Variety (Sep 1938)

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> Wednesday, September 21, 1938 VARIETY 45 Variety Bills NEXT WEEK (Sept 26) THIS WEEK (Sept 19) Numeral* in connection with bills ibelow indicate opening day of show, whether full or split week NEW YORK CITY State (22) Prltlhard & Lord Fred Craig Jr Block & Sully Benny Fields Honey Tr - BALTIMORE Century (23) Roy Smeek 3 Drows Freblo &' Branson - EVANSVILLE Majestic (22-24) Vaude parade PITTSBURGH Stanley (23) Kay Kyser Oro (17) Jan Garber Oro WASHINGTON . . Capitol (23) . Chester Hale Gls Stnn Kavanaugh Barr & Estes Commodores Starnes & Anavan Paramount NEW YORK CITY Paramount (22) Eddy DUchln Oro 3 Stooges Frank Payne Danzl Goodelle CHICAGO Chicago (2») Roger Pryor Oro OMAHA Orpheum (23) Horace Heldt Ore . GHEZZIS READINGER TWINS REPEATS WALTON ROOF PHILADELPHIA Dir.: MARK J. LEDDY NEW YORK CITY Muslo Hull (22) Rny & Naldl Jan Peerce Sammy & Williams Rockettes Corps de Ballet Brno Rapee Symph ALBANY Bleeker Hall . (26, one day) Mai Hallett Oro CHICAGO Palace (23) Chester Hale Gls Chuck & Chuckles Rolf Holbein Arren .& Brtfderlck CLEVELAND Palace (23) Robblns Bros & Sis Simpson Co Cheater Morris Andrews Sis Bert Wheeler (16) 6 Blglns Pansy, the Honje Mute Davis Zasu Pitts Helene Danlzon Co NEW YORK CITY Strand (23) Jan Gar her Oro Ethel Merman (17) Ozzle Nelson Oro Harriet Milliard Frank Paris Johnny Davis 3 Sophisticates Wayne Morris BROOKLYN Strand (23) Francis Faye Slate Bros (17) Art Frank Andrews Sis PHILADELPHIA Fox <23) F & P Trado Amer Ice Ballet (17) Galll Galll Carol Manners Don Cummlngs Harriet Hoctor A Rasch Gls Enrle (23) Buddy Rocrera Oro (17) Kay Kyser Ore WASHINGTON Enrle (23) Johnny Davis Mario & Florla Paul La Varre Co (17) Ben Bernle Oro Toy & Wing NEW YORK CITY Rosy (28) Abbott & Costello Florence & Alvarez Radio Aces Earl & Frances Collegiate Majorets Gae Foster Gls Paul Ash Oro ATLANTIC CITY Hippodrome (16) Major Bowes Co Dave Barry Shag Champs Pearl Robblns Rita Julio Louise Boyd Tony Russo 3 Rythmetto* Lyons & Panky DETROIT Fox (10) Abbott & Costello Maysy & Brack Sclth & Ballew 10 Dan.sonettes Kaufman Ore HARTFORD State (10) Chick Webb Ore Ella Fitzgerald INDIANAPOLIS Lyric (23) Gene Krupa Oro Bob King 0 Antaleks Smith, Rogers & E • (16) Rchnlckelfrltz Oro Sylvia Froos Al Gordon Co Robblns Fam Flying Marcos KANSAS CITY Fox Tower (16) Benny Goodman Or Lionel Hampton Harry James Teddy Wilson Je6s Stacy Martha Til ton Dave Tough Johnny Woods Week of September 19 Dominion Joe JackBon Tessa Den no Bllllns & Chase CAMDEN TOWN Gnumont Mexanos Serenaders CLAPHAM Granada Bower & Rutherf'rd Jones & Thomas JDenna Sis EAST HAM _ Granada Bertha Wllmott Freddy Dosh Sereno & June GREENFORD Granada Bryan Mlchle GREENWICH _ Granada gertha Wllmot Freddy Dosh oereno & Juno HARROW _ Grnnada Savoy Jr Bd Terry's JuveH ISLINGTON Blue Hall Wilfred Greene 6 KCGBY rinza Leslie Jefferles 3 TOOTING Granada Bower & Rutherfrd Jones & Thomas Denna Sis WALTHAM8TOW Granada Eddie Gray Dellavon & rage Bart Allison Jack Francis Winter KIs E Squlre-Hrown Gls Baby & Billy Beams WILLESDEN Grunada Don Rico Ore WOOLWICH Granada Rhythm & Romance Week of September 19 ABERDEEN Tlvoll Les Plerrotys Jack Stocks Manhattan 6 Ma honey Bros Hall & Fields Cable & Carr EDINBURGH Royal • Murray South China Tr Vine More & Nev'rd Harold Walden Daimler & Eadle Carvey & Mac 4 Smart Gls Bobby Henahaw GLASGOW Pavilion Jack Radcllffe Vera McLean Harold Dayne Sherman Fisher Gls Norman & Curnot 4 Smith Bros Pratova & Jules Sandler Sis Neller & Clare LIVERPOOL Shakespeare' Les Allen Lester & Cranston Nor Kiddle Fayre 4 Len Chllds Concha & Concha Cabaret Bids NEW YORK CITY Areola Inn (Areola, N. J.) Jerry Carr Ore Chlqulta .Venezla Ruth Warren Kay Blalre George Scottl Walter Cole Dill's Gay 00's Charles Touchette John Panter John Eliot Don Cortez Jim Phillips Mary Roberts Harold Wlllurd ArthurBehan Harry Donnelly Joe Howard Spike Harrison Bernle Grauer Boulevard Tavern (Elmhurst, L. I.) Jlmmle O'Brien Mao Arthurs Joyce & Darrel Ana Pastora Dorothy Wenzet Cameron Crosby Jan Fredrlcs Oro Cafe Afrlque Snub Mosley Oro Alberta^PrymO Marie Pollard Margaret Hall Cafe Loyale Penn Wayne' Oro Casa Mnnann Ted Lewis Oro Patricia Ellis James Barton Al Slcgel Cardlnl Al Trahan 4 Stop Bros Robert Wlldhack Harry Armstrong Shelton Brooks Ben Yost Co Kay Parsons Cluremont Inn Ron Perry Oro Club 18 Pat Harrington Ann Rush Frankle Hyers Irene Mauseth Willie Grogan Leila Gaynes Beale St Boys G Andrews Oro Club Gaucho Dlmltrl & VlrgU Natalia Kordova Trlnl Plaza Don Miguel Oro Dizzy Club Elder Johnson Charlie Linton Jackie Thomas Kathryn Merz El Chlco Don Alberto Ore Asuncion Granados Joy It & Maravllla Dorlta & Valero Francisco. Ramos Famous Door Count Basle Oro Jerry Kruger Earl Wilson James Rushing Glen Island Casino Will Osborne Oro Havana-Madrid Nano Rodrlgo Oro Juanlto Sanabrla Ur Martinez & Ant'nlta Sarlta Herrera Cesar & Dolores Hickory House Joe Marsala Oro Hotel Ainbussadur Arthur Herbert Ore Gabriel Cocco Jules - Brand Hotel Astor N Brandwynne Ore Lee Wiley Hotel Bclmont- Pluza Ernie Hoist Ore (Jeo Scherban Ore Echoes Cuba Oro Dlosa Mansfield Belmont Balladecm Muriel Byrd Hotel lllltmore Frank Novak Ore Hotel Bosaert (Brooklyn) Will McCune Oro Hotel Edison Blue Barron Oro Don Alcxunder Hotel Essex House Rloh'd Hlmber Ore Dell & Hamory Hotel Cov. Clinton Kcldy Ma.iclioff ore Betty Gale Hotel Lexington Ray Kinney Ore Hotel Lincoln Will Hollander Ore Hotel McAlpln J Messner Oro Gonzales A- Menen Roberta Allen Hotel New Yorker Henry Busse Oro Baptle & Lamb Eric Walt Roberts & Farley Bobby Duffy May Judels Hotel Park Central Jerry Blaine Ore Sklppy Burton Randy Brooks Hotel Piccadilly Adrian Rolllnl 3 Hotel Pierre Harold Nagel Oro Hotel Plaza Jack Marshard Ore Maurice & Cordoba Hotel Savoy-Plaza Emlle Petti Oro Hlldegarde 0 Hotel Shelton Jimmy Vincent Ore Hotel Sherry- Netherland Tcharkovsky Ore Geo Scherben Hotel St. Morlts Ralph Gonzales Ore Basil Fomeen Ore Collette & Barry Yvonne Bouvler Hotel St. Regis Joe Rlnes Oro Don Marton Ore Ramon & Renlta Hotel Taft Enoch Light Oro Peggy Mann George Hlnes Light Brigade Hotel Waldorf. Astoria Geo Olsen Oro Mlscha Borr Oro Hotel Warwick Gerry Morton Ore Elinor Sheridan Dell O'Dell Hotel White Frances Comstock Clifford Newdahl Kit Rot Club Al Cooper Oro 3 Peppers Orlando Roberson Cook & Brown Smiles & Smiles La Marquise Earl Moss Cal Bateman Doug Speaks Frances Connolly Larue Eddie Davis Oro Joseph Smith Oro Le Coq Rouge Geo Sterney Ore Le Mirage Happy Horton Ore Maryon Dale" Jessica Worth Katherine Mayfleld Leon & Eddie's Eddie Davis Lou Martin Oro Vlnce & Anita Llna Basquette Haines, Tate & 3 Addison Bailey Iris Adrian Meredith Tanner & Thomas Helen Walnwrlght Wally Wanger 0 Midnight Sun Jack Melvln Ore Eileen Wenzel Geraldine Rose Carol Bruce Monte Carlo Pierre Beaucalre Ann & Burt Royce Ma rite Julian Altman Oaston Rex Meza Plnntutlon Club Sheets Tolllver Ore Philip Mason Paulino Bryant tiucen Mary Ann White Ray Jones Queen's Terrace (Woodslde, L. I.) Charllo Strong Ore Harriett Can- Ashley & Ware John Hubert Harry Rose Radio trunks' Club Frank Besslnger Jerry While Gus Wlcke Jimmy Burns Fred Bishop Wynne Ralph Lou Williams Bbony 8 Truth Leonoff Rainbow Grill Paul Kaln Oro Marlynn & Michael s Rainbow Room Al Donahue Ore Eddie LeBnron Oro Paula Kelly Ruth Nigey John Hoysradt Jack Cole Co Bosnian Kretclima Volodla Katov Ore Nastla Polla Kova Simeon Karavaeff Marusla Sava Darla Blrse Michel Mich on Mlscha Osdonoff Klavdla Kapelova Sergei Ignatenko Stork Club Sonny Kendls Oro Jose Lopez Oro Swing Club Ray Mario Oro Freddie Fulton Pete Clifford Ruth Osborn Tonl Gaye Cellnda. Joe Van Green Jack Huber Luclnda Lang Tavern-on-Gre*n Hughle Barrett Ore Tokuy Magyar Frank. Douglas Ore Ilona do Thury Johnny Carter Marget Marina & Norlna Versailles Cross & Dunn M Bergere Ore Panchlto Ore D'Avalos Dancers Village Barn Mitchell Ayres Oro Walter Donahue Ma'ryann Mercer Theod're & Denesha Zeb Carver Co Whirling Top Geo Morris Oro Russell Dracken Trent Patterson Ramon Rlngo Stephen Harris * Wlvel Charley Bowman Or Bob Lee Amelia Gllmore Deane Dlokens Marlon Carrol Connie Joyce Al Small LOS ANGELES Ball Charlie Lawrence Bruz Fletcher Beverly Wllshlre Howard Jerrard Viola Vaughn Tal Sings Lou Sal lee Oro lllltmore Bob Hall" Rita & Rubins 3 Nonchalantu Billy & J Severln Annabelle Tommy Trent Shep Fields Oro Cafe De Paree Charlie Ament'Orc Paul McLean ' Cafe La Maze Myrus Ben Light Oro Clover Club Stan Myers Oro Cocounut Grove Morton Downey Anson Weeks Oro Hawaiian Paradise Clob Searles & Lena Bobby Ramos Princess Luana Kay Kalalnl Eddie Bush 3 Andy lone Oro It Cafe Joe Moshay Bob Searles Bill Roberts Oro Jerry's Mnndalay Lillian Bernard Flo Henri Geo Junior Gladys Bagwell Jim Kerr Ore La Conga Harry Rosenthal E Durando R'ba Bd Margaret Roach Blue Stone Oro Little Club Jane Jones Tiny Merldlth Chas Thorpe Omar's Dome Ray Bradford Oro Geo McDowell Dorothy Roberts Walter Wade Elmer;.. *- : Palomar Kenny Baker Oro Karolls' Kleo Lambert Betty Van Paris Inn Marguerite & M Dominic . Columbo Thora Matthlson P Wlnehell & Terry Ken Benryson Marino & Valencia Betty Mason Napoma & Owanee Frank Sortlna Ore P Selznlck's Clob Peggy Fears Pat Rooney Jr Max FIdler Oro Billy Lankln Bill Brady Seven Seas Candy Candldo Joe Frisco Bill Hoffman Somerset House Harry Rlngland 3 HI Hats Topsy's Lorraine Gerard Maxlne Wlngo . Jacquelln Cherry Margaret Walden Gloria Randall Leona Rice Gil Dagenals Pat O.'Shea Joy Williams Lenore Thome Armanda & Llta Barrett & Wright Trocadero Jose's Cuban Bd Fernando Ramos Bob Grant Ore V Hugo Restaurant Sklnnay Ennis Ore Colleen Calhoun CHICAGO Bismarck Hotel (Wulnut Room) Jules Duke Oro Arlene O'Day Betty Grey Santoro & Lorraine Maxlne Marfleld Grace McCarthy Blackliawk Bob Crosby Oro Marian Mann Jim & J Byrnes Loma Cooper Jack' Gaulke Oro Maclovla Ruiz Blondles Ginger Lee Dolores Green Phil Bernard Monetla Najah Wanda Phillips Pamelia Adair Blue Goose Ralph. Hovey Frances Roma Jane lines Harry Singer Oro Bon Air Eddie Garr Margie Knapp Lang Thompson Or Dukes & Duchess Or Peppino & Camllle Lillian Carmen Rose Ballet llrcvnort Hotel (Crystal Room) Florence Schubert Charles Baldwin Grace Kntrol Norma Ballard Itraudtnnnt Luolcy Girls 1'hlloniena Phyllis Stanway Dor Keith Gls Itoney Loe Hank Simons Alma & Helen llorble Rudoipli Ore Camvun Eddie Gorman Rocke Romano Toddy O'Grady Don Morgan Dot & Jerry Edna Leonard Carl Scholtz Oro Chez I'aree Abe Lyman Oro Harry Rlrhman :! oxford Boys Dolly Arden 6 Jitterbugs Rose Blane Don Orlando Ore Evan's Adorablcs Club Al Hal Barbpr Stppn Bright Avis Miller Irene l'ortefs Nana Rhythm Kings Club Alabum Harriet Norrls Kay LaSalle Honore & Gladys Sadie Moore 4 Ambassadors Phyllis Brooks Marjorie King Eme Burton Bernle Adler Dave Unells Oro Chalk Robinson Oro Eddie Roth Oro Club Spanish Pinky Tracy Loretta DeBoer Eve Evon Nola Cooper Kay Marshall Ralston Ens Joe Valentine Joe Nlttl Oro Colony Club Lillian Carmen Jose Manzanares Or Hugo dePauls Oro Coloslmos B & F Gilbert Zang & Todd Helen Holmes BUlle Machell Jackson. Reeves A S Olga Dane Frltzie Lure Banrlelds Bobby Danders Bob Hyatt Pronaph Gls 'Hollywood 6 Henri Gendron Ore Club Delist! Evelyn White <Eloiso Wllllama Bristle & Gay John Oscar Rhythm Willie Bunny 3 Luiky Bucks Sam Theard Sam Robinson Charles Isom Partello Gls Rod Saunders'Oro Drake Hotel (Gold Coast Room) Hal Kemp Oro Judy Starr Bob Allen Saxle Dowell Harry Wlllford Mickey Bloom Jack Le.Malre Eddie Kuflby Dutch's Ralph Cook Rev HI tuna n Dancers Roberta Peggy Moore Helen Dove. Mort Lund 'Oro Edgewntcr II<*uch Hotel (Marine Room) Leigh ton Noble Ore Edith Caldwell Chick Floyd Muriel Grey Harriet Smith Gls Evelyn Pelser Famous Door Ed Danders Oro Terry O'Toole Helen DuWayne Bernle Plncus Bryan Wolfe 4th Club Homer Roberta Hazel Talbot Jenne Isabel Gerhart Adelaide Klrkorf Shorty Ball Ore Franke's Casino Dave Tannen Rolando & Dodd Dorothy Dawn Sally Hyde Buddy Klrble Blllle Rogers Dana Cameron Vlr Duvall Rocke Ellsworth Bob Tlnsley Oro The Gables Leon Chess. Oro Alice Tannen Gay Pares Wellington Mary Williams Sam Haas' Patsy. Linn . Gladys Beauvllle Bernlce Bodel Bob Riley Oro Grand Terrace Sonny & Sonny Dusty Fletcher Howell & Coles Sallie Gooding Dot Soulters Connie' Harris Leonard Reed Gls Earl Hlnes Oro. Graemere Hotel (Glass House Bin) Don Pedro Oro Els'a Harris Ted & Mary T R ft • Harry's N X.Cab'ret Bill Anson Mildred Rock Natasha Sakura Muriel Love Rankin Gls Charles En gel Oro Hickory Inn 4 Top Hats The New Yorkers c HI Hat Joe Lewis Terry Lawjor Pal-Mar Gls Jeanne Walker Sid Lang Oro Hippodrome Flo Whitman Rev Jerry Marks Oro Sherone Nyra -Lou Dee Adrian Muriel Joseph Genevieve Val Ivanboe Helen Sumners Helen Irwin 4 Hawalians Earl Hoffman Oro — L'Alglon Mary W Kilpatrlcb George Bay Bd Ennlo Bolognlnl Or Hotel La Salle (Blue Front Room) Richard Schrelber Blltmore Boys Dixie Frances Liberty Inn Tommy O'Neal Dolores Green Rags Gallagher Mickey- Dunn Marlta Ryan Sylvia Tucker Earl Wiley Oro McLauglUlns Rue Ana Mildred Jarrett Ginger Wood Deone Page Sammy Barry Stan Carter Jules Novlt Oro Melody Mill Jack Russel Oro Miami Club Beza White Earl Rickard Joe Casqldy. Lynn Barclay Dorothy Johnson Millstone Anne Howard Jane Wagner Olga Day 4 Monteforte Sis Roy Swift Oro Minuet Club Margo Gavin Jack Hllllard Minuet Gls Gale Lawrence Jack Morton Oro Morrison Hotel (Boston Oyster House) Manfred Gotthelf Nameless Cafe Joan LaMae Una -Mae Ed Leon Williams Bros Lydla Harris Frank RaMondl Mao dl Fill Old neldelberg Old Heidelberg Co Herr Louie Ore Goo Gunther Ore Palmer House (Empire Room) Veloz & Yolanda Pancho Oro LaFranconl Novello Bros Smith's Murlonets Don Hooton Gruce Dittmon Abbott Dancers Ed Allen Phil Dolley Oro Parody Club Freddie Abbott Mollle Manor Dollie Dulene Sara Thobold Marie Thomas Freddie Janls Oro Rose Bowl Paulette LaPlerre Gloria Panlco Tom Ferris Shermun Hotel (College Inn) Brandt Sis Robin Scott Uksllla & Vlda Jenna . Bud Lewis Mary Jane Yeo Genevieve Trojan Puke. & Noble Betsy Ailing Lynn Clare Dorothy Erlckson Madeline Raymond Russel & Genevieve Snowriake Ballet F Masters Oro Dome Earl Rickard Sliver Cloud Charles Page Sylvia Tucker Modernettes Florence Ray Frank & G Rosche Marian Boyd Hazel Zalus Nord Richardson 3 Tops Johnny McFall ..Ore Sliver frolics lone .O'Donnell Continental 4 Ealalrie Rabey Fay Wallace Art Freeman 606 Club Billy Car,r Renee Villon Marg Faber Gls Jessie Rosella Vllma Joszy Ruby Bennett Ethel Brown B & L Cook Collette Peaches Strange Dolly Sterling Sol Lake Oro Tripoli 3 Sky Rocket Marjorie Whitney Dictators Mathews & Shaw 4 Kings B Tanks Socialites Stevens Hotel (Continental" Room) Don Julian & M Lois Harper Louanne Hogan Jackie Heller Oro Stockade Inn Charles Chaqey Susl-Q Irv Dornfleld . Rosalene Gls Gloria Starr Helen Dove Warren & Phillips Edith Principle Verne Wilson Oro Swlngland Joe Johnson Mae Dlggs Alma Smith 2 Rhythm Pals Fats Patterson Ted Smith Billy & Charles Jlmmle Noone Oro Thompson's 16 Club Patsy Thomas Bernle Green Brahmer & B'hmer Ellis Logan Ann Helhm Millie Travis Joan Dawn Frisco's Qro Three Deuces Art Tatum Tower Inn Frankle Dovle Inez Gonen Helen LaMarr Alice Tanner Rhythm Gls Kurtls Marionettes Jerry Lynn George Arnold Eleanor Johnson Frank Davis Oro Trocadero Gloria Romano Adelle St Clair Terry Circle Roy Rankin Oro Villa Moderns Tony Cabot Ore Villa Venice C & C Lamberlln. Holly Sis Lazzeronls Noll & Nolan Felldo & Tama Ann Lewis Linda Marsh Michel & Medesca Lou Hoffman Ronee Jay Carlos & Carlta V Quartello Oro Yacht Club Gareth McGralh Or Joe Herbert Ruth- Denning Alfredo & Dolores Colleen Yacht Club Gls 7Ak '/mk Sunny Bouohe Virginia Dare Sakura. Larry Lux Ore Barbara Johnston Ann Klrwln Pedro Blanco' Oro Mary Winters Evergreen Casino Pat Shevlln Enters & Borgia Mario Melton Duval Sis Beth Challls Joe Mlllkopf Oro Frankle Palumbo's LVsrBarclay JBobblo Tremalne Alarone & Gallo O'Connor Bros Whitney & Parker Ifvonettes (C) lllldebrand's Crosettl Sis Mile Helalne Rita Riohard Bach Vldell & Manning Singing Sam Nlckl Galiuccl Bella Belmont Bobby Lee Oro Hotel AdelphJa (Roof) Allen Fielding Oro Larry Thornton Renee de Jarnette La Conga Gls Don Angelina .Oro Kathryn Buckley Herb's 1412 Club Dotty Strouser Helen Heath Lucille Renee Pepper Garat Billy Lee Lillian Kllnn Bernlce Burns Gauchos Oro Peggy Wagner Little Rathskeller Jack Griffin Oro Jack Gleason Mary Burton. Caspar & Ruth Anna Mai Lee Johnny & George Jack Lynch's Jetio Donath Ore Vincent Rizzo Oro Barney Zeemnn Ore Gloria Grafton Capert'n & Cormb> Solma Marlowe Jimmy Bloke Mildred Reed Ross McLean Paul Roslnl Jack Lynch Gls (6) Parrlsli Cafe Blanche Saunders Ted Miller PHILADELPHIA Anchorage Bill Honey Oro Shallta & Carlton Ed Rickard Jo Andrews Ray Hunt Pattl Morgan Arcadia lut': Clem Williams Oro Shallta & Carltcn Ed Rlrkard Jo Andrews Ray Hunt Pattl Morgan Bellevue-Strutfnrd Meyer Davis Oro Benny the Hum's Johnny Howard Dolly Kay Oshlns & Lesey 3 Marshalls Castalne & Barry Deloyd McKay Johnny Graff Ore Sherman GU (12) Club 15 Mae Masters Dorothy Verray Beverly Wayne Colony Club Helen Martin Jacqueline Herman Aurora Scott Lewis Sis Embassy Helen Benton Bert Clemoux Marjorie Drujnm'nd Anna Muy Fisher Blanche Fanger Billy & Flo Gross PeeWee GlUett Jimmy Shore Oro . Stamp's Cufe Palmer & Forrest* Mtml Stewart Johnny Welsh Gene Baylos Shally & Nlff Jack Huicninson Irving Rraslow Ore Silver Luke Inn <Clcni«*nton) Mickey Familant Or 3 Escorts Sally La Marr Lloyd & Willis Lillian Dutkln'H Rutlihkeller Watson Sis Marie Duval Sunny Nash Tippy Velez Viola Klalss Oro Frank- Poptl yisis-' i-ocust Linda Ray Renee Dolores Merrill Posgy Bowen Gladys Crane Dave Layton Bubbles Shelby Swing King Oro Village Barn Frank Hall Pattl Crnnford Diane & Winton Emerald Sis Hap. Valley Cowb'a Harry Wharton Oro Weber's Hot Brasi (Camden) Louis Chalkln Oro Nino Carmlno Karl & Gretchen International 3 Bavarians Eldoradians Use Hart Joe Romano Rudy- Bruder Ray. Miller Bob Flinch Mackle & Paul Bartell Gladys Stewart Yorktowne Tavern Frank Staub Oro Yucht Club Kitty Helmllng Oro Jimmy Bailey Bobbie Burns Ted & ,E Walker Selmo Sis Patricia Robinson BOSTON Brown Derby Dick Stutz Oro Club Mayfnlr Lewis Bonlck Oro Sophie Tucker Sheila Barrett Ted Shapiro Congo Eddie Deas Oro Crawford House Ray Phillips Oro Hddle Leonard Anne RlcharilB Hamllburg's Don Humbert Oro Ginger Gordon Hofbrau (Lawrence) Jlmmle Hodges Hotel Statler- (Terrace Boom) Clyde Lucas Ore Knotty Fine Room (Hotel Woodcock) Freddy Green Oro Merry-Go-Round (Copley Pl'za H'tel) Jimmy Avalone Ore Old Fashioned Cafe Nerldda Ort's Billy Stone Sadie Perry Penthouse (Bradford Hotel) Frank Ward Oro Royal - Palms Margie Dorello Rltis Carlton Hotel Bunny Berlgan Oro • Seville Don Rico Oro Sheraton Room . (Copley Pl'zu H'tel) Walter Miller Oro Southland Jim LunceforU Oro Princess Orella Pete Co Engagl Steuben's (Vienna Room) Jack Fisher Ore Trocadero Al Boorls Oro CLEVELAND Alpine Village Lea & Rita Maroon & Willo Pat Werner Swlssonettes Otto Thurn Oro Avalon Pete Zumo Oro Jack & P Goldwln Sue Stuart • Vic & D Garrison Bob Marchand Cedar Garden* Duke Melvln Oro Detroit Red Wllla Mae Lane David & Davis Poison Gardner 3 Esquires Chateau Club Art West Leon LeVerdie Irene Kessler Palmer Gls Marty Lewis Oro Creole Gardens Bea Moore Bob Campbell George Bias Buddy & Honey Thelma & Stowe Sherdlna Walker Or Eight O'clock Club Paul & Paulette Young & Lucky Bill Miller Oro Freddie's Cafe Ingo Borde Phil Arnold Jeon VIcker Dorothy Keith Gls Golden Glow Rosalind Ehrman Jimmy King Oro Hotel Cleveland (Cleveland Room) Walt Bergner Ore (Little Cafe) -Gene Erwln Oro Hotel Fenway Hall Willie Potts Ore Hotel Hollenden Sammy Watkins Or Iris Wayne Lee Cole Gypsy Markolt Romany 3 Hotel Statler Dick Barrle Oro Anita Boyer Georges & Jalna Jack * Eddie's Betty Day Saxon Greeley Chee-Choe's Oro Little Club. Louis Scina Oro Gayle Gaylord Theodore Miller LyndnurHt Country Club Hugh Monaco's Oro' Monaco's Cafe Jacques Pollack Or Edwards & Arden Loel & Muriel Alice Brent Beta Ray O'Brien's Shore Club Johnny Hayduk Oro Michael & Marlda ,Martln Wlllesch Regal Club Rita Cazcll Co Bee Baxter Bette Evans Ruth Puree Southern Tavern Paul Burton Oro Nick Bontempa Don Kaye DETBOIT Ambassador Club Billy Van Gonzalez & S De Nira Bebe Sherman Don Ernesto Ambassador Oro Book-Cndillao Hotel (Bunk Casino), Bobble Grayson Oro Bill Conway Jlmmle Stevenson (Motor Bur) Callfornlans Lawrence LaPrise Chene-Trombley Eddlo Farley Oro" Cerrono & Chlqulta Jack Herbert Co (Continued Blanche Fezzey Adelaide & McM Marlon Muller Manuel Frank Belasco. Hotel Statler (Terruce Room) Frank Gagen Oro Neblolo Cafe Leonard Seel Ore Mitzl & Gene Northwood Inn Ray Carlln Oro Monty Wysong- Bobby Cook C & F Simpson SI grid Dagnle Oasis 8 Guardsmen on page 47)