Variety (January 1909)

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VARIETY 25 "THE U. S. A. COMEDIENNE" in Vaudeville JAN. lStH, 5tK AVENUE THEATRE, NEW YORK CITY I WRITE FOR VAUDEVILLE, MU8ICAL COMEDY ART) BURLESQUE. IRVING B. LEE 708 Chicago Open. House Blooh, CHICAGO, XXX. AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS MAGICIANS And Celebrated Magical Connoisseurs, both Amateur and Professional, hire visited my ectabllshment daring the past few weeks and have pronounced my stock to be the FINEST MAQIOAL STOCK IVIR JNTNOOUCIO INTO THK UNITED STATES Fend for my Catalogue To-day. PRICR BO CENTS. MAILED FREE. Sole Agent In the United 8tatea for CARL WILLMANN, Hamburg, Germany. 1188 BROADWAY, HEW TORS OITT. JAMES MADISOH SAYS: I'to Just flnlsbed a new monologue for Joe Welch. He says It's the best he's ever hsd. I write good acts for good people. Hours 10 a. m. to noon and by appointment. (Telephone 1828 Madison.) 1188 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. STAGE m STREET COSTUMES OOWBB, TURS AND TUB COATS AT REDUCED PRICES. INSPECTION INVITED Mme. GREENBERG, 4S4 Seventh Ave. NEW YONK 'Phone 1267-Sfith St. BIG CIRCUS ACTS Of all kinds for the CLEVELAND HIPPODROME. Write immediately, stating open time in ApriL Address all oommunloations to FOREST 0. MARCH, HIPPODROME, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Nile, Grace. Normtngton. Harold J. Newell. WUllard (C. O.) Nelson. Jr., Artie <d O.) North. Bobby. Nlcolla, O. O. Nolan, John. Noble, Billy (C. O.) Neff, John (C. O.) O'Ronrko, Eugene. O'Rowke. Jr., Jan. O'Connor. B. P. Overlng Trio. Otts, Four. Ortmao Trio. Parker, Franceses. Penfold. Tom. Palmer, Jeanette. Phillips, John (C. O.) Pembroke. Kittle. Planked. Harry (0. O.) Pathenson. Bayard. Pond, Dave O. frldeau. Stem (O. 0 ) Pratt. Jack. Perdval. William. Parry. Natalie. Parrlah, David M. Presscott. J. B. Pegs, John. Princeton, Marvel. Powers, John T. Qnlnlan. Gertrude. Qulnn, Mike. Bice, Felix (C. O.) Raymond Sisters. Bobledlllo. Rockwell, Msud. Rodrlguea, L. J. Ryan, Mrs. T. J. Beno, C. H. Ridley, Henry. Raymond. Melville B. Bins, Mme. Sice. Beasts. » oss nbeu -Keogb>Hlll. Raymond. Melville B. <°. O.) Relnhardt. Cyrua (C. Beblnson. Emily. Rysn, Thoe. J. Both, Nat. Rooney, Jennie. Romanoffs, The (P. C.) Reynolds. Thomas A. Rochester, Nina. ««eley. Blossom (C. O.) Swarta, Frances. Sbeehan A Monahan. 8llbon, Marios. Sylvester, Joe (C. 0.) Bears. Wm. C. Stelger, Henry. Sheldon A) Co.. (C. O.) Stster. F. A. (0. O.) 8mlth, J. Stolta. Melville. Spong, Hilda. Stevens, Mike J. Sommers, J. T. Schemer, Msrle. Sntherlsnd A Curtis. Snook, B. J. Sargent. I. P. 8harrocks, The. Sheldon. H. 8. (0. O.) Swot, Bert (a O.) Sutherland A Curtis (0. O.) Stlne. Chaa. J. 8hoff, Ada R. Sylvester. Geo. (0, O.) Scallun, Frank (O. O.) Stewart, Wlnnefred (0. O.) Stevenson, George. Seymour, Frank. Shaw, Allen (a 0.) Satterlee, Gala (O. O.) 8ull!van, Jamea F. (O. O.) Sullivan, Ben. Stanhope, Joseph. Satchel, Clarence. *utteman, Nathan H. Sevtt. Frank. Pweet. Chaa. R. Scboon Wheeler Trio (C. O.) St. Leon, George. Sanford, Walter. Sylvester, Harry. Sidney, O. T. Thompson, Frank A. Taft. Miss Billy. Thnrber, Msrralna. Taylor, David. Thayer, Nina. Tolly. Miss Mae. Thompson. Willie. Tyson. Mlsa Grace. Thornton, Jack. Tonljee. Dan. Trsvera. Roland. Tumor. Fred. Taaakl, K. (P. C.) Ulpas A Hells. Uystt. Miss Ida. SHORT VAMP SHOES (Exclusively for Women). For Stage, Street and Evening Wear. Great Variety, Exclusive Modela. Creator of Short Vamp Shoes. 507 Sixth Ave., New York. Bet. 80tb and 31st Sts. Send for Illustrsted Catalogne. One Flight Up. Tel. 19S5 Madison Sq. Valley, Camilla. Vardon, Perry A Wil- bur. Van, Tommy. West, Ed. Wagner, William. Wilson, Leslie. Watch, 0. QUllng. Well, Mr. Wetherall, Harry. Williams, Leon. Wilson, Harry. Wyne (Ekle). Willing Brothers. Woodman, Joseph, Ward, Leigh. Wright. Mrs. Fred. Williams, Arthur (0. Warren, Day a Warren (0. O.) Wheeler, Eelme (0. O.) Williams, Mala (a O.) Ward. Hugh J. Weston, Willie. Ward, B. V. (a O.) Widen, Pauling. Wilson, Iva. Woodruff, Henry. Wlschon, WalUa. Webber. Ed. Wilton, George. Weston. Albert. Wood, George. West A Vokes. Wsthon, Stanley. Watson, Sammy. Young, Mm O.) Yuma. Tllerom, Merry. Young, Florian. Was. (0. CORRESPONDENCE Unless otherwise noted, the following re- ports sre for the current week: CHIGAGO By FRAME WTESBEBO. VARIETY'S Chicago Ofltea, Chicago Opera H STAR AND GARTER (U. J. Herrmann, mgr.). —An almoat comprehensive revlvsl of "A Night in New York," a musical melange, In which the late Harry Morris sppesred In burlesque before the present circuits were in opposition to esch other, serves the "Gay Masquersders." The piece la in two acts. A paragraph announces the fsct tbst It wss adapted from a German piece called "Berlin After Eleven." There have been numeroua farces bssed on the ssme theme since the Morris vehicle first csme to view, but the letter hss pre- cedence In the Judgment of those familiar with burlesque of the psst. The "Frenchy" stmosphere pervsdlng the frivolous display Is one of the re- Juvenstlng additions, snd Harry A. Emersou, who plays the Germsn csndy merchant with unction, nearly resembles the original In make-up. The character la not so eccentric as the former. Emer- son hsndles the dlslog with a tenacious accent and Is droll In most of the scenes, slthougb too quiet st times. "Hlnkey Dee" Is also revived, without the questionable verses, and brought many encores. Most of the music Is orlglnsl snd the numbers sre well executed by the contingent of nicely drilled choristers. It Is not a very ener- getic bunch, but they dress In sttrsctlve gowns and tights and appear as often ss the musical director permits. Ned Norton la manly In "straight." He does not appear In the olio. Neither does Joe Pettlnglll nor Al Zimmerman, a praiseworthy departure In present burlesque. Pettlnglll does exceedingly well In s legitimate old man part, and Zimmerman takes advantage of the two parta be playa. Belle Travers, the prima donna of the ahow, wears long dresses. She wss slwsys Identified with tights, in which she mskes a striking figure, and why she discarded the flesh- ings Is not known, except tbst the pert calls for a "woman" and not "principal boy" for the sake of being consistent. Sophie Tucker Is snotber who dresses in long gowns. Her beat showing is in the olio, when she proved that she la a very cap- able singer of negro ditties. She baa the voice, appearance and dialect, and acored an individual hit. Several others, smong them chorus members, sre given program space. Walsh and Meadowa made a good Impression with east aide patter and songs. Wilson Is one of the best trick cyclists seen. He performs all the difficult feats others have shown, and several more new here. The Abdallah Troupe, whirlwind acrobats (added) showed excellent ground tumbling and mounting with perfect ease and skill. It Is s good set. FOLLY (John A. Fenncasey. mgr.).—W. B. Watson lias In the "Washington Society Olrls" this enson a worthy organization. It actntlllates with the Watson brand of comedians and girls. The material for the first part and burlesque has been prepared by Lew Watson, the manager, and Harry Marks Stewart, who playa one of the prin- cipal parts. While no claim Is made to originality or deviation from the nsnal atyle of burlesque matter, there Is a vigorous pursuance of action and speedy numbers served with regularity. The peculiar humor evidently aroused the risibilities of the big Sunday night crowd, for the audience was kept In constant laughter and applauded all the musical Interpolations, among them a "Baby" song, which retarded the action on account of Its numerous enror^s. The song appealed principally on account of Its Intimacy with the audience. The singer and her feminine background seemed to enjoy the procession as much as the others. Stew- art reminds one of Than, noward as a Hebrew. He contributed abundantly to the comedy. Larry Smith In eccentric German played the opposite comedy pert with earnestness and conviction. Mamie Champion is one of the most efficient women in the show. She sings often, msklng a number of changes. Msdellne Webb, ss a rural maiden of the "81s Hopkins" type, without the brsids and gawky attainment, gained prominence and impressed with her efforts. Lee Allen is of good appearance snd delivered his lines in an In- telligent manner. A "Soul Kiss" dance by Mr. Allen and Lucie Arnold la featured. The "dance" might be of aoothlng effect to a ragtime melody, with the wiggling and accompanying movements, but the "soul kiss" wss in no wsy evident. There are eighteen girls in the chorus. Prominent sre Patsy Gallagher and Maude Black, their program namea, who showed smbltlon. The costuming Is not pretentious, but well prepared, and cbangee follow each song. The Mulllnl Sisters gave their very pleasing muslcsl set. They heve added a xylophone to the collection since last seeson. 8m 1th snd Champion offered a comedy sketch that pleased and Hallman snd Cclllns, the former ex-bssemsn of the Phllsdelpbis baseball team, talked and ssng. The show Is well put together, ss familiar burlesque, snd should meet with spproval along the circuit. SID J. BUSON'S (Sid J. Eusoo, mgr.).—"Bon Tons." EMPIRE (I. H. Herk, mgr.).—"Yankee Doodle Girls." OLYMPIC MUSIC HALL (J. J. Murdock, mgr.). —The Saytona. Beiff Brotbera, Orth and Fern, Sadie 8berman, Mr. and Mrs. Jsck McGreevey, MIdgeley's Midgets, and "A Little Sister of the Rich," by the stock compsny. HAYMARRET (W. V. Newklrk. mgr.; agent, Western Vaudeville Association, Chicago and New York).—Jane Court hope snd Co., Elisabeth Mur- ray, Frsnclnl Olloms, Amy Stanley and "Picks," Morris snd Morris, Rswls and Von Kaufman, Bert Earl, Burkhsrdt and Barry, The Warrlcks, Van Hoff. STAR (Tom Csrroody, mgr.; sgent, Western Vaudeville Association. Chlcsgo). — Dlerlcks Brothers, Gould Sisters, Wsrren snd Fsust, Harry Van Fosaen, Dorsch and Russell, Hsllen and Hsyes. I.e Clslr snd Sampson. SCHINDLER'S (L. Scblndler. mgr.; agent. Chaa. H. Doutrick. Chicago).—Mme. Gertrude. Theo. and Dandlea, Ideal Comedy Four, W. W. O'Brien, Three Ronaldos, Clara Walters, Chauncey Her- bert. NORTn AVENUE (Paul Slttner. mgr.; agent, Chaa. H. Poutrlck, Chicago).—Carson. Talcott and Co., All, Hunter and All, Anna Vivian and Co.. Swsln's Cockatoos. Earl Flynn, Douglas and Wsahhurn. Maxlne Wella. THALIA (Thoe. Murray, mgr.; agent, Chas. H. Doutrlck. Chlcsgo).—Roberts snd Co., Borden, Zeno snd H syden Bros., Jessie Eldrldge. MAJESTIC (Lyman B. Glover, mgr.; agent Western Vaudeville Assn., Chicago and New York).—Bill headed by Mabel Hlte and Mike Donlln, first Joint appearance. Others: Grlgolst- tl's Aerial Ballet, Welch, Mealy and Montrose, VInle Daly, Edna Pbllllpe and Co., Two Pucks, W. E. Whittle. Carter and Bluford, Musical Cralgs. Levlgne Sisters, The Dsltoa, Leavltt and Campbell. COLUMBIA (W. P. Shaver, mgr.; Agent Frank Doyle, Chicago).—Great Svlngall. Three Ranch- etta Bros Ruth Cbsndler, Lutterlnger Lucas snd Co.. Cuss. Irving, Burke Sisters. LYCEUM (Jack Burch. mgr.; Agent Frank Doyle. Chicago).—Lerent Trio. Ada Melrose. Homo and Svhlndt, Billy Earthquake, Williams and Stevens. VIRGINIA (J. V. Rlchey. mgr.; agent Frank Doyle. Chicago) .—Frank and True Rice, Mack and Burgess, Moore and Co., George and Weston, Dancing Downs. CRYSTAL (Schsfer Bros., mgrs.; sgent Frsnk Doyle, Chlcsgo).—Will snd Msy Reno. Webb's seels, Jlmmle Rose, Alfred Anderson, Froeto snd Weyman. PALAIS ROYAL (Joe. R. Ryan, mgr.; sgent Frank Doyle. Chlcsgo).—Great Blisses, Utopls Duo. Rice Bros., Ethel Barney, Devlne and Fuller. PBKIN (Robt. T. Motts. mgr.; agent Frank Doyle. Chicago).—Cherry Slstera, McGloln and Shelley, Periin snd Crosby, Columbia Quartette, Pekln minstrels. PREMIER (Chaa. W. Schafer, mgr.; sgent Ftsnk Doyle. Chicago).—Le Clair and Le Clair. Jack Hamilton. Kramer and Wlllard, Ada Ban- non, Annette Link, Scott and Wallace, Bd. Gil- more, Nolan and Mack. HARMONY (A. Sehroek. mgr.; agent Frank Doyle, Chicago).—Bland and Jones, Hazel Lynch, Prof. Waaaman. Samuels and Chester. IOLA (Oeo. B. Powell, mgr.; agent Frank Doyle, Chicago).—Diamond Comedy Four, Jesse Howard. Mile. Do Von Cat and Dog clrnis. Brooks and Barry, Chas. Murphy and Lion, Mile. Fay's Leopsrds. ESSEX (Bllharx and Lewis, mgrs.; agent Frank Doyle, Chicago).—Sellea and Selles. Mabel De Leon. Mack Sisters, Bd. Tollver, Banks and Clinton. NOTES.—The Star Theatre, on Milwaukee ave- nue, one of the most proflfnhle houses playing the Kohl A Castle attractions. In now being booked personally by Chaa. E. Kohl, Jr., through the I. MILLER* Manufacturer of Th< il 202 W.238S1 N.Y Boots A Suoea, CLOG, Ballet and Acrobatic Shoes a specialty. All work made at abort notice. FINK $ ORTLOFF 1886 BROADWAY, AT 37th STREET, (Telephone 4407—38th) NEW YORK CITY. "We will uphold the actor'a reputation for dress." Stage garments given special attention. SUITS SSO AND UP NOTfc.—All garments made on the under the personal supervision of Mr. Ortloff. QMS. LELLs Maker of Fins Stags Fastwsar Guaranteed superior to all others. 131 W. 42d Street, NEW YORK CITY. Mme. Belmont American Milliner to Alice Lloyd 134 W. 116th Si, Phone 5860, Homing. SEW YOIK K 8107 MICHIGAN AYE., TUM EKOLUSrvS 7JSSXSVB, OostameT fee the Leading Stage Oelebrltlee, 'Phone, Calumet 8402. • 887 a STATE ST., CHICAGO. 'Phone Herrlson 8886. Full line of slightly used Evening Oowna, Opera Coats aad Street Oowna, all suitable for stage wear. Soubrette Dresses made to order, all colors and stylee. Special prioea and attention green to theatrical profession. Seslskin Coats and Fare of all deeorlptlons. Globe Electric Cc. 419 West 42d Street, NEW YORK. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL TOE THE THEATRE. ELECTRIC SCENIC EFFECTS, 8IOEB. Especial oare and attention given to Vaudeville Productions or Acts REQtrranro ELECTRICAL EFFECTS CALL OR WRITE. Notice to Artists Artlata desiring to purchase diamonds sre now In a position to buy them of me on time at caah prlcca. Have no traveling agenta, thereby giving tb«> artlata the benefit of the expense. Will cheer- fully (tend goods for Inspection or will cell snd exhibit goods to select from. Write for terms snd particulars; business strictly confidential. JULIUS BOASBERG Formerly H. A J. BOASBERG, No. 384 Main Sfrset Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo Representative, JNO. J. HALLOY, Stage Hanager 8hea'a Theatre, Same old stand. When answering advertisementi kindly mention Variety.