Variety (Apr 1939)

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10 VARIETY PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, April 5, 1939 Holy WIl, Passover Take Piiy M; msouri'-VeimthUws N.G. $17,000 Philadelphia, April 4. Religious holidays and the prox- imity of Easter are taking their lou thi:, veelc at the b. o. Allhoudi there's no school for the kids, th'.? is flpured to fan more draught inio the nabes than the deluxers. Shopping rush hitting grosses and, despite fairly good film weather, they are only so-so. Last night (Monday) was eIow as a result of Passover, but for the same reason there was a small Igoost in matinee biz today. Vaudfllm Fox is hanging up a new low this week since it adopted the -present combo policy a couple months ago. With 'Missouri,' Joe Venuti's orch and Joe I*wis on the stage, therell be no more than $17,- 000 in the till for the week, unprofit- able, although the nut Is rather rea- sonable. 'Hound of the Baskervllles,' given a nice teeofi by the crlx. Is moving rather slowly at $12,000; still profitable, however. Failure of'Flying Irishman* (RKO) at Stanton brought one of' the strangest and most unanimous flur- ries of regret ever evidenced by film critics here. Doug Corrigan pic was pulled by Warner Bros, in five days with only $1,200 in the till. Finish brought columns of praise for both picture and aviator from newspaper o.o.ers. All expressed surprise at failure of the film to at- tract business. There was a good deal of admiration expressed for the way in which the story \-as handled and for Corrigan's a'cting ability, considering the fact that he's a flier, eot an actor. Publicity is figured to elp somewhat on subsequent runs. Estimates for This Week Aldlne (WB) (1,303; 32-42-57)— •Midnight' (Par) (2d wk). Not ter- rifle, but' satisfactory at $9,000 in view of grosses being hung up In other houses. Initial lap, good $14,000. Boyd (WB) (2,350; 32-42-57)— 'Baskervllles' (20th). -1 Given good hand by crix, but meeting with mixed word of mouth. Pretty fair (12,000. Last week (2d), 'Love At' fair' (RKO). fair $10,000. Earle (WB) (2,758; 26-32-42)— ■Stagecoach' (UA) (3d run). StUl racing along. Very pleasing $7,000. Last week, 'Daughter' (WB) (3d run), okav $6,400. Fox (WB) (2,423; 32-37-42-57-68) —'Missouri' (Par) • and vaude. Joe Venuti's orch, Joe E. Lewis, Hal Le Roy and Neila Goodelle on the boards, but a letdown from nifty grosses which this house has been getting. Lowest yet at $17,000, un- profitable. Last week, 'Blackwell' (WB) with Joan Davis and Al Dona' hue's orch on stage, fair $20,000.' Karlton (WB) (1,066; 32-42-57)— 'Princess' (20th) (2d run). Temple continues in her inabili^ to pull in midtown Philly, although oicking up slightly in proportion to run at $3,800. Last week, 'Honest Man' (U) . (2d run), very nice $4,600. Keith's (WB) (1.870; 32-42-57)— •Love Affair' (RKO) (2d run). Re- peating its first-run strength with $4,500. following a double session at the Boyd. Last week, 'Oklahoma Kid' (WB) (2A run) fair $3,700. Palace (WB) <1,100; 26-42)—'On Trial' (WB). Pic got little explol tation, which product at this new first-run spot heeds. Rather weak at $4,400. Last week, 'Blondie Boss' (Col), fairish $4,900 under the hypo of the comic strip name and some phiirging. Sianlev (WB) (2,916: 32-42-57)— Three Smart Girls' (U) (2d .wk). Desoite hefty applause from crlx. rood word of mouth and the rep of Durbin, this inn't quite nulling the W3V It .should. Nicking off only about -$9,000 for this term after $14,800 in the opener. Lntter figure lower than usi'n) to earn h. o. Stenton (WB) (1.457: 26-32-42)— •Madden' (M-G). On the basis of GOmnsrisons, this Is doing better than anvtliin? in town. Bcini! he'd over for 10 days to pet the house back to Soti'rdrv onenin" nollcy and will PToh off abni't .<e.8O0 for the nerlnd: La't Week, 'Flvir* Iri.shman' (RKO) pn'led in oriv five days with but $1,200 in the m HUSBAND' TEPID ),500 IN DULL 0. C spUt with 'Last Warning* (U) and 'Everybody's Baby* (20th), average $2 300 Midwest (Stan) (1,500; 25r35-40).— Song Plains* (M-G). Poor $3,500 best la sight. Last week, 'St Louis' (750; 25-35-40)- ■Daughter' (WB). Moveover from Criterion getting poor $1,100. Last week, 'Beachcomber'- (Par), so-so $1,400. State (Noble) (1,100: 20-25)—'Lit- tle Pal* (Mono) and 'Billy Kid', (Rep). Bit below average at $2,400. Last week, 'Lone Wolf (Col) with 'Pride of Navy' (Rep), floundered at $2,000. Tower (SUn) (1,000; 25-35-40)— ■Dramatic School' (M-G). -Below average at $2,300. Last week, 'Cafe Society* (Par). $2,100, n.g. HUB'S BIZ SAGS; HONOLULir oKaooo $5, Boston, April 4< Stormy and spring 'weather and' the Imminence of Easter are among the alibis for this weeVs relative slump, but the good product is show- ing up all right ■Honolulu,* on a dual bill. Is better than average. ■Love Affair,' dualed, is okay in Its second week. EsUnuUcs for This Week Boeton (RKO) (3,200; 20-30-40)— Star Midnight' (re-issue) (RKO) and "Lost Patrol' (RKO) (2d run); dual, with vaude for four days; and 'DevU's Island' (WB) and 'Great Man Votes* (RKO) (2d run), dual, for three days. Aiming at satisfac- tory $8,000. Last week, 'Strange Faces' (U) and 'Renegade Trail' (Par), dual, with vaude, for four days; and 'Star Midnight' and 'Ijost PatroV double, three days, good $8,500. Fenway (M&P) (1,332; 25-35-40- 55)—'One-Third Nation' (Par) and 'Never Say Die' (Par). Fair $5,000 prohiised. Last weel 'Blackwell' (WB) and 'Arizona Wildcat' (20th), as.h. $4,300. Keiib Memorial (RKO) (2,907; 25- 35-40-55)—'Love Affair' (RKO) (2d wk) and 'Society Smugglers' (U) (1st wk). Aiming at healthy $15,000. Last week, 'Affair' and 'Crowded Hours* (RKO), dual, big $27,000. Metropolitan (M&P) (4,367; 25-35- 40-55)—'Daughter* (WB) andTorchy Chinatown* (WB). Medium $14,q00 gait Last week, 'Midnight' (Par) and 'King Chinatown' (Par), sad $11,000. Orphenm (Loew) (2,900; 25-35-40- 55)—'Honolulu* (M-G) and 'O'Con- nor* (M-G). In $17,000 groove, good Last week, 'Stagecoach' (UA) and 'Whistling Enemies' (Col), dandy $19,000. Paramount (M&P) (1,797; 25-35- 40-55)—'One Third' (Par) and'Never Die* (Par). Medium $7,500. Last week, 'Blackwell' (WB) and 'Arizona Wildcat' (20th), pale $6,500. Seollay (M&P) (2,538; 25-35-40-50) -'Blackwell' (WB) and 'Cafe So- ciety' (Par) (both 2d run). Skid- ding to $4,000. Last week, 'Wife, Husband* (20th) and 'Tailspin' (20th) (both 2d run), $4,000, poor. State (Loew) (3,600; 25-35-40-55) —'Honolulu* (M-G) and 'O'Connor' (M-G). Good $14,000 indicated. Last week, 'Stagecoach* (UA) and 'Whispering Enemies' (Col), $15,000, good. Ing its approval of the pr<^sals and Qf considering methods of putting them into effect Rodgers advised that United Ar- tists had withdrawn from participa- tion in the conferences but gave no reason for such withdrawal. V. A.*8 Sctitp Is Different UA refused to go along with other distributors because the company is set up differently than others and could not agree to any such provi- sion as a cancellation privilege, Un^ der the revised draft this is 10% when rental average la over $260; 15% when between $100 and $250, and 20% when under $100. UA never granted a cancellation privilege, whereas all other compaU'- ies have permitted a 10% withdraw- al, because UA, strictly a distribu- tion company, has contracts with in- dividual producers which do not al- low this. In other words, should UA attempt to allow 10 to 20% can- cellation, ah exhibitor buying the whole program; coiild . drop all of Sam Goldwyn's or any other pro- ducer's product Additionally, UA pictures, all identified, are sold separately in ac- cordance with the contracts this dis- tributing organization has with Goldwyn, Alexander Korda, Dave Selznick and others. Tlius, should an exhibitor have bought Selznick's pictures alone this year, only two be- ing supplied, it would be impossible to figure, any kind of a cancellation privilege. UA dropped its score charge several years ago and does not consolidate this charge in film rentals. It has under- taken other reforms on its own'and in no case, it is declar,ed, has forced shorts. Company does not furnish a newsreel. It is believed that whUe UA can- not participate with other distribs on the entire trade practices draft including cancellation privileges, the- atre ownership provisions and the like. It will go along on other points such as arbitration. To do this would simply require a clause to cover'in the various forms of contracts which UA uses. Trade practices concordat is retro- active on all contracts signed since Jan. 1 fior 1930-40 product The dis- tributors have been selling film with this understanding and. appending a clause to contracts agreeing that if and when trade practice reforms are adopted, all provisions would apply. Mpls. Hits Bottom; $5^000, Rooney Trincess' Shabby Fairly Good $6,500 to (Soldwyn's suit In Federal court next week. Schwartz will defend the suit for UA, jointly with O'Brien, OriscoU tt Raftery. HeWard'a Intermeuo* Hollywood, April 4. Leslie Howard closed with iSelz- nlck-International to play lead and be associate producer on 'Inter- mezzo.' Johii van Druten Is script- ing for a.May production starb Duals Plentifi ButNoKeCBiz: Garfield Fair 5G Chides Goldwyn Trade Practice Oklahoma City, April 4. Holy Week is hitting the b.o. plenty hard. Leader will be 'Wife, Husband and Friend,* at Criterion, but only aver age $5,500. La£t week everything was off, with 'Darling Daughter' taking deepest nosedive. Estimated for This Week Criterion (Stan) (1.500; 25-35-40) —'Wife, Husband' (20th). Best sight Is average $5,500 and probably not quite that much. Last week, •Daughter* (WB), nose-dived to very poor $3,900. Liberty (Stan) (1.200; 20-25)—'Off Record' CWB) and -"Stranoe Faces' (U), sollt with 'Boy Trouble' (Par) and 'Moto' (20th). Good for average $2,500. Lsst week. 'Kin.? Under- . . world' (WB) and 'Secrets Sky* (U),' sible date for the purpose of obtain- (Continued from page 3) practice agreement. Rodgers* letter stated that 'we have not yet com- pleted a revision ot the provisions with respect to arbitration machin- ery,* and 'it is obvious, that this is not complete and further elabora- tion will be necessary in the light of discussions and of your counsel's suggestions, but . we believe that the statements of principle contained in it and in the revised memorandum enclosed herewith will furnish the foundation for the arbitration, ma- chinery desired.* The letter also stated that a copy of the pact was being sent the De- partment of Justice in accordance with assurances of counsel that the Department would be kept informed of the results of the Industry con- ference's. Rodgers suggested that a Joint conference be held with the Dept of Justice at the earliest pos- (Continued from, page 3) 11 separate producers now In the organization, with 'the exception of Mary Pickf ord, - who will not con- tribute any product toward next*s season*s schedule, all actively pro- ducing and partaking of the lowest distribution costs . obtainable any- where in the business. 'This is made possible,' he said, "by virtue of the fact that UA's reserves, accumulated during the past 20 years, together with such factors as no preference stock outstanding, no debentures, no bank loans, no frozen assets and all producers contributing their own financing,- with the excep- tion of Walter Wanger, all contribute toward an absolutely liquid com? pany.' Charles Chaplin Is definitely going ahead with 'The Dictator' and Is writing all the dialog himself. Doug- las Fairbanks, Sr., started cameras rolling on The Californian' on Mon- day (3). Ernst Lubitscb, on termi- nation of his tworpicture commit- ment for Metro, will actively start producing for UA around Jan. 1,1940, and will make three pictures over a two-year period.. In addition to de- livery of these pictures from the Lu- bitschaSol Lesser combination. Lesser will also have his own separate unit and will deliver at least one picture annually, production to be on a basis comparable with other high-calibre pictures from UA producers. . David M. Loew is abandoning pro- duction of the Joe E.- Brown type of picture and under a term contract with UA will turn out two quality pictures annually. Loew will finance his pictures personally, produce on the Selznick-Intemational lot and is now negotiating deals for stars and story properties. One possible deal said to be in work would bring an alignment of a name director and Loew on production, on a 50-50 basis. Silverstone spoke in high praise of David O. Selznick; considers he is one of the outstanding producers in the industry and looks for 'tremen- dous expansion' based on undis- closed plans UA and Selznick are working on. Selznick will produce three pictures for next season, two of which will be 'Intermezzo' and 'Rebecca.' United Artists will file its answer Kansas City, April 4. A stampede of double bills is on again currently,' with four of the six first-run situations carrying added features. Despite quantity of film of- fered, biz matches only the ^medi- ocre quality ot pictures. : 'Pygmalion,' at the Esquire, is wor- thy-of some attention going into third week of subsequent run. Picture in- augurated policy in this house and subsequent runs may be solution for the small theatre. Estimates (or This Week Esqaire (Fox Midwest) (820; 10-2S- 40)—'Pygmalion' (M-G) (3d week). Film not in big numbers, but sur- prising with its steadiness. Current- ly $1,500 following previous $2,000 and $2,500 weeks. Midland (Loew's) (3,573; 10-25-40) —'Fast Loose' (M-G) and 'Four Girls' (M-G). Average magnetism here and fair at $9,500. Last week, 'Ice FoUies' (M-G) and 'Let Live' (Col), $10,500, okay but not up to expecta- tions. Newman (Par) (1,900; 10-25-40)— 'Never Die' (Par) and 'Eagle and the Hawk' (Par) (reissue). Only fair at $5,300. Last week (2d), 'From Mis- souri' (Par), satisfactory $5,000. Orphenm (RKO) (1,500; 10-25-40) —'BlackweU* (WB) and 'Fisherman's Wharf (RKO), duet Bobby Breen name, heretofore relied upon as first rank, relegated to second place here. No more than fair biz in sight $5,000. Last week (2d), 'Love Affair'.(RKO), gave nice account of itself at $5,000, following first week's $7,000. Tower (Fox-^Midwest) (2,050; 10- 25-40) —'Baskervllles' (20th) and 'Family Next Door* (U). Straight films resorted to again. Mild at $6,- 300, but films' in the. black much more at this figure than with vaude. Last week, 'Society Smugglers' (U) and Louis Armstrong's orch on stage, with admish scaled up to 55c, registered under expectations at $9,- 000 Uptown (Fox Midwest) (1,200; 10- 25-40)—'Baskervllles' (20th) Only one of first-run houses with single bill currently Figures around aver- age at $3,000. Last week, 'Culver*. (U) and 'Risky Business' (U), moved over from previous week's' showing at'Tower, fairish $2,700. PROV. HAS B. 0. BLUES; TASr DUAL SLOW lOG Providence, April 4. Holy Week doldrums hitting main- stemmers, with biz generally slow. 'Fast and Loose.' at State, is highest with only fairish $10,000 in offing. Estimates (or This Week Albee (RKO) (2,000; 25-35-50)— 'Culver' (U) and 'Society Smugglers' (U). So-so'$4,500 indicated. Last week 'Without Bars' (UA) and 'Crowded Hours' (RKO), fair $5,800. Carlton (Fay-Loew) (1,400: 25-35- 50)—'Madden' (M-G) and 'Blondie Boss' (Col) (2d run). Creepy $3,- 000.' Last week 'Pygmalion' (M-G) and 'Whispering Enemies' (Col) (2d run), nice $6^000. Fay's (Indie) (2,000; 25-35-40)— 'Wong' (Mono) and vaude. Heading for peppy $7,500. Last week 'On Trial' (WB) and vaude. good $7,000. MaJcsUe (Fay) (3,200; 25-36>S0)— 'Baskervllles' (20th) and 'Risky Busi- ness' (U). Poor $5,000. Last week 'Wife, Husband' (20th) and 'Every- body's Baby' (20th), disappointing $4,500. ... State (Loew) (3,200; 25-35-50)— 'Fast Loose' (M-G) and 'Mystery Plane' (Mono). Paced at fairish $10,000. Last week 'Madden* (M-G) and 'Blondie Boss* (Col), hefty $13,000. Strand (Indie) (2,200; 25-36-50)— 'Eagle and Hawk* (Par) (reissue) and 'Orphan Annie* (Par). Holding ,own for good $6,000. Last week 'Midnight* (Par) and 'Frontiersmen* (Par), garnered good $9,700 in 10- day run. Minneapolis, April 4. With Holy Week intensifying the local boxoSice depression, aggregat* of loop grosses is headed toward the irreducible minimimi. Nary a singla diowhouse will come anywhere near attaining'five figures, and the tak- ings, in everv instance, ^vill be ot sorry proportions. No less than three of thb four film newcomers—'Little Princess,' 'Huckleberry Finn' and 'Spirit of Culver'—h6ld their strongest, appeal for the Juvenile trade. This crowd- ing in of so many kid pictures si- multaneously is probably attributable to the fact that it's Easter vacation week for the youngsters and the showhouses hope to cash in on mat- inee trade. It also may be due to a desire to get out of the way product that would not mean strong boxoffice here under any circumstances, in- stead ot 'wasting* superior attractions on Holy Week, It's been a long time since Shirley Temple meant anything at the b.o. here, and The Little Princess' has the State still in the doldrums. As for 'Huckleberry Finn' Mickey Roo- ney Is helping the Orpheum. The one new outrand-out adult offer- ing, Tast and Loose,' is winning some favor,, but not luring heavy sugar to the Century. However, 'Pygmalion,' in Its fifth downtown week, continues to keep the World well In the black. Estimates (or This Week Aster (Par-Singer) (900; 15-25), 'Inside Story' (20th) and 'Society Smugglers' (U). dual first-runs. Mild $1,200 indicated. Last week, 'Silver Sage' (Par) and "Boy Trouble' (Par), dual first-runs, split with 'Lady Van.- ishes' (20th) and 'Nancy Dre\v* (WB), also first-runs, pretty good $1,500. Cenlnry (Par-Singer) (1,600: 25- 35-40), 'Fast and. Loose' (M-G). Helped because it's lone newcomer without juvenile angle. Fairly good $6,000 in prospect Last week, 'Beach- comber' (Par) (2d week), $3,200, light after good $7,000 first week. Gopher (Par-Singer) (998; 25), 'Spirit ot Culver' (U). Mixed com- ment on this one among critics and 'customers. Has to split youngster trade with two other powerful com- petitors. Will do well to top light $2,500. Last week, 'Four GirlsT (M-G), $3,100, good. Orphenm (Par-Singer) (2.800: 25- 35-40), 'Huck Finn' (M-G). Kids falling hard for this one, but adult trade not so forte. Rooney, however, pulling some customers. En route t» fairly good $6,500, Last week. 'Daugh- ter* (WB) and Lou Breese's orch, Stepin Fetchit on stage, $15,000. big. State (Par-Singer) (2,300; 25-3S- 40), 'Princess* (20th). Shirley Tem- ple continues on boxoffice down- grade here. Will have difficulty in reaching mild $5,000 in eight days. Last week, 'Wife, Husband' (20th) yanked after six bad days, $3,500. Time (Berger) (290; 15-25), 'Star Midnight' (RKO). Reissue drawing moderately well, due to cast pres- ence ot William Powell and Ginger Rogers. May reach fair $700. Last week, 'Assassin Youth' (Indie) (Sd wk), $600, mUd. Uptown (Par) (1,200; 25-35). 'Hon- olulu' (M-G). First neighborhood showing. Light $2,000 indicated. Last week, 'Guhga Din' (RKO), $3,- 000. good. World (Steffes) (350: 25-35-40-55), •Pygmalion' (MG) (5th wk). This one has landed solidly. Off this week, probably due to I«nt windup, but may last another canto, or even longer. Fairly good $1,500 in sight Last week, $1,900, good. LA CAVA HURRIES m' FOR GINGER ROGERS HoUywood, April 4. Gregory LaCava's RKO produc- tion . of ' 'My Fifth Avenue . Girl,' starring Ginger Rogers, is being hypoed to hit cameras immediately after completion ot Miss Rogers' current starrer, 'Little Mother.' Morrle Ryskind is screenplaylng from mag yam by Frank R. Adams. Now Get Tongb, Randy Hollywood, April 4. Randolph Scott gets top spot in 'Frontier Marshal,' starting May 15 at 20th-Fox. . Sol M. Wiurizel produces and Allan . Dwan directs the high-budget western. Salt Water Special Hollywood, April 4. Merlan C, Cooper gets the direc- tprlal chore on the Jules Verne story, '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,' at Metro. Picture Is slated for release on the 1939-40 program.