Variety (Nov 1938)

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8 VARIETY PICTURE 6R<ISSES ITcdiiesday, November 2, 1938 Snnny Side Up in LA., 'Suez Wham I; W OK 221^ Take It' ^ Record Wk., 'I^s Long Roll Los Angeles, Nov. 1. Few newcomers this week are more than holding their own at the boxoifice, but the surprise locally is strength displayed by holdovers. In the first category, 'Suez' (20th) is piling up $29,000 combined take at Loew's State and Chinese; 'Brother Rat' <WB) will account for close to $22i500 at the Warner day-date houses, and the Orpheum, with a new screen bill and a Major Bowes unit on stage, will do better than average. Of the holdovers, 'You Can't Take It -with You* (Col) has the town in an uproar by its strength. Current is fifth -^stanza for .the Frank Capra opus at RKO and Pantages, with fourth we^'s take less than $2,000 tinder tiiird week, and fifth stanza headed for so much profit that a sixfh Week will be started, pfobably of four days' -dination. 'Drums' (UA) Is in fourth week at Four Star. Paramount is hold- ing over the Bob Biirns opus, 'Ar- kansas Traveler,' for five days on .second "week to good returns. Estimates fer This Week Chinese (Grauman-P-WC) (2,024; 30-40-55-75) *Suez' (20ttl). Solo billing for this one resulting in neat $13,000. Last week, 'Stablemates' (MrG) and 'Vacation Love' (M-G), okay $10,000 as expected. DowntAwn (WB) (l',800; 30-40-S5- 65) 'Brottier Rat' (WB) and 'Broad- way Musketeers' (WB), dual Should have no tirouble bitting lucrative $11,500. Second-final week of 'Sis- ters' (WB) and 'Road Reno* (U), about $6,800, good. Four Star (F-WC-UA) (900; 40-55) 'Drums' (U) (4th wk). Showing continued s^ngtfa and shoidd have no trouble hitting profitable. $2,100, after'third week wound up with $3,300 in the till. Hollyw«o4 (WB) <2,756; 30-40-55- 65) 'Brother Raf (WB) and 'Broad- way Musketeers' (WB), auai. Run- ning sUgfatly belund its day-dater, Downtown, bnt should wind up with profitable $11,060. Last week, •Sisters' (WB) and 'Road to Reno' (U) (ad-fcial), very good $7^. Orphcam (Bdwy.) (2,280; .25-30- 35-40) *Pugitives ^J^ghf (RKO) and 'Barefoot Boy' (Mono), dual, and vaude.' Major -Bowes' unit on stage gets most of credit for-^S.OOO draw, although two first-runs on screen heloing. Last week, second run picfs. Pantiles (Pan) (2,812; 30-40-55) 'Can't Take It* (Col) (SUi wk). Ter rific biz warrants holdover for sixth week, something almost unheard of in L. A. first runs. Fifth week looks ■ like nifty $6,500, following $8,200 on fourth stanza. Paramount (Par) (3,595; 30-40-55) •Arkansas Traveler* (Par) and stage show (2d wk). Holding over for five days for i^rofitable $7,000. First week ended with satisfactory $15,000. . RKO (2,872; 30-40-55) 'Can't Take It' iCoXy (5th wk). Fifth week started out better than fourth, which brought very big $9,400 and present stanza should accoimt for $7,500. Staie (Loew-Fox) (2;414; 30-40-55- 75) ^Suez' (2eth), Hitting on high and will wind 10 with neat tl6i000. Last wei^ 'Stablemate^i' (M-G) and 'Vacation Love' (M-G), very good $14,000. I^tsited Artists (F-WC) (2,MK); 30- 40-55) 'Stablemates' (M-G) and ^Va- cation Love* (M-G), dual Move- over of this brace for continued first-run will bring an additional $3,300. Last week, 'Antoinette' (M-G), on moveoyer, satisfactory $3,000. WiisUi« <F-WC) (2.296; 30-40^ 65) 'Stebtemates' (M-<J) and^nTaca- tion Love' (M-G>). dual. Beeiy- Itooney oombo heiMliQg this lull for neat $4,200 on moveover. Last week, 'Antoinette* (M-G), okay $4,200. 'Sisters' on Port. Dual Good $6,000; 'Wings' Sf/zG Portland, Ore., Nov. 1. Too Hot to Handle,' at Parker's UA, was so strong in first 14 to warrant a winning third week. 'Stablemates,' at the Broadway, also in the hig money. 'Men With Wings' at the Orpheum Is a winner. The Hagtnrick-Evergreen Paramount is also doing a bonanza biz -rtrith 'The Sisters.* Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (2,000; 30-35- 40)—'Stablemates* (M-G) (2d wk).' Good $4,500. First week strong $6,800. Mayfair (Parker-Evergreen) (1,- 500; 30-35-40) — 'Boy Meets Girl' (WB) and 'Booloo* (Par). Clicking nio6ly for good $4,400. Last week 'Boys Town' (M-G) ancj Treshman Yealr* (tJ) ended a seven-week run with good $2,800. First six ^yeeks grossed better than $28,000.> OrpbeUkn <Hsunricfc - Evergreen) (1,800; 30-35-40)—'Men Wings' (Par) Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gross TUs Week $273,400 {Based on 12 theatres) Total Gresa Same Week Last Year $317,700 (Based on 13 theatres) and 'Always Trouble* (20th). Okay $5,^00. Last week 'Arkansas Travel- ^' (Par) and 'Sailor' (Par), better than average $4,900. Paramount (Hamrick - Evergreen ) (3,000; 30-35-40)—'Sisters' (WB) and Touchdown Army' (Par). Winning $6,000, good. Last week 'CJan't Take It' (Col), closed, heavy second week wHh $5,200. Bivoli (Indie) (1,100; 20-25)— 'Tropic Holidaey* (Par) and Tast Company' (20th) (revivals). Average at $1,800. Last week 'Hoosier Schoolboy* (Mono) and 'Woman Against Woman' (WB), fair $1,600. United Artists (Parker) (1,000; 30- 35-40)—laot Handle* (M-G) (3d wk).. Nice HOOO. Second week strong ^$5,300. First week big .$7,200. DUAL 'mim: ATM ^Kansas City, Nov. 1. In contrast to last week, strong films are current in four houses; With other two first-runs more than hold- ing ^ir own. 'Sisters,' at Newman, 'Brother Rat,' at Orpheum, and 'Suez,' day-and-date in Es<iulre and Uptown, are all showing very graUfying returns. - 'Citadel,' at Midland, is limited by its class appeal, but bettering aver- age. Tower^ with Gene<Autry and El Brendel as stage attractions, get- ting $10,000, only middlin*- here. Heavy kid play over weekend helped. Temp, again registering in the 70's. Estimates fer This Week Esguire (Fox-Midwest) (820; 10- 25-40)—'Suez* (20th). In the top bracket at $4,000. Last, week, second of 'Certain Age' (U), $3,500, very good and only slightly imder open- ing week. Midland (Loew's) (3,573; 10-25-40) —'Citadel* (M-G) and 'Girl's School' (U), dual. Appeal is more to car- riage trade, but slightly over average at $9,000, Last week, 'Listen Darling* (M-G) and 'FUght Fame' (Col), cut short after six days to set house oit Thursday opepii^s for coming holi- days; $6;500 barely average, Newman (Paramount) (1,900; 10- 25-40)—"Sisters' (WB). Looks to healthy $7,000. Last week, 'Arkansas Traveler* (Par) in its hold over we^ okay $5,000. Orpheum (RKO) (1,500; 10-25-40) —'Brother Rat' (WB). Should wind up: around $7,000,.very nice. Last week, 'Miss Manton* ,(RKO), fair $5,300. Tewer (Fox-Midwest) (2,050; 10- 35-55)—'Smashing Rackets* (RKO) with Gene Autry and El Brendel headliners on stage. Heavy juve patronage over weekend. Looks to total around $10,000, acceptable. Last week, 'Youth Fling' (U) with Veloz and Yolanda heading stage show, $9,000, fair. Uptown (Fox-Midwest) (1,200; 10- 25-40)—'Suez' (20th). In keeping with recently established Esquire- Uptown joint policy; $4,100, good. Last week, 'Certain Age* (U), second stanjia, $3,800, nice. Teachers Give h4)k. M:, 'Suez' OK $9,500 Indianapolis, Nov. 1. Annual convention of state teach- ers* association brought 18,(|00 school- marms to town and they zoomed theatre grosses. Standees were in evidence at virtually all the first- run houses Thxirsday, Friday and Saturday as a result of the teachers* meetings. Business is well-distributed among the various theatres, with 'Suez,' at Indiana, 'Citadel,' at Loew^, and 'Brother Rat* plus vauxie, at Lyric, sharing honors as the best grossers of the week. Circle, with 'Mad Miss Manton* and 'Five of a Kind,* trailing with moderate take. Estimates for This Week Apollo (Katz-DoUe) (1,100; 25-30- 40)—'Sisters' (WB) and 'Annabel* (RKO). Moved over from Indiana for second week.' Poor $2,500. Last week, holdover session of 'Certain Age' (U) and Treshman Year' (U), modest $3,000. Circle (Katz-Dolle) (2,800; 25-30- 40)—"Miss Manton* (RKO) and Tive Kind' (20th). Stanwyck and Fonda featiifed big in ads with Dionne pic almost buried; $5,500, barely fair. Last week, 'Arkansas Traveler' (Par) and 'Touchdown Ariny' (Par), okay $6,400. Indiana (Katz-DoUe) (3,100; 25-30- 40)—'Suez' (20th). Doing very strong biz with indicated $9,500., Last week, 'Sisters* (WB) and 'Annabel* (RKO), reopened long shuttered house with take of $7,600, good. Leew's (Loew*s) (2,4})0; 25-30-40) —'Citadel* (M-G) and 'Girls School* (0>1). Former picture attracted school-teachers; $7,500, okay. Last week,, 'Stablemates' (M-G) and 'Va- cation Love* (M-G), socko $9,800. Lyric (Olson) (1,900; 25-30-40)— 'Brother Rat' (WB) and vaude. Fihn stressed over stage bill that has no names; $10,100, very nice. Last week, 'Broadway Musketeers* (WB) and vaude headlining Pepper Martin's Mudcats of baseball, weak $7,200, B'KLYN VAUDE BIG Morris-Davis 'Probation' Clicking Profitable $15,000 Brooklyn, Nov. 1. Most satisfying flicker attraction here in a long while has been 'You Can't Take It With You,', which this week entered its thir? and final stanza at Fabian's Paramount. Pic has been holding up sensationally and making nifty profit. Strand, which went vaude last month, will come out ahead this we^. At RKO Albee, management serv- ing 'horror' revivals, :Draeula* and 'Frankenstein,' and. using plenty "hsC Beeif^ooney Good 22G £adi, Widi ViUide a Help; Power Fak 15G Football Mobs Strangle Pitt B.O^; Bartholomew-'Gef Only Fair $18, K«y City Grosses Estimated Total Gr^si This Week.. $1^574,700 (Based on 26 cities, 176 thea- tres, chtejly itrst runs. Including N. y.) ' Total Gross Same Week Last Week $1,595,300 (Based on 24 cities, 170 theatres)' newspaper and outdoor advertising space. Estimates for Tliis Week * Albee (3.274; 25-35-50)—'Dracula' (U) and 'Frankenstein' (U). Brisk campaign staged in dailies, car cards and other outdoor advertising, defy- ing citizens to come and see these dualers. Reaction satisfactory to tune of fair $14,500. Last week 'Room Service* (RKO) and 'Personal Sec- retary* (U), profitable $19,080. Fox (4,089; 25-50) — 'Juvenile Court' (Col) and 'Down Arkansaw' (Rep). Looks to get .nice $16,000. Last week 'King Alcatraz' (Par) and "Sons Legion* (Par), nice $17,000 in 10-day stay. Met (3,618; 25-50)—'Youth Fling' (U) and Freshman' Year' (U). Drop- ping to weakish $12,000. Last week 'Hot Handle* (M-G) and 'March of Time' (ZH wk), corking $15,000. Paramount (4,126; 25-50)—'Can't Take It* (Col) (3d wk). This week nifty $18,000. Last week, second, swell $22,000. Stratad (2,870; 25-50)—'Girls Pro- bation' (WB) and vaude, featuiring Wayne Morris and Johnny (Scat) Davis. Picture-flesh policy continues to please populace. In black to tune of $15,000. Last week 'Broadway Mu£^teer* (WB) and vaude, peachy $13i500. Washington, Nov. 1. Two vaude spots are battling it out this week, with 'Brother Rat,' at Earle, ,and 'Stablemates,' at Capitol, n^p and tuck. 'Suez' was tossed into Palace one day early, when 'Too Hot to Handle' began to slip, but falling to pick things Up to more than bare average. Everything else is a holdover, with 'You Can't Take It With You' still the big sensation. Pic did two weeks at Earle, two at Met, stepped out for revival of 'Little Women,' which flopped in three days, and moved back in to bring week up to par. Estimates for Tliis Week Capitol (Loew) (3,434; 25i35-40-66) —'Stablemates* (M-G) and vaude, Paul Haakon and George Beatty stage helping toward nice $22,000. Last week 'Sinners' (Par) and vr.ude dropped sharply to finish with dis- appointing $17^00. Colnmbis (Loew) (1,243; 25-40)— 'Sinners' (Par) (2d run). Rushed into repeat spot immediately after weak stay at Capitol'and snould get oke $4,000. Last week 'Spawn' (Par) .(2d run), fair $S;800. Earle (WB) (2,216; 25r35-40-66)— 'Brother Rat' (WB) and vaude. Film and Herbie Kays' orch should pull big $22,000. Last week 'Garden Moon* (WB) and Stroud Twins, weak $13,000. Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 35-55)—'Cer- tain Age' (U) (3d wk). Hangit»g on with oke $5,500. Last week same pic pocketed good $8,000. Met (WB) (1,600; 25-40)—'C^an't Take It' (Col) (5th wk). Shoved back in after 'Littie Women* (RKO) (revival) flopped in three days, and will see nice $2,000 in four days. 'Women' took brutal $1,300. Last week, 'Can't Take It' (4th wk), good $5,200. • Palace (Loew) (2,242; 35-55)— 'Suez' (20th), Jumped in on Thurs- day (27) and headed for barely aver- age $15,000. Last week 'Hot Handle' (M-G) (2d wk), yanked after six days with passable $8,000. Boston, Nov. 1. Business Is okay here. 'Men with Wings* and 'Can't Take It with You' are leading the parade for new prod- uct, and ^Certain Age* holds over with 'Doodle.' 'If I Were King/ on dual bill, is satisfactory in third week. A surprise holdover is the revival dual of 'Dracula' and 'Frankenstein* at the Keith Boston, subsequent-run house. 'Moonlight Sonata,' with Paderewski, ends a six-months' run at the Fine Arts Wednesday (2). Midnight jitterbug contest, fol- lowed by general dancing on the stage, was tried out" Thursday (27) at the Keith-Boston, but dropped after one night when audience re- fused to get into the spirit. Gag was hangover of whammo jitter jamboree Monday (24) in Boston Garden, winners of contest being booked for the Club Mayfair and the theatre. Estimates for This Week Fenway (M&P) (1,332; 25-35-40- 55)—'If King' (Par) and 'Moto' (20th), dual. Brought in after two we'dks at the Met and. holding up' okay, around $8,5 00. Last week, 'Garden Moon* (WB) and 'Girls Pro- bation* (WB), double, tepid $6,200. Keith MemorlBl (RKO) (2,907; 25- 35-40-55)—'Certain Age' (U) and 'Doodle' (RKO) (2d week). Aiming at pleasing $15,000. First week big $21,000. Metropolitan (M&P) (4,367; 25- 35-40-55)—"Men Wings' (Par) and 'Road Demon' (20th). Looks like smash $22,000. Last week, 'If King* (P&-) and 'Moto' (20th) (2d week), okay^ $13,000. Orpheam (Loew) (2,900; 25-35-40- 55)—'Take It' (Col) and 'Vacation Love' (M-G). About $20,000, good. Last week, 'Hot Handle' (M-G) and 'Girls' School' (Col) (2d week), good $13,800. . Paramount (M&P) (1,797; 25-35- 40-55)—'If King' (Par) and 'Moto' (20th). Third week in town; showing stamina at $10,500 gait. Last week, 'Garden Moon' (WB) and 'Girls Pro- bation' (WB), adequate $8,300. Scollay (M&P) (2,536; 25-35-40-50) —'Straight, Place' (20th) and 'Gar- den Moon' (WB) (2d run). Headed towards-good $6,000, or better. Last week, 'King Alcatraz' (Par) and 'Arkansas Traveler* (Par) (2d run), $6,000. State (Loew) (3,600; 25-35-40-55)— 'C:an't Take It' (Col) and 'Vacation Love' (M-G). Very healthy at $15,000. Last week, holdover of 'Hot' Handle' (M-G) and 'Girls' School' (Col), okay $9,500. Pittsburgh, Nov. 1. Lot of excitement In town, but lit- tle at tbe b. o, Pitt-Fordh<\m football game drew 37,000 and l^acked the city with out-of-towners, but they weren't interested in films and went after more violent forms of enter- tainment In ^ct, traffic jams-were so bad they ;kept a lot of the regui lars. away from the downtown area and biz generally took it on the chin. Got back to normal yesterday (31) however, but that was a little too late to dent the sluggishness. Noth- ing much anywhere. Freddie Bkri tholomew in person at Stanley with 'Hard to Get* doing ordinary biz, while 'Sing, You Sinners,' at Penn, is just staggering along, despite ex-' cellent notices. Second week of 'That Certain Age' at Alvin wUl do just a bit better than opening stanza's take. Fulton, surprisin^y enough, only spot going anywhere and with two weakiesi 'Men Are Such Fools* and 'Smashing the Rackets.' Estimates for Tlris Week Alvin (Harris) (1,850; 25-35-50)— 'Certain Age' (U) (2d wk). 'Suez' (20th) opening 'Thursday (3) for a run. Durbin flicker isn't setting the house on fire, but on h. o. will do well enough at close to $7,000. On top of $12,1)00 last week, that's not bad, although somewhat under what young singing star's pictures have done in past. Fnlton (Shea-Hyde) (1,750; 25-40) —'Men Fools' (WB) and 'Smashing Rackets' (BKO). No accounting for brisk speed at which this twinner shoved ofl!, but should come through with around $5,000, which is big here for duals. Last wesK 'Sailor* (Par) and 'Bulldog Drummond' (Par), poor $3,600. Penn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 25-35- 50)—'Sinners* (Par). Well-liked and general opinion that it's Crosby at his best, but crooner has always been just a fair draw here and. this one's, no exception. Pace indicates $11,700. fau*. That's just about what 'Sisters' (WB) did last week. Stanley (WB) (3,600; 25-40-60)-^ 'Hard Gcet' (WB) and Bartholomew on stage. With Dick Powell on sciieen and Bartholomew on stage,' combo -is pretty saleable in these parts and under ordinary conditions might .go somewhere. Not at the moment, however, with the town fooiball-nutz. Looks like $18,000, just fair. T<ast week Ted. Lewis proved the consistency of his draw by get- ting dose to $24,000 with Arkansas Travder* (Par). Warner (WB) (2,000; 25-40)— icing Alcatraz' (Par) and 'Annabel^ (RKO). Maybe $4,000, which is just average at this site. Last week 'Stablemates* (M-G), moving here- after big week at Penn, did all right * at $S,70O. Teachers Also Invade Lincoln; 'Suez' $3,500 Lincoln, Nov. 1. With the biggest assembly of schoolmafms in town, 4,100 of them cbnyehtioning over the weekend, every kind Of biz, including show biz, is up. 'Suez* is hammering along in good shape, and so is 'Garden of the Moon.' Even 'Sing, You Sinners,* with light ad pressure, is taking care of itself. Colonial, for first time since join- ing the Nebraska Theatres, Inc., string, went flrst^run Sunday (30) and will - oppose the J. H Cooper Liberty's action policy. Kiva, an- other .NTI house, continues to serve as seobnd-run receiver from Varsity. Eistlmatefl for This Week Colonial (NTI-Noble) (750; 10-15- 20)—'Kihg Sierras' (Rep) and 'High* way Patrol' (Col)* Short run, four days, will get $500, so-so. Has been second-running. KIv» (NTI-Noble) (440; 10-25-40) —'My Heart' (UA). Moved from Varsity; $ljOOO, good. Last week, second for 'Algiers' (UA), slim $500. Liberty (LTC-Cooper) (1,200; 10^ 15)—'Meet Girls' (20th) and 'Moto' (20th), split with 'Happy Landing* (20th) and 'Old Mexico^ (Par). Good enough, $1,600. Last week, 'Guilty Trails' (U) and 'Little Women' (RKO), split with 'Fiddlin Buckaroo' (U) and 'Blind Alibi' (RKO), $1,000. Lincoln (LTC-Cooper) (1,800; 10^ 25-35)—"Suez* (20th). Here for eight days then will move to the Orpheum^ Okay at $?,500. Last week, 'Co-Ed' (20th) and 'Murder' (20th), raised the house from the doldrums, $2,900. Orphenm (LTC-Cooper) (1,350; lO-i 15-20-25)—'My Bill' (WB) split with 'Beloved Brat' (WB). Slim $1,100, Last week, 'Racket Busters'. (WB), four days, all right, $800. Stnart (LTC-Cooper) (1,900; 10-25- 40)—'Sinners' (Par). Fair $3,700. Last week, 'Hot Handle' (M-G), fair $3,800. Varsity (NTI-Noble) (1,100; 10-25- 40)—'Garden Moon' (WB). Should reach good $3,000. Last week, 'My Heart» (UA), $2,200, fair.