Variety (Sep 1938)

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Wednesday, September 28, 1938 VAUDE-NITE CLUBS VARIETY 49 'He's a Jolly Good Fellow' London Cafe Patrons Sing in Tribute to Chamber- lain on Peace Mission . + London, Sept. 15. A significant manifestation of re- pressed emotions asserting them- selves occurred at last night's per- formance (14) at the London Casino. It was on the occasion of Neville Chamberlain's first flight to huddle •with Hitler on a possible peace njove. Announced from the stage, by the management* it spontaneously moved the fashionable nitery audi- ence to its feet, everyone grasped his neighbor's hands and total strangers of a moment before were Interlocked in the simultaneous sing- ing of 'He's a Jolly Good Fellow,* as an ode to the British prime minister, on his .peace mission. Unlike some freer expressions per- mitted in America, the British democracy is none the less under wraps when diplomatic crises of this nature arise. Thus, the man-in-the- street usually disports himself ac- cording to his private opinion. When in public gathering places, like the- atres, cafes and night clubs, they're on their decorum, which, makes this sudden enthusiasm the more marked. The London Casino revue, just ar- rived, .which reopens the Interna- tional Casino on Broadway Oct. 5, to a $10 premiere, will be considerably augmented. Grace and Nikko, Kos- loff, Eileen O'Connor, Emma and Henry, Harold and Lola, Corinne, Tito Valde^z and Serban, Shyrettos, Bood and Bood, Carmen Torres, Ernie Dillon, the Christians, Rio Bros, and • Frankly n D'Amore are the principals. Latter two acts, due to prior English commitments, only got in this week, a week after the rest of the L. C. revue. Stanley Klein and Eddie Lewis are busy rehearsing under Clifford C. Fischer's supervision. Val Parnell's brother, Arthur, who handled the London Casino's road revues, is back managing the L. C, while Lewis re- mains more or less indefinitely in America, as personal rep for Fischer, who also arrived last week with his show. A replica of. a Frencl. street scene In Montmartre is a major rebuild- ing operation - at the International Casino right now, where Larry Clin- ton's band will be esconced, ,in the outer room, as well as within the Casino. Sally Rand in Philly Philadelphia, Sept. 27. Sally Rand goes into Fay's theatre here Friday (30) with her unit for first local appearance in about four years. House also will get Par's 'Bulldog Drummond in Africa.' JACK and JUNE BLAIR On Tour Fuller Circuit, AuHtrallu with "Hollywood Hotel" Revue MATA MONTERIA heading Dance Stylist Soloist of Chicago Grnnd Oporn Co. Currently Appearing at tho N.T.G.'S 'MIDNIGHT SUN' in Spanish Dance Creations Gainsworth Quits Balto, Hipp; flutton Too Swingy' Baltimore, Sept. 27. Marjorie Gainsworth, operatic warbler of pops, pulled out of the Hippodrome here, after. the first show opening day (23). She claimed Ina Ray Hutton's orchestra, cur- rently the stage headliner, was too swingy to play her type of music. At the first performance, Miss Gainsworth had only piano accom- paniment. According to the singer, the pull- out was okay with Izzy Rappaport, theatre operator. She claims he's rebooked her for the house, open- ing either Oct. 14 or Oct. 28. Steve Evans replaced her at the Hipp. CITE 253 CLEVE. CAFE CURFEW VIOLATORS Cleveland, Sept. 27. Since police formed a nine-man squad, tagged the 'dawn patrol,' to stop joints from violating the 2:30 a.m. curfew law, they have swooped down on 253 niteries that had been running wild lately. Out of that number, 38 were given final warn- ings that their liquor licenses would be taken- from them in the event of another violation. ' On second visit only -nine were found still open after hours, state liquor board calling offenders next week to revoke their permits. Such policing of niteries hasn't. been so strict since prohibition days, but new reform party insisted upon it. Spots are now trying to lure in earlier trade by moving up their old 2:30 a.m.-floor shows to 1 at the lat- est, while most of them put on their first revues at 6:30 dinners. Philly Without Negro Vauder 1st Time in Yrs. Philadelphia, Sept. 27. Philadelphia, for the first time in years, will be without a negro vaude house this season. Lincoln, which formerly played colored shows, will become a Yiddish theatre shortly, Nixon's Grand, which took over sev- eral years ago when the Lincoln left off, is shuttered and for sale. House, operated by Harry Slatko last season, has been sold by sheriff. Zorine's Unbilled Strip Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 27. Zorine's Nudists (6), nitery troupe touring state, lived up to advance billing here last week, arriving at the Moonlight Gardens here minus their wardrobes. A train look can of 'the latter, demolishing the small trailer at- tached to their automobile, at a crossing near here. Wardrobe had been in trailer. None was injured. JACK DURANT HELD OVER 2nd WEEK PARAMOUNT THEATRE, LOS ANGELES WALTER WINCHELL said:— "Orchids for Jack Durant's routine." ED SULLIVAN:— "It's amazing how lack Durant's improved." No Repeal Here Altoona, Pa., Sept. 27. Despite the fact that Altoona is a wet town in a wet state, this city of 85,000 people doesn't have a single nitery. Reason is the ban imposed for" the past three years by Mayor J. Harry Moser on entertain- ment of any sort where' liquor is ladled. Moser's order, even goes so far as to eliminate radios from saloons. Mayor is an ardent church- man and enforces his rulings arbitrarily by refusing to issue $25 city license to spots. Philly AFA, EMA Plan Fixed Minimum Pay For Acts and Agents Philadelphia, Sept. 27. First step in a plan of co-operation between the American Federation of Actors and the Entertainment Man- agers Assn., booker group, was worked out here Sunday (25) to eliminate chiseling agents. Plan en- visages fixing of minimum pay for acts and minimum commish for agents, which will be worked out by local execs of AFA and EMA. . Confab took place between Florence Bernard, prez; other EMA officials and Ralph Whitehead, AFA prez. Toift Kelley, on Sunday (25) was named as local rep of AFA, also at- tended. Meeting followed imme- diately after official merger of the local talent union, United . Enter- tainers Assn., with the AFA.- . AFA elections here Sunday also inducted William G. Jones as secre- tary while Paul Mohr and Joseph McFadden were, named treasurer and recording secretary, respective- ly. Frank Dowling, Joe Campo, Dolly Davis, Norma Norton./'BoJj White and Joan Barrie will -lie the advisory board. All were formerly associated with United Entertainers Assn.', which' has been absorbed by AFA. With the Philadelphia situation under its belt, AFA will next or- ganize Detroit. Walter Ryan, former rep there, has been replaced by Dan Hurley of New York AFA. CBS Swing Show Booked Into Hartford Theatre Columbia Broadcasting's Saturday night Swing Session orch., will do p.a. at the State, Hartford, week of Oct. 9. Lieth Stevens heads. On Oct. 15, the last day of the date, the band will play its Swing Session coast-to-coast program from the stage of the theatre. Saranac Lake By Happy Benway Dr. Karl Fischel, former medical director of the Will Rogers, who re- cently won the Leon Bernard Memorial Prize for tuberculosis re- search, is skedded to take over the main job again at the Rogers Oct. 1. Dorris Andrews, of the Metro- politan theatre, Boston, is a new- comer at the Rogers. Needs a rest. Jim Williams, here years ago as an ex-N.V.A.-ite, back again for look- over. Mrs. Jean Wolf, whose husband is with the New York Paramount the- atre, is a new arrival at the Rogers. She's a former dancer. ' The John Loudens made a trip to the Big Town for a look-see. Herman (Will Rogers Fund) Le- Vihe here to look over the gang. Ford Raymond, who did his time here, then went to Los Angeles, will winter in Phoenix. He's a success- ful rib case. From Worcester comes Ed Schrader, Albert Schrader and Mrs. H. Schrader to ogle Fred Schrader, who's doing well. Hap Ward, Jr., who's improving had a surprise visit from his dad and ma, in from Boston. A ham and egg dinner was tendered to Christy Matthewson, Jr., at Mark's Grill here. Son of the former pitcher is a loyal booster for the Actors Colony. Martha (Universal Pictures) Gill is one year older. Jack Edwards, Walter Hoban downtown shopping for the boys. Otto Krause, Lotte Lehmann's stepson, doing par - exel at the Erkander cottage here, expects his frau here for a visit soon. The opera singer has promised to give a con- cert at the local theatre benefit. Write to those who are ill. All He Got Out of S. America Was The Zamba, Says Maestro Barron Lee Becker Quits Pitt Cafe Operation; Peyton Back Pittsburgh, Sept. 27. Joe Becker, who owns niteries in Buffalo, Cleveland and Detroit, has faded from the Pittsburgh cafe scene after a three-month try at Eddie Peyton's old spot. Becker tool: it over from Peyton last June but never got going, eventually ran into some trouble with the musicians union and finally gave up. Understood venture cost Becker plenty. As a result, Peyton, who for several months has been m.c.'ing in midwest night clubs, will operate the spot on hi- own. Holds o--~7 Jack Gamble's orchestra last '.ooking made by Becker. MORRIS AGCTS PROD. UNIT TO BUCK MCA William Morris agency will set up a production department to organ- ize fairs, exhibitions and large niter- ies. Music Corp. of America entered the field recently and has since ex- panded to legit musicals. Move is in line with general expansion of Mor- ris office, which recently included a band department under Ed Fishman. V Introduction of production depart- ment will put Morris and MCA' into closer competition than ever before. Heretofore, MCA has had a pretty clear .field in fairs, except for in- dividual vaude show producers. Morris office has already sent'out feelers to various organizations around the country. City fathers of Ft. Worth, Texas, have been con- tacted by Morris office, which wants to put on the annual Casa Manana show there next year. MCA handled the show as its first venture into production this summer and success of the event is said to have stimu- lated Morris office into going into the field. Morris office would take it on per- centage with no guarantee • from muny. operators. MCA had it on guarantee basis. Lou Wasserman of MCA leaves New York for Texas late this week. Hank Greenberg's Unit Philadelphia, Sept. 27. Jackie Beekman, who recently closed as m.c. at the Adelphia Roof here, reported planning a vaude unit with Hank Greer berg, Detroit Tigers' heavy slugger, after close of the baseball season. By JOHN HURLEY South America isn't all pesos for foreign acts, particularly in Brazil.' Coffee bean impresarios have you coming and going, says Barron Lee,' Negro band leader, just back from 14 weeks at the Casino de Urea, Rio de Janeiro, where he and his com- patriots were said to have been horsed around so often that they felt like gauchos. ' Lee returned to U. S. this week with less money, he says, than when he started, a new pair of shoes and a resolution never to go back. Ail he got'—and even that isn't strictly' material—was a new kind of rhythm, the Zamba. The payoff came when he had to sail through last week's hurricane to get home. Contract called for band to play 'the policy of the Casino de Urea,** and there was considerable behind that clause. Lee found himself broadcasting for a commercial pro- gram over Radio Tupi (PRG3) from/ the Casino at no extra pay, available, for films, possible theatre dates and prospect of doubling into another boite, the Nichtoroy. in Sao Paulo. All extra and all gratis. This did not include an assorted collection of tieups for 'publicity purposes.' Band said to have had to play in half-hour sessions without a letup. No announcements were permitted between songs, one running right into the other. Arrangements taken along were' useless, band having to' learn the^ Zamba, a native rhythm. Swing was out entirely and jazz per- mitted only intermittently. Conse- quently, Lee has returned with a collection of Zamba orchestrations and a Cabaser, a Brazilian rhythm instrument. Contracts are. as sacred as Eu- ropean treaties once an act or band is landed. Situation is reported to be so rife with politics that foreign- ers haven't a chance for a return bout with managements. Three-day notice of a salary change, altera- tion or cancellation is. the limit. Con- ditions are the same throughout. For' example, Berry Bros, and Carl Shaw. Shaw was dropped after four weeks of an eight-week contract when he refused a cut. Berry Bros, had their salary cut in half after two weeks at the Casino Atlantico. They were given three days' notice with ulti- matum. They took the boat instead. All returned home promptly since there is no recourse. Government will not permit lingering once an engagement is ended and a suit from this end would get more kicking- around than a football. Lee's stay was particularly non- productive. Of his earnings he could send only $50 home monthly. He was paid off in American Express orders, which were redeemed into milres at a loss of about 15c. on the dollar. When milres were cashed into dollars he : lost about 25c. more, leaving him with 60% of his total income, which in itself was a Bra- zilian standoff. Thai HE AT RE of the STARS