Variety (Dec 1937)

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in Broadway ..\Charlcis -Kipe; Very. ill.- ;V-.. ■; . jtiv Bisland app^^^^ manager of 'llippodroniei. Charles ManUa; of Equity, papa pf; Kick Holde C(Bl6t>tated his birth- ^diy. *l'sh liehihah ditW. Mrs' Millar how' hejaids her tiiiBban d's Hollywood jpraisery, ; Ciitiey, the Elks bald-headed bar-,. Jkeep, got three gift hairbrusheis. Margaret Carlisle back from HJoA^ ^ doh «hd j^Uditioiiin^ lQr.the Me t. ;- Ftav3s^^ i3i\itke back at his desk at Cphsblidated Radio Artists;;, after a ^^piddy Schwartz, fotiheif: RKO booker, has joined Billy Jackson;? ■•■•office.- /.i:,';.^' tferJry Ehgel, Fanehon & Marco ageriii itn;t;'ing Xinas cr^se show to Kassaik -iS^ Beach for / Christfiaas diiiner, due back at Ply- motith today.. . • ; - . / ■ Harry Kalcheim, Par booker, gets back from Xmas cruise to, West Iri- vdles on 3an. Jij^ .• ■ Mollie Sternberg now pubhciimg- *fatheif Malachy's: Miracle.^; ™ '■ ■p.ia,-show '.has'had.;; Siam Fqx^ music pubi presehtied with A bronze plaque by employees ■.-at Xmas eve party. •. ■ ■ ' Radie Harris' purse snatched m a bidtown. department store with aill . her money in it. Lee Sands, hack from scripting the Jolson; radio show on the Coast, is • authoring Mehtone shorts with. Allan: ■ Wilson. . : ^ . Sammy Siegel, Hollywippd flacki ifast toi advance tour of. Dave Apol- lon's unit,'Variieties of 1&38,* returned r to the Coast Tuesday (28; . Abe Cohri, who^s taking the Abbey : Pjayers out on tour for the Shiiberts; says thtyll probably re-dub the Irish troupe the Abie Players. . G; e. Pettijohh, the missus , and three children, .ort' a West - Indies > crui^Cv are due back early ^in: Janur, •ry. - Bob Wilby . also cruis^^ - Lobster , restaurant', gofes . for. ; stamped metal asfi trayiS: after 700 ■ doztin chinai receptacles Went home . with the customeirs'in 18,months. Whitford Drake, president of Elecr irical ^Research Products, Inc., has gone south for hiis health. Expected to return to N. Y. soon after Jan. ,1. Mrs. Robert: M. Weitmah, wife of the: mahaginig director of' the Para'' "mount, N. Y., who underweht. seri- ous head operaition, is rallying, and. now believed to be but of danger. Chris Dunphy is due in New Vork around Jah; 10; at which time a post, repprteclly with the Buchanan Agen>^ cy, will bet set for himi, Ltiavihff the . Coast Sunday (26) by car, DUrtphy : iis dirjiving ; eaist>: via }:, the southern ■ ■-fitates."'■ *' Y ^ .■ ■'' ■ ■; - Beii (Capitol) Siprkpwich received ii ChristmiLs present when his doctor infornied him that his sinus infection ' had. been, completely'-cured... He: has been suffering frbm it for about three years, iailmeht resulting in partial „ paralysis of facial- muscles, rope in more theatres in the nabes of Victoriai and New South Wales. ■ Government in New Sbuthv Wales expected to take complete control of all racing activities early in year. . Dorothy : Workman and Dorothy Bundy, California tennis stars, have been pullinf nice crowds here' arid in Brisbane. \ Jpo Joel back from goodwill NiSw Zealand tour bh behalf of CoL Bit swell with, 'Lost "Horizon' - through-- out the entire territory, i . . Seyerai Metro , execs Will -, vi^lt y^merica; in the .very near i uiure for a looksee. Trip is re>Ward tor, build- ihg iip the Metro, biz in Australia., Ken G: Hall setting plahs fot the comedy; slotted by Cinesound Vto go oa the floor With; George Wallacb starred. Frank Harvey is scripting; and local playefis slated..'-: / Report has it that Stuart F. Doyle made an olffer to Constance Worth (Joy Hbwarth) to appear in Aus- tralia iinder his direction. Dbyle.l is du^ back :,frbm .London next mbnth. Jatk Percival is readying Some slick publicity for tht premiere of thr; MontaisuB revufe heire next month for ■ Fullcrs-Shider-Dean. Percival ;spld .the Marcus''show hieii'~ ^apdMh Melbourne 100%. ; Melbborne^ , Indie nabe_ exhibs playing Metro ; ahd Par: pix in "Victoria have issued; « fan mjBg called Tilin Chat,' for sale ■.t«>.:patrbns;iV - Pix of Spanish. eohflict screehihg •here with: free adm'isision,:; Collection is taken after each screeiiing to aid •Spanish'reftigeeis.; . Fay. Cbinpton still: continues .very, ..successfully vih 'Victoria Regina' •; at King's, for Williamsori-Tait:. Star is pulling plenty of femnie blzi iespje- vcially at the matS/; . , ' ■ ;. 'Raialaika' .will run: to 14 weeks in Melbourne^; aftifr . which a short re- vival of 'The Desert Song,' w I'th Robert Halliday in the lead. Will be presented by Williamsoh-Tait.: It's expected that Williamsoh-Tait -will be sending road: shbWs to New : Zeialand early next year; as :a ,build for Dominion biz.- First to,tour .■will probably be fOver She Goes/; with George,Gee. • Will Dohm in Cologne for Xmas. Richard; Klemm giving^ cellb re-^ ,ci.tali;'.' ■ ■ ' liuightbn'^^'Henry the Eighth'- at Studio.. , ■ -:•• ' 'Seventh Heiv<Bn, 20th-Fox, at the Capitol. - • • .■■■..■•' •■;::: 'Persbnal Prbp^rty,' MGM, .at the Marmbrhausv ^' Carl Schuricht batoning the Berlin Philhariinionic here.' Walter , Bohle giving pianb; recital at'':thb ;Bechsteihsaali ;■ New production of 'Maidame But- terfly' at the; People's, opry.- . . Michael Bbhnbh;in. The. Bartered;- Bride' at the Deutsches opry.; ■ Shakespeaire's .'Much Ado About Nothiiig*. preeming at. the; Deutsches. Maria Cebb.tari .singing Violettk in 'La - Tr-aviata' at i/tbe Sfatie: bpeira hduse. ~ ,' Baby Traudl ,; Stark has ■ ^ begun work on her :,fQurth ::pic,; 'The. Little Princess;' ;. ■ 'Ladies, and Cientlemen,'. comedy/ by ' Mich«>.f^l' . Gesell,' .preeming at Bielefeld; ■ ■\ Ursula' Crabley sighed for ai lead in the, Harry Piel pic, 'The Impos- sible Mr. Pitt.-^. Maria ■ .Roland, ...Gerihany's ■■ star, yodeler, here after successful tbur of Sa>tbny with. her. company. Geiorge Kuleiikiampff giving vioUh concert at the 'Beethovensaal; Sieg- fried Schultze'at ttierpiano. . 'Laldy Windermere's- Fan* with Hilde Hildebrandt as MrSi Erlyrine, at the Little |iba$e, Unter deni Lih- den;.--■:.■'•""-•.:; ;■; '■ ■'.■ :■.■■ .-•■ Luise Ullrich arid Viktor de Kowa over the ether in Waldermar Reich- ardt's comedy, 'His Wife^ the Sec^e-, tary.'; . Frahziska Kinz to make M tour of Rumania : upon: cbhcliisibh: :bt ' the succesisful run of .'Weibsteufel' next month; . \ •• '• :"■•'■.'•:.••.■. ■.:•. Heihrich Georjge recovered and taking over role in The Clever Man' by ^Paul SarauW aV the ?Curfursten- damm.--■•■.-. 'Yes, Yes Lbve,' hew fiarce ,.to be directed by Caxl Boese; with Karin Hardt and : Paul Horbiger in the leadirig-roles- '■-■ ■■■ Meli Finkerizeller; off to Vienna to start shooting on her next starrer; 'Music in the Tyrol,' with -the jSaeh- :kerkhaben ;(boy choir). It'& a Vin-: dobona pic. ..' '•'.:■■' ; . Maurice Sloman; Hoyts; Visiting. . : :Jimmy. L^ar; spec.ial^ for ■ Col., reciently inarried.: ' • . ; • Further frbsh cases ^f. ihfantlle ' piii'alysis in Victoria hurtful.; Clarence Badger is. still,. waitinig .,: get'started, in iridie :pic production :. Bob Parrish; is. appearing , at Reg- ent, here, with 'Prisoner'; of Zenda' r (UA). - ...■■■ ■■■:•:..■■::■:.•'.- .-^v-•■::;■ ■•.. ;■■ ,: ; Cjiff Hoit, Hoyts' Melbourne pub : ■liicity exec, Visitinig here- oh .honey .'■ mbon. :.••■ ;■;' '■ . ■■■::/.'■:/, :\ Newsreel theaitersttie traie is-keelp 1n'g Up remarkably well, here: despite . :.slnrnp ;elsewh'ere.. : . :_Metro has 'Broadway. Mfeiody' for :/ Xmas .. at; : St.- James.- :. Mike LUstig handling publicity. .. '.;Arnalfiamated. Wireless . <:Au.stra lasia), Ltd., turh'ed: in prbifit of , ; 5503,176 on yiear's trading..'. ^ ^ Long spell of hot Weather" throUfeh- / .<JUl' New .SbUth- W^les. is' giving the ^ carnival, men a ireai break; Frank Neil: is planning ;to. extend .. "I's vaude-rrevue opeiratibrig on a jpbr : • r"J)ncnt footing in NewvZeaiand,: ," *^oy Is going;; ahead w^ to .*Bia.laliiHa' ; to . be ' produced In Prague^',; . ■•:' '•;;;;: ,.•. ;.■ ^^/Hen^y -CaSs tryinj^ to find; play^^for ■Wendy■.Hiller..^:,.^ '^^:~"-r ' y " ' Crete Keller now coricert-touring Central:.Europe;v,■■"■■:;'■;; ■■' ■; w".; - •-■ TTieatre Royal, Chathiarn.- sev^^^^^^^^ damaged by fire. ■• - :\ Fred - Thomas cjc iitting- pub^ spm-w.iTh3Pa-a, .:■ ..^■' ^•■v;: .::...■:•••: ■ Kiel4 Abeil in -towri. for:- ■ day to discuss-his^'Mblody^V -^•■-■ : ;•. ■' ■ ■ -■Daniel Mayer Cb;. .Avill produc January : in . the/ 'yi/est'•End. -. ■' ;. ,. Brian!;Wallace adapting 'Di,iel ori the LidO," by.Haris. Rehfisch. •' : ^.: ; New ' H.V.M.; flarwood ;plj[\y ■ all set ior. Hay market yih Fbbr uaty. : : Phil Hyams-woh a^'iuriibr' trbphy at the ,Screen . Golfing Society!,:'. . Eugene Robert wants tb- produce 'Yes and: No' in Budapest and yienna. Leslie Howard; still raving over comedy drama, 'This • Side Heaven.' . •'Solicitor..' Cljve . MacSiviney on board of. three new producing, syridi- .cates.':-;^;.•.■'.:.;..;;. " •, ,..::..•■'• '■ .;•;.., GUbert WiSkefield tb HoliyWobd-tb join, his^- mjssuis,/ Isabel, 'Tovarich' Jeans.,:.:-. ■.::v;'. ;,:,■■./ - v:^^ •■'■-. ■ Job n Sniart: negotiating to: take over the Embassy from Ronald Adam.; ;::. , ■•A • . Cyrji'-Gampidn's play, 'This'"Mohey Business,'.' tritd "oiit at-.'Q'." theatfe re cently.,-■:•■:■■ -^^r '-. r^':.■ Geraldine: and Joe' slgn^ to; play, six weeks here, with: bperiirig date in ;August. \: -.V.Vv-;v'^.-' ■''■;•.••:::■■." ■:-. '.■ v Jack.Payne admitted he was, dayr dreaming : ;wheh ". fined ' fpr" caieless driving;,:■ '•■•-•■';■'•■;.■;■';. :.'; :-'.' ■■-;■"■.■ .;: Th«i ■ Three "Swifts .sWt ^f or a seasbri at the: Dorchester hotel ^cabaret ^in •February. ; ;'.\:: ;: \ ',,.v : . Alec. Rea; thinking of .transferring his' '"iTes and No' frbm- Ambjissador -to <fhe' Apollo. -""- :';-.^ '■: \' ''' '•..: By lUl iCbheii : - Spencer Clark; ire joining Dick' Sta bile; after licking pneumonia. V. . The Tbhy Sterns 'haVe tagged; the new -addition to the.: family; Ellen, . ■ Gebr;t . Jaffe , going ; to Miami ^ in couple bt; Weeks to visit his' sbh, Ben, Jules: Lapidiis! GIT. bunch waltz off with $500. p:.' 2 in: recent sales :Cbri ^iesi:'----. - ■ ■ i:y' .-;.• •-. ;: Coririie-. .Rhba has.; joined . Ai . Fre-!. mont's . orchestra ■ as ; featured , vb: :c£iliist,' ' '^:'y''.''-''I. •■-- -.;."•:;;;:'. ,. ;.BiU L:^wis': prfesent was: get ting out: of . thiB hospital .after four, ;weeks.,.-.'^'::.■■;;■ •- ":'>.■■•■" •• -: •-■•^;' Joe CaPPb and , .the;:; frau, Ruth i,H;aien,. set, at. Show Boat .foV ahothei:; /moriih.:;:; , ' ■ 's' ■ • ;.'' , ■ Elnier Kehyon back Jh tbWh-again. thi.s; time ahead of Guild's 'Wine of .■Choice/ -:'- -'y.r::. : l--. :;":.-- Harry.: Roney,: Col; bbbker, vseri- ously ailing and going in. for long, _rest. cure,.- . ' .■■-,'--. -' - •,; ';■ Pi oVerice . Fi-sher .: Parry resiiiin ing 'PresS; :: colurifiri next: week ■ :after -mbht'')*s layoff. ■ -; r - ; :S.aritb; Biyiano. trombonist :frQrri Clearfiel J,; Pa., j.Ust , added to■ .Ray Peai'l-s orchestria.' : t)ick: Stab lie's fam ily. oh; from the •east.'for. hi.s marriage.: M.onday :(27), "lo'-G-'racie-Barn;, - '•;.; ■'':,.'■"' ' Heller family, staging a: reuniori with J.-icki'e and Shirley ; (Mrs,-. .Rich-: ai-d iMills), ipbth honrte. ^ ;v \. - . li-Crie -Lee with family few 'days :befpre. mbvirig to; Coas.t:-froiri;. Ma'n:- hatian; for Lela'nd HayWiard aijericy,. .. - Hari-y' '■■ Kalmine's -. nicccr.; Norma . Fc]d Muh ; .'■ .here .from: N, • -"f ."fbr^-;ttie; hoiidiiys/'K^iminc nrfmbd commaridor. of Viiiiety Cliib's A.-L.'branch.■ ■ ./ :- ;Peter Ridgeway to produce" 'Mbon-^ light Sonata,' by H; M; Hart, at Plajr- ers-::thbatr;e. • \'.'- ;..-;■.-•.,;. y- ■ ■ .-; V Niela Gbodelie iat the .Ritz hotel for four;: weekSj ;openihg rJan. '18. Will .ialsb televise.' .:':; •':..-. ;: Golf chsfmp Henry Cotton guest bf hbiiOr at Chfistmias dihher of Screen .Golfirig':'-Societyi';.;::': Yvonne: ,Gray> - Arnerican actress, m.arried ' G4stao; Nathan, Brazilian bu'siness-'mah, -heire.' -' .- .~'-; ': ■ : .Ybrke: arid "Tifacy corning; to Work here iri Ma.rch. Arrive . from Aus- tralia -•■via 'Anieirica,'; • Stephbri; MitcheU' 'busy casting ,'Husbahd to a Famous Woman.'; Les lie Hensoh..will produce. '■ . ■ Terence Rattigan .wrote another play while; in N,; v., : which : will be produced here next spring.,; .SteviB; Evans has nipre work . liri'ed up; here,; but preferred hbm* Christriias.. Returns next year, - Capt. Frank: Covell; forriier .enter tainment director' of- Ritas hptel,: out of hospital , kf ter: serious ^ Operation. : : 'Rene Clair'tb:do'his second picture, for the Jack Buchanan Film Produc- tions at PiriewObd studios in; March: Doc Saloinon celebrating 22 years' continuous service- with: Warners; now firriilyj .entrenched .at Tbddihg;^ ■tori7-; •-::-' .;.'■.:.•'i-^ ^: -; --■;.-.....•-... .- Council bf Equity, inicluding Leslie Henson,: sbiiciting actors: nbt: to- acr cept erigagemihts for: twp-for-one plays:- --.:■ - ■:-:;■ ■ AssbciJited British Pictures rented Cambridge theatre' for six film trade shoWs. : First .picture:'.tb be showri Jari: .6...''.'--- - . ;-■ Maurice- Browrife securing West End rights bf Mix Cattb^s 'The Bow- ery Touch,' fbUbwing tryouf at the: Sti-aind. • - ':;•.''•.-;- ^ : ; '--^ .' Guy Charles, negotiatihg to transfer 'Little. Earthquake,' by Beatrice Mayor, to an intimate West End theatre. . • .- Cambridge Drarnatic Club proud; bf its succe.s.sfUl pJoduCtion of ..'PrOr fessbr; B^rnhardi,', ; : by:: Arthur ;'SchnitZler;''•■ ./:; ■:^..:^^■•. / 'The First and the List.' which Basil Dean: :dir€:bled ' for Korda ' at Denhiam, will never sefe; the ;lig)it of day; they .siay.. r . Mrs: Arthur SilVciistoniB. and son off to St.; Morilz, Switzerland, for the Winter;: spgirts, with :husband lik'ely to jbin-:lhem' latef.--:'' ,-/ ■' ... : -• : Shooting at-Pinew.bbd .commences niext^.. -month/ on,,- Geocfie;: •;.Bernard Shaw's; Version \or Tyjiinalibh,'•star-' /ring. LtJisli .•Hdw:ard. •;.■•• •• /. .•-•r^ ; 'Among dbn.atibh.s' to. a .ptbvi.nciai fund to provide.: fobtweiir for .poop kiddies was dLscovt'i-ied a.;$20P check :from'. Robert Tayloi-.-. - - ; ;-' ; /Oh .arrival': hci.e .Thomas. Hunter .stated- Hollywood, .w'ants BrlUsh ac- tors and; actref;scs.:.:* they , are;; ;the bestiri the wbrld;'; •';;■ -.' - -■':■.Nils.Asfher-claimrrfg :$20.0p0.:iri .the High Cbiirt a'.* biilii.iK'c 'und,cr' a^cbn'-.;; ti-'act tb ./opnciir in./ a... picture ;.fbr; Stjandard- lT)tet:in!U6:niil,;- ;:. ' - (DsCar Hom()'lka,-.s.:'mui'i'i'<in''e' to: Bar- oness. Vinci'Je |lai-var'iy;;.W;ilrie by ::acto'r'.s; ..niLanOtrcr,.,- Erich 'Glass,.' and Ralph .Ncatv drirmniist. •':; : ;• Dr^'Mertbn.^ irodi'G'.s 'The; Island,. .•iecdiilly triOd'nMt;pnn'iMei.'ilty. :comes. to' the.- :Wc-t .-Kiid - -.-hofUy, ' Godfrey- :Tp<irle/''in. lo.'iJro^i: I'oVc,'; ' ;' - ■-Ocrte . Shclclrtn' to: :-play- in/:nn. ABP' :,ejJiG. TSlat-n ft'^ -Cb't-iliOo.-'MfcfeaipM- arid Otto/Kra SQiv pro v id i the-'Mi istry. :;bf'-L;ibbr d<»es /iint -obiei^t.. ; • . .":" Whoin ■,)c,'.Jiif N|iiilhcw\s-apt>care(l.jri '• variety prcscntiUion at the .Do'mi.n- ibn theatre,: it .;;was her / first- elage appearance. in;:four years.: -. : Richard Bird waiting; for oppor- tune iriomentv.tb: direct. arid .star in Giiy Bplton*s';vei'sibn of 'Is Geraldine ian Angel ' by Hans Jaray. korda's 'The ,Divorce of Lady; X. featuring Merle Oberbn and Larry Olivier^ based on ICoUnsel's Opinion;': play by: Gilbert Wakefield. ; : ■ : Maurice Chevalier has an niephew bf the sanie: nanie who is now breaks ing into filrhs. He haS/played:,a riunv ber of pairts On the legit stage/ i . / George F. Ilube"n.s,, co-aiithot of 'It's In the Bag,' giving ain informal mid- night shindig at his aF(artment. for the :entite:.compariy Of the show.;. .. Fraricis ; Harley, , ^OthwFbx:. chief here, :hosted executiveis ..and /staffs, prior: to sailing for N.;.Y. He received goodwill gifts of -two silver dishes. ;, Bertie.'Meyerv .for -many . years -a. well-known; West /End theiatriCal; mansiger,' has. bought : the Bell hotel, opposite; the Abbey a:t,tewkesbury.; "Vicki-;Lester stiifr'irig bpposite Cyri 1 Richard, in 'Bedtimc: Storjr,' -with Elliot Makehani; Marie Ault, Emma Trechman arid H. RvHigriett.featured.: Denis van Thai ^foririirig syndicate: tb / present The ^Melo'dy That; Got Lbst,' :in:ad2ip{atio:n". by Frahccs iSiri,-:' Clair and Ronald.: AdarnI in the. West End next mbrith. '• Paramount British, unit/using ,W.^r in China/ ba:ckgrourid/bf /current low cost- picture at Pinewood, It is. 'Iriciderit in Shairighai,' anid / John Paddy Carstairs is directing: Special matinee at /Drury Lane, Dbc;. 16;: .for King George's Pen.siori. Fund ibr Actors raised $20,000./King and Queen:attended, and show given, by/practically, evfery star, in tb^yri;.../ Jack "Taylor, Who Used to stage his sUmrrief shoWs at the: Opera House, Blackpool, for several seasons, has been frozen; ■ out; hy ; the Black pool Tower COiitipiariy» bwriers: pi •; the property. .-'■- ;:■;/ - -•"-;/■•//■-/•/:.'•';/. -"/'. United Artists : expects to gross $750,000 each on 'Prisoner: of Zeridia' 'and; 'A- Star :Is Born,' from; all ;ap- peariahbbs . bf ' the bbokings: coming, along' iji England, lireland, Scotland' ■ahd"-,.Wales;-: -o:--;.- -y . "Vivien - -Leigh ": niaklrig Shake spejarean/; debut : as., Titaniai,;.in " 'A Midsummer Night's' Drearii' at the Old Vic; Designs by Oliver Messel, who did them for the Hbllywood filpii:'version:.'//-■.; "/.-:/•:-/-"; ; Roniald. Adam;' letting the Em- bassy theatre to visiting. comt)anIesV He; Will :.cbncenti?ate on the phoeri ix, of Which he haii .the "lease; intending to establish a; repertory cbmpiany at popular prices^:: ? : • - Phil Sarriueis, former GaUriiont British , prbductibri manager; and more : recently with Piall Mall Pro duciioris, ridW^ with Pascal Film Prbr ductiohs. Their first is fllmiziition of Gebrgfe Bernard Shaw's 'Pygmalipn 'Idiot's Delight* opens dour: Weeks out of town: Starts Glasgow Feb. 23; theii Edinbiu-gh; Leeds arid Manches- ter, with Lbndon Operiing likely at the Phoenix theatre. Raymorid Masr sey likes this; house,';; having played ther'e sbme five years ago. jri 'Five Star Final.' , By Harold; M. B^nt -. /2bth-FPx opened; new. exchange. Yeiggs cracked/the Rivoli ibr isbme petty cash'.;-.; ■ /.New;Year's-' 'eve':; 'ittry- .-resirva- tibns'brisk:... './' ;;;'. ■/•/.'v/''; Parariiiount, .has penciled - N.T.G. revue for Jariuary dajte/ ; ■. ; ^ •: WBmkhaigers staged annual party at Seven Gkbles Inn (15),. / Ben ; Cohen; chattering tb local schbols bn show busirieiss.:/ . Pairariibunt givinfi two .New .year's <E -^e; vaude shows instead of the usual single. .-" /:--•■,/-;. Edward- M. Kbhnstamrii: in from Scranton to, fill exposition director's post at Arena. .-/: •;; ;■/ . •:'. . Yale Drama : Dept: riiade a nical- progress; film, of their: recen:; E^age productiori, 'Cbrbnaition'.' ,;; Sam Wassermian,, Harry Teldrrtaa and. Frarik Kelly cros.s country tpiir irig in techriicail end of Yale" Dramat's ^*-^And.-ibr./Yale^' ';^.-v ' / -:^ y^ a Frank/Fbrest in from N.- Y^; /// Capt: BiHy Fawc'ett trained in,/; /' Erik Rhodes arrived .fro^ Dave .Rubinoff. hbiidayirig: here. ■ Margaret Ettiriger winged iri f ront - N. -Y. • ■ /;./. -;;... ■ ;- -. -;;V>;/ ':'-■ ' 'y-^' ./Pauline ;-Starke back frpm Eng- land. ;': George Arliss: and wife ih; for th« winiter.'\ -•// - ■■:--v-: •••';-.' -'.-.^•-;--,:--- v'^- Warrters sWitchied . iBruce Lister; to 3ruce' Lester. . :';;:"'"' ;."',: Casey Rbbefts biack at; S-i ; frOmi; -Mexican'tQur.:;.' -';,'.-;. .■/ , ';■■/■.:; '/.'■ ■ ■ Walter :Plunkett bbmev firom ; thrcji; months; abroad: : Alfie Vahderbilt and Errol Flyhni barging: around. ■ Ralph Parker now, .flacking for th«; Beverly-Wilshiire.-•.; Richard: Blumerithal horiie frbm. six months, abi-oad. Goifdon;./ Douglas holidaying ■ :;;at Furhnice: Creek Iriri::- Gerald :R. Riaickeit, Technicolor, home/:from London. / i/ , / Martin Gbsch 'arrived/.tb: produce::: the Chesteffield; airer. / Albert Lewiri back/ firoiiri;. viewing iKe/Broadway/piay crop. :. : . .-■■ Carl Hinkle, - .Vahderbilt- U, grid ceriteri. in .for ' a: screen test.; .': Ern -Westrispre resigried as head b£ 20th-Fox inniakeup department;.. Grant Whytock/moved in as pro- ductibh assistant: to £»qI Lesser.. George Sackett hblidayihg in Seat*, tie w'ith thb wife,; Sar^h Padderi. ' ^ WiUiarri H. -Pirie prepping debut Pf •The Buc'carieer' in New .Orleans:; / William Horning, upped to: assistant to/Ced'ric. Gibbphs, Mebro art chief.: - Siriibne', Simprt's .; illness ; caused - day's; Suspension: of 'Josette' at 20th- Fox;;' ,v. ..;..-.'- /^■"; -;^":;:■:•-''•■"-.::',•:■■'/ :•;- '• Francis Albertanti Tesij^ned 'front Bob. ' Taplinger's praisery. at Wair- ; ners.:.:.;-''■•;/"-■-':-'-■'-:.;■/-:. - ;■-;-'//.^- '■-;:/ Fred;; gave-the-rii-issus/a- hew c;ar for Xmas, but decided .to drive it; himself...--:- - 'y •':;.-^:;/.'■- ■:;:■'---"// .■.'■/-;. Dbnald McBride sighed by RKO to pilay in the Aim Versiori of 'RoOnt Service.'. : ..;.;.'• .v- -■• ••;-:' ':;■;, Leland Hay ward, Margaret Sulla- van: arid the baby in from N. Y.vfor the. holidays. . '. Henry Major, King Features, hoi daying here : with the missusi: Eliza- , beth: Major, 20th-Fbx; voice eoach. Jbhrirty ^Mack Brown, exrAlabaima fbotball great, is CoveHng the; Rose. Bowl same for United Press oh m 'Wells-Fargb' publicity tifeup. / iia . ;By "'Herb .Gblderi;\':^ ■■ ipave. :, Barrist :continue..«:: deriials that ,:his; Egyptian' lour ; w^^ hbrieymbori.// -fe -, ■::.^ '-\-r.\ Oseir:;;.Neufti 1 d; : n.n med ■ one . ,bf judges .bf .P-hilly'.s New Year's Mumr mers Parade. - ;■>■ :--.; -',- Warner; Bros, employees two shiridigs at ■Arc.adia-IhieriialiQn'al-, bcr fore; (3hristmais:/.v-/:' ■ ',..■..; ■ '■ ■■ Bbo-Boo Hoff .has ' taken Over 21 Club irorii: Biff Bcifel.: He Wa^ : fbr- rnerly .partricr'jri .i214'.^ ^-/: ' - ; '- . Jack H- G reeriberg; ch ief- .bf . local Film. Bpiard :Gf- Trade', ;i..s:recuperi).Urig. -fro"m -■a;s.ligh"t,-:hempr.f^^ ' . .. '-■ -, ; New.'sbcial ;club for younger: fltm; elerribrit, "Variety ClUb'.. -Mb.: Verbi.n and.; j;oe .Silver doing" thc: jplling: ,' . :. Kids-at :P'hiliy ;Pro.tcCtory; ipresent-^^ ed,: Jiabk (J.i'eenberg, a rid, ,J i m:- (31 ark 'With'/: hahdrnade-/' caridleSticks -:: arid dcsk;;iarnps ;in apiircciation filfri?: ithcy rit-bvidcd institutibri. ' • //' ''. . ;RQlUn ■ Sriiith.• of ;,N;/ W; Ayer ; art depar:tri^cnf; /copped second pHze; of ,$i;000;iri 24-.sheet ;pb.ster /c'obtcst/of Outdoor Advertising, Irio/ .Tack Shiitb and: /Richard, :HbbkV . Jils^ Aycr ciew, got.:$100 each Jn the tourney. /Alina de, Silvia alt Bbsphore;. Jeanne Manet ai Sheherazade.;. Eunice .Wilsbn at Melody's Bah : ; Necka Shaw at Fred iPayne's bar; - Lionel Barnrmore in--and out again, Elsie Guittar at La Bplte a: Sar- dinesi.-•'--■,•;;■/■-.' -.- ';' ■■■•'■::':,'•;; ■-.--'-:'•• ;:Royal-Passiy cinema opening ia Passey.-;'- ' Sid Slivers' brother in the/cravat biz/here;^-~ ' • •■ \ -y - .. / • Gilles and Julien, French singer;?, splitting. .; 'Tito Valdez. siet for new Casino do Paris revue. ."•• Renee Faiire miaking Comedio Frari'caise debut. - Marthe Chenal named Chevalier of Legion of Honor. . Oley Cooper doubling: at Chiquito and.Melody--s.. Bar. .-•'. - 'AngelV (Par) at Paramount and ;Cinema:Lord Byron,.;/ ';' . ,/ ;/; . ' /Gaby Moirlay talking, of Canadian arid /American tour.,. ' : Je:an,;Mu)raLt:,;bff on world/ tour .to nThke amateur travelbg./ ; ^ /' . Odebn theatre getting ribw .murials by; four .well-kriown artists. ^ ; - ' Eastern Rrbs. and.. Rafael' Gircia;^ gbirig irito new Folibs; Bergeire. ' . Josephine Baker'but of .FbliiBs Ber-/ gere/tb/London'is Cafe/de Paris. / ;,, Dick. /: Barthelmess / ; bockt'ailing friends at Crillori /before; returning :to-N;-.Y. //■-.: ■ y :^ •-"/• Z/^"/:, - Maurice Chevalier; going ;bn Euro:- pean. ;toui'. when piresent Casino do; Paris :revue'-closes."' '; ■ ./ :. Gabrielle ; Robinne,. retiring ironi - Cbriiedie Fraricaise, to rnake first filrii/ since silent ';days, in.. 'Raspoutine,' ' : Marcel Hei-bier planning: to iriako -Raspoutine,'/ starring Harry Baur». .fi:om iBcehario/by Alfred Neumann:' / :Yvorine . Printemps arid / Pierte Frcsnay expectirig to; inake'Adrieririe LeCbuvricur' fbr /Ufa:;in Berlin next' month.:-. •.-;-;/"/''--'./;/." • • Paul Mercy^ back frOmi'rpurid the: world trip. -.;;---; :.' .y :Hele/. ^ Peterson still . traveling about jri,the,eiast/-^;/'-:-../:^^' '/./■ Le Roy/Johri.»50ri buys sw.ariky neW hbrne in .Miagnolia, ■ / .-,.'';•; ioc and; Pearl/Daniels to L^ ..A-lot cciirile/of'weeksl .vacation^ ' r; ;; -Ned; Edri.s; oyer ;from Tacbmia on Tmoortant biz with; Jbhn/iJamrick; v. ■. John: G/ Von Herbbrg and: the rriis-:; ■:/u.s . • "<jrm;er/! '^'Prie. Dennis); to Calify. 'ff)r:mbril'h's-;vis:it:'' ': ■ / / •■:; ' /'; '-' -. • Ellen Blair leaviri.c. for Clara Bow's .. ■It' eiub. ;HQllywood;• >fter hblit'ay • ;ind - with '.her neW high; srhbol; .di:- : /4l'.imf;i; /. She':looks to have.'fuitv|re a»