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VARIETY 27 THIS 19 Harry Von Tilzer's tear Harry Von. rilzer's most beautiful ballad HI A NATURAL HIT. Oui S< otch ^<>n>; hit "HIGHLAND MARY" is ^.i»mK some. HARRY VON TILZERMUS. PUB. CO. 125 W. 43rd Street, New York. CINCINNATI, OHIO. By HARRY HES8. VARIETY'S Central Office. 107 Bell Block. PEOPLES (James E. Fennessey mgr.).—"The Brigadiers," "Mr. Wise, from Broadway," by stared by Dan Body, possesses considerable gheppsrd Camp, lyrics by George Norton, and merit, but there Is a strong necessity for at least one good comedian to make It worth while. The chorus Is a Tery good looking lot of girls who are heard at an advantage. Marguerite Wolfe, Ethel Power and Rosalind May, soubrette, all are good In their parts. Sheppard Camp also la vary good In the part of Jobbny Wise. The olio num- bers consisted of Francis Chenault, well received. Fisher and May, good; Weston and Keeley, good; Three Melrlns, bit of the bill. COLUMBIA (H. M. Zlegler, mgr. Sunday re- hearsals at 10).—LeClalr snd Sampson strong; Fernandes May Duo, pleased; Charles Matthews assisted by Doris Reece, great exhibition of Jump- ing; Melnotte Twins and Clay Smith, very good; Porter J. White assisted by John C. Connery and Adelaide Falrchlld, very clever acting; Miss Cam- Hie D'Arville accompanied by Louis Hirsh, rather weak; Mae Melville * Robert Hlgglns, a hit; Trapnell Family, daring and clever. STANDARD (Frank J. Clements, house agent). —Andy Lewis' Mardl Qras Beauties. "Whirl I - Fun," the opening burlesque starts off with a grand opera selection by Miss Bryant and Co., a treat; Virginia Royden as Fluffy Ruffles, wss Im- mense; a double sextet imitating the Mimic World, excellent; Lbttle Lewis and Co. sang "Ob, Mallnda," very nicely rendered; imitations of Harry Watson by Joseph Emerson, Ed. Wrotbe by Hal Grove and George Bickle by Lew Ful- lerton, were fair only. James Doyle gave only a fair imitation of George Primrose. Ed Zoeller as Billy Reeves, was a very pretty piece of work. Beatrice Cook sang illustrated songs, and Alrona- Zoeller Trio did a great acrobatic turn. Groves snd Doyle, very good; Andy Lewis assisted by Virginia Royden and Maude Elliott, good. The closing burlesque "The Pooloolah in Ireland," Is s scream. Andy Lewis sang one song receiving six encores. The chorus in the most contained some very good looking girls. AUDITORIUM (Monday rehearsals at 10).— Darenport Bros, and Francis, clever; Budd Chil- dren, aerial act, pleasing; Trask and Montgomery, singing and dancing, good; Ed long, animal act, very good. CLEVELAND, OHIO. GBAND (J. H. Michael, mgr.).—Mclvln's Ani- mal Circus; Blectra, Human Dynsmo; Four Sulli- vans. Two Rosebuds, Fslrchlld and Wbitell, Stew- art snd Wheeler. MAJESTIC (Myer Epensteln, mgr.).—Tue Musical Coattes, DeVllvis snd Be- dericb, Wilson, Swan's Trained Alligator's, Jean- nette Spencer. EMPIRE (Geo. Cbenet, mgr.). —The Golden Crook Extravaganza Co. STAR (Drew St Campbell, mgrs.).—"Cherry Blossoms" is the bill. WALTER D. HOLCOMBE. COLUMBUS, 0. KEITH'S (W. W. Prosser, mgr.).—Newhold and Carrol, clever, went big; BUI Van, fairly well re- ceived; Lamhertl. big hit; Qulnn and Mitchell, very good; Charlotte Parry, clever, fully appre- ciated; Four Georgettys, best hand to bsnd bal- ancing act here this season; Joe Msxwell snd Co., big applause winner. GAYETY (A. L. Wlswell. mgr.).—Rice and Barton's Big Gaiety Co.. whole show well liked; olio received much spplsuse. "LITTLE CHARLEY." DES MOINES, IA. EMPIRE (M. J. Karger, mgr.).—"Cosy Corner Girls" are satisfying the well-filled houses. Al- most every night Is a contest night, chorus girls, weight guessing and waltslng contests. MA- JESTIC (Fred Buchanan).—Gennaro and Band, a high class act that pleased; Amoros Sisters, gym- nuts, well liked; Alexis and Scball, comedy, bit; Wilson snd Heloise, entertained; Jas. Cullen, jery well received; Edna Phillips and Co., divert- ,n « NOTES.—M. J. Karger and Bert Gold- ju*n, managers of Empire, were hosts to the Douse staff at a banquet Christmas eve.—Harry Gray, stage manager Majestic, gsve a Christmas dinner to the artists on the bill. EABTON, PA. OBPFTEUM (J. F. Osterstock, mgr.).—World *ad Kingston, headline feature; "The Mimic Foot," hit; Robertl's Animals, funny; J. Wsrren Ketne, clever; Arthur Whltelaw, well liked; •varo Trio, strong; Caprice and Field Boys, well received. NOTE.—The Bijou, playing three acts and pictures, has returned to Its old policy of moving pictures this week. OIL. ELMIRA, N. T. MOZART (G. W. Middleton, mgr.).—Don Leno's Ten Hsppy Youngsters, well received; Msnning and Dixon, bit; Four Stsgpooles, novel acrobatic act; Apollo Bros., good; Kathryn Roth, good; Gaden and Loraine, fair. RIALTO (F. W. McConnell, mgr.) —Louise Rocbefort, Ads May, Margaret La Vaun, Gertie Potter, Lottie Fayette, Sue Dale, Max Bruno, John Hahn and Rlaltoscope; excellent bill. HAPPY HOUR (Ira Van De Mark, mgr.).—Harry Moulton, Al. Ryan, Billy r»mw1 Tune Reed, Jos«»n>? ^atnueln, m. p. snd ill. songs; strong bill. J. M. BEERS. FALL RIVER, MASS. SAVOY (Julius Cabn, lessee and mgr.).—Les Vsladons, good; Appel and Rossi, very good; Brock, Temple and Co., excellent; Madame Sire, well applauded; The Moonshiners' Quartet, very good. BIJOU (L. M. Boss, mgr.).—Mrs. Gen. Tom Thumb and Co., a hit; Todeska Reading Trio, excellent; Mon Forber, Juggler, good; Henry Little, Impersonations, well spplauded; Vanneta and Lovely, very good; Pearl Evelyn, good; Wal- ter Whipple, pleased; Jere Sanford, excellent. PREMIER (L. M. Boas, mgr.).—Llssle B. Ray- mond, a bit; Vennelli and Venice, excellent; Hesrn and Rutter, good; Thatcher and McCor- mick, pleased; Black and Grant, very good; Miss O'Hearn, exceptionally good. PURITAN (Fred Hooper, mgr.).—Lavender Richardson Co., very good; Parson Sisters, a hit; Frank Merrill, excel- lent; Wm. Ssn Soucl, pleased; Douthltt and Jones, very good. PLEASANT ST. (Jas. Mason, mgr.).—Moving pictures; Joe Hesly, very good; Mason and Doran, good; Rose Hall, pleased. BDW. RAFFERTY. HARTFORD, CONN. POLI'S (Geo. 8. Hanscomb, mgr.).—Ben Beyer and Bro., comedy cyclists, good; Patsy Doyee, fslr; Walter Lewis snd Co., "A Baby Grand," pleased; Wilbur Mack and Nellie Walker, hit of the bill; Sbary Bros, snd their Dusky Belles, poor; Otto Bros., German comedians, comedy fair, singing, hit; Karno's Comedy Co., "A night in the Slums," good. SCENIC (H. O. Young, mgr.).—Countess Vlsdemsroff, sings, dances snd plays on different instruments; Flts's Educated Dogs, pleased; Golden snd Golden, pleased; Katherlne Ryan, sings, good; pictures. M. W MORRON. HAZLETON, PA. FAMILY (Harry Knoblauch and Harry Hersker, props.).—A good bill holds on for New Year's week, Including Prof. C. Nelson Camp's scenic and electrical production, "Destiny," good; Rice Brothers, comedy bar, excellent; Joe Lanlgan, comedlsn, very good; Horan and Van, s. and d., good; W. A. Rlttenhouse, 111. song, good. RAY T. DRUM. HOBOKEV, V. J, EMPIRE (A. M. Bruggemsnn, mgr. Rehearsal Monday 10).—Excellently balanced bill Is beaded by Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Crane and Co., In a capital sketch, "Plxley's Prodigal Parents." Syd- ney Deane and Co., with a very pleasing singing novelty, "Christrass on Blackwell's Island," made a big hit. Clermont's Animals made good with the little folks; Horton and La Trlsks, pleasing novelty; Carbrey Brothers, dsneers, very clever; Arthur Huston, spectscular Juggling set, very good; Ssdie Jansell, In imitations, plessed. GAYETY (Chss. Francklyn, mgr.).—The Parisian Widows Burlesquers Is the current attraction. JOHN KAY. INDIANAPOIJB, IND, NEW GRAND (Shafer Zlegler. mgr.).—Russell Brothers, assisted by Flora Bon f ant I Russell, ballet dancer, headllners, In "Our Servant Girls," get msny laughs; La Vlne-Clmaron Trio, grotesque comedians and acrobats, lively; Jarrow, humor- ous; Delmore and Lee, good; Esmeralda, good; Mldgley and Carlisle, good; Whirlwind acrobats, grest. EMPIRE (Henry K. Burton, mgr.).— Tbe Sam Devere Show, with Houdlnl's protege, The Great Leonard, as a feature, playing to big business. JOE 8. MILLER. JOLTET, ILL. GRAND (L. M. Goldberg, mgr.).—Week Dec. 21: La Zar, La Zar and Co. bead the bill; Dill and Ward, old favorites; Armlnta and Burke, fast work; W. L. Werden snd Co., good; Jay Bogcrt, pleased; Hunter, All and Alle, laughs. A. J. STEVENS. UNOOLN. NEB. MAJESTIC (L. M. Gorman, mgr.).—Week 21: Eva Mudge, hit; Brenon, Downing and dine, sketch, plessed; Masus and Macette, good; Mc- Greevy and Brown, s. snd d., good; Three Alar- cons, good singers; Rlnaldo, violinist, best seen here; Bowers, Wslters and Crooke, "Three Rubes," bit of the bill. Attendance this -week was record breaking. LEE LOGAN. LOUISVILLE, KY. MARY ANDERSON (James L. Weed, Mgr.).— Fred Bond and Fremont and Co., very good; Bernard and Seely, entertaining; Baader La Velle Trio, fair; The Swor Bros., good; The Sis- ters DeFaye, very attractive; Mrs. Dan McAvoy, NEW A I I HELF >nd HAGER « 1418 Broad way NEW SONGS THE BIG NOIBE. "MAKE A NOISE LIKE A HOOP, AND ROLL AWAY" REN. SHIELDS' NEW BIO WALTZ HIT. BIG COMIC SONG HIT a FATHER IS A JUDGE Ed. Moran's suooesaor to "Everybody Works Bnt Father." f P NEW BALLAD. "IF YOU'VE WON THE ONLY ONE IN ALL THE WORLD YOU WANT TO WIN ' By J. Fred Helf and Ed. Oardinier. Their Best Effort. NEW ADDRESS HELF «nd HAGER 0* 1418 B'WAY The Astrella Sisters JOE DUVAL, Ob CO. in A GENUINE NOVELTY SINGING AND DANCING ACT Addrsn Car* Vari«tr entertaining; A. O. Duncan, ventriloquist, good; Coyne and Flnlln, acrobats. BUCKINGHAM THEATRE (Horace McCrocklln. res. mgr.).— The Kentucky Belles opened to a peeked house; Chooceeta, the Spanish dancer, is slso with the show. SAM H. 8IMCOB. MTTNOTJB, DTD, STAR (Rsy Andrews, mgr.).—Hill and Acker- man, pleased; Harry Selwyn Mack, took well; Jinks and Clifford, comedy entertainers, hit; Frank Orsy, good; Chss. Nelson Halght, Laurs Desn and Co., made good. OEOROB FIFER. 'Phone 631238th St. 102 West 38th Street, New York City Now booking acts for vaudeville and musical comedy. Can offer 8 WEEKS on my SUMMER PARK CIRCUIT. Also booking for fairs, etc. Send in your open time and Permanent Address. IN GREATER NE Book. Your Vaudeville Act c c F9IC Through tHt3 OU 3 3 Now booking every Picture Theatre in Greater New York with over 500 oap aoity. Acta that will make good oan be bad at a moment's notice. 15 con- secutive weeks in New York after Jan. 1. 'Phone, call or write. (S» tssst) JOSEPH J. LEO, Dowsv Theatre, East 14th St., New York When anewering advertisement* kindly amtion Vabdrt.