Variety (January 1909)

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VARIETY • Report sent to Western Vaudeville Association, Chicago 11 HALLEN II CHI APT <Th * Le "°"«t up. a.' IS C If ft If (By Fred j. Bc.m.n) Tremendous hit. One of the best sketches ever played at the Dominion Theatre KOBOLD BROTHERS Managers Dominion Theatre, Winnipeg, Canada II i MOLLIS FULLEB, IM . - CHI • —-' Tuejr uruugiii uoui« a hit ox bis proportions.'' —"An act that will score with 80 oat of every 100 audiences." McKEE— "A floe norelty; splendidly done." AMY LK8TIB. in "The News"—"Dramstic snd en- tertaining, as good as a good play." COLGATB BAKKB. In 'The Chronicle"—"Yoa will names of these youngsters at the top of the poster before long." "THS POST"—"Though not listed as such they prored la SO the real hesdllnera of a bill filled with fine noveltlee." TOM «*• ON FEBRUARY IS WILL FINISH • CONSECUTIVE MONTHS VOX MB. MABTTN BECK. 99 ia FILMS RELEASED JANUARY 1 ltH. 1909 THE HONOR OF THIEVES A oouple of crooks have looked with longing en the extravagant display of valuables la a lean omoe, and devised plana to gain an entrance, until at length one of them wins the lore of the pawnbroker's daughter. In this way they almost suoceed la their purpose, bat are thwarted by the bravery of the girl. LEWOTH, eat FEET "LOVE FINDS A WAY" A comedy drama of mediaeval times, ia which the lover of the Duke's daughter makes ap to resemble the bridegroom- that-la-to-be and takes his place at the altar, and ia married before the deception is discovered. This is one of the meet elaborately staged and costumed productions ever made. LENGTH, 819 FEET THE HONOB Or THIEVES. RELEASED JANUARY 14tH, 1909 "A RURAL ELOPEMENT" Bank Hopkins and Cynthia Btebbina plan to elope. While Hank is procuring a ladder, upon which the fair Cynth must descend, a hobo, who has been watching the episode, overpowers Hank, taking his hat and sister, leaving him bound and Sagged, That disguised he impersonates Bank and runs off with Cynthia, but ia afterward apprehended. LENGTH, 548 ass • has A very ingenious oomedy, in which Mr. and Mrs. Hardluok'a birthdays being simultaneous, they wish to make each other a present. He has no fob for his watch and she has no comb for her hair, a wealth of which she possesses. Both are without funds. He decidee to pawn hia watoh to get her a comb, and she sells her hair to get him a fob. Vow he baa no watoh for his fob and she no hair for her comb. Um A BUBAL ELOPEMENT. LENGTH, 488 FEET THE RELEASE DATS OF B10OBAPH SUBJECT WILL BE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE MONDAY AND FRIDAY OF BACH WEEK. GET ON OUR MAIL LIST AND KEEP POSTED WRITE FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS ALL PICTURES ABB MADE WITH OUR CELEBRATED BIOOBAPK CAMERAS. OUR FILMS BUB OB ANT MACHINE. AMERICAN MUT0SC0PE"°BI0GRAPH COMPANY 11 E. 14th STREET, NEW YORK CITY Was* answering cdverti§ement§ kindly mention Vabibty.