Variety (Oct 1938)

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Wednesday, October g, 1938 PICTURES VARIETY 23 Advance Production Chart vCoiH'ij.r'pfl from page 19) Cast: Janet Gaynor, Doufilas Fairbanks, Jr.. TMilette Goddard. Roland Youn'?. Billie Burke. Ricltuiv! Carlson, Minnie Uu^xt.., Margaret £arly. Cliarlcs Halton, Lya Lys, Eily Malyon, ^Jrnry Stephenson. Tom^tts. Spigelgass; original by Bruce Manning; photographed by George Robinson. Cast: Constance Bennett, Vincent Price, Charles Ruggles, Mischa Auer, Helen Broderick, Joy Hodges. THE STORM/ produced by Ken Goldsmith; directed by Harold Young; screen play by Hugh King. Daniel Moore and George Yohalem from origi- nal by Hugh King and Daniel Moore; photographed by Milton Krasner. Cast: Charles Bickford, Barton MacLnne. Preston Foster. Tom Brown. Andy Dcvinc, Frank Jcnks. Samuel Hinds. 'EXPOSED/ produced by Max H. Golden; directed by Harold Shuster; •THE COWBOY AND THE LADT/ formerly tiik;! 'l.ADY AND THE ! "^/''S" P'^^ ."^^ ,!^^"!,"^^5, and Franklin Coen; photographed by - . -L. Stanici Car'^z. Cast: Glcnda Farrell, Crtto Kruwr, Herbert Mundm. COWDOY' (for 1038-39 season), produced by Samuel Goluvv^.i; ^^irer^pd by H. C. Potter, screen play by Sam Behrman from an original by Lc^ McGarey and Frank R. Adams; photographed by Gregg Toland. Cast: Gary Cooper, Merle Oberon, David Niven, Thomas Mitchell, Walter Bren- nan, Patsy Kelly, Mabel Todd, Fuzzy Knight, Henry Kolkcr, Emma Dunn, Harry Davenport. United Artists Fix Now in Prodnction 'TRADE WINDS/ produced by Walter Wanger; directed by Tay Gar- nctt; screen play by Dorothy Parker. Alan Campbell and Frank R. Adams from original story by Tay Garnctt; photographed by Rudolph Mate. Cast: Frcdric March. Joan Bennett, Ralph Bellamy, Ann Sothern. Alan Baxter. Robert Emmctt O'Connor. Patricia Farr. Wilma Francis. Kay Linaker. Dorothy Tree, Phyllis Barry. Walter Bryon, Wilson Benge. Harry Paine, Hooper Atchlcy. Franklin Parker, Lee Phelps, John Webb Dillion. Dick Rush. Mrs. Sojin. Gloria Youngblood. Ethelrcda Leopold, Marie DeForcst, £3r!l Wallace. Princess Luana, Paulita Arbivu. Iko Magara, Suzanne U- luv.... L'ttiLs Liu. Robert Elliott. Sidney Blackmer. ~«TOPPf:K TAKES A tKIP. rroai.Ci.J MsKon H. Brcn for Hal Roach; V - - -"I 'J w J; ^rrccn p'aj Jcvnc and Eddie «!--^ ..»- -T> mi-^ ^-Vi J. L1^:. ^""'tJ by Hr^s'c-Ciit. Sr«dine. "h" >•;• .-.A c- - ) o ■ ^^'"•.Ti Mxvbiay, Verree TensOTl^,.»fi^v..., av=-laL L -:\-- t - - V p f^»> - Irving PichGl. -^v^^^^ . " 'MADE FOR EACH OTHER/ produced by David O. SelznTt'lT? iSB«t.-. by John Cromwell; screen play by Jo Swerling; photographed by Leon Shamroy. Cast: Carole Lombard, James Stewart. Lucilc Watson. Donald Briggs, Charles Coburn, Arthur Hoyt, Ruth Weston, Nella Walker. Harland Briggs, Mickey Rentschler. Esther Dale. 'DUKE OF WEST POtNT/ produced by Edward Small; directed by Alfred E. Green; original screen play by George Bruce; photographed by Robert Planck. Cast: Louis Hayward. Joan Fontaine, Tom Brown, Richard CarLson, Alan Curtis, Jonathan Hale, Gaylord Pendleton, Donald Barry. Tivid Oliver, criaik" R. Brow^n. Lorraine L-Crueger, Chester Clute. •bXtt/i^'C *^ACES/ produce' by Burt Kelly; directed by Errol Taggart; screen play by t"u .i''*^" Or^vson from ui :xi nl story by Cornelius Recce and Arndt Giusti; potogratu* 1 f 7 Elwoo{7 reaun. rnst: Dorothea Kent. Frank Jenks, Andy Devine, Leon Auip", L*'\ty Treen. Universal Pix Now In Product on 'ADAM'S EVENING/ produced by Ken Goldsmith: directed Lj. Gus Meins; original by Katherinc Kavanaugh; photographed by Henry Sharp. Cast: Charles Ruggles. Maxie Rosenbloom, Marian Martin. Ona Munson. Georgia Kaine. Raymond Parker. Frances Robinson. Richard Lane, Benny Baker, Stepin Fetchit, Stanley Hughes, Regis Toomey. 'BUCK BOGEES' (serial), produced by Barney Sarecky; co-directed by Ford Bcebe and Saul Goodkind; screen play by Norman Hall and Ray Trampe from cartoon strip by Dick Calkins and Phil Nolan; photographed by Jerry Ash. Cast: Larry Crabbe, Constance Moore, Reed Howes. Wheeler Oakman. Jackie Moran. Carleton Young, Henry Brandon. Philson Ahn. 'LITTLE TOUGH GUYS IN SOCIETY/ produced by_Max H. Golden; (!:rpoted STUDIO CONTRACTS Hollywood, Oct. 4. Lynn Carver handed new actor contract by Metro. George jkouston inked player past with Fine Arts. Metro contracted Walter Reisch, Elaine Kyan and Edith Fitzgerald, writers. Universal signed Vaughn Paul as director. Spanky McFarlaud got hew actor ticket at Metro. Warners pacted Morgan Conway, actor, for two pictures. Gcorgo Bassmi-t. musical arranger, signed by Metro. Terr Noa. anu ack Carlton inked stock piayui at Metro. Victoi Mature pcE«>!v « -nctor pact with Cmm»''*s K. »^.ogers. Margaret Bo th. film editor, re- newed her deal with Metro. Edgar Edwaids inked actor ticket at Warners. Warners liftt d Ken Gamet's writer option. Johnny Wcjssmuller signed for three years more with Metro. Paramount lifted Isa Miranda's player option. Universal Now Balance to Number Number Now in Be Placed Stories in of PIx Com- Shoot- Cutting Before Prepara- Promised pleted ing Rooms Cameras tlon T(;lnl 4S 9 5 7 87 27 Piciu.^.. i'i fhr> cutting rooijs or ."'waiting previews: 'RED BARRY' (serial) «fo:^ 19S8-39 seaton;, prodMced by Barney Sarecky; directed by Ford Bcebe and Ala.j James; screen .z/:;;- b" Ford Beebe. Norman Hall. Ray Trampe: photographe(l by Jorc Asn. C.ijI. Larry (Buster) Crabbe. Frances Robinson. Edna Sedgwick. 'SWING THAT CHEER' (for 1938-39), produced by Max Golden; d;re?tpd New Air-" Fcarikte 'rhr>iT>as. Hally Chester, Harris Berger. and L?:tcr Jjy wr'TlTTrrniTTfTi r»lh|||J[r- ^ v -* K^"'-- /IrccxcJ by Actr^ Lubin; original by Quentm jllByfitA'a*^>: —t-r» t«—1-:. - ^ " * graphed by Elwood Bredell. Cast^^Hfc^^,^ "'''■ . "I S r rsuj Mack, Paul Hurst. ' ^ '-'*^mmi» i-' ^iy fci m ' ' 'THE EAGLE SCOUT' (serial), produced by Henry MacRae; co-directecrp*'^ffffyg-{; by Ray Taylor and Alan James: original story by J. Irving Crump; screen play by Wyndham Gittcns. George Plymton, Basil Dickey and Joseph Poland; photographed bv William Sickner, Cast: Jackie Cooper. Lucy Oilman, William Ruhl, David Durand, Ralph Dunn, Frank Cogblan, Jp., Sidney Miller, Jason Robards, Victor Adams, Richard Botilicr. Bill Cody, Jr. TITLE CHANGES Hollywood, Oct. 4, tag f< r 'Murder Plane* at Facrct Service in the ' ■>'' ir- Paramount's tc- Warners Total Number Number New of Plx Com- Shoot- Promised pleted Ing S3 1 4 Now Balance to in Be Placed Stories In Cutting Before Prcpara- Rooms Cameras tlon 17 3* 31 Fietures In the cutting rooms or awaiting previews are: 'SECRET:'^ C? AN ACTRESS/ formerly titled 'WOMAN HABIT/ for- by Harold Schuster; story by Thomas Ahearn and F. Maury Grossman; mtily titled -LOifE:-* ».'4s>y/ produced by David Lewis: directed by Wil- screen play by Charles Grayson; photographed by Elwood Bredell. Cast: Tom Brown, Andy Devine, Robert Wilcox. Constance Moore. Stanley Hughes. Samuel S. Hinds. Ray Parker. Ernest Truex. 'Doodles' Weaver. Margaret Early. 'PRAIRIE JUSTICE/ produced by Trem Carr; directed by George Wagg- ner: original screen play by Joseph West; photographed by Gus Peterson. Cast: Bob Baker. Hal Taliaferro, Dorothy Fay. Jack Rockwell. Carlet<)n Young. Forrest Taylor. Glenn Strange. 'SERVICE DE LUXE' (for 1938-39), produced by Edmund Grainger; directed by Rowland V. Lee; screen play by Gertrude Purcell and Leonard liam Keighiey: orifjinal ..Ci-en by Rowland Leigh. Milton Krims and Julius Epstein; photot'.'apbpd bv Sid ttJckO':. Ca-st: Kay Francis. George Brent. Ian Hunter, Gloria DickC0!3 Isabel .teattr. Denies Moore. Gloria Blondell. Rosella Towne. John Ridgelev. Pcnnv Singleton. Larry 'VUliams Selmer Jackson. Herbert Rawlinson. Emmet V'o::an, Jarne^ . rarsrtii Grace Hayle. Marion Alden. Paulette Evans. Eddie Graham. S» »Vt llolmes Jack Goodrich.- Arthur Houseman. Jack Mower Olaf Hytten. John tlni iun 'BROTHER RAT/ produced by Robert Lord: directed by William Kelqh- ley: screen play by Jerry Wald and Richard Macaulay from the play by (Continued on page 25) turc is 'Flying Irishma merly Dublin and Back' and 'Born to Fly/ 'Adventure' In t!;e Sahara' is the release tag for Columbia's 'Revolt in the Sahara/ Hungarian title for Warners 'Boy Meets Girl' is 'Where to Get a Father.' New label for 'Rodeo Busters* at Republic is 'RhytB>m of the Saddle/ STORY BUYS Hollywood. Oct. 4. Paramou t purchased 'That Fatal Fascination/ by Leon Ware and Har- old Wilson. Columbia bought 'The Man They Couldn't Hang/ by George Sayre. Harrj' Beresford and (ieorge Cal- laghan sold their original, 'Tlie Long Shot,' to Fine Arts. Fine Arts acquhei Vaughn Elston*9 sforv. 'Never Mind the Guard/ 20ti;-F:^^ bought 'Death Makes a Decree, by l-hii'? Wylie, and 1 Love That Man/ by Zn- ' Forvvin and John Larkin. Fine Arts boui^hi film rirjhts io Cca Sabin's come ly, At Yoiir Age/ ^ ^ ^ ^ Chester Morris wishes to thank Mr. Charles Yates of the Simon Agency for a most pleasant personal tour .... also the audiences in Philadelphia, Washing- ton, Baltimore, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and—we hope—New York, week of October 7, Strand Theatre. ^ ^