Variety (Aug 1938)

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2f VARIETY / Wedaesdaj, August 31, 1938 (Meaning appearing September 16th—for national release!) (Meaning*^Road to Reno" is yours September 23rd —and "Service De Luxe" October 14th!) ^v4"/'"^>^ "^^^ ^^^y^B warn, mm WW JBMV^^^^^ ^V'^^^1 V^'"'y'^ ' 'S^«5^^Hi -■\r¥ivr-/?i?T^Tn';TDiiTr'i?'; ^ RUCGLES BRODERICK Produced by EDMUND GRAINGER Mischa Joy AUER ' itOPGES , , Directed by ROWLAND V LEE RANDOLPH" SCOTT in And then ~ Sepi^mher 23rd ! ben droit m^mm, otta OaAs Rflnc/« <Wfr«y« iuixt in Hrno ff co-starring HOPE HAMI^ON with Helen hroderich . Alan Marshal Glenda I'arrclt Samuel s, Hhtds Dqmd Oliver lenpluy hy Roy Chuneclor ttnd Adete Comandini Story by Charles Kenyan and f\ Hugh Herbert Based on the novel "The Roud to Reno" by L A, «. WyUe Directed I»y " . S.^SYXyAN- SIMON - Produced by EDMUND GRAINGER UNIVERSAL has the magic