Variety (Apr 1939)

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Wednesday, April 5, 1939 CHATTER VARIETY 5S Broadway Paul Morris to p.a. Fair's musical activities. Herman Bobbins due back from Florida soon. ■ Delos CliappeU to Denver for In- definite stay. ^ . Ciiarles Wasliburn annoyed by in- flamed eyelids. George W. Weeks, Monogram sales head, bedded with the fla Leon Enken (Leon & Eddie's) lost ' 19 pbuhds^at"HDrSprinesr-Ark: - Victor. Leightort and Rube Berri- (teiii to handle Aquacade at Fair. Charles Stern, UA's eastern dis- trict manager, back from Miami. Tropical Park's fold Monday (10) means, the end of the Miami season. Bob Weitman checked in from Bemuda with his brother-in-law. Chic Johnson's wife, Katherine, out of 'Hellzapoppin' for goitre, op- eration. Paramount Pep Club holds its an- nual spring dance, Hotel Astor, AprilM. . George M. Cohan 3d of Alvin box- office under treatment for low blood pressure. The Park Central hotel puts in a girl show—part of the World's Fair preparation. George Walsh plans another golf tournament for the Paramount Net- co circuit this summer. Nancy Andre, receptionist for Brock Pemberton, wed to James Allen, and off to the Coast Hurricane last fall provided better beach for RusseU Markert at Quo- gue, L. I., than he had before. Don Hancock, ainateur prestidiga- tor, Is trying to sign a magician for a part in picture he is directing. Lou (ilayton having a three-st«», skin-grafting operation to close breach on reconditioned schnozzle. Oscar Micheaux, producer of pic- tures for the Colored trade, has ligned a Screen Actors' Guild pact Story ed Franklyn Underwood be- Ing ill, Joe Moskowitz is doubling into that 20th-Fox depurtment at the homeoSice.. Both Mae West and her manager, Jim Timony, have play production ideas for Broadway following her vaudfllmtour. j Savington Crampton, ex-radio ad- man, now a gentleman farmer, sells his Bucks County (Pa.) eggs to the taverns around town. Clifford Goldsmith, author of •What a Life,' returned from the Coast last week, is readying a new comedy for fall production. Nydia Westman to the Coast on a 20th-Fox chore. Gave up a spot on the 'Guess Where' program over Mu- tual to take the assignment A. L. Burks back to the Metro exchange, Charlotte, after New York stopover following Metros tsisa convention in Chicago. George D. Lottman, p. a., now a Miami Beach resident with his fam- ily, and planning to open' a bistro there for year-round operation. Sol A. Rosenblatt, theatrical at- torney, back from a sixweek trip to Europe. - He arranged to bring over some French films for U. S. distribu- tion.. Joe Bemhai'd, recently laid up In a hospital, flew to the Coast Sun- day (2) for a week of conferences on studio matters and Pacific Coast theatre operation. Terry Lawlor and Ramon and Re- nita were among the most solidly booked performers in Florida this season; both played every top nitery in Miami and at the beach. Casts of 'What a Life,' 'Primrose Path' and "Boys From Syracuse' readying skits for nresentation at the birthday party George Abbott is giving April 13 at the Alvin. Owen Davis, Jr., will do 'LitUe Women,' with Jean Muir, at Maple- wood, N. J., next week. Alison Skip- worth and Anne Mason will do The Torchbearers' the following week. ■ S. S. Bear Mountain, used by Ray Parsons for the ^ist several summers as a Hudson River show- boat, has been sold, indicating she will not be on the river this season. Theatre Guild is planning to dis- play the boxoffice scale for The Philadelphia Story' on the wall out- side ihe Shubert theatre, as well as ' at the boxoffice, so those in line, for tickets may have time to study it Edward Rigney, one of the U. S. tax experts assigned to .Variew for gratis governmental aid to profes- sionals on income tax statement preparations,. has been admitted to the bar. He will practice in N. Y. Sydney By Eric Gorrlck 'Suez' (20th) is playing to top biz in New Zealand. .. _ . y. Si. sideshow arts wlU feature this year at the Royal Easter Fair. Nicola, magician, is still chalking up big biz in the stlx of New Zealand for the Fullers. Australian-New Zealand Theatres dickering regarding .season of Gil- . bert and Sullivan operas late this year. Many nabe exhlbs are still stick- ing to triples. Say they won't quit until it can be shown that duals spell b.0. Big boom Ib anticipated in Ice skating here this season. Sir Ben Fuller figures on being in this year with an ice idea. ^ Norman B. Rydge, boss of Greater Union, was recently granted a di- vorce from his wife and given sole custody of his two young sons. Through collections taken up in New South Wales picture houses $10,000 was donated to victims of recent bush Are- disaster in Victoria. Col's -You Can't Take It Wit)> You,' which won the Hollywood Academy Award, failed to pull on move-over try from Regent to May- ,feir. ..Sydney,...." After the legit 'Idiot's Delight' Henry Mollison, together with Frank Harvey, will be spotted in several straight shows by Australian-New Zealand Theatre;. Australian-New Zealand Theatres may take a - fling at. grand opera next year if present plans mature. Biggest problem is an extra legit house in Sydney. Ken Asprey is now located at the home office of Australian-New Zea- land Theatres. Has broken away from Baldick & Asprey after years with the attorney firm. Atlas will distribute the Pommer- Laughton picture throughout Aus- tralia under the direction of Rich- ard Shafto. 'St Martin's Lane' has arrived and has been okayed by censor. Greater Union made a deal with Par for the release of 'Ambush' and Thanks for' the Memory,' into the State, Sydney. First time in years that a Par bill has been spotted, at this house. Although it was tipped by picture moguls that gangster pictures were definitely out in this territory, the. recent four-week run of 'Angels With Dirty Faces' (WB),is responsi- ble for making them think other- wise. Questioned as to whether he would enter the home productioni field, Stuart F. Doyle, founder of Cinesoimd, but now miiinly inter- ested in radio, said he might do so providing the British market was more widely opened to home prod- uct deyebnd By Glcnm C. Pnllen Nat Holt of RKO Palace recovered from grippe. . Freddie Meiers of News theatrical section still lU. Dick Stabile leaving Terrace Room April IS for one-niters. Misha and Lucy Gehrman joining Manhattan stock company. Joseph Holten, 20th Century-Fox talent scout in for quick visit Lou Wassermans stopped off, en route from New York to Coast. Henry Leitson changing Eight O'clock Club's monicker to College Inn. John Brownlee pinch hit for Law- rence Tibbett, down with flUr in Met Opera's 'OteUo.' Charlie Reinhardt promoted from Allerton hotel managership to helm of swankier Fenway HaU. Stan Jabin back from Miami, tak- ing over Chateau Club, with Daffy and Lenny as silent partners. Eugene Kelly of Tourists, Inc., and Statler looking for summer road at- tractions to lure convention trade. Frederic McConnell's Play House tackling 'Of Mice and Men,' after five weeks of 'She Stoops to Conquer.' Cinema Club holding second an- nual convention! with Harold Hen- dee, RKO-Radio research director, as guest-speaker next week. By Herb Ctolden Bill Rovner buying himself- a plane. Howard Parker in on a quickie visit from Chi. Jack Mulhall, WB di.itrict man- ager in Chester, home sick. Charley Kaplan back at WIP after spending the winter in Miami. Clem's Supply House, oldest in the territory, sold at auction last week. Ben Shindler back at his Wilming- ton theatre after a southern sojourn. Muzak rep in town to consult with Musicians Union on plans for coming in here. Central Labor Union supporting fight against chain store and theatre tax in Pennsy. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fox and their daughter off to Eurone. Will visit Scandinavian countries. John .Colder,. of Hollywood Ex- change, back from Florida, while Ed McEvoy. of RKO, just leaving. Lou Goodkin grieving because he had to pass up a job as cameraman on scientific expedition going around the world. Hal Hode in from Columbia's home office last Thursday (30) for luncheon to Mrs. Edna Carroll, new censor board chairman. . (irew of six from Disney Coast studios trained in la.<!t week for a month and a half stay recording Philly Orch imder Stokowski. Harry Murdoch. Evening Ledger crick, left Saturday with wife and kids to drive to Miami on a two- week vacash. Gerry Gaghen filling in. for him. Concert by Lawrence Tibbett itkedded for the Academy of Music Thursday (30) night, was cancelled, due to the warbler's illness. Richard Tauber subbed. London Earl Bailey down with sinus. Paul Robeson making first Scandl- vian tour. According to official liquidators. Giro's Club lost $35,000 last year. Charles Cochran talking of taking over an important London thea'ire. Wlni Shaw off to Paris for a look- see, and may return to play in a revue. Tom Walls'terminated three-month vaudeville tour with General Thea- tres Corp. Sam Smith, head of British Lion Fihn Corp., has been made a director of Republic Pictures.. After panning' all' screen writers for years, George Bernard Shaw h^s joined the British. Screen Writers Assn. Wilfred Lawson joins the Mask Theatre Co, at Westminster theatre for two plays, the first of which will be 'Bridge Head.' Tom Mix h?.s cancelled his month- of-April engagement at . Cirque d'Hlver, Paris, and goes to Copen- hagen .for the entire summer. Gracie Fields' new picture for 20th-Fox goes into production short- ly. Sydney Howard will play her screen fathen Monty Banks will direct tiabor ministry getting toucher. Won't even permit a foreign turn to play gratis at a charity show. Must adhere strictly to labor permit en- gagements. Earl St. John closed deal with Teddy Joyce to stage aU shows at the Paramount Contract operates from April 10, and is for three months, with option. . 'Band Wagon,' the No. 1 radio feature here, whose unit Jack Hylton is touring In the sticks, grossed .$12,- 000 at the Hippodrome, Birmingham, all-time record for the house. Howard Boxall, production man- ager for M-G British Studios, Ltd;, and for past 20 years in film' produc- tion here, named as general man- ager for Korda Productions, Ltd. The Zomahs, mind-reading act,, won their suit against Psychic News, Ih which they alleged, the newspajier accused them of dishonesty and in- competence. Plaintiffs, were awarded $500 each. Ministry of Labor has reiterated its ruling to local agents that it won't allow American bands here to play vaudeville or cabarets imtil the American Federation of Musicians relaxes rules on English bands. Charles Clore and Alfred Esdaile wanted Benny Ross and Maxine Stone for the opening of the London Casino April 8, but team had Ameri- can dates to fulfill and couldn't make It before June. Steve G«ray has now been booked to m.c., which Benny Ross would have had to do, besides their vaudeville act Pafan Beach Emil Petti's orch leaves Ever- glades this week for the Savoy-Plaza, N. Y. The George Jessels (Norma Tal- madge) have closed their house for the season. (Seorge Shelley, after baritoning the season at Jardin Royal. White- hall, scrammed for the Coast P. J. DeCicco, of Metro, and How- ard Hughes flew in from Nassau. Rumor has it DeCicco has a contract in his pocket for Brenda Frazier. deb. Breakers formally closes today (Wed.); ditto the Ev«rglades, which held over five more days than usual Breakers operates family plan, until April 15. Sam Salvin sold the Patio to Daniel J. Shaiek and Edward Hawley Zim- merman. Policy to remain the same. Salvin will continue to run the Col- ony next .season. Harry Olsen and Mayfair orch close at the 52d Street tomorrow (Thursday). Heads for Frank's Em- bassy club. West Orange, N. J., to open April 18. New vocalist, Jean Bennett, going along. By Hal Cohen Harry Kalmines motored to Miami for a few weeks. Pitt Players are trying to cast 'Our Town' for a late spring production. Newly wed Bob Fiskes (Eileen Maole) are both down with the flu. Kilbuck theatre's J. Keith Lundy has taken Mark Andrews for a stage name. Mark Browars have gone to Holly- wood for a couple, of months of sightseeing. Ed Herold adding a new wing to his Jacktown hotel and another bar in addition. Dewey Moon doubling in as Plaza cafe's doorman and one of its entertainers, Joe Feldman's frau and both of their youngsters have been' down with the flu. Johnny Corlett, who plays the drums, organizing his owa dance band at local 60. Rae Trader has gone to Annapolis for a lounge cafe engagement with her squeeze-box. ^ Sal yicitors—he's with the Buddy Russell trio—expect the stork prac- tically any day now. ' Marie McSwIgan back on the job again this .year doing the publicity for Kennywood Park. Metro director S: Sylvan Simon and the missus here visiting his mother for few days. Cy Grody,' Marcus Heiman's nephew, how listed as Nixon the- atre's assistant manager. Playhouse's final show of season, 'Meet My Sister,' opens four-week engagement Tuesday (U). Alec Templeton to guest-star with Pittsburgh Symphony Satdce (8) in closing concert of season. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette radio ed Darrell V. Martin plans to toss hat into political ring next fall. . Sydney Magidson and ■ Amy Ber- linger have formed a new dance team. Both under Ave feet. Dick Hoover becomes Playhouse subscription secretary when Jane Keith retires for marriage. Jiminy Balmer's pals have tagged him 'Skinny' now that he's just a shadow of his former syl -. Harry Keck, sports editor Pitts- burgh Sun-Telegraph, signed for beer-sponsored show on WCAE. Vince Johnson, music editor Pitts- burgh Post-Gazette, a father for the first time. It's a nine-pound boy. Johnny Harris . slated for re- election to presidency of National Variety Clubs at Detroit convention. Charlie Danver,' 'Plttsburghesque' columnist of Pittaburgh Post-Ga- zette, celebrates 20 years in news- paper biz May 1. Hollywood Paris By Hngo Speck Gabriel Pascal in and out again. Ray Rousseau plans New York re- lum. Vona Glory back from South America. Harry Salzman to London on tal- ent chase. Yehudi Menuhin due to concert here next month. (]!eorges Marton to London en route to America. BBC angling for Duke Ellington's English broadcast. Jeanne Aubert due to top next Rip revue at Nouveautea Auction of Pearl White's jewels brought over $50,000. 'Film Night' gala given at Moulin de la Galette for' retired artists's charity. Gerda Newman back at Shehera- zade after English tour with Jack Hylton. Film laboratory fire in Saint Cloud killed four employes and destroyed four films. Maurice' Cloche to make 'Sixieme Etage' ('Sixth Floor'), adapted from Alfred (Sehrl play. Samy Slrltzky again postpones American departure because of un- settled conditions. Harold Smith organizing American and French opposition to fleht pas- sage of new Cinema Code bill. Jean Gabin heading cast off for Brest for exteriors of 'Remorques,' which Jean Gremlllion is directing, Sonia Bessy, Opera-Comioue danc- er, elected Miss Paris of 1930, to rep- resent city at the N. Y. World's Fair. Story of Msrie Antoinette, by Stefan Zweig, running in 'Intransl- eeant' concurrently with release of film. Jean Sablon due to sail back to America April 12 to commence re- hearsals for the Shuberts' 'Stroets of Paris.' Boris Romanoff in from America. Viviane Romance off for Riviera vacash after finishing 'La Tradition de Minuit' Jacques Becker going to make 'Sans Patrie' CWIthout Country'), from Pierre Humbourg's script' on the refugees. Abel Gance to make 'Christopher Columbus' in French, Spanish and English versions, with latter due for World's Pair distribution. House Reviews NATIONAL, L^VILLE (Contined from Page 45) for another specialty dance number, giving 'em the bumps with vigor. Show is overboard on dancing, with Johnny Elliott making a coupla appearances doing his eccentric legomania, and Roberta, a buxom, burley type blonde, essaying a few daiice steps, a la burlesque, and then doing a mild peel. Cutest trick on the bill is tiny Patsy O'Connor, seven-year-old miss, who turns in a zippy bit of tap work with her brothers. Will and Jack. Moppet resembles Shirley Temple and packs a dimpled smile which sells' her with the -alrons solidly and helps give, the bill a badly needed lift Betty, Jack and Earl, skating trio, roll through the usual spinj, with two males' whirling the femme, but the laughs come fast when volun- teers are invited to take a spin. A huge femme stooge comes up from the audience for a sock comedy bit. Show hais several slow spots. Too many dance numbers and weak musical support from the local house, orchestra make for pretty tepid en- tertainment Biz fair at first show Saturday (1). Hold. CfCne Towne had a birthday. Tom Bodkin In from Broadway. Charlie Chaplin laid up with flu. Tery Kilbum back from London, Rita Johnson back to work after illness. Lois Moran mulling idea of return to films. Sonny Lament recovering from operation. Howard Strickllng on the job after flu. attack. AI Lichtman back from Manhattan sales huddle. Freddie Bartholomew celebrated 15th birthday. Lee Bowman recovering from' tonsillectomy. Gretehen- Messer recovering from major operation. Judy Garland east on personal appearance tour. Harpo and Alva Marx adopted two-year-old boy. Bruce Manning returned from Cuban Ashing trip. (^orge Marshalls celebrated 20th wedding anniversary. Robert Young elected honorary mayor of Tarzana, C^al. Mickey Daniels fell heir to father's .$10,000 estate. William Keighley Injured by ex- ploding dynamite caps. Harry Wurtzel and Lester Zif- fren back from Brazil. Prexy Charles Seymour here from Yale pandering studios. Jean Parker flirting with straw- hatters in Milford, Conn. Leon G. Turrou going on 20-city personal appearance tour. Natalie Draper flled suit for di- vorce against Tom Brown. Probation of Robert Woolsey's will disclosed an estate of $150,861. Holland's Ambassador. Alexander Loudon guested by Sam Katz. Y. Frank Freeman dedicated Par- amount's new $40,000 lunchery. W. E. Calloway handed gold card for 100,000 miles of air travel. Alice Brady dropped her ac- counting suit against the Small Co. Louis B. Mayer back at his desk after recuperating at Soboba Hot Springs. Erskine Johnson had his Holly- wood column renewed for one year by King Features. Grover Jones-has discontinued his magazine, started as a hobby. Cir- culation grew so big it took up too much of his time. ''Hollywood Hams,' which began aa a radio serial, has been turned into a newspaper strip by itsauthor, Peter O'Crot^, and Chas Craig, car- toonist St. Louis By Sam X. Hnrat With Harold Bassage directing, Little theatre is presenting 'Loyal- ties.' Marian Anderson packed opera portion of Municipal Auditorium for her recital. Annual convention of Missouri Federation of Music Clubs will be held April 11-15. ■ Final performance of season 1>y St Iiouis symph was -a. 'pop' concert in Mtmicipal Auditorium. Earl Reflow negotiating for lease on Walsh Stadium to conduct midget auto racing this summer. Jack Partington, Fanchon 8c Marco producer, will have personal charge of St Louis Police circus at Arena April M-23. Jesse Kayc will assist Candle tiight house, St Louis county class spot shuttered for 30 days by State Liquor Commission because of liquor sales after legal closing hours. Fainhount Jockey Club will ask Illinois Racine Commission for 60 days of operation, to be divided in a 39-day spring meet and 21-day fall se99<.on. Plant is 10 miles from St liouis. Annamary Dickey, 27-year-old Deiatur, 111,, soorano, who joined lo- cal muny onera cast in 1987, was winner of Met grand opera radio auditions contest She copped a contract, a silv«r placque and $1,000 in cash. Gendarmes raided Entertainers* and Showmen's club, confiscated beer and liauor and yia-xA Arvel Battles on ai charge of operating without a state license. Excise Coin- mlssioner McDanlel revoked license to sell beer last Februf ry. Max Haiperin back from Hot Springs. Earl Rickard in hospital for ob- servation. Pete Nelson back in town after so- journ in Tucson. BUI Stein headed Florida-way for a fortnight's rest Erich Eisner now an honorary- member of the Ballyhoo club. John J. Gillln stopped oS on way back to WOW office in, Omaha. Morton Downey in CM for net- work shot with the Eddie Duchin band.. Eddie and Fanny Cavanaugh last week celebrated their 15th anni- versary on the ether, Balaban 8c Katz spotted congratu-- latory ads in the dailies for the 20tb Century-Fox convention.