Variety (January 1909)

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32 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS Netta Vesta 8INGIH0 COMEDIENNE. °~ ORPHEUM CIRCUIT. Direction JEHIE JACOBS, lltt Broadway, New York City. THOS. J. RYAN- RICHFIELD GO. BUSY, THANK YOU. GRACE Ritter and Foster ACROSS THE POND. Address oaro 80MER A WARNER, 1 Tottenham Court Road, London, En*. FRED ALBERT Ferrell Bros. Tho Smartest of Comedy Cyclist*. Direction ED. 8. HELLEE. STUART BARNES Direction GEO. H0MAN8. (lire Evans Bibette Principal Comedian and Producer. Laadinff Soubrette with "Gay Morning Glories." Edgar Allen In "A FORTUNE HUNTER'S MIS-FORTUNE." U nited Time. PAT WHITE And FAT WHITE AND HIS GAIETY GIRL8. Flaying Empire Circuit Theatres, MARSHALL P. WILDER ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Bell 'Phone, 196. Felix Adler MASTER DIALECTICIAN. In* Y*ar Cart ta VARIETY C b*». * ^iio,, "THE NARROW FELLER." T HE PIOTTIS Presenting' "THE ITALIAN AND HI8 SWEETHEART." Happy New Year. OKAS. J. BURKHARDT "THE MAN WITH THE FUNNY SLIDE" Featured with the "Travelers Co.," Season 08-9. LEON ERROL Under menagement of WM. 8, CLASH. Address Route "Jersey Lilies" Co. MAULEY and STERLING J a • t Because w e played Quinoy, it that any sign I'm • Quince? Direotion of Harry F. Weber. HICKMAN BROS 5 (0. Presenting a Hew Comedy Shetch, "A DETECTIVE DETECTED." With special scenery and effects. Week January 18, Bennett's, Ottawa, Can. IM A CLASS BY HIMSELF I Harry Le Clair America's famous Merrymaker, Playing "THE DEVIL." In Vaudeville. GARDNER and STODDARD 'VAUDEVILLE FRIVOLITIES." Week of Jan. 11, Chase's, Washington. American Representative, JACK LEVY. BUSH AND PEYSER WEEK JAM. 16, COLUMBIA. BSOOLKYN. MANAGERS AND AGENTS INVITED. LAURA BUCKLEY Ask WM 8. KENNE88Y, United Ofl JAKE w STERNAD BOOKS HE1MIMI L- EI NAZIS HENNI PRESENTING "MIXED DRINKS" HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT Imitations may come, Imitations may ge, But good imitations will go on forever. CARL McCULLOUGH BIG HIT AT AMERICAN MUSIC HALL LAST WEEN, COMING SOON! LINCOLN SQUARE THEATRE, NEW YORK CITY. IN HIS NOVEL ACT, "FOOTLIGHT IMPRESSIONS.' PLAYING MORRIS TIME. HIT A HIT A HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HJT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT ON THE INTER-STATE CIRCUIT ALWAYS WORKING Oh! You PAT CASEY!! When onwering odvertitemenU kindly mention Variety.