Variety (January 1909)

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28 VARIETY RBPRBSBNTATIVB ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS fc M LIZZ1B MULVEY AND Wee* Jul. 18, Temple, Detroit. Under the personal direction of FAT CASEY and JEN IB JACOBS Ci Kl ABE RAWSON and CLARE 0 V IOII THE OOMEDY DUO. BERT « LOTTIE WALTON PAT CASEY, Agent. PLAYING UNITED TIME. MELVILLE ELLIS REAPPEARANCE IM VAUDEVILLE. Direction PAT CASEY. 2—HEN ROOST INSPECTORS—2 LANE? LEW SUNNY JIM PAYTON and WILSON Eocentrlc Co m edy Singing and Dancing Comedians. UNITED TIME WEEK JAN. 1 •, POLI'S, WATCRBUR Y. W. S. HENNESSY, Agant. VELDE TRIO la their European Equilibrial Aerobatlo Combination, including the "LOOP-THE-LOOP" DOGS (The original, not a oepy). Maw playiae; Weetera VaaderHle Association's time. Addraaa oaro VAEIETT, Obi oafo Ofioo. Valerie Bergere AMD HER OWE OOMPAMY. Pyestlss m repertelre el Plsylota. TINE ALL TILLED KAUFMANN TROUPE The BrMttst Trick Riding 1st Os Earth Returned from Aaatralia aad Africa aad opened with greet eaooooc at tha Henee-Theatre, Hamburg;. Barlla to foDaw. Parmaaaat addraaa, MICE EAUFMAMH, Barlla, W. 10, Wlatarfaldatraaaa t, Oabla addraaa, Bicycle, Barlla. Telephone Amt 6, letU. GREAT AERIAL SMITH S WORLD'S 0REATE8T TRAPEZE ARTISTS. THE TALK OF EUROPE. EVANS AND EVANS Expert Dancers MOW ON WILLIAM MORRIS CIRCUIT Direction BOHM A EDELMAN, 1408 Broadway, Maw York. Juggling De Lisle FEATURING I HATS. PLAYING FOE THE UHITED. mr WM. H. THOMPSON In Hie* New Sketch "U/ATE MOW PLAYTMO UNITED TIME, 99 The Astrella Sisters "I JOE DUVAL 0Gb CO. la A GENUINE NOVELTY SINGING AMD DANCING ACT Addrait Car* Variety PEED NELLIE GRAY AND GRAHAM "THE MUSICAL BELL BOY AMD MILITARY MAID." Wiab to thaak tbalr many friends for their cards aad beat withes for tba New Year. We are now playing* the Orphenm Circuit. Booked until June. JrMO.ZOUBOUL.AKI Tba Velomeua Clay Cartoonist and Musical Dexterioso. (An Imbroglio of oomio art aad music) Special drop la "Two," eleee la "One." Addraaa VARIETY. JUST ARRIVED FRO/Vl EURO IM I Tba strongest of all strong men. Btroagar tbaa arar. AT LIBERTY for oeaaon 1900. Would like to bear from aide-abow managers, vaudeville parka, etc. Motbiag too big; nothing too small. Slagie or double act. P. B.—Win you be healthy and strong and increase your oheet axpaaaioa 6 inobaa la 4 weekal Write for my bow system, "Health aad Strength for All at Homo." Prloo SO ooata, PIERRE GA8NIER P. 0. Boa 76, S tation Maw York City. Anna * Effie Conley IM VAUDEVILLE WEES JAM. II, LYRIC, DAYTON. Bala DiraotioB, JAOE LEVY. KIETY EMICEEEBOCEEE THEATRE BUXLDIMO, MEW YOEE CITY. CARDS OF ARTISTS UNDER THE HEADING OP " REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS " AT FOLLOWING RATES: 2 Inohee double ool., 622.60 monthly, not ^•SO. 16.00 1-2 Inoh single ool_ B4.0O monthly, not 1 Inoh M 7.00 1 -2 Inoh double ool„ 7.60 N M 1 Inoh 12.60 M 1-2 Inoh 1 Inoh 2Inohoo M 26.00 60.00 Largo) r Space Pro Rata No advertisement under this heading accepted for leaa tbaa oaa moath aad bo preferred poarMoa given. Eamittaaoe must accompany adTertisemanta forwarded by mail. Caab discount for S aad IS moatha. MANAGER JORDAN, KEITH'S, PHILADELPHIA, congratulated Mr. QUICK S BIG SUCCESS Last Weeh THIS WeeR (Jess. 11) at HAM MERSTEIN'S Next WeeK (Jack. 18) ORPHEUM, BrooRIyn When answering advertitementt kindly mention Vabtety.