Variety (Jun 1938)

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WeiliicsJky, Juiie 8, 1938 FILM B '(For information oj theatre and film exchange book; companies for the current quarterly period. Date of the REISSUES WEEK OF TITLE BELEASE 3/18/38 '~ GIRL OF GOLDEN. WEST ' BULLDOG DRUMMOND'S PERIL KING OF NEWSBOYS REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM THE GAIETY GIRLS ADVENTURES OF MARCO POLO NIGHT CLUB HOSTESS STATE POLICE HE COULDNT SAY NO 3/29/38 4/1/38 4/8/38 4/15/38 4/22/38 4/29/38 •/6/38 6/13/38 6/20/38 5/27/38 6/3/38 /10/38 6/17/3 6 24/33 7/J/33 LONE WOLF IN PARIS HE LOVED AN ACTRESS JUDGE HARDY'S CHILDREN ARSON GANGBUSTERS JEZEBEL WHEN G-MEN STEP IN FLOATING CITY LAND OF FIGHTING MEN" TIP-OFF Gnt|,S CONDEy.NED WOMEN OUTLAWS OF SONORA ISLAND IK THE SKY GOODBYE, FRCADWAY FEMALE FUGITIVE THIS MARRIAGE BUSINESS CAPITAL PUNISHMENT RAWHIDE RECKLESS LIVING WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT FLIGHT INTO NOWHERE SAILING ALONG Z/\MBOANGA TEST PILOT HER JUNGLE LOVE JOY OF LIVING UNDER WESTERN STARS IN OLD CHICAGO DIVORCE OF LADY. X NURSE FROM BROOKLYN FOOLS FOR SCANDAL MCTURES VARIETY RIL DEALS Mtlle June 7. cditijpany tApril, s and vhich Libel Suit Ciilminates Phifly Indies Internal Strife DIXIE DUNBAR IN A DICKER WITH U PICS Alex, Ed..*- Merwii LeRoy itlsbnrsh', e Dunbar wirtds up personal nee tour, in Indianapolis ight (9) and then dancer for. Coast to discuss with ,^xecs ppssibility of play- Jorthconiing ■ 'Collegian' udiq: She washed up before coming s through, Miss o Broadway this fts' new 'Zieg- ton Freedley Her hoofing 'V likely be Tonfiihy ^York flKing- b're- Is o I iladelphi E.-cplosion lliil. may blow the Philly indie cxhib or^'anizallon here to bU's was set oft' Wednc.sday tl) wilh niing of a $50,000. libel suit against Lcwcn Pizor, its pccz, by a member of the brganizalioii. David E. Mil- gram, head oC Atiiliated Theatres, Inc, indie chaiij of 14 houses, charged in Gbmmon Picas Coiiri that the top exec, of United Motion Pictures The- atres Owners of Eastern Pcnnsyl- vani , Southern New' .Jersey and Dielaware .'damaged his business re utalion.' ilgram's complaint arose out of ■an ■ open letter sent by Piwr to a local tr.ade sheet, which he charged (hat Milgram was not a membisr in good stan ing of UMPTO and therefore Pizor was under no pblieiation Ip show him the' coiirte- sie.?, regularly extended mernbers. Pizbr's letter followc'" publication of an editorial in the trade rag taking him to task 'tor building a house in direct competish to another member. Trade paper is nbt a party to the' it. ilgram . expelled . from ipro for' non-payment of. dues, - alleged in his letter. This waa^ i,in the suit by' ilgram,.who •jhat he wa.s a paid-up mem- St^s cancelled chccks for $220 ^C.:'id .tP Gcpr^e P. Aarons^ THERE'S ALWAYS A WOMAN INTERNATIONAL CRIME HEART OF ARIZONA GO CHASE YOURSELF THE FEUD MAKER BAT7LE OF BROADWAY LADY IN THE MORGUE , ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN • Wm. Perlberg . Max Alexander Harry'.Sherman . Bob. Sisk A. W. Hackel Sol Wurtzel Irving Starr Brvan Foy Col- GN Par RKO Rep 20(h U- WB Westerj, Cpmedy Western. Cpmedy Mystery :Com-M'»ner • McL^Sb." P. Fostcr-P. ^. R. R<earan-G. Blonacii CALL OF THE ROCKIES TO THE VICTOR WHIRLWIND HORSEMAN TWO-GUN JUSTICE. COLLEGE SWING ROMANCE ON THE RUN FOUR MEN AND A PRAYER RETURN OF SCARLET PIMPERNEL BELOVED BRAT . H. L. Decker Col Maurice Ostrer GB M; & A. Alexander GN Maurice Cphn Mon* Lewis Gensler Par Herman Schlom Rep K. MacGowan Ztth Alex. Korda UA Br.van Foy WB THE MAIN EVENT DOCTOR RHYTHM LAW OF THE UNDERWORLD JONES FAMILY IN PARIS SINNERS IN PARADISE TORCHY BLANE IN PANAMA ' Ralph Cohn Emanuel Cohen . Bob Sisk Max Golden Ken Goldsmith Bryan Fpy ■ Col Par RKO 20th V WB LAW OF THE PLAINS CpI Col THE SHOW GOES ON , H. Wilcpx GB HOLD'THAT KISS J. Coiisidine. Jr. MGM GUNSMOKE TRAIL Maurice Cpnn Mon* PHANTOM RANGER I Maurice Cpnn Mono STOLEN HEAVEN Par Par :gUNLAW ' Bert Gilrov RKO VIVACIOUS LADY P. S. Berman RKO GANGS OF NEW YORK A. Schaefcr Rep KENTUCKY MOONiSHINI K. MacGOWan SOth AIR DEVILS Tiem Carr U . ADVENTURES OF ROBIN'HOOD Henry Blanke WB Western Rnm-Dr Western 'Western ..Musical Mellev. Eom-Dr Drama Com- Dr Mystery Musicat Meller Comed.y Drama Com-Me llor Western Rom-Dr. Gbmedy Western Western , Rom-Dr '"Western Rom-Dr Meller Musical .Action ^ist-R'ji C. Slarrett^I. Meredith W. FyBe-J. Loder-M. Lockwoo« K. MaynardrJ. Barclay Tim McCoy-Bi Compson M. Raye-Barns and AUeh p. Woods-P. Ellb . L. Ypnns-R.. Greeno S. Stewart-B. Barnes-M. B. Granvillr-D.' Costello Robt. ^. . Cha.;. Lamu.i Allen James Raoul WaLsh Gus Mcins • John.Ford' Hans Schwarti Arthur Lubin 62 11/3 . . 1/12 B. Palce-J. Wells B. Crosby-M. Carllsla C. Morris-A. Shirley J. Pro.nty-S.' Bylncton J. Bole»-M. Evans L. Lane-P. Kelly Danny Dare Frank Tullle Lew Lander.5 Mai St. Clnir Jas. Whale Wm. Clemens 65 S9 4/ '•>■'. .■i-'4 4/i:i C> SUrrett-Jb Meredith A. NeaKle-T. Carniinatl D. O'Keefe-M. O'SallWan J. Rondall-L. Stanley T. McCoy-S. Karren G. Raymord'-O. Bradna G. O'Brien G. Rogers-J. Stewart C. Bickford-A. Dvorak Rite Bros.-T. Martin B. Wallace-B. Blake E. Flynn-O. de Havilland Sam Nel.son H. Wilcox . E. L. Marin Sam Newfteld SanrNewfleld Andrew Slpne Dave Hpward Geo. Stevens Jas. Cruze David Butler John Rawlins W. Keifihlcy- M, Curtiz . SIX SHOOTIN! SHERIFF SWISS MISS NUMBERED WOMEN COCOANUT GROVE BLIND ALIBI RASCALS THE DEVIL'S PARTY MYSTERY HOUSF. YELLOW JACK HUNTED MEN DESERT PATROL KIDNAPPED CRIME SCHOOL M. & A.. Alexander GN Hal Roach MGM E, B. Dcrr Mono Geo. Arthur Par ' ClifT.Reid RKO ■John Stone 20th Ed Grainger U'. Bryan Foy WB Jack Ciimmings Harold Hurley A. W, HSckel K. MacGowan Bryan Foy . MGM Par Reb. 20th WB We.steiu Comedy Dranm Musical Meller Musical Dr.iit.ia Dram a Drann;i Mellev Western Rom-Dr Drarha Ken Maynard S. Lanrel-O. Hardy S. BUne-L. Ilocbes r. MacMurray-n. Hilllar4 R. Dix-W. Benrne. J. Wlthers-R. Hndsoii V. McLaeleh-B. RoberU ,H. Bogart-G. Page K. MontRomery-V. Brace L. Nolan-ni. Carlisle Bob Stcele-W. Meldon W. Baxter-F, Bartholenieir H. Bogart-Gale Pare THREE ON A WEEKEND GB { GB THREE COMRADES H. MpnckieWicz MGM A FAREWELL TO ARMS (R) F. Borzarre PAR SIGN OF THE CROSS (R) C: B. du Mflle PAR SAINT IN NEW YORK Win. Sistrom RKO JOSETTE Gsiii; Markey lOlh WIVES UNDER SUSPICION Ed Grainger U LITTLE MISS THOROUGHBRED Brvan Foy WB HELD FOR RANSOM THE TOY WIFE YOU AND.ME KING KONG (R) RIDERS OF BLACK HILLS L.'\DIES IN . DISTRESS ONE WILD NIGHT GOLnniCCERS IN PARIS HOLIDAY CRIME OVER LONDON LORD JEFF PRISON FARM BLONDE CHEAT THREE BLIND MICE BLOCKADE WHEN WERE YOU BORN YOUNG FUGITIVES OUTLAW EXPRESS HIGHWAY PATROL ONfi WOMAN'S ANSWER ROMAN'CC OF LIMBKRLOST B.\R 3i» JUSTICE BORDER G-M.\^ MR. MOTO. TAKES CHANCE WHITE BANNERS EVERGREEN (R) SHOPWORN ANGEL TROPIC HOLIDAY If.VVING WONDERFUI. TIMK ALWAYS GOODBYE SOUTH RIDING UA.VGER ON THE AIR ■.GN, GN" criah C. Copper MGM .FrUz Lane Par M. C. CooDcr RKO Wi . Berke Rep Horry Giey Rep .Tohiv Stone 2bth _ Sam_Bi.sfhpfr WB EVered'Riskin Col GB GB rani; Davi MGM Par Par Win. Sr.slrom RKO Rav Griffith 20th Walter Wangcr UA Bryan Foy WB " Biirncv Snrccky U Ti em. Carr U Rom-Dr ■ Rpm-Dr Drama Drama Mellar- Musical Drama Com-Dr "Moller"" Drama Rmi-Dr Spec Wesleni <;l('jr MclUii- Musi '111 M. Lookwood-J. Lod(re-B. Ray R. Taylor-Tone-M. Sullavan G. Cooper-H, Hayes F. March-Colbert-Laufblon L, HaywardrK. Sutton S. Simon-D. Ameche-B. Lahr W. Wllliam-G. Patrick J, Chapman-'J. LItcl G. WIthers-B. Mchaffey-J. Mulball I/. Ralner-M. Dou;Ias-R. Younc S. SIdney-G. Raft-H. Carey ' Wray-B. Cabot-Cooper 3 Mesquitcet's A. Skipworth-P. Moran J. LanerL. Talbot-S. Tole> . . . B. Vallee-R, Lane K. Hepburn-C. rant. M. Grahame-I', Cdvanaiich F,. BarthOloniew-Soitidereaard S. Rpss-L. Nolan-j. C. NiLsk S. Fontalne-D. de Marney L, Yoiins-J. McCrea II. Fonda-M. Carroll C. Rains-.l. Cooper I). Kent-R. Wilcox Rob Baker-C. Calleiro W. MacDonald Col KU\v.:Chpdor6\- MGM Mnno Mono Harrv Shrr Par ' Bert c;ili-6v RKO .Si>l intzM 20lh .llonrv" laiikc WB V. W c I. Wells-R. Paife Bruce-ll. Marshall P.irkcr-K. Mnden .. Koyd-d. llaye.> George O'ltrlcn l/drre-It. Iludspn Rains-.!, Cooper Harry Eraser John G, Bly.ston* Carl Brown Al San tell Lew Landers H.B.Humbcrstone Ray McCarey Lew Sriiler Ceo. Sietz Louis Kinc; Sam Newllcl Al Werlrc-r L ew S eller Carol Rccd Frank Borzage . F; Borzat'e C. B. deMille Ben HolinCs Allan Dv.nn Jas. Wh.Tle John Farrow Clarence .Brickcr Richard Thorpe Fritz Lpng Schpodsack Georije Shcr Ciis Mcins Eugene Forde- Ra,v_F.oii.^ht Ce.di-.ijc' CiiI;or Alf. Zcislcr Sam Wood Louis ICiii;! J().<. Saril'cy Wm. Spiicr Wm. Oiclcric Wni: McCVarin .lotin Tlollins Jen. VV;i'.;j;iicr ZX'.. f.'olcm.Tii. Jr. H. .S.iKlnir Wm. ."livli T.cs .Soi.irider 13;iviir ll')vy;ir Ni»rfn.'iii Fooler K'J- floiilding It 65 94 65 77 62~ _58_ 83 63 93 90 /ll S/18 5/25 5/2:) 5'25 fi/1 "5/25 5/m 5/4 76 100 90 124 71 70 68 65 63 100 93 511 5'25 V. Savilic J. L.-Muiickicivic Hi)rr'i)li)V.-. Jr. P. S. Bci' !;:iv'C;ri(l'illi .\I;-.s: K.ii'.---' ■ y M.i S'.jr.- J. .Ma(lhcws-R. Mackjy ..^1. .SullaViin-.r.' Stewart I).. l/ambur-7{uriis-Ray» K(»(;er.S:P. FuirhankM, jr. S!aM\vycl!-II. Marshall It. Uicliar<lsori-K. Bfst D. W'oo.Us-A. .Orcy VkjImi- .Siville II. V I'-iVr Tli.v/'l.irc l,'!-- W S.ti. I'll .Sl'l l.:ili;'i->!-l- v;..- siv'M"