Variety (Jun 1938)

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We<Ine64lay, June 1, 1938 LEGITIMATE GROSSES VARIETY 'WAGON'$14^; SEASON ENDS, PHUIY Road Legit Grosses EiUmaUd total frostci Usi week (.Based ori 4 shotcs) Total crosiies uioe week but year.......... . *. _I65,M (Based on 4 jhou-i) Philadelphia, May 31. Local legit season wound: up here last Saturday (28) when Guthrie Mc- Clintic's production of 'The Star Wason^ bowed out of the Forrest after two weeks ot healthy business. •you Can't Take It With You,' which had been getting nice run at the Locust, quit suddenljr the previous week and Tobacco Road clp.sed at the Erlanger at the same time.' _ . ^ ^ Estimate for Last Week-. . 'SUr Wagon,' Forrest (2.000; $2.83) (2d—final week). Maxwell Ander. son comedy-di-iama grossed Jj4,400 for the second stanza, after a $13,700 opening session; troupe moved to Boston for two more weeks, then folds; further tour is mentioned for fall. ' TRINCr SttLOUT IN L A. FOR 23G WEEK Los Angeles, ay 31. Second of the operetta revival of four, 'The Student Prince,' with Stanley Moriier in the name role, pulled another capacity turnout for; six night shows and a matinee. Scale top was dropped to $2.20 from first week's $3.85 'Blossom Time, chop- ping the gross from $40,000 to $23,500. ■, . Nothing else on view downtown, aside from Federal Theatre plays, ■ with Helen Hayes on deck for a three-weeker at the Biltmore, open ing June 6.' . . . _ EslimaU for Last Week 'The Student PrinSe,' Philharmonic (2 690; $2,20). Town's apptftite, for the old musicals is reflected at the ' boxoffice, nice $23,500. 'New Moon and 'Hdberta,' with Bob Hope, wind up the cycle. WPA •ProloKDc Ut Glory,* Hollywood Playhouse. Diie in June 16, to loi low'Will Shakespeare.' •The Sun Will Rise In the West,' Musart. Goes in sometime next month. „ •Blary's Other Husband,' Mason Comedy gets a June 14 bre aki *Take It' Ends Season, $7,000. in Port^ Ore. Portland, G^, Maiy 31. _. Touring company of 'You Can t Take It With You' had a profiUble week at the Mayfair, closing last Saturday night (28). House switched . over from a picture policy for the engagement, which wound up - the legit season here. EsUmate for Last Week 'Tan Can't Take It With Ton, Mayfair (1.500; $2.75) (single week). Kaufman-Hart comedy drew good response; $7,000. WPA PLAY CREATED EQUAL Salem, Mass., May 28. N|i:l6l'lr») ilriifiin. In .two Beta (ZT'sceneo) )>y Jdhn Hunter Booth; preiented by MaX'^iihii to Kfkleral Tbealre Pnlect un (l«r nU|>«rvJqlon of Booth. Directed by Jon B. MHck. Miislc. t:hurl«s Krenk; seltlne, pHiil Cadnrelte; contuhica, Catherine Pear •<in. At Kmplre, .Salem, .Mas«',. May 25. . Cast: >'i'«nk Thcimuii, 1.oulae KIrtUnd 'WllllRin WriKht, Arthur Barry. Oraee Mac Donald, t'lorrnve Walsh, Joaoph Ferloll Fred ^Sullivan, Ramon Gree'nlenf. John Taylor. .Inxfph Wllaon. Henry McCurdy Harry Ixi.well, Henry Crosaen, Bertram I'arry. Georite Itichurdaon. John Lyonn raul .<;iieelian. Juaeph Thayer. Cordollu McDonald, Karl DoCkerty. Carl Oofle. Evelyn. Uorn. Muriel Woodwaitl, Kendall l^orihrop, ItU'bard O'I.eary. ■lack Biiiea,. Amelia McClenny, Betty arrl!<h, Anna Baker. Fera Foster. Kl^u 'I'aiihko. .lohn Gra.nMeld. John Randolph nobcrt Veinnn. . Itusaell Clark, Mnlcoii Itlrkv. Tiuberi Lee. .Mary O'Keefe. Kober Fiiy, r.:iwn'nre A<1ailiF, Erneat 0'Uan>'on nij>- );rl<:kw.u. I'atrlrla Mackin, Ed.ward ' U'Dnniiell. ihii.-li Oilrba, Morinan- Wood niHM. l'>neHi 'Alevril.. Legit Grosses HAYES HIKES FRISCO, $31,500 IN 2D WEEK San Francisco, May -31. Extra Friday (27) matineei of Helen Hayes in 'Merchant ot Venice' at Currah theatre last week respon- sible for.her second week's'take top- ]>ing previous stint. Although, the ; Shakespearean play didn't draw ca- pacity, as 'Victoria Regina- has been doing, nevertheless biz was excellent. 'Prologue to Glory,' the only other lef^t offering in town, is-now in . its second week at the Alcazar theatre. EsUmatc for Last Week. •Victorlak Reglna,' Curran (2d week) (1,771; $2.75); Business better than last week, which was alrhost. car pacity. Did $31,500. Abraham So faer played Shylock and Helen. Hayes did Portia in a special matinee of 'Merchant of Venice' Friday (27). "This will be presented again this week with biz for the repeat per- formance looking better. WPA Prologue t» Glory,' Alcazar (2d week) (1.269: $1.10). Special conr cessions to WPA-workers always guarantiee capacity, and Glory' is no exception. Equity Okays Ticket Code; FurtheF Mulling relimihary approval of the thea tre ticket 'code of fair practic^' lias been given by representatives of the Actors Equity Assn. ..Further con- sideration will be given the matter by a special committee, which will report back 'to the association coun- cil at its regular meeting next Tues- day (7). Paul; N. Turner, Equity at rney, yesterday (Tuesday) recommended that two identical codes be issued. One will be signed by Equity and producers who are members of the J,eague of N. Y. Theatres,, the other will be for non-merhber producers. Similar agreements will also be signed by phorus Equity for the two cUssiflcations. Code was recently drawn up by the. league and submitted to Equity on the iiiider^tandihg that Equity would sign a one-year basic agree- ment covering legit production. Stirawhat Review THE FREDI Philadelphia, May 21. Drama by I... D. Kennedy; preaentcd by the Hedgerow Ihcaire In repertory. Staged by Jaaper Deeter. SettlnKH, Adrlenne Banc- ker. At the Hedgerow theatre. Media, P». Be<:kett Iller .Maurice MIrinIck Arthur,Tupper Michael .Stuart William WlKsan... ...Ted Fertik KlcharJ ...Morgan Sweeney Kdward Mellon ...JOBei>h Taubine Joaeph Mackenzie. I.uke Gelloy Peter I.umm Bttrney Green Cuplnln TragK'.... Mr. Jeffrea. Mr. Wenccie '>Ie..'ter Northneld., Daniel.. , Cordelia Quincey imam Ulric .Tohn Wallace ...i..Mahlen Nnlll .......Paul Metcalf ...Harry Slieppard Peter Kngel Frank Kelly . .Cele McLnuEhlln David MetcalC .. ...r.llllan Curtin .Joftcph. Leberinan 'Created Equal,' which premiered .in Springfield, Mais';., simultaneously with the- Salem opening, is one of the most pretentious theatrical en-, deavors conceived by the Federal Theatre Project here. At the same time, this American chronicle is Tight in the groove for the FTP.- It dramatizes inipbrtant U.S. his- torical sequences; from 1776 to 1938, with a prologue portraying briefly the royalist domination, which pi'ompted' the. establishment' of democracy in "America, 'Equal' em- ploys a cast of .about 100, and . a siz- able backstage crew. Above all. it alFTords the ciistomei-s .a fast-mpvinf,', entertaining and ■ picturesque pano- rama of the growth of the U.S. It belonRs on the FTP circuit. A rousing cheer for all relict projects in the final scene indicates thai 'Equal' is raw propagatida for the Democrats. But ifs the stuff that makes hii^tory a vivid study for -those uninoved by, textbooks. The tConlinucd on page' 55) Hedgerow's 126th production in Its rapertory is an admirable play for this kind of a group, but it's ex- tremely doubtful if it has any com- mercial possibilities. Written by L. (Lucy) D. Kennedy. Philadelphia matron, who has other plays to- her credit. 'The Fredi' belongs in the propaganda class. 'The Fredi" is a British freighter docked iri an American port, where .<!hes loading a cargo. When her crew—mo.<!t of thern World War vet- eran.s, learns that the cargo consists of war supplies, for fasci.<«t Spain, they refuse- to take the ship out of port. Their motives are two-fold:., authoress has us believe they are against aiding more warfare and that they believe the transportation of these war supplies is a violation of heutralily laws. But they are in a pitiful minority. The^ have as "support, though, one courageous, but helple.>;.'!, society ma- tron and her .<ion. But resiiill; is in- evitable. Their ye^nnen certificates are taken from theni and they're blacklisted, and their two lone sup- porters o.'-lracized. Jasper Deeler di- rected capably. Harry Sheppard, as the captain: Maurice Mlnni^ck, as the Spokesman of the crew: Cele McLaughlin as Mrs. Noithflcld: Peter Engle. as the port aacnl; Frank Kelly, as the con- .<;ul. and David Metc;.lf, as Mrs. NorlhTicld's' allruislic .son, are not- able in a good ch.>^t W'dtcrj. (Continued frorh page 1) 300 ($295,500' last season); aving. Wonderful Ti $'i52,500 ($105,500 last season), Borrowed. Ti $244,000; 'Between the Devil,* 000 (but a failure); 'Three ,' $233,5 (also a failure); 'Shadow and Substanice, $214^500; ' ,' $191,000; ' ins and Needles,' , ; 'Doll's ,' $162,000; 'Once Is j Enough,' $139,000; 'Sea Gull.' $102,-1 000; 'Bachelor ,' $101,000. I , Mercury Theatre repertory- grossed api^roximately- $381,000 (shows in- cluded 'Julius Caesar,' 'Cradle Will Rock,' 'Shoemaker's Holiday' .and 'Heiirtbreak House'). "'Father Mala- chy's Miracle' drew about $165,500,. but failed to get but of the red. 'To- varlch,' which drew $65.1,500 during the- 1936t37 season, added another $99,500 during this season before go- ing .on tour. 'Virgini ,' the Hocke- feller musical, pulled iii $166,000, but also failed to its original nut. 'I Married an Angel.' with a gross of $74,000 for its first three weeks, and 'What a Life,' which, has rolled tip a take of $49,000 and is still building, look like future heavy coin shows. Sam Harris, No. 1 Of the producers, Sam H. Harris far and away the biggest grosser on Broadway. Counting his. "I'd Rather Be Right,' 'You Can't Take It With You' arid 'Mice and. Men,' the showman could point to a total take of $1,813,000 in New. York. . In addi- tibni Harris had road companies of 'YOU Can't Take It WOth You' aiid 'Stage Door.' The Shuber with 'Hooray for What!' 'Between the Devil.' Three Waltzes,* 'The Shtiw Is On',' "Bachelor Born'.arid a hall-inlerest i 'Shadow and ^ub.stancc,' were at least partly represented by a total gross of $1,- 5.09,500. Poi !ed out. however, that most of their shows were costly pro- ductions and failisd ta get a profit. Figuried 1937-38 was. comparatively unsucce.ssful iOr the Shuberts. G&orge Abbott, with 'RoOrh Ser- vice,' 'Brother Rat,' 'Angel Island,' 'All That Glitters,' 'Brown Sugar,' 'What a Life' and the tag end of the 'Boy Meets Girl' run, gro.ssed a trifle more than $1,000,000. While 'Island,' 'Glitters' and' 'Sugar', were all flops, Abbott more than made up their losses on 'Roorh. Service' and 'Brother Rat.' Including road tours, the latter two shows wiere figured to have grossed in the neighborhood of $i2,000,000 this season. Wimaii and Gordon. Swight Deei-e Wiman, with OBabes in Arm.s,' 'On Borrowed Time' and 'I Married an Angel,' had total- ing $764,200 this reason. Max Gor- don had a $705,800 gross on ' 'The Women,' but otherwise his season was a washout, his two other shows, 'Save Me the Waltz' and ^Spring Thaw,' being quick flops. John Gold- en had only the smash 'Susan' and God' tor $632,500. Guthrie McClintic totaled a gross of $498,400 on three productions, "Star Wagon,' 'Barches. ter Towers' and 'How to Get Tough About It.' Latter two were failures. In this connection, it ."should be noted that Katharine Cornell was inactive this season. Besides his highly profitable 'Vic toria Regina,' touring show, Gilbert Miller had a total gross of $356,600 with Tovarich," 'Once Is Enough'and 'French Without Tears.' With 'Our Town" and 'Doll's House," Jed Harris was back in the heavy coin aSain after several lean years for a total gross of $352,000. Pointed out also that 'boll's ' had a. long and profitable tour before reaching Broadway. Except- for (he Ltmts. the Guild had a dismal .v-eason. Their. 'Ghost of Yankee Doodle.' 'Madame Bpvary,' 'To Quito and Back,' 'Washington jitters' and 'Wine Of Choice' reached a combined total gios."; of only $291 000 for 28 week? playing time. 'Am- philr>oh' and 'Sea Gull,' however, pulled $402,000. Authors' income.^ are hard 1o fig- ure becau.«e of the .sliding royalty setup and also because there are fre- quently cOriipIicalcd sHiiring .<;plit- ups. However, Geor^ie S. Kaufman and Moss Hart appear far and away the leading money-iVi.Tkcrs of the season. Pair had 'Td Rather Be Right' and 'You Can l. Take It ilh You.' Maxwell Andcr.von $423,900 oh "Slai- W.iRon.' Other coi - .•^narers were Cl.Tre Eoolhe ('Women,' $705,300). John Murniy-AIIen Boretz: ('Room Service;"' $fi;)n:O0O), Rachel Crothet-.': C u.'--;in and God,'tfi32.500) and Cli orti .Orlei.' c-GoIden Boy' $38'! ,000). 'ith fibacc" Memorial Day Tilts B way Grosses, Dozen Sellouts, Boosts All Around; 'Anger 28G,'Righn9G at Music Box B'way Legit Grosses Estimated total grosses last week .jll'J, (Based on 18 .shoins) Total grosses same, week last year.......... (Based oil 18 sliotus) Long Memorial' Day weekend was a boon to Broadway. As the natives vacated towii, residents from the outer metropolitan area took over, and Saturday night^(25) saw excel- lent attendance all along the line. Afternoon of the holiday, itself <30) the main' stem looked deserted^ but the manascrs were smiling, for clis tomers packed virtually all of the dozen inatinees. Weather was sunny and on the cool ish side. Top money is being- drawn' by 'I Married an Angel,' paced at $28,000. Monday afternoon's (30) perform- ance was sold out before the box of- fice Opened. 'I'd Rather Be Right,' which led, the list during the season, picked up. after deserting the Alvin for the Music Box and, with a Sat- urday night ■ (28) sellout, 'rossed closi to $19,000. ' Popularity of the middle section Of the show, zone is emphasized as. the sum.-ner period opens, 45th street in particular. There are si.\ shows op- erating on that, thoroughfare and tiiree on 44th strieet,.or nine out of a total of 19 shows. Another tHo is spotted on 48th strieet, with the re- inaining seven scattered. Nine or 10 attractions look Teason- ably.sure of staying well throuiih the heated period, if not holding oyer into next season, but the chahce.s of the others are not so definitely iridi- catie^. Advance reports on 'The Two Bour qtiets,' imported play -with , music, which oiiened last night (Tuesday) at the Windsor, are favorable on the strength of its previews. run show, 'Golden Boy,' closes this week at the Belasco. No other- slated withdrawals for Saturday (4). stimales for La.<st eek <Baclielor Born,' Lyceum (19th' week) (C-957; $3.30). Good share of influx into town for holiday; tak-' ings' approached $6,000 and .; cast benefited by percentage arrange- ment. 'Golden Boy,' Belasco (31st week) (C-l,OOO-$3.30). Final week; hit drama, ending season and should do well on tour next season: average better than $13,000; lately around $8,000. •I Married An Angel,' ubert (4th week) (M-1,387; $4.40). Drawing standee trade and easily leads the field by wide margin; around $28,000; about all it can get at scale. 'I'd Bather Be High!,' Music Box (31st week) (M-1.019; $4.40). Picked up nightly throughout first week sirice moving /rom Alvin; with ca- pacity Saturday night, gross approx- imated $19,000. 'On Borrowed Time.* Longacre (18th week) (D-1,019; $3.30). Siib- istantial hit that is aimed for summer span; business lately off from eairlier pace, but okay at $12,000. •Our Town,' orOsco (18th week) (D-961; $3.30). Getting top coin (C-901; .30). Laugh ishow building up advance sale; tnudcrate gro.sser inaking some coin and due to -stick through summer; tip last week; ly $8,000. 'Whiteoaks,* Hudsoii (lOlh week) tCD-l,094-$3.30). Dropping , .nlur- day perforitiances and playing three matinees: show mainly matinee draw; $7,500 last week. •You Can't Take It With Yoti,* Booth (77th week) (C-708: $3.30». Doing ail right and still getting best money among the lon.g runners; up Somewhat \vcck with gross over $8,000. Added 'Pins and Needles,' Labor tage (26th week) (R-500; $2.75). Touring unit doing fairly well; No. 2 group may stick well throiiqh summer; es- timated around $7,000. Revivals 'The Circle,' Playhouse (7th week) (C-879; $3.30): Agiiin approached $10,000 level and is announced to play ihio July; continuance there- after dependent On weather. 'Heartbreak House,! Mercury (6th week) (CD-622: $2.20).,. Last three weeks.announced; moderate business, with takings aiOund $4,500 but . to some profit. WPA .'One-Third of a Nation,' (20th week). 'Prologue to Glory,'- week). 'Haiti,' week).' ' 'On the Bocks,' definitely. Sthch in Time Saves Fpor from Cast Of Stranded 'Sun-Up' Four players out of the seven who appiiared In 'Sun-up,' which stranded recently in:D.enver, returned lo.New York last week, making the trip in a trailer, dwiried by Lucille Laverhe, who topped the cast. Although the show hit the rocks, legiters regaled friends with stories of the ride back in the jalo'ppy. There was enough coin for gas, but they . subsisted, principally .on canned sardines,-they said. Twice tlie. .journey came close to tragedy and it's said that iss La- Verne's backseat driving was^ re- sponsible, so she was banished to the trailer. Car got stuck at a rail-, road crossing and a ."speeding train was approaching. Miss Laveriie jumped out, rushing along the right of way, waving a nightgown in one hand and a frying pan in. the other, shouting: 'Don't hit my trailer.* Engineer stopped the train withi a feW feet of the outfit. Status of the 'Sun-up' troupe was. straightened out, it being shown that vlrhile the show was wildcatted, com- pany went to the road from Los Angeles after having complied with Stated that thi Coast Equity rules. , ^ ,. -; ,- , office provided bus transportation r.?rJr"'''SfirJ."^r^tS;; V fare to Los Angeles from CaUup. N. go through suiinmer period; probably will move to another hoUse; $14,000. 'Room Service,'^ Cort (55th week) (C-1,064; $2.20). At pop scale, run comedy going along to modest gro.s-ses but making some money; last week again around $5,000. 'Shadow and SubsUnrc,' Golden .(19th week) (D-789; $3.30). One of the best imported dramas in sea- sons; not among,the higher brackets but making good profit; over $10,000. 'Susan and Gnd,' PIvmoiith (35th week) "(CD-I.106: $3.30). Nearly at end of excellent run. which termi- nates June 10; takings last week arouiid $13,000. The Women,! Barrymoce (75lh week) (C-.1.048: $2.',!0). Another run show still milking coin: oh nercenl- age scheme with olayers; takings last wefik somewhat bettor: tfl.OOO. 'Tobaicco Road,' Forrest '234th week) (C-1.107: Longest stayer in season?: with house and show imder sarne management and operating nut ,low it gels'by; $4,.'i00. 'Two Bouquets.' Windsor fist week) (M-9(i:t; S.I.BS). .Presented by Marc Connelly and Bcla laU; period nlay with music by 'Eltianor and Her- bert Far.ieon: hit in Lotidon; opened last night (Tiie.sdav).- ■WbataLlfe,' iltmorc ' week) M., where' the play was supposed to have folded. Three rhembers tit tlie troupe returned to the Coast from that poiiit but the others chose to make Ihe Denver date, with the idea of helping out manager Arthur M. Oberfelder, who was all in the red. That is given as the iexplanation why Equity's Coast of- fice did not provide transportati from Denver. Tins-Needles' Quits Hub, ll'/zG, 3d Wk.; 'Wagon' In Boston, May 31. 'Pins aiid Needles' left (own Satur- day (28) alter three okay frames, and 'Star Wagon.' starring Burgess Meredith and Lillian Gish. replaced at the Shubert for two stanza* yes- terday (30). This will probably be tht closer for the Hub. .Estimate for l-ast WetV •Pins and Needles," .Shubert (3d. final week) (1:590: $2."20i. An- nouncement of lin;ir frame pt.iktd it up a bit. I'ltH.-^iiic Sll .m drawing $281,400 in il< fom lh vear. Jack Kirkiiirid win- al50 iat(-il a,>- doing all ri(!h1. Any report im aiilh ii..-' ■;.mi'nv-. < f. .course. mii'l , incliiilc oci'' Houseman. wlif..-(' ■Vicl''i i.-. I,(i,'^iiia'1 Hoad' lhas bc(; • /ROV.. $2,840 I']-<)v-i(l( r <v. May 31. What had prcvifnisl.v been hailed' .-i.'- a p<is.sil)[c suminci .'■(•n.Miii dl stock turnOtl; intr» a ihrct-wi-ck run at the Mayhou.';f. I 'Hii;h Tot' ' $2,010,