Variety (Jul 1938)

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Weiinesday, July 13, 1938 PICTURES VARiEtY 17 film Jteviews Advaiice Produetion Chart (Continued irom page 15) Rote of the Rio Grande ticular b. io ImporUncei; Weak ,on ••"tJ^I^IIilirineffectualij. told. Rebel marauders, but this time arisr tocrals. One charming young social- ite gathers a gang together to avenge class; He ups and faces the guilty iiarUes, right in thelr lairs, and wipes W i» oi them, Just like that And he liberates his people, wlnnuig tlie onlv looker In the bunch. , The romantic end Isn t so hot. John Carroll is the cavalier, who • Dlays Robin Hoofl against none too isnvincing backgrounds. If this is about the Rio Grande, the river must have dried UD. There isn t a trickle to be seen. Movlta la the girl. Nice enough. Linai Basquette makes the T)(!st ImDression, . The dialog Is a jargon. Trying to get it all a la Mexicano, it's anything but: Camera work, good enoucth, Slion.; ■ „ , , . Hollj/iuood, July 12. , JVuniOer of pxetures in the cutting rootii* jumped from 52 os o/ JiMie 22, to 61 as 0/ July 6; tohtle number o/ /eoturej /aciiig the cameras droupcd (o 42 from preuious. high 0/ 44. ■. Seven new jfihiis ttient into production during past fuio-weelc period, leoii- iiig total o/ 78 yet to'l>e made to complete cuTreiit season'.* program o/ UBi pictures. Toaord.'! this tbtaf stiidios have finished 451, either preuieujed or Telea.?cd, and ot the present date have 50 feotures beiiig readied jfar l!)38-39 release. . Columbia 6lD LOUISIANA Lincoln, July 8. 0«»cenl relMrt ot E. B. Dorr piiHiii'^ilnn. Slora Tom KMns; («Rtur«s Itlta Oinsliin. Dli*>l«<J by I. V. ■WlUat; story. Jolin T. K«vlll»; (MTinnnlay, Mftry Irtland; <-iin)(>r«. Artliiir Martlnelll; editor, .Donald Banell. At Llliart)', Lincoln,! dual, Kuiinlns Unit, nllns. Cr»i:' Tnm Kwne, Rita . Canrtno. Will Jlorenn. Robert Flake, Raphael Beniiell. 'piiit Binter. Carloe DeVaMex. Ranloey Hill, Al C«>an and Wally Albright, . Outdoor,: 'Old Louislaha* has the essential ingredients, of a frontier pic. but it's ai laager. Coupled with that fault is a pooFsimnd track which lialls for the proje^Uohist to use his highest level 'to catch the low: spots, blasting and blurring the. higher .places. Poorest of the Torn Keene series for this company; 'Louisiana' will fare moderately and worse wherever booked. -Even, scenes of the utmost teiisity are paissed oR. in the, spirit of relaxation by the cast. Even the kids won't worry about how every- thli^g.will turn out Femhie nicety is Rita Cansino, Whose lamale accent fits her well for the part of the daughter of the Span- ish governor of Louisiana. Bud Buster, squawman,- has the comedy.- .Keene. represents the American citizcivs in a Spanish colony who are incensed against - Spanish imposed duty on their rivM traffic He niakes a trip to. Washingtbn to see the President in behalf of his colony^ attempt beiiig made' to ambiish. him on the way. That's 'about all there -: is to it ■ PUGAGHEV (RliaSIAN MADE) . (WITH. SONGS) AniKIno releaae of I,ennim proJucHon. DIr^-t.«d by P. .Petrov-Blt^v; sc^iai-.iu, OIkc .F>jikIi: iiiuak', V. yiieballii. Ac Ciiiiru. K. t.. Keck July 2, '38. Ruhnlng time, iu hlln.i. PuiiH'lnv.v.. ". Skorobogiilov fitUvxt ', Mukhulliiuv V.>lol.ikol. ...............Y. Malluthi . Bdi reiaiy ot the Senate '.. . V. .Oaidin Fillmon M. Pavlikov • TvoiOBOv.-. ..V. I*.-*e.nko Burt».. K. Karlaklim. Prjiiliovla.. K. Msximovi U'llrilii N, I^Mlonliia tWiil'kl , V. Tas'.iln Clillia....,.,, I. SIMV CltuiiLiUov . ..v. Cliudakov Un Russian, with English Titles) Plodding tale about. Pugachev, a dumb Coisack who thought he was the C/.ar. He died on the block as a bandit, choplied by orders of Gath- eniie 2d, in the 18th centiiry. Might have been htaae with greater imag- ination apd romance. Has the mate- rial. Acting is okay in, spots, but on tlie whole the picture is n.s.g. When it tries to be funny, it is Stupid, in- stead. . Ru.<isians must have gone over- board on overhead. Plenty of choral interludes, mob stuff, location shots, teriod backgrounds and numerous battle, scenes, but all pretty well cluttered.' •K. Mukhutinov, as Salavat. kir chieftain,'ally of JPugachiJV, is the niost imaginative character in the plin. He is a vivid performer and *he picture^ standout t,-*^" SEfiSpfft^ov is good, too, but JUS pof tFffiy ai or Pugachev is Subject »«> .contiWefsy. He might have pro- vided the character with a bit of 'fSal beylnf rather than to have stuck by (he picture of Pugachev as anillitoVate, homely cluck, arid child of desjiny. \ t fljfi ^- *• side, there's not much ? ("A*"^"- '••he romantic end is ■ e|sual. family stuff. Maylje aue to the printing, but the caih^i-a WBTk is not vivid, althpugh. ♦ *'l-38 l iK!l8l?. ^f»e picture is iii- tereshltS f t^PjIly. It offers an in- Mrestiiig^rray Sf Russian tribes and ctuiacters, but few ieinmefi. Features Westerns . . . David Loew. Number.Number of Fix Com- Proutsed pleled: 4« Jl ... Z: 1 Sow inr. i 1 N ow Balitnce t« Id 'BeFlabed Stories In Cuttlof Before Prep»rai-. Roofns Camerai tlon • J 4 " S * 4 1 • I . Total ,45 Pictures now in the cutting roorns 6r awaiting previews are; 'PHANTOM GOLD,', formerly titled •GOLD BUSH DATS,' produced by rVi^LJ:°Iw'i-' ^'l*'!j*l''*,''°**P^^ Levering; original screen play by Nate S»li«n' ^*'°**'*^SP'**f''y,^*'V«* Brown, Jr. Cast: Jack ludeh, Beth T»v °AiS!"'x.^^S'"?' Whittaker, Hal Taliaferro, Jack Ingram, (canine) ' "^ Barton, Art Davis, Marian Sais. L^fe McKee. Tuffy Hl??v"n?.i?'' formerly titled 'SINGING GUNS,' produced by ^11/ 1 ■ i 'or Irvirig Briskm unit; directed by Sam Nelson: original rhf^i« ''Ly photographed by Benjamin Kline. Cast: Charles SUrrett Ins Meredith, Bob Nolan,; Pat Brady. Dick Curtis, The Sons of the,Pioneers, Eddie Cobb, Art Mix, John Tyrrell, Robert Fiske. 'PiONEEB TSAIL.' formerly titled 'VALLET OP VIOLENCE,' produced by^Larry Larmpur; directed by Joseph Levering; ori inal screen play by Nate Gatzert; photographed by James S, Brown. Jr. Cast: Jack Luden, i°",V',^"'*>'' Dick Botillier, Tufty' (canine). Slim Whittaker, Marin Sals, Hal "Taliaferro, Leon Beaumon, ^^^J^JO^-'yrfidwei by David L. Loew; associate' producer, Srv'^l?'i°'*= ^i^fby Edward Sedgwick; based on novel by Philip Wylie; Photographed by George SchneidAman. Cait: Joe E. Brown, June Travis. Robert Kent, Dickie Moore. Lucien Littlefleld, Ethel Wales, Don Douglas, Man Mountain Dean, Lee Phelps, Eddie Kane, Wright Kramer. _ *TOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH TOV,' produced and directed by Frank eapia- original play by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart; screen play by Robert^Riskin;^photographed by Joseph Walker. Cast: Jean Arthur, James Stewart Lionel Barrymbre, Edward Arnold, Mischa Auer. Spring Byington, Ann Miller, Dub Taylor, Clarence H. Wilson. Mary Forbes, Donald Meek, Samuel S. Hinds, HaUiwell Hobbes, Eddie Anderson, Lillian Yarbo. . 'I AM THE LAW,* formerly titled,'OUTSIDE THE LAW,' produced by Everett Riskin; directed by Alexander Hall; original screen play by Jo Swerling; photographed by Henry Freulich; Cast: Edward G. Robinson, Wendy Barrie, Barbara O'Neil, John Beai; Arthur Loft Dbuglas Woods. Charles Halton, Emery Parnell, Gene Morgan, Robert Middlemass. Byron Fougler, Anthony Hughes, Walter Smalley, Scott Coilton, Gaylord Pendle- ton, Marshall Grant Nick Lukats.. Colambla Fix No.w In ProdncUoii •THE LADT OBJECTS,' formeirly titled 'LADT LAWTEB,' produced by Willimri Perlberg: directed by Eari Kenton; no writing credits released as yet; photographea by Alan Seigler. Cast: Lanny, Ross, Gloria Stuart, Joan Marsh, Roy Bensdn, Robert Paige, Arthur Loft Pierre Watkin, Robert Fiske. 'WINGS OF DOOM,' produced by Ralph Cohn for the: Irving Briskin unit; directed by C. CT Coleinan, Jr.; original screen play by Michael Sim- mons; photographed by Lucien Ballard. Cast: Jacqueline Wells, Charles FarrelL Alexander Dorsey, Frederick Burton, Eddie Earle, Addison Rich- ards, Charles D. .Brown, Hugh Sothern. 'FINISHING SCHOOL,' produced by Sam Marx; directed by John Brahm; no writing credits released as yet; photographed by Franz Planer. Cast: Anne Shirley, Nan Grey. Ralph Bellamy, Margaret Tallichet I>oris Kenyoh, Noah Beery, Jr., Cetil Cuiilyngham, Franklin Pangborn, Warjorie Ford, Marjorie D^an, Marjorie ReynSldSi Dorothy Moore, Joan Tree;, 'PHANTOM TBAIL* (tentative title). Coronet Pictures production for Columbia; associate producer, Monroe Shaft; directed by £lmer Clifton; original screen play by Monroe Shaff; photographed by Eddie Linden. Cast: Buck Jones, Dorothy Fay. Grand Natidnal Fcaiarea Wesierhs. Now Balanoe to . Number Nymber Now In Be Placed Stories In ol PiX' Com- ShboU Cuttinr Before Prepmra- Proatlsed pletcd Inc Rooms Csmeru tlon , 4J IS ' • J 2» S !$X < • S 13 3 Total ........... «$ 21 • « 38 f Pictures now in cutting rooms or awaiting previews are: 'HELD FOB R.ANSOM,' produced by . International Film Corp.; directed by Clarence Bricker; original screen play by Ba>ry Barfinger; photo- graphed by Arthur Reed. Cast: Blanche Mehaffey, Grant Withers, Jack Mulhall, Kenneth Harlan, Walter McCrail, Joe Girard, Bruce Warren, Edward' Foster, Harry Hafvey, George Moore, Richard Lancaster, John McCallum, Spec O'Donnell, Joe Devlin, Earl Douglas, Benn Halli Leo Daugherty, Robert'MclCenzie. . 'KOLUN' PLAINS,' produced by Ed Finney; directed by Al Herman; original screen play by Edniund Kelso; photographed by Francis Corbey. Cast: Tex Bitter, Harriet Bennett^ Snub Pollard, Hobart Boswovth. Ernie .Adams. Charles I^iiig, Lynton Brent Horace Murphy, Karl Hackctt Ed Ca.ssidy., ■ !I MARRIED A SPT,' produced in England by As.<>oclated British Film Distributors and cut here; associate producer, Hugh Perceval;.directed by Edmond Greville; screen play by Ba-sil Mkson. Hush Perceval and Edmond Greville from ndaptation of Paul DeSaninte Colonve's 'Secret Lives'; photo- graphed by Otto Haller. Cast: .Neil Hamillon^'Bri itte Hoiney, Ben Field, Robert Petrie. 'HIGH COMMAND,' produced in England by Associated British; Film Distributors and cut here; associate prbducer, .Gordon Wellesley; directed by Thornald Dickinson; screen play by Katherine^ Streuby from adaptation of Lewis Robinson's. "The General Goes Too Far'; photdgraphed by Otto Haller. Cast: Lionel Atwell, Lucy Mainnheim, Lesley Perrinsi James Mason, Dinsjila Wells. • THi: UTAH TR.VII-,' produced by Edward Finney; directed by Al Her- iViaii; screen play by Edmond Kelso; from original story by,LIndsley Par- sons and Edrhond Kelso; photographed by Francis , Corbey. ' Cast: Tex Ritteri lfwrace Murphy, Snub Pollard. Adele Peai-ce. Kari Hackett, Charles King. Edward Casstdy, David O'Brieii, Dub Osborne, Lynloii Brent, Rudy Spoler. ■ Harri* Vice Moultbh Hoilywobd. July I'i. . ''>'>u Harris ;<iucceeds Herb Moullon •*.'''*'']er producer at Paramount. M')(ilton recently was elevated to «l"dio contact position for' Robert ^ulli'din, advertising publicity- head. Features ... Hal Roach. Number Nutnber of Pix Coriir Premised pleted 48 J5 . 4', X-.- JT Now Balance to . Now in Be Placed Storlei.ln Shoot- Cutting Before Prepara- ' Inr Rooms Cameras tian s 3 ■ -,8 ;.7 • 1 1 4 Hal Roach; associate producer, Hal Roach, Jr.; directed by John Blystone;- tentative writing credits, original story by Arnold Belgiad; and eiiarles Rogers; screen play by Felix Adler, James Parrott and Harry Landon; photographed by Art Lloyd. Cast: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Patrici Ellis, Billy Gilbert ; . 'LOVE FINDS ANDT HARDT,' no producer assignment; directed by George Seitz; screen play by William Ludwig, based on characters created by Aurania Rouverm; photographed by Len Smith. . Cast: Lewis Stone, Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland, Cecilia Parker. Fay Holden, Ann Ruther- ford, Betty Ross Clark, Lana Turner, Douglas McPhail. 'THE CROWD BOABS,' formerly titled 'GiVE AND TAKE,';produced by Sam Zimbalist; directed by Richard Thorpe; screen play by George Biruce, Harry Ruskih and George Oppenheimer; original story by GeorKe Bruce; photographed by Oliver Marsh. Cast: Robert Taylor, Maureen O'Sullivan, Frank Morgan, Guy Kibbee, Nat Pendleton, Edward Arnold, Lionel Startder. William Gargan; Maxie Rosenbloom, Donald Barry, Gwendolyn Logan, HUdsoh.ShotwelL - , Metro pix Now In ProduclloB •THE GREAT WALTZ' (for 1938-391 season); produced by Bernard Hymari; directed by Juiieh Duvlvier; ho writing credits released as yet; photographed bj, Joseph Ruttenberg, Cast; Luise Rainer. Fernand Grayet Miliza Koriu.<!. Hugh Herbert Lionel Atwill, Minna Gombcll, ; George Houston, Herman Bing, Bert Roach; , , TOO HOT TO HANDLE* (for 1938-39 season), produced by Lawrence Weingarten; directed by. Jack Conway; original story" by Lawrence Siall- irigs; screen play by Stallings and Leonard Hammond; photographed^ by Hal Rosson, Cast: Clark Gable, Myrna .Lby, Walter Pidgeon, Leo Carrliio, Waiter Connolly. .'BOTS TOWN,' produced by John Considine, Jr.: directed by Norman Taurbg; original Screen piay by John Meehan; photographed by Sid • Wag- ner. Cast; Spencei: Tracy, Mickey Rooney, Andy and Jiinmie .Cane; Bob. Watson, Frankie Thomas, Jackie Morro;wi 'SWEETHEARTS' (In Technicolor for 1938-39 season), produced by Hunt Strombefg; directed by W. S. Van Dyke; screen, play by Alan CainpbeU and Dorothy Parker; photographed by Oliver.Marsh. Cast: Jeanette Mac- Donald; Nelson Eddy, Mischa Auer. Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, HermSa Bing. Minna Gombel, Gene and Kathleen Lbckhart, Raymond Waiburn; Lucille Watson.; . IT'S Now. OB NEVER,' produced by Edward Chpdorov; directed by Reinhold Schunzel; no writing credita released as yet; photographed by Ray- June. Cast: Robert Young,' Ruth Hussey,. Guy Kibbee, Lew AyrB, Lana Turner, Rita Johnson. ' Features , Westerns Mbnogram Number Number Now -of. Pix. Com- Shoo,!- Promised, pfeted Inc 2« 28 • 1« IS t Now BaUnee t* ■ In Be Placed Stories. !■ Cuttlnc Before ,: Prepara- R«ums Cameras.tlor ■i- ■ .' . i • 1 a '.■ Total ■\ : y 1 i * Pietures in the cutting room:,. 'BAREFOOT BOT' (for 1938-39 season), produced by E; B. Derr; directed by Karl Brown; screen play by John T. Neville; photographed by'Gilbert Warrenton. Cast: Jackie Moran, Marcia Mae Jones. Claire Windsor. Ralph- Morgan, MarilyiiKnowlden, Matty Fain, Frank Puglia, Edward Pawley, John Morris, Bradley Metcalfe, Ceprge Cleveland. Monogram Pix Now in PrbducUon . •THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN' (for 1938-391 season), produced by W. T. Lackey; directed by Karl Brcfwn; original screen play by Marion Orth; photographed by Gilbert Warrenton. Cast: Anne Nagel. Marjoria Main, Jack La Rue, Herbert Rawlinson, Betty Com'pson, George Cleveland^ Panunoant 9 ■■ ): Total ./.,;;;,.. 5t, Pictures now in the culling rooms or awaiting previews aie: 'THE C'H.A.SER,' produced by Frank Davis; Kdwin L. Marinl ■ioreen plav by Everett Freeman; |)tiotosra|jlied l>.v; Len Smith. Cast:; Etennis'O'kecie. Ann Morris, 'Nul Peiidietoii; Lc'>vi» Stone, Dougla.-is Dum- brille. ■ ' •.' , . " 'BLOGKHE.4D.S,' foi'ineily tilled 'MEKT THE MISSt.S,' produced by Pictures how in cutting rooms or awaiting previews are: 'MEN WITH WINGS' (in Technicolor—for 1938-39 sca.son), produced and directed by William Wellnfiah; no writing credits released as yet; photo- graphed by W. Howard Oieene. Cast: Ered MacMurray, Ray Milland, Louise Campbell, Andy Devihe, Edgar Kennedy, Walter Abel, Porter Hall, Gene Reynolds, Cheryl Walker, Billy Cook,,Dorothy Tehnant James Burke, Virginia Weidler, Harvey Stephens^ Helen Dickson, Lillian West Grace, Goodall, Kitty Kelly, Lynne Overman, Donald O'Coiiiior, pilots—Paul Mantz. Tex Rankin, Frank Clarke, Dick Rinaldi, Robbie Robinson, Frank Tomick., Herb White,' Jerry Phillips,- Ace: Brunguiner, Jevry Andrews, Howard Batt Ray Crawford. Dick Randall, Bob Blair. Cubbv Gordon. Jim Barwick, Walter Quinton, Stanley Hicks. Jonathan Hale. Joe Whitehead, Pat West Frank Mills. Art Rowlands, Ralph McCullough, David NowclJ, Charles Hamilton, Eddie Dunn, Ronnie Rohdell, Edward Earle, John T. Muuray, Dell Henderson. Claire DU Brey, Willy MorH.s, Billy Bletcher,; Syd Saylor, Lu Miller, Gary Owen, Bobby Tiacey; James Burtis, Paul Krtieger, Al Hill, George Chandler, Lee Phelps. •THE MYSTERIOUS RIDER' (for 1938-39 season), produced by Hari-y Sherrtian; directed by Leslie Selander; screen play by ,Maurice Gerhaghty from story by Zane Grey; photographed by Russell Harlan. Cast:, Douglas Dumbrille, Sidney Toler, Weldoh Heybuin, Charlotte Fields, Monte Blue, Bob Kortman, Mabel Colcord, Stanley Andrews, Robert' Fiske, Glenn Strange, Leo McMahon; Ed Brady. Dick Alexander, Earl Dwire, Jack Rockwell, Ben Corbet Chailcs Mui^phy. TOUCHDOWN, ARMY' (for 1938-39 sea.son); produced by .the Harold Hurley unit;'directed by Kurt Neumann; no'wiMting credits released as yet; photographed by Henry Sharpe, Cast; John Mowaid; Robert Cumiiiitigs, Mary Carliiile, Owen Davis, Jr., Benny Baker, Minor Watson, Raymond Hatton, William Fravylcy. 'SING, YOU SINNERS' (for 1938-39 season), produced and directed by Wesley Ruggles; original; screen p'ay by Claude Binyon; photographed by Karl Slrus.s. Cast: Bing Crosby, Fred MacMUrray, Elizabeth Pattbr.<>on,. Donald O'Connor. Ellen Drew, Harlan Briggs, John Gallaudet' Pat West- Ppul White, Haydch Stevenson, William H?ade, Ethel Clayton, Herbert Corthell, Duke York, James Adamson, Tommy Du'.{an; Joyce Malhcw.s, Paula De-Cardo, Norah Gale, Barbara Sali.sbury, Dorothy White;. Marie Burton, Sheila Darcy. Yvonne Ouval-, Gwen Kenyon; Laurie Lane, nolaiiia iMoler, Carol Walker, Mary Walker, Ruth Rogers. Loui.i'e Seidcl. Blinca ■Vischcr, Janet Waldo, Cheryl Walker, Marion Wcldoii, Gloria Will; '.SP.\WN. OF THE NORTH,' prdduced by Albert •Lewin;. diVcclcri by Henry Hathaway; screen play , by Jiiles Furlhman; adapted from Bai'rclt Willoughby'.s novel; photographed by Charles Lang. Gcorfic Riift, Henry Fonda, replacing Georges Rigaud. John Barrymorc. Akim Ti(m;rolT, Lynne Overman, Dorothy Lamour, Piatt, Ftc'zy Kiii-^ht, .Vlhdimir SuJjololT, • Duncan Rcnaldo. Richard Uni;. Puui Ncwlan. i,''e Shumwii.v, SlailTe.v Andrews. Monte Blue. Ir.vihR Bacon. Gahiii fJall. W.ndc Bololrr, 6wy TJ-!her. Henry Brandon. Egnn Brcthor.Hrirvay Clark, nf>bort Mitldle- miis.?. Adid K'u/.nctzoIT; .Alex Wolosliiii. Arlhiiit Ayl^worth. floilo Lloyd. iflULLDOG DKUMMOND IN AFRIC. ' (for. ;i8-'J9 soasoiu, pt'oduccd b/ (Continued on pys<; , '