Variety (Jun 1938)

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Wcdncstloy, Julie 8, 1938 FILM REVIEWS VARIEfY It YOU AND ME (WITH MUSIC nrnmnunt roloBse: ot Frll!! I.nns: pr.vluc. >>1>'> illiei-lsa by I.antf. Slmj Sylvia «'.lii*y aiiU O^oiBe Kafl; /ealurii Hiriiiii MAi-Luno. IIAitV .Ciivcy. iloacria Kaiim. s iv-milBy. VlfBlnla Van Uiiii: orlnliiiil. Niuinaii Ivrasnnj camcrn. (.•hiii'les LiiiiK, ' ji-• cJltnr. ■ I'aul Wcalherwox: hssi. ili- r..i'-ior. DIlK. Ifarlan; tniialc, Kurt A\jpI1I: , lyiljA Soiii Coslow; musical 'direi'il Bivl.i Mnriiui. At Paramount, N. V.. week Jiin* I. 'as, Running lime, UO nili». .Sylvlit Sidney .,.. . .Oeorsp. Kofx Uohert- Ci|inmln;;:i! ... .. .B:irlon 'Ma'r.liniii* ......'•>...Hi>3?oe Kat-nii .............llav.y f'irey ,.. .-.iirorffc K.: Stone \^ Wftn'cn llVm^v Ciuliin WJUlains .'. ."..('brul' PaUfl ...... ;.Bernn(Iene' HRven ,,........ ,...\*era fSoi**lon ..; Kffoii Bvicolipr I'nul Novvl.Viv .*:. Joyce; ('i>rii;iion II.ll K', Diuviton .Matt Miiriii^h Mtifjt.Tiet r.nnilell .Jacic MulhntI, Snm ahI\' William U. ift^ l>eii ■. ■ JliH... ■Wl.-k-y ••• ('iii'iy. .. Wi-,. iMuiiln. I' li.v". • ■ • (Ilni; '. Tixl T.iii.|i .singer N«llle. Mrji l.nvlne - M|\ Ijoylnc.. -1'. >''inc'OP ■<''irly Itlnoilo liti;,ii; ulliin fl'er N.4ivr'iine'r.-....... Hh.^Dlltfer... J''.l,>i»i-wrtlkori<..-... K. Miirtln.... TvMz Lang's production of 'You and Me' foe Paramount is a ciiridus cinematic ^adventure. It's consistent ■witli this director-producer's previ- ous eftortSr^'M,' 'Fury;' etc.—and he .will yet produce something truly ^reat.'biit he misses out iri thi.'i'ohe. Tlifs fit . like his 'Fury' for Metro, more. nioVel in production treat- Veiit than b.o., although tKe- scUinV. <id the sleUar combination o( Syl- Sldney-Georpe.flaft; should : get it 'over' the hurdles for pret'vy fair bu.'iines.s.; 'You and Me' would - have been' a 1>et! • .winter-weather entry than, now. Basically,:' it's. boy-'mieets-3irl pattern, with a crook mcUer genera. •However; it's a type' of prodiiction- dii'ectpria.l treatment that could com- ma rid considerable critical attention, ;Uiider roper . trade Jiuspices; and feven as is, the Aim will. intrisue-.the. typewriters .of sortie, of the nation's celluloid commentators.. ithout going into the .'nuances, of ' the Lang technique, %vhb has al- . ready made an impression: via his ,hovel approaches to ' the celluloid treatment, there's quite a bit of the ;Rene 'Glair in 'You'and Me.' Lan; 'tries' to blend dramatic nlusi with melodramatic action more than heretofore. It's a\sOrt of cinematic. •Merc.iiry theatre, b.v way of Marc Blit/stein-Orson Whiles, with Euro- pean jnayorihft, also. However; It's rather confusing.. Opening,,. nioht^s^s dramatically discourse, in Kurt Weill music with. Sam Coslow's. lyrics, that 'You Can't Get Somefiing for Nothing' and that •you've got to, pay for. it.' 'Whether Itixurje-s or hot, the iiiontajje'. shots, of je\yels, perfumes, .travelog im- i'<issions or ' ieplcurean delicacies .isually illuslraie'.the premise. 'Then it pans into Morris' depart- ment store which Harry . Carey, as Morrts; run's on a "rehabilitatidn basis. Some . . of his' 2.500 emploj'-' eas are ex'-cbnvicts,. out. on-parole, getting their comeback chance from Morris. George Raft is one. and ,flna lly his barole is Iclear; he may. de-. port- himself as. a free agent, he may keep company, he inay even marry. He does. Sylvia Sidney is "the !girl-. She too is a paroled penitentiary in- iiVate, but Raft liever, knew 'that. Their, crimes are neyei- disclosed other than that'Raft did tote a gun in his criminal: career; hers is an anoymous crime careefr save the im- pression, from the probationary of- fluer. that she'is a highly exemplary paroler. ' "There's a touch of the humanl- tariaii when Carey is made to over- look the fact that ei^ht of the ex- cons, whom he had put on the straight 'n'l narrow hod back.slid plenty. This sequence alone i» the fliin's prime:undoing for. while.real- ism isn't thie basic axiom of Land's production, the realistic elemeiits are certainly there. Thus, when the eight break into, the store and he has them cornered, Carey overlooks everythln.i?'and tells'em to report at f* a: for work, re^iirdless. Ai'ter which. M's.s;Sidney'.t;ives Ihem a Is.s.son in the crime-doesn't-pay cpufsc. That's.a bit too -much will Ijke him, that way. iss ^idr ' ney's .perforimance is compeletit in its earnestness to shield her past and not shatter the real' amorous sparkJ { Warren Hymer; .■Vera. Gordon <as Mrs. Levine); Carey, Barton Mac?' Laiie,' Roscoe ICariis and Robert Clim ings are inost prominent in support,. at)d all effective. Al^el, BLOCKADE (WITH MUSIC) Hoiiy wood/ June 7, United Aitlflts release of Wallfp WaiiKcr proiliiullAn. Slui-}( Madelelni; Curroll wnd llcniy VuDilu; foutiirfH Cnrrllld, Jqhn HulllJay. Ke^(lhfil>l 'J)cnrty. ]tnl)(>ti-t -\V*i(- wU;k, Vludlmir Sotiolun. Dlreclell liy ^VU* llHi'n DIetuVle.' Story aiiO Jicrcenpliiy by ■lolin llo'witrd .I<aw:ion; Ulalng -■ i^itecllun, i'o^tfr Goilfrey; .ni(s(. dlireelor,- Chaiiea. Kerr; nniHlr. Wftrntr Junnnen; lyrics, Ann Itoncll; niuslckl Olrecllun; Uorl9'Mai'ms; oonOuclui-; Irvln Tnrlhoi; .(.•nm«rn, iludy. Malp;' Hpei lal Hrrecla, JMiii^teir T.riwHiin nnd .lanitiH.XrtB^vl. Prftviewfd " ut VlllflK* *l»Ctttre. ."WefliWood,: J^ne .', Running lime, W rtilnn. .. .Madololne i'arroll .... ...Henry :'K«hJ:L .^.Tieo Parrlllo . :.JohnHanid£iV "...Viudl Ir So';ol6rt ;....ltPKlnulrt Denny .... .HoberL Warwick WllUam B,.DuV|d8on ....... .Fred Knhler ;.i'elcr-Codtr>y ... .rarlrtB de Valdcz .. ^Kath?rlni> ditMlllb (teurKe Byion ..; . J .l.upUa Tovnr NIok Thompflon- ........Uoslnn. Onlll I : . DolDrei* I>uran . ..... .^Ciuy d'KnneVy • Normal Marco.' ... •... I.uls...............r-V Andre *;ii!lin-i Hnall. Noi<in:t'ri f;tihor ' Kdim.rd ilv-m: ...-.>.. ,. ifi>hpv;»|. V;il|">>....,",,' .CiMnriinnilum .... ■... J^leiro. ^(a^il■itln Mnjor .lei Kl.>.... I'(>iiM:tnt Kirl ■ 'J'roiijmdor I'nlin reHdei-ii.- i ^ ■ BftJI|Mi. W«liro}<n » I):in<^erii'. . *.;iiiM»i C.*ouni»ell'>r.... .\ . Miniature Reviews ■You ail 'e' (Par). idnby- Ratt co-starrer in an 'liUere.<t- ina' Fr.It/. Laiig produolioil. M'ldest. b.~o. potentialities, •RIockadeV (UA - Wanger). Madeleitie. Carroll-Henry Ton in anli-war. ftl laid In Spaiii. Will need showmanship selling. Three. Blind Mice' (2bthX Lorctla Yourtg, Josl McCrea and David Ncvln in a gc)bd ifiecl.v. Oke for top spots.' ftckless Llyln;' (U). Unii prci'.' comedy with a race- track background, "rhlii Marriage . Buslnem*^- Fair', dualer;' Victor ooi-e as a'marrying J. P. The Toy Wife' (M-G). Lulse .Rainer in an., old-fashioned melo, -Froii Frbu:' beautifully produced'biit creaky. End' < ). ilm's will im- ..pede 11-in f.or dual.s. -'Speed ia Burn* (20th). Ex- pOiie of crooked. horse racing but best;in its cornedy sequences ith Henry Atmett^. ini;. and David Niven weds Pauliiie . orL>, rftuliired. 'Sq it .ends happily \ c'xccdX the uudiGiicc vvoiild-like more (if'art Kr\^;in ' iid Binnie Barnes I i^ihaii the scrhJt provides. She is Niv- , en's .sister and a .fi-Cclanco. 'ith aii i amusing chattel'. i Film is from a play, by tcphcn Pow.vs, which has been adapted by ■ Brown :Holmes and Lynn Starling; Script would be had mors action' and movement aiid a ■i = ltl>;. luss cdnversati WilliTm A. Seller irectcd:. Fliii. THE TOY WIFE Hollywood. J)itne i. .M.-rn r-^i »'w .ir .\i.M iiin' I*. rouji-T pni* 'li|iM .III). SI II 4 I .III . lt:iiiii-r; ii>:ituri>s .Mi'Iv\|i I>.Mi\;i M fijwi r.''ilit'ri YminK. . HI-* K-.l uv lii.-lt iiiT TlMrii.'. Srroeiiplny hy. • .\UliK; .Mii.h'm"iI .<-.:riii>. vl'varl W.ini; animi. , u'liv- r T. M:iri4|i: Hilllfir, Klii''*. ■ I. . itiiiiiiluv ilin". '.ininH. iUji-riH. I!i-ttcai-i (i*'rt>u FrfH"t..IiUlHP llnlhor RECKLESS LIVING ( ITH SONGS) t'r»lv(M'.i:iT. orndtir'.ilon-.nnil rclpose. Fi»i- Ui,lirii Wilro.s'. -Nan .(irey... Jlnniii'i .S'jvit, Wlill'itii l,uiMllt:nn,. Kr.m'k''nt;,^. l)!- ri^fletl liy ..l'ri\hk..,.\lrl>onritil. ■ AUiip'-f^l '»y (■'hnrles tiravMnrt" Troni alory: by ■(.Imrle.'* I?«au'niunt'.-. .s„iit{a (ly Jlmm^' Mc uclrnnd ,|1:n'',|(l .XtLlni-Sinv; (v'i:n''r.T.' I':|\vo<h|-, llrOilclV. .\t .M»lr«|inlirn'il. II') lyn. June 31 .'.'IS, <luril, r^iinnl:);; lllif, CS inlii,*. Fni-i >ii.. Anttrpw. Hunny r-.iuri 'Slufi'.v* . ,..'Sian|.'y .^liaw. ,. M'VPlille . . ....... ■'tlilner.-ir' .» .... Mftllior Uy: i ru'r.v Sl\ nin... . * Dreifiiili '.,. . (ibert Wllf'ox .■;. Nnn lii . i. .^linimle Ravi, ...VVilllam I.undlKnn '...'. Kr'».nl: ,len' s/.. Harry. Davenport . . Mfiy: Tlnlev ... .('lirirle.H JudelH lrr\rlan Mrlqilt^ ...'..'. .ICdrlle '.Jnuksoii 'Blockade'is a film with, a purpose, which, shouldn't be held against it because the purpose is a worthy^ one ^a. pVea against war. . Particularly modern warfare with its devastation of unfortified cities and the' consequent, butchery of civilians,, arid its merci- less starvih'g of vast .populations by subrnarine blockade, of:fbdd. supplies. .'Vehement in its message, realistic, in its pictorial argiiment and earnest in its: appeal, .the picture, is distinctive, difl'er'ent arid .provocative. B'ut it misses any clai ' to greatness be- cause it pilills its: punches^ The icontro'versial aspects, the ap- pearance .of adeleine Carroll and Henry Fonda as co-stars, supported by well-known players, plus .the ad- vantages of William Dleterle's direc- . tion. ('Pasteur' and 'Zola') and rhusr- cat accorhpanirhent bv Werner Jahs- sen, make 'Blokade* an. uniisual at- traction derhandihg unusual ,sKow- man.ship handli It'i gphig to be tough to sell,' ' odern Sjpain in the death-grip of civil war is the background of the ^screenplay, iii. original by John Howard Lawson. The picture: there- fore has the benefit of .timeliness and the exploitation values of page one 'hews. Lawson is not a. writer who ordinarily pussyfoots his themes, but in :an apparent attempt to straddle the Spanish .issue's and preserve 'an international distribution market for the picture, he disguises the warring factions and attempts, the. impo.ssible of impersonalizing war and its- helpless, starving c'ivitian victims.. Law'Soh lets!'go with both'-barrels In an effort to. prove his point that war is murder, that an awakened conscience of the people can put ah end to slaughter and havoc, and that army leaders are. tools of selfish and conniving'international schemers. That he fails somewhat in his argument is because his' char" acters are blui'red by anonymity. The stage and the. screen are.potent vehicles for melodramatic prop- aganda, but for a dramatist to take a middle course, in an evident at- tempt to spare tendi>r fecling.f,' is to fli:e. at his target with blank car- tridges. Handling a'-subject of this kind, to make' it effective film enter- talnrhent. he imist take sides and striite reckle.'sly regardless of where the blows land and \yhom he hits. There were plenty of customers who walked out on 'The Birth- of a Na- tion' and. 'War Brides/ but the dims eot over their message nolwithstand- in?. In view of the advance ball.vhoo surrounding the makins of "Blockade." .... ..._.. „ —. the telegrams which Walter Wan.'icr Mathematicpliy, she breaks down sent to -the Secrelary. of Slate de- bar lecture that the eight would'claring foreign spies were discovered have netted only 113 bucks after .all | in the s'Uidio, and the press release their conniving, and' so Ibe ririrlned I that Joseoh 1. Breen .was smoothing tliiigs decided to stay Teformed; she'the way lor Eui'opean exhibition, the P'jwdcr.'i.oh Raft, he goes through a text ofthe pictiil-e.scarcely supports Sherlock routine and Anally'clinches I the tears of Ihreatchod sabotage. It In the hospital at -the. childbirth.' A 1 icpoiied iii Hollywood that the .switch on the. shotgun wertdin^r .ca'.! i Hoy. office roduction code admiiv- his them remarried, with, their baby ( i<li--ii'n ad'vi.ied radical alterations at the altar, because—you See—their i j„ ti,e original script to.avoid oltense original m.irriage was. tlle.ual .siiv:^ ■ lo fore^sn powers. Fact is. that the no ctvil righl.'! wh'le | j,,,.(,ng,j, and power of a film of this 'Still under prison parole and under , lypj. . ortensiveriess and tclinical conviction. I pariisanshin .Treatment of the post-ijarole .-i "^.What Lawson has written and Di - pertinent of oeople of both .sexe..j_ts j , ,p ^ rliiccted is- a stoi of ro- X^'TlllrISkT/wSc -d;p^iorvage. isS-CarroIl cai>iera portraiture. ■ The u.^e of the .Kurt eiU niii.'<ic III the openin" and later in the nion the rendezvous: of ■ the spies. By a ruse a food ship, escapes the sub- marines and is brought safely to port'mid much rejoicing. Meanwhile, the \tnhoJy alliance be- tween, high atmy officers' and: the spies is uncoverea-/The final close- itp Shows Fonda -in a , direct audi- ence, appeal thp.t.something be done about'Stopping' Wir. "The plea' is earnest enough, but uhforlunately Tie doe.'in't give the formula: Through all this appear L^o Car-; rillo jn ah amtjsihg role, of ,a sheoherd -sold icr: John Halliday,' very 'villainous as the slrck master' mind' of • the' .spies: .Robert Warwick ■ iii a good characterization of ah' arih.v' oflFic'er .will'h!? to; betray his peonle,. and Resinaid Denny as a supftrcMioiis war correspondent,, Vladi ir Soko- iofT has a smaller, role. -Werner' .Tenraen's soecjal 'inusrc lor the film Is interesting because ,he uses "ah'oft-screen. chorus in sever,-*!: spots to highlieWt the martial mood nhd- the hapoiness .of the neoRi'» wlr-n. their, ship comes in. A'nh Ronell!s lyrics are IpdI.stinguishable, hiit it. is. a saf<» bet that the chorus, dons not sin? 'MarrKin" Through Georgia.' ' lockadf' . is, a ex- pertly produced film with pccasirtml flashes of anTer a-'flnst the stiniditv of W!"r. Its "rnaknes-n: is. thnt it doi-sn't: .slny, mad enough to ^-''.use audience indi)?natinn. Fli^i. Unimpressive diiabr with n face ' track background. Deals-with the ; get-rich-tjuick- activities of turf fol- I lowers.: Introducing a romance In the lives of the characters played by Robert Wilcox and Nan Grey, Thread of thi story is vdiw simole,-being di- vided betwe'in goihg to .•the races, farce, and the bby-gets-girl angle. Neither in Its farce, racin.g nor rb mancc sequences is the film distin :gu'shed. ' Jiinmy^ Savo makes his'.debut in the film as a cnhvcrsatiohalist aiid afso .sin.!!s one number.-, Whilie his Dantbmime Is'ub to: the Sivo stand ard, ther is hothin" impressive in hi.i new vchliire. There are .'two songs by -Jimm'v cHugh aiid Har- old Adamsori, 'You're a Sweetheart, rendered, b.v .Savo.' and -'When the Star? Go B.v." delivered by Nan Grey Wilcox and Nan .Grey are adenuate in the'ir roles; Frank .Teriks stands out as he h<<.s in S'»yefal bthef sihall barts. arid .Hsrrv DaVenport does a niece of nnv'nning acting„as an old blind racing .inn; THkEE BLIND MICE I1:H SONG) ' HoilywbcKi. June 20lb O.entury-Foi. release 6t. Hay'inond OrliTlth' pi-iidurtlon. 8t:ira |.oi-«lla Yiiun^. .loel Mot'rou- and ji>;ivld Nevin; fculiir**^ Si unrt KrWin. Marjorie Weavr; J^.-iullifi Moore and llinnla Hiirnea. Olr'^cl'^d hy wnilam A. Selcor. . Kcrefnplfty by Uiown IlolnieH and J.yhn SlarllnFr: .from play l>y Sicphfn Pywyri;: Kon*;, .I*ew I'oII.t.-1; . and Sidney l>, .Mitt hf^Jl; cunn^ra. Krnfsi P^lnnfr: Arthur iJinKP. J'r-*- \V»!!tiwood; June 2,-'38. Ins. ,. ,T.bretia Touor |i'<h-| i«ii/ viewed Hi VI)l:iKe. Kunninir llin^',. T*> PameU f'harieni.. Vun Smiili. Sieve Hurrin ton.. Mihe H>npliy.; MoI>-a^ CltnH"!.-'.... RllxaheiJi <'li:iri*TJt .M'Iriaiii. .Mr . KillJM younar .M:in Mciidiirka ("leik... Workman.- ..loitl Mi:('ri-:i ».l>;ivld Nlven Sluarl lOrvvfii .... M:irJorla Wcnvtr VauJInc M<mr*» , IJInnle It ■rnr>a . ..,... Janu I>:irw("U ,.., .l (*'onld J\ liiiki-y ... ..SpPiii-iir rip;ii'l*»i'M .kran^liit J'.nnr.ln .. ,,Uerli Heywood This Man"! Business nkO r-^l^asi' rif . cut ftc!d .producllon; 5{|nr.^ VU-lur Nhnire; ronliiren. Allan l.-thf nnd A'kkl T.eHler. . ■Dh-T'-lei^. by Chr'aly t ■al'»\nnt'.' .Rfrpi!,ii idny, (lladvs ■ Alwnler and .T.. Ro'i»rl Br^n; alnry; Mox lliih'pn and Mrl f^lddlt*:* Mrii^ra', AHTiiflt; edit Huri v, t . Irjin-l,n*Ulyn. • wpfii June \ *3!), dual. ■-Runhlng tlm^^ 70 mln. .Itid.. nm,.. Nun^'V ..... '. MHi'd*-,.... '. r'indM.,,j.- .lo**. ..... I'VanUli.... l^loyl. :. ... Mrii. riall. Madden;... Vlclor Moore .... . .. Allan I.ane .... ...Vlckl I<esl«t . . :(?ecir TCfllaway ,.... .IJahk'f^arjinn ..:.. Rlrhar^ li'iiii . .'..i..KaV Rnlioi Paul Oulirnyli .. Jnok Arnold Frank - M. Tlioinri' ',\ .. .Te^onR nhb^rl. . . .fJcoi-Re Irvlfi; i.<; the d;tu^hlpr of an inlci'nationnl nient. who is the tool of a h'ghei'uo. The i*ioon profi.ts from. wai*. whcr- ta-e nr fhr'^nV. n^^^^ h\rS»r/umH ov.N' fouelit. presumably throu-h the ta-e of fhe mob s pi lion backiiimind, ^g,^ arms, although the exact vil- -^nnd thr»ir dVajinatic choral chanl. i tick With thb M>5b'-^iye;^e:;ic^ lamv hovond j^p;ona|« is unrcvcalejr •omethina imnortant yet to come. Cenl':iMiz their allcnlion , n the Only strnighl .son" is torched bv Soanisli xrine. Ihoy arc mc' gtd ;..s C-^ro\ Paign a blonde looke:v and .spies. di..irIo.^ins to the U-boal.-: the iVi tilled 'The Right Gu.y fur Me' .soa of .supply shin.s.,>onda whtfii:. a''ain; Lan" his psrmitt?d hi.:' ''< furinor youth, now « Sdldier c unei aman. Charlcs Lane. .Jr.. to let, :l'>'-'liii'iJ: for his land. A.s^a roward hliiKelf uo-with more rnnnlase work for bravery he i.s attached to lirndr di>i>icllii<T'he idea Of drif.tln"-iii-lhi.s- oiiarlci-s and .soon d^icSvci'.s Ihn.t •wiiiiH with the titular 'ri<;h't 'iuv ' ' M'.^-s r.irr'ill. despite .•til hiir h'nndo .. Raff.s. pertormaiice manifosLs a beauty, is his.foiintry'senoniv. lion r')i- i-eslraint 1hal',< almost loo she .'iocs flr.^'hnnd the .siilToiiiuj of :"sii-<'iic .. It's a s">ici.<"n I'nt ini"i^pht .?'iH. h'^lnlcss Woiii"ii and ■>.''.^m'1 oiiilo fibe. v/illr ilii- of il. ciiilHroii. .vhc: ronfc.^e.s |i"r. i):irl in 'A'cysr, he's a softer Raft and nioi- the dirty work and, lead.; 'onrta to Quite pleasing comedy about a trip of,'ers who are bored -with life on a Kansas cliicl';en farrn and come to .California tO cop a rich husband for the eldest girl.. .It is played in a gay and light spirit with a cast head- ed by Lorctla Young, Joel McCrCa and David Niven, in starring parts, and a Kroub of Kobd suoporting .players, including .Stuart Erwin, Marjorie Weaver, Pauline Moore and Bihnie Barnes. More, names than can .bj handled on the marquee. It is.good summer entertainment and will stand up as the topper ili dual bookings. : Action takes place in the.^Sanla ' Barbara, disti ict .and the camera '■ shots of rc.sort life ai'buhd the hotels, ' nolo (ield.i and beach are as inlriyu- ihg as a travel biireau circular. All the cliaiaclei-s are swanky. drcss.for dinner and go. in heavily for Spani.'ih coiiluincs and a ig barbecue." There isn't a serious rto- metit in the tiim an.d the i prcssion i conveyed i.s that Caiifornia'is a land 11-'" of romance, soft . music, monnlichl. .niid nlcnlv. , liich is'ali riplil. loo.' if bills didn't Ktvc to be-paid'by the lOlh of thc nionlh: Oil th^ llicoi v that it .is as easy to' fall iii^loyp with a ricli man as -y DOor one. Mi.<s Young fi s h^i'.svlr i)iir.<(icd. by two .suilor.s. b.'ilh of whniYi sh" bplicvCs to bp v/caMli,>' wilh i;<)i)d fii ilv ronDcclfon.s. .Jin her lu'.k to fall for the'iin" who. h'ls iiioi o .tjclvilo-jv l)),nn <:a.<h. h^'ti .shi> tli'>t.hci: fiWn orisp of wi';pI!Ii is a fake, the yot'ilh say.s I'lz-y mt;- biilli in 111" s'lmc li.x .ind w.tII;..: mil. S'l sli", liir'iis to tho otllor b!>y ,wli'> h'is pl.?Miy of inoii'-i'. ii\o(iiil:i'ii l.i|i!.^ iirid .1 fl^sirp. t.) v.'" . t tli.n (iiii~h'. of conr-A Mis< oiina i\'A< Jixii .VIcCi-'; wlio hay S'.'con ill- Some day, perhaps, RKO will'gel a storv conlmensurate with the tal ehts. of Victor Moor Weohlvserv- to substantiate i "This arriage. Businey.s' what has lon'» since been Droved—that he's potential b.o. \>\iX he's bein.'r thrown to th^ lions. .C^st lug and d'rectibn are excellent but the iilory has a ton-familiar rins. a ii<!saw with .sever.'il pieces missing, Moore's excellent char.icterization a^ a hom'».v. nroyincial Jii.stice of the peace should heln it on the dual bill Monre, as usual, draws the laughs with the situations In which he'be comes involved unwittin';ly. When Allan Lane, who capably. sunriorts as a new.'ioaoerm'iri. exololts Moore as the. cuoid whose marital knots defv fre<*dnm—tO'' every niarriage. never a divorc'"—the latter becomes th« town's big. shot. Soon he's running for'ma.vor.. ow. I'Or;;*'.* ■ S:irli^i.l.<< i.uli-i* .Vnllklr,'.. 111**!, Itrlj^arfl.. tc;iM' .|!rl'.;iiivl... il.'inii'.. Vn|f lie. ix-rniio ..., ii li,-!'- i;.>ii.|-'ii.. iiiii(i,<'\:,.. l*Ml i.vinii A'lii...^iil. I'Orjil.'. . .;. .... .Koliert Yciiini: ..,'.'. 1 '.1 rlia i*.v f)• -N rtl ....... II. . Wni iii'r .M»nn Kriii^T. .I:llii)y T.iyliir ;i'hrrOM-'\ Hjirrm. V.AVnllcr Klnp.ifnrrt . .t'Uniiin .rtoHonionil .'.. ...t'lHi-^Wpe ".^l^l^» l.'*onTi'/l "J'fnii ...Man I'pil •>ver.' an oopositi''<n bl'ic nn.soirps to fraitie him—scan til vrlad-lassie. ,et-"<l —r>n'H it iovolvci? hirti orc-arioi'slv in''ludih'< ivcn a mtirder, for whir he's iifled. However, it all: winds ti-i okav. v'!(h a Initch of rom^''nrp ''ivPh the ni-n .b.v T.nne and Vicki LP'-'-'r. as Moore's rt?i'(»li'.«r. Miss I.p.^^'^r U or'''ttil.v blonde—no nnf(i_lwhii-> .T^r.k r-<r'-iri, as a cam- crainan. aids th.« comedy. Wives Under Suspicion l.'iti\.tM-*-il. .r'*J"it,'ft" nf 'I^lmuml' "Or'iln::f p f,i i<'ii|..titiii. ril'Ji-,* 'WMri:i>>i vviiilnni: ri-.-i-. liii:-'.^ tlilir Pu'fl'f-k. I'.aljill '.MoPKitil. AVjllljiii l.ilirfi.;in ;,ii'l' riitisr'ni'>> .M<i(,r». I>ll' :,.v; VVh:iI..,. (h-i^fitnl j«lnr^ hy; l.ruli:.- K„'I.,r; ■Hf.t;,',*/li>r;(v liy .M> U*H ''(illh'ill^'; Mini (NllKii-. . ■■iiili.f. Wr.l.<hl: iniii'val .cili" :- lliiii. l•l|•»^l'■^.:l•r'•^!|»^:' '■■■"m''r.T. t:**nruc'. Iriy.,11.' it..\ i^i^vfrl II', l*|. tlf.'Mnn IT'i-'irn .V. v.. .Jiih- '.* Ititnri^rv;; llni". I^H. liilii'^. 1 .-Ji'i '11. I'hll. , Kit' .|..„l . .Iiil,- Sl„ ..ri. -Ml.. AVniiiM Wllli'iilit '.i::ill I'jiliK-k. fllii"! I,iiimI1 "llll .f'.,ii.>l;in..,. M>ii»i- . . .i::ill>ll M..r'.MII I iliiri ', I'. Iilll'lil. Il:i|. II I S: It.M"! .Ivir.-ni Villi. .Milliii'i) Si.,, J. . I M • l."l,'i i. .I-.V.IM .^1 ml-. With two Acadbmy awards, for best psrtoi'maiice ('The Great -Z'.sg- feld' ' ..'The Good Ea>th.') to her credit; .that the trade and the. public ill. view. Luise Rair ner's haw picture with more than usual interest. Metro ' has selected for her aii. old-time starring r.oli, > G liberie rojj Frou,' which has been rcnaincd. he Toy Wife.' It is weak, sclccli , a part .unsuited to the aclr and, despite some fine production qualilies ancl strong su nort. tr Mclvyn Douglas, Rpbgrt Young nd Barbara O'Ncil, it!tur btit to be creaky ihelodrama. Fih'n may draw, early trade, but the box. office Will lapev olt through: lack of enthusiastic word-.of-ttiDuth;: rou 'Frou' Is resurrected froin the theatre ot the 80s and 90s. Eng-. lish and. American adaptations ■were made frorh the earlier French 'origi- nal, It.baais kinship to 'Camille,' without possessing tlie romantic lea-, tures or: fine lra;iic construction ' the buma.s. play; There also :is simi- larity in theme to the recently re- leased 'Jezebel' (V/ ). It is a prob- lem drama about a flighty , ife -w.hosei silly -and frivolous ways .bring uhhappiness and disaster to her.hus-. band; her lover and herself. Never really convincing or down to brass tacks, it.'Skims the siirtace of. true emotion and pushes, its characters into false, suocrflcial. situations. :. Whatever it's popularity In the the- atre of its'time, thestory ot 'Froii Frbu'. Is unsuited to film showman- ship of tKe present day. If Zoe Akins ill her screenplay had forgotten about the rtittcial manners of New Or-' leans in the lAOO.s and-thie. stilt-!! dialog of the Fr.ench-LpUlslaha' aris- tocracy, anil ;had devoted herself to the creation of a feminine character possessed: of, unusual qualities.: good and bad, then Miss Rainer might put some life irtto 'Thie Toy Wife.' lack- ing .completely any' clearly dafln'cdl character • development, the. rol-a' is': flat'and all the ?nd anguish of >) broken'heart, and blasted lives fail to .stir the sympathies. The actors «o, through the mbtion.s. but 'The TtJy: ife" is aimeiihanical'doll. iiis Rajncr is slibwn as a' girl ot 16. recently returned from Fi;ancie to hijr home, in' the: bayou country, near New'Orleans. She is gay. lpves excitement and craves romance. She, becomeis infatuated with'-Robert Youn.!!. meiribcr of a good family and .something of a blade. It would have been a good match, but the girl be- lieves'She will be hapoier married to, her sister's fiance, Mclvyn Dpug- la.s. The proposal by the latter ia wholly unsxpected, but is accepted. Faced with the responsibilities (if. managing a large household; innu- merable slaves and the raislng of her four-year-old son, 'Frou f*rou' is uh- caual to the exacting duties of the job. . In desperation over the pli.'tht of his alTairs, the husband persuades the sistei- to'takc over the direction of the home. The. wife renews her . flirtation with 'Young, and one night in. anger at-.her husband and sister, hilt' apparently unwilling to soealc tiD and tell'them both whsre to herd ill. she runs away .with him. The.v live for a time in New York and iheii return , to N<:w Orlcan.s, where husband and lover fight a duel, and Young is killed.- Cohics rpihoise and: repentance, also a bad'case of chill.s...and Frou Frou dies on a .Camille bed with last- niiiiiile by hor hiisband- and sister; The litllc son holds her liarid aiid muller.s, 'Momsey/ For an actress of Rainer's .tkill such an- old-flshibnod .story\ scarcely capilulizbs her curi-cnt bat-,. \\n'' avei;ag.e.. She is never quite at ease' In. the r))ls, arid \;cc> Eyerylhitig is i-cstraincd. One good blast (if Icnioei- snd- her trbubli>s from busybodio.-i would be over. Sha never ll'.;hl.s tor her i;f.->'s hannl- ticss. bill drifLs ai l-;ssly. The vv.-^m- an ,11 the end isn't the girl ot tha ■ ! lic'lonin-;, I 'rhai'i 'NVil does a sw?'!! jol» j in Ihe .-ji ;U'r r.)!-. Dili^Ji^s has : toui'h ri.>si-!ii ciil ,.s the iinSynnor- I thelic ui . otiiv! docs, th^ b;.'- lie ran with .in iii'l'ilinii?! character. I nijli/U 'l Tl oroL'"-s . .ircCllop' :imoolli r;noii'''ii >n'1 tlie ';ond ol 1 ■ .S/ii/lh -iiKii'jspluTi; i.i cajiil.nljy can-r lured ill til:-! rcnrcji'ivlalions of cii.'iv ,-i;id cii-iloiiis of the -nor!■> . ii'iilly Ij^uitiriil cxlcri •■ ot oH ('-)|.iiii-il iii iiil'ilton hOHi lid .so-iii (•Iriniiiii'j iiiliV/i'ir .<stlin.'!.< fjivc Iho.. filMi ■» r':ilisiii (lot. fotind in tli-j (li';iiii;i. 'I'ii.!ri; .tIs ) arc. .-toitle '<"\-v?;|- iMit .N.V'.i-) |)l-i';'!r<. ill Ihc '"•slj ill •niii;r () irticulaiiy -I'i-i-'rcs.-i ' llii'i'lj.' ^'tiii.