Variety (Jun 1938)

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88 VARIETY Background Buzz EAST Itcni'V "Morgan new mikemati at WOH, N.Y. B'lom WNAC, Boston. S;avens Jackson, lormody with Banton and Bowles aiency, has joined WHN. N.Y. .sales defit Clair McCullouRh all packed for a b'.z trip to N. Y. lost his luggage fiom his car outside WGAL, Lan- caster. Competitive spirit has been intro- duced in WPRO, Providence, Man on the Street spot. Marsh Shantz conducts program on Mondays and Tuesdays and Hurry Clarke on Thursdays and Fridays. They dp the turn togcilier on Wednesdays, ith bsaucoup ribbing. With Albee's closing Wednesday (25) WEAM, Providence, shifted its spelling bee period to the Strand theaire. Moury Lowe is announcing. House band at WJAR, Providence, will go off air Wednesday (1) until Sept. 1. Alice OXeary, warbler, preems nev/ weekly saries through WNAC; Boston, with Bobby Norris and. his String Ensemble beginning June 4. . Henry Morsan, WNAC-WAAB. Yankee-Colonial spieler, uow with WOR; Newark. Boston Pop concerts from Sym- phony Hall, under Arthur Fiedler baton, fed to an NBC-Blue wsb via WBZ. Boston, pickup from Sym- phony, weekly on Wednesdays. Murray Davis, WAAB, Boston, salusnisn, first to .take vacash. To Bermuda. Lewis ' Bonick orchestra from Benny Ginsburg's Club Maytair, Bosion, has an NBC-Blue (WBZ) wire. Fridays; Glpnn Miller orches- tra from the Raymor Ballroom, has the same set-up on Wednesdays-and Saturdays. Harry P. Goodwin, WBZ Esso News Editor (since its- inception' on Oct. 7. 1935). and Arthur^ Feldman, special events, attended a luncheon at New York City on June 2 thrown by Esso ivlarkelers lor all Essd news men. Harry Hagen's True or False' pro- gram clue for u Boston airing, June 20, from John Haiicock Hall, over WAAB. Barrett C. of Hollywood MGM saidios was inicrviewed over WORL, by Betty Addison, daughter of MGM Boston district manager. Johiv Andrews, keyboard tickler froin the. New England Conservatory of Miisic, replaces Bert Muller on WORL weekly, beginning June 3, with quarteir-hour pop music. Harvey Olson,.who conducts morn- ing Shoppers' Special at WDHC, Hartford, on WNBH. New Bsdford; recently when latter celebrated its 17lh birthday. Sneddcn Weir, studio manager of WOKO-WABY. Albany, surprissd listeners with a slirrini; reading of the war Doeni," 'Ha Is Mine.' as guest on a WOKO convv.ercial. Memorial Day. V/cir h;is been appointed chair- man of radio publicity for coming convention, in Albany; ot veterans of Foreign Wars. .Larry C-'owan, manager of Fabian's Graiid, a lieu- tenant in U. S. N.ival Reserve and publicity director for N. Y. State en- campment of VFW. also broadcast on the Memorial Dav shot. Billy Fields'. Westerners, hillbilly troupe of. si.\-, berthed on WNBX, Springfield, Mass., for the summer. MDWEST ARTISTS MANAGEMENT PAUL WHITEMAN ON Chesterfield .CBS NetwMk Fridaj*. S:M-»:00 P.M., EDST JuDe 3rd Vroad<'Mt Orlclwim from Valvsrallr of North CaroIUa Prom CliaiwI Hill, N. C. —Cmtorlns-^ JOAN EDWARDS 4 M00ERNAIRE3 OuMt Artllt LESLIE LIEBER All Paul Whiteman Enoagamanta Bookad' ^CLUSIVELY Artiata Management \1 ^.*S*ST H.V.C. U Gene Loffler back to his first love, announcing;, from. the sales depart- ment of KSO-KRNT. Des Moines. 'Captains ;ot Industry' sold by KRNT, Des Moines, to O'Dea Fi- nance Go. G\vcn McCleary, scriptev-actress with KSO, KRNT. has been chosen to appcar .on Kate Smith's 'new taU cnt quest' June 9. Mary Little, radio editor for the Des Moines Register and .Tribime, will accompany. Cliff Carl has taken to the road again with the Hatcher Players, bobkmg show in Iowa. He will con- tinue to appear, however, on WHO's Sunset Corners Frolic broadcasts from Des oines every Saturday night; Louisiana Lou of WHO. Des Moines,' underwent an operation at Iowa Methodist hospital, Des Moines.- Ed Voynow. of Ed Petry, Chicago, spoke before the Milwaukee Ad Club last week on behalf of rai '6. Booked by Don Abert, manager of WTMJ, Milwaukee. WOW. Omaha, will feed three sustaining programs to. the NBC Red Net weekly. Fred Ebencr's studio orch for halt hour sprees on Tuesday and Saturday nights plus a remote of the Southern' Gentlemen from the Music Box, dance spot. Chet Gowan spieling at station WAAW, Omaha. Al Ray Brown who left to join KMMJ, -Clay Center, Nebr. WEW, St. Louis, will add a half hour to its daily sked starting June 1. Sign-off will come at 7:30 p.m. through June and July Begin at 6 a.m. Stamps quar(et, ingers of . re ligious hymns, originating from KRLD, Dallas, will be heard over WEW, St. Louis, five days a week starting June 1, via transcriptions. Johnny O'Hare and Bib Richard- son, gabbers for KWK, St. Louis, have been assigned to cover the Western Open golf tournarhent to be held at the Westwood Country Club. St. Louis County on June 14, 15 and 16. At third anniversary celebration last week of WTMV, from the Boardview Hotel in East St. Louis, all laudatory speeches were omitted. Only gabbing was by WiUiam H, West, the bos.s and brief as possible. Day marked introduction of station's new 12-piece orchestra under direc- tion of Paul Godt. Paul Wills. WTMV. St. Louis, gab- ber, is doubling with his wi.fe,,Madc- lyn to whom he was wed several weeks ago, on a three-a-weelc 'Sweet- hearts on the Air.' ' Don Becker, Transamerican s pro- gram director, and the missus (Flo Golden) dropped in from NYC over the weekend to visit folks and for- mer WLW-WSAI colleague.-:. Held a house party Saturday (28) night celebrating birthday anniversaries of Becker and his mother. Fourth annual WLW Mail Bag pic- nic, to be held June 11 in Sharon Woods, muny park, is expected to draw 1,000 vi.sitors from midwestern states; doubling last year's attend- ance. Rooters ot the program formed a club for e.xchange ot correspond- ence and personal visits. Station's execs handle local trans- portation for. the yearly pow-wow. dish out refreshmenls and conduct games. Eva Pownall, post mistress of the air si.-'nza. is general chairman. WSAI will carry its .second 15- minule .shortrv/ave pickup from Cincy's sightseeing bus June 5 at 2;30 p. m. First one was . May 15 when service of the rubberneck coach was revived atter an absence of five years. Gawkers are miked via one ot Croslcy's mobile units, which trails the bus. Ccdris Adams. WCCO. Minneap- olis, newstar. flew to Se?ittle last week-end to aui^ Coach Phelan on Univer.-,ity of Washington's 1938. football prospect.":. Chai-lic Ross. WCCO. Minneapolis, announcer, has regained his voice, lost five weeks ago, and he's back on the job'. ' Jim Cosman of Federal Telegraph Co. recently copped off a bottle chamuaghe in an Arlluir Murray rhumba contest at Hotel Nicollet, wh>le in MitmeaDOlis o. o.'ing WCCO. Four WOWO and WGL Ft. Wayne announcei-.s. Bill Davies. Carl 'Van- dagrift. John De Youno; and .Tay Bell formed an announcer's quartet on a drre. Now heard regularly. C/iri-oU. Bartholomy now secretary to vr. W.-^'-d Dorrell. ssles manager for WOV;0 and WGL. Fort Wayne. SOUTH Re-Write DictioiiiBiry With the mushrooming of au- dience-participation quiz pro- granis, the production of un- conscloi^s humor has been loom- in!;. . Frankie Basch over WMCA, N. Y., got these defi- nitions: Gabriel Heater 'a' hew kind ot aulo healer.' A bivalve is 'a radiator with two valves. Starboard side of a ship is 'that side of a ship which faces, the stars to help gui l Ihe boat.' A Unicorn is 'a single ear of corn.' ■Venetian blind is 'a graduate of a school for the blind Italy.' Athlete's foot '.something to help make a good runner.' Ah octogenarian is 'a worm with eight legs.' A sarcophagus is 'a palace where the Russian czar lived.' A praying mantis is 'a shawl Jews use when they pray.' WWL DEUYS AGAIN IN UNION MATTER New Orleans, May 31. Vincent'F. Callahan, g.m. of WWL, Saturday (28) arinounccd another postponement of the scheduled can- cellation o( the station's contract with the musicians' union. Callahan said: 'At the request o( the local linion. we are holding oit any action until the American Fed- eration of usicians' convention in June.' He said that G. Pepitone. president of the Musicians' Protective Union, Local 174, had requested po.^tpone- ment, believing that the matter can be settled at the coming convention. Jean Field added to KTOK, Okla- homa City. J. Edgar Hoover sneech at gradua- tion exercisos of Oklahoma Baptist University,.Shawnee, over Oklahoma netv/ork with origination at KGFFI .Clifi'ord Eason new engineer at KTOK, Oklahoma City, and Dale Scott new announcer, Oklahoma City. Chet Clark new mikemah at WTAR. Norfolk. From WFMD, Frederick. Md. Doroth.v Fox. war- bler, back with WTAR after six months' absence. Nolan Smith replaces Charles M. Dibrell as relief engineer at KVSO, Ardmore, Okla. Lum and Abner's 'Pine Ridge Fol- lies' at Texas theatre, San Antonio, for four-day stand. KMAC. San: Antonio, is nightly pipin.? Benny MerofI, band from Ol- mos.Dinner Club. C. C. Shea, of Radio Enterprises, Inc.. San Antonio, has been gi-yen go ahead signal on application for KVIC. Victoria. Tex. Wally Blahton. spieler for WABC. San Antoni ; giving his 'Man on the Street' commercials on crutches. Sprained an ankle last week. Doris McClain. scripter for KABC. San Antonio, laid un at home after a week in the hospital. Anna Kay Carroll, of Lssion. Tex>, now scribbling continuity for WOAI, San Antonio. Replaces ary Har- vev. resigned. W. Van A.'Combs hfis joined the commercial start of WOAI, San An- tonio. KTUL. Tulsa, staff members gave citizens a Sunday afternoon serenade from the sk.v by chartering an Air- liner anri circlin? the city and vicin- it.v for 30 minutes, the entire time beinc ' aired by short wave over KTUL. WBAP. Fovt Worth, will air one of its 'Inside Prison Walls' ."ierics from Easthani Pri.son Farm, which is Texas' Alcatraz for COO incorrigible inmates. KTUL and KVOO. set to olay a series of ba.<:ebull games at the Texas League Park. LISTEN TWICE DAILY ■ ^ NBC Red Network, 12i15 to 12:30 P.M. DST CBS - WABC— 2:15 to 2:30 P.M. DST • COAST TO COAST IHr. fOMPTON .■\l»VKIITISfN<i ACKNrV . MGT, ED WOLF—RKO BLDG., NEW YORK CITY PACIFIC COAST Don Oilman and Harry itt get- ting ready for convention in Holly- wood ot Pacific Coast Advertising Club in late June. Both arc com- mittee chairmen. Don Amcche und Chet Lauck tak- ing their fainilies abroad during their radio recess. A. H. Saxton. NBC chief engineer in Hollywood, will pass three weeks in New York in conference -with other division gadgeteers. ' W-. C. Fields let it be known that his return to Chase & Sanborn show June' 5 is for one shot only. Barbara Luddy resting up in Hollywood on leave from Campaha's "First Nighter." Bob Redd chucked production of Signal Oil Carnival to bear down on his .'Hall ot Fun,' recently waxed for auditions in the east. Joe Thompson talces rein on petrol show. Charles. Vanda swinging . through the northwest enroute to New York for home OlTirc discussions on CBS I shows in the fall. ' I Donald, iThornbur:;!!. ,;t chief for CBS, east for sesh of N.A.B. di- rectorate. Grady Cantrell spouting happy philosophies on KFWB in Holly- wood: Dale Armstrong, former L. A. Times radio ed, writing a book. Victoria ' Anderson and 'Violai Morris of Australia set for a return appearance on the Coast I4BC-Red web next Tuesday (7), from the San Francisco studios. Verna Osboriie, coloratura, given own half-hour with Ernest Gill Music Friday nights from NBC's Sah Francisco studios. Louise Landis Ot the NBC San Francisco vacashing in Yuma. Ariz. Producer Jack Lyman of the NBC Saiv Francisco staff , oii month's leave of absence, doing specidl job for Golden Gate International Exposi- tion. Jack Edwards subbing for him at NBC. Edwards is also. author- actor ot new western thriller, 'Sons of the West,' which debuted Monday (30) over,Coast Blue web. Ken Carney authored the *i Want a Divorce', play aboii't navy wives to be aired Sunday (5) from San Fran- cisco over the Coast NBC-Red net- work. Carney, former local NBC program manager, is an ex-An- napolis man. Dixie Marsh, NBC actress and San Franeisco niterie entertainer, inaug- urated song program over the Coast Red web last Thursday (26) under the name of Judy Dean. Also does her own gaibbing. Mel Vickland, NBC mikeman in San Francisco, vacashing in Saht^ Barbara, Cal., while Abbott Tes.s- man, another NBC spieler, visits his native city, St. Paul. Producer Fred Hegeliind of the •net;yoik's 'Woman's Magazine of the Air,' is in Holly- wood for two weeks, William S. Ryan, sales manager for NBC in San Francisco, spieled on 'Radio As an Advertising ■ Medium' last Week at Junior Departmental of the San Francisco Ad Club, while Ray Rhodes of the web's sales staff addressed the enti\e club on 'Adver- tising and Youth Movement.' Louis S. ■ Simon, former Hearst newspaperman in Seattle, now with Allied Advertising Agencies in San Francisco, succeeding Gerald Norton who shifted to KYA. Gilbert Lang now with KSRO, Santa Rosa. CeJ., as announcer-pro- ducer. Formerly with KRE, Berke-. ley. and KDB. Santa Barbara. Irvin Carlson. KSRO mikeman. recently resigned to go to Hollywood. Stanley Church, of KOIN. Port- land. Ore:, air-tripped to Chicago to receive the McNinch Award for KOIN's winning entry in the Na- tional Air ail Week contest. Pror gram was over CBS. Dave Simmons. KD'YL. Salt Lake City, assistant production manager, and Jack Gregson, soortscaster mike- man, last week handled nlay-b.v-play descrintion of the University (if Utah-Stanford University polo matches, and also covered the 'Big Seven' Rocky Mountain Intercolle- giate track and field meet. Good at Bemg Bad Oklahoma City. May .'51. KOMA, soft ball team, undispulod custodians of the cellar in local sort ball league, not having won or tied a single game, except to gain even /jreatar laurels as the season goes nn and they continue their consecutive no win streak. Piloted by W. C. (Spit Lukcnbill, the Studio Sluggers line- up includes: Davis (Hot Fool) Fiis, Kendal (Punch Drunk) Irving, Wa.v- man (Headhunter) Ramsey, Cciie iPinky) Reynolds, Jimrhy cSUig) Todd, Larry (Swing Out) Coddeiui, Paul (Gravy Train) Aurandt. Bill (Grease -Ball) Salathe and Harry (Beetle Brow) Edwards. In reserve, and assisting this stellcr line-up aie ihe members ot the KO^I.^ house staft orchestra. 'Comln* Thru The Rye' Lincoln, Ma:v 31. Rains, which didn't come tor four years in thiS.area, cbmolelely ruined tlie lawn at the KFAB transmitter, so rye was planted last fall. Rain this year and the h-as grown to the height of six feet. 'Comin' Thru the Rye' is now fact, not a tune, to the engineers, when reporting to woi-k. Pat Stanton's ^Bobk Rcvirwn Philadelphia, May 31. Pat Stanton, WDAS vice-prez an g.m., has taken over another chore at the station. He has started a book-review program. An author himself.- he has several tomes on Ireland. Chester Bcnler, program director of KMOX, will inspect radio stations in Mexico City, Vera Cruz and Monte- rey next month, when he motors through' Old Mexico. mm (9^ nit Badlt. Orisinator ONF. HAN SHOW TWO voice S.4M ANU HRNKT MAST«R or rKRKMONIKH R.UN. NO .MO' VKRSK CONTK.ST VABIRTV HOtIR COMMUNITY Hl>'a Addresi: 4331 N. Paallna SI., t^hlcaio Socony Sponsors UcTigue Rochester, N. Y., JVIay; 31. j Harry McTigue, who , took over i WHAM sports review after Frank I Silva departed to VSAY, will be I .sponsored by Socony beginning June 6. His spot at 6:45 p.m. has been sustaining several months. McTigue also handles play-by-play airings of Red Wing Interndtioniil League games for Socony and Gen- eral Mills. Mgt.i LOU CLAYTON t»!li Ctatun-fn Bladloa. H'iraod Saranac Station's Staft | Sai-anae, N. Y., May 31. Up-State Broadcasting Corp., con- trolled by Carl F. Woese. ha.-? taken over radio station WNBZ, formerly owned and operated by Earl j. Smith. New studios will be opened atop Hotel Saranac. Start includes Carl F. Woese, presi- dent; Ray English, general manager; Bill Cody, chief engineer; Ed Bur- gcni,, program director. Billy Gaxloh guests on llie Bonay .Vciuilu .<lii)w -jii WOR Jun " DON ROSS THE RHYMING MINSTREL 12 OTf.OCK NOON RVKKV MON'U.AV. WKDNESDAV nnrt FKIOAT utual Broadcasting System FOR BOSCO