Variety (Nov 1938)

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^ednesdaft November 30, 1938 PICTURE GROSSES VASIETY 9 'Angels-Lucas Building to In Merry Chi; 'Reno'-Vaude 18G, Others OK, Dizzy Dean P. A. NG Chicago, Nov. 29, Loop is In excellent shape again this week, with the single exception of the Palac« where Dizzy Dean and Bob Elson, basehall tosser and spieler, are not managing to talk anybody Into dropping some coin at the front gate. Strictly freak book- , ing is causing box-office anemia and the picture Is not aiding the situa^ tion. ... Otherwise busmess. is pumping, particularly at the big Chicago where *A.ngel5 with Dirty faces' ia crowd- ing 'em. Tough , guy film is almost up to the mark of the early Cagney alug flickers. Will shoot the take far above previous week and head into high' territory. Other screen fare which is getting considerable nqtice from exhibitors in this territory is the Paderewski giece, 'Moonlight Sonata' in the layhouse. Picture, has caught on sharply and is now in its^ seventh week in< this tiny .house.. Has- been Tunning around $5,000 for each stanza, which is beaiicoup coin on the right side of the ledger. Indications are. that it will break previous 26-week run record of 'Ecstasy' in this spot. Oriental' is. establishing itself rapidly under -the new Jones, Xinick tt. Schaefet* banner and .is currently riding on the^ crest again to a healthy gross> strictly on,' the', combination policy at a low tariff. Shirley Temple is'.doing a fair enough ses- sion, in the smallish Apollo with 'Around the Corner.' EstlmAte*. for This Week ApQll» (B^K) (1,200; 36^55-65-75) •—'Around Corner' (20tH). With $5,000 in the offing, it's ah all right showing. Last week,. 'Suez' (20th) grossed $5,300 for its third .week in loop. Chioaeo (B&K) (4,000; 35-55-75)—' ♦Angels with Dirty Faces' (WB) and Clyde Lucas orchestra on stage. Booming at the front gate to the happy melody of $39,000. Last week, 'Men Wings* (Par) faded towards the finish, but tallied up to satisfac- tory $31,600. Garrlck (B&K) (900| 35-55-65) — •Men Wings' (Par). Moved here from Chicago and looks for possible $4,500; mild. Last week, doubling of 'Listen Darling' (M-G) and 'Mysteri- ous Moto' (20th)'Was satisfactory at $5,500. Oriental (Jones) (3,200; 25-35-40) —'Road to Reno' (U) and vaude. Combo policy is clicking here, and currently heading toward fine $18,- 000; Last week, opener, was zippy, finishing strongly to excellent $20,100 with 'Vacation from Love' (M-G). Palace (RKO) (2,500; 35-55-65-75) -^•Hard to Get' (WB) and v6ude. Dizzy Dean and Bob Elson headlin- ing. Call out-the towel reserves, boy, the weeps have got 'em. Nose-dive oa the baseball item and into the cellar at heartbreaking $12,000. Last week, Milton Berle on stage zoomed house to powerful $25,400 with 'Tough Guys^ (U). Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500; 35-55-65- 75)—'Submarine Patrol' (20th) (2d wk). Will get around $7,500, fair enough, after okay initial session at $14,100. 'Stablemates' (M-G) due to replace shortly. United Artists (B&K-UA) (1,700; 85-55-65-75) — '(Sreat Waltz' (M-G) (2d wk). Disney's 'Ferdinand' (RKO) getting plenty of billing and unquestionably adding to the gross, which . is fine. here. Better than $13,000 this week, plenty merry, after,excellent $16,100 last week. Woods (Es^aness) (1,300; 25-35-40) •—'Cipher' (GN) and 'Forbidden Ter- ritory' (Hoffberg). Just a fair combo that win. be under usual talce here at $3,200 for the session. Last week, •Mars' (U) plus 'Bengal' (Rep) big $6,600. 'COWBOY' 106, BUFf. ISN'T COMPLAINING Buffalo, Nov, 29. Current grosses are leveling out, although the general average is sub- st'antially above normal, Eestlmates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3,500; 30-35-55)— Shining Hour' (M-G). Not showing any particular strength ■ at around $12,000. Last week 'Stablemates' (M-G) and.Wences in person got up to satisfactory $13,500. Century ,Shea) (3,000; 25-35)— Submarine Patrol' (20th). Fine $8,000. Last week 'Young Doctor Kildare' (M-G) and 'Annabel' (RKO) okay at nice $7,000. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,00; 30-50)— Cowboy and Lady' (UA). Drawing despite indifferent reviews and paced for- neat $10,000. Last week, 'Great Waltz' (M-G) came up for good fin- ish and closed well at over $9,000. .o?JPP (Shea) (2,100; 24-40)— Stablemates' (M-G) (2d run). Okay $7,000 in sight. Last week 'Suez' (20th) (2d run), failed to show much strength for five days going to only $4,300. Lafayette (Ind.) (3,300; 25-35)— •Little Tough Guys'. (U) and 'Last Express' (U). Aiming for very good. $10,000. La:st week 'Service de Luxe' (U) and 'Freshman Year' (U) low for the month, but stiU okiy at $7,000. 'ANGELS' AN6EUCI3G, CINCY;'HOUR'NSG lOG Cincinnati; Nov. 29. Pic biz by and large on the up this week, despite burg's first cold snap of the season. Current b. o. topper' is 'Angels with Dirty Faces' at the Palace, which is several G's ahead of the Albee's 'Shining Hour.' Lyric' is enjoying a black feast on "Blendie.' Keith's is fetching fair returns on 'Mad Miss Manton.' In second week of vaudfilm, <the Shubert is. doing okay with 'Listen Darling' and Count Berni Vici's vmit. Latter is big'lettering Schlepperman, lately on Jack Benny's radio show. " Estimates for This -^k Albee (RKO) (3,3C ^5-42)— •Shining Hour' (M-G). S..,/ $10,000. Same-last week on 'If King' (Par). Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 35-42)— 'Brother RaV. (WB) (2d run). Very good $6,500. Last week, 'My HeartV (UA) (2d run), fair $5,000. Family (RKO) ' (1,000; 15-25)— 'Man from Music Mountain' (Rep), 'Illegal Traffic' (Par), 'Sons of Le- gion*^ (Par), singly. . Fair $2,000. Last week, 'Girls on Probation' (WB)j and 'Sharpshooters' (20th), split, average $2 200 Gm'nd (RKO) (1,200; 25-40)—'Dr. KiMare' (M-G) (2d run). Mild $2,00ff. Last week, 'Great Waltz' (M-G) (3d run), okay $2,500. Keith's (Libson) (1,500; 35-42)— 'Miss Manton' (RKO). Normal $4,500. Ditto last week with 'Dr. Kildare' (M-G). Lyric (RKO) (1,400; 35-42)—'Blon- die' (Col). Excellent $6,000. Last week, 'Men Wings' (Par) (2d run), poor $3,200. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 35-42)—'An- gels with Dirty Faces' (WB). Very good $13,000. Same last week on 'Brother Rat' (WB). Shubert (RKO) (2 150; 35-40-60)— 'Listen Darling' (M-G) and Count Berni Vici's unit with Schlepperman, comic dialectician, featured. Okay $12,500. Last week, 'Affairs of Anna- bel' (RKO) and Clyde McCoy and Don Bestor orchestras heading stage show in first week pf vaudfilm, good $14,000. 'ANGELS^VAUDE 20G, 'HEART' 18G,D.C. Washington, Nov. 29. Record Indian summer collapsed Thanksgiving Day with heavy snow and siege of bitter cold. Resultantly, both last and this week's takes are 10% off due to weather. 'Angels with IJirty Faces,' at Earle, is leading the town with big gross despite snow. 'There Goes My Heart,' at Capitol, is next, and 'Great Waltz,' at the Palace, is third. Estimates for This Week Capitol (LOew) (3,434; 25-35-40-66) —'Goes My Heart' (UA) and vaude. Pic only draw and getting passable $18,000. Last week, 'Shining Hour' (M-G) missed expected holiday biz and dropped to average $20,000. Columbia (Loew) (1,234; 25-40)— 'Around Corner' (20th) (2d run). Back downtown after nice stay at Capitol and should get solid $4,500. Last week, 'Suez' (20th) (2d run), acceptable $4,200. Earle (WB) (2,216; 25-35-40-66)— 'Angels with Dirty Faces' (WB) and vaude. Big bally, nice reviews and good word-of-mouth on pic and revue leading town with big $20,000. Last week, 'Sisters' (WB) took licking on holiday to drop to average $16,0()0, Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 35-55)— •Peck's Bad Boy' (RKO). Disney's 'Ferdinand,' and 'March of Time' given equal billing in ads and big- gest play in the reviews. Shorts will carry week to satisfactory $6,500. Last week. 'Service de Luxe' (RKO) passable S4.500, six days. Met (WB) (1.600; 25-40)—'Girls School' (Col). First run in spot that has been specializing in repeats headed into fair $3,500. Last week, •Brother Rat' (WB) (2d run) in sec^ ond week of repeat $3,700, okay. Palace (Loew) (2,242; 35-55)— 'Great Waltz' (M-G). Average $15.- 500. Last week. •If King* (Par) (2d week) dropped to $7,000 for six days. First Rons on Broadway (Subject to Change) Week of Dec. 1 Astor — • M a r i e . Antoinette' (MG) (16th week).. Capitol — 'The Great Waltz' (MG) (2d wk). Criterion — 'Spring Madness' (MG). (Reviewed in Vawety, Nov, 16) Globe—'Sharpshooter' (20th). Music Hall—'Cowboy and the Lady' (UA) (2d wk). Paramount—'Say It in French' (Par) (30). (Reviewed in Current Issue) Rlaltfr—'Shadows Over Shang- hai' ^GN) (30). Elvoll-^'Up the River' (20th). (Reviewed in VABiEiy, Nov. 9) Roxy—'Just Around the Cor- ner' (20th). (Reviewed in VAimiY, Nov. 2) Strand — 'Angels- with Dirty Faces' (WB) (2d wk). Week of Dec. 8 Capitol — 'Out West with the Hardy's' (MG). (Reviewed in Variry, Nov. 23) Criterion—'Storm Over Ben- gal' (Rep). Paramount—^'Artists and Mo- dels Abroad' (Par) (7). Blalto — 'Last Warning.' (U) (7). Rivoll—'Up the River (20th) (2d wk). Boxy—^^ahks for Every- . thing' (2pth) (9th), Strand — 'Angels with Dirty Faces' (WB) (3d wk). Balto B.O.S Boned Under Snow; Hardys' Thaws Out OK 16G Baltimore, Nov. 29. Anticipated big holiday doings took it on the chin , here with the worst November. ^riOw in 68 years reaching its height Thanksgiving day. 'Out West with the Hardys' getting bulk of the play at Loew's Century. Some interest in 'Angels-with Dirty Faces' at the Stanley, but .having dif- ficulty getting into the right groove; Estimates for This Week Century (Loew's-UA) (3,000; 15-25- 35-40-55)—'Out West with Hardys' (M-G). Leading town with a healthy $16,000. Farewell appearances of D'Artegaj heading stage flash, given some added bally. Last week 'Shin- ing Hour' (M-G) got some mild in- terest to $8,900. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,205; 15-25-35-40-55-66)—'Peck's Bad Boy* (RKO) plus Disney's 'Ferdmand the Bull' and Major Bowes stage 'unit. Slow coming out .of doldrums with possible $11,000 the count. Last week, 'Man Remember' (RKO) and Happy Felton built nicely to $12,700. Keith's (Schanberger) (2,460; 15- 25-35-40-55)-^'If King' (Par) (2d wk). Holding in fairish style to $7,- 500, after good opener to $10,600. New (Mechanic) (1,558; 15-25-35- 55)—'Around Corner* (20th). Rather mild $4,500. Last week, second of 'Submarine Patrol' added a so-so $3,- 200 to opening $4,000. Stanley (WB) (3,250; 15-25-35-40- 55)—'Angels with Dirty Faces' (WB). Not really getting under way because of weather. Will garner a fairish $10,- 000. Last week, 'Men Whigs' (Par) fell down on its second week to bare $3,300 after chalking up a nice $12,- 2O0 for its opener. Despite the Storms, B way Biz Cheery; 'Cowhoy Punchy lOSG, 'Angels-Lewis Wing to Um, W Glides OK 33G Thanksgiving's snowstorm and un- seasonable cold was something the managerial doctor didn't order, but in spite of it, the grosses are highly respectable where attractions are on display. No matter, what the weather may be or what other alibis are propounded, if the pictures have any value at all, they draw busi- ness-just the isame; However,' this week's total at the Broadway box offices would be higher had not Tur- key Day brought a blizzard. The matinees Thursday (24) were terrific but at night, it was estimated, the snow cost most theatres from 30-50% in business. Result was that matinee take in most cases doubled the receipts from 6 p. m. on. Fri- day. (25) was under normal also but the weekend Was .generally good; with result that grosses maintain a healthy position. Top busmess is being done by 'Cowboy and Lady,' at . the Music Hall; 'Angels with Di^ Faces,' with Ted Lewis, at the. Strand, and 'Great Waltz,' at the Capitol, followed by better than average gates for two lesser' first-runs. 'Cowboy' has a chance to elbow up to $105,000, great, and holds over, while the-Cagney. picture at the Strand, stanchioned by a strong stage show, may hit $50,000.or close. This will be the highest for the Strand since it started pit shows this season. Also holds. Although it did not get good notices, ♦Waltz' will end comfortably in the profit column with about $33,000 and also sticks a second session. > Two secondary" first-run entries that are running to good form are 'Listen, Darling,' which will top $8,- 000 at the Criterion, and 'Crime Takes a Holiday,' a Globe business- getter at $9,000. 'Crime' may be held over-on this pace, best in long time here. Second-run State, with 'If I Were King' and Jack Denny, 'orchestra, could be better but okay at $20,000 or bit over. Holdovers of 'Sub Pa- trol' at Roxy and 'Arkansas Trav- eler,' plus Larry Clinton, at the Par (latter washing up last night Tues- day), don't go into' the record as raves, either, but both are entered for satisfactory profit. Roxy will get about $30,000, while Par finished at $31,000, Creepers are 'Law West of Tomb- stone' at $5,700 on 6% days ending last night (Tues.) at the Rialto, ana 'Little Touih Guys in Society' on its second (final) week at the Rivoli, where only about $4,000 is indicated for it. Rialto opens 'Shadows Over iShang- hai' today (Wed.), while Riv ot>tained a picture from 20th-Fox, 'Up the River,' lor Friday (2) opening. Par's new show today (Wed.), ia lor only one Week, is 'Say It in French' ana Count Basie. Sid Luckman and other football players on the Colum- bia team are taking a bow here to- morrow night (Thurs.). Estimates for This Week Astor (1,012; 55-$1.10-$1.65-$2.20)— 'Antoinette' (M-G) (16th week). Closing date, set for Sunday (27), chang'ed again and n6w indefinite but may be this coming Sunday (4), with 'Pygmalion' (M-G) at pop prices slated to follow. Last week (15th) 'Antoinette' got $4;40e, which, it is claimed, pays its expenses this far down on the run. Capitol (4,520; 25-35-55-85-$1.25)— Tbank^^viBg's a Turkey in Qeve.; But'Out West'17G,'Angels'14G Cleveland, Sept. 29. ■ It was a turkey week in more than one sense for three houses that tried to build up family trade by getting strictly matinee products. Not-so- strong bills are taking a lacing nights, when out-of-school youngsters go to bed, and two days of slushy storms kept a lot of drivers home. 'Out West with Hardys' is the best, all-around investment, doing a Ho- race Greeley for the State that will count up to $17,000. Palace's combo of Ben Blue's unit and 'Just Around the Corner,' isn't pulling house over the red line. WiU be pushed into third place by Hipp's energetic 'An- gels.' After two sad days with 'Peck's Bad Boy,' Allen rushed in 'Annabel' but it isn't doing much better. Estimates for This Week Allen (RKO) (3,500; 30-35-42-55)— 'Annabel' (RKO). Listless comedy with same results if it lasts a week; not more than $3,100. 'Peck's Bad Boy' (RKO) yanked after two days and miserable $500. hast week, 'Brother Rat' (WB) on a shift from Hipp copped $4,000, average. Hipp (Wsarners) (3,700; 30-35-42- 55) — 'Angels With Dirty Faces' (WB). Three magnetic names on the marquee and oke story hitting it along nicely for $14,000, satisfactory. Last week 'Submarine Patrol' (20th) skidded on the ice for a fall that hurt, $9,500. Palace (RKO) (3,200; 30-35-42-55- 65)—'Around Corner' (20th) and Ben Blue topping vaude. Shirley Temple getting them during matinees, but the evening sessiont, just bring loud groans, despite okay stage bill. WiU be an agreeable surprise if $13,000 is maintained. Last week, 'G^irls' School' (RKO) plus Gypsy Rose Lee unit was shaken down to $12,000, fair. State (Loew's (3,450; 30-35-42-55)— 'Out West with Hardys' (M-G). A holiday natural, climbing steadily at all performances to $17,000, fine. 'Shining Hour' (M-G) last week was only fair $10,000. SUllman (Loew's) (1,972; 30-35-42- 55)—'Shining Hour' (M-G). Carted over from the State and limning along to $4,000. Last week, 'Great Waltz' (M-Q) also on an h.d. had more appeal with $1,500, nice. 'Great Waltz' (M-G). Hurt by weather and reviews but strong enough on draught to get about $33,- 000 the-first week; good profit, and holds. Last week, third for 'Cita- ' del' (M-G), $19,000, o. k« Criterion (1,662; 25-40-55)—-'Listen, Darling' (M-G). This is second Metro first-run in here and doing much better than average, looking over $6,000. Last week, 'Illegal Traffic' (Par) floundered, $6,500. Globe (1,274; 25-40-^5)—'Crime Takes Holiday' (Col). Racing smarts ly lor a likely $9,000, very good, and may be retained second week. In ahead, 'Mr. Wong' (Mono) slowed to $7,500 but quite all right.- Palace (1,700; 25-35-55)—'Certain Age' (20th) and 'Man to Remember' (RKO), both 2d run, twinned. In, for eight days and good at probable $9,500. Six-day run ahead of 'Sisters* (WB) (2d run) and 'Torchy Gets Man' (WB) Ust run), only $6,000^ • Paramount (3,664; 2S-35-55-85-9»)— 'Say It in French' (Par) and Count Basie, Buck and Bubbles, others, - opens here this morning (Wed.), loir lowing two week? ol 'Ark Traveler* (Par) and Larry Clinton, HtSt X>t. which was $37,000, second $31,000, This isn't big but it . adds to; laip profit. Radio City Music Kali (5,980; 40- 80-84-99-$1.65)—'Cowboy and Lady' (UA) and stage show. Money ,is comhig. in oh thi? one in hunks, chtince being good lor $105,000, ex- cellent. Holds over. Last 'week, '60 Glorious Years' (RKO>, $50,000, poor. Rialto (750; 25-40-55 >r-'Shadows Over Shanghai' (GN). Opens here today (Wed.), after 6% days of 'Law West of Tombstone' (RKO) at $5JOO. just so-so. Ahead-of that 'Exposed* (U) on five days slightly over $5,000. Blvoll (2,092; 25-55-75-86)-^^Tough Guys in Society' (U) (2d-final week). A n. o. horror here, looking $4;000 tops this week '(2d) after first of. $6,000. House has 'Up the River* (20th) for opening Friday (2). Principal difficulty has been find- ing product worthy of theatre and' policy. Roxy (5,836; 25-40-55-75)—'Sub Patrol' (20th) and stage show (2d- final week). Holding up fairly , for $3O;D00 or thereabouts, after first week of $44,500, good. Strand (2,767; 25-55-75)—'Angels with Dirty Faces* (WB) and, on stage, Ted Lewis. Strongest Show house has had since putting in fleslv mjajr finish high in nroflt column at $50,000 or close. Holds over; Last week, third for 'Rat* (WB) and Al Donahue, Jane Bryan and others, $20,000, good. State (3,450; 35-55-75)—'If I Were King' iPaV (2d run) and Jack Dennjr. orchestra. Business not sniart..but satisfactory at $2O.0O0, same as Sctwed last week with 'Stablemates' (M-G) and Joe Bines orch, Ella Logan, oth- ers. "King* strongly milked on first- run engagement of four weeks at the Par across the street. 'Suez' Padng Montreal At 8G; lots of H.O.S Montreal, Nov, 29. Capitol out in front with 'Suez,* pacing for a good $8,000, Three other first-runs are repeating on b.Q. sessions. 'Dracula' and 'Franken- stein' warmed-up horror at the Princess doing much better than ex- pected. Estimates for This Week Palace (CT) (2'i700; 25-45-55)'—If King' (Par) (2d wk). After very good $8,500 last week should con- tinue with fair enough $5,000 cur- rently. Capitol (CT) (2,700; 25-45-55)— 'Suez' (20th )i Should show very nice $8,000. easily topping town. H.o. of 'Boys Town* (M-G) grossed nice $5,000. Loew's (CT) (2.800; 25-34-40)— 'Man Remember' (RKO) and Holly- wood Laff Parade unit. Cannot see better than $5,000, n.s.g. Last week 'Listen, Darling' (M-G) and Milt Britton band, $6,000. Princess (CT) (2,300; 25-34-50)— •Dracula' and 'Frankenstein' (U) (2d wk). Still crowding 'em in with outlook for $5)000 after surprising smash gross Of $6,500 last week. Orpheum (Ind) (1,100; 25-40-50)— 'Young Heart' (UA) and 'Touchddwn Army^ (Par) (3d wk). Still a natural with $3,000 in sight. Excellent $3,500 last week. Cinema de Paris (France-Film) (600; 25-50)—'La Tragedie Imperiale* (2d wk). Good chance for nice $1,800. Okay $2,200 last session. St. Denis (France-J'ilm) (2,300} 20- 34)—'Prisons Sans Barreaux' and 'Etes-Vous Jalouse.' Around aver<* age, $4,000. Last week 'Trois Artil- leurs en "Vadrouille' and 'Port Ar- thur,' middling $3,800.