Variety (January 1909)

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30 ■ r ■MIMMMMMM VARIETY REPRBSBINTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS THE VEBTBJLORUllT WITH A PEODUOTIOM Ed. F. REYNARD Aid His Famous Meehanieal Flgnree. EL7IS MORA England's Premier High-Class Comedy Duettista. The Champion Singers of Vaudeville. PLAYING CLUBS. EOIA GEORGE Crouch » Welch "THE LIVELY PAIR." Now playing the United Tim*. M. ft, BEMTHAM, Agent HARRY FOX Under TOM Addrees Ea Rente, ' aat of Oa. Kitty A. Miller HO COPYIST, Bat an ORIGINAL MONOLOOIBT AND SINGING COMEDIENNE. Formerly Fleman A Millar. Have Yaur Card in VARIETY It Isn't the mama tkat It'a the aot tkat tka tka TKI ETNG OF IRELAND. JAMES B. DONOVAN OS RENA ARNOLD QUEEN OF VAUDEVILLE, XMA8 AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. HOTEL WTLLARD, tM W. Tttk ST., NEW YORK CITY. orTff THE JUGGLING JESTER "Nat Willi and Griff load good bill at Ham- merstein's. Griff was surprisingly rood. Us- ually I do not car* far juggler's work, bat I liked his."—Irving J. Lawia in Tha Morning Talograpb. Naxt waak — Keith's Theatre, Boston. Agent FIBRE, Strong and Durantable. Francini Olloms A Snooaaa on tka United Booking Offices' Circuit. the iew european bird circus amamasika's ECRkfcSS cktorminc E BIRDS THAT DO THE WORK. NO MECHANICAL DEVICES. The Gorgeous Birds I The Grandest Staged! The Greatest Performers! Nothing ever aeen like it in America before 1937 E. Dauphin St., Phila., Pa. WIGGINS FARM Apply to THE CHADWICK TRIO. With LA PETITE ADELAIDE. "The Dainty Four" In Vandevill*. Gartelle Bros. Introducing Singing, Dancing and SKATORIALI9M Direction, REICH A PLTTHKETT. HOMER B. MARGUERITE Mason i Kceler Direction MORT H. 8INOER. Prlnoaaa Theatre, Chicago. GAVIN, PLATT and PEACHES Addraaa 4417 Ird Ave. ( ). Haw Yet*. "Village (loir" VARDON, PERRY WILBER •• "Thee* Three Soys Tba bast attraction I ever bad. I have turned away hundreds of people since "Those S Boys" came to tba Fountain Inn. They leave ma Jan. S, bat I have them for a return engagement of six weeks in February and March. FRED L. HERWIG, Prop. Fountain Inn, 147 Sd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Sam J. Curtis?.' la "A SESSION AT SCHOOL." By GEO. W. DAY. Week Jan. 4, Shea's, Buffalo. Booked solid for season. RUBY RAYMOND AND CO. Booked Solid Through United Booking Offices. JAN. 4, KEITH'S, PROVIDENCE. RAYMOND SISTERS THE SOth CENTURY leiaviea Ki".s. An important factor with "Pwy Moraine Glories. BILLIE REEVES THE ORIGINAL "DBUHK." a H C * B a •a FOLLIES OF ltta." MR. F. ZIEOFELB, JR., 'M.'i "Catch Ma" la "Tba Boxing Beet." Biggest laagkmaker within tka BOOKED ■OLID. Dtreetlew AX SITTKBRLAND. Barry-Wolford Tka Typioal Topieal Tlokle Stagers. Booked Solid antfl Jaly, 1909. WEEK JAN. 11, EMPIRE, HOBOKEN. REICH A PLUNKETT, Smart Agent*. MYERS AND ROSA "THE COWBOY ABB THE GIEL." Western Whirlwinds. Will nave tkeir new aet ready for next season. Bpeoial aoenory and effects. This week, Dec. S8, Valley Villa, Pearl River, N. Y. Wm. S. Henneeay, Agt. A LAUGHING HIT EVERYWHERE. GEO. H. WHITMAN PRESENTS Eloise DAVIS AND HIMSELF IN THEIR SCREAMING PROTEAN TRAVESTY, "HIS LITTLE GAME BUSY UNTIL MAY, 1909. An act that makes them sit up and take notice. Si a ii ■ ■ ajMSk ^'"i " T ^S> MIT H d ro 5 B ■ SBHSSW A M T I T ', ^BBJW Using little Angers and *eth. Now playing Fairs. Address Hawthorne St.. Hartford, Conn. "HERE'P TA HER. WHA'B LIKE HER! HANG THE YIN.' OIM TERRIFIC SUCCESS!! • • • • ALHAMBEA, HARLEM. When answering advertisement « kindly mention Variety. TERRIFIC SUCCESS!! TO ALL FRIENDS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR