Variety (Jun 1938)

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Wednesday* lune 8, 193ft PICTURE GROSSES VARIEtY 9 '3 Comrades' $17,000 in Chicago; Sally Rand Aids Underworld' \% 'Saml'-Pearce 25G, T-Dorsey 18G Chicago, June 7. General loop strength has . been sapped considerably by the shutter- ing of the Oriental by Balaban & Katz, aiid the reaction has been dis- appointing to the B. & K. home office which had figured that the closing of the 'big vaudfllmer woiild aid the other houses. It hasn't worked oiit that way, however. ^ ^ . ' It had been expected that the darkening of the.Oriental would send its regular patronage loto the Chi- cago where there are enough seats tor everybody. But the Chicago isn't getting that paronage.. In fact, since the folding of the Oriental tlie Chicago , gross has been lagging. Currently, doesn't figure lor better than $19i000, sad take lor this mam- moth spot. general pace ol the loop is the holdover of 'Son of the Sheik>' garnering an excellent take for its second session in the Garrick, In the vaudAlm field the strength Is between the Palace and the. State- Lake, th^ former With the Al Pearce gang on the stage, and the. latter vrith Sally .Rand bacl( in towii; Peafce is. showing an upped bqx- pfFice strength, from his previous visits to this burg. ^'Three Comrades' got away, slowly, but picked up .sniartly and- general indications are foi* solid profits for this one.' ' stiraates t«r This.Week Ap^ll* (B&K) (1.200; 35-5S-65-7S) WHunted Men' (Par> and Ro.s.s- Arinstrong fight pictures.- Not much here and. will'have to be satisfied with so-so $5.000,on the week. Last week 'Hold That Kiss' (MG) snatched tfood reports and managed good $6,100. Cblcara (B&K) (4,000; 35-55-75)— •Lady X' JUA) and Tommy. Ddr.sey band. On stage.. Second week for the is wing orchestra.. Slides sharply from last week and off to $18,000,\ dis- tippointing. Last week 'Holiday' tCol) good $33,000 with Dorsey. Garrick (B&K) (900; 35-45-55)— 'Son of Sheik' (Cin) (2d week). Holding' to excellent pace in added se.ssion and will garner healthy $6,000 currently after taking fat $8,000 Ust week. PaUce (RKO) (2,500; 35-55-6.'5-75) —'Saint of New York' (U) and Al Pearce radio gang 6n stage. Upping. the gross to $25,000, ; fine business. week 'Vivacious Lady' (RKO) lefll to $14,100 on holdover session. Roosevelt (B&K) (1:500; 35-55-65- 75)—'Robin Hood' (WB). In its fourth loop' stanza and a mbncy- coiner, taking .fine $9,500 currently on indications. Last week healthy $13,600. SUte-Laka (Jones) (2,700; 23-35- 45-55)—"Law of Underworld' (RKO) and vaude. Sally Rand ' headlining iand accounting for hunk of trade, which is up several grand above last week with an excellent $13,000. Last week 'Lupin' iMG) snagged so-so $10,200, United Artiste (B&K-UA) (1.700: 35-55-65-75) — 'Three Comrades' (MG). Opened oh Saturday (4) and indicates better evening, than after-, noon strength. Headed for $17,000. neat opener. Last week 'Polo' (UA) finished mild two-weekcr with $11,100. RITZES J7,0a0, DENVER; XOMRADES'op $9,300 Denver. June 7. Showmen are getting a break from the weather. Rains lor the last few days have been keeping people from makmg trips to the mountains and gouig on picnics. Many are staying In town ^ni attending the theatres. However, the best that most houses are doing is iust about average. Or- pheum double-bill is strong enough to hold over two days. .stimales for This Week AUddIn (Fox) (1,400; 25-40)— •Robin Hood' (WB) (2d run). Strong all the way, $5,500. Last week. 'Four Men and a Prayer' (20th); Second downtown week, good $4,000. Broadway (Fox) (1.100; 25-40 Vivacious Lady' (RKO) (2d wed:) (2d rim) and 'Hold That Kis.s' (M-G) (2d run). Fair $2,500. week. 'Vivacious Lady' (RKO) and Go Chase Yourself (RKO), same amount. Denhara (Cockrill) (1,750; 25-.15- 40)—'Farewell to Arms' (Par) 're- issue). Fair $6,400. " Last wstk. 'Cocoanut Grove' (Par) good enou'.;ii at $7,500 to warrant holding. Iwo extra day.?. Denver (Fox) (2.525; 2r>-33-,'")0)— ciitucky Moonshine' (20th). Gel- tiiig sood enoiigh $7,000 and move.* ■to-Aladdin.- Last week, 'Robin Hood' CW.Bl. bic $12,000. .. Orphcum (RKW (2.600; 25-3.5-301 -••■Three Comrades' (M-G).and '.Thi.< Marriiisc Bu.sincs.s' (RKO>. Nir,' ?9.a00. Last week, 'Yellow Jack' Kejr City Grosses stimatcd' Total Gr*8s This Week ,..... $l,i32,«0« (Based on 21 citiej, 146 thea- tres, chie/lv first runs, ihcludini; w. y.) Totel Gross Same , eek Last Year....... ,$i,4M,»M (Based on.24 cities, I theatres) (M-G) and 'Hold That Ki ), n. s. g. $6,400. Faramoant (Fox) (2.206; 2S-40>— 'Rascals' (20th)'and 'Flight Into No- where* (CoX). Cooi $4,000 in pros- pect., Last week.. 'Over the wall' (WBV and 'Island in the Sky' (20th), fair at $3,000.' . Rlallo (Fox) (878: 25-40)—'Four Mcin' ahd a Prayer' (20th), tj)ird week downtown, and 'Blondes at Work' (WB). Good $2,000 in the offing. Last wieek, 'Marco Polo' (UA) (3d run), and'Reckless Living' (U), v. g. $2,500. HOOD' mm. Boston, June .'Rohin Hood,' on dual bill. Is eclipsing the town this week and aiming at a iiew high gross for the Met under straight film policy.. 'Yellow Jack,''.on. double .bill at two Loew stands^ is also making its mark. .'Vivacious Lady' and 'Blind Alibi,' dualled, hold over at the Me- morial. Keith-Boston retires fon the sum-, mier into subsequent run and re-issUe Held at lSc-25c scale. Estlmaies for This Week Fenway (M&P) (1,332; 25-35-40- 55) —.'Cocoanut Grove' (Par) and 'Hunted Men' (Par), both 2d run, Very pale; airound $3,500. Last week, 'Kentucky Moonshine' (20th) arid 'Stolen Heaven' (Piar), both 2d rUn, strong $6,000. Keith Memorial (RKO) (2.907; 25- 40-55)—'Vivacious Lady' (RKO) and •Blind Alibi' (RKO) (dual) (2d week). Heading for peppy $13,000. First week, dandy $18,300. Metropolitan (M&P) (4.267: 25-35 40-55)—-Robin . Hood' . (WB) and 'Little Miss Thoroughbred' (WB), dual. Good. $23,000 expected, bigf ,?est In many Weeks. Last week, 'Kidnapped' (20th) and 'Trip to Paris' i20th), double, medium $14,000. . Orpheum (Loew) (2,900; 25-35-40 .55)—-Yellow Jack' (MG) and.'Hold That' (MG). dual, good $17,000 or better. week, 'Holiday' (Col) and 'There's Always a Woman' (Col) dual. $14,500. nice. Paramount (M&P) (1,797; 25-35- 40-55J—'Cocoanut Grove' (Par) and Huiited Men' (Par), dual, both 2d rim. Swerving to $5..500. Last week 'Kentucky Moonshine' (20th) and 'Stolen Heaven' (Par), both 2d run, dotible'. okay $8,200. Scollay iM&P) (2.538: 25-35-40-55) —-Kentucky Moonshine' (20th) (2d rim.) and 'Farewell to ArmS' (Par), rei.s.-5ue. dualled. Showing pleasing stiensth. at $.5,000; 'Arms' .getting more than its share of credit for the draw. Last week. 'Dr. Rhythm' (Par) (3d run) and ,'Beloved Brat' (WB) (-2d run), double, fair $5.5 Slate (Loew) (.3.600: 25-35-40-55) 'Yellow Jack' (MG) and 'Hold That l-u.-o;' (MG). dual. Good on male draw, aimine at $13,000. Last week, 'Holidav' (Col) and 'There's Always a Woman' (Col), diial, sweet.$12,000. 'Living' $3,500, Lincoln; 'My Love Again' $3,900 Lincoln, June 7, Three h,o. pics t<jps the news, two o( them dubiously earned. 'Birth of a Baby' is going to the 14(h day at tlx; Capitol and 'Robin Hood' has been .slioved over to the OrpCum alter a week in the Stuart. 'Baby' was a housc-packei^. showing uiiusual stitnstli alt the way. Ksdmates for This Week klva i.'Moljlc) (440:-10-15-25-30) 'Holiday' (Col l. Nof ioo fancy the lii'.sl week, but j{oii)g a second any ivay. May - .ijol n,s.g. $900. First stanza SlleOO.' . I.lbrrly (Cooper) (1.200; 10-15)— 'Whynlo(n of the Hanse' (Mono) and Oxick :Money' (RKO). split with ■Il^-ji-t of Aii/onn' (Par) and 'Num- Ijorod Wom-rtn' (Moiin): Usual $900. .U(.~l ^^cck, Maki; a-Night of It' (U) and. 'Boy 6t the Streets! (Mono), split with 'Last Stand' lU) and 'All Qiiiet'(U), all Tight, $1,100. Lincoln (Cooper) < 1,600; 10-25-35) —'Joy 6t Living! (RKO) and 'Swing Your La(iy' (WB). okay $3,500. Last week, 'Jerebel' (WB) got to $3,000, all. right. rpheum (Cooper) (1,3.50; '10-25r 40)—.'Robin Hood' (WB) about $1,500, so-so. Last week, 'Over the Wall' (WB) 'and 'Torchy Blane in Panama' (WB), fairish, $1,300. • Capitol (L-ivingston) (850; 10-25- 30)—' irth of Baby' (Skirbill) (2d week). Will get $2,500 or better, ultra. Last week, super $4,000. Sluart (C<iop€r) (1,900; 10-25-40)— 'Met. My. Love Again' (UA) ' and •Slight Case of Murder' (WB), first dual in the theatre's nine years. Pretty • good. $3,900. Last week, 'Robin Hood' (WB) went to $4,100, satisfafctory.. 'ROBIN' $21,000. 'Tis Summer on B'way, but Tou-Me' With Sammy Kaye Fine $44,000; 7iv lady' $72,000 Holds, ^Comrades' 3IG ittsburgh, June 7 Usual post-holiday, (irop not 'Very emphatic this Week. Things are hold- ing up in pretty fair shape, paced by 'Robin Hood' at Penh. Doing , well above h.o. irvark there,, and moves to the Warner on Friday (10) for a sec ond weiek. Also a current feature Is slick.liiz reissues are doing in two double- feature spots. , At Aivin ' an's Cas- tle,' on .a dual with 'Rose of the Rio (jr^nde,' (doing considerably better than fiicker did on iU first ;ruh here four years ago, and Warner is knock- ing oiit better than an average take with 'Boi-derto.wn,'' twinning wilfi .'Swiss Miss." AlvlB (Harris) (2,000; 25-35-50)— 'Man's Castle' (Col) and 'Rose of the Rio Girande' (Mon()). Harris-owned first-runner has been going in regu- larly for reissues of late, this one being about the seventh in last few months; doing all right; looks like $5,800. Last week, 'Kidnapped' (20th) n.s.h. and expected h.o. didn't mate- rialize; only around $C,0O0. Falton (Shea-Hyde) (1,700: 25-40) —'Kentuc:ky Moonshine' (20th) (2d week). Holding up in pretty fair shape; chances.- bright for $4,400. Pulls out tomorrow (8) for 'Joseite' (20th). First week of 'Moonshi ' ;(20th).just short,of $6,000. Penn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 25-35-50) —'Robin Hood' (WB). Natural here and easily doing the business of the town; no trouble knocking down $21,000 and may even go above that.: Moves over to Warnefr Friday (10) for a second Week. Last week. '(Jrime School' (WB) .something of a (disap- pointment at $12,000. SUnley (WB) (3.600; 35-40-60)— 'Yellow Jack' (M-G) and oh stage JUdy Canova, Schleppcrman - and Count Berrii-Vlci unit. Combo isn't clicking; may' hit $1.5.500. but no more. Last week, considerably belter, 'College Swing' and Shep Fields-. Dixie Dunbar-Phil Re.;!an in the flesh accounting for nifre $2I,000. Warner ( ) (-2,000; 25-40)-^'Bor- dertown' ( ) and ' Mis-s' (M-G). irst three (Jays all right, and indicate something around $4,- 500,' not bad. Last week, raves for 'Of Human Hearts' (M-G), playing with 'Beloved Brat' (WB), brought in around $4,800, excellent. Broadway Grosses stini'.iied Total This Week , $2G6,T (Based on 10 thcdtres) Total Gross Same eek Last Year,........$22 (Based on 12 thcacres) Fewer persons are apparently pat- ronizing the downtown New York theatres, this resulting in a good play for a few attra(:tions thiat are the favorites but in a smallci: than normal business tor the others; Warm weather is also bri the usiial summer pinch.. 'Three Comrades.' the Cap- itol, and 'You arid Me,' with Sammy Kaye at the Paramoiiht, are. outdis- tancing the other big houses, while 'Swiss Mi, ' is proving a gooA 'B' for the smalier-seater Rialto. 'Comrades' will go to around $37,000, big for this ,time of the year, at the Cap, while the Paramount, on ;its first week of 'You and Me,' plus Kaye, is also ih the heavy jn at $44,000. *Ybu and'Me' begins a second week today (Wed.). 'Comrades' its second tomorrow'(Thurs.). The Laurel-Hardy comedy , ill fetch the Rialto over $9,000, best in six months, and: 'Gangs In N^w 'York,' on its holdover stanza at the Crir tcrion,. looks close to $7,000, good.'after a first seven days' nab of $12,080. excellent. Throwing out the reissues, including twoold Valcn tinos arid 'Jiekyll and Mr; Hyde,' at the Globe, the' patronage is quite spotty. 'Vivacious Lady' may build biit it started out under hopes at the Music Hall and probably will not hit over $72,000 on the first week. House is holding it,over, however; with word- ofrmouth a possible strengthencr far ther down on the engagerrierit ■, An other that disappoints is 'Gcilddiggers in Paris.' which probably washes-up the series. 'Dipiters,' ha(J a. pretty good opening day but < after that weakened .badly, on the seven days ending last night (Tues.) only around S'12,000,. poor. Strand shunted in 'When Were You Born?' this morn ing (Wed.). The holdover of 'Kidnapped' isn't working out happily, the second week endingtomorrow night (Thurs.) looking only about $23,000. a bigger drop from a first week's $43,500 than expected. Globe will get about. $5.- 000 with 'Jekyir on reissue, mild This one, plus the two Valentinos and 'SiRn of the Cross.' doming into the. Criterion Friday (10) will give Broadway four oldies early in June. Old Valentinos proved a surprise, 'Sheik,' unscored, at the Gaiety, get-, ting a little over $10,000 last week. 'Son of the Sheik' nearer- to $11,000 at the George M. Cohan; Latter house .<:pread itself-more on ads dur- ing the past week, includini; press comments which sounded like. Max' .Cohen made them up himself; at least they weren't credited to any papei's. or reviewers. Slate also takes a dive currently to around $18,000 with 'Judge Har- dy's Children' (2d run) an(l vaude headed by Joe Lewis. Estimates for Thl.i Week Capitol (4,520: 25-35-.55-85-$l.25)— 'Three Conu-adcs' (MG). 0(1 well. M of Baby'Record ill Del; 'Josette'-Olsen and Johnson $20,000 Detroit. June' 7. , Only bright spot here is the Ad- ams, playing 'Birth .of a Baby' at Uppcd prices, t. Allowing for house's smalt capacity. Adams is. - far arid wide town's top Krosser currently. Town's vaudliliuers will be reduced to one.' the Fox. this Friday (10) when Michigan jjoes on dual-pix policy. It'll al.iO mean sla.shin^- of town's sinKle-HIm spots to lone one, also the Fox. Kstlriiairs for This Wrt^k Adams (Balabad: l.TOO; .'1.0-40-,55)— ISirth o( B.iby' (Spcciiil). Cot by censors; bally conslr.iiiipd: nine shows d;iily: prices hiked 3.5';!. and headed fur ivow $I9.(J()(). nuw house, record. Fi^uris lo .^lick for several weeks on b;isi,s 'if ^teadv |),ilroriaj;e.. Last week oretly s:i(ir $.'!..'iOO ori .six days -If '(/(Kxlljyi! rnarlwa.v' (U) plu.s ' li-'h! Iiil) .\oi.flicrc' 'oli On 30-40 s(::i1lv Fof (Irifl':.-) '.5.00')': .in-)0-fi,i)- '.fo- scllc' (21)11)> witir Isori arid John- I son revue on stage.. $20,000 coming up, following about $19,000 last week for 'Kidnapped' (20lh) plus Rufe Davis toppirig vaude. Madison (United Detroit) (2.000;30- 40-50) ^-David Goppcrficld' (MG) plus'Trca.suri; Island' (MG J. both re vivals, dual. After yejr or so ori singles, Moos r.evival-pix with product sliDi ta:;!!: fair .S.V.OOO (-orning up. Bad S.'t..500 last week for 'Yellow .lack' (Mf; I. Micliiiaii lUDi (4.000: 30-40-05)— 'Three C:o^nrad(^.-!- (.MCI), plu-'i sta^e show.; dr(jps vaude thi.s Fri- day (10) for [liiai;pix policy; quiet $14,000 fill!.' currcntlv.' (..a.-il sfa/iza brtital $12,000 for 'Vivacious I>afly' (ItKO) and sla'.;i.' nIiow. • I'alins-Slale (United Detroit) (.1.000: .'K)-4n-.5U)—-Vivacioii.-; I.acly- HtKOi '2d rim) plu< '\>i\iyj.<:r Patrol' (Col), dual. VSir $5,200 ('.'iniiii'.;.'ii)», fullow- i n;; .i-i-.s i il.">.."»U') la-it av(;(:!< 'm '(.'oi- la- nut Ci-.ivi;' (pai-) i>'\ (un) pJii 'Quid: . ■diey- (UK ). will flriish in big summertime money al $37,000 or thurotibouts. holding over. Liist week." second for -'ifellow Jack' (MGJ, around $2:.000. okay. Criterion (1.052; 25-40-5.5)—'Gauiss of N. Y.' (R(»n) (2d-noal week V cnt tp a fancy $12,000 last week (Isl) and on holdover will (jet abo\(t $7.r 000, good. House follow.s with a re- issue, .'Sign of Cross" (Par.>. Globe (1,274; 25-40-55)—'Jckyll and Hyde" (Par). Oldtimcr. silent, re- vived, from time to time past years but not on ciirrent reissue .schedules, will garner a i>ossible S5;000, under hopes. Last week. 'Devil's Party' (U) did nicely. $7.10r» Palace (1.700: 2.5-35-55)—"Ken- tucky Moonshine' (20th) I2d run) and 'One. Wild Night" (20th) (1st run), dualed. This, bract;' looks to no more than abruut $8,2 , Last week; 'Four Men" (20th) (2d riiri) and .'Rascals' (20lh) (1st run), had Dccoratiori Day holiday 'as ai tor an okay ,000. Paramount (3,6C4: 25;-35-55-85t99> —'You and Me' (Par) with Sammy Kays, orchestra (2d. week). Begins holdover week todav after f^ seven days' take.of $44,000, excellent Kaye orch, first, time In- the big town, mcianing plenty. . Iri ahead, the sec- ond-w(;eko( 'Dr. .Khythm' (Par) and'Hal Kcirip. ."tiie.OOO, very goocl. House will probably b."! entirely re- seated this sumrii?!-, with Bob Wcit-? mari,'m,anaging director, now cbnsi ering bids on the job. Radio Citv Music Hall (5.980; 40- 60-84-09-$l.t'*) — 'Vivacious Lady* (RKO) and stage show. Gin.ttcr Rogers comedy considerably, under expectations and lucky to top-$72.- 000; holds, however, with favorable wordrot-mouth a po.ssiblc builder on .second week. "Third (final) week for- 'Robin Hoo'" (WB), splendid money- getter, $80,000; iRIalto (7,50; 25-40-55)—'Swiss Mis.s' (MG). Laurel-Hardy laugher -get- ting a fine play here, cross looking over S9,000. excellent. 'Saint in N. Y.* (RKO) held nine days (or total Of $10,500. very good. Ross-Arm- strong fight pictures, oiit last night (Tues.), iiot considered as much aid at b. o. Roxv (■5.R30; 25-40-.55-75)—'Kid- napped'.(20th) arid .stage show (2d- ,final week). This was a good one- week uicturel' On initial seven days ..M3.500, good/ but-, away down On. holdover (2d week) to nrolind $23,- 000: fhoU({h a little profit. 'Josctte' (20th) opens Friday (10). Strand (2.767: 25-.55-75)—'Gold- dig(;er.<; in Paris' . (WB). Out last night (Tues.) aflcr a very disaonnint- ing seven davs. of. around $12,000. 'When Were You Born' (WB) opens this mornind (Wed.). Last wesk, third for 'Crime School' (WB). to $16,000, swell. Vaudeville is due here Aiig. 1; , State (3,450; 35-5.5-7,5)—'Judge Hardy's Children' (MG> and vaiidc; topped, by Joe Lewis, Much slower pace this wciek; probably no more than $18,000, considerably Under average but profit. Last week, 'Polo' (UA) (2d run) and George Josscl romped home with a naat $27,000.' 'COMRADES' 17G, PROV.; XRIME SCHOOL' $8,000 Providence. June 7. 'Three Comrades" at Loew's and '(Trime School' at Majestic fjullirig nwe hou.scs. St)-and brishtcnina up with 'Cocoanut Grove.' while Fay's and Carlton both looking for' okch week. Esllmalc.i for ThH Carlton (Fay-Loew) (1.400; 25-35- 50)—'Kentucky Mo'on.shlric' '20th >. and 'Beloved Brat' (WB) (2d run).' Better than avci-age $4,500, Lost Week, 'Robin Hood' (WB) (3d week), kh(ickout $5,200. Fay'* (2,000: 25-35:301—'Sinners in' (U) and vaude on state. Lukewarm SU.OOO. Cast week. "Forcliy Blane' (WB) and vaudo on. sta;;e, fair $0,800. . l-oew's Stale (.1200: , 2.'>-3.5-:-i )— ''Three Comrades' (MC) and 'Su-'.-^s Mis.s' (Koacli). Bclirinu'in'.' SI7.()()() expected, Last wcoli. -Man's C"''siU;* 'Col) (reissue) and 'Saint ' Ne York' (aKO). nice $ll..5()0. Majestic (Fay) (2.;tOO: 2.5-.'!.5-.5 1— 'Crime .School' ( » and TviO Paris' (2()lli). H'.'adiM-; foi- ..^.-.-o.-lt $3,000. Last v/cek. -K(-iilucl;v M.i m- sliinc' (2l)th) and 'Bi^lrn-.vl Rat' ' B >. iil(rritc(l carry-ov-i.r w.lh 11 c $().0r)0, Strand (lodif) (-i.-iOO: 2.'>-.'!3-:i() (-- -C'''i<-o;t),iiit (/I'oK''*- (Par* and 'lie: i.r Ai-i/^>ii-(' (|':iri. Wf:il)i.'i- liclo-rr;; h:.-ifirn", f-ir tail- iV,.W.]\\. \,^,^\ v.- '. r-ilvii ll'-ivcii' (|'-ii') -inil -Pri on N'i(i>"- (l!,'|»i, b':tl-_'r tli-^M aver.-" r >T,Of)i),