Variety (Apr 1939)

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Wednesday, AprB 8, X939 LEGITIMATE GROSSES VARIETY 51 2 Shows Quit Chi;'Angel'Sets Pace, 4thm$22m%ssBoysT^^ Chicaso, April 4. Leslt list in town sUces in half, with two shows quitUng Saturday m "Kiss Boya Goodbye' left Chf- iieo after a good ll-week stay, lesB b8 this'week and then hops to 3t ' Loiils for "6 -fortnight md thon-toto oflier nildwest spots. "Kiss Boys' was flmiied to stick here awhUe longer. %gela Is 22' canceled Its original Dlans to continue tour and folded in- Head. Had been figured at first for a lump into the east . , ,. ■What a Life' extended its stay here and now plans to remain until April 15. New life has been injected into the show through high school party business, especially on Friday. Weekend trade for the comedy is excellent, with weakness during the middle of the stanzas. . fLast weeks' notlM^has gone up on •I Married an Angel? now scheduled to leave April 22 for Detroit There has been some discussion as to whether Vera Zorina will stay with the show, and it is now indicated that she will stick until June I. She's slated for a picture. Upstairs ducats have been selling to capacity, but the orchestra reveals empty pews during midweek. Following 'Angel' Into the Grand will be ICnickerbocker Holiday,' which comes in April 24. Next Tues- day (11) the Federal Theatre will open Its Shakespearean repertoire with Ian Keith headlining in 'Othello.' Estlm»tes for Last Week 'Ansela Is 22.' Selwyn (3d-flnal wk) (l.OOO; $2.75). Decided to quit after three mediocre sessions. Fin- ished around $6,000. ■1 Married an AnfeV Grand (4th wk) (1,300: $3.30). Some weakness on the main floor during midweek holding down the gross, which is still good, however, at $22,000. ■Kiss Boys Ooedbye,' Harris (11th- flnal wk) (1,000; $2.75). Finished excellent stay here Saturday (1). Final week gross was $11,200. •Vn»t a, Ufe,' Erlanger (4th wk) (1,400; $1,65). Lifted to $8,000, good. ' and may remain beyond the April 15 date tentatively set for closing. WPA <Btc Blow,' Great Northern. HUSTONHOLIDAr OFF IN PITTSBURGH, $17,000 Pittsburgh, AprU 4. •Knickerbocker HoUd^ fell con- siderably' below expectations at the Nixon last week. Although Lent hurt somewhat general opinion was tli^t musical's $3.30 tariff, coming right on heels of 'Women's' $1 top, kept gross down. holiday* collected swell notices and Walter Huston's been a big f ave locally since 'Dodsworth' hit town four years ago. Most of the action was in the balcony, with gallery and downstairs slim. House currently dark and also stays shuttered next (Easter) week on account of last-minute cancella- Uon of 'Five Kings.' Estimate tor Last Week 'Knickerbocker Holiday,' Nixon (2,100; $3JO). Did only fair $17,000. Smooth $12,500 In 5tli SL Lonis Visit IQss Boys' Strong $14,500 In the South . Atlanta, April 4. Brock Femberton's Southern com- pbh:^ of Clara Bo'othe's 'Kiss the ioys Goodbye' cracked oB some healthy business last week in one- nighters, winding up at the Erlanger here Saturday flight (1). Grossed 1114,500 for eight performances. Nearly $5,()00 was drawn In single LouisvlUe and Nashville perform- ances. St. liouis, April 4. 'Tobacco Road,' back for its fifth engagement in four consecutive sea- sons, closed a fareweU run Saturday (1) with a take that boosted the sea son's b. o. receipts at the American, this town's sole le^lter, above $200,- 000. House dark currently but re opens Sunday (9) with a two-week engagement of 'Kiss Boys Croodbye.' According to present bookings John Barrymore and Elaine Barrle in 'My Dear Children, 'I Married an Angel' and 'Knickerbocker Holiday' will be shown here before the season closes. Estimate for Last Week Tobacoo Boad,' American (1,707 $1.68). With John Barton as Jeeter, •Road' collected $12,500 for nine per- formances; Beers Quits Shurr Agcy To G.M. Conn. Strawhat Nate Beers has resigned from the Lguis Shurr agency, where he had charge of legit casting. He will be general manager o'f the Chapel Play- . .hoHsg^jtJjlllfQid, rnnn , thin miitiTinpr | where in Strawhat will be operated by Louise and Jean Piatt in association with Olive Warren. It will open late in June'for a 10-week season. Louise Piatt film player, will come east late in the spring and expects to play leads at the spot this sum. mer. Her sister, Jean, a Broadway 'ngenue, last appeared in 'Our Town.' Rich, Ethel Barrymore Fhys Peter Got m S. F. After StroBS Openiiigs Ban Francisco, AprU 4. After a long period of darkness tiie Geary and Curran theatres reopened with shows that looked promishig at the start then petered out First to come in was *A Broom for the Bride.' with Irene Rich, which opened at the Curran March 23. On Monday (27) Ethel Barrymore, In 'White- oaks,' opened at the Geary, which Is next door. Oompetish from Lent in this strong C>athollc town credited as being chief reasons for biz being off. Estimates for Last Week •Broom for the Bride.' Curran (1,- 771;'$2.75). Play n^ed some work before coming here. Midweek open ing during Lenten season also harm' tul. Irene Rich and Else Argal well liked. Although notices from crix n.s.g. on thei play^ audience reaction better. Present plan is for the com- pany to return to Los Angeles, where there wUl be some changes. New York showing is being talked. Around $9,000 during engagement here. •Whitcoaks,' Geary (1st wk) (1, 550; $2.75). Usually brUIiant first night crowd turned out to see Miss Barrymore. But thereafter it slowed down and was lucky to set $9,000, Crix liked Miss Barrymore. Com- petish from Fair, spell of wajm weather also hannfuL- WPA •Bon Lll' Chilian,' Alcazar (13th wk) (1,269; $1.65). Show will close May 0, to be replaced by 'Two a Day.' 'Chillun' will be moved to Federal theatre on l^easUre Island. Roth Draper OK $10,000; 'Earnest'6G, Cuts Stay Boston, April 4. Spring fever caught up with show biz here last week, and as a result 'Importance of Being Earnests clipped short by one week Its intended two< week booking. Ruth Draper, in a single week, drew good business. Next entry is Cornelia Otis Skin' ner in "Candida,* April 10. All houses closed Holy Week. , EsUmatea for Last Week Bnth Draper.' Plymouth <1,480; $2.75). Claimed to have taken around $10,000, okay. This was in place of her cancelled booking earlier in the season. Importance of Being Earnest' Wil- bur (1,227; $2.75). Very sluggish eve- ning trade, good mathiees, $6,000; second week cancelled. Current Roadshows (Week 0/ April 8) Thila. Story' Leads Stnu^t Plays 'A Broom for the Bride' (Irene Rich)—Curran, San Francisco D'Oyiy Carte Opera<—National, Washington, 'Bamlet' - •Henry rv (Maurice Evans)—Bushnell Auditorium, Hart- ford (8). 1 Married an Angel' (Dennis King, Vera Zorina)—Opera House, C3ii- cago. •Kiss the Boys Goodbye'—Harris^ Chicago. •Kiss the Boy* Goodbye' — City Auditorium, Montgomery (3); Tem> pie, Birmingham (4-5); Auditorium, Memphis (6-7); Highschool, LitUe Rock (8). •Hy Dear Children' (John Barry- more)—Masonic Auditorium, Roch' ester (8). No Time for Comedy' (Katharine Cornell)—Memorial, Louisville (3); Taft. Auditorium, Cincinnati. (4-5); Hartman, Columbus (6-8). •What a Life'—Erlanger, Chicago, •Whiteoaks' (Ethel Barrymore)-^ Geary, San Francisco. On B way, $20^00; Both IHikados' Fare WeD; Kay StiH Stem Leader At mid-season Broadway's musi- ■ other show Is even close to its gross, cals were attracting most playgoers! $37,500. D'OytymSOO In PUily Fmale, Kings Off. 9G Philadelphia. AprU 4. Past tense seems to be applicable to Philadelphia's 1038-39 seasoa The cancellation, not unexpected, of 'An- gela Is 22/ skedded for the Locust Monday (10), leaves the city not only without .any current ^ows, but without any bookings. Nothing surprising about first item, as this is Holy Week, but even in the worst years of the depression there has been no such .early clos- ing of all houses.. D'Oyly Carte again upped In its third and final week at the Forrest last week,' but never hit predicted capacity. Cornelia Otis Skinner earned some profit In her single week at the Locust getting a num- ber of theatre parties from Bryn Mawr'and Main Line groups for her 'Candida.' The Philadelphia engagement of 'Five Kings' can hardly be accounted a success. Second week at the Chestnut Estimates: for Last Week D'Oyly Carte Co, Forrest (3d-final wk) (2,000; $3). Ended engagement very big. Final week was biggest of three at $28,500. 'Candida.' Locust (1,400; $2). The- atre parties and group siqnKtrt gave Miss Skinner around $8,S()0. •Five Sings,' Chestnut (2d wk) (1,750; $2.50). Never really got started after adverse notices. The- atre Guild withdrawal, bickering and rumors of premature closing first week didn't help; claimed over $9,' 000, mostly subscription. 'Skylark: Gets $15,600 In Week at Toronto N. Y/s Yiddish Legit Shuts Down on June 1 AU New York Yiddish theatres, shuttered per usual during the pre- Passover holidays, reopened Tuesday (4) for a more or less extended run. By June 1 all are expected to be shut for the season, reopening in the early fall. As for the downtown houses— presently operating are the Second Ave. and National only—they will have' short runs and then fold for the season. The only other down- town house, the Public, quit a month ago when it ran into financial trouble. In the Bronx, the McKinley Square runs until the end of May with im- ported traveling troupes from else- the city, while_ the Hop- kinson and Parkway,. bbUi'R'ro'okljrii, operate indefinitely, although it's ex- pected that they'll continue only for a few weeks, since the Yiddish the- atre is practically nil at the b.o. with the approach of warmer weather. The only other Yiddish theatre is the Irving Place, near Union Square, which is set to light only for five days during the holiday period. Toronto, April 4. 'Skylark,' with Gertrude Lawrence, grossed $15,600 in eight performances at the Royal Alexandra theatre here last week. John Golden production of Samson Raphaelson's -Blsiy is lay- ing oil this week, but plays the Na- tional, Washington, next week, and Ford's, Baltimore, the following stanza. Question what will be done after that Show may t>e taken directly into New York, or may be continued on tour, with the Broadway engage, ment held pft until the fall. Lunts Snare Smash $24,000 in Milwaukee Milwaukee, April 4. Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne, in a week of 'Amphitryon' and 'Sea Gull' repertory, drew the second largest gross in town for this season at the Pabst last week. Only topper was George M. Cohan's 'I'd Rather Be Right' at the Davidson in Janu- ary. Lunts are laying iStl this week^ staying at their Genesee Depot home near here. They play the Taft Audi. toriym,_CjMinbalj._nfiirt.iKefik, spilt the following week between In. dianapolis and Columbus, and wind up the season in Pittsburgh the fol lowins week. Estimate For Last Week LuDt-Fontanne Repertoire, Pabst (1,500; $3.30 top). Town and critics welcomed the Lunts handsomely, Two mats were sold out Ctombo hit a smash $24,000 in eight perform' ances. but spring finds straight' shows in the foreground. Iliat is due largely because of the clicks registered by such shows. Most recent hit -is The Philadelphia Story,' starring Kathar- ine Hepburn, which.opened at the. Shubert last , week and immediately went into the lead of its division, get- ting $20,500 in the first seven per- formances. List now has three high-grossing dramas, 'Abe Lincoln in Illinois' and The Little Foxes' completing the trio, both coupled as runners-up to 'Story,' with takings bettering $19,- 000. The American Way' is tech- nically in the same category but is a spectacle. It was affected by heavy rains last week but with $37,500 still is the No. 1 grosser. There's a wide divergence in the takings of the two colored 'Mikados.' First full week of the commercially liroduced 'Hot Mikado' grossed $13,- lOO and additional praise from the press should figure in the show be- ing a sticker. It's scaled at $3.30 top, as compared with $1.10 for WPA^s •Swing Mikado.' Latter, in a larger capacity house, got $7,700 at the low scale and sell-out biz was claimed, ^at mark is said to be the highest for any of the WPAers in New York so far. Both are doing well but whether there will be a battle of 'Mikados' because of the scale differ ence remains to be s^n. Downpour Saturday evening (1) started long before show time. TtaSlc was snarled and curtains held, boxoflices being considerably dented, another storm earlier in the week also hurting. Ijowest grosses of the spring are likely this (Holy) week but like last year there's a good advance for Good Friday (7) ni^t Due next week: 'The Flashing Stream,' Vanderbilt; 'My Heart's in the Highlands,' Guild. Possibilities are 'Afexicana,' 'Five Kings,' and "The Brown Danube.' 'Rocket to the Moon' closed after yesterday's (Tues- day) performance at the Windsor, revival of 'Awake and Sing' going on a weekly basis. ■ Estimates for Last Week 'Abe JUncoIn In nUnols,' Plymouth (25th week) (D-1,036; $3.30). Ad- vance sale protected Saturday (1) night's biz when storm dented b.o.s; gross quoted over $19,000. •Boys Fn>m Syraonse,' Alvin (20th week) (m,325; $4.40). Doing al- right although cohsiderably under earlier going; rated around $20,500, good profit •Family Portrait,' Morosco (5th week) (D-061; $3.30). Picking up; around $7,500; probably bettered even break. 'Gentle People,' Belasco (14th week) (C-1,107; $3.30). Although slightly off, held to better than $8,000, profitable. •Hellaqwppia.' Winter Garden (29th) week) (R-1,671; $3.30). De- spite the weather the top grossing musical sold out at all nine shows and was again well over $33,000. •Hot Mikado,' Broadhurst (3d week) (IVI-1,116; $3.30). First fuU week approximated $13,500, promis- ing for colored cast musical. •I Mast Love Someone,' Longacre (0th week) (C-1,109; $3.30). Oper- ating in red so far with takings around $4,500. 'Kiss Boys Goodbye,' (28th week) (C-944; $3.30). Run musical better upstairs than down; consistently profitable though under earlier go- ing; $10,500. 'Leave It to Mc,' Imperial (22d week) (M-1,468; $4.40). Storm had some effect Saturday (1) but busi- ness claimed to have again shaded $30,000. •Mamba's Daoghters,' Empire (14th week) (D-1,099; $3.30). Eased off like most others but still doing well; close to $13,000. 'One for the Money,' Booth (0th week) (R-708: $3.85). One of few shows that claimed some increase over previous week, approaching $12,000. •Oscar Wilde,' Fulton (26th week) (D-913; $3.30). Dipped under $8,000 for first time; stlU okay, though. 'Socket to the Moon,' and 'Awake and Sing,' Windsor (20th week) (D- 1.049: $2.20). Starting next week 'Awake' replaces 'Rocket' regularly; revival easily better draw. Takings down to $4,000. •Set to Mnslc,' Music Box (12th week) (R-1,000; $4.40). Ji■^n ahead Of previous . week up to.. Thursday (28), then dropped and was hurt Saturday nieht bv rain; $15,000. •Stars In Yonr Eyes,' Majestic (0th week) (M-1.717: $4.40). Partial re- vision of lower floor due, and at- tendance should be upped there- after: slipped but claimed around ^M.OOO. The American Way/ Onter (11th week) (D-3,433; $3.30). Broadway's leader affected somewhat but no The LltQe FoMs.' National (8th week) (D-l,ie4' $3.30). Line at box- office rarely breaks and biisinesB holds to big money despite offish Broadway going generally; again over $19,000. The Philadelphia Story/ Shubert (2d week) (0-1.387; $3,30). Broad- way's liew comedy leader; grossed $20,500 in first seven performances after getting rave press. The Primrose Path,' Biltmore (14th week) (CD-1,387; $3.30). Big aty helped gross to better than , J,000 and engagement expected Into the summer: moves to Cort Monday (10). The White Steed.' Golden (13th week) (D-730; $3.80). Among the moderates; takings around $7,000, profitable. Tobaeeo Bosd,' Forrest (278th week) (D-1,107; $1.65). Down to $4,000, or less. •What a Life.' Mansfield (Slst week) (01,050; $3.30). Use of cut rates helping it get by; $4,000. BEVIVAL 'Oatward Bonnd,' Playhouse (16th week) (D-873; $3J0). Turning weekly profit with grosses over $8,000. ADDED ' 'The Qalet City,' Belasco; written by Irwin Shaw; slated for Sunday nights, starting this week (9). 'Pins and Needles,' Labor Stage (71st week). Claimed bettering even break slightly at little over $4,00a Improvement expected after this week. Frank Fay Vaudeville. 44th St Not so £ood so far; around $9,000 but needs more, WPA 'Swinc Mikado.' New Yorker; far- ing very well. 'Androeles and Lion,' Lafayette. Harlem; due' off next week. •PInocohIo,' Ritz. •Awake and Sing,' Daly's (Yid- dish); closing Saturday (8). John Barrymore Cnts D. C. Date Dne to lUness Washington. April 4. Few thought much of the play, but critics went to town on John Barry- more's performance, and with the traditional Barrymore draw, •My Dear Children' was. headed for an excellent gross when star gave in to throat ailment cancelled Friday night (31) and two Saturday per- formances and set out for a New York hospital. There had been some doubt aboiit play's opening here after one-night stands In Princeton and Wilmington, as throat ailment developed two weeks ago. Although opening night performance here gave little evi- dence of It understanding was that Barrymore played that night with temperature at 102. Current Is D'Oyly Carte Opera Co. for single week, followed by Gert- rude Lawrence m 'Slqriark,' Estimate for Last Week •My Dear Children,' Nattonal (1,- 698; $2.75 top). Building strongly when Barrymore gave in to increas- ing throat infection Friday night (31) and cancelled last three per- formances. Approximately $0,000 for five performances. 'Women' Vamps Detroit For $10,400 on 3d Visit Detroit April 4. Virtual capacity crowds greeted 'The Women' (third visit • here), which played at the Cass here last week at $1 top. Sticks for second stanza and advance Indicates a profit-. able sesh despite Holy Week. - Everjrone of the nine performances was virtually capaci^. 'Knicker- bocker Holiday' opens at the Cass Sunday (9). Estimate for Last Week 'The Women.' Cass (1,500; $1.10). Excellent $10,400, despite nlay's third visit here. . Brooklyn Totters Brooklyn, April 4. Legit shut-down for Holy Week here. We'rba's Brooklyn reopens next week, but:there is chance that the Shubert wiU quit Last week saw 'Behind Red Lights at the Shubert do mildly. Werba'a 'Stepping Siste.'s' fared poorly. Estimates for Last Week 'StepDlng Sisters,' Werba'a (1,529; 75c). Weak sister, $2,000. •Behind the Bed Lights,' Shubert (85c). So-so $1,500.