Variety (January 1909)

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VARIETY 29 amnmrfAS /<i %2\ t i v ififcS -j:ii*or_*t-*_*!"* * Released Dec. 28 ii A NEW YEAR i» Poverty—Driven to despondency—A rich man's home—The first wrong-—The child's prayer—Confession—A New Tear. Beautiful sentimental pioture. LENQTH, 5*5 ft. "A NEW YEAR'S GIFT'' The statue of Venus—Let's five it to Mrs. Walker—Mr. Walker's birthday party—The statue roes to Mrs. Whit* —A birthday party-—A New Tear's re- ception—Smash it. An appropriate com- edy. a soft. Equipped with improved Fire UAga- sines, Automatic Fire Shatter and Au- tomatic Firs Shield (Labia's patsnt), Asbestos Covered Wirt Connection*, new improved Lamp House, new style Fire-proof Rheostat, improved Electric Lamp. Complete with everything seen fat the cut, including polished c*nyint esse for Mechanism, including Adjust- able Bicycle-steel Lege, 4f» 1 J i~ to extend over 5 feet ^ II 43 Released Dec. 31 "The House at the Bridge" At the factory—The foreman—An unde- sirable lover—In the Shadow of the night —The proprietor's son—Revenge—The House at the Bridge—Thrown from the bridge—Saved—"Where is my son?" The real perpetrator—The lovers united. LENGTH, 590ft. ii The Forgotten Watch »t Train time—The collision—Missing the watch—The messenger boy—A ohase with many obstacles—Caught—The watoh has been found—He got what he de- served. A screamer. LENGTH, 385ft. SI U;«% LubinBldg.,, Philadelphii • LUDlIl 926-928 Market St. Pa. NEWARK, N. 7. rROCTOR'S (R. C. Stewart, mgr. Rehearsal Monday 0).—Buster Brown and Tige is a special holiday feature, and others on a very good bill are Arthur Bernardl. quick chsnges, good; Law- rence, Crane and Co., in up-to-date magic; Mld- dleton Spellmeyer and Co., "A Texas Wooing," cleverly acted; Ray Cox, Southern songs and stories; Barry and Wolford, comedians; Yammato Bros., wire and perch, work well, and The Brit- tons. LYRIC (W. H. Currle, mgr. Rehearsal Monday 0).—Maude Odell. "The Cameleon," tops the bill here in conjunction with Franceses Red- NEXT FILM ISSUE ORDER QUICK OUR NEW COMEDY SUBJECTS "THE HAUNTED LOUNGE" (LOTH. S70 FT.) "THE NEIGHBORS' KIDS" (LOTH. 650 FT.) Ready, Wed., Jan. 6th sbssssssssVs^bssssssssssbssssssssssssssssssW ■SSANAY OOMIDIES DI LIGHT MORI AUDIENCE* THAW DOES THE COM- BINED OUTPUT OP ALL OTHER MANUFACTURERS diug and Co., in a good sketch, "Honors"; Frank Bush in story; Rawson and June, novelty act; Manuel Romaln and Co. in "Down Music Row," good s. and d. act; Josepbloe Sabel, the singer, msde favorable impression; Carl McCullougb, in imitations, good, as were Miller and Shaller, comedy. ARCADE (L. O. Mumford, mgr. Re- hearsal Monday 10).—Oarvice's trained poules and dogs; Rena La Velle in songs; Joseph Woodruff, baritone; Cunningham and Divery, comedians; Geo. Qrunewald, ill. song; Mae Regeart, operatic selec- tion; Robbie De Castro on the wire, good. Added festure Condon and Everson, blackface, novel. WALDMANN'S (Lee Ottelengln, mgr. Esstern Wheel).—The Hastings Show with Viols Hastings la drawing well with a good show. EMPIRE (Fred. Willson, mgr. Western Wheel).—Curtln's Broadway Oalety Girls with a large company of good entertainers. JOE O'BRYAN. FATERSON, V. J. EMPIRE (H. J. Bruggemann, res. mgr.).—BUI pleased tbroughout. Headed by Bradlee Martin and Co., sketch, action fast; Scbrode and Mulvey, "A Theatrical Agency," received most applause; Marshall P. Wilder, pleased; Bessie Valdare Troupe, pony cyclists, good; Foster and Foster, scored heavily; Welch, Francis snd Co., plessed; Bsnks, Breazle Duo, shows class; Nevlns snd Arnold, good openers. FOLLY (Jos. E. Pine, res. mgr.).—"The Ducklings." Dec. 31, Jan. 1, 2: Fay Foster and "California Girls." Both shows playing to big business. VAN. ESSANAST FILM MFGXD. 501 WfcLLS ST. CniGAGalLLS READING, PA. ORPHEUM (Frank D. Hill, mgr.).—Milt Wood, good; Hay ward's Pistol Co., "The King of Black- welUs," well received; Lew Wells, very good; Three Keatons, big bit; Frank Stafford and Marie Stone, novel whistling act, accurate imitations of songs of different birds; Violet Allen and Co., mildly pleasing; Power's Hippodrome Elepbsnts, very tractable. GRAND (Rels A Appell, mgrs.).—H. C. Weber, local magician, and m. p. NEW BIJOU (direction S. Luhln).—Howard and Whiting, E. J. Appleby, Norton and Ray, Chas. E. Mack and m. p. G. R. II. READING, O. DREAMLAND (J. L. Doyle, mgr.).—A nice bill is offered this week. John Buckley, good; Grays snd VanLlen, good; Whlte-Dennlson, Foster Co., hit; Carey and Stampe, good; Rube Dickinson, good; Starke and Doyle, fair; Barney Clare, poor. SAM ANTONIO, TEX. HAPPY HOUR (C. G. Munsell, mgr.).—Week 20: Follette snd Wicks, eccentric singing, dancing and talking; Cavasos, female impersonator and Spanish dances, fair; La Perla Sisters, s. sud d., good, Anls Brooks, singer, very good. GEO. WASHINGTON. SYRACUSE, N. Y. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Jos. Pearlsteln, mgr. Mondsy rehearsals 10:30).— Msrcello and Mellnl pleased; Geiger and Walters, good; Kennedy A Rooney, went big; Julius Tannen, big hit; Charles E. Evans and Co., good; Niblo's Birds, good; Kita- mura Japs, good. SAM FREEMAN. TOLEDO, 0. THE VALENTINE (Coney Holmes, mgr.).—The Csslno vaudeville show on Sunday brought us the best bill seen here this season. An excelleent number was "Billy Swede" Hall and Jennie Col- Moving Picture WSSSBW Machines and Films Used In Many off the Best Theatres in the United States EXCLUSIVELY HTBHXEBSD BY - 62 5TATE ST. CHICAGO, ILL. tK fit*. A •rd Ave. Bld«. Lloanses Uadst ths BIOORAPH PATENTS. BOSTON 6o7 Washington St. Boylson Building. INDIANAPOLIS Traction Bldg. MsUtaa Bldg. ST. LOUTS 621-4 Commercial 6th and Oliva DBS MOINES Commercial Bldg. LOE SSS Fads* Bactrio Bldg. MONTREAL, CAN. LaFatria Bldg. BAN ANTONIO, Alama Film Bxahanga. 611 Ashde Manitoba, wi Nik., 406 Main St. IT. JOHN. N. B. M Frinoa William St.. Stockton Bldg. burn In "The Swede and the-Hsppy Girl," which ran very well. Equillo, in a balancing act, was good and was well received, as was J. F. Smith with his motion picture songs. Captain Stanley Lewis aod Co. are clever entertainers aud made good In an act which consists princlpslly of car- toon work which is cleverly bandied by the cap- tain himself. THE ARCADE (Will C. Bettls, mgr.).—A good bill. Acts were: Ted Osborn's Animals, besdliner, good; Richard De Arvllie, Im- personations, clever; Cbllders A Chllders, sketch tesm. fair; Lester snd Mildred, sluglug and dancing, Immense; Katoro, juggler, dexterous; I^slie Bettls, bsrltone soloist, good. THE EMPIRE (Harry Winter. mgr.).—The Gay Masquersders, good. Harry Emerson leads all the comedy and is warmly received. Sophie Tucker and Corlnne de Forest are the favorites on the female side of the csst and are deserving 'of applause. The olio is a top-notcber and con- sists of Sim Wilson, In clever cycling act; Sophia Tucker, good coon songs; The Five Peroscoffls, in a marvellous juggling act. The chorus Is a little weak and consists of thirteen girls. SYDNEY WIRE. WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. THE NEWELL (Stalnacb A Newell, mgrs.).— 28 30: Lewen and Mitchells, the laughing hit of the bill; Haviland-Thorton Company, pleased; Robert DeMont Co., best acrobatic act seen here; Maddox and Melvlns, very funny; Bobby Pandur and Hro.. pleased; Kessler and Luckle, fair. 31-2: Tom Fletcher Trio. Steward-Desmond Co., Ines McCauley and Co., Fred St. Onge, Will H. Fox, Arthur Buckner. WORCESTER, MASS. POLl'S (J. C. Criddle. mgr.).—The Mansfield Bros., clever; Laura Burt aod Henry Stanford, took well; Bert and Bertha Orant, vary good; Froslne, very clever; Jessie L. Lssky's "The Coun- ty Club," went big; The Four Flood Broa., good; Hawthorne and Burt, well liked; The Mansfield Bros., fine. W. M. 8HEMAN. TORONTO, ONT. SHEA'S (J. Shes, mgr.).—Amelle Rose, fair; Al. Lawrence, clever; Willesse Wbitsker and F. Wilbur Hill, good; Valene Begere and Co., en- tertaining; Estelle Wentwortb, good; Ed. Wynn and Co., made good; The Bounding Gordons, sensational. GAYETY (Thos. R. Henry, mgr.). —The Rose Hill Tallybo were up to the standard, and a big feature of the bill was the act of the Four London*. SPUR (Harry H. Hedges, mgr.).—The Spur Show Girls were all the candy, and pleased well-satisfied audiences. HIPPO- DROME (J. Griffin, mgr.).—Refined vaudeville and pictures. Harry Lauder and Co. will appear again at the Uassey Hall, Jan. 0-7. YONKERS, N. Y. ORPHEUM.— The temporary pre-Chrlstmaa policy of three acts add several series of motion pictures, which lasted for two weeks, was changed Monday, Dec. 28th, to six acta and motion pic- tures, and the pricea of five and ten cents were advanced to the former rates, 10 to 20 cents at matinees and IS to 60 cents st night. The bill will be changed every Mondsy and Thursday, an exchange being effected this week with the new White Plains house. Will H. Fox headlined the esrly part of the week, taking ss good ss ever In comedy and piano playing; America's Comedy Four, a hit; Fred St. Onge Co., daring wheel tricks; Stewart, Desmond and Co., "Cohsn, the Cop," big hand; Tom Fletcher Trio, "The Big Noise," well applauded; Ines McCauley and Co., fine racing sketch. JOHN A. BRENNAN. TBOY, N. Y. PROCTOR'S (G. H. Graves, mgr. Mondsy re- hesrssls 10).—The Brothers Byrne snd Co. won generous applause; Gordon, Eldrld and Co., fair; Brown, Harris snd Brown, plessed; Foddler end Shebton (colored) were the csuse of continual ap- plause. Others on the bill are Grant and Curran, Dooley and Sales, and the Two La Belles, Jug- glers. LYCEUM (R. H. Keller, mgr.).—The Champagne Girls Co. plays here the first hslf of the week; for the lsst half the Thoroughbred Co. appears. EMPIRE.—Moving pictures and HI. songs. J. J. M. WTLLIAMSFORT, PA FAMILY.—Lester Bros, snd Crclghton Sisters, gymnssts, s. snd <1., good; Crane-Flnley Co., "His Room-Mate." first class comedy; Warren and Brockwsy, comedy musicians, went well; Totlto snd Co., expert balancers, clever; Four Nightin- gales, Juvenile quartet, well liked; Robinson and Shaw, comedy snd songs, fslr. STARK. ZANBSYTLLE, 0. ORPHEUM (Sun-Murrsy Co.. dirs.; II. S. Car- ter, mgr.).—Methvan Bisters, fine; The Real Quar- tet, good; Hickman and Co., many laughs, very amusing; Pongo and Leo, good; L. C. Phillips, novel. F. M. HOOK. Here's a proposition worth study if only as a mental exercise: Suppose you were a standard vaudeville act getting $500 a week; suppose you complained to the manager of such a house, say, as Cook's, Rochester, that although you played there regularly three times a year, you were never headlined; and then suppose the manager gave you this alternative: "I'll play you as the headliner once a year, but if you'll take second billing I'll go on playing you three," wrmt would you do? When antwering advertisement* kindly mention Variety.