Variety (Feb 1938)

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40 VARIETY Wediiesdayj Feliriiary^ 16, 1938 ; ^(Vl- Metzler haS succeeded Ed Siipple ' pa. for Co 1 umbia Artists, -^lic;/■■:^^■■;:■ ..- Say 'Nbt Getting Itfo tp?tak<e it frbrn Mutual'--^Big Expehditw on Toscamhi Nb Hit with^ M ^Washington; Feb. 15.- , SfutioaA. aiTiliated with NBC'Sl blue (W.rZ; link Avill be 'Urged by': itial- conteiVts . atiiong ..;thei^^ iiherhbcr to- together " New. Yoric'.-City ^Si'^Iy iiv May to disciiss the adv.isi- biiity of making.a dcnriand oii NBC^ for an additional nightly halfrhour^^^p lociil option . Hime. OPlains::for the- callihg of the meeting were tenta- tively ;ia id out at, i gathering of a gjotip of. such; affiliates, attending the N:A:fi./.iSunday;^ night.j:(:130,' Af- filiates '■. : the : Blue .feel they: havie. special coniplaints not true ;pf the; red network. , . / Suggestibn for a concerted rhove to obtain fiirther iocail tiTnexonces- sions from NBC developed wheii a number Of NBC outlets \«hich are also associatfed : with; Mutual heiard stovles': that the latte 1937 been com'pelled to turn down, various pto.spective accounts because, the required time ;was hot . available. Subsequent .check's reyealed that nilich of the wanted iintie was Uns,pld on the: blue, ". but thW NBC affiliates hained by agen^ies could not commit themselves 'because, of stricturts- in the NBC-affiiiated statibns .p Under the presenti^contracts with the network, affiiiates haiye two halfr hour evening periods which may n be siild for hQokup conrinriercials without permission 6f the. stations. Some at Sunday's meeting lirgfcd that the blueities. not only ask for. an ex- tra" evening half hipuf but inisist*that: they y be. . given . another day time period;, - '"'. -^ ■'' : Feeling: cpmmpn -among the .blue cbritirigeht was that the- several huii- dred thousand Which NBC is sjE»encl- ing for- the .To.scaniiii c.dUld -have dohp riiuch to- biVild up..the-.attractiv(B- . iyess:6f -the. b.lue if . the inoney iristei^ had' been applied to . diviersity of higli-powerdd . Shows, released. ;ex-. elusivbly: over the blue trail.; ; At Conventioii , a««'rlt(;rt V. •>?; .CftS; ■/■ V ■ ■ '\Vir(jum ; .A.>. . '\Th, . r(etroit- .■ ; -Hi \'. .Apili'i'siin,. WJBO. iBfttoi); ouffe, f.a; ■ \\V;;- '.- Ap|.|oly>%' M'PG,: AllanilQ-Ci^^ .k\(ni(«l)cn,:-Ar nou.x/ -'V\''l^AlV;: Norfolk Kills AUpr'ricH'iry,: KC'K. ■ • • Kiiiisas- Gily, :T\<i "•■ '■ ■■ - ■■; ]:: . ' U. A\\cry, ;WCTt-AVKmv.: .Buffalo. A. it:iiit>v, Kt.'KN".: l\n.nsrta eilv;. Kan: . C. : AI(hvm Hiikpi', .AVIINI,. Itichnionil, ' H;iViy MiiTi'ni3t*>r,^ 'VVVVJ. Detroit;/ ' No:il l{;nViMf; .KOAIA.-Okliihomu Cltjr; - k; lUusiiliVM.. AVlTirC..-Iti(ilimnpolls. .. W.. W. : lichi nmii, .WBOW.' Terve Haiite,; "■ ■■ ■ '■ "■■^ ■■ - • ■ -■- • . n.if,':i.i-"t: nr(rrM-:itHi>:-i*f!;.r'i-n.-''^^ . Hnrry: Hinslmmi AVUAb', .I^oulsville.- .UlMir,,. ChlcHKo/ ■ ■ ' ; . .)•:. :K. Kisimp, AVUH. NV:wport'.Kewa, .'Va; ■.H:»|p-Hi»-idiiriint. WHO. Di^is Moloes.- - .h\ \\^:■Bi)rtori, \V'QAM.;>iiami. V :,: .■<>. ..)•, Bnmrlt, Kite: New .Vorlc, ' '; IX.. A. . Ttrowti,-. AVHTQ, Dayton,- O. - n. It. Kranton. KJUS, Snn F'ranclHro.. : H. (.".. »'urlvi>. AVJ-!A.T., mirlinoi-ei WJ. - ' - :<v cvucy. "WMHt). rpoH.-t. ■■ ::v. y. .CitlliilKin. AVWr,. New Orleans, .-.■ ..\l;ii <:;ii*i|ibolI, '\VKAA. -Dallas. '.. . .K. K. . ('.vriu-nti'r.: AVHK, Cleveland. ■ . O. I.. C'arpOTitcr. AVPTF. Italeich.. .■ •r.e..v Cha(l\vl(-.k, "VVT.V^i.vNorlolfc. •' :■ . A. H. rliiih-li. KMBO. Kansas City. ■ • AV. K. (^iine. AVr.S. ChicaKo. • •: - lloliert-Coe. KSD, St-.^Louis. V , ^ ; (Joo;. Ji. Coloiniiti, AVGBI, Scrahlon. -..M/ C.'.'.CoIi>mati. WATlA-'Atlanta, .■■ IJiieli C'>\yham. CBS, Ne-w Ybrlt: \ \V: F, C^ralK, WliBC, Muhcie. Jnd. v . 1'). B.. Cr.iney, K«m, Butte, Mont: . - Vrank C?ipwiher. AVM.\Z, MaconV Ga. .1: R. CViirlls, KPRO. Lonprvlew, Tex.. : W, .T. Damrn,'AVTM-T, Milwaukee. . - Hfirl.^n Danlfl, .AVSM; Nashville. Don Davl.s. rWHB. Knh.'tHsi City. :H. ."\V. .Dey6. .\YGR«\VKBW, Buffalo.: \ ..('. M. Dobyhs,, KGKR, Long Beaih, Cal. John: Dol)yi)S. KGKR, LonB Beach, Csil. Win. Doprr,, "WEBR, Buffalo. W. \V.. boi rell. WOWO. Ft Wayne.: UoajH»piilaii6n BIG exwmfii to px«duoj» qtiantsiy p^ofit^ile good will «ti^ % loyalty', ■ .P„- . v:. KilK.-ir,- .AVGH; - Norfolk. . .. J'' C jOlKlwioy. KCJfiO, Ala.siin .Cil.v, i). S.- Klius, W'WXC, A.shcvill(>, •.. .rohii Jilfnei-. .AVCBM.. Baltlrnorr. KChridKe.; .\r(i.rk, WHAS, l.nuii^villo. .. v. : .V. Kvan.s. -W'STA, SiWrlanbOi K:, C- :.. (V Al.: KvOr.Mtin, WHKf'i ('olUi^ibus; ^ . : . .S;; •. Fiinlle, Ji\; kt>Ot)-K KLO,- yiou.\ :F)vl|s- ^S; . DV - ,1, ]•:.' Kolzf-r. ."\VK!^0, .Kfilamazoo, .MliH; . J, .11, • Field, Jr., AV-PTF, •.ll'iileiKl^ N. '. Booiuan Fisher, AVOATi Siin. A-iil'oiiio.' :K. X. FlanlW'iin, W.^'l'l),: Tolc'ilo. Ailrlttii Janica Fluiltrr, - . ' - . j; I.. Fox,'IvilJJC, Kansas'C'lly, • . K--H. Gamnioiv.s, AVf'CO. Slihni' Hev; jr.- A. Gau<<in,. WAV.r,. Nl-w lUMPan'S, Gi'i'KQry . .UcatlinK,- . KUyC,' . iUrihc'siOr, G. D. Glllett, ";ft.loj.v;il. Press Bi.iilillnh'. V ■ -, ' • . .r. J; Gllllh, Jr;, WC)Av..OnialKu'- . - :>'uin,0U Goiilcl, WFJiH, Jt.iiilinoiv.. ■ lO.,;!..; G.ovo.' AVHK-AS CLK. CU-v.elaiul; ''.M-. B... <inilihorn. - .. . '. , .\V, B. GroehwflliJ; AVK Huichih.soii,' Kair; Cr- ' • . ':■ i'-.: ■ ■■■■ ' v:. . .S, yD. Or'eK()ry, . WcstlngHouse Co., Sprlh -' ni>lfl,;-AIjisy; . : ' - • ■C.: \\'. :(!riK'non. WI.SN.:irilwaukee.. ■ JoJnVGuU*', C I !S, -\>\v: York', . ■ C. T. J iapiii.iti. ■ WTO.V; . \linneapolls; .Kilw...AV';. lliimlin.'KyO. S.t. i.oiils. : H. S; HaU'hei-, AVTAll; Noi-rolU; JleclRes, -^'ise, .Now York. .S. n. Ilickox, Jr.; NBC. New Vorlc. .J.;V,Hopkins, ■\VJBK, Delr(>lt. I,...) I()ppe.s. 1511 PI. .\f w Yoric. Harold.iloilKli.- WlUl?,. l''6rt AVdr .:- . , .B;(rrou I'Irtward, AVUVA. P.lcliiiiuiul. . D. :!•;. Tnman,. \\'ilT, -W.-ilei'loVi. la. ' T. I'V '.Tarman, AVD.VC. Dii'rhani.; N: C. ' .Tilforci: Jones, KX'YT!, . irou.slon. .. .B; !*;- Jordan, WDBJ; Ro.'>n'oki\ ' --^J—A.'TCinfiT; KGKd. Wlchila-l-Vil^ --. liOoiVard ' JCapiiPr; AyCAp:. Pitlslnii-gh., .- . John Karol, GBS, New Voik.. .; Ale.x'.Koese. AVFAA.'Dalla.s. ' J.. O. J. Kelehner, WMM.V. Fairmont, vk';-,va,-' :■ -.;■'-:.. Keith KlBprins,. NBC; New York, :■ ' . K. M. Kii l>y, . AVBM. Na-shville. ' R. - J. T.nuIieriKayer. .KSA-li.: Siiiliia, .Kan. ■ CrhiK Lawrenoe, KSO-kRNT, Dva.Moines;! .■William B; I.mlpTP, CBS. ■ .. . Howard M. Loeb. AVFDF. I-'lint. Mich. : I. R. I.ounsh(frry..;:AVaB^\VKU\V, Bufliilo. Ben Ludy. AV.IBW. •i\.peka. ' ' C. r,. Mcenithy. KQW, Sah \ Cnl. '.r.weiih: H. Mf Gillvra. ■, '; ; ■. • .■:..■:. .,. Frank H,. Mcintosh; Graybar", Klectrlc Co..' San Franci.<<fo.. - . ;.;d.. B. McKey,. Graybar Electric .;■ At- Innla:. Ga. ' .■ . - '.•-'• j. Ray Mcl>rinan. WSvVt-,■ Snlisburyl: Chas.; P. Maiiship, 'l, AVjllO;; aton RnuCP, :I.a. - Richard Ma.soti; WPTF, RnlelRh. K. C. .-. l'hillii>' Merry man.' NBCi- New York. • Jliirold U. Meyer. AVSCN, St., Pelei sburg:, Fla. -. V '.. . .. , •:■ ■ . .liewls Milboiirnei- WCaO. 15.^11 Inrore. .-. , James M.'Mdroney. AV|i''A.\. DiiUas. • , l'\-lit J. Morris. AVlBW, TDpeka. K«n. ; Oliver. Mortoi), OBSi Chieapro.' J. W. Mosher. "WPG.'Atlantle Cil\^ .C W. Myer!». K01N-KAT>:, Portland, Ore: . -Edward c; Nash. AVIBW. TopeUa; Kan.:; John W, New. WTAR. Norfolk. Va. Geo. W. Norton, NBC, New- York. John H, -Norton, JJBC._Nfew_yorlf. . ^ 1 . . Cillmore-Nunn, 'WIjAP, I,exirif?tori, .Kjv '"'' Oene O'Fallon; KFEL, Denver. - , > John M. Outler. .WSlj. Atlnnt: -'da. CUhs. E. Phlllip.<, WFBI,. Syracuse, ..V. T; ,..J:. R. Poppele. AVOR. Newjirl;. : ; Garland Powell, WRITF. G.Tlho.sville; Fla. Graham B. Poynei*; WPTF. Raleigh,.N.'e.: ; K. W. Pyle, KFBI. Ahilene. Knn. Bill Quarton,. WMT. Cedar Rapid.*; Ta. Roy Radner, WliRM, Jackson.. Mich;: ■ J. I.; Reinsch, WHIG. Dayton. Ohio. .' Dale Robertson, WlBX,'tJtica. 7s'. .T.. ^ R, ,T.-Rbckwelli WLW, Cliicinnati. Naylbr R'OKers,: Int; Radio .'<are.K, Chlf^aKO.'' fT; R. Rosenbaum, Philadelphia.." Frank ;M. .Ru.isell, NBC, Wfts'liihiiton. John: T. vSchillihiu', AVHB, .ICansaa Cily. Reggie SchUebel, . The Biovv Co., New York. iDoii Searle. KOITj, Omajia. . Janaes :D. .«?house.. AVI.iW, Cincinnati. -Edgar P. ShUtz, WIL, St, I.oiii.s. .Calvin, J. Smith.. KFAC. T.os. Angeli". W. AVebstor Smith. "WM.VQ. Chl( mko.- ::. . B. R. Sprague, KPFA,; llclenj*. Mont. . "Peggy -Stone; Hearst ' Radio," Inc., New York. -.. ^ :. - , Cliff Taylof, WBKN. Bufffilo; Q; K: Taylor. KG.\'C, Amarillo; Tex;- I/loyii G. Thomas. AvitOK. Rockford, 111. : R. M. Tigert. Wt'OY,. St. Augustine, l''la. Kern Tips, KPRC. Houston, Te.t.'; Walter W. Tl8(>n. AVFI.A. Tainpjt. Fla. Edgar ,T; Twamley,. WBEN. RiifTaIo; •=Jlayjnoiid.AS:,UJlawWi5AI<v !5allsl»uiy,.Md. Owen F. llrldge, WMR, Detroit. ^:^'" -Ral|>h. N.. ■VVell,: ■WISN. Milwaukee-. : T.ewls A116n:.AV6iss, Don. Lee Systeiii, tos Angele.<». Harold ,Wheelat»ah, W.S'MB, New Orleans.' W. .T; AVjlHamaon, .AVKRO, CInciniiatI, Donald Withycomh, WFII/, Philadelphia.' Ifarry A. S,. Woodnian, NBC,^ NevV Vol-k. JIni AVoodruff, Jr.;, .WR-Bir,i CoUinibUH; Ga-; Karl Q. Wyler, KTSM; El Paso; Tex. • George" Younir.. WDGY. Minneapolis. .. ; Ed Zimmerman, KARK. I.,ime Rock, Ark. Amory , L. Haskell, owner of WBNX, Bronx, N. Y.. elected prez of the National Horsie Show Assn. , - ■ ' -Larry Nixon is doinjg a five-minute 4i:ivel. prdgrarh daily, over "WNEW, -New York, -.; - ' • ,' Moines, joined NBC in New Yoik City for announcing job. May-Floyd : Sinex, free-lance dra - matic actress with : ;c.liicago. radio Stations, engaged to Gene Shumate, sports announcer for KSO nd KRNT, Des Moines. NBC ; relinquished Allen Kent; spieler, to WNEW, New York, for ad lib iioohtime- show. ' Audition Show Waxed Hollywood, Feb. 15. -. Program; with John Boles, Ethel Merman,- Eddie Conrad. Pat C. Flick, Lou .-Hearn , and David , Broekman's ork has been shipped east ori wax for agency audition. Bei David, of Lou Irwin office, arranged the show. • ■WHO,; Pes Moines, Gol^ Gloves tourney has garnered' over 600 ap- plication blanks. Larry Menkin handling 'Stories of Indu.stry'. at CBS as Joe Hill shifts to Prof. Quiz showi ■ \'.'.. - Tom Cochran, newly arrived in New York, sold a St. Patrick's Day special, idea to NBC Thesaurus. . Mary Sothern (the character) gives ■ after fout years of. script eomplicatioirts and is riiarrying" Max Tilley, the hero, played by Jay Jostyn. WBRK. 1310-kilocycler operated by Harold Thomas, of WATR, Water- bury, Conn,, starts wafting Sunday (?0) as fulltime CBS member. ' Murray L. Grossman, biz manager of'WBRY,-NewvHaven, basking In Fla. until March I. .-. John Pavlls, recently added to the' WMT,: Cedar Rapiids;' sales staff, re- placing L, F. Rayburn, who resigned to. enter;the .real estate business.\ : Fred Johnstone from NBC's Los Angeles division spieling at .WLVA, Lynchburg. Va; J; P. Read, Jr., fo r'- merly with Brooklyn Union Gas, on sales staff. Elaine Sterne Carrlngton, author ot 'Pepper Young's Family.' suffered arm fracture last month. w Rina Stevens, decile Deary, Ruth Goldberg ; and Helen Byrnes col- labbing song.- revue at WATR, Waterbury, Conn. - :. v. V i r ff i n i a Miller's pariicipator, 'Shopping Parade,' renewed on WICC, Bridgeport. Hostess cele- brated with Mrs. F. Chase Taylor, Colonel Stoopnagle's frau, as, guest. Ilima Islanders, Hawaiian musick- ;«rs of WTIC, . Hartford, supporting Huapala in native dance and syrico recital Sunday (20) at Guild theatre, New York. ' :■■" ■-■ Bobby Jones,, hitherto vocalizing at WNBC, New, Britain, Conn;, how on sales staff. . Phil Buxbaum. Jr., breaking in 'Sports Personalities' at WBLI, New Haven; . Johii Thomas Newman, Jr.; has joined WNOX, Scripps-Howard sta- tion in Knoxville, as sales account exec. New -; radio, Newman has had a background of: newspapers. Jim Jordan (Fibber McGee) now' managing a welterweight fighter, Milt Aron. Chicago leather-pusher. Bought contract;; from lirv Schoon- wald, ; . Sid' Walton .hew mikettian at WOR N. Y. Formerly, with WMCA and WHN in same town. ' '.' ^''•. ■ Max Hod^res. of WHO, Des Moines, in New York to visit sister, Joy) legit ingenue. - 'Seirrat,' the: third legit show writ- ten by Wright Esser, K.SD feature wrUfeir, goes into rehearsal under the ^divectibnr6^Prederic-Melvilie~at-^^ Lyceunri theatre, Ldhdon! Major Harrison, lately on the Coast for ScrippsrHdward Radio. Inc., has been added to the sales staff of WSAi; Cincy. ' Waldo Pooler, . production chief at WTAM, Cleveland, , who suffered a collapse at Christmas time and has since been under treatment at his hprhe in Albany,; is on the mend. -. ; Robert Rissling:, forced to retire last April anhouncer-singer at WGY, Schenectady, because of ill- ness;, is on the road to recovery, al- though still hospitalized. Gene Kemper;has been named by Ray; Pady,. station supervisor of KWK, St. ; Loiiis. to. succeed John Conrad as director of Public Rela- tion.s; - ' New mikemen at WNOX, Knox- ville, are Russell Hirsch and Gay- lord MacPherson. Bill Sparerovi, from KSO, Des WPTF, Raleigh, N. C, depart- mental reorg finds Graham Poyner promoted to program-plotter, Wes- ley Wallace, productiou" boss and. Don EbaugH musical director. Les- lie Beibel has quit station to j6in; WHK, Cleveland, announcer. Spoony, which hasn't been airr; active since it ' commercialized de- scriptions of the Yale grid games last autumn over WM(:a, N. Y., and Yankee network hookup, is in the' rharket for a hiyistery drama'tizatioh" series. -"; ■;^■;- - Program will be tested over WGY, Schenectaidy, as a starter. f/JA AHOMA i ■ '^'■^MAGFMf^NT WITH ''<.5-'-- Sp'.Lul Advert . ..g r G©5dwy5^-A/i(L)]yGr Sfud'os -: ^! V J V, 4 ^ A ;) VV A Y ; ;< c; I r y