ..iDt-i'ek Taiislcy i'. .'1', .tiorilon .jBi'ow;ii . i.;,.. V.. Piitsy . Sm.irt , .■, .:^lflleh.'»t(l''Oooldep -... .Marjori^ .SlarinlnK . V, „;'; iOweri.;Jones ...Monica SLutflold .v.'. .V....-.Jane'Bacon AIIt}iV)Vs have turned; put. .splendid arid . bi-llilantl.v ..ia c t ed " ramahtic comiidy; on the mid-Victorian. ei:a.'- Thi.s..piece will ,un:d6ubtedly receive quick bids; froiti West End- mauagers, Similiair riegotlation? .'for, . Y. .For film liise. it will. have , to - be cloaiVsed sohifiwhat; ■ . ■ Piece ope'ns'.Avjth Lord Pemberton demaridihg .to know, .w^ breakfast. Apoilpgies' are inimediaUsly fbi'thcoming ,that' took was- ill, thd; that ."'Cullery maid prep;are<i mcOL She: ■ sent fo'iv 'and- cohgrA^^^^ by liiiii; on the^ finest: breakfast he had ;6ver'eaten;.:' ■. They are talking, rather animatedly when. Milord's sister; who takes .c 6.f the hou.s'ehpld: enters, and promptly -the maid.;'The latter comes to .say':go6d,bye .to her master .and he .nfives .her the. key "to his ;Lpndoh hoiise/telling.hertp. ta'kecharge.until be; arrives, to. Which \sKe responds: Tliere is more, in this than meets the eye—and there, as'.: There * :no attehipt; to idealize the heroine; she is . a . simple, . sihciere quick-witted girl with good iiihnpulses, who sayi frankly that by becoming the mistres.s of a Very •.; influential English n6biemart..she is ehabled/to meet 'the best.;ifepple.: V • . Leiiecn ;lVIacgrath is delightfu} in the;r6le.<rt/the.;.niaid;:^. ^V''::.;V- Jack Hawkihs,^ as the Lord, is -also very iBfTective; : while -the . rest of the cast • also per forms commendably.. ' This is rural comedy drarrta-that just escapes being really good. Would make a better: picture . as too much df'amatic <liciehse is. employed, in. its .priesent'form. This:. could be oV'er- ,coime with, the Wider scenicvppssibili 'ties.-of the:screen.:'. A . cockney . motbrcyclist breaks down- in the Sussex lanes, and puts tip for the night :at iarmhouse Apart from host;. hostess and daugh' tef, ;there ; are a couple bf .Londoii visitors-i^a • mblher.\ and son -ih . :ap pareritly affluent .bircumistWnces. ^'^hc farmer's •. .wife, ^. . in , by the gentility- of, her; boarders, despite haying received, no cash .frorrt theni; .hopes her daughter will, marry, the young •geritlemgih,' and. shbosibff; the local aspirant for her hand,: . ./I : . The cyclist finds the . town boy breaking: open, the" farmer^S'desk anc stealing.- the cashbox. containing $185. He . is told the ; cpuple are penniless and : have lived oh their wits for :years, dodging round different .coast towns,, always evading paying their bills. The mother,: haViiig; tied the son to her apron strings/has refuisjec to: let him accept a: ihurtdane job, and they /have resorted to stealing Wheii: their Telatives have :. flnSllir ceased respgnding to their begging letters;: : Syiinpathizihg,-- ■ t ^mari him a : job at his. garage,: ahd the nioney . is. replaced. .. Next morning, however; the caish-'is iniss in.? aild thie boy,, realizing his ttJOther has double-idrbssed hitn,: takes- /the .blame,: But • she cbhvehiently. siic cumbs: to a. heart attack,; after coh fe.ssihg to the fiairmer's :wife/ . . Bichard Gbolden makes the.-mos; of. the kind-hearted Eiast Ender role arid the" ybtihg thief is realistically PWen Jones, Characters aie interesting.arid true to type, and /the whole makes for pleasing enter, tainmeht. .. : - v ■ . Clem. very good all arbund: iahd the-; prpr ductioh: has tempo.: Holhiap Agybeii Mairact' -;'' ■:■■ O^udapest, ;Dec;.:''19J r;; -';ri)'mtijy"- in... thrf'c"' nci.s liy . ItgUolTy- .and .St'e 11a. At/ .tlio Alaljyjir, BudHpevst,..-'/ -Mai-iH;. . ,■./.-,,...-.. id;i .Tur.' t'tilra-. . '.-. .-. w,,.-. .,;-...ll(tna' .'i'lllvii!S. i'Henier.-.-......,. i ,. .,,lt;no '.Toprvis Di',. Perqo.I.,...,.... ;/.(iltiih;;.S>is«icliCH Tonuny./., 1. .■.; i ;.Vv,.-., . ./J'.UeorKO llnolcWola ' " - Dm ier...., Jlii.irdrSsBei Egytetlcin^^jftzakair^^^ : :: '.'" ■(t6r:a..-'sjngle'rfiffhi^ .::. fliudiapest;;/Pec//l9. C'oihPdy Music. I>y >lud;ip<'sl ■Pinii^-l Ve Mtinl ,,. Pplt'il Kurt \ ., VIclorlii Wiihfi- ; .Uncle , v. In .1tire«' rtcta .i»y, bi>7.Hu-'liosVriczyv . At'the, A.ndrkijsy. .V.;'. ;,.;.. , .Maria, I> '.. • ..i.. ■. ,,; ;.-/;;.,<. '.'.,: Manyift K>;<H ; ..■.;,. ...'i .-MiklOH.. >liijinH,>).sy , ; ;-... ;. ,TlVHrtai". BilU'sy .;.; v .......l»lrf>ska Vasznry :': .. i-;."...;»,i.. MVjssi' -Biirstitny .., .,'....... ,t.TUHt;i V 'Partosi ;.-.;.;; i,i,; . . .v.-,.;.;Z, l-iyiolnar Bright iand refreshihg,..with plenty bf.^'laughs,: this is an unpretentious comedy which biight to make its Way abroad. ^ Ei\iTHalasz,; who :^s,c his first big success a few years ago With 'A lOss and .No Mbte;' knows; (cbricoct this ferpe of ifrothy, bubbling farcical comedy, /with a /few musie numbers,, which , has. entirely taken the place of large-scale operetta here. Action starts oh a. pleasure cruise in' the Mediterranean, wbere Peter and. Paulette meet by being-thrown into each others' arms by the swaiy- irig ■ boat.. Peter,- charming, . phi lartderer-aristqcrat, explains, to Paul ette -^that there ; is : nothing more wonderful than tb love for a:sihgle ;riii?ht.: V,'.-:.;■/ .Z: ■/■ ■■:/:;.■ . Paulette,' also a aristocrat^ and a divbrcee; falLs for him and grants hihti the single night, hoping that he Won't be able tp give her up. When Peter (Calmly prepares/to say ..fare- well 'nc.xt mdrhing, she^iis furibtis Mirni. a cocptte .who is also on board traveliiig undi^ir theC assuitied naihe of : Gountess. WaleWska, thinks that Paulejtte is/in the iame boat, merely "pretending .to be a / countess. : She teaches her how a self-respecting cocotte bught to behave, if., .man' treats her like that. . ..' : : /Paulette, ; pretending ; to :: be :. a cpcptte, disgusts;Peter> Who can't for- get hbr. .She turns Up at the niouiUa.h Veiiort where Peter has. j.iist become engaged: to a sbcicty girl, tind ern- Darrasses hirh. Only/when Peter has broken off his engagement and is determined to marry her, does ..she allow hiifn: to;le.acii her true identity; -: Sittia'tia/J . and/., character. ...are amusjn.'t, there is wit in the dialog, and ho/ dull moinents. Score has sev- eral catchy niifnbers, , Maria Lazar is fascinating and has a fine sense of hurhbr. Mahyai .Kiss has temperainent a.nrl/ a .kppni <f»nfiP .nf phitiedV: :Cast i<ji Befoi^e Irwin .Sha,vy'5 !Siege' wa Bel Geddi?s re- cently ait .fhe .Lbng4cre', l*^. ;Y,,v G dram.a critic of the N. Y. American, expressed /his . opinion: that imles.s the play .was!,chahged it haci a good chancie iot the Pulitzer Prize. Show reached the boards cohsiderably altered, hpweyer; : Author gave' full authority /fbr .re/visibn^ to / Chester Srskini/.whbrn/he ^elieeted ; 9S; diirectbr. . .// .: Sooking. of the Lohgacre for th e show was on a. rental :ba.sis. : Prbduceii'' agreed to piay $1,000 Weekly for three .weeks* Howeyer, the house , was used, less thatv a .vi'eek;:/ji5 the play , closed'after five'.perfbrma.nces.: . .,v,.:../.v., i .(Jeji.H / liornsii. ...i .i;./:i'*L>reiic/. r.eOics A vef-Viigbbd: idea for a satirical comedy, but not developed as clever- ly/ as; it; might. be. Star ting point is where most/cpmedies of recent years end; play begihs- with the wealthy bank / presiderlt - getting ./a . di/vprce from . his - first-, wife to- /rharry. his modest; tinsppiled; devoted typist; In the iecpnd apt typist has been transformed into exactly the sathe type, of. shallow, . extravagant, cos- meticky WPmah as the first wife. Same lounge lizard who Was first Ay.ife's: lover how makes IbVe to tiie second.' :She .is on the point , of be- qbrhirig . his miistress and . getting Wholly estranged frbm her husband When a bad Cold isind .a day spent in bed bring . her to her senses,' . .4^The doctor whp sends , her to Bed happens tb be; :her boy friend of eairly; typewriting <iays and reinihds her that she Started out, tp be mbdesf; honest arid striving after higher ideals.:. Husband,:.being: on the brink of bankriiptcy,:she sudd:'hly rernem- bers that.' she'really ;.lovW : him ahd; remains by his side tb help , pass the- bankruptcy menace. Third abt: takes place at.a beauty, shop. a lai 'Women,' and recbhciljia- tibh scene is enacted:'to the, hiim -bf the. hair-dryer Helmet.- • :, V • Ida "Turay; is better/ suited ta ict the typist before the tran.sforhiaitibn; Sophisticated^ yamp. is.; hbt .in/ her line: . There' .are a few Witty lines; but riot etibugh tP last out .the ever, nirig. It seems a pity . that better things haven't been done with this amusing . idea for a plot; Which has "good, picture makings. . :/ Passeggiata Col Diayblo ;• \ .A.CA :-Wiik ,■ Witi; -liie'/.Devil,');'./;;': .-- Rome, Dec. 20.. pratnn:.;ln three ftot9 ;by CSutd(> ranllril. ■Produced, by/lfie Kmhin Graminal/iKa:- iViiii- pany at .the Quirlno. tliWtre. RoiiVe; Slur- rlng .I2niina:-Gramniatlcn,/ Irinu, Uraiitniatic^i, aiid :Sanidr6 Iluffiiiil.' . -- : Van Hefiin, in 'Western; Waters,' which bperied .(Tuesday son, N.y., re'cently came east frpm HollywopdV where he made tlVe pictu res for RKQ. 'Didn't like the stories the >tudio gav^ he bbught tip thiis pact.^.'Ciaims the deal toplt all the m^ eai'ned in the five pi^. - Accord:^ ing to the iagreeriiehtt: if he with: an<'ther studio, ./RKO ge his;earnings-;fbr.:the:riext;thi^p-years ::.-)S': - ' ■■'''J'^'> V'-'-.:■'.• ■■ 'Western/W^ forriierly ; calledi- 'TpUgh t' / GhaWv:;: then 'S^^^ Ch^rri,*^-^Presented-by £^ '■,■ ;' ■■^/■■;/:.. •'^.■:•■:':-/':■'••':-:■^■■^■■S'':■/-■ Corribiriatibh 'bt Fredfic March aind> John /CroriiweH (respective star anji director of 'Yr: Obi^ient /Ilusbandi' sla^ to' open next week at the Bi-p^dhurst, /N. Yir^^';^ Ibng'friendship; Bef^^^ wpod, Grbmweli .,staged-a :nuriiber|/of ,/BroadWay plays; ah-d; gi3^ve.:,BiIarch : 'a jiivenile . piart \yheH;; the-.aC Yprk . fforti / Wise Gbod/ bu^ihess .done by vHusbarid' during its; road tryout is. credited : to March' film ppjpularity. / -In /-^'Husband'' March/ co/rstars.: :With;;;;his. .Wife^ / Flprerice. Eldridge. Pla fpEirierly.'called :*A^ .d Fight in is so realistically staged, actors Who take part are ebntiriually' getting banged up; ;;;Most:, seripus injury was isuffered by Broderick Crawford,:; icpuple .b^ when he was knocked off 1^^^^ Actor didn't miss any perfbrmarices,/ but; walkied with ia cane for sevei*at /days. :Besides/^ri assprtmerit of iriiribr • ciitlipi jseyerely .bruised ri^^ .a large^spo.t, on "hi^ arm /when Crawford grabbed hirii'by the: Wrist; / ; Adeie .Dixpri,/ ihaking her. Apf^erican. debut: in : 3e^ the Irnperial,' N; Y,, isf/ reported reinairiirig 'bn: the ?tage against tier hus-' band's wishes./; He is Ernest ■SchWaigeri- ebrinected with.; Gartier's . abrbad;; biit .Was/transferred .tb .the: .N. Y..;shbR /because of Miss /Dixon's appear-' ances'here .'^'.;■.;'.;■.';'/ x':,-:'-.'/ -t-'-.',;■"^■' ■;■•/::-:;:■.'; ;:'- :■'- -'.'y. ./-•'/■'•^■-:.;'- : -Goniedienne 'piayed in 'Anything Goes' / in; Lbridon'i::-with; John, Gielg^ in; Shakespearean; reviyals and; appeared .in "'Anything Gbes,' 'The Good, GbmipariibriS.' ''''''^y'' ''^ Gbrt theatre, N.: Y,, m^ked the -25th' year of i£.s; bperation. last Weefc. House \yas; built by the late John; Cort Who Was . of the best./kribwn; shPwirieh in; the, north west../ ,Ba^^ a;;box. office; :n^aiy. in Seattle,/ came e^^^^ to jmariager the ttieatre, a post; he held iviritilV it: was takeri byer ; by; ti>e: Shuberts, IClawans is now in chkrge bf; legit shpW ^ .activities.of:'Warners. / • '■ '• ' '.-..; ; ;-';-' John Held, Jr.; says the report that 'The Funnies,? written by him and Marie Baumer, >yoUld be prbduce^^ Horiner Curran is 'incorrect, irrelevant, immaterial:and hearsay,' adcline^' that the final' script has riot been; typed. .-'-. Artist fears the repbrt might affect Broadway producers 'whp are wait- ing patiently With all their lovely money^-tp put ;on the play;. ■:- Play is a gbbd shbwoff piece for the two / Grammatical sisters",, whb play the parts/of sisters on the stage. One has becoriie a famous singer, but, at the outset of the. play, finds her- self at the end of her career, home- less, friendlessi, with nothing:left to hei*; but memories, bf a.: glorious paist and a distinct fondness fbr .^Icohol. . ;:The bther. has married: a prince; and npw finds herself a Widow, living on her (estate with Fabio, tier adopted son: Her marriage : has/ / been child- less'and as Fabio is. the bnly person on whom she can shower her tibns, she guards, him jealously: ' / The existence bf the outside, world is therefore sprung upon Fabib with great suddenness when the; once- famous and wordly sister. Anna.: pays Vera a visit. A^na awakens all /the latent sense of rebellion in Fabio, and he suddenly rises iip against beipg tied doWn. There," is , a terrific scene between the two. sisters, leaving Vera worrying Whether her love fbr Fabio has not been too fiercely jealous. Her genuine love foi: him finally prompts her to allow:him tb go. / . The sisters are then reconciled. Play haS sbirie very dramatic nio^: ments, but on ,the whole is not cbn- vincing. Fabio's hermit : ex;istelSce doesn't, ring true, nor does quick about face after his talk With, the aunt. Play seems as if; it was .pro- duced only .because if was good ve- hicle for "the Gramrhatica.Sisters. ; QUesti Poveri Amaiiti '; ■'- ('These Poor Lovers')'/ '-;,'' '/ ■;,'- , ■; - " , : /'..■.: Romei Dec, 20. ■ ■('<'(in;ipily-in - three arts iiy 'V.lii(-'t'ii-/,()..-.'J"l»Ti.. Pioiluceil; by.- liuKgci'Oi/.Itug^eri' ■ (/oniivany: /ut/tliu; Ai-gcntlimV':/.. • ': T)arlo.,, .;;;,....-JRuifiJpro / fuiuupnl ,t?i'j'fz,len,V, his wife......,.:.-;,.,.il.wnr^ i;>ir)l -Kodcflcri. i. ,, .,, ,,;.:.';. ,;i'.arliV l.ioinl'nrtili Signoia Bohriet. .; ,..i .'.l,'(w,iiiy .lNi.;uvlikt /5^2tiftli ^c;. 49 W*3.4-St., :15S2-BNvsf , .This, is one triarigle 'play in ■ which the betrayed husband • holds .the up- per, hand., .Not that Da'ib iS exa/clly a betrayed husband, for 'be matinees things; so well that the .a.ffaic hp- t'wcen hjs',wifc :atid. his frie.tid. Fed:- erico, 'these p6or I'oveiS;' / jievef comes off. -. ;-v ■ Dari'p is.^uile- a.: bit'o'lfli?)' Ihan hi.« wife, and so. fond of .hPr that. he has not left her/ .vince .they '-inarr ried. But there; comes ,ti iii'ne. for him to -go ori. a busihesii; Iff p. /and h'e decides tb leave Her home. But he , miss'es-his :trajri.. and./as he./r'ctUr.ns home, he :so6s' his ; Wife .goiiTg out. As it is late, he has every -rwubn ^tb Z Annual presentation of the Revels and Boar's Head and Yule Log cere-, monies at Hbosac Schbol (an exciusiye preparatory institution for boys in northern New York) brouight but publicity artent Burgess Meredith having played the jester, in the ceremony a dozen years ago. Registered at Hoosac as Oliver Burgess Meredith, the legit player studied there from 1923 to 1926, but did not receive a diploma. : :-"; '.:'".• •Pins and Needles,' now on a nightly performance basis, has extreme CbntraSts in types bf audiences. House is sold out on some nights to locali of labor unions and similar groups, and on. other nights gets considerable sable trade. Show came in for a two-page spread from Life niag last week. Vogue and other slicks are also gbiiig fbr the labor show. : , ;; Justicij Ge:brge ;W. Maxey, of the iPieririsylvaniii Supreme Courts friend ol show business, is .mentioned as the riext Governor of his home slate; Justice Maxey,: it is ;held, Is in line for;: the Republican; norriination for Governor and stands an excellerit 'chance of being elected if/he.rtmSi ./ Cast of 'Many Mansions,' at the. 44th Streetj N,: Y., responded to Ciirtain calls Christmas Eve by^ singing 'Silent Night.' Audience joined in; niany being visibly affecte^. Same thing was done the foltoWing night (Christ- mas). ''Mansions' is.a religious drama. be suspicious, and follows her. Graziella goes to the house of Fed- ericb,: with, whbm she thinks herself i n love. But once with him, she be- gi ns to hiye her doubts and is busily maneuvering ■ for time when the doorbell rings. Graziella just has: time to, leave the ' roorii when / her hu.sband enters. But Dario has decided not to play the pa'rt of the jealous husband. He rnane'tivers. the would-be .or might*- have-been lovers Into 'one position. ,aflerVanother irt: which they look ex- tremely foolish; He tormepts them with uncertainty|\ making - -lots Of little/ insinuatirig rerharkslljut never: letting them: know that he is^aWare. of the situation. / ■ He flhds./'ibi:. turning up at his friciid's at; such a strange hour; j ust :as: suaye reasons: for not gpih^; home f or ; the /next 10 'hours, thus leaving his/wife in agonies of doubt, and fc?ir. Finally, a certain ■ Signmra Bonnet turns up. to. clear up i^omo mi.stake about iftolen baggage pjV rthe: trdin. on Which Darib was to have Icit.-. ■;:: .' • : ".:. :■■ ;:;' ,.,;■■■-■'' At this.' point the general; atmos- phere becpme.? So / full ■ o"f mystery mid suspiGibri th-^t |the pbbr lovers' crack under the /strain*. Federico loaves.; the scene,; and Grazlellb as good as prpiirtises tha t sh.e: will neve^f dp . what she . didn't-, do :'a^ llubby Wins bh; all fronts, ; ; / J'.la.y. is good entertainment as both dialog :and.: sitiiatibns are cleverly handled, :RuggerQ-Ruggeri in lead? in.i: .part was lull , of subtleties: arid tricks.; ;:-,.-■/-•/-- • lyigt.: LOU CLAVTON Columbi Studio,: H.'wopd. MAKTiN BI(,60N£S /;/'/..; prMentii-V.;,.;.■- ..- -In th* .Thrill rnmrnlt . "HANtNe ■ ON - Ltfry". -'."' .Grpl'nVyood cotvibiiipa . 'a^' nmtic -.definesa 'ivitli; ciVpitifl .^liliiii'.i.i'ii. H.V V cO'iiPdlenne':*/', . '.. Linton Martin, i'tUln;(iejp]>i liinulr^r, .v . •.; . . ;; .' :xii>,W,IMii>^liilC 3ii(l \Vk,^W