Variety (Jul 1938)

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Wctln«-sduy, July 27, 1938 PICTURES VARIETY U. S. GOVERNMENT'S BILL OF COMPLAINT 25 (Ci>rili"i"'<l from paso 13) . |»-i|-a- "Wur- liiry ■ luuiit I^w's HKO nui'« I'"".' Iilal .},,« .M.*<l-« |ii<<li T-KOi* <Nl(f->ii>i' : ()r<jiii> •■• T.'<"l .. li ■ 2 li 12 .1.093■ 9» 105 'i 607. . Allege Majors Conspire To Exhibitioft Monopoly : /ii*. Ai.lf^rt by tb6 monppoH^talIon .uf,' i^ h^reinHfipr alleged, the proam-cr-ex-[ V.ji.ii/»r iK'feiHJnnla have atteinpti'J i". *';.mm*llV hnd have wonopollwil, nmH .... Oh eihi">H''»» moUon pictures upon ■ rnlvP,«:,i ■ ir-r m' IIr^rHired rune In every Hfti-tlon ' Wnriivr 2nrt V..-. W1. every area of the Unile.l i i ,y t.f lli^in exlHt or operate. ■ , Pm. ,,^..I• lIDl» Till* Hittrt^ monopolization 1.^ nc- ■•oluinitU ... . ..luhPil In pursuance - of a rominon ,'rw..niirili t'l hiiv** ti.'.-n plrifi^j un>l<*r fitnlriict In KP^nt fraliir** pht>(0|il'iv.« >it lU* fln'»r ui.mI** aicI " ' t|u:iM(y. aiwl, l".»r (Iih iihi.'4| pHit. nr.; (It'ivfii III rei<'»rl -ni'l limll Uii-h.^m'-, llvltifH iiml pncr.'iii'H |i) ihi* m:(l>hV^ uf i'li<»:i per pt(-lui-»H li;t\-tn;; onii-ftnco lu oViy ft llntllCd - iimrUcl \Vlilt'|i. fwr Ih'i* muHl imi't. Is un<ii-cupl<'<l Ity ariUi.iiixt itiouucii ii|ii*i-tiif>l by, iM-»iliici'i--f>>:lilbil(H- lU-rend- .tii|}< Iftivlii mill in \\ bifb imb MiiiMll hft- MilHslon prU'tfit iiiid tu^i'iiuCH ui-u ubUtin- ftblt*. (L'lS) KkppiiI f.ip (bA.mriiiopoll*((lf con- trol of |M-(>i|ii<-i|iin mill tixhibliion by llio Mvp pnt<lii<*ei--f xhibliiir iler)>n(1:inlH nnfl iMfir iVH|>ff(i\-t>. fifiliiui'^tl Ibeulrt^ Inu-r- eHiM, ji.H lifri'litberiin' allfCfcl, prac- ili't? or piinlinz :<iHis. fpiiiurcd pluver.^t. aiivctnr:* Hnil inh-r lorhnlrlunH. well pbyKh'Hl |>rn|ifi lipM bvrrlii cttmplatni'd or wtMild noi (iiKi> iilriot*. for Mie rcnson MiHi III H rr^A. otioii. himI unirammoled MiHrk**t r<M- tlK" . fxblbillou of i»lriureii uhnn- cvvry iirmlm-Mr \v:i.<* roinpflled |o enL;:i:;e ln.ei>nuiiiH ciimpplitloit vlUi everv fMher ploduter, HiH Ion nlnif. of ftSHCla. hh fleMcrllii'il.. wiiubl .ht>. .(lliv<*My oppoxoil rn tliti 0(i|iiMti>|[i|\v Inl'To-flM of, ihf. proilucer, or prtiilutvrrt/HO lit:iiiin^ lht,'li" niWeiH, ntiiuli'M'H .liy tir llir* <>ih**r , i»r ibA I -Irttr->H;iIII ib>rt*iiil:i'nt' prviluriTri; nnj, in J )4itirti> [iMl'Mifi's, (vii:vin of thf> Hfilil p»r- ■by niiii-t' (h:<ii liiM of tlm'Hiiitl ilerfnUuiit:j tliirht'.: ihe :4Hutti piM-linlrt uC Ihim, ' Majors Rarely Loan j| To Indie Produciers •J', f 20i I SuIII pf i-Httpn)*!, howcvftr. are \.\ Koliloin. If .»\vr. plHCfri or pprinltieH lo ..'. r )>Ih!"^<I u'nl^i* uunlracl wUli nn hide- ]yt I iK^niloiii .in'oilurfi*, nor nre lh(> Horvli-cs it , of t>-\\ti |i*;rHonnfl HV:tltHbl>i to hilIM ln(lt>- 21 ! poinl'^ni proilurt^rs. hu will be mure fully - — i jiiM i*m b'^rHliiHri ;(::i)r.i Vui- \\\^ t>?chlb|(lon yenra 19:t5- I |y::>;.^T. imil iusT-::j(, Hip (ti^renilHOL I iMDiliH'irt ft pliK-ptl -. unilor rfiiiirnvi Uli'tiv- loi'fi :tiMl plM>>*i-M q,H r<'llo\v.<4: (l> (Smlriif.i IHrertoni . rroiliirer f'uluiiiiilH i.. 'I'w'rti |pi li I Vii I ui'y • l''ox. &l<)l i-tt*t :oli| wy ii< .MHy>*r I l.oflV'Hl 36 . 10 . 16 ,. i.t; . J 7 . 17 22 10 17 17 13 ^^, *2 19:*7- 12 201 Trade Practices Imposed Upon Indie Exhibitors "! 14 nip in (hi' Knnv HiMIIC iMHIiini' iti riiM)|t.MillVt« ;ii\>;i.><, In |»b*liii'«'!* t'i».Vt'i'«*«l I»y ihi liiil>*|ii*iiili-iii ■•\lillil- j ili>iilile-ri>ncur<>il. *>ili I Vi fiilil lat't nr-» lor h(iH been (■>iiii)iirl|i><( (n pii> f>iiii llvi* tltnp» HH niiii'l).'in' I'Vi^ii inot'f. for titp fXhIblllxll of llllll Uplill SnllHfMUi'llL run JtH Iho, major pruilm'<>r-i'\blbiiiir. il".- ri>n<l!iiil piiltl for Dip iliiiiM>^ lllm on nrHl run ill. Ilic MiiiiiQ cunitit'thiVp nrpti. In orilpr .for Ibo liulfpfmlciit pshtblior in Npi'ure fpiilure pIcturcH prii»lur4'il by ilwi _ mn.lor proilui-ei' dpfiMiiIiinls )ipr«-iii. Ii" l» i _ often coin|ipllril to lliM'ji.ft> .H:ibl pK-luroM ; routL-iu't HiM'firylM:; . porrPiil:iKp of unUf^r exhibition coninirl.-*, ilip. irrniH of i oiTlt-p revenue rpotnl. lo ii llnl rt*iil»K whicii H rc basiMl uiiou ii piTrpnlnKP of r .so-ruhpil. yvhb )i iiieitn.-* n llxctl renl:< I ilie grojii*. box. orrico i-pfoipiii il<Tlvfil | UrNlunniiMl in .ii'nnii of dolliii'H nm.! rpofH, (I'l Keiltit'l lull in lliiii pli-iurcM' t'o'vrli'tl l>y tli** mIiovvii wll )i viiothu IIIp. ((I I );uiliic(loii In Hliu i->Mit:ilM wli.'i H picluros coveroil by \ lii* ctuii nir-i ,'i x.-t mIiowii In fiiiinpcl ion, with h prcinlrini Klvr-ii wily, by u Itlvli il(ti'iolan('i\ -il Hit* liri'Mire \n encuurnicfil. ■( !■) c 'bn itK inu pict un-s oovprt-il li> from tbo pxblbiiinn ll)pn'of. wllb Ihp i riKbl e:iri<:(p(l by ibp tniijor tlcfcmlnnls j to lh<tj)vH:t (lip booHH of lib' extilbtior In nrUor lo' verify Dip flim fpiumIh roidlr.iwl : from Hiicb cNhlbillon. In niblHloii. u , minimum llf'en;<e fi*e li* fnM|UPnUy tiP- mandPH, PUHbllUk' Ibc mn.lor dlxiribuior ' (IcfcmlantM to Hhnre ihp prollC*. If nny. but not the Iohhom. Ah h ichuM. rtlm \ (f.) ICliiiilniilion f>r |il('iiirp!4 covcrpil by - I'onlriu-CH by rt**)e:ilinK or pxli'iMllmr tb-i l>l)iy liii; 11 IMP 'if oi Iii-r piclurOH coveivrl by (bp till IMP i-oiii r:i 1-1.1, . (KJ 'I'lriiiHfprpiii-p iir pb'tuvPH rnrtinipl-' I'll for, pxliihirioii In. on» (lii>iilrp !•» :iil- i>lbpr ibpitiTo uppniieil by llie.iiniiie dv ipudri n:. , (Il I, r:i nrpir:i|lon uf pl/ lurPH rovpcPil ntniDM-i bj' rp:irt'on <ir lnrrp:iMi'd (ontrH**! IMaynni -rtiiiidUbeJ In pursuance - 01 a rominon ; Tw-niinli ('pHury,-KoTi.. mir i^^^^^^ «nd rtemnn. whereby phHv .MP.lV„-<i»blwyn-M:.yer SnMi.M-pr-pxbibUor defendant In (rWen. ln| ii.opW)i> a iwrlbnbir area, " ^JlTV.'^.Jl Pii'«i""^uni .^i^«p.rH.ea .irjontroU an a^^^^^^^ S4 *i9 63 1937- G3 tlS th<s"T.- ««• :.n Kfnilated chain of tbealrej*. nrb>rliy h. id* preference over Hi I othpr ?x biuiiH In tbP exhIbUIon of moUon pb-- fur-? diMtrlhiiUd not only by Itself bn lu^of .oXn pictures rtlfltrlbulcd by all oiliPr .UstribuloV defendants herein. iii*> The !4«Id common pur|>OBe. pla:» «nd dp«l(tr» irf earrled out and arrom- Dtl-hed ibrouffb system and aeries of fr«npbls?«*. roniracts. agreements nml u«.rjr.Hi*n;iln»H .entered Into severally 77 At .10 JI7 H2 . 62 29 llRdlo-KpUh'Orpheuiu I'lilvprfwl' , , i- Win ner .. ■, 72 TS 81 In Hddjiiun, yiirlouH typps of [prhnl" I'itins, HiK'b :iii wrliprn nod <':«ineraiiien, wer.-r hUo pitrpil under rontr^an. ( JO I > Thexe sj.-ii;*; fp;(i ui;ed playera, tiire>'torH HOi) nil'ier tet'hnit-i'KiiS' I'lM'.lU'le iM'Hri ipally all' «>f i)t''*. nri Ihis who - l^* Rdiopd prnmliu'Dce and fHVor In the In- du>«.i ry. , ■ . .i ,,,1 1 Tprent ypnrs and. In pnr- hy WiA Jpf^ndHnls herein'for tue, exniui- Huunee of ilip i-oinmon pUn, jturpuse. tliMi of ihp i»U'ture8 produced by *>a'»,iind dPKisn herpiofoirt lefpired lo, the of ibPin piwlucers In the theatrp:* ,|,,,'pn>l)i.niN brtreln, „,„] «iu-h of them, op#r*l''d bv producerTexhlbitor defpnd-| .InHn^urBied. Hnd enrb of thpm has • ah pxiilbltors In the various puriii ' hrcoiiia a party to, a prHPlloe whereby of til* Vi'li'd Slates where each one on- | the vkrlons msia. fPMluivd players, dl- «r)«ti*a or ri>nir6ls affiliated thealrPa. -Aa , r^iaor.^. Kn<l otbpr t^plinicikns who have . —»k III It'll or („,^„ plHi'etl undpr eonirun by (be vnri- ouN dpfpiidunt pi'o'durei'**. arp made avHlN Able and loHnpd. by (he defpndanc pro-' dnen'r lo wbtini (hey are bound by con- Irtii'i. lo nnnilipr or other of the de- fnndH iR' pt'odiii'pni for uho lii I tie pro- durtlop of'.piriiii'pa which are to t>e pro- ^luf'pil by tbt! tHllPi". cjOKi Kxrppt ■«»; lo rtefpndanls War- npr nros. Pb'iurpH. Inc., l^oew's. Incor- pomied., ami .'fwpntleih . L'eninry-Kox KlIiM t'orporHlloh,. tlip exact' leriiis and roiidlllonM upon whU-h siild stars, fen- j (bred .plHyei'K dircrlorK, nnd technicians Ri-e iiiHde Hvnllaiiie nt loaned to each oth'ti: are unknown to your, petitioner. Aji a neiierBl rule, howevpr, the defend' ant produceiv who loaitH a star or other pe.i''on tinder i-onirH<-i . to , it does so under coudillnna wberehy, ainonic other (111 lift n, (be pnynient of the contract (erniH nre assumed by the . borrowing produrer for ihe period during which (be Her vices of the borrowed star are re<itilreiL Thua (be burden of the con- (rsci obllffAilona AHRUined by. tbe varl- otis ilefPiidHiU produfprs In placing said BiarB, . fealurpJ playeiB. directors, and other tei'hntcians under contract Is .nhHi-pd nnd illvlded. in fsct and effect, liy the oiliPr producing- defendants who, In I lie iiinnner de^crlhed. avail them- mpIVph of the hervUes n( aald siHrs, f«a- un-pil pUyprs, dlreclorij, and other tech- nlcUiiH. lite contr.'iry, by ih« .firrpiiipsi nmount that thp Independent eNhlbitor c:in pos- ."ilbly p.ny. Tbua tho ihnjor dcfendnni dlBlrlbufora realize th»i principal nnanrb'l . benpni from sucb cNhlbillon of ilie'r pic , . 1 mrpjf, li^nvlnc (he Indopendenl e*.lilbltor '-lit J*y virlurt of ibe power result- wit h scarcely eooURb to keep their t4»p.- iii; rn>tn ih.f Hiiei.ipl.s l.i mnnnpoll'/.p. nires open. The power which. undPr 111^ nioiiti|MdlvM|liMi, the ('OiiitnnHllons nnd I prcMont coiidlllons In the IndiiMlr;;, has conKptra«-i''s to inonopoli/,o ||io Intera'.ale ii-ade Hu<l coinmi'ive la motion pictures by the drfendiniiH hPiPln. rb liere'lnbefore alleited. snd by r.-isiin of the dependrnfu of iiimfniiaied eMillillors upon the motion lilcuiies - produied by the defendants liPiMin foi ili>^ !*iip«-i-.<'4ful operation of their resppr:iivp (hoalre.*t throngliout thp country,' the dpfendnnts have placnil theiiiS'dve^ in h pusiilon lo hppn:*p.- nnd have hfipo.^ed uimn unafltllHled exhibitors IhromtlHiUt tbe I'nhu-d Siaies a spries of ImrMli. (iiiet-i>ii.-> and nnfulr tradp prnt'' lices. eai li of whleh (eod.'f in resiraln and doi';i ivi'iiain and oUniru'-i Intprsl.'iiei /-v APt. Among Mticli IriHle practices su lin bPPii tlins vPHtPd In ihp p>TiJor cotn punJes. llip dcfpndinnlH liprein, to Im pdse nrbitrary. unconHr-ionable. nnd d!S' crimlnninry ttlni rental.^ upon Indo pendendonl exblbll oi-i«. en:<blcM tliciii through thP exeri'l.Hti oP that powpr In liialnnceH whPiV (lipy dMHlrn lo ump li, to drivn auch Independent exhibitors out of tlio buflincH.i. Cite Majors* Agreements Prohibiting Duals Policy Prohibit luB »f iloiitiie f«ii>lMre».— M tfi-iifr»l rule, each producor-exlilbiioi- (l*r»iiilant «"<l »liio .0Rch proilu<;»r-ilis- triiiiiiiir. »« w«ll B« the dlstrlbuloi- "l'^ r^iiiUm. r*«r\f(i l'« re«p«etlve mollmi iik'luM* for licfimlnj by the proilui^n- aililliltor <li>r»ml»itl« until, such lime n« au.'li i.liiiiiva a» are dealred by each ini.l all of »»M prnduwr-exhlbltor ilpfpnii- aiiLa li»v«,.ii.>fn arlei'icd <»nd exhibited. Convenient Pix Divvy In Metropolitan Areas ri9>) In Ihe large metropolitan niriia vh-r-fl twti 01* .more of-the prodiH'ei^ex- hltm'>r ileCendania operate affiliated llie- air«a within the same competitive aivn. or'aivHH. H riMivenlent divlalon of the niMMn i)l<i<'re« produced by the oihar il>ritii<liiiiM \» uaually arraneed bclwd'n tli-t iirailiicer-exhlbltor detendania <>i>- eriilnif within the game area, or HienB. Hurh a.ill\'ialiin of product ts- commonly r<r<<rr.til t<> In the Induatry aa -J. "spill" ■ of in'«>durt. ■ • (IJI) A« a result of the monopolir.n- tlon •yt the exhibition ot the flrac or pre- ferred runH of motion pictures by (he prodUL'or-e.thibltor defendants In airili- atol lli*Hlrca througliout the i:nlifd Siti-M, a* nllejcrd, all Indepehdcnt ex- hll>li>ir.i who operate a theatre, or the- >tr«, i>r chains of theatres. In cnmpril- tlon vrlth the producer-exhibitor defniirt- i ani^t. or any of them, are BystomallCHlly I r*^~\^ t—. eii:lu.l,>d from the rlRht. to procure a nd ; .1.^181111 MaiOrS L^dSn IR opiioi-lunity lo procure, or from attempt- , ■ ■ , _ . int to procure, . under fair compethW* f g WayS .Via IjOanOUtS r30Tt T,ikewl9e. . Ihroiiifh the manner :'iiiiilitlan!i. nvHi or preferred run nf hlch Iiri<ii4, (iuhIIiv Hlms, a larite iiorilon rC whicli »r<^ itroiluced hy the dcfeiidania her,>ln. hereinbefore set'out. 119.11 Kurihermore, aa a result of ■aid 'miMKiitoliiHllon, all Independent ex- hiUiinra oit'r.'UInK In competitive ar,-i<s wher* arriil.iu-d theatres operate or ex- l«t are rteiil,-!! access to a free, 0|>mi. and uiiir.imineleil market tor the lli-eniiliiK of in,>ci<>n plvturi-s Cor exhibition In their resne'-tlv,* 1Uc;ilrcs. imi The rranrhlses, contracts, a^-ree- nwiit.i. 01- iinilerstandlnKS, whorehy 'the n),>il<>n iiiciiir<'8 produced by mty 110,1 end method of eihibltlnii: said pictures reaulllnip from the u^e of borrowed per' Honnel, .the snid derendsnt producei'S who are parties la tiHiil loaning and bor'- rnwlne In pHr>h loi'tiinre, as well as all Ihe (lereiHliini proilnrer-exhllHtors, stand 10 iisriIcipHie in the illvlslon- of the nroflls mill returns wliU'h are realised rroin llie eKhlbllloii of said piclurrs, CJO.'t) The - prHt-lh'e llius described ■ wliei-eliy the cont-rart slHra, featured plH.vers. dlrei!(nr.., nnd' teohnlcliins, as well as pi'odnclloi)- sels Alid other siiidlo all of -III-* defendants are 'llrsl niH<le e'lniDineoi, of one - ilerenfUni producer av-Kll*ibl4 10 sfflllated theatres of tbe ; m-e mstle nvsilsbie to anbiher .defenilant pro,luivr-e\hlhllor defendanta. are ne-: prnducer. 1 oniilllules both in law nnd In Koii-iii"!. arr,HnKed, and executed hy the | r«.-t a pooline of the b use!» of the de 8-veral defendHnls herein before any of! fend»lit prortuirrs wlin parllilpnle and said |»lelui-,.s are made available 10 In- | heve linnl.lilaleil In this praillie. ron- dcifnii'ni exhibitors upon any terms. 1 iiury 1,1 and vioiuiiie of the provisions (13-1 A» a result, In every are.l of the Sh-rnian Aet. wh're nn independent, exhibitor Is In] CUD li iv «ll.'i:e.i Hint Iho aforerald oniii-liilon ivllh an Jtinilaled llieaire or ' prnvlii-es of pooling xla.n, feHlureil pja.!-- an afrillaleil clreult of theatres, he I.' " ' sy.iieoiuilc.iii.v relegated to a secondai-y. Inferior iii>:4iiion where he may only '>i»- t^ln pi-niiufi im second or other sul>s*»- <|ii-jnt run. no mutter how fine his tlie- str». .or iheHiros, may he and no inai- ^BJE?££:^'^^^ ^"-'^i ^:;:m'±";;j;".ft.f;:orr.-i:t.^^^ii f*rr-d ruoH in all sections of the fnliPd , P''"l» --'•xhlhlioi dPfPnd.Mus, ern. dlrecloi M :ind ol Iht iPi-hnb lanS Is nn mil tci'iiwt h fioin and i;* inlliniilPly i-<iiinet-t>>d witii, hi H n, ••( onoiiiif: way, the i-<)iiti-itl nf 1 he produi-tIon and exhibition iM'HOi-bPM of I lie iii'lof^tiy by Ihe defend mil-•^Yliibli M;t ' hHi-e>iibefore Aliened, whereby llm re.iurns lo li«* ilericed from All Ties in With the Division of Territories; III pO:<ed are ttie followin^c: (I) nini'k Hooklng.^ltlork hooUlnff Jft a praci)re whereby untifllllaied ol* Inde- i>e, eKhihliorit ar'** i'ofii|»ellPd lO lake [dock's or gruupH of plciure»Jii oi'dpr lo oblHlii any of theni. roiiipulsory block booklne,. Hiich an-la enfort'ed aKnInai tite IndPpendeiii exhiblior. ahuiild nut be rnn- fnseil with voiuolary . block boolfing wliereunder a uruup or bljfk of pictures Is purrhoHPd HH Ibe rej*nl( of a volun- tary a^rpenipot frpp|v entered Into be- tween dislrlbuior np'd eKhlblior. Illock hooking seldom. If ever. eiifi*rcpd bv the producer-PXblbltor dpfpodants agiiln:it each olliPi'. On Ibe contr>try. Ilir exlilhl- Hon conirucls belween ajid among- the opfpndants herein are iisunlly placed upon H Rplecdvp Imals. wberpuintpr enuh defpndant Hiid lis afMllalPil ilipalrea may play such product or plrtures of tbe .other, or othinrs, aa Ir may select. In the f-Hse of (he liuleppadHOt exhibitor, however, be la rompell'^fl lO n^nlrart and pay for a whole blopk or group of pic- tures In order (o iiblalii any of thpin whicli he may. dpnire. Tlils praptlce bas the effect of I liniH>Hlng tiiir»n tbii Imle- pendent exhibitor a greaL lininber of pic- tures that are pal'dPHlrpd by him, and (ends (o arbllrarlly (111 up and consume his screen lime, thus preventing . him from securing olher pictures through other dlstrlhiilorn. ii), Kurelng of- flhtirt aHuhJe<>ts aiHl NVws Heeln.—Porrlng of short subjiects snd newd reels Is .h pradlcs generally enforced only axulnsl the Independent exhibitor, whereby be Is compelled to li- cense nnd pay for abort subjects .and news reels In order lo iirocure desired feature photoplayu, even tliiMigli II in lin^ possible for such In dependent exhibitor 10 uilline snd exhibit su<'h short aubjects and newa. reels. This prautlce, as a rule. Is never enforced by one of the major companies. the ilefendaiits herein, against anothpr ■ major coui|>Hiiy and Its affiliated (hestres. {%) Arbitrary ilestgaatlM - play iltttes.—This Is a practice usually em- ployed only against Ihe Independent ex- hibitor, whereby the major producer de- fendants herein, in sptling to Ihe exhib- lior. compel him 10 pIny (he flliiis to bo .llcens<>i( upon designaied play dates, usut Ally (be most desirable, such as Satur- day, Sunday or holidays. The Indepenit- ent exhibitor Is forced (n accppt such H rbl( ra ry ileslgnat ion of preferrtrd play- ing daiea In order (o obtain the product n^cessary to ibo operation of his Ihea- tip. The effect of this practice Is to sobjeil t he nmnagement of the Inde ppilcnt exhibltoi-'ii ihpaire to (be will of the producer and lo relleva tbe exhibitor nf his own Jodgou'iil na to how his own t bps I re sha II be operated. The Indp- ppndeni . exliiblior. ii.-t a result of Ibis lirucilcp. Is often Coni|>plleir lo .pperstc his I Ilea t re In the lii(rr«>at of i ji*t ills. Irlbnior and contrary to his own best Intpre'sla. (4) I'rolertloo.—Thiin a f»r»citc«» whiPh Indudea cipsrance aitd zoning, by which h rat-run *'Klilbltion is given Ihe prolpc- tlon of a period of (line- hpfiu e i be same )>iciure may be' playpil upon subst*(jueiil- run. Th*; produccr-exblbiiof dpfcnilaiiij* IiPreln, In nII arpf#'< wh-i-a ilii'y or any of (hrin own. control, or npprale Ibea- (IPS. K**oprHlly CMiitrHri./.»r. the llrsl-run e.<blbllltin of all fewtuiv jHi-tures jiro- ! dtic>>d by fliiy of th-Mo. and in tbp nego* : nation of ^'hPI conira<-is the said de- f eiida 111 s of I --n im pose ii (>oo I he subse- i|iiHn(-ruil cxhlhlloiji arbiirary. and uo* r»*HSOnablp .cl>^uiiiric»» ■ h,i\*\ Koninte s«'hpd- Aa a rs'suli. I Ih' ln<l*>p'pn'leot. pxIiMi. rentals are delcrmiupd in such oases not j by by what would bp, .a fair ivtiirn lo.the lllm ri-ni.-il.a )-<-ill-/.i>d fi om oi li.>r pici in es iitiijor dlKtrlbutor for Its product, but. on covered by the Hiinie conlraci: In olhpf " ' "' words, where a- plcun-M exceeds e\pecta- lions at (he bnv ofl'ti-e, ilip exblblior Is perinlti»fl lo rediK-p liLt rniiimliiiieniM for Ibe e\'hibi.(lon of uMicr jiidurp.'* covered by (he ri.n4 ract. Tln> a^sald |>ri vi - b'gps (»f '-oniraci nnHliflcal-lon' .i-i* spI> diMo, tr ever, exiendi'd to the litdepcod- eiit exhiblior. (4) OventgA nnil I'mlenige.:—I' la 3 practice oxiendvd by the ilpfend.inis, producera. (o others of thn dPfendHiilit' . I as pxhlhliora, w lierel>y the exhibitor iM- Inde- I rendants ai'p pi'rmKifd an to one the- ' aire, or group of ilieatrpa In play fewer plciurea than the mlnlimim onnlraet coniiiiitnienls ret|Ulrea. nnil to chnrge i bi^ delU-lt thus creati'il. against piclurcs played In pvceya of Ihe conimltineni re- biilng lo. aooilipr iheatre or gntu|i of tbi'iltres operalPil by Ihe saiiie' defeml- ant. Thla prlvlle';e is. H>?lilom. (f ever, extended to llie liideprnflcnt exhiblior. <S) 4'HiM'ellHtlnn uf Short HnbJerlii." Tbe .dPrpndant.H, as eYhlbliors; are OflPii permitted by olb*'r der<>ndants. ns pro- ilucet'a. . lo rnncet short aubject.i coo- iraclPd for lu Inainncea where Ihpy eii- iPr; Info Hoot I'onirHCts for feature pie- lures. IMils prlv(lei;e In aeldu'iii. If ever, exipiided (o lliP indep'euflent eKlilbilor. ' ■ (ff) MovA-MverH.—rA- practlru whereby Ihe ilefi,mdanls, or some.of UtPin, as ex- hibitors, are pprmiiied b.v other defend- . prodiivers, to- move a picture from H Ibeiiire wb^re Ms e,xlilbllliHi has hep II ci>mpleled, \*} iintKhpr [ heal re t\\\- e''a(pil by the jlame dpfendant for k con- ilnneil run or exblbUlon. . Th(a pracdeA aff'MiH advPrsely Ihe box nfllci* valiiei nf a pb'iure when It reacln^a suhseqiient-run exhibit ors. Tills practice Is generally ciinllncd 10 .m<;f ropollinn arena. This privilege Is seldom. If ever, extended to I III) Inib'pcndPht exhibitor. ilor. in many lord mice:', la unUble lo ex- fiJOl This 1^ parllcnlarly Iroe when I ^,1,^ f;.„,u,:,a- ,.|,„,..pla>s until aflpr their ^^.''•"'"'r''':::v.'l.i.^'!.^:':;".!.^;*' ^J'^i'.i Ko" omcp vai.i., i>, pia.iicaiiy exb*.u.^<.-d. a ml I liplr worn t»fr. pi> lio\<:liy and rr4;aliiK'Srt' have »Si*i-,H wb.-re nffillHted (henlres npeui or cxMt has been brought about by ihp pr.»duc>r.,.j:hlbltor defcHdanla liPr-in llirouAth Ibe Instrumentality Of the own- ershtp.. np.oratlon and control of afTlU- ai»i| tlii'atiV.H.- and aa such- Insti'unipn- tOUy. a.-^ aforeanld, theatre ownm-^hip . »»*iindii..n ierrllor\^ la th- p'r",I-"v""^'**"»> .-oniroi ot, v, " le;!..!:." Kin . ' *■ P^'Y'""'-'"'I,'""V ^f 1" ' -feod.-ini.... SO ihsl. »s .a result .H-I. 1 ■, '■.,'!"*' .'" """1 ."".i^''^ V^ ,b« ^ "f >»!•> dIvWon of l-rNlory anil Ihe own- silri^^in't^Kst-L^""""-^" '>vi;:;;(?^!..'* 11;: .Production,^Distribution ! ;^!-'-f,i,!;r v:;;;r.\;r'ii^iuri'^'piru:-!:;; , , Monopoly Also Charged, H:>Sr:y;,S^^ t!^:.'-!::;,:!:; iiJ.n Th„ producer defendants heiei . Ji,.,,.,,,! .,,„| ,oj.i,p,i b»ii,.i-.-i1iv by Ihi l« Wll. Pu-iimonnt I'ictures, Ine., J<oi'W « .|.,f„,„|an, p,'o,hi<''T-,'\l,iliiini-H. Anil. lni-.)i p.u-s|.„l. Hndlo-Keith-Orphvuni I'or- : f,,,, h,i im.ii-" ih.- ur-m.-r ili» i.iii-i-e»li of a Unscrupulous Exhibs' Overbuying Tactics ^. Wnrner Bros. PIclurfS. In*-.. * 'j.'lV-nir- -'iini-io I liv h pi-odm-ei- ilefend- ■I v/,.oli-i|| (•.-nlury-Kox Film l'orpor;<- ! i '-ii-j:i in ,'XlMliliion. llirnoKn lioii. CilumlilH I'ictures Corporetlon, nn.l f i,„fi,,«-.>,I |,.,r» i"l the K"»:i.l- toivei-siii tVirpornilon, and their r-ap-'- i,> ,14 'if ilf i-.niUini! live .-iirili:ii„ii Interests huvo atleinpli'd 1 „„.| ,r ih» iiiciliod:i of II I'j liioiiopoilz,-. and have mnnopnll7."d BiMl ii-(.v,i Combined and ■ coiisplreil lo iiioii ipoli-/.,. production and. liisiri-: nuii..ii i,( f..:iiui-e-photoplays, anil pnr- i-uln-ly r,. ,„ phntoplays of llie hel- i-r ^^:*flA Hiiil' iiuslity, from the e\-hii»i- "" whii-h the Krealer part ot the iii.iiMr,-,-, ivveniM. Is derived. i.»'i) Thr.siiiii monoimllxatlon 1.1 .le; in pursuance of n > mon l"irp,M... „|.,„ «-h/Tel..»- II1- »M'J d,-i>ii,liol pi-uduccra, nnd iMi'-li <•( n-iM. pi-,,.„ u,„|,r contract, nn.l f,ir •'"'"-■I imsi have placed und"r r.m- I,*"' ■" of ihe vKlunlde aliii-.<. f-i- '"'•( 1il-i>ei-ri. dli'i-rlnrs, techiili-inn* :i'id •iii-r.i icHlned fain,--, i.r--! i>i,,.vi, ;,r,-,..,ii,;. |»phnifnl or olli-r ur-.i. yiir- 11 1;,.. lorlHslry nnd pn rl l.'uhi i I.* ' hranrh lh»i-,>of. i-Ol) In -|-,»i-vilt >enrii s.-ti,l iiei-.-»,uinel .p,'riiill','«l ill iii;*liy InMl'MMCe-* III con- n-'M'*f fill- lilo,i-e llliiin lliHIl CIM.l II,; ll'icill* iiiar"I.\ ill>(|i(:iy,-,l In lli-li- I li--:il.i'--i. Tli** , s:iiil lUel'lod-i of (fi'-<n-Iliillloii '■"•lilo.v''*d • li.\- llie (I»'f':n»Iiin(s pfriiiil liii-'i-f ii |iii li>iiH ^ e.xUililior.H 10 |,r.4i-^ inon*. Illins iiii'li'i- con- ■ir-ai-r lli-io i-tin iir<»|i"rly dl»|iliiy«-d- in . xlilbilors. in various' parls of the tInlUMi Siaies.-provisions oflen are Insisted ujion liy the iiiiijtir. compiinies. the defendiinls herein, whereby »:iId" exhibitors are pre- v,-nti>d from playinjr any of the feature lilms covei-,*d by said conlrHCIs as a part, nf dnuhle-feuture profiraiiis. Such ))ru- hihitloiis era not In^ilsled upon. the cnn- Irocls ot Ihe defendants herein with each olher. hut. on the (-nnlrary, tbe practh-e n'C :doUble-fei)(urinc Is oClen eniMilirajreil In such cases ami reduci'd nim rentals sre oflen Kiven when pii-lures are e.v- lilbiled as a -purl of douhle-feature Pro- ';;niiiis in their own or afflilaled Iheait-eii. The practice nf seiklnx lo prohibit th- ONhlhilion nf flliiis by Imiependenl ex- hibilora upon iloiible-fe.'tlure proKramS' lliis h,?re(iifore lieeli d-'creed. I >) be II- 'i'lKnl, 'hs vlolsllve of Ilie- Kederni snii- lrU.1l laws by Ihe-I,V,lei-al l>islrUl I'ourt for the .l,:ns("rn J)lstrl<'t of Pennsylvsnla. Hii'l Ihe (le(-r,-e was sfTii-ineil hy Ihe (?li-.- cult Court of Appeals for llia Third Cir- cull. -.(«> -."k'ore chantes.—The prnetlce of imposinff score' chsrffes upon exhibitors bv tlie d'*fen,lMnls.herein'.orlKlnsliy grew 'oiit of the Inlrodu'cllon nf souiid. In ino- lion plctun^s. OriKiiially. sound caine from il liliic, nr record, the playinK of (Vhlvh w;is sybchroiiized with -llie pl'- ure. A charK-i .wns made for Ihe if Ihe disc, whi<-h ciime to lie chai-neier- Ixeil as, nr called, a "score charne." with the ebonite made In sniind wherehy- Ihe sound track woe superimposed on the celluloid tlim. the disc fell Into dis- use and was discanbrd. Neverl lieless, the lihposiilon of score chanres uimn ex- hibitors has conllnued. and In reality amouills to addilional lllm rental under exist Ing conditions.- Tlie score cbsrje Is not apillled uniformly to both sfTlll- aled and Indepeiideiil exhibitors, but, nn the (inntrary, Ibe nmiiaied theatres puy the cliarj;es under . alMiut one'lialf of their conli-HClii only, while tbe Inde- pendent tbealres are generally com- pelled - to meet snd pay said score cliarKes In all situations. fS) Minimum adinlssloBi,.—Tn many Inslanccs tbe defeniUnls herein. In ne- irotlatin;; contra'Ms for l.he exhlbilion of their prnduci, flx. or alleinpt 10'rtx. Ihe minimum ailinlssinn prices to he (ihtirKed by the independent exhibitor, and In certnli^' Inslaiw-es hsve a^jreed. In con- trsclliiic with llrst or iirlor run exhibitors nffllialed Willi one oT Ihe defendant ex- lilhllors herein, lo Impose t>>riiis upon aubseQuent-ruii evlilliliors - which are -harsh nnd iinreHsoiiable, As a resull. the Him has mile. If any. eichlbitlon valuo .to the linleiiendeiit - exhibitor. Benefits, Favors Majors Extend to Each Other /21G) Tn addition to Ihe above named I rade pracllcea Imposed by the defend- aois upon Imiependenl e\hibliors, Ihe aald defendaiilH ,ln their deallnKn with paeh other. Ken»'rally extend c-rialn liimpflts. favors, and sdvantaKpn which enable ihein lo. opersiH more proOinhly than the Indpppiidenis. The bPiiPllta. favors, and advaniatcea Ihus exiPndPd alao hnvn tbp effect of ronsolldalinic In Ihe ilefendaniK the control of produc- 1 Ion, dial ribu( Ion, :■ ml px hi bit Ion nf mo- Uon pictures in lnl*'ralai'» irad" and i-niiiinei'CP. h**ri>lnliofurp d p a c r i b R d. Aiiionif the )(pn<dli». favors, and ad- ._ vantauea Kpnerally i-xi<-nded by the d>*- iiia inoiiun piciiire Industry Is Impossl- r**ndanis heri*ln to each other are the ble. It Is eriu.iHy dPSlrudWe of fi — lollowln-.£: ' fiiipr|»rls<i and frc* coiupplHlon' for any fi) SInirInc adverllalnc e***!!!.- The '• .bihiior or any t.'roui» of exhibitors to hoT office vain* of fivHure Pliiia Is in- ' tlomlnate and control prudiwilnii. Con* cn-aHP>l Kieailv by v:irloua fitriiiH Of a>i-.ii.d of lh"tiires by l.hij asm- InlPr^slff v»iil.«in;;. wbic|i Kficially IomiIv*- the ' which control prodiiellon In lh» niolloli cxiieiidliure of bir;£.f suoi.^ of Mfoo»v. In ■ idclorn iiidoslry. iifa na tbe control Of ; iii.-tny iiiatalifi-i th". cuolriicla hi-t'.v—-ii ; i h*- iiiar|;»*l by tbt* \cry eleniPnts which -III'' *dr'fi*nilaiilrt ttT* pioiliii-era arid oi h m' |'sb'>iib.l compxle lor 'It. ' .. •iproiidiinrM aii t-x hihllori^ . prpvlila t li.i i .«-J-M) T.o coioncI all .producera lo ar- ' I h<* Md ver 1 ).''i»K v<iata lo l h-- art»H.-i c.»v. | (|iiii-<' i lif^-ir own t h^'U I rs«n, In whicli to ■ I ii»d by such cool j-*ci 1 aha 11 b** Inm InPii I )ndr . own itlci uri.a or all Iti**^ .Miirii'illy by pneliicr Sii'-li bco-- uti-a lo fi'-'inlre- lli'di- own jiriiducl b»:i \\•■•^ are' r:irelv. if i-M-r, eAl"-oil.»d lo lo- ' faci'lili.-a la an ' I lopra c( lea btlll y under il«p<>ii<l-nl' PM iiibidii .i j:iny syHtcm of frp" com |>e( 11 |oli ami Is 1<> i i'iy Opiloiiiil cimlrHrt^. In d«'ili'<;f jdiicp utioo lli'> motion picture Jndii.'iry. Willi lacli i(ili-i-. i)i>> «l •r*'ii'l:iiiif<. or I unr>-aHOiia llie alsinlards of coiiiiip) ■ i loo . n'tiw 01 1 h»io. H 4 prodU'*'*) .-4 aii'l ot tior-t | .rj'j.'i i I ti nddil ion lo t he fact i ha I I h-* 'of tb'-io aa ••<cbiiir(<o-.'i rr>"|Ui>pl I v en I or ) mol i«>ii piclliri* (hi-airpa of tb<: .('nilHd into cifni 1'<cl» w hci ••>■/ tlii* **-;||il)l|itr isiHt:il"s conalir'ol> tli^ ulliiniit.'. mor'ii't )li» iii(h( :in-t piivib'^w lo plity j for the diairlbullon and M'^pdhIojc of iiio> nam sim^cIiVimI pctiui'i* |dwtlo|'la>S: tmt j lion iiicluri'ii. and wl'ioKV ap.-«rl - finMi withriol a.H.wiiniiiix h'lv bindl.nt; obli';a- . thai fiici. imder eond.itbUM aa I li-v, f.Viai ■ •oil lo do .<4o.' 'riiis. 10 rorirK la a acb'c- intpi.v 'ln tjip jootlfin -plciiic -1ii.>P<-<icy, Petitioner's Case Based On Free Competition f 21G) The pol It loner's rnre Is bssed, In part, upon thrf fundaiueniaI proposi- tion that the free . competition enjoined upon AniPi'lcan liiflnsiry by the Stiermu'n An(l-Triist Aci, nnd which competition 1m souRht (o b*» |>ro|Pc(Pi| and preserved by I bat A'-t, demands ilio tixlstence of free markets. (217 1 Frpft competition means a fr(»a and oi>en nuirket anionic-b«>lli buyei's and aeller's. In wliicli the buyur does not con- I rol Ihe seller and the seller dues not control the buyer, ftflA) An siialyiils of the mo|lon pic- ture Indnsl ry, lis cuiiipoiient parts ami . Ms niedioda of (ransaciInK buslneas, demonstratps lhat tbe ultimate market, and the only -market. In which motion piciurea produced for entertainment pur- posps Play lie dlstrlbuipd nnd llcenaed Is made , up . solely of t he ' inotiun picture Iheaires of tbe ('nlted; States. f'JlQ) In aolldiliiK the purchase of lt- efnsen for the exhibition of Its pictures; the proflucer, lliromili Its salexinpii. deals only wllb (lie owii»rs or ui>erators uf mo- tion picture I Ilea I res. ('J:;i>) NoililiiK tunvlble in form Is de- livered lo Ibe public or any of iIip IHt- sons coioprlain;; II. All lhat the publ><: rccpl vi>a from tbe (licitiro ownpc or oi>- eraior la nn IniaiiKlble artlclp lo Ibe roriii of eni»riniiiiiieiit, for which an ad- nilftabin pri'-e In r»ild. (2^1) The cchlblilon of a motion plc- lore tUin muy cooslltule only h pari »C the Inlan^flbh' ilieaire iirotfrain, and that PIm. altpr evlilbllioii. Is relurnpil^to t h* producpr'a exchaiiK^ for delivery to ati- oiber pxhibltor. who .eonsiltulPH ano|li<>r l>arl of (he market, no iimtier how In- Unltealinal. (222) )ii aeciirlnic control of . the mo- tion piPiurn theiiires Of the (tnlleit .>:tatps. pa ri icuiurly i he ft ml 'run iiiet ro- poUlnn Ihpairca, and the Inrifpr snd bPt- Icr chains of ilipnires. coupled with pr<>. iruellon facllliles, the defpndant pro- ilucer-exhlbliorn herein have effpclunlly monopoll'/pd lb* market for molifUi pi'*- hirea upon a naiioowlde scale ami have driiwn unto I )iPto'aelv»M tbe power of pfTpci ually exPludlri;: from I hat msrltMt hoih iiidpppiideni pruducera and Inde- pi-odPiit pxlilldlors; {'^I'.'-i As loni; a a Ihe most lin|>orliint markciH for loollon |dcliir**a are lilidiT (be (lomlnailon and control of any pio- ducpf. or aoy k roup of producera. frcf. open, nnd uiil rii loiiiplpd coinpetiilon Ir liioll L-'MflOX lllloM, i:'ll> A", a rule. Ih- lnd.Mipnd"nl prO- .lui-.*r i.-t :<nd hii:* 1 II .siatt'oiaiii-ally ex- .■lu.l''I fiiini ,lln)« inrMli.f nod the beiie- ili-* |i, t>- .l^r':\i'd ihyt-ft'iiii. Tb" scr\- |....rf .tf n.ibl -i ir'.-i. f.Timii'il pl:ivi*iji, and olb-'r t. .-lioiciaii'* liM^.' not bi'Pii maile :t\alllbl-. nir p.-umli'il 10 b*l Hindi; ■|\ b-. -tiid ll)d'>n'*od'-Ol iiiodncris, or an* 'ii' i h * •* r-'-iuli of (he cx- cln.ii*in of I If iri-|.'o-n<lciil pradncer from i),-> p> icii.-p Mlt^'^'Ols. hi' oppiotouMy and i:.. ji.i .xiiiihi* 'ti b"« pifidiicio:^. f-:. ; . . , . , iihoi.inl-i^ ■< "f -Minli'v are rcndticd pendAiic. ii.M.n Wx-^ .in:il..r p.odo* i'. •! — ilif.* ! i'*odaoi..( li ■! ■ Ill i ir pniiluci. ar-. n * ; ' r-r'i V- n ro-iil' "f lb" iMonopoIl'/(f ' KPii'*"tl i ti'". •■'•mn''ll"l t.. pa v <il..ii.w> •i o' 'i' ■i-i-'ii--i-o -i* n»i .'W.U-r-iit»»; : Unconacl-.o.ild'*. o I diacrimi o:* iy lil'i L.-'(i.-.i' s\ i.i-'i|.'>o.lwii pioiliic.T\^. th* j i..ii(:tl.* > It i-i. pr.Moie ii..—i^-* r-i iii.r..i-ii';'OI .ModO'-t.-i Mi<» (l..jii*il aiCPSrtllb". * h* (>'l nf pb'i m . ^ . iiic.n ....ib..- ,., , ,* (, .. .t.i-o'. 4o<l mil I •< iiHo'd-d mar«'M"-'0'. '"o w li-ii tli4 *-i;ir^ iiflil S'I ill .\ iil'.ii ib-.. mt> -i'lMi: to make ai—l iIipi'tpa in..- pii>.<i ui*-i m 'l'**'' '><*-H.-.onabl». .-"IjlJ'.!; ' ..onirnct f.od piovi-l.-^ for thP ..v .j il.« WmI rum^olalily of th..:.Ur. ' :hllitlor H widiM- ^-i.wibio of pictni-'S ablp. «lointna I ioii a nd cioiirol lia ^ bp?»ii ; wr(h<Mii oUliK.'iiio'i lo lak^ lh**in. ..*^i|''b | nlili}:pi|. and la liv'ou ulili/"fl. bv . the tii>iiclii?<. :iM> >v-ldoiii. if fVft, •■\>,'')idpd to * dPieiida'il iirod iici.i h » hi bil ni h"*"(n s^ iiMlcpi.od'III e^hilMloi.4, , OOP .of the iio-tfi*. \vli-i i-hv' tli^v ha^i' blevfd- a iooic>|miI\'. iiiiiooiif»li4'«.' .if ■ I liP VH riioi 4 lifi n< liv ' nf (ll.* iodiwl i lion |irii;:rams. wirb .tbe rfsuli Ib**!pby Ili» iiovrrupulooa pxhlb>t(0's ar** eiiiild>-d Im ulthbuld proiluci from <illicr Mol»p''od-o( K\htliiiiii t . wliri mav lO'i'd ll. fur 111.*. oii<.|-:illiin iif Ml"'ir OM-t * (I't'S, If -niiU'—i pi'unva *«r.; ip|.' iH,.d l.<r liie US'; of ollioix li.v audi <>Khlbtl>H-4 ll i' usually onlv^ jn'ict :4iifit^-iPi'ii inoef h'ty etap.-^'-d i-i dimirii.di urcall> Ihcii csbilii- lllMI \i*lO»' (<i > .Vrbll rHfy, iiiiC(Mi<»4'lonHb|p. . himI . „..„ dlHcrimlnnlory IIIih reulHlv. lod-.. •■ilicoi locio:4. fi-at lire I pvlitbiim ^, a.-« ii r.'..tifl of Reductions for Poor B. 0. ! And Vaudeville Houses ' ^. I Cnnlniel ^ moilllleal Iiiim. In no* ni'>M>OM IIIMMl t>'-M4. lea'I'l la I cit'i n''<>a and fi It 'M a I I'm a .111 III'•'(•• ^ Iti coot i*a i i v p ■ i i, . III-.: lie I Wi^i-n I lit* ilciPiida o' 4, ur xtiitc* nt* 11 i_ .* pi odm- ici* a nd fit Iipc-i of d'- 'o :i . i.; ll iiii I III . ,\ onMi'.; til- I« t»c * of I'l.iili. hcaiMiii.: Il|ij4 j.iPiw.'d ai.> lb* r.diM ill- '41- l;'-i(i) li'oi III fill Ill ,«.> liMX olf.c • I fifi •ll < iijiMO t b ' -.^ ll liil •- OI fd' Lm I M I Ity i liiT(-lMh>-^M ■• 'll I doioiiia I ion a ipl oy p\ III liil <ir lo' 11 i J i|.' I riP li. .- ».f ff »•»• I •i(lip»lh III / ll' iiKihopo'. (If.-) ilil»-l ion ll I'll I'V ll ■ 'p I •>t Imiif i.ti>:••foliia> •liil I vw .il' .11. I i-J :t \ •ff o \ n I 'I'l II •! .V ,■ I.IK.MVl t li* nt fii •••'ncit'Oi by lit u-dii-i of c\-|iii>t;oia f I ■ ■. oi..rpi i a tid .Xv ait imi I'lioii'Mi •! !»• V rl'OKin I I'Oii 111 pr 'I* Imii |iv I li'*» pt>(iln''t>t ^" ( rill i|.\ ttf III 'Ml l« i .iVi i r : 'i ■ Sli-i - -I :• i - ^'<•1 *e I.. ilMip:i.. i:- hii III rliii) 11,1 I-<M r*'' Ion* Itl'l O «l I « *.|l.« ' \^ t| .• I'Miiii lii-oo.;)(i .tli'iiii v/b