Variety (Jun 1938)

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10 VARIETY PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, June 8, 19.1ft H.O/s'Gog Fris(»;'CoiiiradeslISM Sah Francisco, June 7;. Comperish last week was so great ■with the air races in Oal>land aiid! the race tracks drawirtg record crowds tliat most of the houses took a beating- Great weatlier also .took its toll with thousands beating it to the beaches and others going out pi town. Most of the boys are holding over last weeks! tare in the hopes of gelting some attention now from those who weren't around previous week. Only hew bills on the .street are 'Three Comrades' at the Fox and a couple of iiidics at the Embassy. Estimates for This Week Embassy (Colien) (.1.512; 35-55)— 'Public Cowboy No. 1' CRep) and •Prison Nurse' fRep). House has swung into a routine biz which isn f enough to stop. the. boys from worry- ing; another lightweiight $.3,500; Last week. 'King of the Newsboys' mepi and 'Sale.slady' (Mono), poor $3,500. Fox (F-WC) (5,000; 35-55-75)— Three Comrade.s' (M-G) and 'Miss Thoroughbred' (WB).:. Looks like about $15,000. bkay^ Last week, 'Kid- naped' (20th) , and 'Rascals' (20th) nosedived t6..$12,00d. . Golden Gate (RKO) (2,850; 35-55) , —'Vivacious Lady* (RKO) and vaudeville (2d week). Helped by addition of Armstrong-Ross fight pic- ture oh the bill; hopeful of $12,000. Last week, $17,000; . drpheunv (F&M) (2,440;: 35-55)— •Holidaiy' (Col) (2d week).. Disap- pointing $6,500; house is faced with product shortage., Xast week, $8,500, way below expectations. Paramoant (F-WC) (2,740; 35-55- 75)—'Robin Hood' (WB) and 'Judge Hardy's.Children' (M-G) (4th week). About $6,000 in sight, on the last week, pleasing. Third stint nabbed neat $11,()00. - „ St Fi^iicls (K-WC) (1,470: 35-55- 75)—'Kidnaped' '20th) and 'Rascals' (20th) (2d week). Lucky to grab $3,000. Last week (six. days) on the second week of 'Cocoanut Grove' (Par) and 'International Crime' (GN). poor $3,000. United Artists (Cohen) (1,200; 3Sr E5-65)—Marco Polo' (4th' week). Pic- ture still proving somewhat of a box- office lure; will draw about $5,500 this week, with one more to go. Last week fared well at $7,500. Warfleld (F-WC> (2,680; 3.5-55-75) —'VeDow Jack' (M-G) and 'Hold That Ki.'is' (M-G) (2d week). Count- ing on a take of. abotit $7,000, n.s.g; Last week fell below expectations with gross dropping to $10,500. 'JosetteTite PicJiT^OO, tomrades'-'Swiss' ^5,800, 1Qilnaped'0^OO,j;yille Louisville. June 7. "KidnRped' on a single at the Strand will garner nice money, while 'Josette' nt the Rialtd and Three Comrades* at Loew's State, the latter coupled with Laurel and Hardys "Swiss Miss,' are well in the running. 'Robin Hood' starting its fourth week at the Mary Anderson, and setting something of a record for a long .st^v. Only pic to "beat its tenure was 'Sunny Side Up,' which had a record run of six weeks at the Strand years ago. Estimates for Tbis eek Brown iFourth ' ,Ave. - Loew's) (1,500; 15-30-401—-Holiday' (Col) and •Start Cheering'- (Col) (dual) (2d i run). Set for nice $2,400. Last ' week. "Kentucky Modnshiiie' (20th) end 'Blind Alibi" (RKO) (twin), fair at $2,100. Kentucky (Switow) (900; 15-20)— (•Bluebeard' iParland 'Hawaii Calls' (RKO) split with 'Sallv, Irene, Mary <20th) and 'Couldn't Say No' {20lh) Looks okay to drag $2,300. . Last week, 'Bringing Up Baby' (RKO) and 'Mad About Music' (U)' (dual) SDlit with 'Logona' ( iiWorld) and 'Women Are Like ThaU (WB) (twin), good $2,100. Loew's State (3.000; 15-30-40) Three Comrades' (M-G) and 'Swiss Miss' (M-G) (dual). Conibo show, ing nice b.o. Tjunch, and building to Indicated $5,800; Last week. 'Holi- day' (Col) and''Start Cheering* (Col) (dual) clicked in belter fashion than was expected, ol;ay $6,100. Mary Anderson (Libson) (1.000 15-30-40)—'Robin Hood' (WB). Talk of the town; aims at a fourth stanr.a in this hoii."!©, .<iomcthihg of a mark to shoot at; look.s like olrc $2,900. fol- lowing pievious \v,col<'s fiiie .$3,400. Ohio (Settos) (900: 15)—'Stella Dallas' (UA>. and 'Suptir Sleuth' (RKO) (du.n1) .'.ulit with ' man Coiiraae' (W3) pnd • ig Sliol' (RKO) (dual). Pi'obably" around $1,200. fair. Ltist wee!:,'iVIotliffi hood' (Jewell >, sc.xer v.liich was exbected to be great .shakes at b.o.^ failed to draw and vankrd after .second day. Sex pic split with 'You-Can't Have Everything" (20ih) and ' ark Avenue Logger' (RKO) (twin); result around $1,100, mild. « lalto (Fourth Ave.) (3,000; T.-i-SO- 40)—'Josette' (20lh) and 'One Wild Night' (20th) (dual), with Ross-Arm- strong light pictures added. Looks goo(i for $7,200, Last week, 'Cocoa- hut Grove' (Par) and 'Himted Men' (Par) (dual), comfortable $6,500. Strand (Fourth Ave.) (1.400; 15-30- 40)—^Kidnaped' (20th), Stacking up strongly as. a single; should help house to substantial take end better than previous Week; looks set for $3,400. Last week, 'Sinners in Para-' (U) and 'Lady in the Morgue' (U) (twin)., better than espected; ground $3,200. fair. 'OVER THE WALLVH400, RITZES 2iG, SEATTLE . Seattle, iine 7. , Sunny weather continues'with no b. 0. help, but good films are hold- ing fairly. 'Kentucky: Moonshine' wins moveover to B. M,;'Robin Hood' catching on and spurted first week, so holds at Fifth.. 'Holiday' biiilt and holds at Liberty. 'Rhythm' at M. B: holds partial week, while 'Kid- naped', at Paramount ditto. . Estimates for Tbls tVeek Bine Mouse Hamrick-Evergreen) (iBSO; 32-37-42')—'Kentucky Moon- shine' (20th) and 'Crime of Dr. Hair let' (U) (2d run) (2d week). Six days for indicated good $2,500. Last week, 'Vivacious Lady' (RKO) and 'Stolen Heaven'^ (Par) dual (2d week), hiae day.s, .same gross. Coliseam (Hamrick - Evergreen) (1.950; 21-32)—'Divorce of Lady X' (U)' and 'I , Met My Love Again' (UA), dual,'five days, to bring to Wednesday oiienihg. Expect fair $1,- 700. Last week. 'Rebecca' (20th) and 'Dangerous to Know' (Par), dual, six days, $1,900, poor. Colonial (Sterling) (800; 10-21)— 'Dr. Syn'- (GB) and'Women in Prison' (Col), dual, sblit'with 'Blondes Are Dahgerou.s' (U) and -Let's Make' Night of It' (U). dual. Looking for slow $1,500. Last week. . 'Singing. Cowboy' (Rep) and ' 'Numbered Women' (Mono), dual, sblit with 'Breakfast; for ' Two' (RKO). and •Courage of West' (U), dual, $1,700, fair. Fifth. Avenne (Hamrick-Ever- green) (2.366; 32-37-42)—'Robin Hood' (WB) solo (2d week). Ex- pect good $5,800. Last week, same film, built for big $10,500. Liberty (J-vH) . (1,800: 2X-32-42)— Holiday' (Col) (2d week). Hitting for fair $3,000.' Last week, same film, kept building to reach $5,700, good. Music Box (Homrick-Evergreen) (850; 32-37-42)—'Dr. Rhythm' (Par) and 'Hardy's Children' (M-G), dual, two days of third downtown week to get Thursday opening, garnering tame $500. Lost week, second down- toWh stanza, $2,300, fair. . Orpheura (Hamrick-Evergreen) (2.600; 32-37-42 )^'Over the Wall' (WB) and 'Battle of Broadway' (20th). dual. Indicated mild $4,400. Laft week. 'Kentucky Moonshine' (20th) and 'Crime of Dr. Hallet' (U) dandy combo, held for strong finish at S6.300. Palomar (Sterling) (1.350; 10-27 37)—'Murder on Diamond Row' (U) fe-titled 'My.stery oh Diamond Row.' and 'Rose of Rio Grande' (Mono), dual, with Les Hite orchestra head^ lining unit show. Indicated fair $3.- 300. Last week. 'Kid Comes Back' (WB) and 'Invisible Enemy' (Rep), dual, with vaude. Ben Turpin in perr son. S4,200. good. Paramount ('Hemrick-Evergreen) (3.049; '32-37-42)—' idhapcd' '20.1h) and 'Go Yourself (RKO) (2d week) three days,,to get back 'Thurs- day change. Anticipate slow $1,400. Last week, same films, slow $4,000._ Roosevelt (Sterling) (BOO; 21-32) —'Bluebeard' (Par) and 'Black DoU (U), duali with Armstrong-Ross fight pic Aiming foi- $1,700. so-so. Last week, 'Mail About Music' (U), and 'Slight Case of Murder' ( ), ual, slow at $1,600. ^^^^^^ 'ROBIN'$8,000, OMAHA; 'COMRADES' OKE ?6,7O0 Omaha. June 7. - Theatres are back on film diets in first ruiis, but town blossomed, put With added attraction oh stage, Brandeis highlighting with 'Robin Hood' on .single feature bill, giving si turnovers daily. Attendance on this one is equalling that on 'Stage Door' and 'Sn(Jw White,' Arnistrong-Ros.s fight pictures were thrown into the Brandeis, but were i unnecessary. Cooling, plants were turned on >n a few houses last week, .first timie this year, and weeks later than previous seasons. Estlmaies for This . eek BranaelB;(Singei--KKO) (1,250; 10- 25-35-40)—'Jlbbin Hood' ( ) single, with fight pictures. capacity; although attendance about matches that oh 'Snow White,' house record holder, slightly lower admission brings fig'jre little less; $8,000 wonderful. Last week. 'Holiday' (Col) and 'Torchy Blane in Panama' (WB) (dual), $5,000, good.. . Dundee (Goldberg) (650; 10-25)— They Won't Forget' (WB). 'Boy of *Ua CtwnAtc*' /Mat,/,) :onH. V^Vtp'c Cif%t Inside Stuff-Pictures Hearst's Time.s-Unlbn, Albany, ran two feature articles, the first a ihice- cblumner capped, 'Women's Hats in Theatre No. 1 Pest—Gro.WingThreat to (ieneratibn. Yet Uii ,' ith illustrations of three ^ight-'obstruciion .top pieces, and aa'answering' yarn from the femrije side <)n,fo(jt-(ram« pling, paper-rustling, scat-slumping men, with piptures, two of 'size .12' brogans in action,'and a third of the effect on a victim's toes. Lead- story was 'By the Big Hat Editor' and foUowup was 'By .the Big Foot Editot.' The first, in a humorous vein, .stated, 'The greatest public nienace that remains today is the problem of wdmon'.s hats in the theatre. Always the public servant, the Times-^ uion' has ihsiltuted a campaign aimed at ^he removal of: feminine headpieces in the theati-e for the betterment ot mnnr kind i general. Second, headed 'Postihan Btings Twice, With Big Hat Replies!' gave the. gals' .views of! 'theatre vices allegedly peculiar to male sex',' ' ilggested 'punishment' for three principal offenses-by men. in play- houses was given. xploitation ga so old. that it was newj backfired last when Columbia's 'Holi '. 6pen.^ed in Salt Lake City. Prominent .busihe'i5.s men were sent dainty in Issive.s, .signed 'Linda,' suggesting their , usual date in the theatre where they could dliscuss their 'Holiday.' P.b.m. were lob modern to recognize the ancient gag. -Their wives were riot, .only modern but.mad. Registering a new re(:ord, for high..'dudgeon, they accused their husbands of. two-ti ing, and wrote scorching letters to the. new, about a brazen hussy named'Linda. Theatre management had to ' radio time on two stati 'ns to explain that it was all in .fun. flow there are lawsui ' the oflihg. the Streets' (Mono) and 'She's Got Everything' (RKO) (triple bill) first half-week; 'Old Chicago' <20th) and 'Paradise for Three' (MG) (double) second half. Good on the strength of 'Chi,' $800. Last week, 'Slight Case of Murder'; (WB). 'Little Miss Roughneck' (Col) and 'Scandal Street: (Par) (triple bill,secbndruns) first Tjart of week; 'Bluebeard' (Par) and 'Paradise for Three' (MG) (doubled) second half; so-so $600. Mllltary-Avenue (Goldberg) (950; 810: 10-25)—"They Won't Forget' (WB) 'Boy of Streets' ( ono) and 'She's Got Everything' (RKO) (trip! , .'second runs) half- week, split with 'Bluebeard'. (Par) and'Merrily We Live' (MG) (dual) second half. Fairish, total, $1,500. Last week. 'Slight Case of Murder' (WB). 'Little Miss Roiighneck' (Col) and 'Scandal Street' (Par) (triple bill/ second runs) first three days of week, split with 'Old Chicago' (20th) and 'Paradise for 'Three' (MG) (dual) last four days, good $1,700. Omaha (Blank) (2,100; 10-25-40)— Three Comi-ades' (MG) and 'Reck- less Living' (U) (doubled). Draw- ing diverse trade; average $6,700; Last week. 'Yellow Jack* (MG) and 'Hold That., KiSs' (MG) (dualled); Surprised' many who jiist wandered in;'and built some toward end of week; $'7,2(jO, satisfactory. Orpheum (Blank): (2:976; 10-25-40) —'Cocoanut Grove' (Par) and 'The Kid Comes Back' (WB) '(twinned). Holding vip okay.,$8.000..Last week, 'Met My Love Again' (UA), with Cliff Edwards, Ted Macik iand .Bowes ams on stage. Didn't hold the pace; $11,000 slow for Town (Goldberg) (1,350; 10-20-25) —'Painted Trail' (St. R.) (first run) 'In Old Chicago' (20th) and 'Slight Case of Murder' (WB) (both second runs) (triple bill)'first half of week; 'Heart of Arizona' (Par) and 'Spy Ring' (U) '(first runs, doubled) With Dr. Carr, mentalist. on stage last half-week. Heavy week here. $2,40(). Last week. 'Mad About Music' (U) and 'Stella, Dallas' (UA) (second runs) and 'tJutlaws of Sonora' (Reo) (first run) triple bill first half, split with 'The Rat' (RKO) (first run) and 'Bluebeard' (Par) and 'Making the Headlines' (Col) (second runs) triple bill last four days; a'verage $2,100. tarting out as an exploi lional drive, with prizes,' In connection c^mpaighs on 'Blbckade' uririg the week of J"une .17, United Artists is, amplifying. the idea 'into what it calls, National Showmanship Week and has sent letters to exhi itors ask'ihg them to. plug the week in a back-to* bokbffice move. Letter says.that 'regardless of whether you are playing 'Blockade.', or -hot. In fact even if you are playing com'pejtitive .'product during June 17-24, United Artists cordially extends to yoii an invitation 'to sidveirtise National Showmanship Week to your patrons. To- this en(i we afe se'nding, you proofs of copy which can be dropped iht<) your ads.' lugs for a certain irline were filmed in a major stu(lio's aviation picture, completed .but hot >-et released: .. During the fll ing. the people.were effusiveiy friendly, but wheri the shooting encled, their'lov grew clammy, particularly ,when the studio wanted a. few favors in the way of art .shots in the; air; Clirnax was' reached'when a studio crew, had to wait six hours'ior the use of a plane. Studio press department, chagrined - by the: treatment, adyis(5d :the cutting' depactmerit to. get busy with the shears on the-.uurelea'sed film,' letting the airline plugs fall where they may. New York Journal-American turned down RKO's proposal for .ah edii torial change makeii . Filmer.s, taking cue from the ' book on 'Having 'WfonderfiJl Ti ,' sugge.ste(j,the Hearst,sheet-riehame. i "Saturday resort section to 'Having Wonderful 'Time' section with rustic scenic exits, etc.. Gag was a last minute ad to the already printed press book and the JouiTlal was the first sheet contacted. Wanted it for forthcoming run of filni at :the Music HAH. Pathe and Universal have ag>-ee(i; according to Stanley S; WooUey, Jr., to take newsreel films of his animal fashidn show;~which he ran recently as exploitation for his animal renting sbop. Fashion show will be re> peate'd for filming purposes. Woolley, Jr., is'17 and. a cousin of President Roosevelt. He conducts ah animal, model and talent agency under 1b# name of Screen, and Fashions Blue Book,. Inc., in New York. Newsreel cameraman hero of the 500 ile race In Indianapolis wa? Fox Movietone crank-turner who was stationed on southeast turn of track when Emil Andre crashed; Race car crashed thfough fence, with .splinters piercing -windshield of car on which cameramian was located, but he kept, turning despite danger to himself to get pictures, now being shown In current Fox newsreel release. Wheel of racing car was thrown ihtb'fhi infield of track, killing a spectator, only casualty, of race this year. Philadelphia Variety Club planning to make an annual award to the misn or woman in Philadelphia who contributes most-to the. filnri industry. Will be given each year to a person chosen by a Jury made up of Oscar Neixfeid of Clark Film Distributors: E. M. (Emo) Orowitz, radio filni colyumist; Jay Emanuel, David E. 'Weshner,, Warner zone manager in charge of first runs, and George P. Aarons, isecretary of United Motion Picture Theatre Owners. R(5ster- ot ostensible supporters of the Neely bill -was- sliced last week when the West Virginia foe of block booking publicly admitted he Was wrong in listing the Legion of Decen(:y among organizations which feel his idea is imperative to raise the calibre of screen entertainment. Three weeks late. Neely asked to correct the Congressional Record for Msiy 5 which recorded the Catholic oi'ganizati n as one of his applauders. Phaiy Very Perky: Toy Wife Wj^, 'Swing'-Lyman W/^ 'Josette $1630 Philadelphia. .Time 7. Best liiieup of b.b. product in: dowhtbWn houses in weeks, plus un- seasonably weather, is giving. Philly t very perky set of gro.sses this term. De.sp.ite unanimous drub- bing by crix of both the pic and the .star, Luise Rainer. a dcflnile draw here and leading the town with $16.- 500 in 'Toy Wife'at the Boyd. Also doing nrettyi well in 'Josette' at the Fox, with. Ros.<;-Armslroiig file pix,; garnering $16,200. orch on stage. Highly profitable, bill slightly urider expectations at. $1!).- 500. L.-JSt week, "Hunted Men' (Par) with Three Stooges, Tommy Rixps and 'Sam. Hcarn . on boards, much better, very nice $22:700. . Fox (WB) (2,423; 42-57-68-75)— 'JoseMe! (20th). Supposedly being aided by Ross- rm.stronii fliJht .pic- tures., biit seems doubtful; neverthc- Icss gallopiiig along neatly with SlU.-, 200; rot eiiijUSh 'for another lap. and leaves Fridav (10) ((ir 'Gold Diggers in Paris' ( La.'it week 'Cocoa- Myron Selznick. list of clients reads like a "Who's Who in Picture.', is building, an equally swank layout to house his agency stall iii Beverly Hills. New chateau at Wilshire aniJ Rqxbury Drive will be re.-idy about Oct. 1. Current Selznick habilat. last word in agencies, to date, will be leased by the Edington-Viniieht-Feldman outfit, which has abandoned, the Urge to own its own home. " ' Major producer with a. pronouh(:ed superiority complex is re.idyjng^e $1,000,000 picture, blissfully unaware that an indie outfit recently filmed S .story similar in locale, character, business and dialog, -for l(?.s$ than S40,00p. Is yesmeri, who have read the expensive script and .seen the inexpensive indie film, are maintairiing a discreet silence. Thcv dart not tell him. ' ' Managers ilby-Kiiicey South Carolina houses emerged from e called-'recession' huddle with the startling information that .second-riVh houses, are doing okay, but top layouts are suffering some as resiih el Dixie's share of the slump. Estimates for This Week Boyd (IWB) i2.:i50; 42-57-CH-75)— hut Glove' ( ar) p'unkn $n.4nn. 'Toy Wife' (M-G). Pie itself and Karllnn ( ) (I.Ofili; 42-57.r.«)— Rainer both panned ulcntv by 'Vivacious Lady' (RKG) (2d nin). racicl;- vcvicwer.s, but di awinj; very iiiijely | Ano'Jicr .i f the sn-sd filh'.s in tlie dc at SIO.500: )nny be prrs,«pd liMo sor-. lUxer."; th.'^t'.s doinij (•oinp;i'-;ilivcly vice lor aiiolher Ian if- M hol'l- i'", I powerful biz in Inwc'r-pricrd; :-'lhou2h it lnol;s dniibtfiil. T.nyt week'pv at 4(10. La.'.t.wrek. 'Ci i'nc 'Kidnaped* (20lh ) i-diildn't sland School' iWB) (2d run) lu.'^h S-l finii. rri'x. batlen'M?; and fell with $1.1,7001 Keith's iWP.) (I.P7/1: 42-S7-(;k)— for nine d.?vs. | IMntn'.s flr'-ihlo' i!;0,li1. V^'M'^U':' Esrie (WB) II'.7''-'': ... V; policy fr.r .fn.';''-! mi lic-rc. l.iii f'lri'ji-d —-Collcee Swill'" (Par): , jn by h.o. ol 'Vellccv J;\tk' al .Stiiu- ton. Where this WoiiUl have ordinni i- : ly gone; sick, liowever, at $3,800 | week. "Test Pilot' (M-G) <i ' third run and sixth .week in town, swell $5,000. .Stanley (WB) f2,f)1fi; 42-.'57-0e-751 , —"Robin Hood' (WB) (4th week >.' , _ . Showing amazing power, surpnsscd ! y-"*''"- 'Huriky.' "Iil>«\'''^""^'y "Snow : -hite'I Universal acquired screen ri^V.i."-to (RKO); S9,700 .for this .scsh. Last 'Charley McCarthy, DcleLtixc." by week, very muscular S14:i00. Three i Robertson White and Dan ell Wi.rt. STORY BUYS Ollywood..June 7. Univci-sal purchased "FiiM Love' by Irmagard Van Cube. KO bougiit Thames Willi;): Comrades" (M-0J in Fridav UOi Slanlon fWB) (1.4.")7: 27-42-571— "Yell(?w J;iek' (Xi-Gi ("id week t. tSi; of a surprise to WB p.xecs, who nen- cilcd. it in lipi- i/i.itciid of de luNe house. .Swollo'liMit -.It .«;4.90(). l:;is; week, erinnofl dj-.ind .SK.fino,. •.Siimer.c in Paradise" (Uj nioves in .Shtiiul;i\ (11). I Warners acquired rights to • mlher Oi ehi ,' mag. yarn by Riel);n'd Con- ncll. IMct'ro bought Margei'V novel, "The Nutmeg Tree." . llai-ry Sherman piirch"-'-'er! f(,>iir Rc:; Beach stbrics; " riseiv Btll(-.'. Sl;;n(ler irl,' 'Fourth Gncii'-(:' ■->' ' ' i.x. Fire.'