Variety (Dec 1937)

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Iwi<lnc!6«lay, Decern!*©^ GROSSES VARIETY 51 iriaiii Ho| Chicago, Pec. 28. ' N^W-' shows ' in ^ thie Elegit jist/.are ♦When'Ghicajgp Was ;You the Helen iftayes in 'Victoria JRegina. ■ Going ^at was: *Wine {flf Ghpice,' scramming town after two, big The:^ fltre Guild sessions, Respite wtutned noses oh the cHtics. 'You Gan'tTalce - Tf wit^ VouVstarted advertising 'last Weeks' Has been hete, 47 weeks : nbw. and will rrtake it .a. full- year, ahyway, before .lesving; the loop. ?Tovarich' came jn to ibM^k, the pre; Xmas session last; week, aftd lurned- ih.a miracle :jn - show biz/by doing iust that; Both . show and Eugenie t^htovich . drevf the: luggest r^ve notices of the Season. v. ■■■■ j WPA is bpfening 'See Naples and i)ie' at the Blackstone this week. Haifry MihturhV chief df the -Ibcal project,: is hunting up othiM for -local production shortly. Ballet RUsse at the Auditorium, concluding a 15-day cleari-up, is figuring to close arbund $60,000 on its stay; Estfmaies for Last Week »tov»rlcli/ Selwyn (1,000; $2.75) (2d we^k). Opened last week to strong $11,500. Will jump several grand above that figure. ■ • . V 'When Chteago Ww Young,' Stude- biker (1,300; $2.20) ;,(lst week). LMally prbduced show opened Sun- day (26): after $orhe earl^ piroducr lion troubles:; Written by Alice Gerstenbcrg. ^ . / >/i„„A '■ . «wine of Choice,' EirlangiBr (1,300; $2.75); Finished a twO-week stay ner*; and . scrjamriied ; eastward. Noticies were .. weak, ;but Amencan .Theatre Society subscription and the Miriam Hopikins /liaifne hW it^ to good $13;0()0;:; ^Victoria Regina,* with Helen Hayes; opened last night .IMbnday) and is a cinch for capacity- /'biz;• topvis $3;30,-;..- ■ ^'^/-.-^i;:-^■.. : 'You Can't Take It wiih You,' Har- ris (1.000; $2.7.5) (47th week). Be- ginning to rysach the end of its stay; slumped to $5,500; : ■ ■^.•.■;vwPA- • 'Oevtl's Disciple,^ Great Northern. fSeie Naples and Ble,? Blackstone: Opens: tomorrow (Wednesday); .• ■ ':Bos^^ Fojlowihg a ;:blahK.;boar;dg^^ the legit season again perked r ^over last weekend; .\yheri: ph^^ wood opened in 'Leanihg:,on telty': it; th^ .Wilbur' arid^'Ilight This Way' unveiled at tbe .ShUbert. ..; /' . Abbey Players began-a: repertoire- for tw6: weeks at the Copley,- i hcl ud- ing ..'Fai: .'Off .'HiUs,' ; this Week, arid; 'Juno and the Paycock',. Jam 3-5; 'Playboy of Western Wprld,' Jan.: €7 Si . Housemaster':; reopened at - the Plymouth. ? ■: .r'. : Gbrnelia Otis Skinner is .sliated lor: Jan., 3 openihig at the.; eolonial ;ih; •Edna His Wife.'; • V-'. ■ ■; Estimatcs^vfor LastCWeek. .. Abbey Players^' Copley* (1.038;) (1st Week); Irish troupe bfouglit its, rep-: 'ettbry in-, foi:, two wceksV opening last night (Monday). 'Houseniaster,' ; Plymouth (1,480; $21.75) (4th .week). After three weeks at. the Wilbur and a week's layoff, this Ian Hay coihedy; reopened last night (Monday;) ibr a continued ruh, 'Leanlnf on tel*y.' Wilbui: ( 1,227) (2d week). Charlottie Greehwobd- starrer; opened last Saturday night (Christmas). ■■^■. ^ •;-'\^' v^Rleht Thi« Way/ Shubert; (1.590) .(2d ..week). Musical also, bowed Sat- uMay night. (GhristniaS'). V ■ ;-■ V St. Louis, Dec. 28 ^ Legit is oh a stesidy upbeat in.'this heck of the wbbd.s; Despitie the bu.sir heSs recessibn, jgoofyv weathet - ;a:nd counter attractions*:..the Airier lean, theatre, town's only legit hbiise, is drawing 'em ■ in .;drbves; Thus far . natives haVe resj^ohded, and -lor.eight shows' have deposited approximately .$120,000 at the bVo., Season Still h 10 more weeks to\gb; and : it lop.ks liic^ swell black: figures on thie ledger at the finish. *Tohight at .8:30.' drawing praise Irorri .local cirijc, enjoyed a. nice .runy ^ withstanding stiff Opposish front the Yale: University; :pramatid Glub, Y^hudi Menuhin. pro boxing and wrestling, all held within a few blocks: of the theatre. Estimate for Last WeeK •Tonlgiit at 8:30/ American (1.707; $2.50). : Fourteen performances endr ing Thursday (23) netted $13,000 for gobd biz, despite stiff opposish and bad weather. Current is 'Brother Bat,V.which began Saturday (25) and : remains eight days.; ; : ' •Regina* $10,000, Toledo; •Women,' 2 Stands, $6,200 Toledo, Dec; 28 . / M^ toUring shows: did ribt play last week, laying off because of the Christmas theatre slack. But Sey- ieral gave two; or three performances 'Victbria Regiha'; placed two, per,- lorjmances at Tbledb; grossing $10,000. Originally ; an : evening .show, was "/ scheduled and it .was sol^ out in ad.^ ' . Matinee Was added later ah^ did riot reach capacity,: The ;Women' : was; diairk ; :most :,6f the week,; but . played three perfor;mances::ih DaytQn - arid Loui'sville : for $6,200 in :the.; tWo .:.£tjinds;:; :•■■.:;'■;.■.:■:■::•.:•. ,. ■.. ->'■'.• ": Under the ' rul.,es. players in. shpwS iayinjf ciff: befiare Christmais re no pay.;. In. ihsta liices . whei'e ■ some p^fbi'.hiances • given, they are paid pro-rata; ohe.-eightK: of a: week for each showing^. .. Philadelphia, Dec; 28, , Philly \yin have four legit houses, open tomorrow night(Wednesday). That situation was figured as.starting last night (Monday), but the'Theatre Guild's . production^ ot 'Wine of Choice,' with 'Miriami 11 Leslie Banks, postponed, its local de- but. , Being a subscription show and at holiday time, postponement is go- ing to give.the hoys ait the b.o. plenty of headaches trying to keep ticket- holders satisfied later on during the two weeks' engagement.. • ■ Shows running are 'Babes: in Arms;* Forrest; 'Brother Rat,' Lociist, and 'Having: Wonderful .Time,' Er- linger. Local theatre men are .watch- ing the records of these shows. They are all Broadway hits; but none have big marquee names. Of late; Philly hasn't done much except lor hits with names, like Cornell, Hayes, Howard, etc. Ciuild piece, with Hppi- kin&, is figured a natural. Eiigage- ments of the other three are-aU iriT definite, two of them announcing 'limited' and the other not even set- ting a date. Tryout, ^Shaldow and Substance, is listed at the Chestnut Jan. 10 and the: Abbey Players are figured for the Locust a week or ,so after .that. Hepburn's 'Jane Eyre- is still persist- ently; mentioned for the Chestnut Jan. 24. but that's figured just one of those things; " Show is .said to be definitely off. George; Abbott comedy production has also been repprted for January, house not given. Estimates foir Last Week 'Babes In Arms,* Forrest (2.000; $3.42). Opened Friday (Xmas Eve). No chance; to get "a line on it. ; First hbuse was just . so-so, but sale : is perking; V; ■' -; 'r-^'-':'--':- ' •■ 'Brother Rat,' Locust (1.400; $2:85); bpehed Saturday. night (25): brings Locust .back: to, the ranks of the legit as one of the chain controlled by the ShubiertS.^'■■ ■:■ ■ . ■. . 'Havincr Wonderful Time.' Erlariger (■1,859; $2). Road company; opened ni^ht .(.Mbriday) jfor an indefinite run.: ■ . -■;;. i " ''•'::;■ 'Wine :bf Choice,' Chestnut (1.64^: .$3..30).: BeaucouD scriot and other trouble ; with . this; with tiie . Giiilcl boaM of ; strategy; bh hand to try lb irbh :biit;^ the', Skedded to pi-:eem last night (Monday.but now 'anhbMiiced;fpr tomorrow high nesday). ; .:■.:;■:■".',■■■■■■ ■:.■'.: >yeek of Deo. 27 Abbey :>jay«rs,- Cop BoS-- • ;t(in. .•: ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■.,;.;■■;■:■:■■■.';■■ S-- \ ; - 'B.ibcs .■in:\'Arni'y;:\ .Forues^^^ ..^Philadflphia; • :■■ ':'■;.,'.; ■ . :■ ■ 'Broth(^r; .Rj»t,' Locust.;-.St., Philadelphia; , -■: , ..'Brothier; Kat,* Americari,.' Stv' ' • Lbi.ii.". • ■ ■':.. - . . . •' " . ■' o.usemaster,'- P 1 j;' rri,o;(.i:t h , Bo.ston. •: : ': .; ,": '\ \ ' .... 'Leaning ■o;h..:Lelty^; (,ChaI'16t■te; Greenwood), Wilbur, Bbstpbl; .. s 'Moon Over Mulberry S1.,V Mai'yland,-.Baltimore.- ; ■ ■. ''bid -Waid,''.Werba,; ;Bi-ooklyn,- .N.-Y.'■;•:,. 'y y^- .^'^y 'Pursiiit of Happiriess,' Brigh- ton, Brighton; :n.:;Y. (28). ".. 'Right This Way,' ' Shuber't, ; Boston;, :\[[[/-^'^Z: ■;■ > ' 'Room; Service,' Cox; Cinci ., n'ali, ;■■;>: • ' : 'Room Service,* City Aude, :Mbntgprniery, Ala. (27); Temple, Birmingham (28-29); ;v Bijou, : Chattanooga (30); Erlanger, At- : .liahta (31-1); .;-;..%^^ , \ ■ 'Rlcfaard ll': (Miaurice Evahs;), :;.Royal Alexandra,' -'Shadow.. . and ' Substance! . (Cedric Hardwicke, Ju 1 ie Hay- .don), Nixpn;' Pittsburgh. '' 'Sprihr Thaw'( Roland: Young), i'iJatiohal, Washingtbn^ D. G. /■■y'y'i'::y-.-' •'• 'Stage Door* (Joan Bennett), .Cas.s, Detroit.. 'Stop-Oyer,' Ford'.s, BaUir. more. ■ ''' •Tobacco Road,*; Liberty; El Pastb (27-28); Orpheum, Phoe- rti (29); Rialto, Tucson (29); Aude, Palm Springs (31;);: Aude, Riverside, Gal. (.1)..: ' :' 'Tobleht at 8;:3»,* Davidson, Milwaukee; : ■ ■■ 'TovS^rlch'.; (Eugenie , Leonr tovich), Selwyn, Chicago. ~. 'Victoria. Bef Ina'; (Helen :riayies), Erlaniger, Chicago; ■ 'Wine:, of Choice' .■ .'(Miriarh' Hopkins), Chestnut, ■■■ Philadel- phia'. : " y 'Women,! Ry man Aude, Nash - ^'0i:l^e. <27)^..Erlanger, Atlanta (281-29); "iTeniple, :Birmiriiiiam : (!30); Aude, Memphis (31-1). ,'Having Wonderful; Time,' Err langer, Phiiadelphi y \ - : ■'Yes, My Darling Daughter, ■ Biltmore, Los Angeles. ' / 'You Can't take It With You;' Harri.s, (Chicago. • ■ 'You Can't Take It With You,' Hanna, Cleveland. ; 'You Can't Take It With You,' V, St. Charles^ Ne'W vOrleans, . B a;'3 'HUSBAND' $15,000, DEL; R' CURRENT • Detroit, Dec. 28. . ; Despite the uSual pre-Xmas; lull. 'Yr. Obedient Husband' igarnered arOuhd $15,000 bh eight perform- ances last week at the Cass here. Pretty nice in view of the season and the -fact; that 'Victoria Regina' the previous Week had- taken the -town for an s.r.o. $30,000. Current . Is 'Stage Door,' which opened a' week stand last night (.Monday). ^ ' * - . .; Estimate for Last Weiek 'Yr. Obedient Husband,' Cass (1 400: $2.75 top). Grabbed, nice $15,000. despite pre-Xmas lull; One Show Out • Broad way looks for a cleanup this iveek,^ cliina'Xied;vby:->JeW'^Yci^^ Friday and the ; hoiiclay it.sell'. But because the -first,'day .of 1938 fulls 6n .Satui-day,; ..showiiiGn . ;.; . .chary of; ihsertjng..extra: m.atinees,' There are fewer ad.ded atternoons' than fof a by season' i n^:mp re ?tha.n a .decade. ;. : Qnly.vfive ;.shbwis' annbunce. an extra ibatine.e, • where;a.s: in. other -years", a; dozen shpws played . nine tihies, be- tween Chiistmas and New Year's, and - some; standouts gave . fbur and; live afternoon', performances: each. Monday night (27) it Was ..claimed that some of the 'hits that slipped had. ret.uriried to. .virtual iapjaOity.;; There were plenty of visitors., in ;tb\yn on. that day,: ■vi/.ith:rairi Tuesday..tendihg to hold down, the ;huinbec; of hol.i- dayites.. ';.. •.:':■ ;. : : .-,'-, . ;'■.; ■ Two musicals ' joined the; list week, and while both drew a divided pre.ssi fairly-. favorable chances are indicated^ 'Between the Devil.' at the Irnpe'rial,- an<i 'Three- Waltzes;' Majestic,, were ne.Wconriersl 'They in- creased ■ the 'meagre list Of nrierie four tubers. . Because Of. that, :the arrivals' chances: may. be enhanced. First full week of 'Tell Me Pretty Maiden'; at, the Mansfield wa.s light. New . shuffle bf holiday cards and the postponement - of .'Yr Obedient Husband' because of. Fredric - March'.s: illness , will see more - incomers .rnext week than currently. Card includes "Time and the GbnWays,' Ritz; 'Right This Way.' 46th. Street; 'Stop Over,' Lyceum;. 'Greatest - Show on Earth,' Playhouse: 'Tortilla Flat,' house ;un- anhouhced; .probably • "'Husband.' Broadhurst; also the London Inti mate Opera Co;, Little; 'The Cradle ■Will Rock,' Windsor (had; given sev- eral . special. Sunday. perfoi-mances) and 'One Third: of a vNatibn,: Adelphi; WPA-er; W: , ■ •.. Only slated clbsing this week is 'Firench Without Tears,' Millar. .Most touring productibns . were; dark laSt Week as indicated, but spnrie gaVe one to three performances. . .-• Estimates ' for' Laist . Week ' v. 'Amphitryon 38,' Shubert' (9th week) (G-l,387.-$3.30). Theatre Guild's^ aice attraction this .seaKPri (Lunts may add matinees of 'The Sea • Gull); rated around $19,000. • 'Barchester Towers,' Beck.; • (5th .week) (C^li214-$3,30). Layed off two -Derforhiances last week; in ..six time's the takings were quoted at $7i0p0; unless perking iip materially 'ihay gP off. ■ ■ ' . - .': ; 'Between the Devil,' Imperial ' (2d week) (Mrl;468-$4.40>... Drew^.m notices at midweek premiere;; agen- c!3s made ticket buy for new musical. 'Brotker Rat,' National (56th week) (G-1.164-$3.30). BusiheSS after this week; will determine cbntinuancc; down around $4,500 but .attraction broke even at pace'. W . 'Father Malachy's Miracle,* ; St. Janies (7th week) (G-l,520-$3;30). OKAY IN L A. Balto Conies to Life; 'Stop Over,' ^Mulberry ;.. •. .•• Baltimore,. Dec. 28. Town Avas dark last: week, but h both legit; houses open currently.. . Preem of ■ 'Stop Over'. is • at Frtrd's . and . 'MoPH Over Mulberry:Street' .at .the.^indie .M FaiC sale for both, ■with the balance of the week ;ii.ncerlairi;:- ■ :^ ' '•. .•;:. : :. :'Spring ThaW; new Max C3ordon ti"y, is; .«!et at Fprd's for next Week, ;Witli.^ George .Abbotfs; latest t)'re- Broadway efforti 'A 11 :That Gl itie r<?^-' ^nounocd for the. .Marylanll the ^cek of Jan. 10. • ' •■.. • •,. ' Big Week for BrPokiyn, Dec 28; ; Three - .shows here, tvyo ihi down- town area, third in Brighton Beach; and Cuch should do ' ,iccly; thifS'Week:; 'Old Maid' ai. 'VVerbals Brooklyn, with I several matinbes arid stiff . holiday bight prices. Js ;figured, to. .grpss ,a biifitabie $7,000. ; At the; ;Erightpn, 'Pursuit bf Hapbibess' :will get an okay $5;000; • ;'.a: . -.'^ ' ■ .Majestic has 'Hollywood Hotel Re- viie.' '': Marrin? Willie bnd Ei^igcnP Howard and . Helen'- MPrga antJci;-: pating healthy $17,0()0. : , One show is de.Ariitely arinbuhced to close Broadway this week. •French Without Tears' going off at the Miller Saturday. (I).. London imjport' Will: have cpmpleted .an en- gagement of 14; webk.s.. draw' averaged $l6,00b weekly; for roudn of the; way; but slipped clbwn about 50% after Thank-sgiving. Total gros.s: estimated : ai^bund'$116,000.;;-: ^: : ■ BufTalb's New Theatre 'v ■:■:■■■'.;-. ■■'■■..;■■Buffalo-; Dec. 28. Studio Players :oRiened ::theii'. neW theatre with 'Candida' this week. New/ hpiiise: ; is a former 'West. Side church.: rtjmbdeied to. seal: 700. .:at a .,:cpst of. .'approxirnaiely $;)0,00(). •. , Plant al.sp •.incliide.^'..-dancing;.-a^ class rooms for the.: Studio school: FRENCH - WlTIIOVt ,TEARS Opened *>eiil. 28. Notices divided, but most -critics thought, it light but kmusing. Atkinson-(Tinieix): ;'So jiifht: It^ dimost flouts out of Che .theatre.. Anderson : (Journal) . ' Genial and diverting stuff.' Watts Trlbuiie): 'First pleasure of new •■ sea son.' '.'. VAr i et y' . (Abel)..' 'It's light alright.: Too much Los Angele.< Dec. 28. . > Legit is in full swing again after being dprmant for number of months. Biltmore:. relighted (25) witb Flor- ence Reed 'Yes, My Darling ^Daughtei',- .lb :^ibr three:/Weeks' jpurn, while:;Merle;Ar.initage is s' 'La.dy.lPr'ecib.Us Streijin■ :.'il ;the ^hilharmpnic :for■ ; total of 12 per- fprmances. '■' Estimates- for Liist' We«k ^■;/*I.ady.': Preir.ious ," Sii->am,'y--i;^Phil- ha-r.b}pnic. ''riTOO;: $2.2()j <2d .final Wecit;.).- ;Opfnt;d mildly but.' hit: its sir id e iCh r ist IT) as ' Day^'-; W itii-: d cif^e' to $7,bod :o'n l^tap ; for./first -:three Aflyanc.e; .ibclicat.c.s ' Oke returns tPr - i:c m a i n d e r: of r- ii h. 'Yes, My Darling Daughter,' Brlt- mpre /(.1.65(); $2.75) / (2d. Nveek )f- Opebed . Xmas- 'day:' tP.;;satf.sfac^^^ trade and -diiplicated biz pri Sunday, for ;■ -y: good' $4;0OO-'On-.the .two; "day.s::'. ; :Ebg;igemeHl,; - iy' ■ ,'fb.i/: j-tbf'ee weeks, with ,.€in "ejctr'a. iirvidb'ght..;sh6w. •New; Year"'*; .Eve. r^:;..';.-,.. .;;•, V..;;'^V v.-.'" y-:.■■;.'. :,;■;''■. ./.' ' WPA'.'.^.:'; .'-V-^'. 'AnjJrocWs; :ahd .;tiie .'Lio^ wood • Phiybouse;. All . negrb.." playing tb .sati.sitactory.^hbliday. trade. ■ 'Ready! Aim! :Fire! •Mayan;:.iVlo'ved here foil owing healthy, I'un at Hpl/y- wohfl Playhouse. . ; '.■,/:'.:■.■ ' ■■■■ 'The" Treasure,? ■• 'TVIbsarl, '■■ Played Dec: 24-25-2fr;ib Yiddish;. /R(;i:^t;:its; i/i ' (31-1-2). y Ti cite t .sal c.xtciitlii ibto Fobrual•y;'.• unll.sua^ co.nedy c',xptrflcd' 1<i. m.vrU'er :., goodly .st,ay'; : appro.-::initi.ted / ffll.po.O : a.'jain;.. '• ' V\y y ' :'.:' ' : . '.■: 'iVench Without .Te.irsv, IVlilU'r (14th . week) :(C^944,$3:;iO^. ; /Final- ; weeli;-' pace slumped after Thanks- ; giving; to arpund $5,000, .; •.;: .;;v .;''•; v ■ -v 'Ghost of: Yankee Doodle, CJuild week (C-044-$3.30),;With 'Wine . ot: Choice'y still on tour. c.iirre.ntS .. how. is; staying: beyond subscription • period; fair; at $10;000. --'^ 'Golden Boy,' Belasco (9th W«^l<) ('D-l,nO-$3.30).; Among the :seasOn's hotter bets, with ' indlcatibns.■ of :«ea- ; son's stay; good at $14,000. , . , 'Having Wonderful Time,' Lyceum. (4)th Wcek).(C-9(ilr$3.3p);, ^Expected . tp rbbve to another house next week ; (;bad cbmpany opened i~b PhiTly la^t f Monday, • 27);: picked. up, - isbmeWhat. . . Irst week; $7,000. 'Hooray for What!' Winter Garden : (5th Week) (M-l.C7l-$4.40). Business ■ from now on. figured to pbrk .up; runner-up for grbs.'; honors With tak^^ . inps around $25,300. : • ' . ;; 'I'd Rather Be Right,? Alviri (?th week) (M-1.355-$4.40). One bf. few .. shows in town that sold out Christ-. ma.s eve; gross. leader; again topped $31,000. ■". ■: -i •■.;■ •■; y ■ 'Many Mansions,' 44th Street (lOlh ; week) (D-<l,323-$3.30). Staying on indefinitely; some, talk of changing name bf drama about -clergymen; parties and gobd holiday;: claimed : < ver $6,500.': *Ot Mice and Men.' Music Box <6th A eek) (D-l,0iai:$3;30). , Held pace of previous week. With appfpachT: ing $13,()00; should /:innaterially: ' ■prove. } "^yy-y^yy"' •One Thing After Another,' Fulton (Lst week) (C^913r$3 30), Presented by Walter Craig; written by Sheldon Noble and:piroducer; also .called'Barn . ' Storm' and 'YbU've Got Somethinif . There'; : opened last ight (Tues- ; day). : •.■•■.'.;.-';:'i'.../'/.;'\ ''■'■^ ■; ■••■. 'Room Service,' • Gort (33d week) (G-I,059-$?.3Q). : Slightly improved 1 Week- by virtue, of strong holi- day,: but. under expected pace; $10,- 000; should jutbp this weiek. .. ' 'Straw Hat;' Bayes. ( Week) (G- 70043,30). Presientcd by'Nat Burns; written by Kurt . ;Unkclbach; Jlrst . . r/ 't,show in roof, house " .sbm ; . time,-, opens tomorrow (Thursday); 'Susan and Go.I,' Plymouth (1.3th week) (CD-1,306-$3.30): One of the stron.gest draws of the sea-son and: tiiouid play into warm: weather;, not ;. miich undci; cap^icity;. $19,000. : ' 'The Star Wagon^' Empire (14th week) (GD-l,096-$3.30.).; Another favorite as!!ured .of rvirihihg; business rc htinuQualy.. ptofitabie.v with . last. weekjs . takings again better; over $15,000; 'The Women,* Barrymore (,53rd week) (G-l,C48-$3.30). Pa«.sed the year mark: .and ..while considerably off lately should get g;obd share; pt ; ;; holiday trade; ratitfd . bit oyer. $8,()00 las* week. ' . . : 'Tell Me, Pretty Maiden.' Man.sfield (.3rd week) (Crl ;()19-$3,30^ Drew niixed notices., W'^h business' first week di.sanpbintini^y e.stimatcd under' $5,000. . . 'Three Waltzes,* Majestic . - (1 si Week) (O-l,t')3-$3.30.) Opened Saliir-; day .(25) with . Monday'.s . bti.ticpa . divided; fair; chance indicated for . operetta. " . 'Tobacco Road,' Forrest (212th week) (G-i,107-$l.65): vNot "ttibch V oek until Saturday; takings under $5,500, but ahow probably made sPrti* profit, /. v.;.-;:-;;■■..:-^' ' :;/■■';■ ' y y. J ■ 'Ye.s, My tarlihg Daughter.' Van- derbilt (46th Week) (C-804-$3.3(j). Ha.s been down around: $5,000 mark ' or slightly more;.:but Jikifr"<iihers is'.. ..sold but New Year's iEye .and engage-' mcnt may be extended another ; . month or more. 'You Can't Take It With Ynu/ Rjpth CSSth week') ; ^:(i;:^708-$3.3()); Arir . other' long:.stayer: which:wa.s affected :: after Thanksgivihg; still pointed ffir ' warm weather; $10,000; r capacity ; Monday. . ' . ' : 'Yr Cbtedicnt Husbaijrt,';B.rbadtViiTst.'', Illne.s.s, of Fcebri-^]March^;^c jionement;'^ will probably open'^n^^^ week. [.':: y y-^y.■ y-y ; .'Western ; Waters, . Hudson • (1st ' wceir) .(C-i;094-.$3i30). Pr^^^^^^ ■"..«a M'\=es.; ivnt+ftp:b.y\8!cb.:ird Ga^ sob; al>sp called 'TbughV'f' .ChSiw' and/ 'Satan's. M - Chum'; opened Tuesday.' ;;' ~ Added .•... .. "■Pih:s " and , Needles,' Labor . .St.'i^'o; ircyue. pre>>brited by ■ l-adic)?; : C 'rmcnt Worker^; . union. - /' .". . 'Edna His Wife,* Little; bne-pGr.;. . ?. play .; •With ■.'■^a ; Otis Skinritr; ■ final week; goes to road. .;■'■. .' Revivals ; • 'A. pbli's:: House,'; Mo.rp.s(:c); ■ rf'.v-r.v al: ■; with .star. .highl'N^ touted on ioj.d; : bne;n6d Mobday (27). ■ -■, . '■ yy '.lu'rius'''Caesar;'-.M .'A 'I^hp; ;; makor:'.s•:. /'IIbl Vdny, -. revival.; ■'. «)pi^.ns.:' .Sotiird,ay (1); r('n<irtf)i y; thereafter; • - ■./.;■ ' WVA- - ' r .. ■:--y: ■ :.'rrocessioriai.: Ejiib'tt.; ■■ "/ : ■': . y ■ .;^ne .0'Neiii;playlct)-J JjJifayHl*, • Harlem. •.'.; '