Variety (Oct 1938)

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Wednesday, October 5, 1938 PICtURE GROSSES VASIETY Vaiu^ters-Veloz-Yolanda Smash (47,000 as Series Mob Pours Into Chi; Youth'-Vaude Sorry $lSj Chicago, Oct. 4. With the World's Series opening in town tomorrow (Wednesday), there Is an influx of visitors and general carnival spirit about the town that must accrue to the benefit of the various boxoffices in the loop. Also the Yom Kippur holiday figures a$ a booster for a single day this week. Not too much around to drag the mobs in currently, with the out- standing line-up being 'Four Daugh- ters' on the screen and Veloz and Yolanda on the stage at the Chicago. Powerful show that is getting plenty of attention, especially from the ferame element. Strong,enough for a fortnight's gallop at top pace. Rest of the loop is merely also-ran la comparison with the roaring rate at the Chicago. 'Algiers* is due to come out of the United -Artists to- morrow (Wednesday), with 'Boys Town' slated to replace and figured for coin on word-of-mouth around town already. 'Sing You Sinners', moved into the Apollo for additional week after a solid session in the Chicago and is garnering mazuma in the subsequent spot. Palace is doing an intermission this week, waiting for the big cash expected next week. Estimates for This Week Apollo (B&K) (1.200; 35-55-65-75) —'Sinners' (Par). In from the Chi- cago and heading for SO^OOO. good. Last week, 'Am Law* (Col), finished second week in loop to okay $4,500. Chlcairo (B&K) (4,000; 35-55-75) —'Daughters' (WB) and stage show. Veloz and Yolanda aiding power- fully in the big upsurge of trade here. Picture and dance team are a combination that cannot be denied and the gross booms to $47,000, smackeroo. Last week, 'Sinners' (Par) and vaude, fine $35,400. Garrlck (B&K) (900; 35-55-65-75) —'Touchdown' (Par). Not much here on generally bad comment and will have to be satisfied with $4,000, meek. Last week, 'Co-Ed' (20th), good $4,200 for second session. Palace <RKO) (2,500; 35-55-65-75) —'Youth Fling' (U) and Count Bemi Vici unit on stage. Not much and will garner only $15,000, poor. Last week, 'Room Service' (RKO) and vaude, managed so-so $14,200 in second stanza. Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500; 35-55-65- 75) —'Nancy' (M-G) (2d week). Taking fine $9,000, following good $13,700 last week. State-Lake (Jones) (2,700; 25-35- 45-55)—'Rich Man* (M-G) and vaude. Coming in with $10,000, good take. Last week, 'Men Fools' (WB), $10,500, nice. United Artists (B&K-UA) (1,700; 35-55-65-75)—'Algiers' (UA). After taking $14,200, fair, in first week, will wind up on Wednesday (5). figuring for $9,000, meek, in final seven days. 'Boys Town' (M-G) next. Town/ 12G, Take It/ IIG, Smash in Seattle Seattle, Oct. 4. Fall season hitting improved pace, with public showing plenty of inter- est in the $250,000 quiz contest. At- tractions that measure well are the main lure, however. Public seems to know good product beforehand and acts at the b.o. accordingly. 'You Can't Take It with You' is the opus attracting to the Liberty this week. 'Boy's Town' is mopping up at the Fifth. Paramount theatre holding over Jitterbugs on stage, with local swing contest (dancers) adding to interest. Estimates for This Week Blue Mouse (Hamrick-Evergreen) (850; 32-37-42) — 'Four's Crowd' <WB). Moved from Orpheum. Ex- pect only moderate $2,300, Last "week, 'Alexander' (20th), three days of seventh week, $1,600, good. Coliseum (Hamrick - Evergreen) (1.900; 21-32) — 'Miss Broadway' (20th) and 'Give Million' (20th). Poor $2,200. Last week, 'Professor Beware' (Par) and 'You Me' (Par), four days, mild $1,500. .Colonial (Sterling) (800; 10-21)— Arizona' (Par) and 'Hell in Circus' (Ind), dual, split with 'Woman Against World' (Col) and 'Hills' (Rep). Expect only fair $1,800. Last week, 'Carribean' (Ind) and 'Hell in Circus' (Ind), good $2,300. Fifth Avenue (Hamrick - Ever- green) (2,349; 32-37-42) — 'Boy's Town' (M-G) and 'Numbers' (20th). Headed for tremendous $12,000, Last ■week. 'Antoinette' (M-G) two days of third week. $1,500. okay. Liberty (J-vH) (1.800; 21-32-42)— Can't Take If (Col). Great cam^ Paign and swell reviews adding up to magnificent $11,000. Last week, Algiers' (UA), second week, $4,400. fair. Music Box (Hamrick-Evergreen) (850; 32,37-42)—'Antoinette' (M-G). Anticipate okay $2,400. Last week. 'Has Nancy* (M-G), third week,* okay $2,400. Orpheum (Hamrick - Evergreen) (2,600; 32-37-42) — 'Breaking Ice' (RKO) and 'Sailor' (RKO). Expect good $4,900. Last week, 'Four's Crowd' (WB) and 'G-Men' (RKO), $6,200, big. Palomar (Sterling) (1,350; 16-27- 37)—'Annabel' (RKO) and 'Moto' (20th), dual, plus vaude. Paced at $3,400, fair. Last week, 'Barefoot Boy* (Mono) and 'Devil's Party* (U) plus vaude, $3,100, slow. Paramount (Hamrick-Evergreen) (3,039;. 32-37-42)—'Co-Ed' (20th) and 'Painted Desert' (RKO) plus Jitter- bugs stage unit (2d week). Indicated fair $5,500. Last week, 'Carefree' (RKO) plus Jitterbugs on stage, $0,600, great. Roosevelt (Sterling) (800; 21-32) —'ClitterhQuse' (WB) and 'Sky Giant* (RKO), dual.' Anticipate big $a;500. Last week, 'Cowboy' (FN) and 'Sinners in Paradise' (U), five days, $1,700, okay. XAN'T TAKE IT' MBS $1300 IN OMAHA Omaha, Oct. 4. Single bills are the rule rather than the exception this week at first- run theatres, with cool weather helping to hypo b.o. Brandeis is celebrating fifth an- niversary and theatre gave current 'You Can't Take It with You' extra newspaper and radio plugs. Picture reciprocating by pulling at least $7,300, almost double house average. 'Marie Antoinette' holding nine days at the Omaha, not because of busi- ness, but to return house to regular Thursday opening date. Estimates for This Week Avenue-Dundee-Military ( G o 1 d - berg) (950-650-810; 10-25) — 'Shop- worn Angel' (M-G) and 'Clitter- house' (FN) dual, split with 'Profes- sor Beware' (Par), 'Wives Suspicion' (U) and 'Girl Was Young' (GB), tripler, last half. Very nice $2,300. Last week, 'Men Not (3ods' (UA), first-run, and 'Cowboy' (FN), dual, split with 'Man's Castle' (Col-reis- sue) and 'Troop Ship' (UA), dual, two days; 'My Bill' (FN) and 'Woman' (M-G), last two days, fair $1 900 Brandeis (Singer-RKO) (1,250; 10- 25-35-40)—'Can't Take It' (Col). Looks good for at least $7,300, big. Will undoubtedly be held for second stanza. Last week, second of 'Daugh- ters' (FN) and 'From City' (RKO), satisfactory $4,800. Omaha (Blank) (2,200; 10-25-40)— •Antoinette' (M-G). Being held for nine days to enable house to get back on regular Thursday opening. Medi- ocre $7,400. Last week, third of 'Boys Town' (M-G), good $5,000 in six days. Orpheum (Blank) (3,000; 10-25-40) —'Boy Meets Girl' (WB) and 'Gate- way' (20th). Aiming at good $8,400. Last week, Horace Heidt and band on stage with 'Give Me Sailor' (Par), smash $19,100 with five shows daily. Town (Goldberg) (1,250; 10-20-25) -'Zamboanga' (GN), 'Kid Returns* (Rep) and 'Highway Patrol' (Col), first-run triple, split with 'High Com- mand.' (GN), first-run, 'Cowboy' (FN) and 'Clitterhouse' (FN). Good $1,700. Last week, 'Prison Break' (U), 'Ari- zona* (Col) and 'Sailing Along' (20th), first-run tripler, split with 'Valley Raiders' (Rep), first-run, 'Sky Giant' (RKO) and 'My Bill' (FN), fairish $1,500. Jitterbugs Hypo *Co-Ed' In Port, to Good $6,000 Portland, Ore., Oct. 4. 'Drums' at the Broadway and 'Four Daughters' at Parker's UA are in the money. Third winner is 'Val- ley of the Giants' at the Orpheum, Hamrick - Evergreen's Paramount added a jitterbug stage show to the pic 'Hold That Cb-Ed,' Vaude unit has 16 swing dancers and clicking with high school element. Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (2,000; 30-35- 40)—'Drums' (UA) and 'Reno' (U).' A winner for this house at good $C.500. Last week, 'Garden Moon', (FN) and 'Gangs New York* (Rep), fair $4,000. Mayfair (Parker - Evergreen) (1,500: 30-35-40)—'Boys Town' (M-G) and 'Freshman Year' (U) (4th week). Nice $3,000, following three big weeks at the UA. Last week, 'Alex- First Runs on Broadway (Subject to Change) Week of Oct. 6 Astor — 'Marie Antoinette' (MG) (8th wk). Capitol—'Too Hot to Handle' (MG) (2d wk). Criterion — 'King Alcatraz' (Par). (Reviewed in current Variety) Globe — 'Dark Rapture' (U) (8). Music Hall — 'Drums' (UA) 2d wk). Paramount—'If I Were King' (Par) (2d wk). RIalto — 'Personal Secretary' : (U) (4). (Keviewed in Variety, Sept 28) BItoU — 'Rooiii Searvice' (RKO) (3d wk). Roxy — 'Straight, Place and Show' (20th) (2d wk). Strand — 'Secrets of an Ac- tress' (WB) (7). Week of Oct. 13 Astor — 'Marie Antoinette' (MG) (9th wk). Capitol—'Stablemates' (MG). (Reviewed in current Variety) Globe — 'Dark Rapture' (U) (2d wk). Music Hall—'There Goes My Heart* (UA). (Reviewed in Variety, Sept. .28) Paramount—'If I Were King' (Par) (3d wk). Roxy—'Suez* (20th). Strand — 'The Sisters' (WB) (14). (Reviewed in current Variety) ander' (20th) closed seven-week run- to $2,000. ■ First six weeks totaled big $28,000. Orpheum (Hamrick - Evergreen) (1,800; 30-35-40)—'Giants' (WB) and 'Numbers' (20th). Good $5,500. Last week, 'Am Law' (Col) and 'Annabel' (RKO), average K500. Paramontat (Hamrick - Evergreen) (3,000; 30-35-40)—'Co-Ed* (20th) with Jitterbug Jamboree. Attracting younger element for good enough $6,000. Last week, 'Four's Crowd' (WB) and 'Highway Patrol' (Col), good $5,700. Rivoli (Indie) (1,100; 20-25)— 'Birth of Baby' (Indie). Okay at this house after recently doing three big weelcs at the Broadway; $2,500. Last 12 days 'Dracula' (U) and 'Frankenstein' (U) well exploited as Horror Week, cleaned up for good $5,000. United Artists (Parker) (1,000; 30- 35-40)—'Daughters' (FN) and 'Miss- ing Guest* (U). Great play at $5,500, Last week, 'Boys Town' (M-G) and 'Freshman Year' (U), third week, good $4,000. First two weeks totaled $12,000. BOGART'S HISSEB Hollywood, Oct. 4. Heavy role in Warners 'Dark Vic- tory' goes to Humphrey Bogart, with Bette Davis and George Brent in -the top spots. Picture rolls Thursday (6) with Edmund Goulding directing. Tf I Were King'-T. Dorsey-BosweD Near Record $67,000; 'Drums 90G, Ritz 45G, 'Handle' 38G; B way Zingy Except at the consistently gross- getting Paramount, business was in a troubled state on Broadway last week due, in part, no doul>t to the war broadcasts, but with lifting of the jitters the weekend brought strong recovery generally. It was natural that there should have been a drop the middle of last week on top of the Jewish holidays, but it wasn't expected Friday's take would be off as much as it was. Monday (3) wasn't so hot on the street, after the good weekend and a sluff was looked- for last night (Tues.), ""with beginning of Yom Kippur, but to- day (Wed.) normal takes will be greatly increased. Playing 'If I Were King' and the Tommy Dorsey orchestra, plus Con- nie Boswell, the Par is running away with the race. This show was tre- mendous from the gun in spite of the war stuff, amj on the first seven days ending last night the house played to a new attendance high un- der the policy of 155,000. The gross of $67,000, very smash, is the sec-- ond best in the three years of the policy, having been exceeded only by 'Wells Fargo' last Niew Year's week when prices ranged t6 $1.50 top. Business here is all the more remarkable in view of the fact the Par does not- maintain a producer for its stage shows. &ob Weitman, managing director of the theatre, and Harry Kalcheim, who books the talent, both double in co-operation with bands and talent on staging of the shows. All the other stage show houses have their own producers. New shows vieing with the Par In- clude 'Drums' at the Music Hall; 'Too Hot to Handle,' at the-Cap; 'Straight, Place and Show,' Roxy incumbent, and Loew's State with- 'Letter of In- troduction' (2d run? and a vaude show. 'Drums' opened disappointingly at the Hall but went into high on the weekend after getting good notices and should finish at around $90,000, good, and holds over. Picture is conceded to have been aided by a good campaign and publicity on Sabu. the elephant boy. 'Too Hot to Handle' and 'Straight. Place and Show' also opened under hopes'but nicked up much gait. The Gable- Loy picture looks around $38,000, very nice, while the Ritz Bros, coln- edy is . pushing for about $45,000. Both of these also hold. The State, which has the Mai Hal- lett band and Gus Van in person, is finding the going slow at $17,000 tops.' House finished stronger last week than it started and nudged close to $21,000 after a break from the barrier which was very disap- pointing. Strand immediately felt the pinch of new shows, not the least of them the Par's, and on the second week 'Garden of Moon' with Jan Garber orchestra, plus Ethel Merman, will probably be no more than $20;000, Pkt Goes ^ah; Take It; 16G, Under Expectations, 'Nancy-Morris Pittsburgh, Oct, 4. Town has never known it to fail that a big dough week here is al- ways followed by just the opposite. Current stanza, coming as it does on heels of biggest seven-day period in couple of years, is plenty in the dog- house, barely making ends meet. Lone exception is 'You Can't Take it With You,' at Alvin, although even this isn't quite up to expecta- tions, Doing well enough to hold, however, and neither, flicker nor' stage play at nearby Nixon are doing each other much good by the compe- tition. Stanley, after record-break- ing session on Kay Kyser, is fall- ing off to practically nothing with 'Three Loves Hzl Nancy' and Ches- ter Morris in person, while both 'Algiers,' at Penn ,and 'Hold That Co-Ed,' at Fulton, are attracting only so-so takes. Warner, however, is holding up with 'Boys Town,' in sec- ond week at this spot, picture hav- ing previously played the Penn. Estimates for This Week Alvin (Harris) (1.850; 25-35-50)— 'Can't Take It' -(Col). Competish from stage play at Nixon, on third visit here, is helping neither version particularly. Biz big, although not quite up to expectations. Headed for nice $16,000, which means curtain h.o., and possibility of third week. Last week. 'Straight, Place' (20th), only, fair $7,000. Fulton (Shea-Hyde) (1,700; 25-40) —'Co-Ed' (20th), Knoclced off flock of • swell notices and wcll-liked otherwise, too, but they're not buy- ing in expected quantities. Looks like- $5,200 and last day's (4) take will determine h.o. possibilities. Not very probable, however, with house checking into twin-feature class again on 'Road to Reno' (U) and 'Meet the Girls' (20th). Last week, second of 'My Lucky Star' (20th), weak $4,000. Penn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 25-35- 50)—'Algiers' (UA). Long delay in playing this one hasn't done it any Pood. Should have been in some lime ago to cash in on national ex- ploitation and ga-ga syndicated raves about Hedy Lamarr upon film's first release. Will wind up very matter-of-factly at $11,000. I^ast week, 'Hot Handle' (M-G), swell $20,000, and goes into Warner Friday (J) to continue downtown first-run. Stanley (WB) (3,600; 25-40-60)— 'Has Nancy' (M-G) and Chester Morris on stage with Lou Breese's band. Real vacation for ushers and house staff. Picture well liked, but they've waited too long to bring Janet Gaynor back from her click in 'Star Is Born,' Morris on stage isn't pulling either and prosi>ects are for pretty slim $13,500. Weakness further, emohasized by last week's record-breaking $35,500 for Kay Kyser's band and 'Garden Moon' (FN). Warner (WB) (2,000* 25-35-50)— 'Boys Town' (M-G) (2cl week). Still plenty of stuff left in this one and pushing right along to $5,400 in sec- ond week here. Got great $10,000 last week... on top of $26,500 session at the Penn just before that. but satisfactory. 'Room Service' zoomed to big $57,000 on its first week at the Riv but slowed to a crawl on its second which ended last night (Tues.) at under $-15,000. Strand had gotten close to $35,000 its first week. The Criterion is in bad luck with 'Sons of Legion' at $5,000 top, While the Globe is also off with 'Road to Reno,' which will not- get more than this amount. Rialto completed a weak Monday night (3) with 'Mr. Doodle Kicks OS,' shading $6,000, just fair. House brought in 'Per- sonal Secretary' yesterday (Tues.). Estimates for This Week Astor (1,012; 55-$1.10-$1.65-$2.20)— 'Antoinette' (M-G) (8th week). Last week, up Sunday night (2), was $10;500, satisfactory, after a sixth' week's take of $11,200. No date for closing has as vet- been set. Capitol (4,520; 25-35-35-85^1.25) —'Too Hot to Handle? (M-G) (1st week). Opened under expectations but picking up stoutly for first week's take of around $38,000, very good. Holds. Last week, third for 'Boys Town' (M-G), under $17,000 but okay» .and on 21-day run fine profit- Criterion (1,662; 25-40-55)—'Sons of Legion' (Par). Best this one will do is about $5,000, poor. In ahead, 'Campus Confessions' (Par) also was bad, slipping under this figure. Globe (1,274; 25-40-55)—'Road to Reno' (U). Hope Hampton starrer not doing well, looking $5,.000 tops. Last week, 'Wante^ by Police' (Mono) slowed up a little toward the end but at $7,000 very satisfactory. Palace (1,700; 25-35-55)—'Boy Meets Girl' (WB) and 'Racket Bust- ers' (WB), both 2d run, dualed. Business light here, under $7,000. Last week, 'Four Daughters' (WB) (2d run) and 'Breaking the Ice* (RKO) (1st run). $3,800. o. k. Paramount (3,664; 25-35-55-85-90> —'If I Were King' (Par) and Tommy Dorsey band, plus Connie Boswell. Starts second week today (Wed.) after smashing through to $67,000 the first seven dajts, up last night (Tues.), near to all-time high of $69,- 800 set.under policy last New Year's week at $1.50 ton in scale. High, in attendance attained, however, with house playing to 155,000 peoole. Last week, third for.'Snawn' (Par) and Eddy Duchin, $30,000, very good. New show is in for three weeks. Radio City Music Hall (5,980; 40- 60-84-99.-$1.65)—'Drums' (UA) and stage show. Got away on three legs but went into motion over weekend for gross that looks $90,000 or close, enabling holdover. 'There Goes My Heart' (UA) follows Thursday (13). Last week 'Carefree' (RKO). with aid of Jewish holidays, finished at $85,000, disappointing though profit- able. ■ Rialto (750; 25-40-55)—'Personal Secretary' (U) opened here yester- day (Tues.), succeeding 'Mr. IDoodle Kicks Off' (RKO) which topped $6,000, only fair. Rivoli f2,092; 25-40-55-85)—'Room Service' (RKO) (3d week). Goes into third session today (Wed.) after' a very big first week of $37,000 but a' rather weak second stanza on a dip to $15,000, Roxy (5.836; 25 - 40 - 55 - 75 ) — 'Straight, Place and Show' (20th) and stage show. Started out a little indifferently Friday'(30) but quickly nicked up speed for a week that looks $45,000 or close, good, and holds over. Last week 'Hold That Co-Ed' (20th) fell off toward the finish line, ending at under $36,000, but profit. Strand (2.767; 25-55-75)—Garden of Moon' (WB) and, on stace, Jan Garber orchestra and Ethel Merman (2d-final week). On the holdover (2d) week facing severe competition and nrobably $20,000 tops but no squawks. The first veek wound up at $35,000. very good. State (3,450; 35-55-75)—'Letter of Introduction' (U). (2d run) and vaude hesded by MalHallet orches- tra and Gus Van. Attendance light and no more than $17,000 is antici- pated. Last week there was a slight nickup from an early noorish t>ace with 'Three Loves Has Nancy' (MrG) (2d run) and Bennv Fields and team of Block and Sully, gross finally reaching to $21,000. This is fair but under the house average. NAT FUBST GOES MONO Nat Furst, branch manager for Warner Bros, at Boston, who re- signed that post a week ago, on Mon- day (3) joined Mono(?ram in that Icey. He was with WB 10 years in New Haven and Boston. He is asso- ciated with Steve Broidy and Ben Wenasky, who control the Mono franchise for that territory. Clair E. Hilgers, for the past six months in char'ge of Universars branch -at Oklahoma City, has joined Republic as a special sales rcp/ftMnt- ative.