Variety (Oct 1938)

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Weaoeeday, October 19, 1938 CKATTER 53 Broadway Mary Mason on a week's visit to Topeka, Kans. Lou Cowan, Chicago p.a., on a quickie to Manhattan. Deal to turn old Friars clubhouse Jntb night spot fell through. Vicki Abbott understudying Claire Luce in the toui'jng 'Mice and Men.' Seaman Jacobs has exited Irving Lehrer's praisery to join Dorothy 3ROSS. Terry Walker, ParaiYiount starlet, follows Llna Basquctte into Leon & Eddie's. •Troy Orr, in charge of 20th-Fox Coast advertising, in town for home of Ace confabs. Clarence Jacobson is the company nienager of 'Abe Lincoln in Illinois' at the Plymouth. William Caryl, manager of 'Hellza- poppin,' hobbling on cane because of foot affliction. Jack Norworth issues a punched 'courtesy card' as a gag to those bracing him for a touch. Wayne Randall has returned from Maine to his post at NBC and for the wedding of his son. Charlie Einfeld (WB), with Mrs. Einfeld, due in from the Coast for a month, -or more, Nov. 1. Hub Whiteman, cowhand-judge at the Madison Square Garden rodeo, is cousin of Paul Whiteman. Bob Taplinger east to handle •Brother Bat' bally for Warners at Virginia Military Institute. Billy Rose's Diamond Horseshoe, Inc. is the corporate name of his new spot in the Piccadilly hotel. Entertainment Managers Assn., booker group, holding annual ball at the Capitol hotel, D9C.*4. The 'aamba' or 'samba' is the new dance (from Brazil) that the smart spots axe trying to put over. Universal poured yesterday "aft for Joe Pasternak, Deanna Durban's pro- ducer, at the. Rainbow Room. Tyree Dillard, Jr., Metro attorney, returns to N. Y. this week *fter brief vacation in North Carolina. Ben Goetz and Sam Wood sail to- day (Wednesday) to start Metro's third London production, 'Mr. Chips.' John Monks and Fred Finkelhoffe, Jr., have finished a new musical comedy whi(^ Marc Connelly may present. • Duke M'cHale is assisting George Balanchine in staging the dances for (Seorge Abbott's 'The Boys from Syracuse. Dan Kelley, Universal's casting department chief, in town to give New York screen possibilities the once-over. I<Iew York nitery biz so good, de- spite the flock «f new joints opening, th^'re wondering where all the coin's coming from. Mrs; Dave Taps,' Wife of booker and mother of Jonie Taps, Shapiro- Bernstein's professional manager, in hospital for operation. Jim Crowley, Fordham's football coach, to be initiated into Circus Saints and Sinners tonight (Wednes- day) at the Commodore. Chester Morris-left Friday (14) for the Coast after closing a tour of per- sonals which wound up at the Strand, Due back at RKO. .< . . Harry M. Warner interested in *Abe Lincoln in IHinqis' for WB. Sam Goldwyn personally saw 'Dame Na- ,ture' and may take that Broadway jplny. Si. Irving Berlin's private office litreamlined, air-conditioned and .' generally tricked up ' during the ^pngsmith's London absence. A sur- prise. Less than a week after the preem of his marathon 'Hamlet,' Maurice Evans has already put his next pro- duction, 'King Henry IV,' into re- hearsal. (Miss) Buddy Hemming, known also as Patricia Worthington, long in show busing, is ill. May bC: reached care of General "Delivery, Nevada City, Calif. Al Allen (and Croel), current at Loew's State, uses beer in his act. Keeps a supply backstage in cooler with label on it: 'Please do not touch props.' Clifford Goldsmith, in New York once a week for his Kate Smith broadcast, always sees at least one «ct of his comedy, 'What a Life.' at the Biltmore. While Ralph Whitehead was away from his AFA office recently, book- keepers' and office workers' union stepped in and organized girls. Lat- ter had complained of long hours and no extrasT Newest 52d street spots are the Constantinople, Turkish cuisine, transplanted by the Eurenjys from 30th street, and the Troc, new Mike Riley swingeroo, yet to open. To ease the doubling strain on Tommy Dbrsey, from the Paramount to the Hotel New Yorker, Emery Deutsch's band is pipch-hitting for the dinner sessions at the hotel. Oliver Stabilla, head of Seliciones Multicolor^ Caracas fllm firm, leaves for home Friday (21) after only one week here. Recalled home before being able to negotiate distribution deals for Venezuela. John Murohy, operator of a Brook- lyn cafe, calls himself the Billy Rose of Brooklyn. Derives label from fact that he takes acts that "have exited the Casa Manana, i.e. Charlie King, Eddie Leonard, Pat Rooney, et al. .' Robert Bowers has succeeded Frrnk Heller as one of the G-men »nd as general understudy in the original company of 'Yoii CJan't Take It With You.' Heller succeeded George Tobias as the Russian danc- ing master. George D. Cronan; 66, house detec- tive at Hotel Astor since 1916, who three weeks ago was stricken with an attack of heart disease and was confined to the Post-Graduate hos- pital, now convalescing at his home in Brooklyn. New Haveii By Harold M. Bone - Gene Rodney back home on the farm. Thornton Wilder home here for several weeks. Boake Carter due at Arena Oct. 17 on lecture tour. Adelina Leonard .granted divorce and resumption of maiden name of Poll. Rube Goldberg among celebs in for 'Leave It to Me' preem at the Shubert. Alexander Winnick elected state v. p. of American Federation of Musicians. Arena working on plan for occa- sional vaude, with opener penciled for Oct. 23. Wilcox's Savin-Rock, trying name bands Sunday night, with Mai Hal- lett as starter. Poli manager Bob Russell carried appeal for salary claim against Poli estate -to high court. Reversing the usual procedure about child attendance at pix, local Lincoln, advertising special kid Saturday a. m. shows, states, 'No adult will be aUmitted unless ac- companied by at least one child.' Birth of Nitery (Continued, from page 2) Paris Last Farewell, Toot Toot, Goodbye'. Wenrich countered with a coon song describing the plight of a sepia gigolo called, 'I Wonder What's The Matter With The Mail? It Never Was So Late Before'. After Ingraham had been signed by Shapiro, Bernstein & Von Tilzer, Bernie AdIer came to work for Train and wrote the first rstgtime song ever set to lyrics. It was called 'That Lovin Rag' and was first intro- duced at the Pekin theatre, a colored house run by Bob Mott at 27th and State Streets. Harrison Steward was the comic of the show, Aida Overton Walker the prima donna and old Tim Brymm the musical conductor. The song caught on and swept tiie country. Chlrpers All Vaudeville was coming along at a rapid pace and the talent scouts cut into the saloon talent until there was hardy any left. Harry Fox got -a job with Dave-Marion in burlesque: George McKay w6nt with Richard Carle in a show called 'The Maid and the Mummy'; Felix Adler* signed with Sullivan & Considine; George Whiting opened in a cabaret act at Hamihierstein^s that was produced by Charlie Grapewin; Jack ' Lewis, who had been singing Irish songs on Chicago's 31st street, left for l^ew York where he met Ed Wynn. They had an act written by Wolfie Gilbert called 'The Freshman and the Sopho- more' and that was the birth of Wynn and • Lewis, one of the best two-men acts of the period. Al White'joined out with Earl Taylor and Harry Kranzman and got some vaudeville dates; Artie Mehlinger grabbed himself a banjo player named Louis Stepner and a tall comic named King, and the Ham- merstein audience heard 'Casey Jones' for the first time and liked it. Terry Sherman, Morty Hyman and Eddie Van. Shack teamed up and were booked immediately; Fred Sos- man did a single. I opened with Richard Carle in the 'Mayor of Tokio'; Sidney Gibson went with Carter de Haven's sister. The cafes of the hinterland had heard of the talent around Chicago and the Shift Bros, and Pratt & Tierney, San Francisco cafe owners, sent emissaries east to try and en- tice the talent west. They were lucky in getting one of the greatest back-room entertainers that ever lived, Lee Lloyd. It wasn't long be- fore he had his own place on the beach at Frisco. It was called The Breakers. The 'Porterhouse Kid* went west with Lloyd, but didn't like Frisco and went south to Los An- geles, where he got a job with David Wark Griffith. Bob Adams met a lad named Bob Alden. They doubled up for the first time in New York and were signed for England where the name, 'The Two Bobs,' became a household word, 'Bobs' still over there. Then came' the deluge. Within a short time the market was flooded with piano acts. Harry Carroll, Harry Tierney, Nat Ayres, Benny Fields, Benny Davis and a host of others. Variety was a bonanza. No NVA; no WPA, just talent. , Ah„ there, Mr. Rose. By Hueo Bob Ritchie in tovv... Raimu in from Berlin. Eddy Moran in town. Chester Hale over for look. Ray Goetz over for weekend. 'Jezebel' (WB) at the Apollo. Jeanne Aubert topping European bill. Serge Glykson's orchestra at Bag- dad. Lambeth Walk hitting Folies-Ber- gere. Raymond Cordy oft for military duty, 'Sabotage* will be Pierre Chenal's Andre Daven planning Hollywood visit. Lyda Sue looking over Hamburg offers. Hollywood is Montmartre's latest cabaret. King Vidor and wife in tfrom Juan- Ford Harrison's band back into Bagatelle. Jim. Witteried over for weekend from London. Georges Rigaud mulling new Hol- lywood offers. New Casino de Paris revue sched- uled to open soon. Five new films this week, three French, two American. 'French Without Tears' closing at Theatre Saint-<;eorges, Fernand Dally out of army and back into Lune Rousse revue. 'Leonidas,' new one by Louis Ver- neuil, in rehearsal at Theatre de Paris. Pierre Fresnay back from army duty, shooting of 'Three Waltzes' re- sumed. Short (and Long) through from Germany to London to fill engage- ments there. Leon Mathod, star of silent days, turning actor again after megging several successes. Alfred Rode off to Hungary to shoot exteriors of 'La Danube Bleu,' which he's making. ing Stanley engjtgement and cast gave her a cake on stage. Dramatic instructor Ray E. Hurd playing Doremus Jessup in Play- house's 'It Can't Happen Here.' John Montague in ahead of 'I'd Rather Be Right' and Charlie Wash- burn beating drums for the Lunts. Sydney By Eric Gorrlck Lew Parks appointed to handle publicity for WiUiamson-Tait. Greater Union rushing work for quick completion of Victory, -^dnev. Harry Howard's 'Hollywood Hotel' pl^l^ers arrived here for the Fullers. Willtsmsen-Tait sending 'No, No, Nanette' into the nabes for a brief run. Stuart F. Doyle on lookout for top artists to spot under own manage- ment. 'Blockade* (UA) was previewed to religious and political bodies re- centiy. Dr. M^colm Sargent concluded season for Australian Broadcasting Commission. WiU Mahoney, after big click in Melbourne, opened Sydney season for TivoU chain. Legit managers thinking of pro- ducing pantos this Yuletide in both Sydney and Melbourne. War threats caused newsreel the- atres to revive the march of Time reel, 'Inside Nazi Germany.' Dave.Martin hopeful for the open- ing of his Minerva theatre shortly. Undecided whether tp start off with a picture or legit. Grappling season shows no ease off with the approach of warm weather. TPop wrestlers currently here include Ray Steele, Sammy Stein and Vin- cent L<^z. Coin has come aplenty for the grunt merchants over recent weeks. Londoii Paul Oscard off to Paris for a few days, then sails from there to New York. Mitty Golden (Rottenberg & Golden) in town on talent hunt for the ABC, Paris. Chester Hale gals used by the British Broadcasting Corp. for tel^r vision thrice in one week. Tommy Russell (Russell and Mot- eoni) playing the Coliseum while his sister. Sue Ryan, is playing the Palladium. Val Parnell taking a look at Syd Toniack and Reiss Bros, at Giro's club, with General Theatres Corp. dates in view. Next Grosvenor House show due Dec. IS and will be headed by the Three Musical Boys. Will have a Gay '908 background. - Immediately on- his- return, from U. S., Alexander Korda renewed -preparations to film 'Lawrence of Arabia.^ It has been on and off sev- eral times. Paul Draper, now at the Cafe de Paris, at $1,250 per week, played London, at the Cafe Anglais» 10 years ago, getting $75. He had been booked by Henry Sherek at the recommendation of his aunt, Ruth Draper. Charles Henry goes to Brighton Hippodrome as manager. He's being replaced by Roy Rich, present man- ager of London Hippodrome,, with FraEik Hornby, whom Henry replaces at ' Hippodrome, Brighton, taking similar position at the London Hip- podrome. Frisco Fair (Continued from page 1) been his way; so far, in forc- ing restrictions everyivhere pos-. sible in the vicinity of the N. Y. World's Fair. No new . niteries, bars and grills, etc., are permitted within a mile radius of the Fair grounds. Several who gambled on the idea have lost thousands of dol- lars in investments when licensing was nixed by Alcoholic Beverage Control board and other agencies. Hot dog, concessionaires, juiceries and kindred on-the-edge-of-things speculators are similarly banned. Those places which were already open before the Fair got under way may remain, but heat was attempted on them also. There has been some restrictions effected in way of limit- ing fancy signs, loud advertising and bally, etc. • Wbaieni it's feportedr wanted everything within a i,0(W-foot radius of the Fair removed altogether, but local taxpayers put up such a beef that he bad to back water a little on this move and hit out for present sefiip. Holywood Joe Rivkin abed with flu. Jack Oakie a ditto. Ralph Byrd bought a rancho. Bert Gordon in Victorville rodeo. Bob Burns planning Havana vaca- tion. Rosalind Russell back from Lon- don. Wesley Ruggles in from European tour. Jack Pierce planed in from-Chi- cago. Albert Ray to hospital -for obser- vation. Phil Berle sunning at Palm Springs. Max Mack in from London for confabs. Pinky Tomlin northwest on per- sonal tour. Sam Moore broke an anlde play- ing tennis. Marjorie KeeJer on six-week -per- sonal tour. Leon Fromkess in from. New York for confabs, Tay Gamett mulling yacht trip up the Amazon. Don Ameche moved jn his new valley home. Basil Rathbone back from Broad- way holiday. ■Sherrin Cohn recuperating fron> sinus operation. Tyrone Power leaves for South America Nov. 2, Roy Del Ruth back at work after three days abed. Leslie Fenton and Ann Dvorak back from Europe. Mrs. Mack Millar and Mts. Jinimy Fidler off for K. Y. F, H. Reed returning to Australia after gandering studios. . Bobby Jordan taking sunbaths on the d6sert near Victorville. Shirley Temple returned to the job after two days' illness. Vicki V Lester recovering from emergei(cy appendiectomy. Douglas Smith, Pete's son» lost ft. fingertip in a photo trimmer. John P. Filbert trnd Guy Gunder- son threw venison barbeciies. Jack Knight flying cross-country in 20-year-old DeHaviland idanc. Leon Schlesinger tossed a dinner for his Softball league chsonpj. Dorothy Ducan here frorb N, Y. to write aboiit Holb^wood homes. l)avid O. Selznick's eye cut when tennis ball smashed bfe ^ssea. Brian Donleyy back from Death Valley, wher£ lie owns a mine. Anna Aday Wong remodeling' her Sah Vicente house, Chinese style; . Jessie Wadsworth, one of Holly- wobd's pioneer lemme agents, joined forces with. Earl Cramer. George Cukor invited 4d talk about motion pictures at annual forum of N. Y. Herald Trib next "Buesday (25). . Pittsburgh By Hal Cohen Freda Lazier new vocalist with Nelson Maples* band. Max Tarshis off to Philly to join Happy Felton*s reorganized orch. Johnny Harris has knocked off 10 pounds via diet route and still going. Burleigh Grimes' daughter, Char- lotte, working here at Eddie Peyton's spot. Jimmy Totmans expect the stork in about six weeks. It'll be their first. Danny White comes back to town Friday (21) with new Ted Lewis unit. John Hooley to Detroit for few weeks as relief manager for Harris circuit. Islam Grotto Players doing 'Louder Please' with Ed Komerpda in Lee Tracy role. Variety Club trying to land Texas' W. Lee O'Daniel for annual shin- dis next week.. Rosey Rowswell toastmaster at an- nual banquet of Al Abrams' Dapper Dan club Nov. 20. Harry Kalmine in New York for few days to line Up additional flesh bookings for Stanley. Louise Mann said to have passed up 52d street offer in New York to stav at Playhouse Grill. kay Co'nklin's birthday fell dur- Super Machines (Continued from page 1) business of renting out large electric phonographs and a kit of the latest discs by pop bands for dances and parties. Instead of hiring an orches- tra, it's much cheaper to just hire the instrument, and the music is usu- ally much superior to what a local band can provide. Union is inserting clauses in all new closed shop contracts with ho- tels and dance halls prohibiting the use of the machines. It's impossible to take any action on the old ones, but the aid of NAPA and ASCAP is being sought to get them to con- trol thie use of the platters which they license. Musicians Union clamped down quickly last week on indie film houses running 'Jitterbug Contests' without live tooters. Several the- atres were using the new bvo. hypo and having the kids terp to tunes provided by discs put on a machine by the projectionists. On complaint of theA^F. M. local, the reelmen wi^re^'^rbidden by their linion to toujgh^aijy sound equipment not directly connected with the screening of a picture. As a result, 5-man bands went into three houses, the Broadway, Cam- den, and the Jumbo and Palm In Philly. An Warner houses running the jitter tests regularly use live music j on Friday nights, when the terpjng takes place. €hsgow Bertram Mills Circus closed.. Fritz Kreisler did a p.a. in the Concert flail at the BWffeh Empite Exhibition. Under the regime of F. W. OgilVie. new BBC chief, Scotch tradition will be broken by the presentation of jazz on a Sabbath. Marcus aaat, former assistant di- rector at Paramount, arrived here, intends -to go on a camera spree and 'shoot' Europe as it really is. GaumoAt-British trying to rush the completed newsreel, "The Political Life of Neville Chamberlain/ into its theatres here And elsewhere. 'Snow White', booked for one week at the Picture House held over a sec- ond week, and likely to go more It biz keeps up- at present pace. P. K. Murray, of BBC. transform- ins Empire theatre into a radio stu- dio for a broadcast next week, first time an audience* will Fet a p^ep at a broadcast using a variety show. Jack Hyltori and -his crew booked for a session at the Glasgow Empire Nov. 14. Hylton also to play at the charity concert for the Homeopathic hospital, scheduled lor Nov. 20 at Empire, Minneapolb By Les itees St. Paul Civic Opera company opening its season with 'Aida.' Andrew Sisters, appearing, with Jimmy Dorsey at Orpheum, back in hometown. Paramount had trade screening of 'Men with Wings,' 'If I Were King,' and 'Arkansas Traveler.' Harry Kelson, St. James, IVIinn., exhibitor, passed through en route to Florida ioi his health. Freddie Fisher's Schnickelfritz band coming into Hotel St. Paul for month, starting Nov. J. Jimmy Grainger, Republic Pic- tuies president," in town to close Paramoiuit Northwest circuit deaL Lani Mclntyre's Hawaiian orches- tra follows Bill Bardo- into Hotel i Nicolett Minnesota Tower tomorxovr (20). ! Billy Elson pinch hit for Jfimmy I Walker as toastmaster at 'Friendship Banquet' tos.«fed by Nr^rthwest the- j ptre owners here for Eddie Golden* I Monogram vice-president.