Variety (Mar 1938)

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I1CS( 1 :50, VAKIETY a- FOOLS FOR SCANDAL iwiTH SONGS) •'; ■. ■ ,WHn»i»r -I'^UMt? <>t ;Mc»rvyri. ^J■^T{)i.v.■^l(:l>• ■ <iii'ii'»n/ "S'.aVs ('HVoIe l»n)lJ:<'i'i|. h n-l. ■ KiiW ■ .'.'■?J'«voi',::.;f(fHlnrM Kitliih,- . Ji'lI'Viiiv, • ■ Ail >ii.'Jrhnlrtiti •lHJibPl -.3t>anif.- Marlp .\\'i|s »n,' • •>! u-i'i* Ualsion. ■. J)lr(>V'i('(J J^cjiiiy,- I' i' iiiv : . 'j»t «v.. «.( . Hame .'.hiiniP ' ii;;' ■Ni.inr-y.. J UnuiN^iti;- ; •j'tiiifls Sliiitti^.aiiU 'UoHt'imVy ■■ I'-isic'y'; ii/l.'ip. ■'. l -U f'Hl,- Herl)e'rit . KIcUlu iiliil ■...T((.'»>!>.h . Klclih.!. V llhn'.. Wlilliiiii JlUlrtjCHi'- irii(>t(iBi"<l'hi'. ■.'l'"''! ■ ■■T'l"' ' ■;'x.tini<i<v. lllcliiiril RoKCrs ,'ihi» -l,c,ii'.;tV/. ■ II H•^V■.l.A■l ■ M;iiMi(; •If'Xir: N'. '.y;.' wi',;'i'<" Wrtr.'fl. ■• 'J'j,' 'Its. • ..riirn.iijnj; liiu'', .':7i"> "n»jt».<. '" K'tv VVIiilC'is. . . ■.n -M!>. .v.,-. .■.;. :.iMiitiJi»- ^MV'Mi.i.'i''.....:;;, .■J>.'>>-'.V 'C.i.irsiiii. V..; ... ■ l.»'lv i'liulii/MiilOfrili'iM Way Say i LoVe' you,' isn't m Uch and -woA't b« heard -fniiVt' to'.any ex-- terit. It's; siirig ■.rath?>r...weli by Miss .:Wdi.6dbury; .-.Hcr one daiiee r&utirie ii pretty: poor,.;": ;■.;■■:.::; >■■ ■ Dirbctibn /.routine iarid' ni*.ver lilts- above lev^irof average, dualet; CaniV ei'a somewhat;.sub-sta:ndard'v- Bert. ;, .jin, , ;\'<:>-':<r.>^,.. ■■|ii'h'.r'iittP|':l!(irl;''r. I' ri>:»: .,li>ri''.i-"i>oiir...,.', . ■i;.'H(<i>.',. ;'if\ tint ;,' Ki ji'x' ; I», .. ,... .('Anil^ T^iini,!).-.!I'l ; ivl ;..; .Mien'. I.«ivl<Jii-f j. , ..Ts'^^iol..• ,^^•,•l rM■ .. .... . .VlHri'e. \v'ilsu'f. MmitIu .f?i»l';i.iiii.: .; ;\'ritl;t ' Ni>'.it>iii !i ; .;■ H I' jn I h e r 1 iVi ('; 11T r , .■'Iji('r]il'r.'-.Jf M'.v- TtMiiiil.* ricirmr . .Vj If.hl.'lir.M.I 3 .^UUD i lll 1-. .■ . ..Iiftll- l.tX ijill; THE CALL jVl«rvy.n .LieRoy\s fi^ ■'ii; ■ BttTsJ.^. ■' ^ :.TiotV' th"io7"b.est:^^ , btaw : he .has niEide- a't 'the/'box office ■but ;One tha.t.doe's not^ however. .'Fbols: for 'Scaiidar ^ Xiim. ■inariy diverting rrionn^ whole.; rrieasures \\p well' enough; to: dttserve.ah- average business or/more.. Garoile Lonibard and Ferhuhd^Grav^et : oil .tht itiatquee' y'oa't hurt .ei'ther. .' , , : •> pjeRoy .;has ..,invested his property' ; .>'^.i th .fi^ridsorne .prp^Xlctipir; C ' siieaea, are . handttd .j'O' a inost 'cpm;-' p'^tant nyanneiV' ^ohVe .. ot the .•.s&-\ ' qtieivces being . very-. intriguing, such -;;Vi' building. Gravet into a -likeable .: but roguish cKarac^ter Miss ■■ Ijoim-: bai-d is - hot slighted,- ;'eUhe^^^^^ C p*rt fof the• .Afnerican'.fll'di. star jshe AlmougK. the. formula of - the, iit6r,y: •-plKs-eS" it .in :the /'My'^Man-Gddfrey;^. ; <;yclet>:'"iherc. is: erioiigH charm .\t6 the .• SIUiatiohk for genei'al audienceVijatiiir. :..!ip*ctioh.-.''. - '' ■:':.■-•:"!'■■. '. The ablyrperforming IlaTlih- Self ~ lamy again doing a lush Romed aS in ' 'A.wt"ui' '.Truth,' and . Allen ; JenlcinbV IsalKl Jeans, Marie WUson .and the "goiod-lboklhg ' Marcia- ' Ralstorti.' are ■ itout..Comedy support. .jMiss Ralstpit ' hi'^n't so miich :to :do hut she screens -weli, and. ,mayv dev6loR^.^.f^^ .iufu're .iiVargiiee. worth. 'Miss. Jiearis; pta.Vs, .a. faCvriihg society.:gal. in at higfhly acr. • o^jptabie way; She .arid,..othejrs who w(>utd' die for a morsel o^ ;scandal build ;uo one; sc^.iie into a -tower of , iLi ri wheh they barge in oh .Miss. Ldm-; Vbard to Check tin. the story .that Gravet has spent ;the..hight. in Ker ..■hi)u5e. eyteh' if'it's supposed to. be .for ^''b'utlering:!only;'' • ■ ~ .. The action ,:opens in Paris;; whertf . it .-remains about ohe-f6urth of the way,;. ■ balance- picking /l^ridqn. ■ Rodgers and Hart's i^j«scial im.uaic for the pic- ture islri^t prominentlydisplayed; *Boy in 'Harlem,'; sung by a colored ; gii-I as part'Qf a floor •sho\y: roiitihe tn ■^^ .l^ar-js^, iervei priheipally -as . :back- grourkiiweneiy,,' -w^^ . -'Fwls '■ I'pt : Scandal' is a vcombihation of song . atid recitatiiDin ^Iri .^\'hiclt; dialog . bcr : tweert ^Miss Lbihbard-« ■;»iiVti» tnusic^V';'.. ■.■■Chdri-- • :<IV -KLlin ni'. -^.l.iion ■I'i>ii'.fV' :\,u\^ j iir'>r i>'U -:ihir. wVir.l'jMi l»y ..iViiiy'r;' 1 * ■ .......... -■ \ 1 :.i11'..■■. .-i ^...-II...11 -. Y. ,iiin:l 1.1111 •.(.•-inii'i.iV.;- (.;; (irvi\;.s.. ■.MjlllVti: .ilfirluj; .'Jlifilii i'l'iii'ii ^ Al AHllii:,-vN', ' T.,- \W<*-ii- i.MH-wh "i'.s.-.-':;s';' :t.oi»i. $'ji'/|i:i(^>B'ii.xi-'.- ■S-V r>i:'?.rTiiiM:i\-..i Jtuhnin({ .iiftii';' "S.- iDlnx. ,(.'hin->.>H iIh Ifoiii-;! Hid.i. , Jci.iv yonrl.j"! ■. 'Mi^imrid l .;jl)r'j-|;' i- ;.-,;.;,; l 'ii.-r're- .il.j? <;'iii«i( inl ■. M iu».. A Hit',' 'J':i,'s,si)i v.;.. ...I.iji-cj lii I int>. Yvw di-fM . ■.Su'/jrii.ii'' Jti'ihclini t.'v.-;. niiinj- -M'lii ip'-lv!iiii;>)ii'. :.>liii.. 'I'hpiiiy -Hci.iii'iK'lli"... . i;'lvne. .JiivvjioC Aiiilre.' ;\o.v-i-PioH-vi'..,\iy:.; ^..;'. v-i. i'.'....'. '. . ■ ' .■ .. ■ • ■' .P;r.<ijli;ili.-.VuK;'.IV(ivi»i'jt» .VK-;. Vi.hiJj'e . .Milvi IcSi'ii-. .■. (r^'i nit nil.. i''i-!tI' ,1!cDrMfs ('.ih w,:u-,: ..^.-.■..Joan..Ui>Ui. j-].lwi).in^-:JJ(V|i.<'yprv~.-.-r.--r.;-.". iuVriPf.^Titiniir^i' A'ipji ,. . ... ;■ ■^vv.. .•V; ;.; ;-^.;si-,^! Hi.>r .\lii.uri(,:o Je -CimoMi!".-.. . :•. I'i.M.ri;!..Diirletrit •Ulvi'> r^f^^s»,■^t■ .-wf .WnberC ' .'^.iHli' .privT'li'tliini. il'>>|,ure-« W.rkyakarlviia,. Airu;n ■ •r.-,uiH:"-<.Jiir- . .iiii- •.fttrt'M,' johin/ vVf>»«lb.ury.. ■Ull:r^•^■»(l■.•■.l^y ■I'lii.l'ity T'tilKi'nnt*. .■.Syr-ifiiplay. I».V ..l,ri»n.>I vl ('►"t-»#p fri>ril :!<V-'''y -'^Un*". Ji)ir>l:tn;' ;t<r>ri.ic. -K-rili' .**terrt .-'hnil.- Herihitii - Rtiby; ' i'.«i'.V'''''«.' ■ 'Nii:-Ji(>(;«!<. .Mti.-iiiVooa,'-. -Vt-' Sl.iK'Vrt. .Brix'liilyii,' . X. -V;.. .\Ve«?K March ,*V Kilhrjlfts .ilnie, fiT lllliH.-'.. . •i '*' l\W|ii>?t';--. j--.\:y. . . Sll:i.ll*fi. ; -11 iW:»it<»r. \) .i vlHDii,-. S'>iii'.>>'..','.' .•. Wi th biit. little.--significance "ahd less; merit.. 'Tlie. Call's" commercial po.ssi' bilitles- are-,:distin(?tly limited.. , It ,i.s being shpwri. two-ra-day, at the - AStor lihdcr Catholic auspices,; It.'s a Wily-? hpo,in. Catholic circles to"faiaeiuhds fot.. the current- Catholic :Cliarity dbive.. On opehirt j iiight ducats- Were- top-priced at .$20 esfch;. $2 cluring'the twdVweek stretch'through, Which the- atre has.been rented. For the .general pohlic, 'Call' ,h'*?> ^hd b. Q.-call and-no interest;' -It's the biographical- yarh..' of -the: .li.fie;-. Charles-de FbUcauld, -titled F-reheh--; man flSijeTlaie). who led a yiQuth p£ dissijlatrph, ah eaTly. rfiainhopd of li^eistr less 'searching .ip and/ the .rc.^t of. his days .'as a,monk doinig. missionary worlc. ih -the' inte- of ■the.Hoggar- sector of-the Sa- hara.,. T6:Iling .j6f. the^^stpry is geher,-, ally; dull arid', the;.-repetitions and tedipvis, explahations of :the obvious •are palling on .the patience. Even for a Cathdlic;.a.udience, the dramatics, should havc'been.;whipped up, more; First foutrfifths cannot be l elieved nor.: redeemed by the /final slice;, vi'hen action ;ahd inteirest perk. Contains; soTne. Frehch ' .p.ropagahda;; top, since hero is shown helping For-, Legion , add .to What is . how French' Mprpcco. ' He- iconyertod'. to •his :faith thie',-,.then intrd^^^ diiced.them. to. the ,.French; and saw that .peace was preserved. - PrPduciipn is; pbbi;.; interipr.s - lodk- ing like camera work aiid sCts, of 15 yearsago in' Uif S;. ciri^hiatographji'^ Scenes filmed oh .the'desiert,,8ahds of ■the; Sahara a re good,. a nd So; much better than the interiors the two can hardly §eem :rclated in .the saime pic- ture;.. . .;;.:•■....'■ V-.: V - Th.eire are only two"principal- parts. Ih-"the lead; -Jean-Tohri shows a .tendency .tpi grieatly ..over- act;: with; many hammy moments ,6f eye-trolling 'and Chirtj^rtrchiest-TestSi Toward; ,th^ .end, at which h<Bt.ile Arabs martyr,hihii he imp'roVeS;Vast- ly. Pierre; de: Guvngand plays:, the. ihorik's close. friiendy a r L&gion -fjegi-; .ment commander, . in..-pi-etty -gooKl :style; ,;\P'ther i>arts are^bits;',, Direction is.', very sluggish;. ' Best touch in the Whole film is the excel* ;lent.; job or.dubbing English sound- track; \ It's so> gopd: it i^eems' natural -through Whole scenes; CGlaire ■ Mel- hish may take a' Wiell^deserved bow:, for i50 shaping the djialbg thai' it fits ■so;'smpbthly^ . ' Oh the, Strength ot . iis N;; T. show- casing;; 'Call' .will probably lai-ge Mihialiire Rer^ .-•;:-«Fools ■', for;; (^capdal'- '- (^B): Lomfb.a,rdrGrayet-jitarrei- in It'^.iit ■ comedy,- .-v'ei'ii ; " .wftr do 'j' ' ■, ; " 'bii^ihess^.:' ■■ •' ■--.':■ ■.-;'■■ •:■'■' - 'isight: ■. Spat'- . ( R^Kp), :. - ..Ko- hame<i,^rtd ;:a ;hackh:b.y.eci;-.theh-»ei,': .' m.eiler. foi'.-the .duals;..- .: •'The. ■•Ga;ir;.;(Bfestl>-; E':renclr.: nriade .bip.g will'- get; s'pm'a -, plny. , •from. -Catholic^:'eircl^!s, ;b,u^ : l;ittie-;geiie;ral''-in,te,rest,- ; ,;;•.■' ; I mayor j-espectiVely, arc. Worthy .>>up- i pot'tirig.; members!: : ' :-pierr;erRichard ! Wrillm,; th^. guide. -; i.*!. Hob diashingly rpbust.; Pierre Blanchar's..villainous -doctbr is bikay.; ;:■■;-.*. . .; > .^.x; ■ ' - ;• J,ulieh Duyivier\< directibn is bet- [vter . -than,.- his, .,-yarn. -P-roduct.i;on'; ,i.s ■■cpmparative'ly •.;cosj-ly,. :if>r '; ■■.;f.6i;eigii i niake- • .Camera, job is hi!>h ,.sp.6t; but -i-s i'auliy. jh several priVcfts.., . 'Life ;;Dances : On' : .sh(?i!ld :;bus.iness-. Ut" ' fbroign-id^^ ', a.iid i.-arly \thcatres;, '.Too- "t'e,diQus-- even : fbt :,,unde,r; . .hu,if -bf: ,^uaie'rs-; iri- ::o;ihor '..houses.-.■v,'-;";':' -.'' ■--: ■,•'.' .,;;;■■.; ;",;-■ Wear.';■ - .Ti'mmy'shbAv.s, h'Ci\ 'He- builds^.up hi.s hewspapei- trucking- bi'.sihe: .i .to-perit- ;hou,!5.e- .prbpbr'libn.';.'. .' Attcr; ■a-: -v^'hilc ,he :tries';f.(,rtil.elv:. to.!, f)ia -brdncW between the pld,street and.:Pa,rk ave- nue .wheiV-he gojes for a pnst- debbifcr--,--; ::"':;V: -■ ■■--;•■■-'.; ;.';■■ : -There'.? ;tbe usual ruh,around ;and back to Mary-,ElIeti, who by this'time - tstis, that :her :ijfe:, witlr-. Vai'co.h.i. is ■ rio';.- oh.e .pt; priiiiros^.s.;-; ^'Tc .make, it liibre plausible'Republic takes;away -Ayresl-' :• pcn'tHoVise,'-. -.etc,; ^ isb '■■ -i.t' 'c^ah.'-. throw: a 'more; favprable renect0n' on:.Ma.'iiry 'EUcn's return;-., ' .'. '.• ';•.; '■. ■ .• ■ ,.;'..J|ertiard /Vprhau.s, who;, also 'pro- duced,, did, a good directprial .job, niaintaihin,!;-' a,\ brisk bace: :.Camera, hb^wcjvcr.,-faiLs''f,o: caich ■the..i'^e-' w.alks' p£.. New •'Yprk atmpsphere.; - .•ivuaii'.-..'.;^,.^.-,- l;c;.,';i,n,;;:..: .V rhrti.-iii .'.lov, <• JUxHrci.. ;.,.v.■ .■|•..■l'llhhix.-; i . i )>'v. .SrlnM .., ■Kl-rwl;Jiif,k'.;.:;, Aii.'elrili. . „ .. . ■U';ilri)ll .■;. , . , Mi>.-=. ..Si'inlil ... ViUKlny. .. .Du'lv.';..-,- Rranrloii LIFE RAr4CE ^'Un i'arnet; de Bal') ;; —^-T^^r'-.'-(i^RE^ffCH;: MA ■■',■;• ■(yvItH;: SpNXJS) ■ '■ ■ ^y'r ■ ,■ ,v.K:r.i!:,-,^'i-j>i\t,'i.sft rtc, .\".o:r;.. i>i-(>ii,iii-t.i..-iii;-'-.-T'V:i^" l,ij-|!<M Miii'ie i'"i'ii.ii<'((lHe^;:l:iis'(yi - l.'iiiio .Icj'uvpl. Ila'rcy j;!iiir.-/-IVIritcicil -liy. .Tii|iiiii- : l.tuvlyier'l : ."^liU'y. .,l)y ' ITuwS'Iim-.;'.- ilJulotr. -liy. V piirie - Jfft.riso.iiy' ;! e^n: -^SurinenL . ji'ml'.; Hi^I'* nal'd ?5<nmiPr; md-"?!*", J.iOlM-ft; .l';ni!tl.<th till^m ,t>y-.Tohn- r.'i liiil- iiMih H>^rttii-in S.'^^ VVr>iirl)pr ; -.Ar J-JrMthrtiii, ^■N..-Vv.: -\v«(!k 'liijrrdiM.'iji. •■;;,■. .I'.unn.lMjf ,tlinei-..JO/i-rtilii.-i. 'i;; :•;-;. ;■,;?'..: ?ii:ip,-'ni«i'r '■. .-;-■,.;.T''f-:ii)('fil.-i|j IJ():<!»y: ;;...;...:: f.miis, ..Tauv.rt-, . . -.■ .- .• ■., •; I |-;ft''n: rfii iic ,l'i,-.'i'rt».-ltlcIri»t'(l-;;Vllliii: . ,.v; .--. .■,, .. .,R-.'»fmii' .....-. P|t>.i:rff-:' , ri,.nf'h;tr ;-;;.,, •,■..,;. . ,'..|''i'i;niin(lpr ;.. .■, . ; ,'Iti>l>(;rf hyUffti. .(!HnstliT»;;.;;V,;■;■. >\I :tUii tne^ A u il le.•'; ',: ,:. JiV, . ."■i-. > ■, , .■. .S'lHlti'-Iti'irri-ilillt.-.; .• lOi'.i.i' irv^rh'i-.;.-;;;.., I-"ri,i hf,6j.s'.l'<>tu;(j<<>t.. ')yr.:'nu<>ny:..)r. J''i.i-,t)ipn ■. ;■. i..-,, ^urii-iies:.;......, ; - Ufi .French, with kngksh Tkle»y , _ ■'- Venice ..Biennial;^ Filhi, Exposition desighated thf^. picture as the .finest produced'/ ir| the world iduring 193*?; Such ■desi^tnation Us an , .,;■. >-. p.*r!t,<ar!»-«M; ^.'AtltiII ('ie ;■,;., . ;/.■< Vitrflnn:: .li>n«i;l. ..; .■.J«Btri :VV<>Oi11»iry I _ i .- . i .^-^ . . ■ .:....'. iLna . iratri.'ic i Gathpjic showing .in :parocbial circles :....;..; f:r.ifH.*y i/.-Vi;- • around, the country. Aside frimlh that, KrV^k;!M^^i^.r^ill'.; ehgageqientr yf\]i be1^ : ■ ■.■Bftt. ,'..•■.■/.,fi'>.'<eph..('F?,i<"*.n,'■•■,■- ■',■■'■.;■; ■ \;■ - .. ,t >;-» W',('i>r<l.-;-Wc":<yi"r--.■■ ■ ■■■ ■;-'.; ■■■'■.■■ . XK .„v. KING Qp NEWSBOYS . RtHIii r.l(>y.t 1 ;Fi>r:.the, duals, and will, do dubious- ; i,-uis ':,i)i ci,irK-i'i.,-n. ; j.V:(i,rjiVH . ;ly; A;hbth£r hand-dpWn. vej'sipn; b.f :'|'^'"'''(."y.|.^^^^ ■.V) rt-s,.- .Vli.sori S!{Jl>wnrlh.^ Pir-H-t."'l : I'-'•j'niriH.v;—.IW>>i'ic-('tt the rookie • copwho hl'akOS • gOPd - in ] Ijoi-ii,., i'',o'if);y '.Thvriiiini.ii; " oi-iXliiHl. • S-j/ii'tj>rl Vr>unding:hp:a-c^yeybfcrpoks;^ -ciites. an innocent'lass whom :the poi-J '''r''^^^^^^^^^^ .M.'wn'i .. ■ ■.■■-■... _ ■- - - 1N.- -1 .. .Vl.M-ch .J.S.,: li-ilnjifnt; Ulii,i:. tw :lictf have under . sCi and IS en in ln,*, :' .l<-vry -. v)ute:,:tp nuptials .at the fadebu't.v No i",M-i,-y'' ':i('^.;n(' .ii.i»w. twistis" the yarh', .-which' has f .Voi-ii:.' .-,.;.•,., -A.vrr'.-*- 1-;. HII'liiii -.Mi^i-U ,■. ., Sul'(>w»;ri 1» ..'..•; /ji'lfir Vitn'oiil ; i /; 1 ('.(I;»• - }JriIrn)»• V .. .,;-A)lnp /Wlil't.v l,(|-|i;>i-<' Ji1«i^M;,i)i(i"n: ; vviiriHim , Ufroorti'.'t' , \'ii'i fii-; K-.iy •( '((o'.-'i' .. ......liif-h I'f.nn.ii'i.- ■;.>-!rtr,v , 'tirhuirin :■. .'.: ;;i;iori:t, i:ii.>h; ..-. . fJ!.t<';«c. .O-.-vh-ji ' ;ib:*,!*h-^idorte 'With:■ routine: r'egularity f V)'i''.''. ■.>;'■,"','!'' ■ ■■ s'Lti'c'a early. 'sileht. days; Cbmedy. .in,;|■;,^,'i"'. - ; th:d:;ha'nds,r-6£' Par,l,«yakarkus,!:is-,: gcn.-^. p./M^iiiiov./;■■;'] > er-aliy weak and .distfes'singly reoeti-1 Hiiiiiiiiny. ■•-;tibus;;- ■:■., .. • -; ■'-" .-.^z-.: r,-;^:--' ■ ... Gang;.-of -gem-, grabbers -bo.ssed by ; iW^'J' . ;tha .'-operator.; :of •;■ swank ; rtitei-'y. |'>.^;",'.' '.', '. -• ■( Bradley :'jPage) -has. ■eluded- the .po- -"^i-v^,"*. 'vllcij;. ':,,Girl:(Joan:•,W6odbu,ry;^'seek ..-, •,.: .- ,■ .-! ' ,■ , j/ji)b. In-c,l,ub.'as singer .sees^a^^ Jany' story; 'the.<;e;' days';on , -, hi>ide' p'iv^Wiet^s'~;rr^ ■ ancT- turh''i'slie!s ^Wtfi^avi^nue's-]^^ mp;v:e, oyer to;" ; hitn ,,ah alibi .when ';W,ould-b;e !ki.lltfr [rPark;falls: to -Strr 'rrtuch -im.ajfinati;YM': • ii..:lateiv killed.; -C6p.s:pl5|h pti v,hp.w,- it'll iiltimately termUialL*; .;.;trUm'pet.playei*-ln 'at the cafe: to J Republic'.'N ver.><ioh ,o'f^ th.e •rriug.'j-^ and : :.' ji.|).y;. arbund;;..:'He fails in. love! with. .i dan-ies. ,b.r'Nevv;York ;s .sfd6.1ilc<i-. ;-. •.l'h.j';,girl:and!':decides.; unawate,' wi^■•G.: od'orii; very /'liltl.G that's new. of th.e...fall; roJie.Zshfr: is piaying^ (l;It),vi-dvoi--. • spr.i'^htl;y ,ca:st,-'."featured■ thii - gang aftie'r; she is ;giVfen; a. sinking by • LeW- Ayr'c,s; 1 iGlcn' Mack and' Al i-' .. .job ;.ih-,. the-' jpiht; '' . 'Rooki'e . (At'laii -v'syii . S1iipvy"br-t.h; .;.ho!|>.^ :'NGw,s,bQy.s.'.; L:.uie)^ almost -gets;:disgraced bsiar.e Cir.iiPv'e ;iilon££.;.';' rt!s, rea'.soiiabic fiu^cvfor - •■■he' tf.xtricafes',-the :.girl,and; rQu;hds u'p'-thC. doubl, - ^thi^ rtidb::■-,:' ,, , V;', ;-;,; ■■. ;■ ; '-.-::■ ■; ''r:v^'AyrCi<'i^^;.a^ • .' L.ane.'.who' played. foo.tball'.at Noti'e : tlisj; ;; drugstore;I .; - Divme-few: year,s; back 'uh.disr real tag, ,cpw.boy on. thb :bJ'6ek: Jjinm^'s'fjciiih Jiarry'. Albertsh'aftv i's. doing -his firsf'-'-bc'.'lho.''big;ge:st s6me.-j - lCryd:.,,ro,te;''in..p|}ctsV-:He's:Pke en'p''ugh;;''d,'i;y:;'.-.;--Ancl; li'l-.i.!e; ;Mivr'y. ;Wl-!eu:'',(!VIi'sV '.';biit .■, „n6 ,particutar promise. r.'Mticlc.).' ~think.-;^ fhiyt} h;e's; a::.g;rii;U i \.■.r;p,ii.n Wbo'dbury.;: also .a ' hQw'cbmer. .i-.tjii.v;; although; lieVjii\'cs, hor .c,'oc)>i.' ''i\> . Cairish. ---Bradley .'Page does Koi^BibpErsi - ..\''nU:.(;lS;iV.'r).|-|)i.luc.;)i'ii|r: Ullil )v;ii'-ii.s-t',-- )>'i!U- ;ril|•^.'.^•- .■:IJt'i!r-j;,' "Ji'i, 'Ivranr'-s ttolriuXi'in.' -j;.|V',l Jvoliii-r,. ~ Si.„ .;i-J>»i>criM,l 'liy: \V'yn-(iriiOm' (■)i'Ucns,,. \vh(i -Vvi;-Mii' -i:ii,'j. si'iVM^Miiriy; ii-;vci; Surnrl;-. - l ijri'ily:; ;t-:i'iui.''i-ir, .■ . J';i\vii<iii;. nj^i'df li;, l'.ii:il(-ii'; ^ J'li-^iik .'ij'r-D.Ms. , ;vi,- Mliyj iy, i.iii.cDliV,.. IViiil . 'l.'uiiD.i'iiK liint;, \itS liiiit.'i^ • ... .-;;; ; ; .:,,.:; ;.-. ...Nn.-t li •,Ho">i:x'. ■Jr!.' ; .:...',-,^l''r)i-f)('ji'.-i -ilOblnnoii. .;.;., i;;i!!i-'>vl . K''l"l'\iv:f<K . ;.i. .■•:.1 ;-Mi)itSii( -i'fii'i)--' . .;/■.;. ..'<iii.()))i'r-.";. iilnii.H. ;. ;•.;,. ..Kcj.iil'iy^ '..Viiili'J.wii . .•:;'..,..-.-;>i»'-:fti'iT' ("h uMj-i's ,;;;-,."; -ii.-i)':(''■"«.: ."^rfvi'ii.s-r .'. ;...,. ...soiImImiI- j.ijMiM;!,"/; ,;. ;■'. ;•••. : . 'rii.Vliir, I. ,■-,;i I.".;;-) .M-;-\;V,;ilie' ■, , .■;-,,, .-.■:•!I^'iiry )ljtnt<'|- .. .•.', . . J.oliii riiilih-lf^y ■. ,.;.. ; ;'J,ai)i>>.i. / KiiriH)-' Here's a .natural for. girb^.ses in the ■western house.?, .' largely because;-it's, cast:-w^itbin- 'reach of thc.':-;j.uv: m.ihd . ;a'n.d. -the kids will get .a Special kick out pf it.: • For ..ihe.-Pldsters, ■ it may' be quite so good, - but it's all -right;,; Noah .Beei^Vi-Jr.',: and Franctss ,R6bi.n.5pn .were igopd " selections- tor; the. toh ^pQts.vbbth yrtung^.ahd bf. the. typs^that-the • a ver a,ge :y:bu ngste^^^ mrjiror hijhself. into .as the vfi^^^^^ ;recl;s;i: .■;. ■;■■{-. -; y> : :';/;: ''\ ; Wyhdham -Gitten.s!; vci, screenplay; dbpestcr. for the weijterhs-and .serials,., a-.clual; jofa-i^^thc -j^^^ the;, dircctibn. Seems .tp khbjy; how to; wrirtg; the audiiSnce for the last 'drbp of ih.ter.e,st-7-at- least, the action, {iudi-. •ehce. ; His Worlc here stahd.s out, and:' -the hand of associate direct;or';Hehvy . MaCRae,-,|ikewise. an.Qld-tihier 3 action biz, is 's.een In guidance.;' ;. .Natural ,mouhtaih ; cbuhtry . sc^^^ background . .the: ;story • of' 'a-' .youth ,reared ;, in the" mountai,i,V.'i ' by.- hi^ fat her, wh 0 v>va.^', a :gu ittljess iugi ti ve, .From the. Jaw. Meets a ncn.gifl ,irom civiliziitiph : hie V has lieyer , khowhi, saves, her life,--sees hi;^: father'.killed when draggc'd by l a .hjot'se, and then- itbes to towh.for;the'fir>it time.'Girl; ,\va;s; engaged;: but she falls fpr the Such - desifrnation is an ovcrrestima- ^)r:^'i:^"}^''ii'f^\:""y=>^''= .""-V? ^T,y"Jr^ 'tibh to out it mild'v ' Fa^-t th^-A 'ri- ^'"Tibcrh come in for a s'lain- SrX!^lUr6iSu^^ ^fJ^^'T^^^f^^^^ his.lif^:and make; ;all ^things «veh -■ Cast is strong .:ih ; support- with -Sahiuel;S. Hinds,, :the cused fa the r; /RobcM-1. Bar r a t,; the, h a r d and suspicious father.-jn-iaw of the-; Fred TCohler. Sr;; the real rhu.rderer.and the; film's bad guy/, ind;. Spencer. CharterSi the dbC.- :''' ' :; .Noah' Beery's; Jiandling of. the top role: invoke, ,thoU,^h' a." bit. -dopey sbmetime^.ior an adult mind; ' Fi-'an-: •ce.s Robinson^, tipv^from the serijil^; has.:yet:-to;;j>lay"'her.;first^' a-Ssighmeh^ • Where' siie . can' wear • d re.sses, always .ab .far - haying' been ';' . pants .and ■iKKjts,' Has an: .outdoor' gii-i ; «'>hce; ;;and takes care; .of /lines ;well. One sbene with' her- ih paiamas .shbW.s ■sbnrie' s.a.; proniiise; yet unexploited; .. -Will be iguarahtced b.o. in its c] ■ •.■■. '■,;;'■■^^■■"■; •^■"'v;' Bam.: award, i.mpressed: so highiy, pbssibly Ijed to. hopes th a t this m ight' measiire ijp;' Which, it ;d6es hot.- . ." :•■; ;;.; ; However^ those familiar ;with: po- liticovdidbs involved- ih these awards each y,ea,r can: well -understand■ why all; :American..films::Were-^bverloqfced; .'Life:;Dahces. GnV lis: not: up to .^a: Kermesse' though Fraihcdlse Rosay; sfari pi latter; and Pierre iBlartchar; padre, in same, are?., in: this .new French; import, thouigh pbssibiy hot importahtiy ehough: .Film; lacks the d'epth. finely caryed xharacterizatioliis arid .sly, buihorbus 'touches of its predecessorf ■ • Yety, de.s|i>ite:; Inevitable , compari- sons and fact. that 'Kei-riliBjjse': blazed the-Way for subsequent Frehch'rmade pictures, ' thel J937:: Venice laiii-e(- grabber; is Wbrthwhile: entCrtainhieht, especially:in arty, cinemas.... It suf- fer?, : of., course, wheh stacked: ujp :.. .; reasonable .: strong 'JB' AhieriCan feature, ." but a {sturdy French ehitrTi .Production sei'ves lb bring into .>hairp relief jus( how:: fair behind European :p>rbducers are^even with strideii; taken^recently;: Priz^ ■ wiirtnei- ii strongest ■ Jn, Its i rid i vidual ■ perfor ma hires.: Tak ing the dift'icult ; theme:. pf a^ fascinating Widow who .seeks her old lovers, the ;story i^ an epispdic, aflair With-these former .Don: Juahs paradihg;«berore the ;camera;. More ski11ful direction and: alighment; b.f- plot probably would have: dbne' away With the «"liveff ^ — ''''^"^■"^ ^""^ This::; the I7th of th<. >Hopalong CASSIpV OF BAR 2a .', T'h raiiiixitit-.r^1o!-| nfi.' of :H;i rry Hiterwitn ■ liiro- ,iVu<-rliin. r'.srnra Wlirrrun ;iiiVv.<l. ;:lJ|lrr' i'''1 l»y . l,c.>4,.S»',(an|lrf.; ..H'.nry Uy. ■^'invfiii-D: >ifu\(i>'-sl; M'ffeinitUty: ,a;i<? - <Unl6K, .'• Ni>rrr»Hn . JlouMlon; (-amirra. .UW!»«ilJ llm.'lftii.' ;V,t (.'iTOraJ; N. •V.. 'wf'fk :.VIi»ri'h- 'if.-;. -"AH; .diirti;.-- Itiihnitiff .t>iiif.' -«(»' tiii'rif. :■ -•;..• : U(t{tH\iin^ \ .";i-|iMi<ly.; i;. -;. .f.iii'liy-. Jfnki:h!>: ;.;;;.;,', I' i>f»y. ... .. ^.'r. . .-S'rira fWiih^-, .,.. • 'iHy. AUN'/n, '. i; T-tm I>IUf<n., Mary. Dillob.. ,. -,'>la-,».'i-|ff-r>'.y ;-,■.',. .Tt«fif.,f v*.frr!'v. ■.; ;■; : Kh''riff , i.lavi'If'y :-.WMii;iTTi noy.r Il-ri.H?.'ri -I'lJiWili-h.- l''ni..iilc ■.;]ijii j'li'ii. ,. .■•; :; Sinn i/ni'i^ . ;;J!()l)iTl yi.ik*^^ .,.^,.l.iiliii., 19ilij)M .-. . -.1 ri;;i.ri,'L Min-iiiil.-*. iM ii'-i'iii<'. .■Hr>rfii((ni: .-..;;< ImtIii Ii»M yiiiiiiijt. ,. ;......•, .< iii'riJnri; h.flri-. ..., .-i'M AMf,!! ■CHi'Hi'ily ' obstacle Of - having the author also direct. - Case pf thie;,;director leavin<' developments the way in/, which he: wrote .;tliem' when, re;Spoiling' •-iif ccntrai figures was an afiparCht heed;:, Glairing- :example of thiV is found, in!, ;fll.m's;m6irose: bcginnih^ and shoving, of widowed jmbther epiipde: into' first scene . stop of Widow's search • for .f6rmer;sWeethearts;',.Siricp Fr^^ Rbisay ;;dominate.V in -tills icquehcc^^ oby.ipu.sly .wo.iild. have-:been: smarter i; ;ginals :,by .CiareiiGe Mulfpid.:, Probably: the onl.v a'ctitjh scrios 'r'G- '■ main ing:: that;, still • dishes oiil the ,,hard-Tidihg.. ;»fraight-Khp;pii'ng vstufi', .without a .sirigihg: lead;. Current re- lease .incprpoi'ate.s: plenty: of lead throwing, -..intrigue', etc.. With nary Isnock-'em-dowh, drag-^'em:rQut.;.sc- -fluehce. Ma.v disappoint Westerh fans fqr the first 20 mio-s.. or. so: but will satisfy for the ensuing;runbfT,.Diick soup for;thc;.iityes.^.■^v-" ■'. . .. . . . , ^ • ■ .. .Boyds dutics.;thi.s time afer to'clear- i?_.!J2i^o«yce^her l^tej^ ,-^Ahother_rari ojd .sweethearts ra^ge^;Ot a_bahdV exampje: 18, proTon^atTon :pr: the ;e^^^^ spdf; with.the besotted^dortor. ; , ;,- : fprtt.s,- led: by,. Robert'-.Fi.^ke. • !.>N6rrt ! . Fabl,e fpllpws:-the- comely widow'.-i,, Lane .sp'nds 'for hi'm Whc'ii it ;beronio.i< search for the-men, M.sted bn- her -old ,; imobi-.'jib'lu ,^o^ hi-r ; iiiicl: li.;r erdi;!'i,y ' dance program.- Finds her ^fir.<t lovc-r,;:-male ria:MnGf' to 'c wi'h ■tiic. ban'-irs hfv.ii; died.- . Second ;; p'ricjit. - Ah-' '-aCtivjlioi;. • ^fioVd ■{irriv.'.-s; si'<cs \ib pth.3r--.ha,s; turned mountain g;uide; '; A ' the siluation {I'lid (•!S hi.'i:jr'a'rt-^ i fourth i.s , a small'Ktbwn ma^or. .an- ■ W, Ru.s.s:cll' HavdcTi'.. home toi: g-.H o.thcr'-j.i.a .di.ssolute/physician ao.d tnc' the rcst'of: -thf;. Baj' '20, mo''-, who. jO--.;' sixth,,, an utvp.rCten.tio.u.s halrdi-CNSOr. ■rive ir).;tha usual-nick .oulime. - 'i'lirVal < Fihal ■ ,sWe.cthcarl'. on-. Hst_ hq.Y -just .'^cicanuh."Is actipn': pl'os.:,'"- ^;: ', ' „■.-... ;, I .' Bfiyd-plays :hi.S: :part naij-ii-jlly ,?ind-; ea.sily, ai;i;d;ha.s' ;)h-;<)ka;.v; a.Hsisiartt.'ih ; Hayddi'i;. ■ Fryo'k .Ei'afi g ri i,frfCf,;'i;; ij.i'--.,fc-'w \ Gertr;u;de;^ilbn'm',ih- rs '^i'w.ori a- hord.- bitten.- "'Uni 'AotinJc'- f id-.■ Cohquerori of Arctic ; -;-;>;:'■; (RUSSIAN ' MADE)': ;■ „ •; -,Mi>l<liipi TPlen.s'.c of: S(),vti!{l>.t(i6-. .SVwV -pr.v- ^ .. iliw-i-liiii. ■ O'fiU'lril. conitiltiiili'it)- <-,i>f . -Kuh.VUti ■ •. ;irvi'j-Mi>ii'nl -f'X|»(»(llil,on -: M^ . -VdrHi' l'i>lc In - .liny, .,lli;!7. Al- l'ii-n)i;'ii; iVi . V.,: wi^^k' -}iiir-:' ;!»(. -/ati;' ,i;i\iiihintr,ain(,';. ^ii^iviriij^;,; •-, ' ^. ;■: r -y lb(ycii7)rjiniqry;\EM(ili^ ;:; ..' Aml:.jhb.,.h,a'.i cut .'d picture's of that faincd -Russian I'x-- ' : poditidn: ,tp■ th,e^.Nol^tl^; ;Pl)le la,st -ye^ar ^ ;into abouit, five.:reels to, nlakc a: Soviet .' .'c6hquei'|h;g herp' fcatiirc.' ' Story of ' Riisse party got' into- tbe.v hoadlihe,,-*: bpcau^'je: the ice- floe- on ;which ciiinp ' had been,statip'nod „brPk;..~lo'o,-^e,.u^^ „bOuari , drifting With fbiii"' explor,e'r's.-^-, aboard;.;;.None ;Qf thvs':^ in the;, feature ptpdiicfibn:bccati}je,i|itp.s we're'.; liowh. : by. .^plah.?bfl' the ,. ice . mass.... ;ivb,put ;sjx " rnohths ■ before- ' the , tlbe ' ■bi;,-)kc -iip;.:;■ ■■:■• ■-■'..■;-.'-.':■:•-. ; ;,-TJ ; e,ditbrs, either .-Amkinb: in: N. 'Y.', pr':ih Russia, hhvc managed: to get . ■^^l' ,ex;citirig. -morhent^ . into. the ' ;(>l.prificd nCwsPcel : Skillful editing, par.ticularly:. in: view of-'.dull back-. . '\r&u.nci and humdrum occurrences at ,,: thp Arctic;campV Highli.£»hted is that terrific bli?iard' that-.<;vvbpp,s down oh ;thci;; tented explorer :tpwn. .■■'.-;;./ -. :'Ahy- -'chance- of ••draw in. -regular ;.; theatres h^is beep, nu Hi fled by the -. moving story.^Fox Mbvietphe Ne - rhadc of the sairie :fpotage;. The ;n : reel ciit it dpwh'iS arbiihd eight mirtr V. utcs,' leaving"- only: -the -ihpi'e ■thrill* .-: ing ,c,yehts. It appeared ;in nrW.sreetSr-;. several weeks a.<jo.; ' Wear. ;,:; V Prison Sah9 Barreaux ^'^•"M';':l'*risbn'Wil^ ,■,,;■■ ■■■^\;, (FRE.NCtl', MADE): ';-';:;•;; v';^ ' •;:"- ;■-', /■■^ .■■P^V'SAMarcb it':-' .■-.■.6s'si>.-i;-'.Il-|n>)-.y('lo!isc (if: iit ("'Dttioairnile': intf-r-. iTiii t lori.a Its iIO' Pr.(>ilUcli<jnM;. Arll-'itIqiie*.: pru'w (Ii'ii'tlon. Ft'fitiin'a. -.ViuiUv, Dticit.ux,: ItfiRttrs ^ .riiichcHnp, ■(--"oi-lnn'e.- r.UOlinl.rJ', DirPi-t.eU .by.' -J^iVinftle.- M.(ixuy; ' Ailiiiitoci - liy '>J.: .W.flhC.lilt:- ■(ilijroKr.'-.'UcMirl .reiinsoh; pi'oilncKdn ^l^^i•lr^(l^. -.Vlirhpl: KoustolT; -cunictii;. ('Iji-Wfljin: M'il iit»' ' ;i'pi& ClniiilH.; Hc-holr.-. At v tllP^ Mu'n hinrjer; ' I'An.'). ,:itunhit)B. tlii'ie," lliO-.iuljiH,■ Y.yonne: Thiv' JJoiji-oi-.. .v.i'lly..'.. Hnr)<'Ci. .:.;-.. vVrlrr: ,; ;;;;•; ... Ma'dii nie ,\ p'iiel. ^ • 4 ,«* • • • • •.• • «■ • • ;-iAhni'c huphtin*;,. .('()i'<<>,n<' I.iK-hnlr«: , ;.<J|n-<:i|.e - r;4'rtorc- ■.•.;';|Hcl.o'-■Ifr.c.vlllu-. .;.. . ;,.Vt<W'.-hn,',•?») Wfot -, ; '.^v. .Mft 11II ill li'M) ii« • , ;M^i-KTiT:'rir«r:r.i».'(T/: .':;.•-• . ';■■= - (In French) ' '; ; ^■;','.": Splendid study', of the Woi kings-pf youthful, nr^inds arid their psycholog- ical reactions sort• of;thing at Which the ' Fierich' excel. Not only., does 'Pi-isbn. Sans Barrea:ujc' "present art excellent picture pt life in, a - girls'.. prison, but it digs in /to divulge the thoughts arid; desires : of "the-; youiig- • inmates: whose lives shattered beyond repair or reformed , to face the life that is to follow.;; 1 Wilh;,this.,is.: mixed the, Io,ve. of. :a hew directress and one of the yoiing detain'ed; girls for a handk)me prison doctor. Ihtr-igues, quarreis'.and petty ' grievances of the yoOithful- ihmates: complete an interesting and Worth- while prPduction., -. : •.: .;/■ Annie Piicausr i,.s the new directrcss who comes:to ,handie .a private in-. , .stitiition vwhich : the - state- has tak.en over;. Roger :I>Uchesne -is the.young doctor, her fiance; : ■ Cbririne: Lhchal re is the 'misuhde'rstobd inmateC.whom: trust and kindness turn into a useful, grownup. In the:• end: the doCtPr falls in love with the inmate. While the directress iis"left in charge of the pri^OT}/' ■ .-.'■ ';, .. ■..■,■-.- : IV i.M a .<(trbng -l>. . picture here and should go well in other countries. Direction is capable throughout, the dialog is interesting and the photog- iaphy. I.s better than average.; Mile. Ltichaire: i.s hbt, much of a looker, but: has . aetihg : ability , and will be heard, from again. -'Priiion' i.n.n eiood pic. '. :■■. Hugo. y; Der Wense RaMtch 'me Ski>Cha.<*e') ,. '---^ (AUSTRIAN MADE) , Tt. .SiiK.-il ■ftroiliic-Uoru -Stiii'Vi, tiii'nni'H'.Si-'hfji-'i-^ :<li!-r; ^ .I>iiTi-lI'd- j;y" J>r. AI'iiiihi Krt.fjdk. • Su»ry. lJ;iniii-H,. ■.,S!:lw)('|(ici-: ''■•oiimi;rii«ri'fi-M. '.Hii-UniA M'Ki'iy,: Jinisir. ■:i'j-iiii ■ iXftw.-ju., .Ai"r»ili-.:Avi»^.-' l'| -i,-yh,oii.«c. . ..-y;-. • V:;,'.- wftrW KuriiU "•£:,, ■■ ';!«. ■ -iSiiririlrifj -l rriir'.; 74 itiliiH.-'■•-■ -:.--;. \- .- - -With i.iu/y/A I^htdchrtfr. -WiHlt-f Ttitiil. r<'ni :ni'<r('nHl.i<hl, -l(u<ll Mini; I.otbm- i*ilMrrii. }><:ru. • :. " • ., • • ■.'• ■• ■.-.:.-. ,drctf-leaving a-sor)^ whom'.shc adbpl.s. •"That's'jal l'-^an-inane.,: bfbwofT. ,, .;., •^Prcid.ucci<s;<hav.e' but: Marie'.rBeri. of'- the Gbmodic, .:Froncai;-«ei in - ;ihe"role I ,p;f; Wi,n:sOTtie ■ wid'iw.,- ' Shows -/ simf*' iesvvhist-iiV p^^ sbrhctrmes :Wit.h ' kai*ku5:-::h.i'}r;ci'a>:y dpjrt':?!.: „. ''■■;:.;.:'■ ■■■■:;| ; taleiit. blit. n'f)t ;ehfireiy; acblitnatcd■ to'i timer'.-'.who dd,matid.<;-- the'h;i;i'(>'.>.'. 'br he :.stree.a: .techhiaue, ■'an'cl;; su:ffcr.-i V<-i.s.Ui»l suaVe ., heavy;. ;Parlcya •-,^h'i.f. Virtually.;,"ihg-" t(>;^;W^ .with ; ^But. then, .M-.,' . /.ElleiV.get.-; ,''ia 'th'a,T0le /bf.'a diJmb' gang>jt,er .withi;'d of the street, the sto'n'ch ,bf - -'i .yen to .be'a'gpurmet:.; -, • ;;,■•;-.'.•' • ■!>:ar,b3ge,: her Sa.iutda.v.-rM,'.;ht IpictOrs ■■:■:,■p'r(>ductibn- ihex|iehstve. 'Avit,h :m wi'ih •■.jj'nmy; - et^ al; :-.'She.-:-wants , the ■.5T the-^ ,actioh- ;revijlvin,g--. ar'6und-,.:ths'-',better thlhy.-;.:- ; .■.■*■.•■■- ;■;, '•■ :--',•■■:;'/, —i+rttrrior yieWs( -of the/glbssy riilen*^ : :';S:hjp^ ';nirits ; • ,;;yih'ihj;;' f:>r; ViofSi: comparison-' with, "'pthehs, '»f '; cast.;Ro.s!iy» in bereaved;: mot her .,..,...„, . r.ole.- ; siipplies ;■ the • mbst . 'v,er;*:itilf';. snunky, : i"a.'hge; bred aU'raCliOLV /foc i •But dWarrftd j Haydeh.; -'Nag-s', ■ :aM of the .'eyb-, •' 1 when .she-.Ihihji.s .hK's; !iu:ilt-y b:C.' :shooti ng Noi'a -; Lane'^'.s;,-pai tni»r, i n. I the -back..,.; Margaret Harciuls. iif -nf tern i n i he perfolThan Ce here,:. --.;. ■-;-.,'■■::';'■'■.■\^; .:"\::'.■'-,:.; -,; .•^;-arr^stihg-'.vari .,:•::-..■i v-IlHiTy ; Baiir. ; ..hsl ;;;i< rMMV'H; .a'>fl i . Photography- i,.< weU.,hard^k^^ wllh:j ■ Louis Jpuvet. the '^afhbler'.-. c,'.»iii,|y'; some exceptional outdoor - ishV.t-i.- of i l.i.v(v iio ,lf):;tl'ro.!.r, ■brL^Vi'nj.s-^.s Mifarritfii-hni/.s.- -haoktiroi.m.'l.-,". -RjjtinH' ■W' loVik.s . liicu' rt. :sot: :6tL,-li,s?id, iei;■■.V^fi|l't'f)'n,I,;'''K^^ -^.h!,;iv-:;' itrs -;.r'(»l(,;.-, -ri'l• •r'>rm'aM(;.'>,-;;, ../FiMviMh-H'L-i-/ 'ui:d'. R--iiirH'jV ' -bl</^ ,. f^iff'^c,tlpl>;':■-,l<^v^,^;^ . ,c:»''«iil,'-; I nyr, ;OnG- ^ohg;- 'Th'6rv^.;pnly lOae, ;'siViii'sl,ei'.- ,turl tipsicMy, ,'I,t's-;tl>ei:l. tliiu;'- ; .:: r^ nvi- tovyn I ;.v,Mlhin: b<;|ioVablc.;;bou<ids.; - ;.-^ (In German, tiHth English filleii) ; .. Sky ehase' very easily live.<»: up. to; the bally of:, being the best skiing picture lb; peach these shore.s. Frpm th ait a lone, it should nribi-e tha n - p lea-se' the-ariiCs .arid: get: bbokJhg-vQlscLw^ -as well; . In addition/to bci'n)i an ex*'- ccllcnt iftim of th.c ;sort. it is .timgly,' falling in . with-,.ice ahdi ski-mihded [ America. To-theise. features fidd the |.blo.w;uR. of Hahhbsi Schneider's' prcs- .<^ncc in film-: .(.ribw. jh JSf9zi::b.ri'{'' in: Alistjria,;;hc's, icombbed- W Lchi Ricseristahl; whose ;n:ime :has been ;romiiriti.ea1ly linked: Witfv' Der- ..Fuchi^er'.s -i()r: .Cxpibitatibn, tifid 'the • |csujl:.should far O'utriiri others, of the' ilk;, ■■T.rowcyor;:'-it iipw is;jM -same;, lin-. ;- -favoi'JJblb ..po.sition. as',btlici^.GcVm!jh ; p;r,odu.ct,- -aIth;t)U^h;■ riiadc ,,b.cfoi-e;. :the;. ;ih;<f;hi:tis.s:i but • Schneideii - iriay olV.set- iiopna-. - : .; •,: ;■• ' ■:■-■■.;..':■: ■-:•::-..-; .': ;:-:/;-. V- Frir-' the /ti.^t ;therG -.ciiri .ht';, nij fifiual" or: po.ssibiy sequel tb- %'h<ise;': ;(;oTit,')i ris all ;thc ■, thrl I Is, if almcst f cl t) , .()f -: trick; ;tu,rhirig. ; leapiiig, .'iciijling. .mopi>irigi :ctc., V F^r i'the, a v,ei;agc -Xtvs ;a ., .stfncrrglbriflcd: spbrtr^^ • Whibh will get a ris^^^ of the .hto.-it; : ,fri,<<intei'c.stcd;.Seenically. th.ere isf suf-,; ,Fici(;nf to ..pijuiif-c^ plll.s-:-:a(K).fr'fli;i'pct.i:ori,- • .s< 1 r 1,1 (■- '1.1.11Jc :(-fHrlCriy,: phi.s sii),;i I't. rivihii'-:' .,: : ; (Coxrtiinicd' pp paao .251:' ...V