Variety (January 1909)

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26 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS FRED KARNO'S Comedians Mm: • •■J! Mgr. ALF. REEVES. Night in an English Music Hall" Night in Slums of London" Wttk Jm. 18 f Poll's, Woroetter WILLA HOLT WAKEFIELD BONO READINGS. UNITED BOOKING OFFICES, NEW YORK. Lillian Hale- nd Co. Presenting "THE PHANTOM RIVAL." assisted by the Author 9AGER DEAN FAT 0A8ET, Agent JOI and LOU HURTIG Present Billy W. Watson W »nd "GIRLS FROM HAPPYLAND" THE FUNNIEST MUSICAL AOT HI VAUBEVLLLE. Greve and Green HYMAN MEYER "THE MAN AT THE PIANO." EN ROUTE ORPHEUM ROAD SHOW. "Ho io the boat comic musical act that hae found ita way to tho vaudeville stage."—0. L. HALL, Chicago Journal. DOROTHY ARYILlT and "HER TROUPERS" IN VAUDEVILLE. Mabel Sinclair ENGLAND'S PREMIER LADY VENTBIL0UUI8T. Starring- on Orpheum Circuit. Moss-Stoll Toor 1909-10*11. THIS WEEK (JAN. 11), MARY ANDERSON. LOUISVILLE, KY. SILBONS CATS EUROPEAN NOVELTY ANIMAL AOT. Now Playing Orpheum Circuit FIRST TIME IN AMERICA. H. B. MA1INELLI, Agent 6E0. McKAY and CAINTWELL JOHN RRIINGIF»AL COMEDIANS OLYMPIC MUSIC HALL STOCK COMPANY. CHICAGO. INDEFINITE. Naaa^omont J. J. MURDOCH JOCK McKAY "THE SCOTCHMAN FROM SCOTLAND." Direction LEON BERG, Dramatio A Vaudeville Exchange, Inc.. 1402 Broadway, Haw York. JOHNNY u s c H T I O COMEDY RIOT THE DANCING WONDERS. LILLIAN WRIGHT And "Her Singing and Dancing Boys." Great oat Dancing Act in Vaudeville. BOOKED SOLID. JACK LEVY WALTER LAW 8?" <« AT THE THRESHOLD •• Bannatt'a Theatre, Hamilton, Can., THI8 WEEK (Jan. 11). Agents, REICH A PLUNKETT. JOHNSON STUDENTS CLUBMANIAOS IN "ONE YELL.' Agent, PAT CASEY. Van Camp "THE MAN WITH THE PIG." ■ COLONIAL THIS WEEK (JAN. 11). A FEW ENGAGEMENTS JUST PLAYED BY THE fernande; may duo Majettic, Milwaukee. Columbia, St. Louie. Mary Anderson, Louisville. Olympic Music Hall, Chicago. Grand Opera House, Indianapolis. Columbia, Cincinnati. JAN. 18—ORPHEUM, MEMPHIS. JAN. 25—ORPHEUM, NEW ORLEANS. The Australian Bright lights. Burlaaqua Sketch Artists. WM. S. HENNE8SY, Mgr. Address care WHITE RATS. ANNETTE KELLERMAN Commencing week JAN. nth, K. & P.'s 125th ST.,Indefinite. Address all communications to JAMES R. SULLIVAN. ^\'hcn QnBxccring advertisement* kindly mention Vardcty.