Variety (Jun 1938)

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40 VARIETY MUSIC^DAMSAPATION If^ednesday, Jupe 1, 1938 15 Best Sheet Music SeDers fek endin •Love..Walked In. — ,. .\ Cry, Babjr, Cry ". r. Please Be Kind Little Lady- Malt'e Bell2ve ......... CatHedial in the Pines •. • • • • • ■ •On the Sentimental Si •I, Love to Whistle . Don't Be That Way • ■• GiVl In the Bonnet ot Blue > ♦Loyelisht in the Starlight Garden In Granada ., ■ ■ i — I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart.. ♦ Yoii Couldn't Be; Cuter .................. ...... •How'dia Lilie- to Love Me? •Says My Heart. • Indicates fll t Indicates stage lie others are pops. .Chappell .Shapiro • Harms .Ohnaii • Berlin .Santly • Ilobbihs • Rbbbins • Crawford • Paramount . SchusteV-i . Mills , C'happell .faiiious • Famous production sotiff. Outdoor Swing Carnival Developed Oddities; Addicts Fmally Got Tired Statistics New York Musicians nioii's hospital fund will realize, it Is estimated, between $11,000 and $12,000 from tlie five-liour swin^ concert which Martin Blocki of AVNEW, Y., stagad on Randalls Island Sunday (29) • Admission proceeds came to $13,701. Incidental expenses wore around $1,500. Participat- ing bands,'which were all paid, have indicated that' they may turn over what they got to the local's hospital fund. Musi- cians and singers- received about $3,000. Sv/ingfest drew 23,356 pa.vesi to the island stadium.' Block said yesterday ('Tuesday) that if he-ever again .stages an'evont' of this sort it will be indoors and most probably in. Madison iSqtiare Garden, On the Upbeat Henry Baste'i brch set for Lyric; Indianapolis, week of June 10. Clllf "Nataile moves into Kitty Brando's Brown Derby, Boston, with bis '.spiral music.' Spot has a WHDH- WMEX wire. Jimmy McHale off to the West. By BEBNIE WOODS , Swing addicts digested until it j came out. of their ears Sunday (29) at the 'Catnival ot Swing' at Ran- dall's Jsland, N. Y. Starling .at 11 a.m. sharp carnival rati to 4.45 Nearly SIX hours of solid sending. Even rabi igns of -get- tinic enough. When the- concert was tipened with Vincent Lppez's new stream- lined version ot 'Stat Bangled Ban- ner,'/thie .occupants of the packed benches were> shivering in a chilly breeze tiom the.East RLyer and caslr ing apprehensive glances sky ward at glowering clouds. Wasn't long .be- fore some of ''em came tumbling out of their bleacher seais to overrun the inftsld and squat front of the .re- serves to get closer to the musical flame. Martin Block, of WNEW, who conceived tliis stunt on "behalf Of Lodal 802, American Federation of Musicians, hospital fund, m.c.'d. He had to halt proceedings in the middle ot one humljer and threatened , to suspend things permanently unless they got bac1< in the stands. 'Threat worked but wore, off later. , As early as 9 a.m. Jong lines oii foot alid on wheels crowded the T.ri- b'oro bridge leading: to the island. Toll booths did a landoft'ice Most of crowd brought;lunch boxes. One citizen toted a \vatermelon un- der his arm. (jops and park attendants had theli" hands full squelching efi'er- vescent shagsters and lindy-hbppci's wl»o continually grabbed the spot- light by. bouncing out of their sbats and going to. town on the cinder run- ning track and on the grass in front, of the infield ssats. Gendarmes were roundly -booed for their trouble'. ACtsr that they stood up in tlieir pews and risked a br6!;en leg or two to gain wild-eyed release froin the prodding notes ot some ot the best ouints in the business. At. the tinale. •w\tt\ Gene Krupa's cats the sun, attendants had to rins the stage to \yard off candid camera fiends who wanted a shot ot Krupa heading for the clouds. Not l«t% Satlsfyinr Somehow, though, outside of the Instances already rnentiqncd, the Jive addicts gave the impression that the affair wasn't what it Was cracked up to be. Thsre was no in time palm whacking .which is a favorite surety valve of the regular Sunday mor ing mobs at the Criterion, N. Y. Cheer- ing . at times was actually anemic and for some creWs szeitied to be Just polite. When-Kay Kyser, who's currently riding the ci:est of .one-of the pjpiilar musical idcss, came on, he made the mistake of tackling a gen- teel arrangement before bouncing 'em Out of their seats.. CJrios of 'vie ■want switig not swept' were heard. An applause meter' wbtild prob- ably have rated Chick Webb, Count Basic, Duke'Ellington, Gene Kriipa, Stuff Smith, joe Marsala, whose drummer busted a couple bt-sticks satisfying the alligators, and the srnall Slim..and Slam outfit in eye- lash finishes. .Just before tlie B.bbby Hackett aggregation sounded oil, Krupa's bus drove i That, set up cries of 'we want Krupa.' When he did his stuff, the roar could prob- ably have heard .in Long Island.. Others on tap were Sammy Kaye. Larry Clinton, Woody Hernu i, Meiie crew, Edgar Hayes, Chas. Barnett, Will Hudson, Eddie De Lahge (sepa- rate outfits now), Will Osborne, who clicked :best of the sweet crews, and numerous:smaller aggregatiphs. Ben- ny Goodman didn't show—he was in .Atlantic City—and thhe mob howled its disappointment. ■ If every seat was" sold, and there couldn't have been many left, the total talte couldn't have exceeded $l4,b Deducting tiie stadium rental, expenses for crews (Krupa canie in. chartered bus frpm -l'hilly). ana various o rating expenises, the Musicians' Union .hospi 1 fund takes what was left. At first glance the stadium seemed to. have, a flock of unsold chairs at the opposite end from the bandstand, but' closfsr in- spection showed the occupants to be crowded close to the rostrum, stand- ing along the-top tier for the entire .'session. WNEW aired almost . entire ti' .. being forced to. sign oft when Rudy 'Vallee,. who .wasn't expected, showed up with' is" cirew; Vallee jefused aired, claiming.hls ra- dio contract forbade it^ He drew as (Continued on piage 55) . Jack Marsbaird opened at the Wm; Penn hotel, Pittsburgh (2'7),.for a sextet ot weeks. 'Follows ■with a Bar Harbor, Me., spot for the summer. WHN, New York, has added Ran Wilie orchi from New Yorker hotel and Will Osborne pnd Grant ■Thomp- son from Palisades Parki Boseland dancehalls in Brooklyn and Manhat- tan are also' on the list, as well as Shandbr's from Hungarian ieatery. ' .' Merle. endrteki ., England leader, .set for a series of y/Sktiner shorts "by Bill Brandell. Ross ith Decca, make 48 sides annually. ill Resgie Cliilds west to. Colonial hotel. Lake -. ahltpu, Ind:, June 30, Stays until Sept 5 under CRA ticket. ITrsklne Hawkins at Woodmere C. C, Long Island, June 18.. tours midwest for sum- mer after,closing at Jefferson Beach, Detroit, tills week. Haward Woods into Longshore Club, Westport, Conn., ay 28 until Breakdown of Network Plugs, 8 A. M. to 1 L M. Following is an analysis of the combined plugs of current tunes on WEAF, WJZ, yt ABC diid WOR computed Jot- the io'eek from Monday through Sunday (Mdy 23-29). 'Grand fotot rspresenfs dccuniuloted performances on the. two NBC links, CBS. and' Mutual from S.ii; m. 'to 1 a. m. 'Commercials' refers to all types plugs oh spon- sored projgtams. In 'Source' cohimn, * denotes film :song, \ legit tunes; and 'pop' speaks for itself. Grand Cemmcr Soarce. .. Pop ... i.'Her Jungle Love.. ,. 'Cbcoanut Girove.. > ..Pop . Pop Title. Publl Ci-y, aby. Cry. Shapiro ... Lovelight in. the Starlight..., .,.'... Paramount Says My Heart..' . .; Famous ...; This Time It's Real...'. ..Spier Bewildered .Miller .... . Something Tells Me.;.... ... .... Witmark ........ Pb"p Cathedral in the Pi ... ...Berlin 1....... Pop Please Be Kind . Harms Pop Why'd Ya Make Me Fall in Love?.....Feist ... .,...Pop. Little Lady Make Believe......'.. Olman ..;..Pop You Leave Me Breathless. . .Famous ......... "Cocoa'nut Grove..-. Love Walked In.... iChappell ..•.,•• . 'GoldWyn Follies. .. How'd Ja Like to-i.ove Me?...-. Famous •College Swing..;. I You Couldn't B« Cuter. . .Chappell' . .........*Joy of Living.. . i Let Me Whisper... ;i Chaopell Pop Don't Be That Way ....'. Bobbins .. Pop On the Sentimental So Little Time.,..;,. .......... Day Dreaming... It's'the Dreamer in.Me Girl in the Bonnet of Blue I Fall in Love with You Every Joseph. Joseph I -Hadn't Anyone Till You In; a Little Dutch' Ki.ndergart My Margarita Stop and Reconsi Oh,'Ma Ma ay .. .Santly-Joy ...Shapiro .. .: .Remick ... ...Feist ..... .;iCrawford . Famous .. ... Harms ... • ••ABC •.... ,.. Fox ...Feist...... ...Lincoln ... • •Shaoiro .. . . •Dr. . Pod! . 'Golddiggers in Paris. .Pop .; .Pop . *College Swi .Pop .Pop . Pop . Poo Total. , 49 . 48 . 47 46 42 41 38 37 36 , 35 . 35 , 34 , 33 , 33 33 33 31 . 30 • 28 , 28 . 28 26 25 24 24 24 24 23 23 22 22 Pop Pod Ti-Pi-Tin w...Feist Pop ICs the Little Thinss That Count .Mark.-! -.Poo Garden in Granada..., ...Schuster-,' ..Pop My Heart Is Taking Lessons Santly-Joy "Dr. Rhvthni. 22 1 Love to Whistle. Robbins 'Mad About Music..,..., I'm Glad.I Waited for .• ....Stasny -..Poo Moonli jht in Waikiki Harms Poo Having Myself a Time..; Paramount •'Tropic There's Honey on the Moon '.Miller > Pop '.. You're An Education.^ Remick ' Pod Toy TrlimpetJ i Circle •Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. 1 Can't Face.the Music ;.. ;...Rimick Pod I Let a Song Go Out of Mills Pod I Simply Adore You Ascr-Yellen Poo At a Perfume Counter 'Oonaldson tC?sa Manana Revue I Got a Guy Cowboy from Brooklyn I Married An Aiigel Sunday in the Park In My Little Red Book...; It It Rains, Who Cares?..; Heiah-Ho ...,; Pof'roj the Cocktail • ; Latin Quarter Three Blind Mice i In the Shade of the New Apple Tree. Spring Is Here................... Alwa'y.<! and Always. ^ When They Played the Pol!:a... I Love You With All My Heprt. Moonshine Over Kentucky ..... Where Have We Met Befor . Fi.sher Pop Witmark . Rbbbins.. .Mills .... . Mark."! .., . Morris .. . 'Jerlin .., . Southern .n'?mick . . .Tehney .. . Chmnell .Robbins . ..Feist . i Ribb'iis.. ...Shapiro .. Robbins .:Robbins 22 21 21 21 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 IB •Cowboy from. Brooklyn. 18 . tl Married An Angel.. . iPins and Needles. .Pod . Pod .- , .'•Snow While ' .P6d , . ♦Golddiggers in Paris .Pod • tHooray lor Whot,. . il Married An Angel..-.... nnequin Good' Night. An?el. • •..... ... B("-lin When Stars Go to Sleep. Dips.v ' Doodle ^........ At Your Beck and Gall......... Whistle While You Work . Just Let .Me Look at You .. Loch Lbniond Who Are We to Say? It's Wonderful Ijost anH Found.. Do Ye Kon John Peel?. .\ Gyps.v: in My Soul Neglected , So Lovel.v ".., I Can Dream. Can't L? Who Do You Think I §aw List As Loii-r As We're Together.;... .^jimc "Sweet You C'nfl'r(». ,Tnd.Kisses. .-•. .....;,. in Mortitalioii. .•..'...'..... Sht Pitt's 'Make Believe .Ballroom^ Mbon of Manakoora. Miller .Linroln .ABC ...... .'Rsrlin .. ... . Chanoell . . Rbbbins.. . 1!'ei<:t ...... .Robbins . ^nntiv-Joy . w-iHin..... .Words- . Davis i'^rawtor . Mario ' '; .H?irm>;..... . Ribhin.'i . .. . Chaopell... . PTimoutU . MiHs.. • Kal 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 16 15 14.' 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 cials. 6 5 6 3 6 9 3 8 6 4 1 8. 7 3 2 S 6 4 1 3 4 5 4 4 5 2 4 4 5 d 4 2 9 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 2 6 1 3 2 0 6 3 2 0 Vocals. 31 29 21 37 21 21 23 27 19 25 24 19 21 18 18 6 23 15 18 16 15 15 13 17 10 10 8 IT 16 15 13 13 7 12 10 10 10 9 0 15 13 12 10 11 11 10 9 7 •10 9 6 5 4 12 9 8 8 11 10 10 9 « 3 9 7 5: 8 8 8 7 6 6. 6 6 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 July. Exits for a two-day sessi at Jenkinsoh's/'Pavilion, Point Pleas, ant. N. J., June 17-18. Tommy Clifford; swi playing at Wllmer Vogt's vern, Mduntaihhome, Pa.' Second suinn^er season in spot. Ill Hudson has; Swingtelte (seven linen) with hfs reorganized band. Ed De Lange exited. Allen Fielding to Hollywood hotel. West End, N. J., Mtiy 28 for the sum- mer. Abner Greshler set. Xonls. Armstronr.set for a week at at the Apollo theatre, N. Y., June 17. Willie Bryant follows July 1. rd Schllllnger . set for third season at the Inn at Buck Hill Falls, Pa. Kay Janet, from Detroit,- is vo- calist Beany Merofl held over four' days at Olmos Dinner Club; Sah Antoni erble Kay combo opens Thursday (2) for two-week stand at Imos Dinner Club. San Antonio. Johnny .Jay holding forth at Broadway Tavern, San Antoni Johnny ielder and his band has opened the Tourist Club Root, San Antonio. sit Lehman's Ambassadors how at 33' Club on the Albany-Schenec- tady -rbad. Sammy Vincent's orchestra opened last week' at Babcock-Lake iii the Grafton Mountains back of Troy. Geno Krupa, following Brunswick recording date in New.'Yprk tomor- tow (2), goes to Brpbklyh, June 3; Pottstbwin; June 4; Asbury" I»ark, June 5;-Mbntclair,. N. J., June.'6; Scranitbn,: June 7;. Earle theatre, Philly, week of June 10; Hipp, Balti* more, week ot June 17; Earlie, ^Wasli- Ingtoh, v/cek- of June 24;' Stanley, Pittsburgh, week of July 1; Fox, i3e« troit, week of July 8; theatre date, Chicago, week of July 15. CHARLIE BARNET AS CRA CHIEF SWINGER Charlie Barnet, saxophohist-maes-. trp, is being groomed by Consoli-* dated Radio Artists as t^eijr' bid in swing band tame competitions. Offlc« has been without any serious swing* jter since exit of Mills Artists prop* erties. Repr Ized band, which had been rehearsinjg for past four weeks, broke in at Pleasure Beach Park, Bridgeport, Conn., to around 1,000 admissions. Jane. Churchill, new- singer and former Paradise Restau- rant, N. Y., beaut, has been added as vocalist. Settle Out of Court In Gale-Nazarro Dispute Suit brought against Moe CJale l^v Nat Nazarro for $1,000 settled out of cburt this week with C.Ti.solidatert Radio Artists and Gale splillinif the undisclosed figure. Na7j»rrp wanted dough as soothar for Gale's talure to complete con- tracted Work on unit with Chick. Webb, Buck and Bubbles and co'jple of other colored acts. Gale had con- tracted'them and deal for tour fell through aftor one week's work. Band Review R.V\ WII.DE. ORCHESTRA With Marre Qoleman; Jimmy OInn, Joe Luke Hotel New Torker, N. T. Ran Wilde is a good billing for a competent, band, new to New Yolk. They hail from San Frahciscp but have been touring the midwestenv -Hitz -hotels, finally coming in . ith Ethel Shutta. for a special gala, and continuing on their own, now that Miss Shutta is.readying herself lor her Broadway opening. Wilde is a jiersonality batbneer who/alternates at the'ivories. ;Marge Coleman, harpiste, and Joe Luke, comedy songster, are the features. Jimmy Ginn handles the announce- ments of the ice show.and i.=i;pi'ol>- ably piermahent with the Hotel Ntfw Yorker, although billed as part ■)} the hand personnel. Wilde's dansapation is .smooth ver.-iatlle; mixin's; up tl'e rhumb 1 rhv(iims with the orthodox d5ii>.-i'' patlon. Abet.