Variety (Oct 1938)

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46 VARIETY Weditesday, October 19, 1938 Vslrietv Bills NEXT WEEK (Oct. 24) THIS WEEK (Oct. 17) Numerals in connection with bills below tndicut* opening day of show, whether full or split week Loew NK»V YORK CITX Stnte (20) Helen BeynoUls Co .T & J McKenna Sohnlckelfrltz Ore Benny Baker Sallcl Puppets- BAI.TmOKK Century (20) Smni'ties I^arry Collins KVANSVIM.B Mnjetitic (20.22) Talk of Town Rev KICHMOND lK)6w (21) Major Bowes ("o WASHINOTON Cnpltol (21) Chester Halo Cils Kldoodlers 3 Swifts Marj'rle GaJnswoi in Prltchard & l-ioi-d Mfty, .Tack «& Buddy Villi Dock B tTnndey'a Circus JilVEKl'OOI.. jSUnkeHpeare Gautlei-'B Doi;s Stanley King: Lewis Rollins: St'nes Edttli Walllngton Nora Williams Koblii Klchmond Cabaret BiHs Paramount NKW YOWK CITY PMramaant (20) Tommy Dorsey Ore Connie Boswell Gil. Lamb Titan 2 CHICAGO Chloaso (21) Orrln Tucker Ore Harris & Shore Paul Sydell & S NEW YORE CITY ArinnndA'A .Tii»my Vincent Ore Reed Lawton Kchel Snyers BILLY ROSE'S CASA MANAl^A, NEW YORK NOW PAUL GERRITS VIA MARK 4^ LEDDY ■CHICAGO Palace (21) Cheater Hale Gls Ross Wyse Jr Co Sybil Bowan. Gaston Palmer CLEVELAND P:tlac« <14) ConUlin & Thomas Fi-azce Sis IVayne Morris Johnny Davis Billy Baer Ore Slate Bros COLVMBCS Palace (21) Ozzle Nelson Oro- Harriet Hilllard Johnny "Woods Pansy the Horse Eunice Healy MINNEAPOLIS OrphQum (14) Jimmy Dorsay Oro Andrews Sis ST. PAUL Orpheum (14) Gene Krupa Ore. SAN FRANCISCO Golden Gate (21) Gypsy Rose Lee SCHENECTADY Proctors (20-22) Ina Ray Hutton Or Wlnsted 3 Rex Weber Gertrufle Briefer Clilt Crane Diana Reed Alpha Arlyna 3 Maniacs Joe Land NEW YORK CI'TY .S:nina (21) Horace Hiedt Oro BROOKLYN . Strand (21) N T G Rev (14) Toy & Wing Cas? Daley C Ray Smith Howard Si Shelton Mr(ieie'~FeiioAvs Bill Bailey PHILADELPHIA Earle (21) Fred Bartholomew Bellett & Ener Bros Nancy Healy James Evans Herby Kay Oro (14) Ted Lewis Oro PITTSBirRGH Stanley (21) Ted Lewis. Ore (14) Chick Wehh Ore BUa Fitzgerald Chuck & Chuckles Lindy Hoppers BEADING Astor 121-S2) Frank DalJeyOra Yojrk Strand (21-22) ■Rlinars- WASHINGTON Earle (21) 8 Juggling Jewels Gae Foster Gls 6 Continentals Stroud 2 Reynolds & White (14) Jan Garber Ore Lorraine & Rognan Sergei Flash Independent INDIANAPOLIS Lyric (21) Pepper Martin Co Milt Douglas 12 Aristocrats Gilbert Bros Carlton Emmy Co (14) Phil Spltalny Oro Week of October 17 Dominion Itn\vlc7, & Landauer 4 Phillips CAMOEN TOWN (iaumont Trolsc Mandoliera CLAPHAAI (ironada Bel Muchachoa KA§T HAM Granndn' Bobby Howell Bd Donovan & Hayes Pf^mlcr N Arnaut & Bros Neumann, W & Y Rome & Leonard GRKSBIN^VICU o Granada Bobby Howell Bd onovan & Hayes HA^IAIERSMITH Palace Terry's Juves ISLINGTON Blue Hall Velda & Venn, Hepburn Bros SHEPH'RDS BUSH Pavilion Terry's Juves STRATFORD Broadway N Arnaut (k Bros Neumann, W & Y Rome & Leoniird TOOTING Grnnnda Bel Muc-hnchos WELLING Grnnndu Rico Gyp.<<leR WOOLWICH Granada Roeo'8 Gypsies Provincial Week of October 17 ABERDEEN Tlvoll Levis' DlBcovevlea Kemble Kean Adrlen 8c Audre* 3 Knaves Les Hall ■ Tracy Sc DIxoy J>tTNDBI<: Kalace- Jack Rndcllfta vent McLean Harold Dayne Sherman Fisher Gls Neller & Clare Pratova & Jules Norman & Curnot 4 Smith Bros GLASGOW Pavilion Donald Stilart MoJia" Warwick '4 Leslie- Strang» ' Selma 3 , Bhnljo' ' Jay & Cutlen Areola Inn (AtcolR. N. J.) Jerry Carr Ore Chiquita VenezI Ruth Warren Kay Blalre George Scottl Walter Cole Barney Gallant's Shirley Mayo Carter & Bowie Bill. Bertolottl's Angelo'^ Rh'mba Bd nils Dion Eleanor Ethertdge Velyne Hague Roberta Kent Bill's Gay OO's Charles Touchetts John Panter John Ellot Don Cortez Jim Phillips Mary Roberta Harold Willard ArthurBehan Harry Donnelly Spike Harrison Bernle Grauer Boulevard TaverA (Elmliurst, L. I.) C'ntinental ThrllTra Aubrey Noonan Mildred Roselle June Boyd Mac Arthurs Dorothy Wenzel Cameron Crosby Jan Fredrlcs Oro Cafe Lnynle Penn Wayne Oro Casa Mannna Vincent Lopez Oro Jay Freeman Or<i Lanny Ross .Sheila Barrett George Glvot Frances Faye Paul Gerritts Frank LIbuse Blltmorettea Betty Hutton Mary Low Lester Allen Ann Pennington Yvette Rugel Joe Howard Harry Carroll Irving Conn Casino Cubano Don Alfredo Ore Consuelo Moreno Ramon Sc Luclnda Central Park Casino Pancho Ore Dezi Arnez Ore Ramon _& Rentta_ Club Casanova Dave Apollon Oro Mtii Monti Dario & Diane Wences ' Horatio Zito Oro Club 18 ! Jack White Jerry Blanchard Doc Lee Shad Mitchell' Pat Harrington Frankle Hyers Willie Grogan Leila Gaynes Beale St Boys G Andrews Oro Club Gauoho DImltri & .Vlrgll Neltalla Kbrdova Trini Plaza Cella Villa Don Miguel Oro Club Yumurl Don Mario Ore Fantasia Nova Oro Nena Montes Los Marines 3 Aztecas Cortez & Ma Ida Tia Mllon<|ulta Coruo .Sam Robblns Ore Krnest Kramer Oro Rhods Chase Ann Hudson N'athano Bros Ue Rondo Sc Barry Cotton Club Cab Calloway Ore Nicholas Bros Berry Bros AV C Handy DandrUlge Sis Sister Tim roe Mae Johnson TUnmlp & Freddy June Richmond JIffsnw Jackson Vodery Choir EI Clilco Don Alberto Ore Joylt & Maravllla Dorlta & Valero Francisco Ramos El Morocco Ernie Hoist Oro El Rio lYugo Marlanl Ore Gus Martel Ore I'eggy Feai'fi Baron & Bltiir Famous Door Count Basie Oro Alary Burton James Rushing Greenwich VlllaKO Casino RsUf O'Hara Oro Ijalrry MacMahpn Jimmy & Nora Bell Havana-Madrid Nano Rodrlgo Oro Juanito Sanabria Or Carlos & Carlto Pancho & Dolores Felipe de Florea Sarlta Herrera Rosita Ortega Hickory Houso Jos Marsala Oro Hotel Ambassador Dick Gasparre Ore Vincent Bagale Ore Renee de Janette Albins Hotel Astor N Brandwynne Ore H'tel Belinont-PIaBa Val Olman Ore Nan Wynn Ray Hunt Diosa Costello Hotel Blltmore Frank Novak Oro Hal Hutchison Crawford & Caskey Fashlonettes Emily Stephenson Claire Sherman Joan Whitney Orlo Thomas Lowell Pontee Virginia Stanford Hotel Commodoro Sammy Kaye Ore Hotel Edison Lea Brown Oro Miriam Shaw Johnny Johnson Hotel Essex House Sliyrettos S Grace & Nlkke Marlon Manntnr MurlA Serban Ivan Frank Ruth Elrotli ' Sonny Tucker Ivun Frank JImiuy Kelly's Joe CapoUo Ore Gladys Fnye Mary Lane Monininrtre Boya .lohn Rockwood Vaufhn Comfort Danny Hlgglns Iru Yarnoll Sid Ifawklna Tanya Ciutor * Schaub l^ee Uesllo I (Uoria Marsh I P«'H:gy de la Planto Lynn & Deering ln;^ii Borg ' .Miugaiot Grey Kit Kat Club J liunceford Oro I.M Conga Rauton RamoS Ore Osciir (le la Rosa Or Tommy Goodwin Larae JCddle Davis Oro JoHeph Smith Ore Gra^lella Parraga I I.e Coq Rouge Geo .Sferney Ore TIsHlale 3 I.e Mirage RAy Scott Quintet Htirvy Horton Ore Katherlne Mayfleld Hazpl Scott Llowellyn Morse Le Ruban Bl«n Eleanor Sheridan Elsie Houston .Morgane i^nn A Eddle'a Eddie Davla Lou Martin Oro Ford Crane 'ferry' Walker Carlyle Sis Lura Bennett Midgie Renee Carmen Iris Adrian Wftlly Wanger < Meyer's CeUav (Hobok«n) . „ J.:.. „ Marget Gl'ilya Gooddings Or Marina & Norlna Plaatatloa Olab Skeata ToIIIver Ore Baby Scruggs Ha«el Calloway Jim Harris Paradise Rusa Morgan Oro Delia Carroll Harry Jackson Noll & Noland Frank Paris Gloria Day Gloria Whitney Mexican S Pepper Pot Joe D*Andrea Oro Harold Aloma Oro Irla llay Boyd Heathen Aloha Shaw Queen Mary Jos Ellis Ore Katherlne Tate Corlles & Palmer I^'lorence Herbert Ann White Rainbow Grill Paul Kaln Ore Marlynn & Mlcliasl ' Rainbow Room Ai DonaHue Oro Eddie LeBaron Oro Paula Kelly Ruth Nlgey Alec Templeton B Talbot-Martin Round Room Paul Humphrey Margo Gene Conte Marie Renard Jack Hulup Madeleine de Sator Lou Williams Russian Kretcbma Volodla Katov Oro Nastln Poliakova Simeon Saksonsky Simeon KaravaeB Marusia Sava Oaria BIrse Michel Mlchon Mlscha Osdonoff Klavdia Kapelova Sergei Ignatenko Stork Civb Sonny Kendis Oro Jose Lopea Ore Toltay Mnsyar Frank Douglas Ore Ilona de Thury Johnny Carter ,1 Miixl & Mai'y ! J'eggy Povard I Harold Blaine Midnight Sun I Jack Melvin Oro [ Diane Raye Carol Bruce Letty Kemble I-ya I/ane Marguerite Adams Mon Paris Charlie Murray Ore Virginia Uppercu Rlch'd Himber Orc | ^'i"*^'^^«>^ewela B'ya MiVnte Carlo Senorita Nina IjoIs Leeds Ja<'k Rosello Maya's Congans Hlerre Beaucaira Mildred & Maurice .lulian Altman Gn!>ton I'luce Elegante Bn'r Farrell Benn Kauf Tommy Mills ; Joe. White Wally Shulan - Leo Lazaro Ore Dell Sc Hamory Hotel Gov. Clinton Eddy Mayehoft Oro Betty Gala Hotel Lincoln Tito's Swlngtette Hotel MoAipin J Mesanar Oro Gonzales Sc Menen Jeanne D'Arcy ■Hotel Mew Yorker Tommy Dorsey Ore Emery I>euteh Ore Edythe Wright Jack Leonard 3 Esquires Maurice & Cordoba Roelnl ' ' Hotel Park Central Jerry Blaine Oro Sklppy Burton Randy Brooka Garland & Maria -Hotel JEennsylvania Kay Kyser Ore Hotel Piccadilly Adrian RolUnl 3 Hotel Pierre Harold Nagal Oro Hotel Plaza Eddy Duohln Oro Don de Vodl Ore P & O Eartman Sally Clark Hotel I^lts-Carlton Bmil -Coleman Ore Happy Relss Hotel Boosevelt Roger Pryor Ore Lane Truesdale Hotel Savoy-Plaza Bmlla Petti Oro Dwlg:ht Fiske Hotel Sherry- Netherland Teharkovsky Ore Geo Seherben Hotel St. Merits Basil Fomeen Oro Yvonne Bouvler Theod'ra & Denesha Hotel St. Regis (Iridium Room) Charles Baum Ore (Maisonette Busse) Mathey Oro Billy Hicks Oro Eva Ortega Boris Belostotskl Hotel Taft Enoch Light Oro Peggy Hann George Hlnes Light Brigade Hotel Waldorf- Astoria Geo Olaen Ore Mlscha Borr Oro Crane 2 Aarons & Glancz Frakson Hotel Warwick Gerry Morton Ore Elinor Sheridan Dell O'Dell Hungaria Gene Kardos Ore Bela Vlllanyl Oro Victoria Rane Peggy Ware Walton & Joanne Dr L Barsony Lillian Dawson Zlga Bela ' Leon ICramer International Casino Larty Clinton Ore Vincent Travers Ore Val Ernie Or6 Eileen O'Connor Tito A Valdez Eddla Rio & Bros Bood A Bood VersaUles M Bergere Oro Panehito Ore D'Avalos Dancers Yacht Club Boya Village Barn Mitchell Ayfes Oro Laura Dean Zeb Carver Co Whlrllnc Top Geo Morris Ore Russell Dracken Irene Stanley Trent Patterson Ramon RIngo Stephen Harris Wivel Charley Bowman Or Boh .Lee Amelia Gilmora Deane Dickens Marion Carrol Connie Joyce Al Small . Yaclit Club Bob'by Parks Ore Fats Waller Lee Wiley Mildred Penton LOS ANGELES liall Charlie I^awrence Bruz Fletcher Beverly WilBhlre Lou Sallee Ore ■ lllltinoro Bob Hall Rlla & Rubins 3 Konrlialanles Annabeile Tommy Trent Shep Fields Oro Cafe Callente Elcnita Diana T..e« i liUX Dasquez Junn Navarro Eddie Aguliar Ore Cafe Da Paree Geo Bookesta Oro, <!H(e La Maze VI Bradley Park Avenue Boya Clover Club Kings Jesters C««'oanut Grove Lois Whiteman Harry Barrls Wdiia Sedgwick AVayne King Oro It Cafe Joe Moshay Bob Searlcs Bill Roberts Oro .lerry's Mandalay l''rankle Gallagher Oliver Albert! .llmmy Kerr Oro La Conga Marry Rosenthal li Ournndo R'ba Bd norolhy Dare Ted DnwHon LUlle Club i .lime Jones \ Tiny Ntcrldlth ('has Thorpe I Omar's Dome I Ray Bradford Oro I T(>rry Green llornlce Lynn F.ddy & Tours Dorothy Roberts Walter Wade Elmer Palomar Emil Sc Evelyn •4 H'wood-Co-Eds-- Elmo Tanner Red Ingle * Parker & GIbbs Country Washburn Joe Mote Laura Lee Perry Como Ted Weems Ore Paris Inn Paul Winchell A T Carolina Dyne Marguerite & M Dominie Columbo Thora Matthison Ken Henryson The Gregorys Henry Monet Chuck Henry Ore P Selznick's Club Nanlta Terras Jan Rublnl Rose Murpby Evelyn Farney Max FIdler Oro Billy Lankin Seven Seas Danny ICawanna Bob Matthews Kay Kanaal Somerset House Hal Chancellor Noel Nell Dorothy EUers Marjorie Dee Harry RIngland Topsy'B 3 Debutantes Nick Cochrane Muzzy Margelllno Ted Flo Rlto Ore Trocadero Ice Carnival Joaa's Cuban Bd Bob Grant Ore V Hugo Restaurant Griff Williams Ore Charlie Vaughn CHICAGO BiMmarrk Hotel (Wulnut Room) Ai'Ipne O'Day litMly Grey B Cummings Ore Mnilftline Stratford Rulh Pryor Illackhawk Bob Crosby Oro Afarlap JMann .1l«n Si J Byrnes l.oma Cooper .lai-k G^ulka Oro Maclovid Ruiz Blondies Dolores Green Billy Kemp Fritzle Bey Edna Leonard Pam Adair Eleanor Johnson Hazel Talbot Roslla lue Goose Ralph Hovey Frances Roiua Jane Imes Harry Singer Oro Br«v«iort Hotel (Crystal Room) n'oranea Schubert Charles Baldwin Grace ICatrol Norma Ballard Broadihont Hank Simons Virginia Dovell Rusty Ward Botty Wren Billle Far^o Helen Durfee Herble Budolpli Ore Caravan Eddla Gorman Kocka Romano Toddy O'Qrady Don Morgan Dot & Jerry Edna Leonard Carl Scholtz Oro Ches Pares Aba Lyman Oro Harry Richmnn 3 Oxford Boys Dolly Ardcik 6 Jitterbugs Rose. Bluiie Don Orlando Oro Evans Adorablas Club Al Steen Bright Hob Riley Suzanne Jean Lane Susanne Keasler Oliver Harris Oro Flo i'blus Club Alabam Harriet Norrls Jane LaVono D'r'thy D'Houghton Sadie Moore 4 AmbassuOors Phyllis Brooks Marjorie King Effla Burton Bernia Adler Dave Unells Ore Chalk Robinson Oro Eddla Roth Oro Club SpaniNb Hal Barber Mllllcent DeWUt (.'ooper A Madras Dorothy Dawn Loretta DeBoar Ralston Ens Joa NIttI Oro Colony Club IJllIan Carmen Hlldegard .Tose Manxanares Or Hugo dePauls Oro CulORimos B A F Gilbert Zang Sc Todd Helen Holmes Blllle Machell Jackson. Reeves A S Olga Dane Fritzle Lura Banflelds Bobby D.mders Bob Hyatt Fronaph Gla Hollywood 6 Henri Gendron Oro Club Dellsa Evelyn White Eloise Williams Bristle & Gay John Oscar Rhythm Wlllla Bunny Ross & Butler Sam Theard Charles Isom Partello Gls Red Saunders Grc Drake Hotel (Gold Coast Room) Hal Kemp Oro Judy Starr Bob Allen Saxie Dowell Harry WlUford Mickey Bloom Jack LeMatre Eddla Kusby Dutch's Ralph Cook Rev Rlttman Dancers Roberta Peggy Moors Helen Dove Mort Lund Oro Edgewnter Beaob Hot4tI (Marine Room) Lelghton Noble Ore Edith Caldwell Chick Floyd KiirleL.fijeX- I Harriet Smith Gls Evelyn Pclser Kl Dumpo Prank Donia Joan Clark Avis Miller Geraldine (irey Dolly Dolllne El Dumpo Gls Vie Canova Oro Famous Door •Tlmmy Kennedy Shirley Grey Esther Whlttlngton Jimmy Dunn Al Robinson Ore 4th Club Homer Roberts Olga Anton Annette Blwood Joan Costello Kitty Frances Shorty Ball Oro Franke's Cn.iino Jue Fong Harvey & Haxton Bettj» Bennett Dick Hardin Honey Lee Dol Marcclli Evelyn Waters Jerry Hunter Buddy Kirbie Rocke Ellsworth Bob TInaley Oro Gay DOS Madeline Giddlngs Ruth Thomas l;ew King Colleen lone O'Donnpll Jack Connors Dot Keltli Gls B Danders Jr Ore Gn.v Puree Wellington Kve Yvonne Mickey Dunne Virg O'Brien Miss Ellis Bernire Bodel Bob Riley Ore Grand Terrace Sonny Sc Soniiy Dusty Fletcher Howell Sc Coles Sallle Gooding Dot SouUers Connie Harris Leonard Reed Gls Earl HIncs Ore Graemere Hotel (Glass House Rm) Don Pedro Oro Ted A Mary Taft Harry's N Y Cab'ret Bill Anson Mildred Rock Natasha Sally O'Day Marula Wayne JOan Mode Frances Wilier Art Buckley. AI Wagner Blllla Myers Lee Berllng Dorothy Johnson Muriel Love Rankia Gla Charles Engel Ore Hickory Inn Casa Royalo Oro Fred Casey Tarry O'TooIa III Hat Bert. Wheeler Frank Todd Francos Maloy June Glory Pal-Mar Gls. Sid Lang Oro Hippodrome Flo Whitman Rev Jerry Marks Ora Slierone Nyra Lou Dee Adrian Muriel Joseph Genevieve 'X'al Ivanlioe Helen Sutnnars Helen Irwin 4 Hawailans Earl Hoffman Ore L'Ali^lon Mary W Kilpatrlofc George Bay Bd Ennio Bologninl Or Hotel Ln Salle (Bine f>ont Room) Richard Scbrelber BlUmora Boys Dixie Frances Liberty Ina Stanley Mack Mickey Sheridan Thelma White Dorothy HIgglnb MilUa Erdman Earl WUey Oro LImehouse Annette Pam Winters Charley del Rio Barney Richards Or McLaushlins Dick Gale . Marie Peters Louise' Seymour Nadja Milo Miles Sammy Barry Jules N'ovlt Oro Melody Mill Jack Russel Oro Miami Club Bexa White Billy Meagher Lois Lorraine Cookie Sydell Johnny Parkers Or Millstone Anna Howard Jane Wagner Pat Pardise Patsy Mack 4 MonteCorte Sis Roy Swift Ore Minoet Club Minuet Gla Joe Rio Joy Kallse Patricia Bloor Rita DeVoro Harry Fisher Oro Morrison Hotel (Boston Oyster ' House) Manfred Qotthelt Nameless Cafe Joan LaMaa Ona Mae Ed Leon Evelyn Waters RaMundi's °Ora' Helen Samms Maa di Fill Old Heldelbers Old Heidelberg Co Herr Louie Ore Geo Ounther Oro Palmer- House- (Empire Room) Guy Lombnrdo Ore Tommy Martin Holland Sc liart J & M Mulcay Abbott Dancers Dolly Thon Phil Dooley Oro Parody Club Freddie Abbott Marlta Ryan Honey Lee Sara Thebold M'aria Thomas Freddie Janls Oro Rose Bowl Paulette LaPlerre Gloria Panlco Tom Ferris Royale Frolics Bee Kalmus Radio Ramblers Eddla While LeBarron S Spencer & Foreman Jack HlUiard Frolics Ens Mark Fisher Ore Sherman Hotel (College Inn) Buddy Rogers Ore Dick Kissinger Bub Hanon p:ilzabeth Ktlton Joe Murphy Dezzo Better Polly Day 5 Marines Don & A LeMalre Boots McKenna Gls Dome Tony Marks Spinsters Maria Sari Silver Cloud Eleanor Leonard Billy Ferber Honore Sc Gladlss Betty Bennett Dixon Bros Mae Dee Marian Boyd Hazel Zalus Nord Richardson 3 Tops Johnny McFall Ore Silver trrollca Continental 4 Ealalne Rabey Roma Noble ' Fay Wallace Art Freeman 006 Club BUly Corr Renea Villon Marg Faber Ola Jessie Rosella Vilma Joszy Ruby Bennett Ethel Brown B A L Cook CoUetta Peaches Tltrange I>oliy Sterling Sol Lake Oro Tripoli 3 SIcy Rocket Marjorie Whitney Dictators Mathews,A Shaw 4 Kings B Tanks Socialites Stevens Hotel (Continental Room) Don Julian A M Lois Harper Louanna Hogan Jackie Heller Ore Stoclcade lAn Charles Chaivey Subway Timipy Meyers Franoea Sills Opal Adair Eileen Evans Bozo ICatherlne Camiib'll Ozzia Jackson Oro Susl-Q Dick Buckley Molly Manner Betty Harris Ann Hein Ginger Wood Edith Iprlnclpla Verne Wilson Oro S^vinglnnd Joa Johnson Mae Digge Alma Smith B Rhythm Pals Fats Patterson Ted Smith Billy A Charles Jlmmta Noone Oro Thonapkon's 1« dab Ray Reynolds Jean Sc Jack Nate Churney Dot Keith Gls Joan Dawn Frisco's Oro Three Deuces Art Tatum Baby Dodda Freddie Reed Lonnle Johnson Tower Inn Buddy Lake Florie Manners White Sis Inez Qonen Helen LaMnrr Alice Tanner Rhythm Gls Kurtls Marionettes Jerry Lynn George Arnold Frank Davis Ore Trocadero Gloria Romano Adella St Clair Terry Circle Roy Ranklii Oro Villa ModeDio Tony Cabot Ore Yacht. Club Gareth McGralh Ot Mona Leslie Jackie Fields Ruth Denning Alfredo & Dolores Yacht Club Gls ?ag Sunny Boucha Helen Dove Veronica McKay Larry Lux Ore BOSTON Brown Derby Dick Stutz Ore Blllie & B Uurnell Virginia Stuart Chandler 3. Lucille Doran Ola (8) Club Mnyfalr Lewis Bonlck Ore Cross A Dunn Gls (8) Renee DeJarnatta Lois & Jean Cocoanut Grove Freddie Craig Jr Jacques Renard Or Allen A Kent Arlene Wallace Hylton Sis (3) Robberts & White Margo Leary A Lee D Parrish Congo Eddie Deas Ore Underwood & U Hazel Diaz Elln Johnson Barnes A B Crawford House Ray Phillips Oro John Steele Anne Rlc'hards Hamilburg s Don Humbert Oro Ginger Gordon Hotbrau (Lawrence) Jackie Duggan Hon ItO}' Doo Joe Marot Ore Hotel Essex Duane Marshall Or BUly Ivelly Hotel 'Imperial Cliff Jarvis Ore Hotel Statler (Terrace Room) Clyde Lucas Ore Lyn Luoas Johnny Voogdt (Lounge Bar) Alfredo Seville Musical Rogues Hotel WestmhiNter (Blue Room) JCaci-JRhode. Qcc... Knotty PIna Room (Hotel Woodcock) Freddy Green Oro Merry-Go-Round (Copley PI'ca H'tel) Jimmy Avalone Oro Old Fashioned Caf« Virginia Kennedy New Amor. Hotel (Lotveil) Lou Clarke. Ore Ort's Don Humbert Ore Charley Shea Grace Coharia Ellis Mills June Klrkland Polly Allen Al Shack BUly Stone Sadie Perry Paradise Kestanranv, (Lawrence) Freddie'Coombs Or Penthonse (Bradford Hotel) Frank Ward Oro ICen A Roy Paga Deauvllia Bros Barbara Lynn Gls (8) Royal Palms Margie Dorello Bessie Profllt Jimmy Kenny Johnny Dixon Rttz Carlton Hotel Bunny Berigan Ora Seville Don Rico Ore Sheraton Room (Copley Fl'za U'tei| Walter Miller Ore Southland Jim Lunceford PrlncesB'Orelia Pete Co Engagi ' Jimmy Skelton 3 Phantoms Gla (8) Steuben's (Vienna R4Hm)) Jack Fisher Ore Towne Club George Harris Ora Trocadero Al-BttorJs ,Oi;9.. Oro MILWATJKEE Bert Phillip's Pep Babler Ore Ethel Seldel Billy Knuck'a Donna LuPae Louis Streeler Blue Moon D Davidson Ore Irene Burke Shuttae Sc Kent Virginia Bosen Jay Jayson Gale Parker Cardinal Club Bud Vlonl Ore Chateau Club John Post Andrlnl Bros Bert Gilbert Curly Fate Peggy Moora Saxon Sis Clover Club Weber Ore Helen Rita Ruth Phillips Ellen Hookas Lynn Barclay Mitzl Raye Evelyn White Club Madrid Stan Jacobsen Ore Bernle & Yovnnna Roberta Roberts Betty Adler Marie Marsh Rose Stetfen Frances Allls 8 Club Terrls .Tack Teeter Ore Phil Kestin BUUe Herbert Congo Club Bob Freeman Mary Reed Jelt Tljomas Leonn-d Gay Ore Cornles Ship Red Billings Oro Ray Block Ore Gene Emerald Ralph Lewis Devines Eagles Red Roberts Ore Al Buettner Ore Wally Miller Ore Reggie Chllds Ore Gloria Gale . Jimmy De Pnlma Howard Gelger Hotel Seliroeder (Empire Room) Eddie Varzos Ore Tung Ping Soo .Tane Wilard Jose Bethencourt Ruth Martin Luclo Garcia 6 Gold Coasters Ruth A B Ambrose Karl Rntscirs Sepple Boch Ore Helene Sturn I^arsen's Ray Meadows Oro Llndy's Rick Sc Snyder Log Cabin Carl Bergman Ore Miami Club NIok Lucas Ray Wenell Jane Buhey Ford & Barnes Ellen Kaye Skippy Reel Rita Devera Peggy Geary Johnny Davis Ore Milwaukeun Helen Kaye Dorothy HamlUoa Oasis Marty Gray Ore Snooks Hartman Old Heldelberir Herman Rehfedt Or Open Door TInney Llveng'd Or Packard Ballroom Al Cavalier Ore Paradise Gardens Anthony Dorla Oro Paris Ben Boe Ore Jimmy James Ore Rendezvous Katherlne Kaya Ruth Gar.v Eleanor Sulherlau Melen James Vera Robsel Reno Rudy Sager Ore Harry Rayburti Sohwartz B Cummins Ore Earl Cagnle Ore H Henderson Ore Joe Vogt Ore Claude Parminter Stata Gardens Dorrlne . Alma Williams Tommy Reynolds Tic Top Tap Jackson & Clifford Sally Joyce Florence Barlow Herseys Town and Country Club Tiaureen Nevella Cliff Burmek Wlrth's FuturiNtio Steve SwedlHli Ore Bin Schweitzer Ore Jack Fexer l<''ord Sc Barnes Maureen Rosay Jackie Rogan .Tana Rubey Rogan A Mann- Wisconsin Root Nlc HirpefOro ' Loralne Da Wood Lou Breese Ore Martha Perry