Variety (Jun 1938)

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Wtedpesday^ June 1, 193S.. GHATTER VARIETY^ 5S Bjll Norton entertaining slster-in- Jaw from Chicago. Willie Harris, of the Millier, ., goins on South American crui Alexander Haas renewed as musi- cal director for Henry Miller theatre.. Al Trahan slated for several muny. op guesters in 'St. Louis' thri summer. Ed Seay,' Rainbow. Room publicist^ bacli to work: after six weeks' illness. Arthur j.'raisl. Par attorney, wcek> eiidios at Oscawanna Lake in. West- chester. Henry Hull, Jr.. will be ager at the Bridgehampton, Long Island, strawhat. Raymond (Young &) . Rubicam quite a- rhiimba dancer around, the smarter boites., Cal . Swanson hosted- Bob Burns and hfs wife oh their quickie visit to town last. .week.' Harry Royster's abscessed gum, caused by the root ot a tooth left there 18 years ago. Bob Miiford left for the Coast Friday (27) to see .boiit presenting •The Women' there. Leslie Whalen, 2iBthrFox for^eign, publicist, back from brief visit to Atlanta over Vveekeiid. Anne Solohjbn, secretary to Harry kalcheim in Paramount, a $500 wi - her in. Irish sweepstake?. Carlo Buti, tenor, sailed Satuirday (26) for Rome t'o star' in three pic- tures for Romolus Film Co. Harold Rome' trained to . Chicago Saturday (28)'to attend-'Pins and Needles' opening Monday-(30). Morris Stoller admitted to tlje N. bar; He's assistant to Nat. l*fko- wlt.z at the 'William Morris Agency. Miltdii H. Feld, east.with Mrs. Feld on busineiss.'left Friday (21) for the Coast on a future producing connec- tion. Warner Club holds its annual out- ing at Bear Mountain June 22. Ralph Biidd, personnel head, bossing. Home office Warnerites threw ,a farewell lunch Friday 427) at the Hotel Lincoln for Herbert Crooker, resigned. Irene Thirer;, film critic of N. Y. Evening Post, has gone to Hollyr wood to join her husband, Zac Freedman: Gitta Alpar,. Hungarian musical comedy, and'film star, due in New York this fall, following her South American season. Morris Helperin, personal riep for Alexander Kprda,' probably will sail for London June IS. May be gone for around five week& A\. Dwinell, member of Alpine Quartet, at St. Vincent's hospital recouping' from, appendectomy. In a week and improving now., .. Ruth LeBeau has been appointed ieastern representative of Hitchcock's Talent Data Service, Hollywood, which will get out a N. Y. edition. Oscar Levant calls Lindy's ,10 Downing street. As the diplomatic clearing house for the songwriters, pluggers, et al., it's an apjpropriate enough billing. A badly cut hand is what -Bob Shapiro, assistant mgr. of the Para- mount, got when he turned a faucet gadget .too roughly, breaking it in his King .Kohg fist. Gladys Feldman, prez of the Zieg- feld Girls Club, who becomes hostess at La Boheme, dittoed at Bernard Sobel's farewell party. £x-Zicgfeld publicist, now with Mietrct,- sails to- day XI) on a holiday abroad. A class hark-back to the .speakeasy era is the Elbow R'oom on East S2d, a $25-a-head membership restaurant, ..sans- name on the outside, which opened a week ago. Heavily mir- rocd room iseats 85 and was decor'd by Norman Bel Geddes. Lillian Fischer, fashion consultant in Paris, arrived in New York Mon- day (30) to act as consultant on 'Artists and Models Abroad,' which Paramount is making on the Coast She ,is Wife' of Frank Farley, Pat's studio representative- in France. Jutta Freybe in the leads. Scrip! by Fred Hildenbrandt. Francisco Mignone, from Rio de Janeiro, conducting 'Madame Butter- fly' with Greek soprano, Tycha Tur- litaki, in title role. 'Highways Of the .Future,' a cul- tural-film oh Germany's new aiito speedways, to come, out in 'German, English and-Italian, Paiil Martin directing Ufa's ;T6 Be Continued,' with Frauke Xiauterbach, Victor Staal, Gustav Diessl and Erika von-TTiellmanh heading the cast. London Paris Morris Gest in town. Gaby Morlay i ' "ice. Mertbn Hodge in town. Nara Padio in'from Lohdon., Pauley dead from pneurironi Chez Florence shuttered again. Madeleine. Carroll off .to Rome. ierre Dac editing humor Georges Mil in from Brussels. Miget Delphin. commiit suicide. I'Bruno IValter dir ting,' jdielo' at opera. Yvette Guilbert off for • citals. 'The' in Lux- embourg; Elyane Cells o rated- oh for .ap- pendicitis. Angeiita Veiez off for South Amer- ican tour. Entire ABC show held over for' third week. Don Juan, ry, open again. Maurice .Chevalier writing column of Paris-Spir. Jan Kiepura -and Martha Eggcrth off. for 'Italy... Clbtilde and Alexandre Sakhardff off for Italy. .-'Virage Dangerea'ux' at Theatre Pigalle; ^ G<eorges Carpentier charity boxing at-Salle W^ram^ ' Charles and -Kathleen in and on to-London, Lucienne Bojfer schedul for ABC appejarance. Luna Park open again with .en- trance fee doubled. 'Thi Millibnaires'i" 1 at Theatre de I'Oeuvre. Greenland will furiiish backgro.iind for Leo Joannon's next 'Alerte eh Meditcrranee,* starring Pierre FreSiiay, finished. ' Abel Gance anhbunci has three hew films on tap. Arletty to partner Jean tiabin in his next'Train d'Enfer.' Berlin Im the Harry iel celebrali years. Par's: 'Double or Nothi Kurbel, clicking here. Frankfort opera off on guest per formances to the Balkan;^. . Noel Coward's 'Fallen Angels' at the English theatre here. Christiart Kaysslcr to ibin Bava- lian State Theatre in Munich next fall. Bayreuth playhouse used as set for Ufa's. 'Guest Performiince in Para- disff^.' . Karin Hardt, screcner, how tread- ing the boards in Barry Conners' 'Little Patsy.' ' Kurt Engcl and Fritz oehmer, Ufa execs', off to the U.S. for a squint at the American field, 'Kabarett dcr Komikcr* reopening in September under new mariage- merit of Willi.Schaeffers! Sacha'Guilry'5 'Les'Pcrlcs de la COuronhe' spared . tip, to the 500th performance at, Aslor, Klirfursten- damm. , Karl Ritter shooting German avia tor film with 'Paiil Hartmanh and Dita Parlo .signing to play top in 'La Dame'de Monte Carlo.' Francihe, brother of Ferhandel, planning hall debut. Victor Boucher back in cast Of 'Lie, Valet Maitre' after month's rest. ■ Gilbert Dupre .has ■written ; new scenario,' 'La Foire aux Femmes.' Georges . Thill, in . front Central Europe, off for'South American tour.. Charles, Vanel going to turn direc- tor, producer and actor for his next, film. Fernandet signing ; with Marcel Achard to make film in Berlin next year. Reda-Caire sign! with Daniel Norman to make rince de Mon Coeur.' Charles Laughlon's next with Eric Pommer -to be made on the. Cote d'Azur. Hughes Panassie, French author and music critic, going to Ui. S. this iiummer. Paulette Pax going to make film debut in 'Werther,' which Max'Op- huls is making. Marlene Dietrich and hu,<;band. Rudolph Siebert, off for Lausanne to visit daughter. Yvonne Printernps .and Gieorges Thill- going to costar in" Giistave Charpientier's,'Louise.' 'Visages de Femmes' is George La- combe's next with Meg Lemmonier and. Pierre Brasseur. Elvire Popesco sighing to. act in Sacha Giiitry's next production at Theatre .de la Madeleine, . Danielle Darrieux going to. make 'Katia' and 'Retour a J'Aube' before she. goes~ back to Hollywood. ,, John Loder and wife, Micheline Cehirel, signing with Eugene Der-i: land for couple's first film together. Henry Garat and Jacqueline De- lubac off to Cote d'Azur to .start L'Acroche Coeur,' by Sacha Guitry. Michel Simon and. Marguerite Mo- reno, sighing for 'Chaleur du Sei ,' which Raymond Rouleau is directing. Maiirice Schwartz 'and 'Brothers Ashkehpzi' troupe taking over The- atre Porte-Saint-Martin for six weeks, Mirielle alin. Michel -Simon. Tilo- Scbipa .set for top places In "Tcri'c :C|e Feu,' which Marcel THcrbicr is (iirecting. Jean Murat and Edwigc Fciiillerc off for the Riviera to comn-.crice 'J'Etais'une Advcnturiere.' Raymond Bernard directing. Jean Tranchant writing mUsic lor musical comedy 'Champion,' by Jean' Bover and Vercourt, which is irig produced at Theatre Daunou, Harry Baiir, Louis Jouvet, Jacque- Deliibac and MariOn Dorian Afrique waxing some of his im- personations for Decca. . George Dormpnde off to Swedcri for July, then to South America. Hildegarde due to ireturni. here to open at )he Berkeley hotel,. June 20. : William Mollisoii treated for slight deafneis in one of his'ears. Metro moving its local- production offices from Waterloo Place to Den- hani. Morris Goodman, Republic Pic- tures exec., expected here end of J une. J. B. Priestley will shortly produce another play, titled 'Johnson Over Jordan.' Al Krelberg, representing; Princi- pal Pictures, Inc., over here for local hookliP- ' , ■ Derval after Clnda Glenn for the hew Folies Bergere revue, due in August -Vic Oliver signed for the Christmas season show of. Dorchester hotel cabaret Dick Krakeur, of the Louies' Shurr .office,' over here on a talent scouting expedition. Jesse Goldberg here representing Progressive Picture»„and looking fpr: local release. ~ Jake Shubert is latest American to join the Sterling, formed by local Americans. Lawi-ehce Wright has signedl Art and Bob Dale to songsmith. exclu.sivdly for him. Herbert ilcOx has signed con- tract to release two pictures through Paramount in-England. Max Milder has forsaken his apartr ment iii . Berkeley . Court for new .house'in Hampstead. Opening of Metro's Test ilot,' at the Empire, brought out many nota- bles .in the 'flying 'field. Murray Silverstpne will be here foF the. wedding of his 'sist«r-in-law, j Rose Littmah, to Hyijnan Feld,-which takes place on. June 23. 1 .; 20th C6ntury-Fox hais rejoin . the iKinematograph Renters Society after i being oiit for'some.months. Cyril and Bernard .MillSi. soiis of I the late Bertram' Mills, are writing a bipgraphy of the showman, ' I'eliX; Mendelsbhh switching pub- licity ' job - from Peter Maurice Co. to-Lawrence Wright MCisic Co. •Vlvi-Ann Hulten to'star in 'Dash- ing Blades,' the' La'ngdon ice show, due to open at Blackpool this week.' , Next show at the Haymarket- will be -'Comedienne,' a new play by Ivor Novelio, starring Lilian Biralthwaite. Lord Lee, of Fareham, for many years vice-president \of GrB, is oiit, with no one scheduled to replace him. Diana Wynyard signed for-''Lady Haihiltoa role in the Leslie How'ard- Gabriel Pascal-picture on the. life of Nelson^ Ann • Lenner, sistei* of 3uAy. Shir- ley and vocalist in Carroll Gibbons' band, hospital with appendix trouble. Alec Waugh by air to Sudan for exterior research fpr 'The Four Feathers,' next big XjOndon tech< nicbloi: opii.s. Max Schach commuting between London and Parjs,. and expects to have. a. bankroll to start fllm-produc tion shortly. Maxwell Wray has been elected to direct "Pri-son Without Bars,' first to take, floor on Alexander Korda's new Denham program. Scott Sanders expected to play a part in Metro's "The Citadel' over here, providing he can get out of his vaudeville dates. Daughter born to Eileen Peel May IT, She made her -la,st stage appear- ance in 'The Constant Wife' revival with Ruth Chattcrton.. Associated British Picture Corp.'s football team copped the silver cup given by the . Kinematograph Rent- ers Society Football league. Firth Shepherd has taken a further three-year of the Gaiety, with musicals to be heaided .'by Leslie Hcnson and present Gaiety, Syd Jackson, who has quit General Films, where he was gen- eral supervisor, has joined United Artl.sts in ah executive capacity. Florence Desmond out of'theJPos ters' vaudeville unit, being Operated on for kidney trouble. Stanley Hol- lo way replaced at. Empire. Liverpool. Contract not yet closed, but il',s considered a certainty Alfred Lunl and Lynn Fontnnnc will do a picture here for Kbrda before returning Holborh Empire, Harry ichman spends ?iis Sundays away from this grind by playing the Hotel de Pai j.s, at Brny, a river resort about 30 miles, out of London. Manualo .Bel- Machachns; b.ind which Albert de Courville .signed when he heard-it in Paris, makes Us first London appearance at the Do- minioa cinenia 'J6ne 6. Goes to tlie- Palladium.June 20. Jack Buchanan has bought .'Ho-, yina,' produced at the Aldwych by the' Repertory Players, . br'igihaVly purchased by Parnell &-ZeJUIn. who will cast. Show will be. ddne at the St, James this month; John Gielgud'.s 'Merchant- of Venice' will not play Golder's-Greeii Hippodi-ome .because the theatre's niahagement is said to fear Glclgud's Shylock would prove offensive tO the big Ideal Jewish population, Erte, designeir of .scenes for. Zleg- teld shows and George. White's 'Scandals,' and mdre. recently for the. London's 'It's in' the Etafi,' en- gaged by George Black for the next Palladiuni 'Crazy' show in Septem- ber. 'St Martin's Lane,''secOnd picture made by Mayflower Pictures, the Charles Laughton-Erich Pommer company, will be first- shown in FolkstOne at the Cinematdgraph Ex-, hibitors' Assn's conference next month. Hol^ood Adele Dixon, who quit-'No Sky So Blue,' has been engaged by George Black to co-star:lh the new musical at the London Hippddrbme, which starts rehearsing next month; Stan- Icy Liipind. and Frances Day also engaged. Sybil Thorndike, a .newcorri^r to forthcoming seasOii of. Shakespeare Opera and classics at the Open Air theatre. Regent's Park; also Nan Maryskai who is to sing in '(3osi Fan Tutte.' Sydney C^artoll's subscription appeal has been oversubscribed, . Within three days of Sydney Car roll's appeal for the requisite $25,000 to guarantee .this season's open air theatre for Shakespearean and class- ical performances, $75,000 was re- ceived.. This , year, opera Is. to be included. Opens with The Marriage Of Figaro,'Saturday (28). The'Chesterfields, "who. are one of the hits in the new Coliseum show, 'The Engadihe Express,' have been signed by Henry Sherek for the Dor- chester hotel cabaret, Juhe.20. Just as they were signaturing, the -MCA London office want^ them to epien at. Grosvehor House. John Cdrfldld, head of British Na tional Films,, subsidiary- of Asso- ciated British Picture Coirp., doing 'Bird in the Bush,', by Stafford Dick- ens, at Welwyn studios sometime this month.- Has also sighed Billy Car- roll and Hilda Mundy for 'Lassie from Lancashire'; both to be done for ABPC. Conciliation (Continued from page'3) hent special, master, who would act as,arbiter with full authority tO t- tie zoning and clearance, complaints using the Fox West Coast decisions as a working, ba:j -.. But there !■ ixO unani ily of opinion aniong legal lights On the matter. Several the idea in the belief that this would be the opening wedge for possible governiTtehtal cOhtrol. This voluntary plan, whereby major distributors an>- a leader in the exhibitor branch o the buslne.s.s would place <.U future relations on clearance and zoning (and presum- ably product buy matters) in the hands o£ a government rcpreschla-: tive, would be an unusual departure In the Industry. iOecause it could mean supervlsjon an,;! ultimate con- tro'. of a large circuit's film buy.s and playing time, major company legal- ists feel (hat it 'wou'' establish a pirecedent whereby the federal gov- eriin ent might force similar' proced- ure, in other situations. Zoning and clearance complaints from Indie exhibitors in California' alleging violations Of t-'ie 1930 conr sent decree by the circuit have been filed by the justice departrnent in recent years, and^ast year it brought another f,eder:il probe of the South- ern California exhibitor situation. Under ., the government's .special mu.slcr plan any decisions he would hand down Would be final and lute for all parlioj involved. While i Hal B. Wallls to Honolulu, A, C. Blumenthol planed in; Ted Tetzlaff bedded by cold. CecU B, DeMille a grandfather,: AUIous. Huxley gandcring studio., M.a.-j Stciner on .Hawaiian vacation. Sam Cbslo,w in from Mexico City. Edw'did Ludwig ofT for 'Me'x vaca^ ,tlon, Irving Rubi Voik, Bca Lake, Everett Giosby boii.;; stable,. Joan Mexico, Nat Deverich has llvrombosis of the leg. MiltOn Berle, new mem ASCAP, MarRaret LI after flu. Hi TT.Swanson to New YOrk on business. Lola Lane back at vacation. Buddy- Lohgworth recuperati Big Bear. Merna Kennedy bought a home i Van Nuys. Dick Love hew tennis champ at Paramount Dr. A. H, Gi j a ve desert Gale Page back at eye trouble,, Jack Oakie whittled off 40 pounds in -isix weelcs. Jeannette MacDonald taking tech- nicolor tests; , Kenneth MacGOwan hdadi Mex vacation, Richard'Bond here from Broadway for film debut. . Michael -Jacoby scribbling staff. Reginald Owen -bought a ranch i Morahgd, Valley. Virgil t-iart upped to assistant- rector at 20th-Fox. , James -Hogah back from vacati 10 pounds heavier. Ian Hunter taki ment for dog bite. - Lloyd Bacon:to l^ew Ydr and pleasure. Robert Buckner and bri la.ved, hdneymoon. Wendy Barrie coiled back to Co-, lumbia for retakes. . Henry Hull to his home-for amoBth. Joe Cohen leaving this week for.a vacation in EuMpe. - Yacht Club Boys due to go to Lon- don late this month. Patricia Ziegfeld mdtlier, Blllie Burke. Maxine Thomas back after lOsing appendix. Dorothy Cdmingore'i. name is Kay Winters. - Old- friends thr{),wing dinner for Arch, Reeve. John Sutherland hew assis Sarh Engel at 20th-Fox. , June Gale, back from 1 checked in at 20th-Fox. David Howard and boatload of guest^ cruising Mex coast. Jaines- Moore leaving Paramount after, 'years as test director. ■ David O. Selznick elected honorary member of Mark Twain Society. Elizabeth Patterson turned down Theatre Guild role on Broadway. - Richard Rosson on his waiy' to Bra- zil to shoot native voodoo dances.' Jerry Keyser here, to for- eign publicity matters at Warner.s. Frank McCarthy here .from Broad- way as technical advisoir at Warners. Ruby Keeler' tossed a birthday party for Al Jolson at their EncinO home; Glenda Farrell leaving late next month to strawhat in Ogpnquit, Maine. Budd Schulberg leaving Selznick- Internatlohal to catch up with mag assignments. Melville Cooper arid Gloria Dlc-k- .son to inneapolis for world p"-'tr miere of 'Gold Diggers in Pails' (WB), Meyer Gerson, here several months, has closed a lease on a Hol- lywood site where he will shortly open a restaurant and bar. Chicago scheduled '•to- appear in . 'Vplpbne,' j Coll.seurii, June 6, for 12 weeks, wU which Augusto- going to option woke, I Dpi" '°S(e Jack Buchanan's denial '^e idea back of t would be to pre that he\s negotiating to pui' anli-lrust actions by the sov Amalgamated Studies, . understood |ernment. neither ihe dislnbutois, the that deal is oh, with Tiiylor-Walker, | circuit or exhibitors v/ould have any miljidnarrc. brewers, as his backcr-s. ■ j/uaranlce that anti-trust suits would Tamara Geva throwing a party-at 11,^ liallcd.. the RItz hotel in honor of Henry Sherek; who departed for America. Slicrck postponed his New York trip for a week due to illness of hi,s mi.ssu,s, Gaudsmith Bros, arrived Londpn from America (i.:30 p/m, arid bpcncd at the Empire, Ghiswick, 7:45. Act joes into 'The- Eng.ndlne Express.' -Many favor an industry-ihstltulr^ conciliation organization- to .scltls nich di.spiite.s, as a far-more salisfae- lory move. And it would mean that, rulinft.s of siich conciliation setuf> j would always be available if .Wd I when any court aclion.s .sholiid- be' I ,«tartcd by a di.sgrunilcd party still dt witisncd with the f'icisio/i of an iniparlinl conciliatory bo<lyv Irving Mack on fishing trip, Nate Perlsteiii back frOm Coast Joe Gla.ser in for confabs oh band, placements. Sum BramSOn i operation. Joe Fcger opening his new Avcnu Club as a summer spot. Dave Davidson, ex-plcture, with WJJD as tinie-salesman. Jimmy Whippile now' with Lord & Thoinas agency , here Senator Murphy off on a Euro and southern hemlspnerc tour.- For Is birthday last-week Henry u.^-se got. a new auto from the fi;iii; Arch Hcrzoft first of the Baliiba Si Katz . press staff to head for va- cation. Philip n. Davis,h.i.s published hi^ lecture, "Let's Be Sensible About DivorPe' Show Folks cliib holding ..shindi In Bal Tabarln. Juanilu Oliver, v;- m.c.'ing. .liinrny Luntzel, B&K press .■ftaff, to Omaha last week for. (|uitk (•pnfab with: Father Flanagan.of ppy? Town! Luntzel- may aid in general. >«ploitalion of 'Boys Town';pictUre being made by Metro,