Variety (Jun 1938)

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18 VARIETY Wednesday, June «, 1938 THE LOUDEST EXPLOSION OF PRAISE IN YEARS...! Walter Witichell: "Brave I On* of th* mora imporionl film* du« shortly if Walter Wongor't 'Blockodo'." 1 Sidney Skolsky: "Walter Wanger deserves great praise in making 'Blockade'... a trail blazer to tell a current world situation on the screen." Daily Variety: " ramatically and plctorially, it is an effective, arresti reduction, filled with beauty." Elsa SchaUert, NBC Blue Network Commentator: "Had Walter Wanger ited to make ' lockade'. Hs tremendous power would have been lost, because It tells the story being fought today, not yesterday. Splendid I" Mayme Ober Piake, Boston Globe: "The public reaction to the praview wa* the finest theatre demonstration I have ever seenl" Wm. H. Mooring, London Film Weekly: *" lockode'is a picture for people who hove minds •lid can bear to think;" Jessie Henderson, Bait. Sun, Phila. Inq.: "A powerful, exciting picture which should be seen by all people." Alice Tildesley, Phila. Public Ledger Syn.: "An impressive, stirring picture. Walter Wanger •hould be commended for making it and 1 weuM «rg* every person lucky enough to live in America to tee it." Wm. King, New York Sun; Music critic: "For once I wonted to be a movie critic that I might express my gratitude for seeing it and my congratu- lations to Walter Wanger for a moving, timely pro- duction enhanced tremendously by Werner Janssen's brilliant dramatic score." Dr. Boris Markovin, Director, Univ. of So. Cal. College of the Cine "William Dieterle's previous pictures hove been nothing as compared to this. For the flrit time n great director' raises his powerful and influential voice and the result is one of definite importance to the theatre." LoueUa Parsons, Hearst Newspapers: "Walter Wanger was deluged with telegrams, after the preview of 'Blockade' on Friday night, commend- ing him for his courage. Not all of the messages came from the film industry either. Fans who were able to get into the theotra were just as outspoken in praise 6f this fine pi ." Edwin SchaUert, Los Angeles Ti "History o^f today is brought to the screen by Walter Wanger in 'Blockade'—most powerful drama of the year.. . deserves respect for its courage and its drama Olid it has very much to say." Whitney Williams, Hollywood Citizen-News "Here is a production destined to high places in th* annals of truly outstanding screen epics ... a drama of power and magnitude ... Both Miss Carroll and Mr. Fonda ara at their Jimmy Starr, Los Angeles Herald-Express: "Director William Dieterle has accomplished an im> portant celluloid document, one that audiences, I om certain, ill long remember." ^ --N^—WALTER WANGER'S I CARROLL FONDA with LEO CARRILLO-JOHN HALLIDAY REGINALD DENNY • VIADIMIR SOKOIOFF • ROBERT WARWICK Music by Werner Janiien. From the screen play by John Howord Lawson Dir»cltd by WIlllAM DIETERLE •.tttUond iKrv UNITCO AKltilS starts THURSDAY, JUNE 16 RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Listen in tontght to imporlant coaM-lo-coast"BLOCKA DE" broadcast entirt Red Network of National Broadcasiing Company, Wednesday, June Sth, f:^o Pacific Time —u/jo Eastern Daylight T/