Variety (Apr 1939)

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Wednesday, April B. 1989 PICTURE GROSSES VARIETY 11 Only DurbinJlM Shows life As Competish Murders Frisco B.O^ San Francisco, April 4, Warm weather over the weekend aent 76,000 to the Treasure Island site of the Frisco expo Sunday \2), an- other 25.000 to opening ball game in ^mI's Stadium and thousands to the nolo game in Golden Gate Park, ^is exodus, plus the competish from •Foiies BergereV at the fair grounds, is proving disastrous to the picture b.o: on Market street. ^ Deanna Durbin, in Three Smart Girls Grow Up.' is the honey dowp- town this week. She is giving the Oroheum the best biz it has had in a long time. Manager Hal Neides wisely dropped the idea of a double bill and instead is presenting a sup- porting program of shorts. But it's murder elsewhere. Estimates for This Week Fox (F-WC) (5,000; 35-55-76)— "Baskervilles' (20th), 'Everybody's Baby' (20th). Biz very poor at $11000. Last week. 'Midnight' (Par) and 'King Chinatown' (Par), got $15,000, fair. Golden Gate (BKO) (2.850; 35-55) —'Family Next Door' (U) and vaude, headlining Hugh Herbert, who is in picture. Although $12,500 not big, can't complain too much. Last wedk (2d), 'Love Affair' (RKO) and vaude, closed strong at $12,500. Orpheum (F&M) (2,440; 35-55H- Three Smart Girls' (U). House is also showing March of Time, Walt Disney's 'Uely Duckling,' and "San Francisco's 1915 World Fair.' Play from the youngsters, who are vaca- tioning this week, is strong and a great help during the matinees. Hopeful of big $19,000, best Durbin biz here so far. Last week, 'Blondle Boss' (Col) and 'Risky Business' (U), poor $4,500. Paramonnt (F-WC) (2,740; 35-55- 75)—'Sergeant Madden' (M-G) and 'Fast Loose' (M-G) (2d wk). Just coasting along until 'Alexander Gra- ham Bell' (20th) comes in tomorrow (6). Will close to tune of fairish $7,- 600. Last week, good 414,000. St. Francis (F-WC) (1,470; 35-55- 75)—'Oklahoma Kid' (WB) and 'Wife's Relatives' (Rep) (3d wk). Should garner fair $4,000 in third stint Last week, epod $6,000. United ArtlsU (Cohen) (1,200; 35- B5-65)—'King Turf (UA). In an ef- fort to stimulate biz, special preview of 'Wuthering Heights* (UA) was held last week, but best will be $6,000, very poor. Last week (3d), 'Each Other' (UA), $5,500. Warfleld (F-WC) (2,080; 35-55-75) —'From Missouri' (Par) and 'Lady Vanishes' (20th).. PuUed after four days to terrible $4,000. 'Broadway Serenade* (M-G) was rushed in to- day (Tuesday). Last week (2), •Princess' (20th) and 'Winner' (20th), got fair $6,000 in six days. /Honest Man'-Tony Martin OK 12G in Slow Cleve. Cleveland, April 4. Drained out by Metropolitan Opera dopble-headers over week- and and soaked by beginning of rainy season, houses are reconciled to a proverbially dull Holy Week biz. Palace showing the most pep with 'You Can't Cheat Honest Man* and Tony Martin in p.a., but matinees are way off. Hipp is copping the best afternoon trade with 'Little Princess' for next strongest gross, and probably will shove it to Allen for a h.o. 'Ser- geant Madden' is slow at State. Estimates for This Week Alhambra (Printz) (1,200; 10-20- 3S)—'Whispering Enemies' (Col) and 'Society Smugglers' (U). Nice enough for four days at $2,200. Last week 'Inside Story' (20th) and 'Wife's Rel- atives' (Repub), fair $1,800. Allen (RKO) (3.000; 20-35-42-55)— •Love Affair' (RKO). Just average in house that goes for bing-bang melo, $3,600. Last week 'Oklahoma Kid' (WB) also a skldderoo, $3,500, only half the expected figure. Hipp (Warner) (3,700; 30-35-42-55) .—'LitBe Princess* (20th). Strictly juve-and-family draw, $12,000; night crowds too thin. Last week 'Love Affair' (RKO) well liked by femmes, who spent $13,500, okay. Palace (RKO) (3,200; 30-35-42-55) —'Can't Cheat Honest Man' (U) plus Tony Martin in p.a. with Cass Daley and Wally Brown in vaudc unit. Smartly balanced bill that is getting No. 1 play, worth $12,000 and much more in a better week. Last week 'Blackwell's Island' (WB) with Larry Clinton orchestra; flesh section too weak and unknown to rep here- abouts; $10,000 would have hurt if not a low-budgeted show.' State (Loew's) (3,450; 30-35-42-55) r-'Sgt.. Madden' (M-G). It's a good Beery town, but this one isn't get- ting them and will have t) pray for a break above the $10,000 mark. Last week 'Huck Finn' (M-G) brutally sloughed off by cricks; less than $10,000. • Stlliman (Loew's) (1,972; 30-35-42- 55)—'Huck Finn* (M-G). School kids P*"ig on holiday is only reason for this shift from State; working hard to earn fair $3,500. Last week 'With- in Law' (M-G) slept through stanza lor a near seasonal low for $2,500. Key City Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week $1,3M,«M (Based on 23 cities, 165 thea- tres, chiefly first run*, includijio W. Y.) Total Gross Sam* Week Last Tear $1,443,5M (Based on 23 cities, 162 theatres) Cincy Biz Perks; Tollies' Snappy lOG/Calyer Off Cincinnati, April 4. ,Ace cinemas are chalking up fa- vorable returns in Lent's flnal week. 'Ice Follies' is cutting the best figure. With returns on 'Great Man Votes also surprisingly good. 'Spirit of Culver' is out of step and 'Wife, Husband and Friend' Is n.s.h., but combo of 'Star of Midnight' and tiost Patrol' is fetching good trade. . Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,300; 35-42)—'Ice Follies' (M-G). Okay $10,000. Last week. Three Smart Girls' (U), very good $14,000. Cajpltol (RKO) (2,000; 35-42)— 'Three Smart Girls' (U) (2d run). Pleasing $4,500. Same last week on 'Love Affair' (RKO) (2d run). Family (RKO) (1,000; 20-30)— 'Convict' (Rep) and 'Society Smug- glers' (U), split with 'Torchy Blane* (WB) and 'Whispering Enemies' (Col). Normal $2,100. Last week, Turn Loose' (RKO) and 'Forged Passports' (Rep), split with 'Secret Service' (WB) and Tough Kid' (Mono), $2,200, okay. Grand (RKO) (1,200; 25-40)—'Love Affair' (RKO) (3d run). Nice $2,700. Last week, 'King Turf (UA) (2d run), very poor $1,800. KcHh's (Ubson) (1,500; 35-42)— •Culver' (U). Slow $3,200. Last week, 'Blackweir (WB), mild $3,500. Lyric (RKO) (1,400; 35-42)—'Star Midnight' (RKO) and 'Lost Patrol' (RKO), dual revivals, (^od $4,000. Last week, 'Honest Man' (U) (2d run), okay $4,500. Palace (RKO) (2,600:35-42)—'Wife, Husband' (20th). N.s.h. $8,500. Last week, 'Oklahoma Kid' (WB). fair $9,500. Shabert (RKO) (2,150; 85-42)— 'Man Votes' (RKO) (2d run). Sur- prisingly good $4,200. Last week, 'Darling Daughter' (WB) (2d run), limp $3,200. Lincoln, Nebraska, Bows With TolUes,' Good $4,400 Lincoln, April 4. Nebraska, a new l,23e-seater on the site of the old Orpheum, bowed (29) with 'Ice Follies' and is the A spot of the town. Getaway biz very fancy, first night's house going to charity at $1 per. Regular scale is 10-25-40. Stuart, former acer, is having It? second dual feature in history, hav- ing taken the Lincoln's policy, and the Lincoln turning down the ac- tion alley. Varsity is limping along, likewise the Liberty, both suffering from film shortage. Estimates for This Week Colonial (NTI-Noble-Monroe) (750; 10-15) 'Trigger Smith' (Mono) and 'Patient Room 18' (WB), split with 'Rough Rider' (Sep) and 'Love, Honor' (WB). So-so. $800. Last week, 'Knight Plains' (Spec) and 'Navy Secrets' (Mono), split with 'Wine, Women' (WB) and Texas Stampede' (Col), slim $700. Liberty (NTI-Noble) (1,000; 10-15- 25)—'Whispering Enemies' (Col) and 'Lady Mob' (Col). Light $1,000. Last week, 'Lone Wolf (Col) and 'Adven- turess' (Col), poor $1,000. Lincoln (L'TC-Cooper) (1.600; 10^ 15-20-25)—'Valley Giants' (WB). Set for week single; probably $2,400, not bad with 10c lopped off the regular top price. Last week, 'Fast Loose' m-G) and 'Everybody's Baby' (20th), good $3,400. Nebraska (LTC-Cooper) (1,236; 10-25-40)—'Ice FoUies' (M-G). Open- ing gun for house, so pace active Will get $4,400 in nine days, good. Stnort (LTC-Cooper) (1,900; 10-25- 35)_'Wife, Husband' (20th) and 'Se- crets Nurse' (U). Second dual in history for the house. Business good, $3,800. Last week, 'Princess' 720th), good $3,700. . Varsity (NTI-Noble) (1,100; 10-15- 25-35)—'King Turf (UA). Light $1,900. Last week. 'Let Live' (Col), sUm $2,300. Skedded for 10 days, but went only eight. H.O^ Dominate Port; TygV 3d Good HOOO Portland. Ore., April 4. 'Darling Daughter,* at Broadway, and 'Love Affair,' at Paramount, are the burg's top winners,, both in sec- ond stanzas. 'Pygmalion,* in third week at the UA, is also profitable. 'Stagecoach* is now in fourth week at Mayfair, winding up run of very successful biz. Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (2,000; 30-35- 40)—'Daughter* (WB) and 'News- boys' Home: (U) (2d wk). Good $4,- 700. First week, excellent $5,900. Maytair (ParkerrEvergireen) (1,-' 500; 30-35-40)—'Stagecoach' (UA) and 'Society Smuggling' (U) (2d wk). Holding up mcely for $2,200. First week, $2,400, after two strong weeks at Broadway, Orphenm (Hamrick - Evergreen) (1.800; 30-35-40)—'Oklahoma Kid' (WB) and 'Beauty Asking' (RKO) (2d wk). Good enough $3,500. First week nice $4,800. Paramoimt (Hamrick-Evergreen) (3,000; 30-35-40) — 'Love Affair* (RKO) (2d wk) and 'Everybody's Baby' (20th). Nice return at $4,500. First week, with 'North Shanghai' (Con, strong $5,800. Blvoll (Indie) (1,100; 20-25)—'If King' (Par) and Thanks Memory' (Par) (revivals). Average $1,500. Last week, 'Young Heart' (UA) and 'Submarine Patrol' (20th), good $1,- 800. United Artists (Parker) (1,000; 30- 35-40)—'Pygmalion* (M-G) (3d wk). Good $4,000. Second week okay $5,> 2001 First, $6,500. LULLINBALTO; TASrFAIRSG Baltimore, April 4. There*s a usual pre-holiday lull all around except at combo Hipp, where 'Fisherman's Wharf,' Bowes' 'Swing School' unit and March of Time are attracting nice returns. There's some fair action for 'Fast and Loose' at Loew's Century. Rest of town is marking time for advent of Easter and strong lineup of product Estimates for This Week Xentury (Loew's-UA) (3,000; 15- 25-40)—'Fast Loose' (M-G). Hold- ing fair pace to $8,000, Last week, 'Ice FoUies' (M-G), nice $9,100. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,205; 15 - 25 - 35 - 40-55-66) — 'Fisherman's Wharf (RKO), plus Bowes' 'Swing School' unit and/March of Time.' Nice $11,000. Last week, second of 'Love Affair* (RKO) and vaude, added fair $9,700 to okay first ses- sion*s $14,000. Keith's (Schanberger) (2,406; 15- 25-35-40)—'Third Nation* (Par). Not doing much; $3,500. Last week, 10 days of 'Cafe Society' (Par), fairish $6,100. New (Mechanic) (1,558; 15-25-35- 55)—'Baskervilles' (20th) (2d wk). Marking time till Easter and adding mild $2,500 to uneventful first week's $3,100. Stanley (WB) (3,280; 15-25-35-40- 55)—'Can't Take It' (Col) (revival). Attracting some trade and possible $4,500. Last week, 'Missouri (Par), n.g. $3,400. L A. Has Slim Holy Week Pickings, As Houses Hold Back New Films; Garfield-'Relatives Weak $13 < Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week ...$276,7M (Based on 12 theatres) Total Gross Same Week Last Tear $237,7»0 (Based on 12 theatres) mmm: m SH INING THRU imEPALL Louisville, April 4. No doubt that Holy Week wUl run true to form, with respect to b.o. grosses in this, town, but bright spot is the patronage going to 'Midnight' at the Rialto. Claudette Colbert and Don Ameche are tuggiiif in good shape and will cop best biz of town. Stage show at the National is just so-so on thi-ee-day weekend show- ing. . Estimates for This Week Brown (Loew*s-Fourth Avenue) (1,500- 15-30-40)—'Stagecoach' (UA) and 'Blondie Boss' (Col). Moveover from Loew's State pointing to fair $1,700. Last week, 'Huck Finn' (M-G) and 'Lone Wolf (Col), weak $1,400. Kentucky (Switow) (900; 15-25)— 'Made Criminal' (WB) and 'Woman Again' (Col). Feeling the Lenten season slowup and not likely to bet- ter mild $1,500. Last week, 'Wings Navy' (WB) and 'Frankenstein' (U), fair $1,700. Loew's Stote (Loew's) (3,100; 15- 3(M0)—'Madden* (M-G) and 'North Shanghai' (Col). Not cutting much and will have to be satisfied with fair $5,000. Last week, 'Stagecoach' (UA) and 'Blondie' (Col), tallied fine $8,000. Mary Anderson (Libson) (1,000; 15-30-40)—'Blackweir (WB). Biz off currently,' due' mainly to Lent and construction work on new marquee and front. Headed for so-so $3,000. Last week (2d), 'Oklahoma Kid' (WB), light $2,800. Ohio (Settos) (900; 15)—'Give Sailor* (Par) and.'Men Such Fools' (WB), split with 'Prison Nufse' (U) and 'One Way Passage' (WB). Won't beat weak $900. Last week, 'Blondes Dangerous' (U) and 'Spawn' (Par), split with 'Vivacious' (RKO) and 'Moto* (20th), fairish-'$l,200. BUIto (Fourth Avenue) (3,000; 15- 30-40)—'Midnight' (Par) and 'Sud- den Money' (Par). Colbert and Ameche in strong vehicle and potent in beating Lenten dullness prevalent on main stem. Should hold up well enough to cop forte $7,500. Last week, 'Princess* (20th) and March of Time, fair $6,400. Strand (Fourth Avenue) (1,400; 15- 30-40)—Arizona Wildcat' (20th) and 'Everybody's Baby' (20th). Jones Family coupled with Jane Withers opus pulling oke $3,500. Last week, •Culver' (U) and 'Society Smugglers* (U), pretty good $3,400. Tourists Hypo Wash. B.O. Kyser-'Blackweir Wham $24,000; 'A£Fair's' 2d Week Torrid $10,500 Washington, April 4. Town is jammed with cherry blos- som gawkers and the b. o's are busy. At Earle, Kay Kyser's orch is drag- ging 'Blackwell's Island' up around record proportions. Capitol, which usually gets most tourist trade, is getting enough overflow from Kyser to take second place with 'Sergt Madden' and Eddie Peabody on stage. Tops among straight fllmers is sec- ond week of 'Love Affair' at Keith's, which is beating flrst week of 'Cafe Society,' at Palace. Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew) (3,434; 25-35-40-66) —'Madden' (M-G) and vaude. Eddie Peabody and Sybil Bowan. topping stage bill, but won't get over aver- age $17,500. Last week, 'Wife, Hus- band' (20th) and vaude, poor $14,000. ColumbU (Lobw) (1,234; 25-40)— 'Pygmalion' (M-G) (2d run) (2d wk). Second week of return to mainstem looking at swell $5,800. Last week, same pic, sock $6,500. Earle (WB) (2,216; 25-35-40-66)— •BlackweU' (WB) and vaude. Kay Kyser's orch yanking in the cherry blossom gawkers and natives in rec- $10,500. Last week, 'Princess' (20th) fair $0,500. BEPEAT Bia won) LEADS Hollywood, April 4. Dorothy Lamour and Jon Hall, leads in 'The Hurricane,' will be teamed again by Samuel Goldwyn this summer in 'Canal Zone.' Wilson CoUison is scripting. Los Angeles, April 4. Holy week pickings mostly slim in town, with four of 10 first-runs hav- ing holdovers and two others con- tinued first-runs. Newcomers are Tail Spin' with Three Musketeers,' given equal bijling at State and Chinese, and 'Blackwell's Island,* coupled with Higgins family opus at the Warner day-daters, Downtown and Hollywood. State-Chinese combo should bring $22,600, okay, but 'Blackwell's' looks like slim $13,000. 'Midnight,' on hold- over at Paramount,, doing okay, like- wise 'Love Affair' at Pantages and RKO. Estimates For This Week Chinese (Grauman-F-WC) (2,024; 30-40-55-75)—Tailspin' (20th) and 'Musketeers' (20th), dual. Okay $9,800 In sight. Last week, 'Ice Fol* lies' (M-G) and 'Fast Loose' (M-G), neat $10,000. Downtown (WB) (1,800; 30-40-55- 65)—'Blackwell' (WB) and 'Wife's Relatives' (Rep), dual. Just ordin- ary $7,000. Last week (2d), 'Okla- homa Kid' (WB) and 'Jane Arden' (WB), very good $7,700; Four Star (F-WC-UA) (900; 40-55) —'Lady Vanishes' (GB) (2d week). Noticeable drop second week to $2,600, after good $4,000 on first seven days. Holds three days of third week. Hollywood (WB) (2,756; 30-40-55- 65)—'Blackweir (WB) and 'Wife's Relatives' (Rep), dual; Should hit so-so $6,000. Last week, (2d), 'Okla- homa Kid' (WB) and 'Jane Arden* (WB), okay $6,100. Pantages (Pan) (2,812; 30-40-55)— liove Affair' (RKO) (3d-flnal week) and 'Spirit of Culver' (U) dual. Will hit lucrative $7,000 on six-day third week. Second stanza ended ^vith big $10,900. Paramonnt (Par) (3,595; 30-40-55) —'Midnight' (Par) and stage show (2d week). Holdover week better in proportion than first stanza, with prospect of $12,000. Initial week $16,000, not so hot. BKO (2,872; 30-40-55)—'Love Af- fair' (RKO) (3d-flnal week) and 'Spirit of Culver' (U) dual. Adding another profitable $6,500 on six-day third week. Second full week ended with $8,600, good. State (Loew-Fox) (2,414; 30-40-55- 75)—Tailspin' (20th)' and 'Musk- eteers' (20th), dual. Looks like good $12,800. Last week, 'Ice Follies' (M-G) and 'Fast Loose' (M-G), dis- appointing $10,400. United ArUsts (F-WC) (2,100: 30- 40-55)—'Ice Follies' (M-G) and 'Fast Ix>ose' (M-G), dual. Not very hot on moveover, so best in sight is weak $2,200. Last week, Tygmallon' (M-G), for continued first-run after long stay at Four Star, very good $4,100. 'Arizona Wildcat' (20th) added for good measure. Wllshire (F-WC) (2.296; 30-40-55- 65)—'Ice Follies" (M-G) and 'Fast Loose' (M-G), dual. Another week stanza with answer about $4,300. Last week, 'Wife. Husband' (20th) and 'Arizona Wildcat' (20th), on move-, over, weak $4,000. 'HONEST MAN' PAYS IN HEALTHY DENVER, 9iG Denver,. April 4. All the first-runs are close to aver- age, with the Denham's split-week doing the best comparatively, al- though the Denver and Orpheum are each taking more coin. Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 25-40)— 'Daughter' (WB), after week at Den- ver. Nice $3,500. Last week, 'Topper* (UA), nice $3,500, after week at Denver. BroadWay (Fox) (1,100: 25-40)— 'Ice Follies'^ (M-G) and 'Saint Strikes Back' (RKO), both after week at Or- pheum. Fairish $2,500. Last week, 'Love Affair' (RKO) and 'Crowded Hours' (RKO), nice $3,000, after week at Orpheum. Denbam (Cockrill) (1.750; 25-40)— 'Midnight' (Par), four days to flhish . 18, and 'Persons Hiding' (Par), three days. Very good $8,500. Last week, 'Midnight' (Par) (2d wk), nice $8,000. Denver (Fox) (2.525; 25-40)— 'Honest Man' (U). Very good $9,500. Last week, 'Daughter* (WB), good $9,000. Orpheum (RKO) (2,600: 25-35-40) —'Madden' (M-G) and 'Marry* (RKO). (3ood $8,800. Last week, 'Ice Follies' (M-G) and 'Saint Strikes ord proportions. May top smash $24,000. Last week, 'King Turf' (M-G) and Shirley Ross' p. a., poor $10,000. Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 35-55)— 'Love Affair' (RKO) (2d wk). Hold- ing toward great $10,500. Last'week, same pic, swell $16,000. . Met (WB) (1,600; 25-40)—'OnTrial* (WB). Will play six days to let house go back to Friday openings. Probably fair $3,500. Last week, 'Oklahoma Kid' (WB) (2d run), good $5,000. Palace (Loew) (2,242; 35-55)—'Cafe Society' (Par). (Opposition is too much, but it's staying nine days to allow next pic to open after Good \^acv"<JX.Oh'^eood'ih Friday. _Won't better under-aver»ge t-*'p^„iS^„t' (F\)^^^^ 25-40)— 'Lady Mob' (Col) and 'Dark Rapture' (U). Fair $3,500. Last week. 'Blondie Boss' (Col) and 'Newsboys' Home' (U). good $4,600. Biafto (Fox) (878; 25-40)—Topper' (UA) after a week at each Denver and Aladdin, and 'Inside Story* (20th). Fair S1.700. Last week. 'Wings Navy' (WB). after a week at each Denver and Aladdin, and 'Lady Vanishes' (GB), nice $2,000.