Variety (Feb 1939)

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46 VARiETY Wednesday, Februarj 1, 1939 Variety Oills NEXT WEEK (Feb. 3) THIS WEEK (Jan. 27) Numerals in connection with bills below indicate opening day of shoWi^ whether full or split week toew NKW YORK CITi: State (2) Alphons* Berg Co Trixie Phil Regan Jay C Fllppen Rlmacs prrrsBFRGH SUBl«r (S> Ted Weems Ore WASHIKGTON Capital (3) Khlgbt Sis 3 Drews Jerry Hann Blue Barron Oro MEW TOBK CTtV Farnmoiuit (1) Bob Crosby Ore Franklyn D* Armor Cass Daloy 'Danny Drayaon CHICAGO CIiIcaKO (8) Happy Felton Ore State liBbe Ross & Stone Iiorraine & Rognan Paul Nolan Frank Payne ^inlleya Gus Van SSaratten Tr RKO London Week of Januaiy 30 Astoria Jackie Dominion Phlllis Robins MoKay & LaVallee Jack Powell CAMDEN TOWN Gnnmont Bernardl ©rc Murray & Jlooney Jack Joyce CLAPSASI G*«ikad» McKay & f-aVallee Granada ■Will Hay Jr Co LorellA Konyot Tr Fivmler Flocchl Sis & P Cole Bros Dennis Fatn OBEENmCH Granada Win Hay Jr Co liovelle- Konyot Tr NEW TOBK cm Blostc Hall (S) Ruby Mercer Kay, Katya '& K Paul Remos Co Nicholas Daks .ROckettea Corps de Ballet Erno Rapee SJytnph BOSTON Memorial (3-6) Benny Davis Co CHICAGO Palace (3) Chester Hale Ol9 Pansy the -Horse Nora Williams Lew Parker (27) Ozzie Nelson.Oro Harriet HlUiard Catherine Westfteld Don Cummlngs Troy & Lynn CINOINNA'ft Sbnbert (Sf Oizie Nelson Ore Harriet miliard Brown Sc Ames Catherine Westfleld Troy & Lynn (27) Mattison Co Herman Hvde Sara Ann McCabe Billy House Co 7 Fredysons- CLEVELAND Polocfr (3) Paul Gordon . Cass Owen & T Blackstone . (27) Ann Bothern Roger Pryor Ore Bleanot Whitney Val Sets - Barr & 'Estes schenectad:? Proctor's (8-4) Bill Robinson Rev Warner NEW YOBK Cixr Sfrand (3) Artie Shaw Oro Lowe,' Hits & S (27) Leo Rqlsman Oro J & L Seller Dick Todd Andy Mayo Co , Toy & Wing BROOKLTN Strand (27) Benny Merolt Ore Wtere Bros PHILADELPHIA Enrle (3) Russ Morg9.n Oro Shea & Raymond Marvellos Larry Colllna (27) Tommy Dorsey Ore Wlnton & Diane Lorraine & Rognan PITTBBVBGH Stanley (27) Russ Morgran Oro Shea & Raymond MaTVelloa Larry Collins VBADXNO Astor (8-4) 4 Franke (Three .to fill) WASHINGTON Earle (3) Tola Gain Oae Foster Gls Sylvia Manon Co Eddie Rio Co Novelle Bros & % (27) Bmett Oldfleld Lionel Slander Randall SK" ' Gae Fo8t«!r Qls Pbllllpa & Kohl TOBK Strand (3>4> L & I Jean Stuart & Martin "Farrell, Drew Co (One to nil) NEW TORK CITS Boxy (3) Nick Lucas Del Rioa ,3 Swifts Sonny Rice Len Mence ATLANTA Boxy (11) Beatrice Howell Ken & Roy Paige The Rutons (4) Randall Sis Earl Lavere Fcnwick & Cook Bryant. Rains & t BALTIMOBE Hippo«1rome (3) Benny Meroff Oro State (2-4) Manning & Mltzl Fields •& Burns Victoria Tr (5-8) Flagg & Arlen LaMarr, Lopez & R Balabanow E HABTFOBD State (8) Benny Goodman Or Teddy Wilson Lionel Hampton Martha Tllton Walter Dare Wahl (One to Ml) INDIANAPOLIS J-yirlo (?) Herm*n Timberg Co Allen & Kent Wells & 4 Fays Franee & JiSPell Ezra Buzxlngton Co (27) Ted Weems Ore MILWAUKEE Blverstde (27) Stanley Morner Maud Hilton Jean Au.<itIno Storms & Lee Hal Silver Mnrdo & Kay Mignone • Dare Dauit NEWARK Slinbert (3) Richard HImber Or Ben Blue Ruth Somer GU ■ Lamb 3 Olympics Poromonnt (8) Inf I Casino Rev Fred Sanborn Franklyn D'Amore Grace & Nlkko 3' Shyrettos Tito Valdez Vero Nago Harold Lola. PAXEBSON Majeatio (3-6) Rutons Clark & Curtis Parker & Fred'rlcks Streamline Rev (One to All) (7-9) 4 Amer Sullys Boy Lewis 4 Jay Sis 3 Freshmen 6 Grays PHI^LADELPHIA- Carman (3) Jack. Sills & C Raymond Wllbert Milton Douglas Norm'n & McK Rev Fay's (2) R & V Plckert Burton & Kaye Klrby & Duval Torke & Tracey Jans 6e Lynton Valerie Deslys 16 Lonergan Gle pmiAN UMHMlway (4 only) DePeron Duo LaMarr, Lopez & Radio Ramblers Dahce Var STAStFOBD PnKice (8-4) Fayne & Foster Burns Bros Francis & Wally Helen Morgan Harry Savoy e Cantone HAMMEBSSnTH Gantnont Bryan MIchle Co ISLINGTON Bine Hall Bernardl Ore Jack Joyce LEWISHAU Oaamont Chris Charlton Co BVGKir Plaza KaVe Co Reggie Redcllffe Dave' Poole Leon & Lucette SHEPH'BDS BUSH Pavilion Bryan Michie Co 8TBATFOBD Broadtvay Flocchl Sis & P Cole Bros Dennis Fam WOOLWICH Granada Frederlqne 3 Winter Sis Eddie Sharps Marion Pola Jean St Trixie SUNNY RICE , ON HER 6fh WEEK ROXY, MEW YORK TIA MARK J. LEDDY Cabaret Kfls NEW YORZ CITY Azmnndo's Bnddy Clarke Pro Slgrid Lassen Dick Ch9.pinan Bandbox Charles: Barber Ore Gus Martel Or^ Roscoe Alls Betty Lewis Barney Gallant's Angela Velez Carter It Bowie Nellio Paley Terrace Boys Bfll Bertolottl's Angelo's Rh'ihba Bd nils Dion Eleanor Etherldge Velyne Hague Helen Dell Roberta Kent BlU's Oar AO's Jim PblUipa Florence Herbert ItlUy Lorraine Bd Furman Caiw Uanana Jack Denny Ore Rita Rio Ore Everett Marshall lolIUan Roth 3 Stoogea ' Gomez & Winona ■Dorothy Fox Salici Puppets Jack Durant 4 Vespers Refugee Rev Brick CInb Don Bruce Oro Jack Laurie Sylvia Joann Dagmar Tllden Frances Leslie Batty Babetta Phyllis Merle Jack Palmer Pat Rogers Cbateanx Alodeme Paul Bass Ore Gabriel Katheleen Byrne Waiklki 3 Walter Lynch George Blxon Chatter Box (MoantaUslde.N.J.) Sammy Deane Ore Joe Campo Betty Mann Pete Marconi' Madeline Rusaell Ruth Dale. Joan Fallon Grace White Ann MasOn Alice Riley Cli^ Flrehouse Van . Alexander Ore MUt Herth Trio Club 18 Jack White Jerry Blanchard Doc Shad Mitchell . Pat Harrington Jerry Kruger Frankie Uyers Willie Grogan Leila Gaynes Beale St Boys G Andrews Ore Clnb Gauche DImltri & Virgil Nina OrIa Tarrant & Dadta Tereslta La Mnrita Pedro. Valll Felicia Flores 3 Gauchos Cotten Clnb Cab Calloway Ore Bros Beery Bros W C Handy Dandrldge Sis Sister Tharpe Mae Johnson Tlmmle & Freddy June Richmond Jigsaw- Jackson Vodery Choir Diamond Bor^esboe Koblo Slssle Ore Don McGrane Oro Fritzi Schefit Buddy Doyle Frank Libuse Tom Patrlcola Joe Howard ClytTe Hager Mangean Tr Delia Lind Emma Francle Lulu Bates Willie Solar Ha^ry Armstrong Elizabeth Murray Et Cblco. Ellseo Qrenet Ore Faivtasla Novia Joytta & Maravllla Romero 'Gomez Paquita Dominguez Dorita £ Valero El Morocco Ernie Holai ore El Rio ^tohnny Johnson Or April Niela Goodelle Bettlne & Fontana Dell O-Dell Famons Door Charley Barnet Ore John Klrby Ore 3 Peppers Greenwich Tillage Casino Don Ravel Oro Dorothy James Havana-Madrid Nano Rodrigo Oro Juanlto Santbrla Or Hilda Reyes Mextico 3 Carlos & Carito Roslta Ortega Diana Del Rio Hickory Honae Joe Marsala Oro Hotel Ambassedor Dick Gasparre Ore Vincent Bragale Qrc Dutton & Crook Roaalean & Seville H'tel Belmont'-Plaia Joe Venutl Ore Adrian Rollini S Lucille Johnson Hotel Biltmore Horace Heidt Oro Larry Cotton Bob McCoy Art Carney Red Ferrington Agnes & George Bernle Mattinsou Emily Stephenson Jean Farney Hotel Cominodore Sammy Kaye Ore Hotel liaison Gray Gordon Oro Hotel Essex UonB<> N Brandwynne Orx: Hotel Got. Clinton Eddy May eh off Ore Betty Gale Hotel Unroln Artie Shaw Ore Hotel UoAlplB J Meaener Ore Raclmo 3 Hotel New Vorfce' Jimmy Dorsey Ore Lyda Sue Paul Sydell Mark Plant Duval Helen Myers Hotel Park Ceatrai Chick Webb Ore iSlla Fitzgerald Hot el Parte Lene Freddie Starr Ore Bob Ljdo Al Harris Hotel Pennsylvania Ben Bernle Ore Hotel, rierre Harold Nagel Ore Hotel Plas»' Jack Marshacd Oro Bobby Parka Ore 1> & G Hartman Adelaide Moffett Hotel Roosevelt Guy r..ombardo Ore Hotel SMVoy-l'laxa Gerry Morton Ore Gcorirea Metaxa Hotel St. Uorita Basil ti'flmeen Ore. June Forrest . Pierce & Roland Hotel St. Keels (Irldlant. Roein) Churles Biium Oro Sam Jarvts Erie ReHer Jaue Nicholson Don ii.irtin Oro l-lropsan Sis Dovothy Lewis (MnlMmette Rnsse) Mathey Ore Yvonne- Bouvler Boi-is Bclastozky Serge AbagofT Hotel TaCt Enoch Light. Ore Peegy Mann George "Hines Light Brigade HMtel Waldorf-. Astoria (Empire Beum) Glen Gray Ore <Sert Boom) Emil Coleman Oro Alice Marble Medrano & Donna Grace Drysdaie Kit Kat CItab Ray DutUnte Oro Johnny Hudglna Ittiz Cook Teddy Hale Red & Curly Connie Harris Sammy Cortes La MnninlBe Edith Roark Harold I«onard CalLfornlans Lorae Eddie- Davis Oro Joseph Smith Ore Graziella l>arraga Le- Coq. Bongo Geo. Sterney Oro Don Rodney Julienne A-nne Franclne Tlsdale 3 Le M trace Lee Shelley Ore Audrey Gray ■ Fawn & Jordan Kajor Paul Warner Le Rubnd Blea Herbert Jacoby Aileen Cook Elsie Houston Bowers & Walter Palomo Mabel Mercer Leon * Eddie's Eddie Dav|3 Lou Martin Oro Iris Adrian Rags Ragland Russell Trent J Harold Murray Meyer's Cellar (Hoboken) Charlea Strickland Maxl Bazooka Bd . Midnight Sun Buddy Wagner Ore Joe Kirk Jean Landls K & R Paige Hod Paris Charlie Murray Ore Virginia Uppercu Jimmy Rogers Paradise Vincent Travers Or Plate Elegante Bill Farrell Benn Kanf Tommy Mills Joe White Wally Shulan Leo Lazaro Ore riantntloB Clab SkeetB Tolbert Oro BarrlnetoR Guy Valda Velma Middletoq MoUe & IN>l(e Collins & Beasley A.von Long Wallace Bros Lillian FltzKcrald Conway & Purka Connie Jackson Banjo Bernle Lee Stmmoi^s ^ Pepper Pot Joe D'Andrea Ore Bill Scully O'Banlon & Del R Bob Matzl Ore Iris Raye Barbara Lane Qeeen Mary Joe Ellin Ore Owen Williams Peggy Wure Leda Lombard Katherine Tate Corlles & Palmer Uuinbow Urlll McFarlands Oro Judy Abbott Marly.nn St Michael Rainbow Koom Ben Cutler Oro Mary Martin April Hacker & Sldell Dean Murphy Eddie lie Bdron Ore Joan Cartier Boad to Mundalay Joe Rlnes Ore Nlela Goodelle Dlosa CostQllo Glenn Pope Bnsslan Kretchma Misha TJzdanoff Nastta Poliakova Darla Birae Marnsia Save Hetmine Michel Claudia C^pellova Senla KaravaeS Michel Michon Serge Xgnatenko Volodia Katov Show Bnff - (Forest HlUs) Sleepy Hall Ore Carol Horton . Patricia O'Day MarCia Hunt. Letr BelUn Stork Clnb Richard Warren Or Jose Lopez Ore Betty Randall Swing Rendezvous Bob Warren Oro Jaok Laurie Vivian Vaughn Bonnie King ... v Naomi Simone Jerr}' Roberts Marjie Badcay Versailles M Bergere Oro Panchlto Ore Gertrude I^iesen D'AvaloB Dancers Vllloge Bara Larry Funk Oro Helen O'Connell R'wood Horse Iva.. Kitchen Bryant. Rains A T Buddy Hayes Hal Windsor Texas Jim Lewis Tacht Clo'b Jack Bocksmlth Or Lester Allen Mills, Starr & T Ruth Brent Linda March Herbert Ertel Al Uclntyre Eddie Bush I Slapsy Haxie's Slapsy Maxle Jack Waldron Virginia Mathews Moore & Lewis Tommy ReiHy Oro Somerset Hooss Harry RIngland Nonle Mitchell Hal Chancellor Stage 1' Cat* Cully Richards Shemp Howard Jackie Brooks Ore Swaaee laa.. Charlie Evans Ore Topsy'o Elmer Ryan t Arlett Jon Jackie Cherry Marjorle Baymbnd Marjorle Waldon Dolores Gay Talla Chuck Foster Oro Trocadero Ted Flo Rito Ore Tletor Bago Charlie Bourne Sklnnay Ennls Ore CHICAGO Ball Ball Ralph Cook Jimmy Green Curley Slade Dorothy King Roberta Robc-rts Jack & Jill Warner Mildred Jordan Bismarck Hotel (WallfUt Room) Art Kassel Ore Marion Holmes Betty Grey Darlene O'Day Don & S Jennings Tony Marks Blackhuwk Jan Gnrber Ore Jack Gauike Oro Vickie Allen Lois Kaye Frederic & Vvonn Rudy RudlBin L«e Bennett Fritz Hellhron Blackstone Hotel (Ballnese Rm) Maggie McNeills Pllner & Earl Ore Bine Goose Frances Romas Loretta Ryan Al Itane Melody. King Buck Hunt - Marlon Ryan Rcddtngton Sis Murtah Sis Alene & Evans Puteh's John Elliott Carlos & Dolores Betty Jerome Evelyn Harris Lolita Mort. Lund Oro » Edgewater Beacb Ibtel (Marine Room) Herbie Holmes Ore Drlgb & Franclne. Carlotta Meyera Co Rhythm Rebels Nancy Hutson Harriet Smith Ola 885 Club Eddlo Varzos Ors Lucio Garcia Johnny Howard Bee Baker El Dompo Roslta Carmen 3 Loose l^crews Mareella Sherr Alice Hansen Sam Badls Peggy Lester Dot Keith Gls V Clanova Ore Emmons' Door Esther Whlttington LOS ANGELES Beverly WUsblre Harry Owens Oro Howard Oerrard Bray Sis BUtmore Bowl Shep Fields Oro Annabelle Jerry Stewart Shirley Rust Ronald & Roberta (i l^anwills Bud & His Buddies Fritz & J Hubert Hal Derwln Cafe Caliente Eddie Agullar Oro Luis Banuelos Julio Cervantes' Susana Leo • Luz Dasquez Cnfo La Blaxe Park Ave. Boys C-lnb Ball Charles Lawrence Bruz -f letcher Clnb 17 Joe Frisco Pat Rooney III Ruth Denning Lynn Sterling Clnb Znrape Aaron Gonzaloes Or Leo Roja Felix Martianl Coroanut Grove FrecTdte Martin Ore Russell Swann 9 Abbott Dancers 41 Clu( Ethel Howe Harry Lash Frank Sebastian's Cabunola Jose 'IJarros Oro Bobb.v Ramos Les HIte Ore Hannllun Paradise Andy lone Ore Princess Luana .Calir Revelers Stanley Meehan Eddie Albany. Joy Williams Anita Clark I..etioro Le Nay Billy O'Bryant indlgO Cafe aid Brown Jliumy El)b...< Jack Frost Val Harris It Cafe Ray West Oro Diana Oayle Jerrj-'s Mnndalay Jimmy Kerr Oro Tommy Howard Geo Junior Frankie Gallagher Oliver Albertl J Otto's Sreahhouse King Cole Ore Rose Murphy Jitterbug House Louis Prima Oro La Conga LaC'nga Rh'mba Bd Don Jerl Spike Fcatherstone Little Club Jane Jones Tiny Meredith Betty Hnley Walter Dyson Little Hungary Valesco'a Gypsies M LaMaxe Kesfu'r't Leonard Iveller Ore Diane Denise- MarcDs Daly Bill Roberta Oro Omar's Dome Geo Redmond Ore Charlie Earl Beau Lee Eddy & Tours Palomar Clyde McCoy Oro Bennett Sis Wayne Gregg Tayntons Bert Lynn & Myla Milo & Marlon Hudson Metzger Gls Paris Inn Florence Gillette G Gls Dominic Reglni Rudy La Tosca Marsha Noleen Thora Mathlasota Marguerite & M Ken Honryson Chuck Henry Oro Seven Seas Dnnny Kn wanna Khy Silver Lillian Qlbsoh LOWE, HITE and STANLEY 2 WEEKS STRAND, NEW YORK Weeks Feb. 3rd and 10th Placed by EDDIE SMITH 22 West 4Sth St., New Vork 4 Hits & a Miss Harry Singer Oro Brevoort Hotel (Crystal Boom) Florence Schubert Charlea Baldwin Grace Katroi Norma Ballard Broadmont Herb Rudolph Oro Kay Marcl Tonya Nonnle Morrison Henry Simon Bea Jones Claire Bougush Estelle Blckow Helen Dee Floe Sole Adorables Eddie Gorman Rocke Romano Toddy O'Grady Don Morgan Dot & Jerry Edna Leonard Carl Scholtz Ore Ches Pnree Milton Berle Grade Barrle Luclenne & Ashour ROMnson 2 Everette West Bob Hanon Lou Breeae Oro Don Orlando Ore Evans Adorables Club Al Larry Ross Sylvia Tucker Jane Jordan Mickey Winters Oliver. Harris Ore Club Alabiim Jackson, Stone & It Sadie Moore Jack Irving Mildred Jordan Allen Cole Eine Burton Bernle Adler Dave Unells Oro Chalk Robinaon Ore Eddie Roth Ore Club Spanish Fowler & Walsh Eddie Mark Pinky Tracy Bob Davis Ore Loretta DeRoer Colony Club Belle Baker Jose Manzanares Or Keith Beerher Ore ColoNlmvs Inga Borg TuUah & Mly Yvette Rugel Gerhart 3 Kurtls Marionettes Lane, Allen & B Mary Stone Bobby Danders Lyle Foster Bob Hyatt Pronaph Gls Hollywood 6 Henri Gondron Ore Club Delisa. Connie Morrow Sam Boblnnon Brown - & Brown Sandra Henrlene Barker Abbott Say re Wesley Long Chips Hill Sam Theard Charles Isom Partallo Gls ■ Red Saunders Oro Congress Hotel (Glass Hnt Bm) R'yal Amb'aa'dor Or (Peacock Bm) Marie Allen Daniels (Pompelinn Rm) Irving Mnrgrnrr Drake Hotel (Gold Coast Boom) Wayne King Oro Edna Sedgwick Bryan Wolf Jerry Paige Terry O'TooIe Castellanos Oro 4th Clab Homer Roberts Ruth Barten Estelle Ellis ' Jeanne Shirley Lucky Shorty Ball Oro Ftranke's Casino Dave Tannen■ Loretta Owens Taft Sc Boone BilUe Fane Connie Ross Jean Moore Casino Gls Dick Hardlii Buddy Kirbie Rocke Ellsworth Bob Tinsley Oro Gay OOs Joan Rogers Joan Joyce Marion Peters 'Ves Ames Gls Geo Anderson Oro Lew King Colleen B Danders Jr Ore Grand Terrace Capt. Perry Ted Smith Connie Harris Leonard Reed Gls F Henderson Ore Graemere Hotel (Glass House Bm) Toasty Pall Ore Carl Bock Bob Given Lorraine Voss Harry's N \ Cab'ret Roscoe Ails Betty Lewis Margot Gavin Tommy Jones Renee Villon Frltzle Luhr Betty Rohin Chas EngelB Ore Art Buckley Al Wagner Billie Myers Lee Berling Dorothy Johnaoh Rankin Gls Hickory Ina Dictators Ore Fred Casey Terry O'Toolo HI Hat Nat Cherney Henhle Youngman Jean Mona Andre & Michel Kretlow Gls Sid Lang Oro Hippodrome Paulette LaPierrs Bobby Dunart Janet & Loretta Btllle Banks Jerry Glrard Grover Wllklns Ted Peariman Gls Jos Hahn Oro Ivanboe Helen Sumnera Helen Irwin 4 Hawalians Earl Hoffman Ore L'AlgloB Mary W Kilpatrick Euscbio Concialdl Don Quixote Ore Ennio Bolognlnl Or Hotel Iji Snile (Bine Front Room) Stuff Smith Oro Gladys Maddon Jonah Jones Liberty Inn John Morrison Lnurenc Novelle Millie xn-dmuQ Margie Dale Sylvia White Tonlta Cliarlyne Jean Mhrray Earl Wiley Oro UmAbooM Eiarn^y BIchai'ds Or MeGraws Chiok Williams Al Copeland- Lania Wheeler Avis Dqyie Dolly Meyers Phil Chlnard Chuck Andrews HcLaoghUns Charlene Paty Rnth Tonlta Marlta Byan Mickey Dunn SaiVimy Barl Jules Novlt Oro UelaOy MiU Tiny Hill Ore AUan DeWltt Harold Osborne Miami Clnb Belva White Alexander Bamon Arlaa Ore Mlllstono Ann Millstone Sammy Haae Marie Saree Evelyn Lee Helen Spencer Roy Swift Oro Minuet Clob Hal Barber Flo Nlles Saxon Sis j^dLdred Parr Art Fisher Oro ftlorrlnon Hotel (Boston Oyster Hoase) Manfred Gotthelt Nameless Cats 3 Sophisticates Day & Knight Marion MlUer Ed Leon BaMundl's Oro Old Heidelberg Old Heidelberg Co octet Lets Tscbappat Herr. Louie & W Herbie Ore Paddock Clab Diane Ray Victor Graft' Eve Yvon Mickey Dunn Patsy Bloor Mlllcent DeWitl Katherlne Cornel Doug Groose Ore Jerry Frost ■ Palmer House (Empire Room) Orrln Tuoker Oro Bonnie Baker Bailey Bis Sextette Gower Sc Jeanne Titan 8 Gertrude Simmons Beverly Allen Abbott Dancers Phil Dooley Oro Parody Clnb Freddie Abbott 'Marie Thomas'. Sarah Tiebold Freddie Janls Oro Pow Wow Bert Nolan Marvin & Helene Howards Gladys Zllnmerman 4 Vagabonds Steve Stutland Oro Rose Bowl WllUe Shore Olive Fay Monoft 3 Orchids Walter Hastings Sol Wagner Oro Hoveler Gls Boyale Frolics Dolly Kay Sid Tomack Reis Bros Reed & Mele Florence Hlnlow Al Trurk Ore Mark Fisher Oro Jack Hllllard Frolics Ens Sherman Hotel (College Inn) Happy Felton Oro Prof Lambettl Pat Rooney Gibson Gls Glee Club Eddie Piatt Billy Oalbralth Louise Dunn Mabel McCane Lorraine Barrle Carl Marx Prince Omar Don & A LeMaire Dome Shirley Lucke Spinning Tops Tony Marks Estelle Creasy Bill Balrd Sunny Mack Louis Tops Jimmy Blade Jeery Gllddea Kay Nichols Silver Clnnd •Jimmy Ames Folds & Chaddock Moya Anderson Gwen Winters Claire Latham Diane Nixon Tom Hales Whorley Gls Dorothy Burns Hazel Zalus Nord Richardson 3 Tops Johnny McFall Oro Silver Prollcs Joan Dawn 3 Talents Ealalne Rabey Roma Noble Fay Wallace Art Freeman 606 Ciab Billy Carr Vfvct Feber Ola Lee Val Kay -Austin Jessie Rosella Joan Carson June Scott Dagmar Yvonne Nova Marian Peters Dolly Sterling Ruby Bennett Patricia Perry Collette Carmen Joel & Annette Mary Jano Brown Sol Lake Oro Tripoli 3 Sky Bocket Marjorie Whitney Dictators Mathews * Shaw 4 Kings B Tanks Socialites Stevens Hotel (ContlnAital Boon) Rhythm Boye Oro Garron Sc Bennett " Stoekada Jna Charles' Ohaney Sabway Ray King Val du Val Opal Adair Kitty Swansea Adeline Debs. Ozzie Jackson Oro Snsl-q Betty Harris Billy Martin- Molly Manner George Dorenfleld Olga Hanton Virginia Burt Edith Prlneipie Verne' Wilson Oro Swlngland H Henderson Oro Viola Jefferson Thompson's 14 Clab Ray Reynolds Joy Kalese Dlone Page J&ne LaVonne Dor DeHoghton Rita. Devere Kay Dare Helen DuVal Joe Conrad OrO Three Dences Cieo Brown Baby Dodds Charles McBrlde Max Miller Oro Anita O'Day Llll Armstrong Freddie Reed Lonnie Johnson Tower Inn Flo Whitman Rev Nyra Lou Srurlel Joseph Slssle Bobbins Genevieve Val Inez Gonan George Arnold Sharone Patsy DuBrae Frank Davis Oro Trocadero Gloria Romano Adelle St Clair Terry Circle - Roy Rankin Oro VUla Modems Tony Cabot Ore Winona Gardens Stan Carter GIgl Rene Doiores Lee Diane Lak>e' Suzanne Kesslcr Lucille Johnson Frankie Rullos Oro KIg Zng Sunny Bouclie Laura M'arnian Sunny Mack Larry Lux Oro PHiLADEIPHIA Anchorage Bill Honey Ore Bellevue-Stratford (Main Dining B'n) Meyer Davis Orb (Bnrgandy Boom) Frank Juele Oro Cliff Hall Murray Dancers Edmund DeLucca Adolph Lanza Ben FrankUn Hotel (Garden Terrace) Red Norvo Ore Terry Allan * Benny the Bum's 2 Mystics Jackie Heller Ore L Randerson Gls 6 Serge Flash Louanne Hogan Joe Sc Betty Lee Cadlllae Tavern Darlene. Jones Eddie Thomas Joyce Henry Marcelle. March Sunny Ray H Reynolds Ore Jack New Ion Clnb IS Johnny Young's Or Jerry Macy Jimmy Laclcore Carl & E Sheldon Eleanor Landy Prlnceas Helen Blllle France Cafe Moroney Scorey Gavin Dorothy Payton Libby Neld Lorraine Wltpy Jerry Vance Peggy, Joan A D Isabell Daniels Abby Cubler Joe Famllant Oro Clnb Partikeet Leonard Cook Emma Stouch Betty Fernon Frienza & Laurenzs Miriam Broma Mae Burns Jack Adcock Oro Club 200 Buster Hewitt 3 Debs Almee Organ Mildred Boyer Hal Cal Ore El Chlco Angellta Edna Thompson Kay Lavery Ann Rollins Arlett Withers Joyanne Shear Margaret Marshall Muriel Harrison El Chlco Ore Embassy Dorothy Dennis Billy Maple Roberta Jonay Ann SImms Kay Toland Nina Orla Virginia Renault Al Moore Ore Pedro Blanco Urs George Clifford Bvergreea Caslae Beth Chains Joe Mlltkopf Ore 1623 Club Swing King Orr Consuela Flowcrlon