Variety (Oct 1938)

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24 VARIETY PICTURES Wednesday, October 5, 1938 ★ ★ ★ ★ * ^^Sweethearts of the day^' Our cilitoriai this week is reprinted in its entirety from INDEPENDENT EXHIBITORS FILM BULLETIN, Only the quotation marks are ours. Here's the editorial: •TO METROES CREDIT... "In an industry wracked with seeming endless inter^l^anch antagonism and baking, it i$ pkmnt to hear the virtual by at least one distributor! '*One might suppose that its very posi' tton at the pinnacle of the industry would make MetrO'Goldwyn'Mayer the most ruthless and arrogant of all film companies. Yet, this company displays greater consideration for its customers than any other. "During the film selling season hardly a week passes but what at least one irate exhibitor writes or calls us asking how he might go about suing some distribu' tor for selling away a product he has long played. Of course, we point out the right c?f any company to sell to whom . _ it desires, providing nO coP5piracy can I XHE TOPS! be proven. But what strikes" u$ is the j \Ve used to think a barrel of monkeys absence of complaints on this score 1 vv^^s fun uiiti! %ve dropped into the big against Metro. Broadway Capitol and list^pd to the "This company, it seems, places some Pf^^^d audience enjoying Clark and value on good wilL Many cases are Mj^^^a in 'Too Hot To Handle, known in which Metro persistendy has ^ » show for folks of all shapes remained faithful to old customers, and sizes! A natural! And naturally it s regardless of opportunities to get greater a clean-up! '^Entertainment you 11 revenue from new competitors. The fact chuckle over tor days to come, said the that a theatre which has played M-G-M C)aily News, echoing all the critics of pictures in the past, has exploited its Broadway N. Y.. and your Broadway stars and its trade mark apparently h^^* Mr. Showman enters quite prominently into the con-1 Philly, Salt Lake, Harrisb siderations of this company's sales executives. EXTRA! "BOYS TOWN" TERRIFIC! EXTRA! *^TOO HOT TO HANDLE" WOW! EXTRA! "SWEETHEARTS" PREVIEW HIT! EXTRA! "STABLEMATES" SURE-FIRE! EXTRA! "GREAT WALTZ" TRIUMPH! EXTRA! "THE CITADEL" SENSATIONAL! We could go on and on, but you get the idea! In fact a few exhibitors who were out to lunch when our salesman called are now frantically signing up. Nobody would want to pass up a single one of the above pictures. Nor the jolly hits ahead. Leo believes in modesty up to a certain point, but honestly you can*t blame him for the swelled chest (not swelled head, folks!) Con- tifici:. tjj»k! Listen: MORE M-G-M EXHIBITORS NOW TtiAN EVER BEFORE AT THIS PERIOD! ★ * 1^ ir New utg. "It is to the everlasting credit of M-G-M that it sets a fine example for other distributors in this respect. What a pity some of them refuse to follow!" Indianapolis, Wilmington, Houston, Atlanta, New Orleans and everywhere as we roar to press. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ niM BULLETIN ★ * ★ ★ * OH MICKEY! BEERy-'moNEr TELEGRAM FOR LEO! "SWEETHEARTS sensation last night's preview in Pomona. Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy thrilled audience. Victor Herbert music and numbers tremendous. Picture packed with entertainment and breath-taking with brand new spectacle ideas. Tech- "STABLEMATES" (a I nicolor beautiful. Definitely tops 'Rose behved American favorite Marie*, *Maytime' all Other MacDonald- Wally Beery welcomes Eddy triumphs and another resound- a new star}) is the next ^j^g j^i Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's stepinMickeyRooneys| Q^^^^^3^ Year.** march to become the greatest box-office draw I ***** known. A worthy fol- BOX-OFFICE FLASH! low-up to "Boys Town" By wire from California to "Box-OfEce" IS •Stablemates" and jng, .-.Ya^afion pj^^ L^^g. rhen Out West j romantic fare, fast moving en- The Hardys Nice go- I / n t ♦ . j j »> mg Mickey! I tertamment, well up to Leo s standard. DID YOU GET YOURS? Ask M-G-M for the broadside (above) also I Exhibitors Service Sheet telling the com* plcte story of one of the greatest promo^ tions since the first Manager hired that el^^phant from his local zoo! ' THE GREAT WALTZ** COMPErti TION has begun. In 48 states local contes- tants are waltzing in the hope of getting one of the 87 pretty prizes, topped by the first prize: THREE MONTHS CONTRACT AT M-G-M STUDIOS! 48 State Trophies (above) will be awarded. These winners will com- pete in 12 Zone Semi-Finals and the win- ning couple from each Zone (24 lucky waltzers) will be brought to New York for the whirlwind finals. You don't have to wait for your "Great Waltz" playdate. (By the way, the picture is finished and our trusted scouts tell us it's a honey!) Every M-G-M theatre can enter and its local \yinner then„ enters, the State contest. Nice promotion, say our exhibitor friends. Plus "THE GREAT WALTZ*' nationwide posting of thousands of 24 sheets in 1200 cities! What with one thing and another, there's plenty of dancing on Film Rows »>^ With that merry, musical fellow leading the gayety. They call him THE WALTZING LION.