Variety (Dec 1937)

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^jnesJiijr; Pe^ ^9, 1937 FORUM 55^ (Cpntiiiucd troip page 1) vj" ocicinc for auditibns, So.far '/ifloiied/ When Monday Wiss Petry wa?^ backstage ;at ihe National theatre where the .day's v2S^" had ; started e^ Sorning aiU; vvefe-gomg:iQ c ontipue -.■ .:three;;tinr>es, a -Those auditioti^ Viiia^ read any ^ ccene they Vish from a group of 15 'it.20- submitted; or if^they prefer ■materia: bt their -own. vmay use that. " A- ihonbiGg or. ^peech .m^y; not; .ex- ceed three minutes, a scene live inm- iites. An' Ctor or actress is supiJlied V. {q : furnish' ciie lines when that .heciesSaty- "'/^^^'^-^ ■ ^'w'-'. ■ -V^ . '; The ^ auditions Are all „ cprtducted ivith jvist a worklighit oh stage, and a i committee of managers - and , pro- • ducers sit. oAJt iront and make, notes ■ cn thosfe whom thisi^^ see- VThe man-: •iters' names arfe . ribtv revealri tlieyy include Ivading. prody^ Who . jiidge eyeryohe on the basis of these short auditions iand thus separate .the promising bhes fronn those .whoj they think, have no talent whatever*. Miss Perry sfia^ted that ihany of ' th0se who were'auditioned expressed, gratitude tovher afterwards, stating th^i it v/as ihe 'first tinfie they had; •: 'eviir se' foot ph ,a'. legitimate .Stage Oinlii«%7;York, though . trying for year? to dp. so;.Next nipnth' ■. the', best of; those, auditioned .will . : given; j^npthir ; try ■ before; .all^ the. ■ ■?Wi\y. -managers..', ■"^i'-^"y Miss Pierry also .stated that :;every effort -Was bi&ing miade not to aritagp.- .'. riize anypne; :aridf that orte of the .'• purposes - oiEikpep ;was ■^^hUrt;agents/T^ ;An' ehPi'mpus . amount, of; detail; . -work hia.s.-been dope in- dphnectipn : with, prepiiring f^^^^ these. auditiPnsi- ; Everyone ,Wh6~ writes tip the ATG .is ■ ih-terviewed. • This iwais. handled by having groups, .of severt at a time -. come in tp see ;a ypluntary staff\,df - ihteryieWprs.^ every. 15 mii)utes.. .in- ■ terVieWs are. teni^^^^; but : will W resumed later Whieii the .audi- . tiphs.have been finished.. . . . ; iKebea)r»i-'Grpaps'' .''. ; The sepPnd p^ir^^Pf the Vvork yi^ic , is being done iinder ATC. auspices is . . that of establishing relwarsal .i^ r These are :alsb ; being kept aiioTiyr; mpus temppira.rily, though theire: ,ai'e. ..' many Wlk,. legiters.. iampng' theni. / .More than ■400 : actbrs. are presently. ;; ehgaged: in, th is activity, Vyhich seems to have deveiopied ..intP •regular- epidemic of rehearsing^ for art's sake. .Aeiording to the regulations 'the ATp. und^ are set up,; each nriiist have at least .15 membefjs, all .but' two of which : m ust .be Equity membei's. Presently there are 22 subh g^^ each , of .vvihich • is givph a number, starting backward from 573, a number arbi- .■; trarlly picked, by Miss Perry, These' groups include, actors from the Surtey Players/: the Actors Rep- ertory Group, the: Intimate Theatre, . the Poetry Group,: onejgroup k ■as the 'Young Hopefuls' and one known, as the 'Droves.' There is also . a Negro %Gi?oup;- wh ich has, j ust been ' formed: Each of these is/given re-^ hearsal space provided by the,'ATG; . There are. Miss Perry stated, three reasonis for these girpups existing. First, she statted, there are actors who are working in longrrun plays , wha want i chance to try other roleS for ■ pracMce. -A second group- aiire. those who are unemployed: and who want to work just, ior th\ charipe to , keep acting. A tliird reason is that . some .of these groups will eventually be-iSeen. by .nia.nagp and. the.; long hoped foir break' may cbnieljabout, :. A Traihihi Ground for H'yirood? . . Thus the outlook ;fpr^ ■ ca.h^t . get. work iS- beirig.slightly brightened, ahdltjley have, at least •'. ".n ppporty^i^y^^^j pjra, . g '^.hen- ;not :■: .working; .In some /qUarUrs i been- slated , that .the-. Broadway legit the- atre has just be'coniie • training •; ground for pictures and radio. That's hpw many of thie. legit agents regard :. it. adyi.sing .their . protegies .to Sticlc around N. 'Y. for the evcntiialbreak Which will .get them the dough in • .pictures.". ■ .. ^:". V . ■ .;.This/:has •.contributed to situa- ' tipn which has -apparently .alarmed ■. ATG sufTicientiy: to make these :f''??';ts tp/ improve. conditions'bn the . .main stem. '. To prevent legit from :P.eing regarded as a mere training gi;Qund whie' b:urlei5iqLue arid vaude-: ■ yijje.formerly were, thes.- and other .efforts, to'. salvage the'.theatre-before • ).V IS ipo late are being made.. .: Hutra Rible bearn.of light;pointing the- Way or Ihpse.;. whose feffprts &re'.dirccted .toward siayihg legit .from thc.AVay Pf .N?;Iy and vaudeville. •/ , ■ I'tgiVs New ■Deal.'--■■• ;:■:' ';. ■ .;:;:;..''^-'' -Nfew'' York;-.'Dec.;-26/.'-.. Edi.torj^'.yAniETY: -.y''i • Having, i-ead of the many failures in .the .show'business this seaspn,. it seems, to. this layniair spmetht^ realiy be dPne, about it.-■ .The pro ducBi-'s; have al ways llit* Sai i ie .cry Equity - helps r very little arid; thiout sands of pfeopje like, jiiyself are mpr4 than sinxipus to dig. ihtq pur pockets: to-, see. a. shpW;.- There.; must b.e,. some reason for it :^1J|,; and. in my ,1^^^^ way ^I.believe there sPliitipn./ ' ;;, There are ' three ;i:easpris for that poor • business. . , ;Fir^ ; critics, secpnd the sfiecuiatbrs,.' arid; thirdly (but hbt the laist); is the:House man- ageriieht/:.^, ■'- ■:'..;. '-y:^ : To /think' that. isi. handful of lirieri cin ;nTiake ■ pr; break - a; pirbduction iS; sad. What tp db -about it,, sefem easy» The ^?ost .onpe \ tried' it' ., Let; the managers;' hiave ^oimepne; iwell knpWn who ,wiliv interview the audir ence ;:aft€r. .the; show ;;arid give, their inipressibhs^i ruhhing it albhgside .bf the : notices.. - In ; tinSe, :-pepple ; will waiiit to :knp>y. ;/wha;t / their; friends haVe to; say,; instead Of that haridfui. It certairily: will ;giVe the pirbducers; a better;break and .more |):epple cbn- tehtey^i ;lt could;,betried^ ■ ^ V ^ • Secondly; the ~ ; specs.;;.. I haVev a definite system ;. V/hicH ; could;, be worked- but,^^ but .that detail :;wo'uld:-be. too long tp wrjte ;abput. V ' .. ■ ■ Thirdly,. the house; staff pr treasr urers as they are known. THm is every.reasbn to believe; that this sea- spn ;may: be; the;; f^^ bMsiriess.;' So many pe^ rijisharidledvby the .man behind the; bars, ; ttiatr-fthby; should, be. -. there..- Mpre; Ijebiple ;have -been, kept away, frbm the: theatire by. the: dispburtesy of these;, employees; ;than' . for ; any bther;.rea;so.n/ ;Piit it/all tbgethef and give the .theatre a 'new dear and see the;public:;resi5bnse.; :v / /.. '[Arnold C. Blurrilein. /Benefits^/No JUcket: ■■- ;■/ :',-: '■•:'.'':'■ --New-^-Ybrk,:X>ec.--2;3:- ; Ed.itor, '^ V.AFiETy: -. ..;-•'■.■ ■■:'. --- ■:. : 'Under the ;caption. of "Theatre Party' A ;Ben;efit;:Ga^,' ;an:.article appeared On ;Diec.; 22. .U is infetred. the. busir ness pf running ;iheatre/benefits ;; ' a racket arid, those engageid in; it .are doing i Work Of - a questiPnable ha ture. The yery. word/.^'gag' • i>i / the a'.rgbt; pf BrPadwaiy .connotes both th^^^^^ theatre agent' and. the iphiianthrppic institutibhs;are layjn'glheriis^lv der th(B;;eharige of niaking'.money: by fraudulent; means.; /;.: .. ' The- repbrter ot this. atticle : celf-; taihly knows very little of tHe;bene- fit' business and took less .trouble to inVestigatei the situation. At>any; rate, he took the. side; of the Brpadwiay,; ticket .brokers and refused to/ sub^ stiantiatb^ .their absurd and: :untrue statements by .consulting the. people 'engaged selling theatre /benefits. Fairness and • cb';-- should' ■have taught; the repprter . there are two sides to every question ;and ;that Qiif side shoiild: have been, presehted aipng with the theatre brokers'. ■;. The / facts' diametrically:.'; bp- ppsed tp ypur article.. In the .' first .placei theatre beneftts have; been of inestimable value/in bringing ences tb/ the. theatrie./If this .Were ,hPt-., producers ; .woiild nPt cboperate .with the benefit-, agehts. lt ■WPUld:'riot.;pay them;- money talks, in the theatre asxwell as jf does every- where else; The truth is, ^producers are very eager ;tp boPk/ihp.atre/berie.- fits and ..use every means; to : *i-''Sist theatre benefit agents to that' end. ' The stateriient is. made in ybur ar- .ticle 'that, the brganiziitipris .aire riaek- eteering ih; .theatre ticket price's arid the;-article/ manageS: tP suggest/that the/prbceeds . dp/ hot., go for .chai'ity; This is; a; sinis'-fef insinuatibn. These /br|ani.zatibn>s; aire bona-fide philarir thropic institutions with /people; of jmpebcabie;:. ;fepu.tatioris at .; their heads; ;sbm.e bf . hea'd^ are' put- standinjg'. .ci.yiC ;;arid' social- .'service ;.wprk./"'•-'"/■';/■■;■;■;.: ■ ■ ■■:. ';".";;/■/ /'■ ]■.' : IMpst pf bi'gan.i?atjoris running the- atre benefits .dp; ■". to fuiithet: their ;charit^bie wbi"k.. .They depend pn': bieneflts to. raise funds for .hospitals/ niir^eries, -kindergartens, /^ "etc,-;;Tiiei t . prices fbr tickets -in; nibst /c.ajses...are;.nbt . riibi'e' than .:50c. above ;t;he bpx:pffice' scale. They bbt .ah' pff-h'ight' in;.'-the 'week---Moriday .or- ■Tuesday;;.arid/ / .' ailoy/ed-' -; re- duction by /the producer on this. ac^. count/ It.'- enables them :.tO;. nT^^^ ;pi^pfit*;fpr'^:ihcir: charit^^ chai-fjing, Ihi.s:: small.. extra, artipiint Pn^, their- tickets.;--,-''.;•■;/■■'- - ;■. ; •• 'You.:jpfeif. in • yoviartiqIp that;; ii ■\s <iu.ite .iistial .for/an .pivganuatipn;.t^ ■charge /$!5/ ia,:-ticket^.iWhich/ is your bapis; for ' the:\i;n's'iriuaiion', of: • rackct-; bering,', As. a: matter; of fact;.-only; ■•.vjei'-^-.'.../\vil:>9lth'y:'.v. organizotibn's -scale tickets'' .up'.-ip thiit.: a'rtiou.nt tind this IS; done'xjrily. for. the first few' rows.-. It is ;a generous gesture; on the part Pf: the'.;wealthy; piatrbri;: to/ pay/'that; price .'for.'a -.cHpi'qe .iseat. so thit. bis charity caii ■ be given- the; advaritage of/this extra';revehue;-:: '■•/--;-;■■■..-■■.•■ ; Tliie; chdrge is further made ih ybur article that" • \vtreri ■ t ixniiv -high-pri ued. tickets -'/a^e:; ,s'p,id/ through'; •;-'re^^^ ticket;agencies,, the .pitrons ^who; buy them,: are so. puti-aged .being 'held iip' . -that--- they' stay/ 'away ' -ifrortT:'' the the'ati-e fpr;-.wee.ks; afterwards.:,/This; charge.; is phphey -ji-.ight/pri /the^ s^ face, "Very few. benefit ;tickets;/.are handled .through /br6k.ers>^ - as blibice locations lare'-natliraJly used by memr. bers bf the pri'ariizatw d.esirable.; locations/; / ■ not/ Wanted by brokers. If,; however/sbrne clipice' rbcatipns:' do fall . in ;the .'Ibrokers' hands, they.'usually/get themr; at box- pffiiCe .rates and. sbil them at ais much ari; adyan.iie. as;4.hey; ;You.;:make;- the istatement-rin your article/that theatre; parties. atfe-;cbrn'-;^- posed: . Of".. 'pushripyer audierices.* JiTpthing •cari^ --be. f'urther/-frbiirt; the tfiith/ - It ■ is\:;absbiuteiy;. mi'sleading/' -Behefit /audiences ;'arb';-;np, different frbni the ayerage audierice; arid bene- fitiaudiences. caa/spbt iai hit/.just ..a^^^ quickly . and... just' jas; :ce Brbadway;;;..first-highters.di For/ e?c- ample: the preview^behefit audience this, spasoh ■ at. ^Gblderi Boy'.:.: Were most 'ehthusia'stic.-./This-ban-b^^ stantiated by inquiry frpm the Gjfbup theatre.; Last/.Seaspn's preview/ aMdi ence of 'Yes,; My Darlirig. Djaiighter' imniedlatejy; i-ecpgriized'" the ;coni»edy as; ■ hit.- And ' in', iseasbris;^ gone" by,; I/, csn .; testify 'that - this truth/; was prbyen by preview/aiUd^^^ liking .i'mitiensely ■such.;'hitis ;aV^ CentUryV': 'Men' in .White;' and many Other; hits/ - I;/haveri^t tiriie tp men- tion;.'^'V';;-'■:;' ■./■;;;-:';; '";■-;■/.■ ■; -"'■■-'•/;;;■ . All ;the ;artistic groups, in the the- atre :haye used the. mediUnni .- of the theatre benefits to build, up. their au-. diences.' ■ And: right nav/ at the piri^- eril time this/is ;true .of the Mercury theatre, the/American Repeirto^ and the Group "Theatre/ ; • ■ Producers have placed.; their/stamp pf; apprby al on /pur /business. with;.ltill'^ realizatibh . .bif /; ;the ' :ihutoal ;:beneflt which . .cpmesK from ;the,v: service we render tb them and the eharitable organizatibriis.: ..:';;•;/■• . In conciusipn,: we regard ^biir; atr ticle ;as a . damaging.. and .a . tptally Unfair "presbritatipn;: of. a legitinniate business. The ; ;beneflt;. agetiis ;jare rendering ai service .of great, value to the theatre and tothe r.Caiise-' of .philanthropy;;- ;. ■: - '/y 'r':' ■',;'"■ ylssociatipn:-'o/';;Th'(eair€ ;.-.■.,.•' ./■ '■-;/ BcTwyit; Aflferttai. -':..^''(Iyy ;LarrM^;;:President;) perierice; and -the > coritenis .are ya.- rled; and/ up-to-datei Wc have not heeded request? /pf .dramatic. s7cctcHe^ based/bn -pur jpictnrcsr bccoUsc ibc dp iwt:0ve^! a service:' .When ..we -ha^^^ material p.f special Interest/ tp/certain, sections, .Sye- so designate;^mftterial^^ easily: uri.der,stari;<i th;at ;it'.Wpuld ;be quite rmpb'ssible to ;give 'Hn ;. exclus- ive seryice :to 'sprtie; 600 or.'700 iradio statipiis in thp U; :S;, and this is-. bhP of .' the ;"iriip.ortarit. points; birbught up. by your Richmond; Va.,: cbrrcsporid'^. ent.. You^ correispbndent/also says, thist -the major: flaW in hlrii; pfesis. departments is that- they :give radio cha tter : the ideri tical wor d/f or Wbrd as mailed. tb .iPcat. papers.' iis., is . oni y,. dbrie •; by us. when: - the hiaterial is - requested by . the radio stations; Some stations vhavc asked to be; furhished with news daily; and we;/naturaU-y ;giye.: them the. same hews . ;that the; riewspaperS ; get/.ih these/rns;tances..; : •/. ;/.;;;■;:•:.:;. ;./■.'-:-••: I;am'enclosing i couple pf sariipies of our .Biroadcasli.ngyNew ■"/■,. . '■'■ ■:.■ '-'^Sincerely,./.■;;■-/;;, .. Eorl; Wingaft. ; U/'.-Fah -Clubs;;.WHhi/ liieWty;':".'; ::/-.//;/-..v.:/:^; / philadeipM . / Editor^ Varietv: // ' ./;/-.';• ; .;YbUr arti^clie :/ ". Joan vipierit fans.; was. interesting; if; riot.' alarming. / It ; seems/.- too bad /; that Sorrie; people can't ^ show ;ehthusiasm/ Without getting hysterical. , Let' iiot your readers- /assume that all ia.h. clubs ;;" . siich /fash- ibn. VMay; -1/ ppint /out /that-/ isoine get; albng ; withptit . barbaric: d^ Stratibn.5; .bne of the 'irioH restraihed .-^b:ut' none .the iess loy ab-rbeiphgirig tp; Eiissa/Landi?i:-' '-; ■Jk -'-'^'. . -.''.;^;-:' C. i3. Stioirhdlcefi '. ;;J-.'-'/;. A;.Literary-;Nbte/; ■ ''-\;. ■..;:///Bosk)n;;:I)iBc/21.:/;;- E<^i^Pr,- 'Variety:/- ;:'\/ '^■■.////-/'•-■,'.- :--'.;/' ■ In- the .;6ec, ; 15; issuer/pf/VAT jRiETY. on: :page ...32,//there .appeiars; an excellent ;radi ; review/ of ; Mar-^. jbfie' .Mills'^ State M;aihe prbgram.- I wa.s interested ;iri it; because tWo Little, Browri authoris were featured. Biit,. alas, yoUr revieWer .^misspelled bpth their, ri^mes; and" the ppbr press agent vis getting; cpmplairi.ts, .; / . . / Mrs* /Delia T. Lutes, for; instari.te; -is ■ referred to; throughout. the j-e- yiew. as. Mrs. .Root. - This ijs' particu-; lariy sad because; your; reviewer siaid; Such . swell things abput: IVIrs. Lutes and: I am ; anxious to send ;.her ja Copy.; Is there ariy. pbssible w.ay you cQUlil giVe her a: literary note? 'Ybu .wouldn't necessarily ^ have to call at-; terition/ .tp; the /fact./that your/ rcr ;yiew;er- had --ma'de : an errbr,;:"b.ut t think; ybu rriight giye he^- a" nic,e :"plug; With: the. correct - spellirig of /her name.; ;.-■;.: ../.:;..'.■...-.■'■/;■; .:■■-■/-;-;:.-/ .;; The -. o.ther: .aiith.o;r . giyen. pn. ,.Mar- jbri er; Ml Us*.- /program ..shpuld. ha ve. .been-;:Ethier; .not EthTYiei:'." -:.^;/;: //.; / ■.'. -...■■■/ ^ •-;/;^4^'Tfe-/^brd,^. / \Publjcity. Departnient; ..,/ Little,.;BrpWn-;&: Gpi ..'-' ;'::Vi0th^Fo3t's-;Hadib-'Nerws'/-' K//'y'v:--\ 'lityi'^ . .£(/i(br;-'/'V/vnijETV:':-/' / - ■ Your' recent / lead;. Slbry/ ; "/ raclJo fil m; p u ndcr a /Ri ch mond,- Va.'. dateline,; was ..a - .bi t'/'- unfai r".'' X .dpri't know ;wiib prepared. thC;: rinatbriaLfPr it, but-under-jlOth .'ecntu:ry-.Fbx;.ybu have : listed ;;;/lC(7nCsts <^<'pt .Miti'critil Not Hee.ded. /// ::/:' ,/ ;•-:■/ -. . '-' :/- This is,^^^ :S:incfe we s.end- tb mprc; th:irt-475 radip/stittiaris. irid-. /cc)m;rtieritntbrs.' th^ Un[ted. Stale's,/a.; re^fufe^ tdr/'. ':prcpai'cd: ..e.s.pcCiii.lly./ .for ' radio.' statiprts;;-.arid'. We; liavc;bpcn/ I'eCeiv-^ ing,;;../s.pme ---^i'ci'yv^^ i.ibt-.. tPi'S -'.-fi:oTp; :;rnii.hy/ .-:station.s... The .matcrjiil - i>-'l'im'ed.' i.t'^s -,\v';itteh/by a-, man.; .who ■ Hi'i/s ;.had. .b.rb'a'dca.stiiig cxpcrichGC a.s /well a.s '; ex- ■■;\-Bay-/Blpck^s.-Fpr- iSwInr -'. : New . Ybrk, Dec/. 24.; ;Editbr,;/'VAfliiET:K;. .-••■■■.;--■/..;■' /There has .;been mucR .debate in .these and : Pther / columrisj/tp -rthe; effect ';that the ; current / type, of 'swing'/ music ;has; declined disas'^ trbuslyC irt its/ popiularity arid will rshbrtly; go the way pf- all; fadsv -/As aa'orchestra l€a;der/ whose' ;speciaity iS::exactly vthat. type; of/ music, such /misstatennents must / .certainly ^ and db/rankle.,■• :';; ;;"'v-/--'//-/,- -'-.:-''--: . For" probt that pbints to the cort- , traryi - I .need; but' cite/:' the ^ ballots of the/recprd-breaking brbwds^^^ . have: swairrineci . tb. the;: New Vork Paramount to 'hear/and :see thPir, fa- vorite: rirj.usic and maestros;' The re- Suit of the jjibll. is perhapis the' best barometer/ Pf ;public reaction /tp Swiriif that we/could ; /hppie;-tb: ;hav;e/.;.■; ;';■./-'//;■'' ,.;■:/;•/■.;:/:"•' .//■ ;Behrty. Goodrrian . leadi^; his runr ner-iUp; by .5,000 ;.ybte^; .; And. of the: S.ucceediri.g ine," LPmbardp, Fiblds; buchin, Dorsey, .Heidtj Kernp, Gray, .Waring and. Kay.e,;' six p f' them;; are leaders of; swing bari|ds. ; : .At the.- Lbew's ;State. theatre the ppiicy of :the managemerit/has; been to bbiok al.riiost. exclusively/the lead- ing swing, bands of the epuntiry iritb; its: stage shows, and the/ bpxTpffice -receipts are e.stimated lb more than justify the existence; ;pf -such a/pol- ■icy.^-;;^-/'-;; .■ /-/ ■;/;; '■-,.-;■ ;^'--'''-.. :.-■' ■; ;0h the networks; there- are mpre than IQ major ;cpast-to-coast shows that ^.;-feature;' only ^;;swiri/;/; ^rn'iisijc'/ That^s besides the many. Pth^r jjro- grarris. ;that..; .i;n.ciude swing. musiC: :amonig :other ;types.. .. / ; Rfty 'l^lpck/; CBS Conductor.; .'(epntinircd. Crori) i).!iH;e..^) . pea t of .li milar . actio ri/1 a st /Ch ristrria.s, Twentieth-Fbx, .which/last; ypav ;. a/ handispme /bbniis :tQ its .'emplpyce.s, ^ staggering, up to the' big-.salaried/ ejcecutiyes;,' this; Christmas ybtbed '>;:;; bprius pf ariy kind; iri 'spite of .a/very , ; fine"'ypj)r .fbf vthis -cbmpaiiy. '. 'Qthef^ . / ■_ .not passirig .putV'bbriuses ;wei^^ tJniyersal, W[bnOgr^ ; Grahd'/Natipnai;; ■;-:/;;;/-;'. / ;./:. •■■/■-.■^ The;- MetEp-LpeW^^^^^^^^ weeks' salary/ if the toty^^^ expeed/ $50;/;Svhiie/wei^: twp /'/ this the ;ariiPunt paid /was ;£i;" fiat $50 ' tp; .all /earning: up' tb ■ $100; .wpbklyw;;;, ; Additionally;; ;:Arth^^ Lo:b\v /• pcr-j / spnaliy ;presented; his/fGrei'gh ■ (ie-/ .-; . partiherit."crpw.ti . With a ; Week ■.<? /.sal- ary,.. pilus .;-$^^^^ ifbr. Christrij'a^^^ Paramount^ at ifirst jpaid oft bpnii.sW; v' Pf a ; week's; sa-lairy to a;ll' eatrning , ;. up;.tp/;artd inciuding; $40, then, later; /. incr.eased- ;eligibility;; up'; tb /.JSo' ; :Weefcly;;.;■/•/;.-.;-: /:;"/■' ; -;■- J';"■/;.-■/ . -The .'V^a^ner:/;bPnusy;.Was.'a • week's' ;• salary fpr" thipse eairnitig .-;up to/,$40/ / arid a. half week's salary for thb^e. ; ; earning ifrbriv, $40 tp; $100 if that: /;.,; amount did hPt .exceed $40 in bprius payment/.;:;: :/--'/^.^''- .•■■■■•/-■ ; Cplunibia;.gave a /.week-s ■ salary tp / aU geetirig: up/tb- $25 per arid a flat / ;.; r^te bf '$25 for those .eatrii.rig f,rPm : this ;ambuntf;up; ti[): $150/wee^ ;; /' . E.mployes;Pf.Fiima.i'te theatref /Y>:/' ;: received; ah iextra; ;Week's salary in:. ' their - pay ::;ehyelbpes,/Dec.V.24v; // sides/an; incirease; in pay; e'fTeCtiye . ^ .With- start . bf'; W3;8.';; .J^ theatre ■ di.rectpr, v Pr.dered/ both dis-; ■ burscmerits.-; ■• ;■-;...•• 'c-:'-:- /::/■ '/•■;/-■■' ' ■■ •-;,r/,;--.ChiCagp;:.Dec^'28v;/;/''- -.■ Ah ;extra-.w,eek's.: pay State-Ifakfe heip ;by; 'A,/ J. .Jpribs .;ot: JPries; tiiriick-'iSc ;$chaefer as ha-Xmsis bbh'iis;■;•■:; ...-;■/'-./;.:.:'^;-'.;'.:.:■.--/-.-/■ '/-■/'-;;/;.' St. Louis, Dec..28.. : All emplpyees; ait Lbew'g ■; theatre,. from iinion/crafts down; received, a' Xmai bonus 'equivalent' tp tWb weeks' pay at . jparty held at /the; theatre last.: week.:; :Presentatioiri,; was/ rnade: by jHarold. W; (Chick) .Evens/ manager;;' who"presided .as hbst at: the party,' (Cbiitihued from;, page: 54) a -gun to vfOil the villairi of a we.stern.; Wounded woriian patrons. Boston & Maine .IlailrOad; a.hM; hounces; fieet pif -Safe' Whoopee Trai ri s' to run out pf Boston New .Year's Eve;/ Trains;, are;;: designed..; for. revelirig without - chance of landing, in jail f pi* drunken; driving, .etc. . z ; . ^ ; ; Gene Autry^and Tqpisic Rolls ; / Editor, yAniETY:. --. /'/.' /•--.'. : ./ ;New 'Yprk. Dec. 25. ■• i : /hpte.; ;■ .stateriie.nt ;that .1 Gbne ATJtry ; received . money for /dn'd.^tS- irig ; Tootsie-/; .^ol|s / and alsp: that Mutual ;is. making; ; . efrort .'Yo';iri-' terest.. the ;riid.nufacturei'.s of .Ihis, jirbduct- in sponsbring his program. :As. adyertising-;aHd merchandising ;CPunsel fpr the-company, 1 4m thb pughly famiiiai*; Wi^^ present and^ Cbntetriplated pirohiip- . lion; ■ .. W.e'.'':CarilTot ; :cbh■sider'^ radio : hrpadCasting until.:the/^fa 11v ot ;i938, in asm uc h as ■: w e a re;; mb vi ng; .to/ ia hbw factory ;and until .we .arp- in a ppsitioh; tp takC:- ca.i e pt the ^greatly increased dPmahd/bri/TbPtsie^ P^^^ ucts -we. canhbt .riiaice' any -niajPr ad- /Vcrtising .cpmrnitrriiehts./ Although Gene Autrey mahy bthier rriPv'iei -s-trige and a 'ih letic : star.s have/e.ndpMed Toot.sie ;Rpll.s, 'ho; one, .has: been, ptlid one. ccrii';77;arid; .rip /one ■cver^-will.i; 'y.^ :-;;// /./; :/,/■./'.'/; 'i ''-;/., ^ You mi!-;rit/.be- intcre.sted; ' .. know-; ihg; that -irliiriTig.. ii)37.^ Tbotfijp Rolli? did' "tiie / biggest: tiu s in ess; i n ■ th e ir; 40. -years hi.!jit>ry. - ' ; -. "•;. .; ; ■/-//■ ;; /: .;,'■-/: /'/Iffl/iHoiidiS/jecibr,;; ; ' Mrs. Frances .Saunders- granted a; ' divorce- from iRuss Sauhdcr.s, :aSr-: distant; directbr at ^WarnierS;; ; ■ -v /. Lila.Lee was/picked upi fbr an al-: : / leged jtraffic . violation coriimitted . at : NeWhall Ijaiist .April,.. Released oh '$36. . bail/tb appear for trial. Jan/, 11. ,; ; ■ • .Anna ; Wilkins, • Screen ; actrp.s.v , granted a divorce .from; Wayne Wil- kin^j theatre-employe. ;.' / :;;;; . . / ' Byrbri'V^reelandv. Hal. Roach. sludi prbjuerty boss, was; injured When- a . ; process: screen fell on him. ' ^ . ; Claire Dodd, announced that .she ; has separalted from he^ husbajtci; J. .; Milton Strauss, real estate broker, ; due. tp incPmpatibility, after seven years-of-marriagei..;;- -."■■-■■•.-.-■ Friahk Mpntgpmery; . Hal: Rbach sbund techiciari, and: Mbna Dark- • .feather, -silent ; actress,;- we.' • . rehnarried; last:.week, after .a separa- tion lasting ;nine years. ■ Mohtgorp- . . • ery ■ dii-ected ' Miss 'Darkfeatheit. .in ■The .^.Massacre of the Fourth Cav-^.. airy',for Seiig, in\19i4.; / ; /.'v ;' ; -■'■■'.:, ■: '.Tbhh: ' V. Baines,- writer,., wai?;/ab-. '; solved by the; L. A, Superior- coiirt ct ' . blame for; injuries suffered by RPss / Shattuck In an automobile accident. Pe^ggyv Hopki.ns Joyce :wias: frbed . frPhi' necessity " of handing Powers $20,000 -a note In L; S; ■:superioF cbutt.----;. -. Jeari Hepburn, British iji ri;arrested for robbing a;.house; in Beverly Hill<;, ,: as; .publicity.;stuht .lbsY -sprih,^-/.w .. rcmpvcd; frbm ;Tehachap).;. v.^bVnSn'S prison, to the Gal.lfornia s'taite.a.s.ylurh ' for the irisane kt tjkiah in a; slfiiit^' ; ' jacket,"-;..--. :•-;..:--/-.-."•-';■■' ;..-.,-.;■-; • Jamps Duriri •and:.- Frahceis^ Gitrbrd .! ' obtained Va; to' wed In Lri ,. - . Angeies. Both a:r.e".screen p!;iiver.s. . ■ "/.Roger .:Marche'tti, - L/.- 'A-;; iit'orney." -;' has - gone: ito ;-Washington :a.s repVeV ;,-: senlatiVe. .pf "a numbbr/bf; hi^rh^'.sa"-)- '•■: arled . film folk tp ;ple£\d for' .-'clcMle'-; ■ ;: :tibn; allowances- Ph incpmC ta'xbs bCi^. ' ■ '. fore: officials, bf'the intcrhal revenue . • departrinent;; ;.Principle/ inyokcd- .the;.-sariie-.' as :tiiat;-uhder; Uvhich per-:•;-' .' s'i'ns: en.Et^ged-; ih 'the oil. iind riTlni'iig ' - ihclu.striPs 'arc j*rarilo.a " cbihReris.'iti'm'-. " for the. utiliiatjon.'.pf ;thcir/naiiu-'al". " r-i-dspurccs, " ^.■..'■''■■■■■?'■'■:'■;.' ■