Variety (Feb 1938)

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:Weanesday, Febipuarj? 2/1(938 VARiETY The Goldwyn ^V '' ::..(MUSICAt). ' ■ v . (In CploK) ^^■•^ . ^ HQllywQod, J3h; ?6. ::. •'■ niilieil/ Aiaisla reJertHe.'.of Samuel- i.Clttlii- ■ wyii's*. ptwluiitIpiir. ■ »atureB 'Adolphe .Men-, 'ji>ti, uii^^ ltri>».,': Z6i;lhu, Kenny BiiKet. An- Alr'i*!* I-Aeil.s, ;i{eleh . Jciispn, Hnker, ■ K>l:i lii^uii,'' ItoUby. CliU'.k,. Jpi'.ome. OoAvnti;; ■ ■ KiIk;<i' ' I'LTtjPit- . iihil, .'iChrti'Ue .-;.MoCiu'tlij%; MusU' . ■■l»y .■ Ui^rii-fe'e. • Gorsliwln; - lyi'loH .\>y- ■ -.(ii'i'sliwln. A.ssocliite; ' pi-pclucer;i \;H.i>r Bie' I l.-i iKl'ii■ ■ pirevted. .liy- Ocoi'jfO >Mar- siiHII. ■. ■ i^itiiy vi'iMil .siTi'Onpluy; -Utjn Heoiil r' ■Kit/. ■ .T.i ns.. ; sonirs ■ . I>>' '.SifV ...Kullw' •find'' ■ JtHy- fijil ii'ii;.- .iiUtlitlmuii. ■cc)ini?<ly,..sOQU'>n.c'es ■■liy IS^iir. ■I'..l'rin iin'rl. Ai'thur. Pi)'iHli)s;. mi-ti' VJ{lc-ii:iril •i)ny;.-.t-(0'iu'ro,--.Gropfir Tcrlund r init-r;- ;■ .•'■liirei'liuu', ;. Alfred • :.Newri^;ni■^ . 'orphos- ■ 'trHlioits, ■.I'Mwiiril■ I'owell;' >nllplH,V.Unor;;!?'-. ■ MitliiiVi'liliiii;;' ballot.' nvuslfr/ ■■Vemort- JUl!. ■;■ Jllin'.- cMl.liof. . SlUM-iiiMn 'Jiotlrt.;. aLSal'.' .(I'rpi'lor,. ■ Kililif-.-. Hi'i-j)o\i(|y. . •. l:."rc\ieweil:^ at' Wpvner.s. ^ iliin^svpiiil, . Jiiiv,,■ 2.'!, ,'3S( ..KunnlnKl tlnuv. .•<M!,viT >1>.'i'li.n.. '. 'rin'ii.isi'l^-. s. . ,■.; > ;. . -(niiii 'S;iiiiifrfV-/- " J.>ii lill.V; l^i/t'i-IU'i:.-.. ,. ■ ! I \\ 7!0|'. J >M VV.l'H. ;,; ■. J. •: ]';iM>i'iii'. ifi>i(inVi».. i .; • M'lch:iM- I.);iy-..-. . .V, N t J.loi-y Wji'oM ; ;;,;; i ■ .A M ■■ n; 1 <i i.r: < 'rii 110 /f i- r;;;. i ■.'■AiiiiV.'■ • • • ■■Alj'j'l>ili'-.;. .. vi. ; .,V . ■uA.s.ii.' l>u'W-.l'>rv .•■■••(.■liiicliij MivUViVl.hJii'' :... A()o)i)lio. MotJou .Tlic. .Uljs!; KrotluTo'. . ,.; ..Ziirina ■;. ...■.•,.Keni»y. i;«lic'r '..;,..' Aiiclri'a Leeila , .'.-Hieipn ' Jejpisoa ,,.;.vv.,:.i>hii jtuicor .■.v...Kila' laOfron- . ... , JeronVf. Covvfi'h' ,XyOla ■ \Ve8tihnn ;Vliiirlfsr' KulUrinnn { . . ; t'Vh nU: SKUjWr I';. ■,.-,.' a'ilo.insel ve.s 'ell ',cehsbr, hears Kienhy. sirig' M'shwiri soot', *^tc)ve;: Walked In,-' . iltl'y she. iiasJ discovej^a needed lor." the M'Qhjou as well a Ge and" in 'a the tenor iilrh;. .' It. all .e]tid$ haf)E)ily at• a . garden patty :. arranged by- Menjpu . to iti- noiince has engagemertt;, to marry Mis^ Leed.s,' who has other ideas and. sticks "to Kenny, Mchjou rfelerits. iot- gi.ves the girl, arid; ^sighs. thi$ boy . to one of those saveh-yeai\: 4Qrweek, op- tibhpl contracts.. ■ > Because o£ ,:. their. - current :, high, favor :;.in . bVdadcasting, the Bevg^hr KicCsirthy duo' ' •• likely to . win. iirst choice"'with"" the pxiblic: that 'se^s vthe film: - Their.. =it;ofnt;dy miatetial . is- crist),- .funny -and fast.. /Best J's n.ear tlve picture's, end when . Phil ■ Baker plays: strVight .for-the-krie^^^ .It is ■ gbbd 'spotting and gives a ..'The .Gpldwyh Fallies' ' is iin ad- . vanbe gUrhpse at .,next Sunday'?' .; aTviuseiTient; section trdm .ahy^^^ .politan hevijspaper; -.-iTie. a^^^ Saiit- uel GoldAvyn has scoiited a: wid^ area, for: ' talent,:., having.; : assembled ■ top. ... liamey- froin. grand-opera, class tisir- • psichbre,. music, radio and flltihs.The : ■ inixturci, iiv the briliiant^liues of teshr} '- 'r^\■cG\w7^ar\\s^^Vvs^ pror ' ductioti/i-in \which certain^ mdividiaal ., perlormanbe^; and; ^nserhblei . erase ' the'^rheihory, oif sorhC; dull.i niorrieritis; At the b6>cpffice it will. ;do; big busi- '.^iiessv '■■ ■■■■■'y■■" '\ "J ■. slii'st<id .:i;n order,- Of .'their iresjpective . fields.' the cast includes - Helen Jepr : s6n. and Charles •KuUman'i from, th^ .. Metrppplitan ■> Opera'., . Zotina/' :pre- niiere> /ballbriha:: .and.-..the 'Ameifican -.Ballet .carps .frbni . the-'saiine organ- izatiPn; -Kenny 'Baker, Phil Bakef, . Ella. Logan and iEdgar Berg^rt and • *Cha r 1 i McCai-thy': from . radio,:: iihd . Adolphe IVIenjPu, the Ritz-Bros; and . Andrea ■ Leeds from films. . Four .of the. musical..huitibers were composed by . the latp ' George Gershwin, with ly rics by Ira .Gershwin; .VernPn Duke .ibnipleted. the score.. ' Sfcreenpiay.; is . /by. Ben. H.Coht... GepTge Marshall dv' ■ Tiisk ;6f utiH.zing' such.- an array of ' artists in a niannei: .best suited :tp the . .abilities of eich .was the job handed Ho'-George Haight,' associate" produ- <ie.r. l^hat hte succeeds in .welding a . good C eritertainmeht? from. siich di- . ' y< spurccs .' sbfnethin'g - of an ':. achievement.. FilmiUsical^is- rejDbrted . to .have cbst $2,000,000. , It doesn't :. jjarade . such, .extravagance, bri the : screen. w h i ch probably is diie to isornei . heavy' bliie penciling eh irpiite^. Not- . ,-withstanding, it is.a hlefty eyeful and ; ■ tuns - a :fe\v minutes - Jess .Tthan .twP ; -hours. ;;Ih cbntinuous/grind houses ' . its lengliv is 1 ikcly*to hold;dowri rec- . .:Ord . ^rosse."? because of ?slow . turhr overS;- .T.hese. are factors IP be icpn- . rsidered by "fi rst. guessfers; whp. prPg- ' nost|cate, gross film rentals, based on. ■ 'VviCIfet; ;pe.rceivti<ges/...-\./':; Sptne .pt tlie 'sturdy production _L.^^Mi^iipJitSiiil-CJcyaus^ . the lo ng preparatory pctriod wHeh. six / 'top-flight writer.; Working;, splo aiid . -iti- - .tandems, . attempted various ' scenariPs. CGbldwyh placed these > iieatly .in ;a reserve, file for lut.ure : philospplirzing. and •''finally selected Ben Hecht's i>plution.^Itl;is..iiijiiJ!iT- . gen'ious .fiction ihventibn,. althPu-ili * Hpllywopd mPtiort pictuire .studio . With . its, sundrymechanical' ran^ . catloiiij and ':'back - Pf - the - camera scetves..;as the Ipcale for a story, has. , been done' l>efore. ! ,;';,Thus it becomes a simple niatt^r to ; intrpduce the various persohaliti,e!^,.as ::,'-fllin aspiratits; or actprs :ih the'play - ■. ^y.ithj'n..■■t^le.^play.'.■' ; ;: ; i'.S'lart ;s;hpvys .Menjbu. (H,e Seo'nis tp be r; 'a producer's idea pf-how a p'rbducer's idea o.f'ho\v a" piroduccr. slioiild look ■ and dross, this' Ijcing his second rcils ; . of the kind, since: 'A. Star .Is Born') .: : rii ueh jcbnco^^hed" that Iris prpdUctibhs • hav;e lost mass appCal'T^the cbmmori tpuch.: Country .girl (Andrea LcpdS)' :. telis him. wliat's, the ..matter. . .The ; .dialog, siie siiys,. ik.- stilled; -the play" Vers dpiVt ,act like.hurhan'te public, wnnls. happy cndlngS;-even .~to .; Rpnieo and .Tulict, and a woman, it :. she re;illy; Ipvcs a man, will forgive .'.;.his. tea(.Vs^i^rpSsiojTs;.aiid .nPt cast .him -. to :tile trliel. -cibld world.-. ...iSb' Miss. ' .Leied.s; ' Ibbking 'ypu.thfully.; innocent •aiid . not 'at...:all vas dowrtcast as She was in ''Sla^c. Door.', .takei; thei-job Pf ■ .-studio: . .censoi'': ^nd ; pass(;s: bn -the '. spcipt and .casting of the'^productibn .•■^-ill prbgi-Pss.; ■: ■'. . .• ■■■■}. :': .'..; .Meaiiwhiie, . Edgar' ^Bergen ".iaind . -.'Charltc'- wait in the ,outerv office ioT the xastih.g director . and exchange . ..• ,<iurps. bn :;the'.--,\yorld aii -they--' see "it . and • soiiie.: pi the people in .it. The Ri tz,.; B|;:os;. p\<fners of a traveling ani- itiat circus, drive in the gates ::- intent, on, 'filin,.;careers. Phil: Baker dashL's fronv stajje' to.' wardrobe-in ah' elTprI to ';.kecp pace • with ' isctrpf .' his.part. . Jcronrie .Cowan' direct^ the .rev*iscd v,er.sibh,'sequences of. winch irilroduce Jejisbh in^ :scenes i'La. Traviata.*, .and Zdv*. . jria dances With the Amcirican BiaiUet troupe. That's how all of theril. e.xr ':■} c.iipt, Kc.nny. .Baker. ■ get in .front of - rtlie...c.a;nera.- .Baker^^ on th.e oli'.er ; ..iiaiirt.' ,ha.^^^ .. thought .of ciiienva 'greatness and ■ is .coheci»tratr. • iiii^;.. ..cftnimferCe . in a .hamlwfger '■ ' .Vvagnii.: ;Miss Leeds,,; who muSt eat Ritz Bros, have sevei'al sp'ecialties and sPiigs by Sid ;;Kuller and Ray tibldenl' .One is a. rowdy skit played. with Mehjoii' ih course Pf which they ; sing a. hilafipus sphg !entitl,<?d:;'P.ussyi' Pussy,': which Is..cue for .some two. score--kittensi of various sisses, /colors' and ' parentage. to' dash across ; thie scene.They . fpllpw with a fishinig; routine -in a Venetian setting.' encpr-; ing with a' burlesqUe of 'Die Lbfelei.V Some fablei'y with Zpri ha whan they, appear as; ar.dertt Russians is .reminis- cent of.'. a NapPleoiti-'.Jpsephine. skit once, used 'by. another '■ group 61 cpm.- edy brjotheins.'. It-ifvisses... ., . . ,Zbrinai's. best .. ballet is . .'^.-water nymph .nurrtber; . Hei*; entrance arid ;e}cit are .via a diving bell device in a rharble pooK ' ; Th'S\ number and ah' earlier balletv.pri;the; thenie of tap -versusTHilassical-^ dahciii^^^^ •c.ieiyed.: and . staged - by George Bal- a'nchine. :: Vernon : ,DukeA cbmposed special- music:. .;D.anicer also, handles, .considerable dialog..: . ;,:' .;. Miss Jepson's film success-; ful. and .' her \jSelecti'on,s from. .'La .Tirayiata' ' aire..'finely recPrded . .ahji visually, sturinihg, '• ' '. :Kehhy .-- Baker ;sih!?s. •t.wb' of! the Gershwin humbei-s,; 'Lo.Ve /Walked Iri' and' 'Love- Is Kere .tPi Stay.' Phil Baker does 'I Love to ;Rhyme//which has Jshappy . lyrics; and-Ella Lbgari, whb' appears happier in front Pf tl:'e; hiicrophbrie than ip a .forced ebrhedy rplej - sihgs,T'I Was Dbihg All Right.' All of them may. pibssess more popu- lar appeal in'prchestrated; forrh ;thai.h as voCal .numbers. . Lacking thie fl£^h ; and' glitter pro- vided by technicolor,: IThe' Gbldwyn Follies' would, / be; .itist anipther. ex--, lilayaganza; . I'.he- ixinbaw dressing gives it the pXthch Pf importance. : : , . Flirii : RADIO CItX R¥^El-S -• • ■ :v(-ivi'USi€AL) . ■■ ..v'- . ' .iilvO.-vt'Iijtj.s.'- (ir -'j';il\vi>.'ril'.-l>;;i}i'rniiin I'irud.ut^;- lii.ifl'i iSlJii-.s ihth Jiuins';;' Kciiny^^ltiiUiM'', .lai'k <»nkilt';" Ann .• 'Millr.'r;/'i;i':«tures' Vicl'di- ..iM<x»rc', Slllloh Kf.ilo;". 1 l.cifn B!v"l«'i:rt.l>i ..Mi \. Vru-i' riv>i\. .HiisilT. "Xv-.ti-st.'; .AI**1iHKit. M'usori.. ■ .J.liil- ; K.enii).- oi-'c■.hl',^<l i'n;. ■ Dir.iii'hid.'liy. Hch 'S.t.ojjdff.- t^toi y.( -; MmL'' JJrnoUs;: ..iid:i|it:<(io'iv, - Isi-iiok.s,-. l-iililie. ]>iivi's. ■,>(n(liorty..'.Vjeilli>r, >Hii:tlmor' Offii*^rr ihii.Hlrivl:'pvoilUi-llrtn ^ptitnlH»r.H.'J.aMe.plk- SHiil..V(»y; -'wyntia.- i.Allle" M'l'uhcr tkml : HtiiiU '.\1ii.ijidsoM; ■Ai Vbui:- Ui>l)i''rtMt rn'mcrat; .1; . Hoy. j.lunl .iiiiVI. .lack.' .Mn;r-kf»ni'.if;-jl.'ifVC^.' -I rt^'r^nics J":i'ii, U.»v'|f\vr'ih lir-i'ruj<» Uooriv; •-iS.;y.. : ..';n, 'its. •.•iti>[;.'lirt>i*. llt» nil.n.s.-: .l.Hsitrv ■.;. .... vV.-^i..... ;'.■... > .•.■.iJob -liUms. HHfi-'v;.' .; .'; ;'■. ; .-..;'. ..>.'. . ..iiit-'k (mkip' .- lvtMii).v-'. ,.., ........... i-^iKlMiiKv'' .l.'lum.i.iiPr '. ..;.. ■..' Z^,-. .■ ..V iciivi; .Moor'e T.iviily;.'. /,.. . '..'i.. • • • • • • • ■ ..Milion .ItetVc. <!(>rl w ... ..'.... .'. . /...-...'.. .'../i l -L'lt-'n - ilroj ei'ltik; ■l!fnrre ..... ....; y.. ATtfTTSlllCT.. Miniature Reviews ' *The Gblclwyit / Foilieii':;: (VA)'^ ■ :^r<31itteiping; cast-'which includes. •Adplphe Menjou; ■ -..Brb's.;'.: ."Zoirina;'. Kenny /BaUor, : Ancirea-. LeedsV.-.; Helen'; ..Jepsbn,-- "Phil • . Baker, : 1 Ella. Lbgan, .' Bobby . ; . Clark,' Jerphie .C>bi\\iii;;." 'Edgar .Bergeh and'••.Charii M.c.Carthy;'' In .Techhicolbr. and >'pt for big bPxofflee re'tu'rhis,. ;, ':.; / . ' !!ltaai6:*GUy Revels'";/(BkjOf);.--'' Disajppipinting V. tnusica^^ vJwitli/ large; . . well-khpWp ;;cast,' ^-tiiat. - should, do well at bTo..,' but,':; '. '; ■iinash.- :■.'..'■••/./;!.•■"-.■■.'•.'■■;' i if;anik;'::'--a t■ -6 xf »!• (I* ■./( -mg i: .■Excellent' ■ ..cbmedy > pl^, . English.• - Cpllege life and' .-Wha t;. happens:.. rtjp/an 'Americj^nrboy . .who tries ' to Change • the ^ British ./ideas.'' •'Rob^rt•Taylbr.sta^^ed.■■ ■ v ':'Loyr^ 'Isi'^a'-Hea^atehV . (MGO./ J.Rowdy-: -'cbmedy^ ■'with;' G.lady.s.-.'.' ■ ;George,...: Frainchot .Tpriej / Ted ' iHealy,.Mickey/ Rooriey and .Vir^- . •..ginia '.'Wei'clieri mostly .il'ualsrs, ' . ' , ' 'Waiking. Down'' ; Briiiadway* I ■:(2dth-Epx).'.; iFasipaC^^ melo^.' : / drama .aj|^ut,Manh^ chorus ;$; gopdyisupporting fieat^^ ' Ciaire:/ Trevor,; Phy 11 is flrPojcs;. ; .JMichael: Whaien . and. /'Waiter /WpolfKinig,featured. • ; :■■ --.'Mo'iia.stery.'.-■'(Wprld.);. .T.raye--;•' ■ -rlog^tlvrpugh-7rtwpy:T;ftim^^^ ■ • asteries,; • St,.: Bernard . - in ; the • l Alps arid a.:Tra:ppist .hbie-jri; • ; France; ; /Gopd.-.'-i but^^^:-m^ / iiniitieid to ..CaJhoiiC; outlets. '; t!fin(»n<-li>;.. -Jjin;* .. ./. , .- . l>(?«ll.i. ■Hlt l ;jvi'lil|i •im;ir. 11 f.s': (.-(vr-lU'-ii ru;.; .■..'.-'; .1 .i.h t>. F I'o I nn n' ;; i-.'i :u-st'-c>r,'\\Vpsi /.';"; . Mi'lilsMji ■Xi'?is6l;i ■. lii'i'li'/frd , 3 .n no. ..Aiiii'llyuVonVori'- .'Radip-4Ci t y_B e v'el .^l-i.<ai^^ apppirittnent, partly becaiise . of the cast which, ;oi]i paper, would., Kbinethi'ng. mirch; better.. "The lineap • incl udcs B|ob ■ Bui'.h.s,: Kenny ■ Biak<er; .Taiik Oakie,: ' Anil/ Milleiv. yictor; Mpprei ■ M illpn. i3e i-1 e, Helen Brbde- rick./:::Janc Frpitiari . and in addition to" the Hal Keh^p: orchestra, but. while ilie laugh ■ portions : ai;e uhigue . in .some ' instances the/ sum total i.s not top puiichy.-;Occasibnany it's,stretched so thatjit drags. . . \ \ ."'' / The sQ.hR.s: are. bette'v than Ih^^^ :lbg. aiid spine of .the cast appdar; to' have bc^hVcon.-^iderably; wa>ited,: The s i 3c .' ivu mberS ■ by.: A11 i e Wr ube V-. a nd .Herb; Magidsp.n;';;tPgether'vw production .values. Contribute, 'most irnportaritly tb the.. niusiCal;^ -w /.misses' reaching the .sbCk. cla.^s "The pp«sibilitios - at the box office .'are pk.ay,'. if (>nly bGCause.of the riiai-quee vaiiies. AH of . the six songs: listen ;wcll and if a couple reagh-hit; iVi'oprtrtibns,; it \vi 11 fui-ther/help scIt Ihe/JyreUii'e; :■; ■;.^ ■■;■/ '.:;'.-.o- '.;'■ . ■■^.■'/ v ' ;, ■ 'Tlvbrc'.s'/a: Uc\v .Moon! Over the -Qld Mi 11V < y.. Ba k o^r); . iS pea k. Yol i r '.Heart'. <'> ;Fi:biTi"ari;>> and 'iJwirigiri'^ iiVthe. Corii;' Which, gels:a Mis.s.^^^^ ::bar)k ^ towit ' kc'tling./' ai-^ alt. gpod. 'Gopdnight;Ahgcl' i.s.. veiiy 1 istenable al.^o by-y B}ikciv . wlib. ea,rlier .'.docs 'Takiiig a jShlMc; to' Ybii-' Bob-Burns' mu.sica.i'cb.Qi'c.i.'j ;Take a Ti.p frbhi ihc l\ilipJ<,a,Y, melodic luho/ ' .Kenhy "Baker, while singing hi.-J- niiinboi'.s well,- is otherwise a screen di.sapppin.tor.• espCcia!ly .in rprhahtic se.enes. Most .dcnnitclY.on thp way in in .Ai^iv Millci'..- who has..done ■thihb'r' : lap-daiioing role.s:,ih ' . few pictures .before gelt ii)g.tJii.«!Chaihce. .She carries the rbniantic iiitfere.^t -vVcll, is a .cute, jchari'nii.ig ;pcrsohality j»hd ;haS: a- lot of ..pbi.-i . -which Baker seefm-s. to lack .c»pi>rtsitei'.heir.-•^■z- •. pioture' Jiiakes: pretty good;. Use. of Miss; Fromaiv : biit .utiti'^(;s' .the- llal KbnVp (rl'chc.sira only fbi'/.niliSical :l)ackgrbunrti.h,g. Biistci'; • West"; andj .M.(»li.ssa' ;Iyia.soiv are : but i' " - the .V barbecue: ^/scciie lor 'Swiiigin' in the .Cb.r.ii,' a Tiighiight is deyelbped■ thrpugh- the sihagging ro.U* tines of fplir:cglprcd cbuples: in char-; iictisr. • ^They stand; biit/strOrjgly.' .In the final scene wheii. MipSi; Fromah -is; singing ; 'Speak your lleart/ ', sbe- directs it tb 'aiiiv/iinb.illed man, who is ribvef 'shot ih;:ic|o.<ieup.". A/litUe xxti- cxpoeted; is the dahce; double. .' Frpmah and her N'isTa-vis .do. .in cbi^r ncctibrt, b^cked by a; chpi'U-^.^^^'. -Burns arid. Oakie .cany ;)'n(;st of the. comedy. With . Berle;. s - Oak re's, .s^uig^ .\Vl'iting ■/' '.'■ .,'-runnjiyg' .th.'rdi.'. '-'Miss' Broderick develops a.=; ,iiiA TfiuOh. nipre. .than, fair;, while V.ictoi' Mobre- is almost, entirely; wa^ited as :a iriusie publisheri Berle dpes ipiicii -wiih the ;Uttie-.ias6ighed.hiirii: The idea 'behina 'Hevbls' is;.novel and, might have -been fi Pthed .'up into ;a fiinmer /show. Plot.reyolVe.s ai-oiind Burns' sphgwritihg ' . S;.e.n.. and : his .. if!ssbns Irpm' Oakic;. He -get^ melody ideas in his dreams but that's; as fair as; if-.gbes;'- Much/,bf the. comedy, de rives from cliScovery by Oakie and: ;Berle ; thaf.' When ,;Bi!i'ns sleeps he tiirris -put '' teri-ific; turics,, .one ',pf 'the'. better, sequences; dealing with their efforts to get him. to sleep one night when they,;have to turn piit .a sprig fast. S6qucnceV lipwever, '■■ • a little padded. . •'-/ :'-■'■;;';■.' ■ ;Title .of the.; picture.; is .ju.stifi.ed .through: brbadcastiiVg' sicene.s that are suppo.sedly in ,Radio Gi*tyi/- Action- opens here with. KeinpljS orchestra./ .^kefs.ari d.M'ss Miller, l a b"ein"g featured i n' the .first of her ."two taj> dancins- ntimber.s. ■ She is a right .smart tap:H.ei- on the /Eleanor. Ppweli ;brder. '.^y '■'■■■.^ ■■i- Credits, w'hichV require niiii^^^^ frames,- ai*e iViiposed oh art work depicting l/Radio ! City .J The :;biack£ -ground 6t the latter Av'outd haVe-Wen jriore'eftectiVe ' with actual camei'a ishots. As things staifid, the pictiile. is not; especially, a ;pKig>.for R.; C. .:and; there ate..:no .extefiPr,.shots 'during the action .^bf the. Music Hall or. other parts;of the Rockefellei- develoomifnt. A YANK AT OXFORD /; ; :\ .HbllywpPdi Feb; l:;;. Mplt'O-ftolihv.vii.-Nl^yi'r • t I'lviifit'-. iif/ -..Mii'liiU'l' Halruij .jjicdjuirl iijr).- / ' 'iiis JtuS.'?!:!... 'r:iyli)i-; feriJ lir!'..-* Llprif-I l.tart y fiii)i.i\ • .\liiiii'»'iM'i- 'O'Siif- Ii.yart;■; J':(l.i)ilinil .(; wi-iiji.'■ 'V.i«iI'li l ii-luli,./( \n f-- rtth.:-. JoncH.;-; -/Dli-<'.-i:i».il : :by ' Jiii- .1 .''i(nw(»y; Scrip^npluy :'hy' ..Siidi-iJlni yiiiiirt Ho.vlHn, -Walt.M- ■•Kri't-is ' ftuii (ii'oi-sft Oiipi-'rilioi.mT; 'nrlKlnnl til (»ry' ' Uy, M.'pih) t ttmUiii- . Sldh<-,v; ;CjlI)l!«U ;aii() 'MU-l);'i«'I Hiik'niir Jnrj^'il. '<m ii'n lireft .by'' Ji»hn. '-Mo.nk / .'i<uiiilt>r>i;'ni't'r I'). ■Jlubo-rt; Italh ,«.n^l '.IJd^v'niil/.VViiri'l;, .i^iMif-i;:!, ■Hwridil ■ 'Itri.xsftn; ' Mi»|>pi'vi..«ifiK - ..>'ili!'>l-, —AV;ii: kiiret -.KiH>lir'; '.Pill(iu.,: .- t'lmiii.:.' Vri-nil. JPre-VM'VVecl-. lU ■ . ;ik> , ( Ui*n I r«.' Wi-M wood', 'Jliii. L'i-.V .'.Ift,- :-U.untiili;,' .1 Itiiv-',-' IVnr.I'liinft;- l.ff. .."^lifTl'dnn.-, .|-''.'-rUi;rlM'^ii-.'. .Molly :lt.i''ii,utrniiii., , MIsa •■;C'i'ftd(lnnl<.,;.-... :!)(''iin:'iif Ciinlin'jtJ .1 !U.iil' J lea limitn I'.. - I-).ivi'-^. ..VmVdKf.itsji. ■ .'-'(•ii''*'.;.:; ,:, U-.tyUiKiuy. -Hf-n DfilUiN ..... f^CjilVC*,; /\V'llii-;iiii:<.;;.. .WnVotn;!' / ; ;'. ■ . ,, .'I'dlll '.(•i'.-ulildi'k . . ;' ..Oil I iL'vc'rl cei*. rp'sv. first ■ Blutlshrmade' fiI m ■ u ndor HoUyvifobd; suj?ervision; a.iid.'; ■ with Holly wood- prili'cipals. arid. .:directbr. Some:.Pf the :.ppshirtg sequencer \vpra made bn. .the west /cbast .ai'idi^- past to :w.hat was, shot iri. England. .Tay- lor," .Lionel Barryrnore, Maiireon P'^uUiycih, Ha.rold -Rosspn, ' camera^-- man; arid Jack .Conway, and his- di-; rectpriai crow- crossed .the.'Atlantic, "Therr. offprts/ were- s'uppprted by firit- .. filfn : and . stage - -playoKs, 'and Michael Balcori; fprmci'jy; pL^bduction head, pf .Gaumo.ntiBritish, acted ' as' ■prpdjucer. ...•■:.' ■':■. Ancieht :Oxfbrd and its mellowed academic buildings' have been- siib- iects pf humerous ^rai've 1" fi Inis,.: ,<i.ugr, .'Jesting. mias'ty..'"research: ah.d; .k ly study'- of.' such; lively- topic,; as early. Arabic.lariguages, .E,gypl'- beXbn'v the.; PJiaraphs arid'- the riiie and; fiiH of .'the, ;;Druid.s. . Then: came,':one ..of. thpse . Yankee, cihema' troiipes to iiweep: like a Kansas brieVze through the,; antiqiie .corridors.: ; The devaS.-.; tatihg effect ph .;OxfPrd :is 'historic.: The fanrtbtis .university-/withstainds the ' irivasiori .w.ithbut a ; single"/ mis- placed cobweb. . As a matter, pf tact, it ;is repbrted "that :the : film /players never. ;wi3re permlltod Within; the sacred :preC.ihctS/ w,hich i.s uniinpor- taiit froh) a .picture yiewpoint as, the architectural' ' .reproductipns - .linvc been .carefully arid :efleciively photo-; graphed; Still,, it just .goes tbv shew that Qjdprd is; .quite.a plaC^^ ;.: ■ Cohw^ has ' captured ; by- parh'ei'a and micr6i:>hpne the theatrical qual- ities 'of the ihstltution;. \ln .prcturlng the. imdergraduate; life he conveys •. .tlieJh>pib;rtance_ptUiJii^ toms, \/Np fUn :is polced ;at .the seat bf. learning;. on' the Cbritrai-y.; one of the, film's lilcablp' qualities .is .the good; taste ^displayed towards,.; all :Hhirig.< Oxoihian.';-/.- ..'.v:;;..: ]'^"'-'-:J:--'\[']--'.^/ '.^--\ -: What he -has; caught -,is the' h.umot ittt .student ; life. ihe ;nniy.ersi;tyv This, is the, backgrovjnd for Taylor's adventures, the wall, 'against which. a • cbcky: Yank: bounces.;his - sbmewhat/ enlarged: head,: everitinally rega ining his pioise a .better? and'tamed human beiJig;.': , : ... . ; '■; •'':. ; Seyen .- writer.s • are credjled' with ya'-ipiis divi,sibris of'the stbry pr.epa-; ratLon, lacltirig; orily; one-;peiimaii to: .ti>:.^!:o. 11!)" an 'cight-oaT'ed .'ehtry. ih the 'i'hahvcsr .rej";alta.... Original :yarn is.'-by. U^On C'Voi'dbn/ Sidney.; CUH !• '-■chael. /.Upgan;. .feore^lri '■ script by . . liijii'-j-K ' f..iiiii..'l- r;.'i)-i-yiiU)i.(>. M-i u 11)-. 0.'.."' I.I 1 it \''r\- \ ;.. :r. vivi'ni; i yi^w 7., .Hilr'iiiiiiil,-11 w.'.-Tii) ,. .,.'1 ■■ririllli .'.lo.iii:-.--- .. -. .■.'. .1'.: y yyi'^ii"'!'' .M'V.H'i-ii; ' iH-.iby. l'-t*H' .:,-. .;. .-.'.M'iriI'll ,V.i.||'n. .;;..,. .-:;('liiUilf ■( lirti'M/; w:i i'-l-.' :■:: .': ,. , /..., .;i';iiM'.\ ;.. ^^]^;l:p .:l.i.:i-.ll ;.;-. .. . ..\\.'yii"i'; i\liV»;>|-"i'r.r: ;.V.."..,..i''.-:'.,-yiJ. • i '<|i,i'i< ; . .'i-...;. i,.'. ..■<-.;.i'<.i'-r riiii'i. .^'■.»•^;.; i•l•i^^.^'■;^l:■ . lohiuuf'i.'iii'i'iav . Robert „.Taylbr brin.t;s baf-k''^ from Oxford - aii • ritei;tailii ng ;r!ih-i:;il.).. film: whie-h i.-i>f;ull ^pr .liii-'eath.les'.s.'.xjiiart^^^^^ milii .'dashes, ■heai'^^^ Iki.atrace fiiiishes .and; s"u rcfl re:. .bo>:'.) 1^^^^^ ment, , it is .a'.;druU'. 'p.i,ct.ii'r(v;;fi»i';Ta.Y.-' ibr at -.a,;critical n\ottuMJi; .!ri .his;,rne- teoric bid for fame.:' Score at the ■flnish is Taylbr. .first; Oxford, .second; .Gaittbr idge.'.-t hi rd. ^ :■;-.'■■ ./' w(I'll made aiid contains an amusing'ai'.y;. ■o;f-/the''.' felf»<l-"totd -fi-equentiy. iii.';i'oini;- AnnrtPcills and-.dcar^ld :Siw«.sh. iocaie^^ the-'-trade. it excites inlerciit : as ;3>Ael.: The. liieravy. side' ,of /the prod.Ucstioii doesn't- rciect . Siich •. '\\i'eighty' -r.'ogi- m'ent^t'ori:pf: au'lliGi-ship.' The slpi'v' i.s, just a gbb.d piece of. hok-jm\vhi<»h, is rijade believable/by.';'.ebn"v.-a:,''^ d.t-; rectjon. ..arid • first-class ''■act;iiig. /'by -Taylpr./airid the cast; ■ . .; ^.;.dp.eriing shows TayioV ■iri^ru.niybiij: .shorts aha .spiked .shoes winning the ;4.40. traick evferit for .bis fresh-w^ter ;mid-\vestern college. : He is J he herb -of, the day, worshipped by lijs falho'r, Who publishes a smail-rlbwri W-eekly- arid lauded by'his: friends. : They aU tell him .he is piretty. good,-and/he admits it.. Through: efforts : of the dean pf ■the'^college he. is adiriitlpd.tb Oxford, andi after av big send-ofT with, brais.s band and cheering.helgh- borS-to /bolster th^i' idea of .self-im-; pprtarice, he .heads -fbr ..Eri ^His^ciassttiates-sbbn-giet^bh-to-y^^^ curve."*, . arid, in the ifaditionai Oxonian mariner, he is Triildly hazed xniid ./rriade vthe biitt 'of corisiderable jpking.." .The dp-o.r-die spirit, is "not; sp :ea.siTy. br.bkeri,: arid he commits' a cbmpe,titive .faUX- jpas when: he, h.u- rriiliatcs a member--bf his^rela'y-^eam'^ Thereupbri: he - is given the .sip^verc trcatrii.ent called debagging, which::jh': a- gentle bit..-of .discipline in;, which the entire student-body Captures him an:d strips- hirii of his trbuscr.s.. ;The lad whp ma'^® the/sporting pages pf the.; Kansa.^- Cty.. Star ; is . .sonieWhat /discouraged at this procceBing. . .;. •Tcamicd ;to those;spnietimes hilari- pus ; a d \' eh I ii res . i s ; a - senli mehta I, .,stoi:y Which .tells' of; Taylor's liking: .(i>r.. iVIaiirecn .'O'Sullivan; .'Who'sc, brother. ': .a; rival iri :undei-gra'di:iatc -afl'iair.s. ■ Cbmes fhe rrioment^. whori the brother faces'disgrace, and/-Tay- lor takes the rap, - Lpoks as if he will be unable to stirbke the crew, in Ihe annual pull: agairist-Cambridge, but;:Li;bri^l- Barrymore; fathcr-pub- lisher, jirrivds jiist iri. tiriie to. get at- :ihe '.tr.uth.'pf thing's.",■:. '.: :'•. ; .is eixcbllent: throiighbut.; '. Ed- miind/Gwchri /fts the/Deari 'br^Ca riarCpflege, one of the .Oxford group, floes - a .. .slando'ut.' - Griffith Jorics- is the ..Engl ish: bby*. arid., gives a si iicoi-o and., .earnest.. ;]3erfQrrriarice> i" iVl'Iss O'Siillivfi.ii,and her diction fit. riicely iri.lp. cri.somblc-,: :ah'd..'.^eiuh; ii/s H ;Cvblloge yam-p;. ha.s look.s^a^ a. u:;i.y about her. ;Ed,wai d Rigby,; Mor- tem : SGlteri. ■ '.Robei'i'j: Gbpte.-;' PCt''i- G.r.o-ft and: ,Npel' Hbw.lctt. ;Vi*e; youh^'; Kn'^Mi.'ih . players who contribiito" help- fUMy..' Barrymbre : gi.yes ■ his\.;ci,i.s;-; .tomary gbrid performance; In all- the. prort.uclipn.:;d<:ta'ils. .HiC o;ic'tur<i.. rates; .slick..^ wbrkinahship:- ,S.trec;i;;.scehe.v are T6aii,stic;.' and ;-t.ho. .p..ic;t.uri/ :of...Taylor; .;bn a bif-yclo, -lirbcecdirig/'agairist' left-fiaivd 'iraffi is" afhu.sincjiy . done, .v.Lahdsciipes, ct thi? Oxford;'yside ?irc .b.0^iMti^.tll.' .al1d:/, Rb.s.sbri has cau{{ht' the Thames; at. its .romantic'.bcst;.; ■" ' ;;■.;::; '.;■- . Only criticism -of, the'picture^ is its 'ov^erJength,- ..Story;does.'n;bt..Starid no to, nearly . two hpur.s' i,^riVf;elinL^^^^ A ' a, ;.ychicle. for Taylor at" the'- m.ijm.ont h c; n0pdfi. a. gobd. fil m ;'A ■ Y;»nk., r t 'C)x - ford' is. a ;gP.pd, .piece ■ of'.slviV-'ni"p.; .«hip. It*s in: -for spnie •"' '•),\• fronv -the-; ..;" F.tffi. . iJoVe ■.Mi'lri) .' cir.---);'i:cdi',i'lf!v' .Sip)-(h;iiii' pro*'i'.IUiii. ■S)Mr»;;Otpilj:.s ■(iricjl.'Kc-and.-Krancljriij;. 'JVho !''l'<''liVi|ri.'s .•Ted;.-iIbuty-', 'A'! lolccy; Urtoirfv,'.i .'iTiK : ..;i'<>nk.n, • itulph, . .Vl.w'Kjyri.. -Vli-jfihiii;.-' \^•^^ldl^>^•-■. Hnd: 'JPHuie .Italnh.-- ■ Olrpcto'l' tiy • .Ulx'haril .'rhortio, . Kpi'i'Oniiliiy-'/ Ny- .MiVrron.. 'J'/ir.SoniiPt,: ir.iirry-:n:ii.slc'l)r,'- VVllllnin -IC l,)i>- Hi;|n, ; 1,011 llf>tl.'(>lz'.,',;; .||('r|ifi-r ■ iCji'ln':.. iinisrc'i 1; scxn'V'. .i'liUviirlt-■ \Vn'r.i':..''ll!jn' oHH:>t,'- i.',()ni-;iii '.\; -.VivrVjK';. (•a'iiii"r.'i, "Jr--iiin :Sclp/.. -.- .' A't :,: :.V.' y.,' Hlni l.l'iiK:.I iti:'.-li7;.'.".,>l. Uiiii- iiiiivf..l.init', Tli-. iiilii.^.' . /-: . - ' - ■:"■ / !'■.'(I-M-' Tjji ivi-eiicp .'i, > •.\iiui>'.-.--.'..■...-;.-.'.-r'.-.-I U.'UKI'', C'>iI«11'. ; .'.'. . , .•^lioriiT....';..;,..-.-..'.. :'li(.l.!'lir;l!i.s-;... l!:ii-liiliii; 1,(M,'. ..;, .'.:.-,. j.lin.iliy ^S■lll(^(^)•y.... J. ,; ,roi'.-0'iriniiiir,...,.'..,;..-,'. M-ji;-f;;(;.:;v:..;;.Vi-;.i.... Miiiy.\.\ ..,v,'.'.-i AVr..;i'|illlc'iv. v;.'. ; V Pifti iii-hiiV Tuntt. .. r.i^jlillci'y'/'l'.iiortey.. .-. -..Itiillilr '-Jlijii-Kuri: ,:...', '.,li'';<slf -'15fili>lt- l.iai'iii'.ii IIiii'Iht' ,-.. .l-lllid v.H- fli'tii'Ka ' , ..y;v;;-.'lv>l;-i|V'iily'' ,.. -; ..l''i-ii.riU-'.li'i»k-M i .\'lr.Kliil,.».- VVi'l.llcr , . . -, I''|l..v' .lfi)l()pil ... .Jtiliuii .'r.Tiiiie.'ii- . Quite ap ariny,,igii'rcd in■ this pro-' a u,c t i on,; but. i t tu r n.s.. bu t on ly to be a mildly jairiusirig comedy, ; Filni. will have difficulty' going solo ;'cxceplirig; where /exhibitor .'is smart eii'o.uKh Ip, cash, iri cn the- comedy- snatch angle; as done here;; .This / /kidnap.' material i.* highlighted in feature, though treated' . only / humorbusly. .. 'LPye Is a: Head' Che' is grooyed for' dUalers./ , : ■-■':'• Here: :a\i instaricb of . too many; cheff^.mbssirig- up the broth. Fiindar, mental idea of- an actt'ess .sulTeririg from bad/ plays , getting a break through freak publicity arid^ a .radio-:; newspaper chatterer,', ih. love With her; is okay.. But with: five scripters Credited With getting: it tp the scrCeh, resplt is hot too haPP/v fFunny Seqiaenccs are hbke;d-up; too , much;. with J ariy sipdereV piQ;i:;trayais . slpfVed. off as prbducci is /. sought ; t6 ma iptaiui pacie; /-This speedy: ;temp!0!' helps;':-...;" ■ ■ ;■ : •■■';/,'■■ .•/"./' : ''/ iSeveral . perfbrriiarices.:; st^mii . out; whenever.: the. 'players, get. half a// ehahce.' Picture must /have .beep a hightmare to Gladys: George^ who .'is pie ri ty. capable i ri he i?' own. r i gh t be-;' caii f of :finished stage'perfbrrriances. She overcphies'•several ririightily abV' sur.d;..sitija,tipris arid absurd, rinakicupi / to-grab: top: acting iauirels*.;: ' Tp,ne, in: a.- hpt tbP syrhpathetie, role;/- a.s:.the radip-c.>luriiriist .S^^^ is hot pa rl iciil.arly,' gpodK contributirig. :one • of hi.S' lesser actirig;: '/:. ' . ■ .. . :•,' ./ Picture ?shows the; late Ted ; Healy ; iri. orie of his last roles,; as; the piib-! liei.ty promoter, Though iiot accord- " od. any /too tavbrable bieaks, he still is good..for hCaiHiiest laughs' PtrtKe / p'oce.Mickiny. Rboney .arid Virgihia ■ Wcidler- prphaned: .youngsters, riisiii- age to Siirriibunt the Holly wood .idea ' : lOlh avenue - jiiveniles.; with ■ the'.: Woidler girl doing e.«;pcciali. cPlbrful v/oylc- ' Ralph v.'Morgari; i."?; satisfy ing; :in a' legit /acting; role ,a.s." the rich .nvi'oi--ifor the;actress'hand;:;: ■■■ r;- r Frrsnk . 'JcrikS'; is. snlendid. as ' the ; ooliiinjiist^ .pal. .Jessie. Ralphv as the / viliivifr:/ ^Rlrnett Pa'rTker, .as a 'butier;.' F.ay ; IFnldeh;, Barricit Parker - and ' .Tiilius' Tannen ;head • thp, even sup- . :"n;oi;tir'g-;caKt.. -..V-:■/ •-/:/ '; ; Dialog , js ; pungc'rit,. but. fails tio. ;poVc!r .lip.islap-happy situatioris. Rich- :ard .Thome's. direction.'rii,ea.sure.'J. up ' .s! rohger :thari yafn hahded: hirri. Pho-; tbgra^hy is uncveh, being/especially poor .in dbscup.s.: . ; .- ; .' :..\V'ed7-.'. iNy?tl^ng Down B-way; - / Hollywood, Fob; 1. ' 2(11.11/-('.i-riliJryrl'V>x ; j'l-lMi.S';. (If- S>.1: ; ^f:. .VVi-frixM '|iiiiiliii'li<iii. I'V.'i.liiin.'.i.f'ltilre .'i:n»V(iiy l:)iylli..<. :ii|-c)i)lM, J.-,i|';>(i./Kiiyy :i->|jcic: JliiMlKtr, '. ni» ■.H.-i,'i-i.'-:;li.iyii(j JloKii n,-.--. .Vlicliiifl. W:h.'il4«ri ■ ij:inf., u'jiII.«.;)'. -\voo(r -/.i;IiiKi- -"i;>.ii7!(-('>ii:,/iiy- .Vi)i'in:iii:'-: l;'i)Hl<^i:. .<;i lj;liinl lly. - M;irl,- .-l/tt]- IIjI'^'i'-I''; -. V.|.|'(;ir|(l;iy f)y- ICiifJp.n: (.'.t.i;itiiii .miil.. ■l.\-;irtMi;J;>p.-AVolfrrt'ii WonrT'V^ri-frMT^Ijlli^^^^ .l.!c.i.iiiir<| .Jlv);nlr| un (iimI- LpwIH ;.<yi'd(Ci-; iiliii I'd I l or, : Si>i'iil»1\ ;<..'«llji'i l;;: jiiirii;; . Shltif y/CUi r^ im>(- I'liii:):/- AH."!-.;' iniVsii-'al; dirfc'i'oi\ KiiriiH'l ; .Isii.vllii. .. I'l-cOW-w^'l- ' ill -Vplriwir ■ MiMiil|.«»^ I,.. A.. ;iirn; .';ts..;..niiii'tiJn>; iifn/-,. 7i'> miiiH: .(d.'HV iMf'y. A'li'|cl- 'Siuiii>;:...;. I.liiiln: .\l;irl1tv.'."/. 'I'lirv-. ili-i'iii.sdti.. /; -.H.-i.nili'ii - J/r-: ;■ .h-Yry ■ l.iinp;., I'l'li i; .1 '\ti\ (ii^iiirrin '.I'j'iri; pdiiKljt.t WaKnoi''. ... .Icff • llrirtiriitii.. .:;■; K.. it'. llMndirll..:. Holi Iliilidiill,... .. .Siin'iUr '-..:.', . -. ,. .,', ,■; l'"i';i nk i-fiiirv,,:. ; .Kddi.(. :.....:,■'.../.,.. :.\fr.. ' \v»^nlw^lii«^l(^ ;.; .'i'r(<v,'«V: ;.. I'liyl.llH .-liKi'ikH . i;-..-. . I'.imjIi - Kii'y' ;'. I.>)xri) 'J ijjriliiir ;..■.': r;.v.r,rn M:ir| ., :iyii" Ilfj^liH ..>ll.'liiif->)- V.'fi:..lVii /; --. .TlKiiiia.'i l!'!i'k: t>(>iiKl;iii |.'fi\\ ify ii\t<-\', Wdiiir. Kliiif' .. . . ...U'^[ I'romy. .-. l'.i>l>ci-(. jyi'llrt'rd.. ...;. /./,,I(cVn <'a.r(>J ; -. ..-., I ,:"(iiv. Aiiip.s' Wi.U.HiiM ;l{'»iVMlirt .;... .\J;i urii'e - C'iiku - /With more actiori and less coriver-' .•nation, 'Walking :. Down -Broadway* - riiight qualify as a; strong/ supporting- featuire.- Filtn -ik ba.sod on- a Mark Hellirigcr. short story entitled,. 'Six Girls and ,Death': arid- ha.s- melo-'; di-amatic arid huriibrous angles'.- It/" a. satisfactbry sccoridary.^ feature /Avhich .s'cems/aiwaLy.>i!/ on the'-yerge;o.f' b i11 irig. a , higher .^classification; .arid . .ihen-.-riiisses;.■.•';■-.:-.^■^'\.:'. - '■ ■/--.. : What, cap happen Wifhiri 12:rir)p,nth3 / to, huIT. a ;:dbzen .-'Manhattan choru.s- /;il is-; is - the plot.". in:,;the - tellihg of' <vhich;thcrc is hiijch haste arid; hi,irry.: Reasori is tP.urid.erstarid because • of :th.e .six ypung w,binerii';twb rn^^ ti-^igic. .eridirig.s 'by . accident, one " "cpri vi,ctcd - bf a framed. niari.sjau'.^hte^ / charge//,and; ;the'oth(>i's ^'takc.'/: to/: /raatlMmoriy:,' ;iirider;' mi;|ced clrQum- . .stfi'ri.ces; .''- .■ '; ' ■ .\-.; '---; ' . .Each character is,; Well,, , with':. /|:'he 'vei'satile-.;: Claji-b/ TrcvprV: in c the .prihci;pal'; . a.s. a>bbl of .z' ;VPcctability winniri.g .sb.rheth,iag;.m /flijifi .it.s. .own reward, / .She-.mother!?.. Ihe.. pthors'''.through dangerous rb- mantie . cpriiplicatlons. ; It/. Is■ a : bU.s.v. henirtbre.akiifjjt. year. full of';;tragedy •:Mid; ■diKa'p.pPiritmcrils. .' In tfio - end M.i.«?s Trevor, earns a .hbrie.y rnbori.. f ri».. fb- Eurppc.. arid; a chance for a quiet '\/n'<'!;itipni ..■[ /.'-..■' "•;:■■;;-.'/ '. : .- .■;-"■;/- .■/'■■- ,■ ; ; In th(>.~'ot;hcl^ . fe'mme. r ar« ' -,;. ., . ; fy 'pniiiiircll •/iM . i>! ; 17.) /