Variety (Dec 1937)

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52 Wednesday, D 29» 1937 Bropklyii Easie Settlement Biu)oklyn Eagle strike, begun; oyer three mbiitbs ago was terminated just before Chi-istniasV' with the .signing of an . agVeement .between; the (rian-- a«ement and the N. Y,' Newspaper Guild. , . Settlement, was • brought about Ithrbugh the ihterVentiOn. of the State Mediation Board with Ar-: thur .Meyer .presiding'..'. Strikers' re- Si2hbd..;agreemeh^ covers 198 .prny ployds, 50 of Avhich axe in cpmrner-' cial. depirtment^-; ^ : , space - wri torsi &nd is for ohe year. It does not ihelude /the.-Guild prefereritial shop. AlVstrikers'Vvill be rfeinstaited,; but under the terms- of vthe, agree- meh t the managemeht. can lay. pi? 40 imniedia tj^^ly, .ivho are tbV be plajced on a proferfehtial list: and -given 20 ; weel?s\ severance: pay. ■ - .TViro Aveeks' pay is received at ;ohce ;andvt^ rest; in w^eekiy ihstallmehts. Agivee.meht. also ..calls for a .five, day, 40-hour weekV and, equal time off for over-time.' Vacatioris Of two., weeks each.yaar -are ihcliide agreshiicnt.. ■ GrieVaniM. committed is. set up under the .cohtract.-:;,. .: ^ War 'Verse: Banned in Japan ■;■ Recent issue of $ehryuiih; niaga- 21 ne of; eoigranrimatic; pOeti^;;v banned in Tokyo by thie ppUce cen- sor ■ . bacijuse Vit contained ; .yerses deprecating war.; indicated ; -that similar abtidh. wilL be \teken any fOrei^ii publicatipni,whi<Hti^^^^^.c tain.'- sUch'vrhaterial; .v'>;;." Executives ot the Toho, SKbchiku and Vbshimoto chains . met- early this Triontii >with vofliQials. of the Hoihe Ministry; to discuss action io be taken in eUmiriating antlnWar: films and playi from ttiea Tokyo.'. ..^ •;■■■■•:';■.;"■ '■-■ ■;■.;; ■. ■-^ Philco'f Whodunits .' Philadelphia, pec. 28. piyilcb nosv. claiming to be ■wi>rld'!3;'; largest publisher. :;of -whoduiiils. • - Radio majiufac- : tiirer, sihce ^ start' of disqied Phy 1; Goe'myster)f^storieS;;^:hks pub^- lished- 2, 000.000; copies' of pam- phlets carrying the sfOries..—r- ; .'Gone . With .t^^^^^^ /l-20bi000..'copies. ■ V' sold Dec, 20, of pneiihilbnia, . He was., for- mer city; editbr ..6{ the Detroit, •rinies, was' with trhiversal Service ih,:New York, and was member, of Detroit Times staff at time ' of his death. . He was appointed Ford's first public relations cotinsel in 1915, during which time he, launchbd t^^ 'jjeace ;shi|p,' ;and In 1920, was spe-. (Cial ambassador :to M^xicOf when the U,. S. did-' not; recbgnize the current Bilexican '. -fifoy Detroit, Dei?. 22, ; yv': \ -''-.-- ; Xens Parade Goes On: C.lickvis 'ih^. name of a new. pictuire mag which appeared on the stands yesterday . (28). ■ It's an ■ Annertlierg publicatibn,-selling for .10 cents,: a its 'fbrmiit •" slightly: larger than tKat bt Life/' Editbriai. bfflc^^ are in N. Y.,- WJth the: niag : published in Chicago. ^ Executive .editor: ■ ;Curtis IVIitchell, \yhb . also, heads tip ' the other Annehbergpublications.Screen Guide and Radio Guidef, Rod: But- terwbrth, art director .for; Screen Guide, iis. also /handling;;the art wprk ..on. Click. -^Mag .co^ art sec- tion in addition to'general P This is the ninth general'pictorial .magazine on the stands at .this; time;; Others are Life, Look; Pic. .Now and Theri. Pictures, See, Foto and Photo- iiistbry. .'.;.. •- ■ Other more specialized magazines are Rising Tidei ballyhoo for Buchmanites; Peek; a burlesque bt the picture rags; Minicam,- a can- did camera -fart ma^> arid Photb- Grinie. '■•'V- 'v;-'--- ■ ;■ Man Bites . Dos ■ The; switch, whereby a publication . expresses . 'appreciation' to; ^Us ;cbn- tributors; was Esquire's novel stunt for ,Xrnas.: • Arnold Gingrich, Esky editor; presShtfed a moneyrclip (with attached watch), and included actual currency with the p'resenta- tions. : . .'-■-■■. Appended was .Gingrich's per- sonal nbte that 'this was a .hint that we would like to- keep the. bilUclip further filled with future (contribu- tions from .you.' . '" ;.' Dorsey to Soye for^ Tlmiei; . Paul Dorsey, Coast lenser. .for Tiriie magazine, leaves for N. Y^ early next, miortth to take oVer the: newly crieated job :bt staff fotbg for the weekly; Bulber;will shoot his "Time stuff: mostly in vcijlor and will be sent arouh4' ' the. country covering important news, break.. . I Rex Hardy replaces Dprsey'. in the Coast spot.: iDorsey joined; the Time- Like ■ forces irom^ the L. A. Herald and Express, early this year. . .'''-'■ . Lbuie SolMiy ClUTttjr Feed . Louis. Sbbbl. N. Y. Journal-Amer lean's Broadway . cblumnistV will. be tendered .a . puncheon Jan. 14 at. the Hotel A'stor. N. Y., by prbmihient per sonalitles : of yaripus.; branches of shbw biz. • ■' Spread is on behalf of thef eder eted Charities and in appreciation of Sobbl's co-operation and general aid Ed Wynn dhairmaning.. :; GdV. Hoffman's: Articles Shortly after^' Gbvernoy Hoffman bows put of; office ;Pn ^ Jani. 1,; his sWiriek of: articles giving the .'inside storyV of. the L r tiing, case: will appear; in 'Liberty. Deal with Xj'iberty was made sbme tiihe ago .biat ?Ioffmah: irisis th^ 'tell all' articles must nbt appear un- til his term as Governor expires. ';' That Hoffman .is • convinced^ \tfie final chapter has not been written to the baby abduction is evidenced 'in his refusal ip distribute the $25,000 reward for the arrest leading to the conviclipn of the Bronx carpenter. More than 30 persons - clairn .the award and although Hoffoian has interviewed several .secretly in; re- cent weeks, he'will step oiit of office at: the fnd of this week- without. do- ing :.nythihg further about it, leaving the matter in. the. hands of his sue cessor; - A, Harry Moore, .who, as CSpyernpr pf New' Jersey, at the' time the baby *ras kidnaped. ; made the .original State reward offer.. Variety Housed <L.. A. Tlipcs' 197G Bbiiiiis ; ; A Christmas bonus of $197,000 was split up among- 1)800 employes by the L.. A. Times. • Amoiipts ' doled out on sliding scale. based on term of service. . . .;; ^'-'^ . ' .' • Many editorial workers with the sheet more than 10 years drew around $1,000 each. Tear Gas for Hoillywood .' . Though general idea ainbrig pub- lishers is that-you.cian-t sell a Hblly- wbod.- book, many , are .nibbling at them right now. Jimniy Lee has'had 'published.'Hollywood Ageiriti- Cedric Beltrage brings out .^'Promised. Latid' in twb weeks, and Jim Tully is work- jingf on . 'Hollywood' becameroh,' a series,: of bitter portraits .which'^.i^ run to 200,000 words as opposed; tb his - Jarnegan whiph stashed thii: side of 50,000...'• /■■'■'":"V.; . Eli^sa Lahdi,; too, is working.,on a .volume .due next spring and hers is on the:; bitter side as proof that in- telligence always takes' a licking in Hollywood. ::;:Glofee Very-IMiuch Alive > Errbneousjy ; reported as ready tb fold, the; Globe, J. S. G. Dunn. Jr.'s monthly magazine of travel . and fic- ■ is' very :;miich ali^^ poclcet-size;25c monthly^^ n^ tends to - contimte pubiicatibn, but on a considerably. expanded: scale during the cbming year; Previbus estiriiates of the Globe's cir'culatibn... figures . were, in error, and the Glbbe is naturally "anxious thpt its' .cohtribs and; other, jjcrspiis deaiing:-with the i5ublication;hay iniscphcciptioh. about that', phase of it. ..;;•■:;;:;:. •;,;;^■■■:■.-. ■.':; ■ Pirandiello'g Works Listed ; iixhaustive^Piran'deilQ bibliograiihy has been compiled' by Manlio . Lo Vecchio Musti and will be published by Mondadorio in Rome.' The .'Bib ; liografia Pirahdelliana^ will have; 150 .pages' containing :a list;, of; dallb's:: poerhs, hovels, short Stories and plays. ' List of plays gives all the data on premieres—hoVif, when and by whPm they . were done*; '. ; Th<ire is also list pf the .works.; 11 in all; that Pirahdellp adapted for • ^he screen, \vith information abbu* • Sheir prioduction. '■ -Pjleasiire. Out .Quarterly New mag in the higher-priced field is .Pleasiire, . pubiished by Joe God- frey, ; Jr., formerly.' of Pield. ■ and Stream: .. Stai-ting as a-quarteiV; with plans .to shift to a monthly within a" year. .'■;.:.'" ';■:■;:■ .,..Goncenf:rati,ng oh articles and car- toons. ..though : Us.ijig;, .sbme .Action. Printing 200.000 for .the. Itrst. isSue, with;-Hedrst /offlq^ tributibn. ;;'■ ; ■' ;■; ■ ■ , \■ v ;■ : ■■, .;... ;new ;magazines . . .World. Horizon.s is a new mag pub- lished by the;;WeUs Publishing- Co. of .Wellesley. Mass. ' /;;: .'/ Moviepix ■ :; new DeU .Publica-' tion just but, sells;for. 10c. -. ' Standard-Magazines ;ha5,;thr(Se.'new pulps; 'Blacji: Book .Detective, Masked Rider ■■ Wesi'ci-n: and ;-West,. all. selling^ for 10 cents. ' ■.•■■'.: . •:;'- '--'' . LITERATI DEATHS THIS WEEK ' Mijton iBarjes, 70, formerly execu- tive, assistant, tpl the-general rcian- ager of the Associated P on Dec. 22 at his horhe iti Rockvilie Center. N...Y. . He retired in 1929 after 42 consecutive: years with; the A. P .V"- • ■ ; v;.. r, :-;V II. ;Perj;y Soule, 67.- member * of tho':N.; Y,. Times ;sta.flf for the last 30 years* died Irbm a -heart attack bn Dec! 24 in the hospital Of the Tirtie^ bvuldirtg in N;:Y. C. . .V:.'. Theodore (Del) Delavisnei 47. who; launched the. 'peace ship,' Henry . Ford,'s >h attempt to halt, the world; war; died; In Detroit, ..■./-.■--'.v.yCHATTEB Bennett Cerf in , Miami until week;(4). ' ;;;','.; '\- ■ Hulbert ' Footner .writing : . hovel about . Maryland life; . ' . r- Allan Barth : leaving Texas >tb join the N.Y. Post Jan. 3. : .■. , ■ '"-• Webb Miller on a trip through the. Near Blast for;the U.P. r'y'r;. - argaret Case Harriman. at Lake Placid for the holidays.; ; , ■; ir. Pajul Pedigo, ;Philly Ledger city ed,:.winter vacationing in Fibrida;.; .i; Jimmy Iseminger, Philly Itiqiilrier sports;,writer; b^^^^ world cruise. ' JVlargery Wilson is turning but an- other ;uplifter tltted, 'Your Persphv ality and God.'. ^ ...''. Whitfield Cook, legiter, has a piece in the Jan. American Mercury titledi ♦The; Good ;Wife.' .;, ;.••;.; ;;,. .v--.;, Publication; of Iren.e Kuhn's- bbok 'Assigned; to Adventure' has ".been; po.i^tjpPned ;until next springs' ..; ' .liari;;Sando?;leaving her ■hoitie;.ih Lincoln, Niib'.j to'spehd some time in New Yprk during the; holidays. .. Manning Smith, ■formerly: pf the PhiUy Inquirer. • has- been added ;tp Philly Record ;staff as/reporte^^^;-. Frank Case, of the.vAlgohquin; hp- tel>: writing his: rhe'nioiirs.; for who Will; publish thetn in the fall. Palnia Wayhe' has scribbed ;;the life'of Sophie Tucker to-run ih; three; installments, in Cosniopolitan -mag. Rbbert Watson , has just sold the serial, rights. of 'Babes in : Babylon^' to' Sanipson Low. Maristbh '.^ Co. of ;Londori. ;;;^:'; ; • ..-V. ;";;■■; ■■. ■.;''•; ■ ■ ' ; ' .Marc . Gohnelly ;Wiil hide put next week to finish ;up working on -his. hew play, before going into ■ re- hearsals.. ' ■•:■ .■ D. D. Beauchamp, scri^)-winter- ing in Califorhiia, .has . peddled his; serial yarn, '^^niething to ' Talk About,', to Collier's. ■; ;.. MOrt ;I*etterolf, amateur -linksman, has been named. Philly Ledger's new golf • expert,: succeeding Frank Mcr; C^aclcen, who recently diedy • • ' Fair trade agreements haye now; .been -sighed by; 48 publishers- in 33 states. Altogether there ■ are 42 states .which have-Faiir Treide acts. Mark. Hellinger: assigned, to cover the Hose .Bowl game for the New York Mirror; Sldnejf S^ a color; yarn on' the classic for the same paper. .":;'■- '■._." Eve; Burkhardt, collaborator with her . husband,; Bob; Burkhardt, War- ner prjiiser, -' in the Rbb Eden novels; sold her.:: shprt story, 'Nursie/ to Gobd Housekeeping.; ■ - Film. Humor, Inc., has been dis- solved, - according ' to a notice filed with the; Secretary of. State -at Al- bany, by \ Attprney Denis Bi. Ma duro. • ' ■-:■; -'-;.:.'. . British- ; publication rights ' to 'What ; Makes; Sarhmy Run,' ishort story by Buddy Schiilberg, have b^en sold to the r-Dennis Weekly pf London. Yarn -, recently appeared in Liberty; ; ;.. . i<r«!w York i*ress Associa;tiPn, Inc.; a riiembership cbrporatioii, has filed \yith the: Secretary of State a ho tiee of change of directbrs.; Franl? A. Bekk, Waverly, N. Y., the 'at torneyi ' • ; Cyhthia white's annual Greenwich Village ball \ New Year's • cv.e' • at Webster Hall,. N.' Y.> tickets bought thirough the . Newspaper Guild, will have 50<i. deducted for benefit of the Gtuld; relief fund. Natibnal Cpuncil -. on . Freedom from Censorship ; trying;. to ' do a parhphlet.; oh-, censbrship . iii Boston stymied.' .Found no receht instances Boston, which used . to.. '. be.' a tough town, has apparently (eased ;up. . Western Pennsylvania ; School for the Blind, Pittsburgh, obtained pier mission to raprirtt in braille,..Amferi- cari mag yarn titled 'Mind Oyer 'Mat-' ter; ;:by IDehis Morrison, ::yARiEt.Y. .nutg..,- -.;'.; '.'■; Don: :;Lbgan lias succeeded Bill Holmes. .aS radio editor ;bf ;;the, Posltr Enquirer, ;-.:Hea;rst.; afierhobh .sheat,- Holmes recefttly . resigned ;to ; join NBC in Sah;Francisco as: script; writer ,for; the • .Woman's .Magazine of the Air. Logan has been a Post-Ehquirer .rbporter for sbnie vtimev. ; -,. . Henry ;Gluhe, Rochester: .p Si' Chronicle reporter whose first novel, 'The Good Die Poor,' created soniething;of :ia stir in his- home- city when readers; thought they recog- nized ; local scenes : and characters, will speak at the Society of Gehesee dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria, New- York, Jan. 17. "•■■;: ■-■■■;'^ ■ EARLE, PHILLY ' (Contiriue.d frpm page 45) . for ice; turn. 'Rbckin' Chair' used for eiicore. ,-. ■ ,Norvo m.c* show satisfactorily. He brings on 'The Five ^Toppers,' fariime tapsters,: ap'd aerosTihrahy .and■ a 'fibod'bpehe'ri.' - -.■ .■•;.■; ■ . ; Next, aire; Lowe, Hite and TStahr ley, who appeared in pic, 'New Faces.; . Bridget, medium-sized guy/; and;giant get last ounce of:ehteflaini■ merit; -but of discrepancies; in their, statutes,, Alisiii .satisfactory, hoofers; Slick aimbst strictly to pantomime with quantity of. stboge^lfashibh head: ba'rigirig. ;■' .. . ... ^ ' . , Art J a i-rett. follows. in warble sesh AVithoUt.his orchestra. Voice soiinds strained arid has very , harrow range. •But hie is natural: femme draw be-i cause; bf good looks. . Good turn from Cotton Club; Tip, Tap arid Toe, dark-skinned tappers. Ob. their ; standard turn; oh large drMm;; same as in. pie, 'You Can't .iave Everything.' ' .-•-'' ■ Nbryb does solo tiurn ;on; Kyl'>- ihoneTlike instrument that; could haVe been forgotten. Herb. :'v;'V ;• - .;• -'• •■' -' •■k;-.-' Denver; DENVER Denver, Dec. 26. .' Majbr Bowes'; unit. With lots, of Christmas dolor, leatui:es the' cur-? rent : offering, / Rotund Donnelly James does a smooth job at'rri.c.'lini?,; with/Julie.'Ballewi: travelling .with^ outfit,; filling ;, shoes. at l-'st show; since fornisr doubles ait niteryi Show opens; with: John Jewell, barijbist; feaitu^irig;.turn;^AVith■^i tion of three 'banjbs playing at. the same ,:.timer:-fast and loud; Pat Lake does; a gobd; softshoe dance, arid ;Mary iJuddiee, ^ebloratura, demonstrates ;iai good- voice; finishing -with 'Did Your: Mother Goh)e FirOm Ireland?' ; ; ..;;^'\ '.; ■ - ';. In one of the high spots, the four Nelson Bros, give .medleys bt tunes on numerous instruments. The; Three Virginia Hariis.. Negro lads,- should do mor,e, of their good daricin? irisiead of sa much not-toOr good harmonizing, v. . Harvey Mearnsperfonhsbn several instrumen.s he says were- made by hiriisolf. Cpnsiderin'* the origiriality, it's the best on the bill. • • • Grist and: Gordon, femmes, do a cadet dance. Rby Richards is there with inioersbnatioris; and the show closes with three girls .who do ,a nieat acrobatic novelty arid comedy dance rblitirie.''-;: --. : -•;: ... ■■■-.'.■.;:' - 'I'll Take Romance' (Col) is on the screen. . : Rose. WINTERGARTEN ;;■ (BEBLim Berlin, Dec. 20. With the-current bill ;sit this house they certainly have not lifted them- selves out of the slough, of despond bf; the preceding mbhth. :.But they're doin.g- their best to put on a festive front. •■ ;;■■ ■;■ ;■-■ - • ■. ;, ;■■ ..■ The Vierina ballet, which comes, and • goes all evening^' opens with a sugar-water number. In the deuce are the nibrikeys, Jbnny . and .'Billa, riding around on bikes and balanc- ing on; balls.;-. They are no great .<?hakes,; but they get a gbod hand. The high Spot of the first half is the two Runners, ;femme and partner, do- ing.-'soriie hot balancing stunts on a high pedestal. The pal is thie sti-ohg- arm end ;' this outfit. She has a "^ood. fiTure, sans . athlete's muscles. Duo well dressed and go over. Else Els.ter gets, big billing and a wee hand. She Ysns' no. pipes worth mentioning,and both oersbn^lity ?nd material are.small cabaret faire.The ballet takes up some rriore time with two. riumberg- srridwiched ; in be-: tween, with a solo by Gierda Leen rToiri.'* Russian toe. Her Costume is .^he best bart bf it. she herself hav- in/r: nothing new tb offer. Brahms ;nn .. the - mouth.- br^an is. nlayed ,by Frarir!is Do'*nv; Theri' he; switches to hot jazz. TJ.layed On whM he claims to be the Inri'est mouth or,ttan.;jn the world. , Nuriiber on a pnerinbh; editibri follows, with the vibraphone^ in the house orchestra giving him a big hand; As a finale he arid girl iriend' tbsV a few of the miniature iristrumenls. to the alide;/ arid while everyone joins a pop Ba.- varian tune .the ushers sell, .the wares at a dime; a thrbw;; : Db n Del Monte i< right at home on the tight ropo, doing hjs Russian - plus bells with as much ease as-if he were bri terra flrnia.. He ^not only dbes the isturit of springing through a paper covered hoop onto the other- side, but does it over the heads of hi two femnias; He's ;plenty okay in hiS; line, but Weakens the act with wobbly hiimbr. . The; clowns. Beby, Lole and An- dreff. openthe secondhalf; with : some worse than third-rate' fool.i ' drums that land with a thud. The bosSi who is on the level with a wad of instruments, does a 'Rose-Marie* duet with bne of the clbwris; while ;the third tries to milk Sorrie titters in makeup; .The Vienna chorines take - lip the fbllowin.'j riiche with two numbers; and another sblb by Gerda Leen. Nothmg of sufficient excite-; ment--here;; ;■' .-.;•;'.. The Allison troupe, nine in all, -i take tiirns; at: harid springs, ,br>e do- : ing • theriri .. without coritactirig -the boards.' In closing, are Katja arid Fred with their canine company and a rbwdy time is had by all with.the bulldogs engaged iri.a football game, which lasts till the, last'ballbbn has popped. ■■. ■-;..;;;...-.-- . ■ ;; ' '■;■.■■';, •' yV-:':, Chicago, Dec. 26! • ■ There's much; flavor and balance oh this bill. Benny Fields is the ■ headliner. ;Bill'ed undei: the pie Lure, ^Hitting a New High,' for the; first day,; he, was switched to; top eyery- thihg the: second. He dbesn't disap- Roint the aiide, either. Eviery song is, givert: in a.'different style and - he manages to..weave a spell that takes his audience ri^ht along with him.; He's a friendly performer, with, a sense of humbr; .Best of all, there's ho 'strain of spot-; light hogging; ; - - ; ■ ..Wisdom : has' baen shown; in spot- ting Professor Lariibeiti after Fields. ;His hbke comedy a'lnears at its best, xylophbriing and slapstick winding, up the bill in fine style. Another old-time act on this bill is .Vox arid Walters;, Since their State-Lake and Drake hotel appear- ances here they've changed material completely. Double ventriloquism is a. swell novelty. ; They make the most bf their opportunities. The Helen; Reynolds eight-girl skating: act'forriishes -a probeir open- er, (with flash and speed. Five' mih-; tites of unihterruoted challenge- and. .<».roup;. stuff;;mostly based bri .whirl-- :in,s;'' -''• -■; \- ;• Bni Ts ' completed- with Lathrop; .Bros, and Virginia; Lee,;nice tap act. First show Sunday (20) had the balconies getting --a . olay, with the audience plenty enthusiaistic.; ;;;• ■'■ ;■. y ■ . Loop. KEITH^S, ISPPLS. .. Indianaoolis. "Dec. 26; - Tag-ed .as;^WLW Big Unit Show* and " heralded as;, having -cast of ;40',*- unit actually showed 20 pier- sons^ ;This includes a groun- of eight,; iristrumehtalists /and vocalists in . hillbilly ' radio; turrii three amateur acts. and. a Ne.gro; boy singer. .; - :- : :Dpe. Schneider ?>nd His "Texaris are described as 'NBC radio artists. ifrOrri Radio City/: Its wbrk suffers. from being srjttared over 60 rriin- iites.:,.during whinh the children. frbhi local danc6 studios, are presented at intervals. .;■.■:■ -'-•■; /■ - ' . Schnei<?er is rrji, . His Texans. vlb- v ilinjst,. .accbrdi6h;rilayer.: bsss fiddler a;:d a couple of '^uita^ists.. all iri cow- boy . dr jijSi include ; group musical woi'ki f.'^io sofri.'T;. specialties;; yodeling - and feeble attempts at comedy. ".bcal .tvrbs are; .eif'ht youngsters Lanclnft the Bi* Abplei two sisters ''oirifc a'*rb ari'^ irtr> riuiribers; arid" the : Ne'»ro' ;la.d. Whole thi is pretty "ad.< 'Pic is 'Bride for Hbnry! ""Vtono) and biz light. .. ; ;. , (Contiriued from page 27) . ; ' ■ .-.;'■; ^ ...;_ G. Ebefhart; screen play by Sherriian Lowe; photographed by Lv William O .ConncIl. . Cast: Dick Purcell, June Travis. Elspeth Dudgeon. Anthony Averille, Ben Weldon, Mary Maguire. William' Hopper. Anderson Lavvlor, Sheila Bromley. Hugh O'Connbll. Trevor Bardetto, Dennie Moore. 'EVEEYBODY WAS VEBY NICE,' produced by. Lou Edelman; directed by; Stanley Logan;; original by Stephen Vincent Benet; screen play by Robert Buckner, Lawrence Kimble and Clements Ripley: photographed by George; Barnes.; Cast: .Wayhe Morris; ;Priscilla Lane, John Litel, Dick ■ Fpran, Thomas Mitchell, Moria Barrie. Barbara .p'NeiU. • '; Warner Pictures In Production ; ljTHE\ AbVENTURES OP ROBIN HOOD, produced by Henry Blanke; directed by William Keighley ; original screen play by Norman Reilly Raine and Setbn 1. Miller;: photographed by Tony Gaudio. - Caist: Errol Flynn, Ohvia. de Havilland. Ian Hunter, Claude Rains. Basil Rathbone; Patric iCnowles.. Alan Hale; Eugene Pallette. Melville Cobper, Herbert Mundih; : ' 7EZEBEL,' produced by Henry Blanke; directed by William Wyler; screen play by Clements Ripley and Abeh .Finkel; 'from plaV bv Owen Davis, Sr:; phbtographed by Ernest Haller. Cast: Bette Davis. Heriry; Fbnda. George . Brent. Fay Bain ter. Henry O'Neill. r Dbnald Cr ispi Gordon Oliver, : Richard ;Cromwell. Spring Byington. . ; ^FOOD FOR ; SCANDAL,' produced: and directed by Mervyri LeRoy; screen play by Herb and,Jbe Fields;: pihotbgraphed by Theodore. Tetzlaff.: Gast^;,Carole Ljjmbat^ Fernand Grayet. Ralph Bellamy, Alleh Jenkins, Isabel Jearis, Mane Wilson, Marcia Ralston. :; ^- •