Variety (January 1909)

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t VARIETY AND HER COMPANY IN "THE REFORMER" XV PREPARATION. THE SUFFARA8ETT" BT JAMES N. BBILLY. PLAYING UNITED TIME Address nr PREPARATION. "THE BIGAMIST" BT H. HALL WINSLOW. The Cased? Stan. HALLEN=FULLER In ft art farcical aketoh 07 Wni J. "A LESSON AT ELEVEN P. M." CAST: Harold Huddelaton, ft Jealoue luttad Julian Grew. Maryarvt Huddelatca, ft Jeeloea Wife MoUie Toller. Bill Jonea, who taaohaa than a leeacn Frederick Hallen. HALLEH. Report eent to Weatern VauderiUe AeeocUtion, Cnioaa-o. "HALLEN and FULLER'S NEW ACT, 'THE LEMON AT 11 P. BV (By Prod J. Baaman). Tremeadona bit. One of the boot ak ot ohoo oror played at the Dominion Theatre. KOBOLD BROTHERS, Manaaar* Dominion Theatre, Winnipeg MOLLTE PTTLLER. Herts Just What YOU Want The Hercules Film Case Made ef Pure Hereules Fibre Brace Valanoes and Padded f Handle Leather Trim- med WEIGHS ONLY TWO YET WILL HOLD SIX HUNDRED POUNDS 01 ITS FLAT SURFACE «• THE ONE YOU HAVE HEARD ABOUT. The Ue S. Government has adopted Hercules Fibre for Its use In packing cases 8EVD TO-DAY TOR SAMPLE; CHARGES PAID. PROMPT DELIVERY FIBRE SPECIALTY CO. Quality Originators KENIETT SO., (CHESTER GO.) PI. FOR BUNGALOW LOTS STONY BROOK, L I. Adjoining the property of Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Fisher and the beautiful summer homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Monroe, Hyaxns and Mclntyre, MacFarlane and Gilette, Sam Curtis, Eugene CRourke, Edgar Atchison Ely, George Nichols and others. Lots mre on a high woodod bluff with an unsurpassed water view of 20 miles to tho Conneotiout shore. Buy now and have your Bungalow ready for occu- pancy this summer. Address PERKINS FISHER, 201 West 38th St., N. Y. City, or "ANDERSON," REAL ESTATE AGENT. STONY BROOK, L. I. Will be there myself week of January 35th to show property. Best trains leave New York, Long Island R.R., at 9 and ix A. M. Take stage at Stony Brook depot to 0. W. Baylis' cottage, where I can be found. PERKINS FISHER. When a*no*H*g Sa Tim Hfm e n U kindly mmUion Vabxstt.