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Wednesday, AprU S, 1939 PICTURE GROSSES VARIETY 9 Oli in die Middie of Holidays; Ice Follies' Fair $12,0011 Ditto Fff 'Andmsh'-Vaude at State-L Chicago, April 4. Both Holy Week andlPassover take ■laps at the boxofflces this week, and ItVthe unusual picture which is able to withstand these influences^ Outi Standing ior Its abUIty to buck the Sownward trend tius week la the Balaban & Katz flaeship Chicago, trtiiob is playing the all-colored *Mi- Vgdo-in Swing' unit on the stage and fWit*, Husband and Friend' on screen. B.&K. gave the stage show lavish publicity and advertising. At the Palace, 'Love Affair* and vaude, in for a second week, indi- cate a profit for the house. Adver- fising -on this picture has been fine. AnoSier holdover is Tygmalion,' Which has been the oufetanding g[ck«r of the season, going into Its Ightfa week at the Apollo. BiScK. opened two new pictures Saturday (1), putting 'Ice Follies' Into the United Artists- and ■'Fast and Loose' In the Roosevelt Both indi- Mte difficulty in hitting a real tempo. Better luck is being experienced at the vaudfllm Oriental and State* Oke, which evidence some ability to get by this week. Estimates tor This Week ApeUe (B&K) (1,200; 3S-8S-76)— rPyamalion' <M-G) (8th wk). About at ue end of its run, which has been ^markable. Around tSfiOO; Sas, currently. Good $6,000 last week. <erand Illusion' (World) slated to follow. CUcaro (B&K) (4.000; 35-55-75 >^ •Wife, Husband' (20th) and 'Mikado ia Swing' unit on stage. All-colored show on the rostrum billed over bleture and doing the business of tiia town. Good $35,000 in sight Last ^eek, 'Oklahoma' (WB) and vaude, mild.$22,100. Garrick (B&K) (900; 35-5S-75)— 'Oklahoma' (WB). Not much for re- peat at $4,000. currently. Last week, Midnight' (Par), so-so $4,800. Orientel (Jones) 3,200; 25-40)— 'Strange Faces' (U) and 'Forged Passport' (Rep) and vaude. Looks tor $12,000. all right Last week, ■Tailroin' (20th) and 'Code of Streets' XRep), good $14,100. Falace (RKO) (2.500; 35-55-65-75) •-'Love Affair' (RKO) and vaude (2d wk). Will turn in okay $17,000 cur- rently considering Hol^ Week. Got good $19,200 last week. BoMeveU (B&K) (1,500; 85-55-65- •75)—'Fast Loose' (M-G). Opened ^turday (1), but doesn't figure for much trade and evidences mild $8,- COO in initial session. Last week (2d), ^Princess' (20th), $8,300, so-so. State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 25-40)— •Ambush' (Par) and vaude. Holding to fair $12,000 currentiy, with solid ■tage show stiffening the boxofflce. Last week, 'Four G&Is' (M-G) and vaude, neat $13i900. House is de- veloping steady patronage. DnMed ArUsta (B&K-UA) (1,700; 85-55-65-75)—'Ice Follies' (M-G). Got away Saturday (1) and looks like (air start at $12,000. t.ast week (2d), •Sach Other' (UA), fair $9^" gross ahppmg in midweek. Durbin Stronur S'/^G As Seattle B.O.S Hold Up „ , SeatUe, AprU 4. Holy Week is not hur;ing much 'Ijove Affair' good enough to hold •econd week at Fifth Avenue, is stiU aoiniT nice biz. ILiberty, ace Jen- aen-von Her! tig house, dosed for around two weeks or so for $80,000 face lifting, including new marquee, Jront lighting and island ticket booth. Three Smart Girls Grow Up* Is rrngmg up great $8,500 at Para- mount Estimates tor This Week ',^1** Mouse (Hamrick-Evergreen) (850; 32-37-42) — 'Midnight' (Par) •nd 'Illegal Traffic' '.Pari. Move^ "vw from Paramount looldng for food $2,800. Last week, 'Wife, Hus- (20th) and 'Arlzo- i Wildcat' (Sfnh), slow $1,700. (Hamirick - Evergreen) U,900; 21-32)—'Idiot' (M-G) and Girl Downstairs' (M-G). GetUng ig..5(H), slow. Last week. Trade Winds' (UA) and "Thanks Every- tt'lf' (20th), $2,700, fair. ' Srlfth Avenue (Hamrick - Ever- een) (2,349; 32-37-4r)—'Love Af- irf (RKO) and 'Man Votes' (RKO) *Zd wl'). Indicate good $4,900. i«st week, same films, big, $7,800. Mmic Box (Hamrick - Evergreen }»50; 32-37-42)—'PygmaU .' (M-G) (Bth wk). Anticipate good $2,100 in $3 300 ^""^ *^' /i^lj?'"""' (Hamrick - Evergreen) J2.600; 32-37-42)—'Fr i Missouri' tfji'^*""! 'Pacific Liner' (RKO). wd cate okay $5,000. Last week, Jiyahoma, Kid' (WB) and 'O'Con- nor- (M,G) (2d wk). okay $3,500. T7 (Sterling) (1.350; 16-27- i?:*?^ Newsboys' Home' (U) and wist Express' (U), dual, plus vaude. •M^S-tu .u.*^'B ♦*-800. Last week. North Yukon' (Col) an'Wife's Re- lations* (Rep) and vrude, good $4,300. Paramonnt (Hamrick - Evergreen) (3.039; 32-37-42)—Three Smart Girls' (U) and 'Society Smugglers' (U). Anticipate great $8,500. Last week, 'Midnight* (Par) and 'Illegal Trafli? (Par), big $6,500. Boesevelt (Sterling) (800; 21-32)— 'Made Ma Criminal' (WB) and 'Going Places' (WB). Expect only $1,803, slow. Last week, 'Zaza' (Par) and 'Little Tough Guys' (U), $2,300, good. NO BUFF. JOY: BEERY FAIR $8,000 Buffalo, April 4. Activity at local boxofflces is sim- mering down into lowest averages of the season. 'Uttle Princess* at Buf- falo, a booking effort to attract school vacation business, is unable to do much against the tide. Managenlients generally have given up for the week. Most aim offerings are merely fillers. Estimates for Tbl^ Week Bnflalo (Shea) (3,500; 30-35-55)— 'Princess' (20th). Plenty of kid busi- ness, but will be lucky to get around $10,000, fair. Last week, 'Love Af- fair' (RKO), good $12,500. Centnry (Shea) (3,000; 25-36)— 'Boy Slaves' (RKO) and 'Road De- mon* (20th). Indicate only $5,500, poor. Last week, 'New York Sleeps' (20th) and 'Arizona WUdcat* (20th), very noor $5,000. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,000: 30-50) — Madden' (M-G) and Tardon Nerve' (20th). May see fair $8,000. Last week, 'Prison Bars' (UA) and 'Never Die' (Par), $10,500, very good. Hipp (Shea) (2,100; 25-40)—'Jane Arden' (WB) and 'Great Man Votes* (RKO). Probably under $4,000. very poor. Last week, 'Fast and Loose' (M-G) and 'One Third Nation* (Par), mild $6,000. Lafayette (Ind.) (3,300; 25-35)— 'Happened One Night' (Col) (reis- sue) and 'Juvenile Court* (Col). So- so $5,000. Last week, 'Blondie Boss^ (Col) and 'Dr. Meade* (Col), sub- average $5,000. Lent, Shriners, Sprios Clip Omaha; Tailsirm' Dual Healthy $9,500 Omaha, April 4. Holy Week, last week's Shrine circus and a weekend of ideal spring weather are having their affect on the boxoffice tone, 'although grosses are generally ahead of Holy Week last year. . Best pace is at the Orpheum, with the dualled Tailspin and 'Riding a Crooked Mile.' Bob Bums* 'I'm From Missouri,' at Omaha, is doing better than the last Burns release,- 'Arkan- saw Traveler.' The Brandeis is just fair with 'Blackwell's Island.' Estimates tor Thla Week Avenue - Dandee - Military (Gold- berg) (950-810-650; 10-25)—'Jesse James' (20th) and 'Paris Honeymoon' (Par), dual, split with 'Fisherman's Wharf' (RKO) and 'Flirting Fate' (M-G). Very good, $2,500. Last week, 'Kentucky' (20th) and 'Zaza' (Par), dual, spUt with 'Man Votes' (RKO), 'Up River* (20th) and 'Down Farm' (20th), tripler, $2,800, excel- lent , Brandeis (Singer-RKO) (1,250; 10- 25-35-40)—'Blackwell' (WB) and 'Beauty Asking* (RKO). Fair $3,800. Last week (2d). 'Love Affair' (RKO) and 'Saint Strikes Back' (RKO), good $4,600. Omaha (Blank) (2,200; 10-25-40)— 'From Missouri' (Par) and 'Persons Hiding' (Par). Good $6,800. Last weeic 'Ice FoUies' (M-G) and 'Charlie Chan' (20th), $7,500, pretty good. Orpbenm (Blank) (3,000; 10-25-40) —Tailspin' (20th) and 'Crooked Mile' (Par). Good $9,500. Last weelc, 'Oklahoma Kid' (WB) and 'Muske- teers' (20th). good $9,500. Town (Cioldberg) (1,250: 10-20-25) —'Dark Rapture' (U), 'Raw Tim- ber' (Rep) and 'To Victor" (GB), last two first-runs, tripler, split with 'Man Votes' (RKO). 'The Frog' and 'Paris Honeymoon' (Par). Fair $1,500. Last week, 'Pride Navy' (Rep), Tliliss X* (Rep), and 'Rolling Westward' (Mono), tripler, all first-runs, split with 'Illegal Traffic' (Par), first-run, 'Kentucky' (20th) and 'Zaza' (Par), tripler, good $1,800. First ftnns on Broadway (Subject to Change) Week of AprU • A s t o r — 'PygmaUon* (M-G) (18th wk). Capitol—'Broadway Serenade' (M-G). Criterion—'Within the Law* (M-G). Globe—'Prison Without Bars' (UA) (8). Mnsle Hall—^'The Story of Irene and Vernon Castle (RKO) (2d wk). Paramonnt—'Midnight' (Par) (5). BUlto—'On Trial* (WB) (4). BlvoU-^'Three Smart, Girls Grow Up* (U) (4th wk). Boxy—'Alexander Graham Bell' (26th) (2d wk). Strand—'Dodge City' (WB) (7). Week of AprU 13 As tor —'Pygmalion (M-G) (19th wk). Capital—'Broadway Serenade" (M-G) (2d wk). Criterion — 'Mutiny on the Bounfy (M-G) (revival). Globe—'Prison Without Bars' (UA) (2d wk). Hnsle UaU —'Dark Victory' (WB). Paramennt—^^dnigfat* (Par) (2d wk). . Blalto—^"The Flying Irishman* (RKO) (12). BlveU — 'Wutherlng Heights* (UA) (14). Boxy—'Return of the Cisco Kid' (20th) (14). Strand—'Dodge Cl^ (WB) (2d wk). It's Holy Week but Hie Casdes' Socko at $100,000; 2d Week of m.' Plus Stage $31000, Durbin 166 3d TOLUES'-AMS RED14G.PnT Pittsburgh, April 4. Worst ticnt around.here In flock of years is winding up this week at rock bottom. Biz is not only off in downtown area, but also all over ter- ritory, with grosses on all fronts off for more than a month now by at least 25% over year ago. Easter ex- pected to bring slight respite. Only thing that's getting any coin at all is 'Huckleberry Finn' and that chiefly on strength of Mickey Rod- ney's b. o. pull. Flicker itself pretty generally rapped but juve trade is saving it from doldrums. 'Hoimd of Baskervilles* Is picking up Alvin a slight bit, but topping last foirtnighVs biz at this spot isn't any trick, since previous session hit a new low for house. 'Ice Follies' and Major Bowes show are just filling in at Stanley. Estimates for This Week Alvln (Harris) (1,850; 25-35-50)— BaskerviUes* (20th). Sherlock Holmeser well liked, but hit town at wrong time and won't see more than average trade. Looks like around $4,700, counting on extra day. House bad hoped to keep 'Hound' going couple more days in order to hold 'Three Smart Girls Grow Up' (U) off imtn Good Friday, but latter pictwe opens tomorrow (5). Last week, 'Winner All' (20th) and 'Miss X* (Rep), in sue days, pretty close to a new low at $2,100. FnltOB (Shea-Hyde) (1,750; 25-40) —'Star Midnight' (RKO) and 'Lost Patrol' (RKO). Couple of reissues merely in for the ride. Stick 10 days, not because business warrants it but because management is un- willing to shove in 'East Side of Heaven' (U) until Saturday (8). Maybe around $2,600 for the elon- gated session. I,ast week (3d). 'Prin- cess' (20th) got fair enough $2,000 in four days of h. o. Penn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 25-35-50) —'Huck Finn* (M-G). Mickey Hoo- ney's b. o. force bringing 'em in de- spite Holy Week and adverse notices. Paced for better than $13,000. which isn't ttad at all Last weelc, 'Beach- combSr' (Par) slipped in stretch after fast start and pulled up short of $13,000. Senator (Harris) (1.800; 25-40)— 'Cimarron' (RKO) and 'Navy Secrets' (Mono). Latter nicture made wav on Monday (3) for 'No Man of Her Own' (Par), management figurine; that ner- haps 'Mr. and Mrs, Galile' thing might help. Reissues aren't pulling around here, however, except in rare instances and current combo doesn't stand much chance of topping $1,900. Last week. 'Eagle arid Hawk' (Par), another oldie, and *Mystery of Mr. Wong* (Mono). $1,800. n. g. Stanley (WB) (3,600: 26-40-60)— 'Ice Follies' (M-G) and 'Bowes' 'World's Fair Revue.* Ams usually fairly strong b. o. draft here, but they're caught this time in the een- eral collapse. Poor $14,000. Last weelc, 'Cafe Society' (Par) and Janis Williams' Coquettes-Eddie Peabody. $13,000, very poor. Warner (WB) (2.000: 25-40)—'Sainf Strikes Back' (RKO) and 'Secret Aii« (WB). Will be luckv to crack $3,000, poor. Last week, 'One Third Nation* (Par) and 'Boy Trouble' (Par), around $3,400, poor. The Dorsey Brothers are against each other for two days this week, today (Wed.) and tomorrow (Thurs.). Tommy opens today (Wed) with 'Midnight' at the Paramount with big things expected of him, while Jimmy is winding up a lacklustre engagement at the Strand tomorrow night (Thurs.). Plowing along with 'You Can't Get Away With Miur- der,' Jimmy Dorsey failed to top $23,000 the first week and on the holdover will be about $17,000. This is the lowest figure for the Strand since it started pit bands six months ago. While this is Holy Week, with Jewish Passover falling at the same time, things could be worse with one exception. This is the Capitol, where 'Society Lawyer' dips near an all- time- low of -the house at around $11,000. 'Bulldog Drummond's Se cret Police,' at the Criterion, is also playing to a lot of empty seats in losing fight to get over $5,500. The brighter thing:, in Ufe are highlighted by a gross of $100,000 or near by 'Vernon and Irene Castle' at the Music Hall. 'Alexander Gra- ham Bell,' strongly advertised and exploited, with additional aid from the ethecj while no sensation at the Roxy is doing well to hit $45,000 or better. It holds through Easter week. Lack of serious Lenten and Holy Week disturbance is further attested to . by a $32,000 second (final) week for 'I'm From Missouri,' with Charles Bamet Dorothy Lamour and Mischa Auer at the Paramount ending last night (Tues.). This, with a first week of $45,000 here, adds to very satisfactory profit Third week of 'Three Smart Girls,, at hand, will be a possible $16,000, quite all right, and It remains through Easter with 'Wutherlng Heights' scheduled for April 14. Rialto pepped up a little with 'They Made Her a Spy,' which ended its week Monday night (3) at $6,200. 'On Trial' is the successor. Another new picture of the past week, 'Let Us Live,' wound up its first week at the Globe last night (Tues.) at $9,000 and remains an additional three days, with 'Prison Without Bars' due Saturday (8). The State is among those that lack gait; chances looking only $19,000, meagre profit with 'Honolulu* and, Tony Galento. This may be con- sidered very disappointing in view of the anticipated pull Galento would bring to the b.o. He is doing the bulk of the business, none the less, if what 'Honolulu' did at the Capitol few weeks back' is any criterion concerning that picture. It got only $20,000- on eight days at the Cap., poor. An indication of the high hopes held for Galento was a book- ing deal at $2,000 and a split start- ing at a gross of $34,000, nearly double what State is doing. Estimates for This Week Asior (1,012; 25-40^55-65) — Tyg- malion' (M-G) (17th week). Long- winded run picture at pop scale dips a little this week to about $8,500, but still plenty of profit Last week nearly $10,000. Probably remains until around May 1, to be followed by 'Mikado' (U). Capitol (4,520; 25-35-55-85-$1.25)— 'Society Lawyer' (M-G). No spunk at all and at $11,000 close to all-time low of house scored several years ago. Last week 'Sgt. Madden' (M-G) under $14,000, poor. Criterion (1,662; 25-40-55)—'Drum mond' (Par). Snailing along for less than $5,500, very disappointing. In ahead, 'I Was a Convict' (Rep), $6, 000, muddy going. Globe (1,274; 25-40-55)—'Let Us Live'. (Col). In for 10 days and good at $9,000 on first seven days ending last night (Tues.). 'Prison Without Bars' (UA) opens Saturday (8). The final (4th) week of 'Blackwell's Island' (WB) was $7,500. Palace/ (1,700; 25-35-55)—'Darling Daughter' (WB) (2d run) and 'Win- ner Take All' (20th) (1st run), dualed. Approximately $7,500 ap- pears the answer with this pair. L^t week's duet 'Wife, Husband* (20th) (2d run) and 'Woman Doctor* (U), also $7,500, mild. • Paramonnt (3,6G4; 25-35-55-85-99) —'Midnight' (Par) and Tommy Dor- sey band. Opens today (Wednesday) following two weeks of 'I'm From Missouri' (Par), together with Charlie Barnct orchestra, Dorothy tumour and Mischa Auer in person. Final lap, finished last night (Tues- day^ was $32,000, good pace after $45,000 the Afst seven days, fine profit. BaOio City Music Hall (5,980; 40- 60-84-99-S1.65) —'Vernon and Irene Castle' (RKO) and sUge show. A very fast dance at $100,000 or close, this being Holy Week. Stays over through Easter week when strength should be greater. Last week, 2d for 'Love Affair' (RKO), $78,000, good. Blalto (750; 25-40-55)—'On Trial' (WB). Opened here yesterday morn- ing (Tuesday) after week behind it of 'Made Her a Spy' (RKO) at $6,200. better than of late. Bivoll (2,092; 25-55-75-85-99)- 'Smart Girls' (U) (3d weelt). Con- sidering scale here and opposition of stage-show houses, Durbin item is doing very well; this week (3d) about $16,000, after second week of $23,500. Stands by a fourth, with 'Wutherlng Heights' (UA) to open April 14: Boxy (5,836; 25-40-55-75) — 'Bell' (20th) and stage show. Far from being a smash, still, pretty good for Holy Week at $45,000 or over, and holds through Easter. Last week 'Baskervilles^ (20th) held its head above water satisfacto-ily for $37.- 500. ' r . State (3,450; 35-55-75)—'Honolulu* (M-G) (2d run) and stage biU with Tony Galento. Picture, weak at the Cap first run, isn't finding expected strength in Galento at probable $19,- 000 on week, but a little profit Last week 'Made for Each Other* (UA) (2d run) and Happy Felton band, near to $20,000. okay. Strand (2,767; 25-40-55-75-85-99)— Get Away Murder" (WB) and Jimmy Dorsey (2d-flnal week). This show is one of the weakest here and doubtful of getting over $17,000 this week (2d), but this is Holy Week. The first seven days was under $23,- 000, mild. 'Dodge City' (WB) and Guy Lombardo, booked for three weeks straight open Friday (7). DETTWATOFF; moNomuD M$iaooo Detroit April 4. Due to run-of-mine product for Holy Week, b.o.'s generally are in tlie doldrums. 'Blondie Meets the Boss,* plus stage show at the Fox, is getting mediocre biz. Estimates for This Week Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 30-40)— Three Smart Girls' (U) (2d run) Slus 'Son Criminal' (Col), dual, lurbin opus moved here after nice sesh at Fox; looks for good $8,000. Last week, 'Frankenstein' (U) and 'Lone Wolf (Col), okay $5,500. Fox (Fox-Michigan) (5,000; 30-40- 65)—'Blondie Boss' (Col) plus stage show. Pqced for mediocre $16,000. Last- week. Three Smart Girls' (U) and Mitzi Green heading vaude: strong $23,500. nnohlgao (United Detroit) (4,000; 30-40-65)—'Never Die' (Par) and 'St Louis' (Par). Doesn't figure to get over $11,000, fair. Last stanza, poor $10,000 for 'From Missouri' (Par) and 'Fast Loose* (M-G). Palma State (United Detroit) (3,- 000; 30-40-50)—'King Turf (UA). plus 'Wong' (Mono). Pre-Easter dip and doesn't expect more than $4,500. n.g. Last week, 'Each Other* (UA) (2d run) and 'Chinatown' (Par), only fair $7,000. United Artists (United Detroit) (2,000; 30-40-65)—'Ice FolUes' (M-G). Figures to get only fair $8,000, but will hold for Easter trade. I,ast week, okay $8,000 for second sesh of 'Pygmalion' (M-G) following good $12,500, opening stanza. GARMLD BIG $19,000 IN rXLYN; W GOOD Brooklyn, April 4. Outstanding among downtown de- luxers is the John Garfield fiicker, BlackweU's Island.' at the Para- mount Loew's Metropolitan also is copping coin with 'Huckleberry Finn.' Albee is bright with 'Three Mus- keteers.* Estimates for Thlti Week Albee (3,274; 25..?5-.'i0)—'Musket- eers' (20th) and 'Mr. Motn* (20th). Good $15,000. Last week, 'Wife, Husband' (20th) and 'Boy Slaves' (RKO), $13,000, quiet Fnx (4.089; 25-35^50)—'Oklahoma Kid' (WB) and 'Never Die' (Par) (2d wk). Nifty $16,500. Last week, line S20.000. .' Met (3.018: 25-35-50)—'Huck Finn* (M-G) and 'Fast Loose' (M-G). Good $18,000. Last vreek. 'Hinolulti' (M-G) nd 'Mutiny Elsinore' (M-0), nice fn-s.OOO. Paramonnt (4.126: 25-35-50)— Wlackweir (WB) and 'Bov Trouble' 'Par). Swell $19,000 and will hold! "st weelc. 'Cafe Soo'rfv' (Ppri .and 'Kin? Chinatown' (Par), $16,500,. good. Strand (2,870: 25-35-40)-'Jane Ar- den' (WB) and 'Long,Shot' (GN>. Ouiet $5,000. Last week. 'Sudden Money' (Par) and 'M.vstery Plane' (Mono), unexciting $5,500.